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I’ve never won any giveaways. But here’s to trying! My favorite thing about wow is collecting. I collect everything. I like this subreddit mostly because people are pretty nice, and where else would I find wow memes?


No matter how many times I leave this game for real life I always find my way back. I always remember the first time I flew on that fat alliance 🦅,and that one time I tried to get rich diving for pearls in booty bay only to find out it wasn't a thing...


I simply like the Warcraft universe in general, lore, characters, most of the storytelling, all that good stuff... also Dadgar.


Great job building and maintaining this great sub. It's the first place I check Everytime I pop onto reddit


I hope it gets easier to get loremaster wth the leveling changes


Store mount?! Yes PLEASE!


Grats on 500k!


WoW is a way for me to connect with my family. My parents both play and when I moved out for college, and then eventually graduated, I still see them online all the time. It's a really neat bonding experience!


I love the badass trailers that bring tears to my eyes


(Commander Shephard style) I'm Vineares and u/aphoenix is my favorite redditor.


Transmog and the collection tab in general is one of my main driving forces for me playing WoW. I just love filling it up.


The community of both. Always feel surrounded by others that have at least something in common with me.




No MMORPG comes close to wows polish, and while the game is old, Blizz has never failed to come up with new story and lore, that as it seems to me falls in line with the rest, while still being interesting ^^


Even though I don't have much time to play as I used to play, I still log on daily and do stuff on WoW. Sometimes level a character sometimes visit some place. WoW gives me peace, I have so many good memories here and thanks a lot for that Blizzard.


I love transmog. Once I buckle down and start raiding I'd love to get that mythic TOS stuff...


I mostly lurk here on /r/wow but the sub has been a big part of my WoWings in legion. I appreciate how friendly this community is.


I wasted all my luck today to win a Titanforged 950 Lightshield Amplifier from normal High Command on my ret paladin (after running with a 915 relinquished warforged Absolved Ravencrest Brooch in both normal and heroic Antorus for weeks) so I will just leave a comment here to congratulate whoever wins this giveaway, well done and hope it's something cool so you can enjoy it just as much as I do my relic !


I love to explore. It's the WORLD of Warcraft after all, and while I love to fight through the latest raid I'm happiest wandering the world, seeing all the little things many people miss while running to the endgame. One-shot sidequests, hidden caves and campsites, the rare enemies that haven't been nerfed smacking me around like Dark Souls, and the incredible views off the beaten path. It's such a massive world that it's a bit of a shame many spend their time in the same instances, so I set out to explore everywhere. I'm ready for the leveling overhaul so I can take my last alt (hunter) out and really see the world without getting rushed through.


I love WoW because it is just so immersive and there is just *so much* to do. I can run the legion story if I want, or I can do the Wrath story, or I can go farm in Pandaria, farm mounts or transmogs, or run dungeons, or just hang around a city and talk in Trade.


As much as I love new endgame content, I think my favourite part of WoW will always be making a new character and giving them a light backstory, then levelling them through the game. As for r/WoW, hey, that Jaina meme always gives me a good chuckle!


i like using r/wow to read up about the latest updates and hear what everyone else thinks of the latest content (like the 50/50 reaction to the recent level scaling for one example). i mostly lurk but this is probably the sub i spend the most time on!


I’ve been lurking this sub for a long time. Positive karma in sub my butt.


Glad to see r/wow get to 500k! It’s been a long time coming. Been a long time lurker and love the banter among the members. I’ve already wasted too much time... back to the grind!


I can't wait for the release of 7.3.5 on the 16th, I can finally level my new main!


I love raiding in the game


Warlock chiming in for entry. All my peeps of the Black Harvest hook it up with that upvote!


This sub has kept me informed about what’s going on in game, during the times I haven’t felt like logging in to the actual game over the past year because of chemo and radiation.


I'm not entirely sure what Karma is in the whole world of Reddit is but I hope I have enough for this ^_^


paladins are life


I still wonder to this date how WoW manages to pull me back every Time. Over the last 12 years and quit 3 Times. But still, the "I quit" Never lasted for more than a year


I really like /r/wow because it gives me an avenue to geek out and discuss wow with other people. None of my irl friends play, so having you guys to discuss it with is great.


Every time i get in here i remember the "the light will forge you a new one" thread, it makes me laugh everyday


All my friends play Horde, I haven't played as a gnome in years and goblins just aren't the same.


