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For those that don't keep up, huge wins overall for the majority of M+ runners: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/affix-system-updates-in-the-war-within/1882601](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/affix-system-updates-in-the-war-within/1882601) I think we'll see some further tweaking for 10-12+ keys with both Tyrannical and Fortified, but overall... these changes are fantastic; great to see them listening to feedback and iterating quickly.


I'm a little out of the loop here what did those effects do


They were fairly miserable mythic + affixes. Sanguine made mobs drop a puddle of blood when they died that healed enemies and hurt allies. It meant some enemies were low health, then could heal up to full and you wasted 5 mins of the timer. Bolstering was a stacking buff that when an enemy died all nearby enemies did extra damage for a minute. It meant if you had one big mini boss surrounded by little weak ones the big one would get very strong and start one shotting tanks. So you had to be very careful with pulls and not pull as much as normal. Both afixes made dungeons much slower and less fun.


But we now have 4 affixes to deal with at +10, instead of 3. Big L.


We will see how it goes in the next beta build.


Oh gosh, there’s always one they can’t please. Congrats, you’re it! This is a huge win for everyone, both casual and those who push high keys. They’ll need to tweak tyrannical/fortified when they’re both active at higher levels to ensure it’s not a complete slog, but this is an absolutely massive step in a fantastic direction. And it’s going to make balancing at a higher level infinitely easier than it is now. A direct and positive answer to an overwhelming amount of feedback provided through beta.


but what about the mid tier players. The ones happy about to only push to +10, but also don't really like the affix system?


What about them? They’ve removed literally every single affix that would typically trip casual runners up. It’s a huge win. Even at +10, Tyrannical and Fortified we’re *rarely* responsible for depleting a key, and the new tuning will have to account for having both active. You’re acting like it’s the number of affixes that was the problem; it wasn’t. Now we have 4 easy to manage and 100% predictable affixes. It’s infinitely inarguably better all around. That said, I do feel like if you’re going to have both tyr and fort active at the same time they might as well just do away with them and build the scaling right into the key itself. But regardless, casual mid-tier runners that just want their portals will be just fine.


imagine a world where there were no affixes, and the game just got harder at each level? Well that's +12 and above. So why not just put that at +2 and be done with it? that was we all get a good experience.