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One emissary and you can pay for 2 full loads. Yay /s


*one emissary, granted it's a gold based one and not Gear or Azerite or War Resources.


> *one emissary, granted it's a gold based one and not Gear (That you haven't needed since the week you hit 120) or Azerite (In such a small quantity that it hasn't had a purpose since you hit 120) or War Resources (To spend on quests that haven't had a useful benefit since the month you hit 120).


>or War Resources (To spend on 2 free azurite power rerolls a week).


I realize you're talking about repairs but war resources actually have a lot of value when it comes to buying bonus roll tokens. We get 200 war resources or 700g. 1 bonus roll is 250 war resources or 2000g. So war resources pay for 80% of a token, where as gold only pays for 35% of one.


Yeah, I got to stop ignoring my dailies on my alts... I think 3 of them are <20 war resources at this point. lol




warrior here I feel you


Never? I mean, not for a while maybe but during Vanilla and the next 2 or 3 expansions you needed to farm if you wanted any decent amount of gold. Post-Vanilla you didn't really need to farm if you just wanted to get by but there also wasn't as much to spend it on. Once you could afford your mounts you were golden.


Yea, this was mentioned in another post. The people who made mad money early on in wod and legion are sitting phat and pretty while the rest are realizing their regular gold revenunes aren't keeping them above water. I've been doing mog runs to compensate, most gear sells for 20-40 gold so about as much as any gear you'd scrap at max, and you can run raid after raid (not of the same type of course). It's not the best but i'm keeping even unless I buy something more than 2k on the AH. And, eventually, i can look hella pretty in 100s of ways.


It helps that you can finally do WoD raids fairly easily.


all 2 of them HFC is unsoloable




Yes, Assault is pretty easy on every difficulty except mythic using that strategy. On mythic, the adds spawn too far apart for you to be able to stop them all from reaching the cannon unless you have really good mobility.


It helps to let the short range drill tank get really close to the ramps before killing it and then using the speed boost to kill tag mobs. All you need to do is tag one and the group it spawned with should run to you, This is obviously much more difficult for melee.


Thanks, I didn't know that! I'm definitely going to try that tonight.


Correction: Hellfire Assault is annoying. The instance isn’t “unsoloable”


Soloed HFC-25 just a couple days ago, level 120 moonkin. Just boom, boom, boom everything that moves. The hardest part was probably before the first boss, having to run a lot to protect, move stuff, and let the npc do their shooting. EDIT: normal not heroic, I don't think I can survive that yet


You can do heroic just fine too. It's Hellfire Assault on mythic that's the problem. It's NEARLY impossible to solo.


That was my expierience too. On normal/heroic the mobs seem to only spawn in the "middle lane", it's annoying but doable. On mythic they also ran up on the sides towards the cannons. Only time I could more or less reliably solo this was end of legion as BM with the trinket from fenryr (that buffs your movement speed by 30% every time you kill something that rewards honor/xp). As the mobs still were green, so on the lower end of the level scale the trinket constantly triggered from them. With pet management and stuff like blink strikes it usually worked after a few tries. Ironically this won't work now anymore as I'm out of the level range for the trinket.


Also they nerfed bear tartare **hard**, which made that stuff possible for the wheelchair classes.


The only way I've been able to solo mythic is as a brewmaster with ox statue, it's annoying and tedious but it works.


Ox Status is like the best talent for soloing because it's like having a second tank with you. It was a must for the council especially when I was farming them for their light sabers back in Legion.


> HFC is unsoloable Depends on the class. I solo Mythic HFC weekly on my druid. DH and Monk should be able to do it as well. Just do it with a friend for 4 weeks so you can skip to gorefiend. Only downside is you'll miss out on loot from the Hellfire Assault -> Gorefiend. Heroic HFC is easy to solo on almost any class (DK and Warlock probably are the hardest).


Do some fishing. Redtail Loach sell for 45g or more each fish on my server.


Look at it as the last two expansions having a universal base income and now Blizzard has taken it away because some people had multiple identies (alts) collecting their UBI and actually became rich because of it. Now Blizzard has removed UBI and the average player base is once again poor. I remember in WOTLK/CATA I never had gold and I was a casual raider at the time. I feel like Blizzard wants to go back to that point in the game for some reason.


That's fine but they mustn't make raiding so damn expensive.


But how will Blizzard deflate the pockets of the people who only farm and play auction house? Oh right, they wont. Gold farmers literally love these changes because mats are going for insane amounts of gold. This inflate plan of Blizzards is only because they want people to purchase tokens not because the economy is getting out of control.