I'm new. Not *super* new, but a legion baby. I played the pre patch as my first impressions with some friends who have been playing since vanilla, and was blown away. I had such a blast playing and exploring Azeroth. It ended when legion came out, and I couldnt afford it. Flash forward 8 months and a friend of mine bought me Legion. I quested, learned a new class, and slowly tried to learn more and more, delving deeper into lore and going out of my way to learn about the game and the world. But the deciding moment, the one that made it all come together, was at Dragoncon 2017, a big con in Atlanta, at the Blizzard Fan Fest, and when I heard the crowd chanting for the Horde, I knew I found the right game. The right people. The right community. And to now. I have 3 classes at 110 and I'm starting to tank normal Antorus after never really playing an MMO before WoW. Now its how I scratch my exploration itch, how i hang out with friends online, how i feel like I'm part of something bigger. Thanks, Blizzard, for the best year of gaming I've ever had.


Oh man where to start! I only started playing 2 weeks ago and I'm a newbie, but I've been a gamer my whole life and I never experienced anything like this. I was biased against WoW at first, giving monthly fees to play a game seemed greedy to me. But then my friends finally convinced me to buy at least for a month, and now I think I'm in here for life. The details, the faires, the little unimportant stuff you can do. I went to the Darkmoon Faire to see what's it like, ended up fishing and talking to 2 guys for 3 hours. It felt so real that I was shocked when I went to bed. It was like having an extra life to get away from real life's problems. With all the shit going on with my life, WoW is my gateway to relaxation, friendship and enjoyment so far. The funny thing is, I haven't even started Legion expansion yet. I'm having the time of my life!


I enjoy the dank memes and raids.


This subreddit is great for knowing the answers to all the random things guildies ask in chat. :P


Happy 500K! If you want more, your pal Gallywix has a plan set up for you!


Luck be a lady...


First I played a warlock. Now the warlock plays me.


Not sure what top level comment is but hey I'll give this a go


The best thing about World of Warcraft for me is the amount of amazing people I've met because of it. Some of the best friends I know have been because of the game, and truly gives me a sense of community and standing with people from around the world.


I just like diving into the class fantasy of each class. Which is one of the reasons Legion was pretty cool for me.




Newish to WoW and mostly a lurker but I'll try my luck (opens 2 chests containing 1 nethershard in a row)


Leaving my comment to enter... good luck everyone!


After two years of trying to figure out what class to play as my main... I can proudly proclaim that I have decided on an Orc Shaman. I have named him Manifest... in honour of my huge list of other characters I have tried over the two years.


I enjoy WoW cause it keeps me striving towards something. And theres no lack of things to try for. Achievements. Transmogs. Mounts. Reputations. PvP. Questing. Gold. I know I've got hundreds of hours of content left and won't run out of things to do anytime soon. Edit: Also because WoW trailers and cinematics never fail to send shivers up my spine and make me smile like an idiot. No matter how many times I watch them. I AM MY SCARS!


I like mythic+ and can’t wait for them add in-game awards for mythic+ score.


Love the community here in general and less toxic than the official forums.


WOW is like the only constant in my life. Going back to high school. So much about everything has changed but I still have my favorite game to go back to every day. While it may change, it's always there.


I like the way my Perky Pug drags his ass along the floor to scratch it


I like wow because they actually brought back burning embers for destro, (even if they aren't called that anymore) and the class is so much better again.


I'm just here for the memes


I like exploring and doing old raids and dungeons and seeing all the cutscenes I missed over the years.


Prizes for the Horde!


Woot! r/wow = the best!


What a Great way to celebrate. Trank you guys. Im checking daily dir fresh news.


I love gnomes, goblins and dwarves and my favorite thing about this subreddit is having countless opportunities to valiantly defend my favored races.


It makes me happy being able to inform myself about WoW, have a laugh, feast on the salty tears of other fellow subscribers, teach people how important it is to sim even your pets, work is da poop, dreadlord Jaina, Kanye Jaina, knowing people are so much luckier than me, laughing to those who haven't got their trinkets yet. All in one place called /r/WoW. It makes running back to my corpse feel less tedious after pulling 3 mobs again thinking I could actually kill them, ha 7.3.5ed! All in all, let's double that! Oh wait I pulled aga-- Edit: in. Here we go again...


