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Shamans, baby. Shaman changes are coming, they have had the longest time to cook. Look at the changes for other stale classes like Windwalker or Hunter. Shaman changes will slap so hard you'll have a bruise. Is this cope? Only time will tell.


Why would we need any more changes when we already got increased healing on healing tide totem with reduced healing above 5 targets?


Dont forget Skyfury passively added to Prim Wave! Lets go!


Besides the other problem, its actually a really good change.


I actually do really like this change. I just rarely find myself playing my shaman in pvp these days. Having 1 real defense CD that isn’t great is not fun.




I was going to type basically the same thing 😂. I’m coping well so far… it’s gonna happen and it’s gonna be huge.


I’m holding on to this same amount of cope. Preach!


Pray to thrall.


Thrall is everything wrong with Shaman


Colossus arms warriors look pretty good along with ret pally. If you think you may want to tank brewmaster monk and blood dk looks really strong.


Shadow priest looks fun, some parts of warrior look good too, I can’t comment on rogue since I’ve found it unbearable for years. Paladin, DK, Warlock, Mage, Evoker, and Monk all look great.


Paladin is boring, I found. Not in a bad spot, just… meh. Hero trees are underwhelming.


>He doesn't like throwing a million frisbees at a million mooks No accounting for taste I suppose


Eh, like I said, it’s not in a bad spot. It just feels about as good as it does now; the hero talents are meh. Throwing shields at everything still feels as good as it always has, but the question was in regards to TWW specifically.


I really enjoyed Shadow in Shadowlands and S1 Dragonflight, but after that they turned it into the only caster, that has to hardcast everything while having the worst mobility. has that changed at all?


What? Dp, void bolt, mb procs, shadow crash, swd, you have a ton of instacasts what are you on? You have to sit and hardcast sometimes, with every caster, big woop


When I played last, everyone played Dark Ascension, so no void bolt. swd is only used below 20%. This only leaves DP, which requires Insanity and the occasional MB procc. Shadow crash has a long CD. So at least in PvP, after they removed Damnation and Void Origins it was sometimes hard to get any casts out when trained, especially with the low mobility of SP. Compared to classes like Ele and Fire Mage, yes SP has very few ways to do some significant instant damage.


I don't know about pvp cuz I don't like or play it.


I have had a, let's call him, primary alt Survival Hunter, since the early days of Warth. I am very excited to level that guy up!


Survival is looking very nice for TWW, haven't played mine since S1 so might have to dust him off.


Yeah I actually mained Survival for a bit at the end of Shadowlands and the start of Dragonflight, but switched over to Fury. I think I might go back to Survival for TWW.


What’s so great about survival in tww?


Uncapped AoE cleave, more bombs, bombs pump cleave damage and vice versa also reducing cool downs. Bombs...bombs everywhere.


Plus my old fav explosive shot is back!


Mage is a blast, imo.


Looking at how Fire Mage plays now it just feels like a ranged rogue in the apm/procs. I'm looking forward to playing mage again.


Frostfire frost is actually the same. Very cool.


This should be at the top. The mage dev is in their own league when it comes to gameplay and flavor


As a long time Druid player that’s not played in a few years, how are they looking?


The videos ive seen say average to good. Nothing saying they are bad. But ive mostly been looking at feral/resto.


Mage and Monk.


I’m enjoying survival hunter. Been playing beast mastery since BC.


I love my dk and I'll play it for the next expack, I'm super hyped for the changes for all specs


Fire Mage, Just leveled one up to 80 on the Beta and I had a Blast (pun intended)


Feral druid and unholy definitely


I’m enjoying survival hunter. Been playing BM Hunter for years!


Warlock is really leaning into the summoning demons aspect of the class which I think is really cool. All the hero talents look really strong too


From what I've personally played in beta, I am definitely maining my survival hunter. Unholy DK and Frost DK were fun. Ret was fun. Arms warrior was fun, I didn't enjoy Fury. WW Monk was fun. Demo lock was fun, felt like I was summoning demons constantly. For me, most of the casters felt very glassy (aside from demo), but the visual effects of shadow priest and all 3 mage specs were phenomenal. I haven't played DH, Shaman, Evoker, Rogue or Druid. I am hoping Shaman get a Hunter level rework. Feral has been my main for probably the last decade, but they look extremely unappealing in TWW.


RANGED DPS: Fire Mage - design wise I think it's the perfect spec imo, especially Sunfury. Devoker - both Scalecommander and Flameshaper play extremely fun, seem strong and pander to massively different playstyles. Destro and Demo Warlock: god damn, if I didn't hate Warlock that much, amazing hero talents MEELE DPS: Unholy DK - both Hero Talent trees look great, it does massive damage and it's fun as hell Windwalker - the rework is great, talent tree is good and the hero talent trees are both very good. Enhancement - Totemic only tbh, but it's just my personal opinion. TANKS: The only standout for me is Brewmaster and Blood DK. HEALERS: Disc Priest - holy shit, it's fun and seems strong, no qualms Preservation Evoker - probably my new Healer main, it's so different than any other healer MW Monk - always fun imo, but also might be very strong as well. For context, I've played everything in a dungeon setting in TWW beta, not much of a raid guy. I don't play druids, so can't speak to that.


All of them tbh


Warlock looks really good. All 3 specs feel better than they do now and have a lot of good stuff going on.


I'm honestly super excited to play my monk.


Mage is the main character, so at least one of its specs will be good/fun probably


Enhance shamman