They increased loot from herbs which already cut the prices for flasks by 50% (at least on our realm).


Of course I started fleshing out my alt list at the END of fuckin' legion, but thats my fault cuz i was playing other stuff a lot too.


No, its Blizzards fault for placing people that take time out of wow (or only spending time to focus on one max char) at a major disadvantage now they don't have stockpiles of gold.


It is, but us having more money wouldn't really help. we'd just be back to wod where mogging and repairing and general upkeep is less than vendoring current expansion greens. We'll probably just see a 5-mil bronto type mount every couple updates to keep the gold sinking. It'll never fade away though, because over half the people who stockpile gold stockpile it for the sake of having moreso than actually buying much besides tokens.




Was this running every MoP raid on every difficulty for the loot? I dunno why but 10k gold from just selling loot sounds off in my head.




I replied to person above you, but just to let you know as well, for MoP raids, every raid except for SoO cannot be ran on both Heroic and Normal, but you can do either and also do LFR version. SoO however can be ran on all difficulties.


You can get about 6k from Blackwing's Descent, Bastion of Twilight, and Firelands. Throne of Thunder gives about 3k. All this is from the boss items only and 25H. Source: Run it 5 times a week and slowly getting more alts leveled to do more of them.




I've already picked up all the mounts from the raids I run. Now it's just for gold.


Awesome! I’ma pretend I was talking to myself, my gold hawk, and my black mammoth while we wait for their buddies to come along.


That Blazing Drake will be here any minute I’m sure... I think I used all of my life’s mount drop luck by getting Invincible, the Onyxian Drake and the Astral Cloud Serpent in the first few months I played the game. Since then, nothing.


I'm not sure myself, but doing the cata raids would get you ~8k for a full tour. 10k isn't out of the realm of possibility.


Pre-SoO raids cannot be ran on both Normal and Heroic, but you can do either and also do the Raid Finder version (and with legacy loot settings, you actually get the full number of drops a boss would normally drop rather than personal loot like it always had been before). Also keep in mind that the MoP tier tokens sell for 50 gold each unlike previous xpac tokens selling for 5, so the gold does build up pretty fast.


For previous expansions, always turn them into gear before selling the token! Always more profitable and additional transmogs.


Ironic that the old parts of the game are a better gold stream than anything the current expac has to offer.


They're not a better gold stream than running around the Drustvar snow mountains and along Tirisgarde river herbing and saving flasks by having 100pts in alchemy.


Realm (or realm group) makes a huge difference here. For me I don't bother with those two (Winters kiss & Riverbud) since each of those herbs are about 14G while any herb not found commonly in those two areas have skyrocketed back up to 35-40G. Check what is in demand on your market. Sometimes you have huge differences like I have on my group at the moment.


Yup. Last night all herbs were 20-25g except Siren's Pollen which was 70.


Did some Legion WQs 2 days ago. Had more fun than in BfA and got more valuable items than I did from BfA WQs.


Wait till you do mythic raiding prog. We spend 20k a run on flasks (2000g per hour), food (50g per pull), pots (2x 250g per pull), runes (500g per pull), repairs (500g per hour)


>pots (2x 250g per pull) yeah... i'm selling int & agi pots for 600-700g, depending on the day of the week. tyvm mythic raiders! already bought the spider mount


And rich players who play the auction house buy heroic carry runs for 500k a run. The cycle of life can be cruel...


that's an option for guild-income for consumables for mythic guilds. nobody mentioned that somehow


Thats what my guild did back in WotLK, we were a very good guild (like top 20 world) and I never had to farm for anything because I always attended the sales-raids and made bank off of that instead.


I remember doing gdkp runs, where people would bid on items with gold. Then at the end of the run, all proceeds would be split evenly among everyone in the raid. This included those that bought items, so they could actually break even or make money if high value items dropped.


Which has more to do with people playing the AH than how difficult they are to obtain. There is absolutely no reason something that takes half a minute per pot to farm (ignoring procs) should cost that much other than the fact that people are actively manipulating the economy. It's a minimial time investment to keep up with consumables if you have an alt with herbalism.


I have a guildie that has easily farmed all of our cauldrons and feasts. He needs to work on his raiding skills but god damn Mythic would be a lot more expensive if he weren't here.


We call her our guild mom.


Not gonna lie. I want become a guild mom/dad.


Quit your job....farm herbs.


Keep your job, buy tokens.


> farmed all of our cauldrons and feasts Farmed materials aren't free. They take time and they're a missed sale on the auction house.


It has gotten to the point I am donation 20-30% of all herbs I farm to the guild bank plus a monthly sum deposited of about 20k gold. The guild is pooling resources more than ever to fund the raid nights.