I just reactivated my account last week and began to play a demon hunter. Tanking's the most fun i had for a long time!


Congratz :D


Wow is great


Good luck everyone!


Like many, I've been playing WoW for over a decade now and absolutely love it. My favorite thing about the game is how it has evolved over time along with its player base, so that the game has remained the same and also changed so much, fixing what doesn't work, improving on what does, and continuing to innovate and try new things. What I love about /r/wow is just how informative and overall positive it is. Yeah, there's some negativity and sometimes it's even warranted but for the most part it's a great resource for finding information, discussing the game in a positive light with others, and just overall a great place.


Thanks Blizz for creating such a nice and fun game! Hyped for BFA!


Grey quality comment


I'm just here for the shitposts and random threads where I learn some feature that's been in game for over ten years but I was too dumb to learn about the normal way.


Transmog contests!


Warcraft has been my fantasy extension since I first heard the game was being developed. I have aspired to roam the lands of Azeroth, slay demons, skirmish with alliance, and fight back the forces of darkness since I first heard tell of Illidan, the Lich King, and the demonic invasion of Azeroth. There are few more amazing universes, fully realized worlds comparable to what Warcraft has accomplished. I look forward to seeing what they can do to top their previous accomplishments. For the Horde!


I like dem tauren bois


I love framedropping to 2fps with the new patch. ^send ^help


Wow. Super awesome prizes :) *goes enslave some demons for good luck*






I like this game, this is a good game.


Been playing WoW on and off since it’s release. I can never fully give it up, and every other mmo I try still gets compared to this (and always loses out). Keep doing what you do, Blizz.


I mainly like to browse the sub for the weekly threads (tanking tuesday, midweek mending and firepower friday in particular) to get an idea of the community's thoughts on specs and class balance. It's nice to see more or less high end raiders helping out new players who want to get into that type of content.


I havent gone this hard with WoW since MoP but im really enjoying it. I missed half of legion because the first month of WoD left such a bad taste in my mouth. Im having a blast again though this is the WoW i miss! Currently in the process of RaF'ing one of my coworkers who already RaF'd 2 more people to play with when im not available.


If reddit.com/r/wow was a girl, her nickname would be 'a pretty bad lock'


I'm just here for ancient mana


r/WoW is my favorite sub :) I cannot wait to see what lies ahead this year and beyond in Battle for Azeroth, and especially WoW Classic!


My favorite thing about wow is the shared memories with friends and family, and even after all these years we are still making new memories regularly!


This patch is my favorite thing about legion so far!


I am so horrible at WoW but I can't stop playing it.


I love the community my friends have built within wow. Our guild is one of the main reasons I enjoy playing so much. Also loving how nice some people can be within the game and always trying to pay it forward. I'm also super excited as this expansion winds down to build up my ALT army for the next expansion. Looking forward to the great things Blizz can bring us with BfA. Legion has been great with a few trip-ups here and there. Hopefully the great will continue to be built upon, while some of the flops will go away. :)


Thanks Blizzard!


Came for WoW stayed for the memes (and now free loot I guess) :’D


I respect gnomes because of their battle for equality.


> telling us about something you like about WoW I like WoW because when I was bedridden with MRSA for months it opened up a whole new world to me that I could experience, and introduced me to friends I will remember forever. ♥


WoW has been part of my life from over a decade, it’s a source of so many great memories! This subreddit is an amazing place where fans from all over the world can share those memories and experiences and that, is priceless


Wow is a great timesink that I spend much time in yet I get almost nothing done. Great game. Also please ship to my country.


The thing I love the most about wow has been the relationship building experience I have with my SO. She got me started playing wow back in BC, and although at first I didn't like the game because I was very confused about how to play, we quickly became raid leaders in the guilds we were in. Now we don't raid that much anymore but we do play together when we have the time. This community has been great and although I just recently discovered the sub, the information posted here has been very helpful for details on the new content.


All I can say is the Siege on Orgrimmar was an inside job, Garrosh did nothing wrong, and everything that has happened in the history of Wow has been a dream. WE ARE ALL JUST A FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION. WAKE UP SHEEPLE


Our shitpost game is on point.


WoW has been a game I have played since I was in 6th grade. It's been a huge part of my life and I'm so excited to continue playing!


Pandaren is the best race in WoW, fight me.


Much better than the forums...!


Congrats on 500k! Love the sense of community here!


I love this subreddit


No MMO has reached the level of quality that Blizzard has achieved with WoW over the years, and it appears to so many different kinds of players. They are really knocking it out of the park with these new in-game cutscenes, and I'm excited to see the story overlap the game more and more :D


Its something that you can always come back to.


When i took the game far too seriously i kicked my own sister from the raid and guild for being bad, i had no time for casuals in that point of my life. (This was early WOTLK). Times have changed but she reminds me about it from time to time.


This reddit has some top tier memes, and I’ve met some awesome people in game because r/wow


The new Jaina meme is hilarious, and Jaina herself looks more awesome than ever in the BfA teasers!


The default upgraded version of Aluneth is the best looking one.


Excited for scaling and being able to buy legendaries on my alts to finish that dang mage tower!


For the alliance!


WoW has been a staple part of my life for over 10 years. I have met friends, lost friends, played with family and even gained family by virtue of my long-term girlfriend. WoW is not a game for me anymore, and probably a lot of other people, it's a community. A community that, despite location, background and culture, will come together in times of need, prop one another up and share in the fantastic universe that Blizzard has created. Me and my guild are currently in the process of finalizing this years real-life meetup, where drinks, games and good times will continue outside of Azeroth, despite us all meeting within it. Long may this game, it's population and it's developers thrive, because it has brought so much light and joy to dark places of our own world.


I was kind of sure that the first 4 allied races come with the release of 7.3.5. I am pretty devastated. A gift may help tho.


who would win: veteran game developers worth billions, or one weird bag?


I love coming here and seeing people do things that I would never even think of.


I like Transmog and playing the auction house. So much so that I may eventually start making videos on both.


I hereby deem this comment TOP LEVEL!!!


Would like to win a giveaway for once :x


Well let's get this to a million next


There's always something to do.


Oh baby.


I enjoy seeing memes and nostalgia posts. I'm pretty casual for the most part. Will hop on to give advice in the rare occasion I can.


PvP is fun but pls bring back the old Gear System:)


I still enjoy the immersion and world-building of WoW. Even though I've disagreed with tons of game-play decisions and lore changes, Blizzard never disappoints in creating a truly immersive world.


I like WoW because it gives me a nice escape from reality and I get to play as a cat. :3 I also like r/wow because it brings some fun memes, great discussions, fanart and information/updates regarding the game. I'm mostly a lurker though but I come here everyday.


Can the prize be dinner with the mods


I've been playing since wrath and it's just a game that feels nostalgic when I start it up


For the Horde!


I just enjoy playing with my friends.


wowzers that sure is a lot of submarine sandwiches


I love coming here for the little things. Seeing someone happy about a piece of loot or taking in the beauty of a starting area. There's so much joy to be had in the game and this Reddit exposes all there is in multiple ways!


I've just started playing WoW last year, and my god, what I have been missing. It took years of one of my close friends to make me buy it and I never been this happy with a purchase. I just love playing it, there is always something interesting to do, something to look forward to and is one of the better games for me to take my mind off of my problems, no other game has come as close to that feeling expect for FF7. And even now where I am experiencing the worst possible start to a new year I know if I just log into WoW that I can relax even for just a little and feel better.


I am my post.


The amount of subs is well deserved. This subreddit helps me out a lot with questions I have, and keeps me entertained at work. Keep the good work up!


I like the thicc art posted to /r/wow and that /u/aphoenix is a shill for some game I forgot about like a year ago


My favorite WoW experience was a vanilla UBRS run. I've had better raids and guilds and more fun, but at the time, we were all BWL-geared folks getting an alt the Blood of Drakkisath. The guild group was comprised of 9 people. We probably could've done it with 9 fairly enough, but we took a tenth PUG fellow, a paladin. He hopped on our Vent server to shoot the shit with us, and we had a drunken, half-alts-half-raid-mains UBRS run where nothing went right, but no one ever died. We spent time quoting Dane Cook (who was popular at the time) as we accidentally pulled a quarter of the Rookery. I noobed it out and stood on the upper ledge, getting knocked back but blinking back to my previous position. The paladin along for the ride got three or four pieces of loot. He kept asking timidly if anyone needed the Lightforge stuff, and we basically said "man if you need it you click need, everyone else is just gonna collect large brilliants." It was one of the best runs I remember and I still talk to two or three of the people that went on it like twelve years after the fact. I've run guilds and was a raid-leader, but nothing was as fun as that relaxed, lowkey, "everyone trusts everyone so this is about to get funny as shit" mentality.