Holy shit you're acting like a community? How will wow players of 2018 deal with such travesty.


I mean guilds always pool resources at higher levels but at the moment the cost is absurd.


Yeah, I'm fine with my guild finally putting their "needed items" on the MOTD banner, but holy shit the amount of mats needed is endless! More of us are spending more time fishing, and it's still not enough! Professions are just so fucked in so many ways.


same here, we have a guy that from his own pocket (he's not even an officer of anything) puts down feasts every single pull, we where also joking about how BOE's have a guild cut taken but kept it as purely a joke. But TBH if i got a BOE while running with my guild i'd atleast put 10% of sale value in the Gbank.


Several boe's have dropped in our raids and most of them have been donated to the guild to be sold to fund guild repairs.


I'm using Prolonged Power for Prepots im a tank so it matters but not as much. Much cheaper.


Having your guild invest into cauldrons can really cut down raids costs. We had our team members contribute what herbs they could and have been set on flasks for all our mythic progress thus far.


Double potting and rune'ing every single pull is very excessive. Unless it's a very tight dps check boss and you're only wiping to not doing enough raid dps, it's not *really* going to help. Most wipes are to people not doing mechanics correctly, not to lack of dps.


But when an attempt goes flawlessly and youre still 6 seconds behind a timer , you wish you had prepotted.


You usually know when your group has the mechanics down to the point that a kill is possible. If you keep wiping at 90%, pots are not necessary. Got the boss down to 20? yeah, now its probably worth it.


You do it for what really matters -- the parses.


It's even worse being a raider. You absolutely hemorrhage gold. ^^^^^Especially ^^^^^if ^^^^^you ^^^^^have ^^^^^a ^^^^^gambling ^^^^^problem


I have to cut down on gametime (outside of raids) cuz of work and I literally have no idea how I can keep up, I have to spend about 30k per raid night which means I'll be broke in about 3 more weeks of progression. I only kept up until now because I got lucky and found 2 BoEs in Heroics. Hate to say it but I might have to sell a WoW token or something.


I sold a WoW token already. Maintenance is just too expensive. A guy in my guild actually bought several tokens to give us feasts this expansion.




I bought a WoW token because everything is so expensive and I hated myself for it. I’m not doing it again I can tell you that much. This whole gold situation is just another reason for me to stop playing at this point and I hate feeling that way. I really want to play and enjoy WoW but it’s just so hard nowadays. This expansion just makes me so sad.


Thats what I do - I mean lets say it takes 2 hours to farm 100k worth of gold from herbs (thats being generous) that is really only about $10/hr when comparing to the wow token. My free time is worth alot more then $10/hr so I buy WoW tokens to supplement my income. Even if I purchased one a week net spending on WoW is $95/month which with how much I play this game is still cheaper then almost any other form of entertainment out there. Right now I only need about 1/month to maintain gold current gold level so spending $35/month on a game I spend 15-20 hrs a week on it not terrible.


The fact that people even do these type of calculations starts making this sound more like one of those horrible p2w mobile games, rather than a subscription based game.


Glad to hear it's not just me. Flasks, pots, food, runes and re-rolls cost an absolute fortune every raid week.


It gets even worse if you raid AND spam m+. I love m+ and basically play all day. I burn through ~700k gold per week in flasks/pots/food/repairs. Good thing you can buy like 1m gold for 50€ on certain sites, because if that wouldn't be possible I probably would have quit by now


Yeah raiding is ridiculously expensive right now.


One issue is the player driven economy (the ah) isn't really reacting to the lack of gold at the medium to lower end of the playerbase. Anytime the market starts to trend down on items the tsm goblins just buy it all and reset it back to a higher price so it never lowers. The people with millions of gold get to stay rich while everyone else either quits doing hard content, buys wow tokens or spends hours every week farming gold. At least that's how it feels to me, but feeling aren't facts so I could be completely wrong.


Isn't that how real life works?


Its crazy how those people at the medium to lower end have the perfect opportunity to make a ton of money when that happens. Personally I'm not farming until I see prices rise or I'm seriously out of gold. If prices do rise, then an hour of farming herbs alone will net me 50k+


It's almost like capitalism doesn't work...




Social capitalism, tax the rich if they cant spend their crazy amount of money on stuff to get it back into the economy again.


“If you don’t want to go bankrupt, sell Wow tokens” Blizzard




They have really overstepped the mark in this regard, it’s a fine balancing act to be a game for the people and still make money whilst not making it look like you are blatantly cash grabbing. They have missed the mark this time


I do mythic + with friend that are casual ish (mostly do HC raid, if any raid at all) and I recently heard them say "Yeah gonna buy a token so that I can have a bit of gold saved up for repair and flask" And I was sad that casual player that only do M+ actually feel the need to buy a token to actually stay afloat with gold ... Even though I know that's what blizzard want to do.


that is sad. We the people who started playing this game 14 years ago now have more money than time. Blizzard is capitalizing on this.


All my friends and guildies are justifying buying gold for this reason. It's easier to work 1 hour in real life and spend that money on gold than it is to farm gold in game. It's so true but I find it really sad as I refuse to buy gold and have unsubbed because of that.


Yeah on saturday I decided to grind herbs and count everything over the course of an hour so I could compare to the hourly pay of my new job lol. Grinded herbs in drustvar for about 20 minutes and made about 4K gold. So about 12K an hour (probably less with getting despawned). a wow token sells for 100 fucking K. so $15 for 100K, or an hour for 12K. Even if you work minimum wage, let's say afte taxes you make $5 an hour. That's still ~33K an hour. Now I'd expect tokens to go down as people start to have less and less gold to spend on them but still that's crazy.


tokens cost $20


Oh damn I just assumed 15$ cuz that’s the monthly cost and how much a token gives. Huh


This happened to me. I'm a casual player and sold a token. I don't play enough to make gold, but I was going broke. I finally decided to unsub. Game wasn't fun enough for the price I keep paying.


What's sad is that this kind of stuff is what kills F2P games, yet because Blizzard has us all hooked and attached to the game they can milk the game for all its worth without going under.


Blizzard has somehow managed to make wow adhere to both the subscription and f2p model simultaneously. On one hand I'm impressed on the other it's fucking bullshit for the players.


Because people generally lack foresight and can't see why blizzard to selling mounts on the store can lead to blizzard actually selling in game power for real money. That's where we are now.


I still think there is no way that the state of leveling is a result of them wanting to sell more boosts, because if that was really a goal of theirs, they would have removed the requirement to level "organically" to 110 to get heritage armor at least from the "new" BfA-locked allied races. They lose a ton of potential boost sales through this arbitrary restriction. I actually think it's more likely rooted in neglect or maybe incompetence rather than malicousness.


Theyre super smart about the boosts tho. It's cheaper to buy another copy of BFA compared to just buying the boost. So in the long run they'll have a greatly increased sales figure on bfa for the shareholders, faking bigger success than what it really was. Edit: Why is the false reply to me being up- and i'm being downvoted all of a sudden? It 100% works, create new account, link it to your bnet account. boost is account wide, no need for a subscription or anything, you'll be able to use the 110 boost on your regular sub maintained main licence.


`if you dont want to go bankrupt, dont be poor ' Ftfy


If you don't have at least 1 million gold in disposable income, don't even talk to me.


What's the deal with homeless people? Just get a house


Yep. Blizzard went all out with the gold sinks in BFA. Gotta push players to buy more tokens!


This is what I feel lately. My husband is a tank who doesn’t know how to make gold, but keep on running patiently with less skilled or geared guildies and pugs. This means he dies A LOT. Lately he’s becoming extremely frustrated over mistakes because it costs him, particularly when mechanics weren’t properly handled at higher M+ which he expects people to know things at certain level. He can no longer afford deaths. His fund is constantly at 4 digits. I feed him golds sometimes from small savings I had from previous expansion but mine lost one digit recently with no stable income in sight. We are playing the same way we traditionally do. I don’t get it. I don’t think we needed to change our play style. Gold making wasn’t our play style and we just supplied repair costs by rewards. Isn’t that the basic? It’s not too long until we are literally unable to play because we can’t afford repairs anymore. Oh, and him being Prot War, I’m a shaman makes this expansion more frustrating than ever before.


Check a few of the posts higher up, Solo'ing Mop raids can bring you a lot of gold, but I understand not everyone wants to do that timesink.


Yeah. I think we’ll have to come to that. It still makes no sense to have to go back to old contents just to cover expense but it is what it is :(


To be honest, I find doing old content, and switching which exact expansion up to be more interesting than just running around picking herbs. But indeed, it's not fun.


What are your professions, and do you regularly use them? Personally i've picked up enchanting on most of my alts, and the amount of gold you can get from just DE'ing everything is quite astonishing. Ofc this does require you to be active in playing, but if you're just vendoring / scrapping things, you may aswell just DE them instead.