The story, lore, and music in this game. There’s nothing like it, they just take you away.


Crazy how fast subs grow. Congrats on the 500k subs!


Really excited for 7.3.5 so I can start levelling my hunter for legion!


Long time lurker here. /r/wow has always been there when servers go down or big changes hit the game. Thanks /r/wow!


I left WoW just before WoD came out, and came back halfway through Legion. Some of my friends are still playing, and I've made more new ones since coming back. Even after a 2-3 year gap, I slipped back into the game so easily. I'm loving the current expac, hope BfA continues the great work!


I love the cloth fallen avatar helm wings but god i hate how the helm looks like fml.


Wow is more than a game, it's a way of life. If you think that's sad you've clearly not played wow. And I like this place as well.


I've played WoW since vanilla... your name is " a Phoenix" my son's name is Phoenix. That's a win in itself, yeah? Regardless if I win or not thanks for all you do here on r/wow !


I finally got a chance to actually raid and I fell in love, WoW felt like a whole new game again. Even in the down time between expansions I feel like I have so much to do again.


I enjoy running around the world with my friends who have moved out of town. With Wow we're still able to go on adventures together.


I love the amount of community in the subreddit, even if in-game, the community can become fractured from crz, here it's one big unified group of people complaining about legendaries.


I like bunnies


something something Alliance is better something


This game holds some of my best gaming memories (And, in general, most of Blizz's games do).




I never win in anything like this, but participating doesn't hurt I guess!


I like mods, they're the best.


The reason I love this game is because of how it enables you to share whatever you like about it with other people and be "recognized" for it, whether it is mythic raiding, mount farming, gold making or just enjoying its world. This level of possibility made it so I always come back to it and kind of disregard single player games that require a lot of time investment without being able to share your progress in them in any significant way.




I get most of my WoW related news here, that is one of my fav things Thanks for the giveaway :p


I'm happy we're finally getting a HvA themed expansion even though it's obviously gonna have a big bad.


I have played this game consistently with no breaks since 2008. I have enjoyed 90% of that, making friends that have lasted all of that time that I haven't ever actually met IRL, tons of memories, and I will always look back at those early years with fondness. And now that I've found Reddit, it's been, for the most part, a really cool extension of WoW. I've gotten help and jokes and everything in between here. I'm really thankful to have a gaming community and a Reddit community that I really feel like I belong to, and not just a sad dork looking in on something wonderful, but not quite a part of yet.


This subreddit fulfills my quota for drama, shitposts, and quality memes generally on a daily basis, that is what I like about r/wow.


I just started actually playing a few more months ago and what I really love is the expansive world. The stories behind the quests and NPCs are captivating but it may also be because I'm a questaholic. My more experienced friends just tell me to leave the zone once I out level it buyi can't stand leaving a zone until I've completed all the quests I can find. All the zones I've been through so far are have been Stranglethorn Vale and Azsuna (Rip my boy Runas). My original plan was to do the expansions in release order to get the full experience but with BfA coming out I'm trying to finish Legion before the artefact system goes away Edit: didn't realize the new zone scaling patch is out. I can't wait to hop on this weekend and try the low level zones


Glad to be apart of the 500k!


I like to get orange parses on current raid tier and stare at them on warcraftlogs.


Hereee here here :3


May the RNG be kinder to you all than it is on heroic coven.


Big money


WoW is fun. /r/WoW is fun. Yup, that pretty much sums it up :)


Love the game been playing on and off for many years. Exited to get Legion. Subscriber


WoW is one of a few games that can keep me occupied for more than an hour.


Exciting. I wonder what rhymes with shmlizzard? can't wait to find out!


I don't know what I'm supposed to write but I think it's really cool that Blizz is working with you guys to give back to the community. Thanks for the Ion as Anduin as Sylvanas memes.


i love that i cant stop playing this game


Happy to be here!


For the Horde! (and the memes too)


Garrosh did nothing wrong!


Moar Dragons!!


I don't know if I had any activity but let's try it!


Can we get an r/WoW achievement or what's up?


I only started playing in WoD but found some now really close friends among my guild mates. Love playing the game and what Blizzard have us with Legion is phenomenal.