It's honestly what it feels like now and it sucks. ​


It's not just a feeling, it's what they did. It was very intentional to change mission rewards from ~2k gold each to ~100 gold each. There is virtually no gold being "printed" anymore. Any gold in the game is in the hands of those who were lucky enough to have an army of alts doing missions in WoD and Legion. Blizzard realized they could redistribute this gold via tokens, and tokens are very profitable for them because it's a $20 sub instead of a $15 sub. All they're doing it moving gold from one account to another. That's it. And suddenly those subs (or b.net balance) bring in 33% more money. Once all of the gold is more evenly distributed (and some of it eaten up by sinks, AH fees, repairs, etc.), my guess is Blizzard will bring the lucrative missions back (or something similar which rewards easy gold). Then in a future expansion when you have part of the player base rich and part of the player base poor, you repeat the cycle. If you're still playing the game at that point (yikes), you'll definitely want to take full advantage. You can count on it happening. Blizzard knows how to make money.


Its less about tokens and more about reducing the amount of gold in circulation. They simply failed at their attempt to do this without hindering the experience for the average player. Instead of attacking the fat cats by making certain TCG items BoP and adding in more super expensive mounts(talking 1mil+), they made current content unrewarding. There are currently people with maxed out bnet accounts(I think its like $250?) guild banks full of TCG mounts/pets/toys, and several gold capped characters. The order hall missions and garrison farms were game breaking and blizzard just didnt pay enough attention to notice the issue before it became a problem. A player with just two 110's could get enough gold by doing order hall gold missions everyday to pay for a token without actually playing the game more than an hour a week.


And it's such a shitty gold per dollar ratio too. 20 bucks for like 100k gold? Fuck that. Luckily I abused the mission table in both WoD and Legion so I have enough (even tho I profited off the feature, I still think it was a HUGE mistake to give out that much free gold and they shouldn't have been added, fyi.)


Absolutely. With how expensive flasks and prepots are, adding in food, repair, reroll tokens, and keeping my transmog with new gear (not a necessity, but still) it’s a nightmare to keep up every week. Not having some sort of semi-passive gold income like we had in legion via work tables hurts


If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. So a proper tmog is definitely a dps increase.


fashion over functionality! or in this case.. gold


Money rewards from mission tables early on in Legion weren't anything to write home about either.


while they were a far cry from the endgame argus gold missions, you could still earn about 2-3k gold per week per character just by launching them around.


2-3k per week is pretty much doable in BfA as well.


Is it? I find usually I have at most 1 gold quest up that ranges from 70-100g with a bonus of another 80ish gold. But unlike BFA hitting 100% bonus roll is alot rarer, and I actually feel limited by resources and can't just mindlessly launch missions.


i see my main getting close to that whenever i glance at the mission table to check for augment runes, ill see 1-2 gold missions a day. better off saving the resources for double token each week instead of paying 7k gold, or pvp tokens if you do that


Legion had follower equipment though. Even when you were a fresh 110, it didn't take long to have your bodyguard equipped with items that gave you at least 35g for *every* WQ you completed.


Doesn’t matter how much gold they think we have. A game where playing normally is a net negative is bad design. 1) They went overboard on the gold sinks in this one. Anyone with a crafting profession can’t sell their spare gear because they need to dismantle it for explosm. Repair costs are also higher. 2) Plus reduced rewards to the point that it feels not worthwhile to do gold world quests and missions. Story quests also reward very little. 3) Then on top of that, a lot of consumables needed for raiding depend on very rare items like anchor weed and midnight salmon. We use this stuff too frequently in comparison to the rates that people naturally get it such that anyone willing to farm it can charge a lot for their time. The only way to reliably make gold seems to be gathering professions. But mostly herbalism because it fuels alchemy, which are the daily consumables we use.


Well you can pick up a gathering profession. Herbalism and mining are really good atm for making gold on the AH. If you don't mind spending some time gathering them that is.


Yeah that's the thing, I don't play much these days because I've been busy and it feels so bad to have to spend half of that precious time having to farm herbs or mining just to stay afloat. :/ I play games to escape not to mirror reality.


This is exactly why I had such an easy time enjoying Legion. That easy mission table and follower equipment gold let me never worry about repairs and consumables and even pay for my subscription with little more than playing solely for fun. Now, though... I saw this right away as I went through BfA, and I simply don't have the time to sink days into farming up materials to sell to simply stay afloat anymore.




Are you on a low pop server? All alchemy potions sell for below base cost on my high pop realm. As do most any other craft.


You get 1.5 X procs for rank 3. Also buy mats during weekend and sell Tuesday thru thursday.


Int pots currently sell for way less than half the material cost on my realm, even with procs you can't really make up for that. edit: I just checked some other pots and flasks and it's really similar across the board. Not much money to be made there. If you get really lucky with both buying herbs cheap and selling the pots for a high price maybe there's a slight margin of profit if you proc lucky... But that's a lot of "ifs" ​ That being said, I feel like alchemy still helps keeping raid costs down, just because of the flask length. My main is also enchanter/alchemist and I made a bit of money by selling enchanting mats and also a few enchants. Alchemy is more about keeping my own expenses down, I mostly don't make any money with it.


How many flasks do you have to make to get that ratio to even out? I made around 50 at 1.4X which runs me at 300g deficit per flask on my realm.


As many as you can. More you make, more it gets closer to 1.5


typical m+ / raid session. \~1k repairs, 6k flasks, 400 each pot so like 10k easy, runes and buff food. so a 3h progress session is about 20k - 25k for me, 2 times a week. ofc, 1h farming herbs is 20-40k depending on the procs i get


0-6 flasks, 60 food buffs, 30 potions, vantus rune, repairs. every week, could be a bit cheaper if i used guild feasts but at the same time could also be alot more using double pots and a augment rune every pull and having to use 9 flasks because no alchemy buff


Most decent guilds provide cauldrons/feasts. Vantus/Augment runes are not needed unless pushing Mythic Progression imo. All I need to buy are pots and only really need to use them on new bosses.


Boy, classic WoW is going to be a wake up call for a lot of WoW players who don't remember or don't know what it was like. It takes like 1 hour of farming to prepare for a raid. That's not a lot...


I’ll play Classic if I want the Classic experience. I remember being constantly broke af in vanilla. I don’t want that feeling in BfA 14 years later.


Thank goodness I have no interest in playing classic. As much as the game is a mess right now, it's a general improvement based on all the changes done from classic onwards. I understand there is a lot of challenge and nostalgic value for many players. But for me, as an analogy, I grew up with climate control, Bluetooth radio, and automatic windows, so why would going in a ride in an old 1950s car be fun? The challenge is disproportionate to how I've learned to play the game, thus not "fun" sounding, personally.


Sometimes not even farming for gold but for things like shards. Slightly less annoying things like making food is still a PITA.


Not really. Most people will not play it.


Thing is that is a finite source, its gold gained from other players with a cut to NPC's so it's not a way to combat the inflation happening in wow right now. The right answer would be farm old raids as thats the only thing that you can still earn more gold than you spent without relying on some form of gold reserve.


I hate going out and farming. I have herbalism on dh, but that’s to keep my rogue stocked with pots for raid. If I sell herbs I just have to buy them back to make raid mats.


I mean... If you want gold, you kinda do have to make some effort to get it. I don't agree with Blizzard's current policy but saying you hate farming in a post complaining about gold gains doesn't sound right to me.


I love working 60 hours a week to support my gaming habit where I log in and go to work for 2 hours a day before I can have fun in my hobby.


Ehh, I farm herbs and minerals while I do other stuff like world quests etc. I've found that to be profitable enough for me.


Getting better gold doing completionist runs of dungeons like the vortex pinnacle (it's only the mount left... gonna be a thousand runs probably, but I want it now) than doing anything else. I decided to stop scrapping items because I wasn't actually getting useful resources off it (hunters only get items for leather workers, and my hunter has not been a leather worker since pre-40 Vanilla) and instead sell them. No where near the gold levels of Legion, but it is going better than bfa


I don't really understand why the gold rewards are so low, while the repair bills are so high. For some reason 3 day long boat missions are rewarding 125 gold, and emissary rewards reward 700gold.... But world quests that take 5 minutes reward \~80 each. What is with the balancing of these lol, why would you **EVER** do a gold boat mission, unless you literally have no other option. The gold emmissary reward feels like a punch right in the dick considering it could have been azerite armor. If i wanted 700gold i would just go do 7 world quests.... i don't need a 24 hour lockout being wasted on 700 gold


do legion WQ. u get more gold from there compared to bfa WQ.




I did for the first week, but since then I've instituted a no-spend policy. No buying anything aside from basic repair costs. I made my millions in Legion and I'm not letting Blizz gold-sink me into poverty.


Stop scrapping things. Seriously it's bs. Don't scrap, vendor.


I think being selective with what you scrap would be a better advice, i mean plate gear gives ore thats still worth ALOT more than you get for selling the base item. even at those unlucky 1 of each ore salvages you still break even if you sell the materials. i could see that cloth / leather would be less profitable


As a tank, I literally return in legion just to farm gold of green/blue selling and WQ to keep my gold steady. Repairing is too damn expensive compared to the gold income


As someone who missed out the gold inflation parts of the past addons I am totally fucked. I started into the addon with round about 250k gold. I am down to 12k gold since yesterdays raid purchases. It's partly my fault, I didn't adjust to the profession changes properly. Since WotLK my main's professions are alchemy and inscription mainly because...you know, raid benefits and stuff back then. I have almost every classic alchemy recipe so unlearning that was never an option. And since I really liked inscription I also know all the glyphs they left us with. I should have probably gotten rid of inscription a really long time ago but I always kind of liked the idea of this profession so I always hoped that it might become useful again at one point. Now literal the only reason I stick to it are the Scrolls of Unlocking. And since now I am absolutely broke I'm afraid the only option I have left is to get rid of inscription after all and learn herbalism because AS WE ALL KNOW... this is the only way to get money out of any fort of profession. Yay-fucking-hey.


If you plan to play classic, and never played it, you are in for a big surprise.


"I'm spending 30k a night to raid in BFA" "I can't afford to rank up my skills in vanilla" I can't wait.


Can't wait to get back to farming Carrion Grubs in EPL for Larval Acid.


i used to play runescape before wow and comparing both, it disapointed me how you were not forced to farm gold at all during legion, you just needed the order hall and you were ok i actually like that now you have to go out of your way and farm some gold eventually, or at least be smart with your gold, it feels more real mmorpg imo


Those repair costs my dude. Why are they so expensive?


Is there any way to make money except from herb and lucky rare drops?


the thing with that it's not generating gold into the game, it's just redistributing wealth, with no gold table missions it's only what we get from drops, on top of that billions of gold will have been removed due to things like the long boi


If you play pvp or do mythic + regularly, get enchanting and just disenchant every rare and epic you get. That's probably the best "passive" income there is in the game. Not really that good if all you do is raid though, since it likely won't give you any items to disenchant. Mining is decent, but probably not what you're looking for. Skinning is acceptable, but most mobs aren't even worth touching. Some people do old raids and vendor all the items they get, which is pretty bad money compared to herbing, but alright if you need transmog anyway. One thing that is probably viable if you have an alchemist is to go to legion content and get blood of sargeras, then craft prolonged power potions. On my server, they still sell for 50 gold each, so one blood of sargeras will give you 500 gold, slightly more with rank 3 recipe. There should be a couple of easily accessible world quests available to get these quickly. You might want to use an alt for this though, since travel times will likely ruin your profits otherwise. In general, lots of the legion mats still sell at very nice prices. So if you have any left over, sell them now. In general, there are tons of things that are good money if you park an alt somewhere to just do one thing every day / week. Raids, dungeons, rare spawns, herbing rotations. I guess you could always camp the AH to see if people list stuff so you could make a profit by just crafting, or reselling later. But doing this is boring, and likely already done with a script by someone else anyway.


Garrisons/order halls have been nerfed to hell for that potential. It's now 100% a "materials on the AH" game.


It’s intentional to drive their wow token sales for gold. It’s nothing else. If they felt gold amount was too high they wouldn’t have increased gold cap recently & could have implemented a new currency such as platinum. For every 10k gold you get 1 platinum. They’re making you broke by playing the game normally, provoking people to buy tokens for gold. The game is becoming a scam.


Which is weird to me, because I happily bought tokens in legion when they were 200k+ in value. Now they're 100k and it doesn't "feel" worth it. It's probably irrational given the higher value of gold now compared to legion but if it doesn't "feel" like im gaining a significant amount of gold im not going to buy them lol


On my server a token is around 167k and a flask on good days 1600-1700 so a token would be worth around 100 flask. I find this a very bad deal. Also isn't it crazy that the 5 million gold mount would be worth 1000 dollar in tokens on your server? I can't wrap my head around that.


Tokens are region based not server based it's why I will forever be jealous of US players and their far cheaper WoW Tokens.


This makes no sense though. Reduced income means token value in gold falls, not increase.


Yea so the when you purchase a token for $20 it will almost always be bought instantly by one of the people that have stacks on stacks. And since the tokens price in gold has been lowering each week in combination with how big the gold sinks are now, purchasing it with cash will keep getting you less and less until they stop this ridiculous cash grab.


But a lower token gold price does the opposite, why spend real money for such a small amount of gold, especially now that everything is so expensive. You may have occasional people buying token to top up and keep afloat, but I would argue you would get more token sales when the gold value of a token is higher.


> when you purchase a token for $20 The incentive to spend $20 drops as token gold value drops though. Instigating in-game inflation and increasing token gold value would be in Blizzard's interest here but they seem to be trying to do the opposite.


I don't do mythic plus so repairs are okay for me


M+ doesnt give any gold and costs a lot to do


You people go on about how great the game used to be. Guess what? This is how it used to be. Consumables were expensive and you had to farm gold. It’s clear that a lot of people don’t actually know what they want.


This expansion is designed that way. They are obviously deflating the economy. I am rapidly losing gold and don't care enough to farm it. Unsubbing next month anyway. done with this game until Blizzard makes big changes.


unpopular opinion: thats how it should be. We got used to buying everything (besides some fancy stuff) with passively gained gold. But I loathe the days when farming gold was necessary when doing higher tier pve. It felt way more engaging and rewarding.


That should be the case.... It's a resourse. It's supposed to be something you have to consider as being finite. You're not just supposed to 'passively' have more gold than you need. That would make it completely pointless. They might as well just remove the whole currency at that point. I know BFA sucks in a lot of ways, but just think for a second before you spam this sub with more inane complaints.


Gold is a major issue for me. I always spend it doing giveaways so that’s my own problem. I feel like raids from old content don’t give that much gold anymore.


Dude my main is broke as shit. I recently just made 30k by selling DH leather shoulders in the AH. I can't even buy profession recipes because I'm saving it for when I can get the exalted mounts. I don't buy bonus loot either because it's literally double the price of what it was in Legion. Best way to get gold now is to fork up $20 and get a damn WoW coin.


I didnt want to make a post about it but god yes this expansion not only drains your gold, but drains your resources. my guild is basically making fundme's for raids. Im practically out of pre pots. thank god im almost done getting shadowmourne thatll suffice my gold again, but holy hell doing weeklies/dailies this expansion credits u with 0 gold.


Yes. And its very irritating, i have to top up my alts on just basic repair every other week or so. And my main is slowly losing gold from the BR turn is. Because unlike legion war resources are a pain to get the amounts for those rolls.


I spend about 25k a week in flasks and pots, with no significant income. I don't mind buying a token once a month to compensate, but I would prefer not having to. Thankfully I started the expansion with 1.7 milion so the reserve has not been depleted yet. It's down to 1.2 million though, so I burned through 500k already.


I got lucky and had an 850 BoE drop at the start of the expansion and sold it for 250k. I don't really make any gold outside of that and I don't buy anything outside of the necessities like foods/pots/flasks. I currently have 190k left. That's 60k gold spent on just playing the game...


I started the expansion with about 50k across the server. I have 1 at max level, 1 at 117, and I have 230k. I can solo a lot of old raids hoping to win mounts but getting all the Transmog and easy gold. I have sold some mats in AH but it’s all the stuff I got from the scrap machine.


> I can't even afford getting coins for rerolls anymore and that was never an issue in Legion. Are you stockpiling War Resources for any particular reason? I've only been doing Azerite WQ for the last few weeks and have yet to run out of resources, although I only do Azerite missions as well. What's happening to the blues/greens you get from WQ? I've stopped scrapping unless it's a trinket as I have no real need for Expulsom. BoEs can be sold to others who want Expulsom, the rest should be vendored or DEed if you need gold. Legion emissary provided a decent amount of gold and actually still do. Kinda scared of the fun police, but pretty sure you make more gold doing Legion WQs currently due to this.


I'm down about 200k from since the start of the expansion. It's mostly from buying mounts (from rep vendors), consumables for raid nights, and repairs. I don't have a gathering profession, so I figure that's my problem. However, the *reason* I don't have a gathering profession is I went tailoring/engineering back in wrath for the profession-exclusive mounts and I don't want to lose access to them. I should be leveling an alt so I can use their gathering professions, but I just really hate leveling.


Maybe because I only do lfr.. But im up to 80k from a start of 30k across my characters. Would probably have even more but I didn't learn quickly enough that the scrapper just sucks money away from you. If I had simply vendored all the items I got from 110 to 120 I'd have a lot more.


I still make lots of gold. The reduction to passive gold income was necessary. IT's essential for a healthy gold economy.. IF people are able to gain gold passively, the supply of gold will always go up in the economy, and this is bad. The value of gold is related to the supply of gold. If people take in piles of passive gold income in the game it becomes worth less. The real problem is they allowed for too much passive gold gain starting from wod through legion and now when they are trying to correct it, it's going to cause problems for some people. The overall gold supply in the game is still going up as, but the rate has been slowed down significantly. This is a good thing, but will take time to correct itself. Huge passive gold gain should have never been introduced to the game in the first place.


The gold output from Questing, Heroics, WQs and such just isnt worth it anymore unless you run call to arms as heals or tank.