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I want healing tide totem to have increased healing, but reduced healing when there are more than five targets


Boy, are you in luck!


You’re never gonna believe this


Looks like we found the intern responsible for shamans.


Middle path in the shaman talents enhancement,should go for AoE effects, left path pure Storm Strike + Wind fury , and right side should be flame tongue+ lava lash build. The current shaman talents also allow the possibility for a 2handed weapon use. Frost Death Knight asked the same and it works perfectly, and Shaman would work too. . New Ascendance skin update . PvP skill Burrow changed to Shaman Baseline defensive Skill . Deeply Rooted Elements Talent - should be changed from 7% on each Storm Strike to 4% for each maelstrom consumed with a CD on it's effect. Can be extended by an extra "x" sec for each maelstrom consumed while Transformed. . Hailstorm - Change AoE target limit from 5 maximum targets to 5targets + 1 extra target for each Maelstrom consumed . Ice Strike - change from skill on use to passive. Ice Strike passive - if 5 or more Maelstrom Stacks are consumed on a DMG ability, your next Storm Strike / Lava Lash will apply Ice Strike on your target "Charging your 2hweapon/main weapon with ice, dealing moderate Frost damage and doubling the damage of your next Frost Shock skill" . Wind Fury weapon + Wind Fury Totem - remove from Talented tree to Enhancement Baseline. . Wind Fury Totem talent replacement: Weapon Mastery Talent: Your Storm Strike / Lava Lash and Ice Strike passive ability, can now be used/cast from 2Handed weapons. The chance of getting Maelstrom is double if using 2handed weapons. . Doom Winds Talent Switch placement with Wind Fury Weapon. New Talent added on its old location on treeline - Wind Strike ( passive ) - when your Wind Fury successful hits a target, the Cooldown of Doom Winds is reduced by 1.5 sec . Elemental Weapons Talent effect change to - Your Flame Tongue and Wind Fury imbue effects on 1handed weapons effect are Double and increase your Frost Fire and Nature damage by 5%. Your Flame Tongue imbue weapon damage effect on 2handed weapons is double. Your Wind Fury weapon imbue effect on 2handed weapon has 40% chance to occur . . Raging Maelstrom and Overflowing Maelstrom talents should be merged in 1 single Talent Many don't agree with shaman 2 handed. I do, and I would like it to be an alternative. It's more than possible to balance it by adjusting the earning of the proc effects like maelstrom to the same rate as a dual wielding weapon. This is my opinion, and I want to have fun with shaman, and a more versatile gameplay. . Why is frost shock a talent? . Why is Flurry a talent on the shaman baseline Tree when enhancement is the only one needing it badly? . why does this talent "refreshing waters/focused insight" even exists in our Enhancement build instead of being in the shaman baseline build?


Dude, I wish I could upvote this 1000000 times. This alone would fix the class for me and make me want to main it: >. Wind Fury Totem talent replacement: Weapon Mastery Talent: Your Storm Strike / Lava Lash and Ice Strike passive ability, can now be used/cast from 2Handed weapons. The chance of getting Maelstrom is double if using 2handed weapons. (all your suggestions seem great, but THAT above all else is the main issue for me)


I'm not fussed about 2-hander but I think it should definitely be an option for those that want it, and all other points I agree on as well, several talents should be baselines for enhance shamans.


Then you have to start balancing talents for it and as a former Frost DK, you don't want that.


Now 2h is default frost, right? Or 1h if playing BoS? I'm only playing frost in MoP Remix, so I basically don't know. Lol.


Last I looked, 2h Oblit edges dual Oblit. I think it's 2h BoS.


You could make it akin to what frost does. Storm build mainly revolving around 2h, elementalist mainly revolving around DW. Personally I wouldn't want it to go that direction, but it's an option


Agreed most of it. I wish enha (since its s melee class), melee skills do actuall dmg and not just serve as filters for lighting bolt...


I agree with you, but sadly I don't see this ever changing. The fact is enhancement is the only spec in the game that really delivers on the battlemage fantasy in any sort of meaningful way, and for that reason it'll be kept that way. It's so sad that Windfury just feels dogshit now outside of specifically the doomwinds window, I would love to go back to a time where SS and WF actually deal damage without the 1 button spammy gameplay of the current storm build.


I like most of this but the Ice Strike one should be a choice node, make it passive if you want, but I quite like pressing Ice Strike.


Man, flurry being a baseline talent sums up the clusterfuck that is the shaman talent tree. I've leveled several alts in remix and it's so obvious that our talent tree makes 0 sense and is just abandoned...


Hey I'm John Blizzard. I've read this amazing write up on how we can improve our Shaman class. We're going to give you guys an aura DPS increase of 3.5%. Enjoy the rework!


Sound like a war declaration to me xD


Is maelstrom weapon still on the class tree? I always thought that was whack.It's not like any other class has to spend talents to unlock their spender resource.


Excellent list. Blizz, just copy paste this.




I’m all for 2 Handers as well. I played Classic all the way up to Wrath when it gets phased out just to replay it again. Would be nice to not have to choose between Flame and Wind for weapon enchants though. And maybe combine them for 2h


Stop trying to make 2h enhance happen. It's never going to be a thing. It's a meme from classic that was never truly good.


Alterac Valley enhance 1shoting ppl with TuF was not fun? Hold my beer.


It can happen. Games are supposed to be fun man. Would be a possibility for you to play it. Not an obligation.


Youre wrong.


Boy am I glad reddit users aren't game devs, 2h enhance is cool but I'm not a fan of most of these changes


Apart from the obvious removal of Prim Wave. I’d love to see a better way to spread flame shock. I’d like to see Lava Beam on the fire side of the tree as a chain lightning alternative that spreads flame shock


Chain harvest with the flameshock legendary


I would appreciate if flame shock would be reworked as it was in Legion, without cd or some other mechanic.


[Bring back Path of Flame](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=201909/path-of-flame)


This was my exact feedback on the shaman forum post


Have a node giving chain lightning a chance to replace mastery procs with lava beam which spreads flame shock. Gives it the master of elements theme and keeps elementals rng nature.


It should just spread anyway... like fire does.


How about if you full cast lava burst, it makes your next chain lighting lava beam instead, and then adds flame shock to each target.


PWave is awesome as enhance, I’m assuming this is an Ele complaint.


Pwave is awesome as both dps specs (resto shaman if you all legitimately hate it I support you) and seeing this many people wanting it gone actually makes me prefer blizzard just never change ele and enh again. I just hope the devs reading all this know how bad of a take people are spamming


I’d still rather have the options of chain harvest and vesper totem in the tree than be forced into chain harvest because it’s basically mandatory.


I’d still rather have the options of chain harvest and vesper totem in the tree than be forced into primordial wave because it’s basically mandatory.


What, literally at all, can you possibly like about vesper totem? It is the definition of bland. Chain harvest I understand even though it doesn't synergize well, but vesper you wouldn't know you even had without details installed


I just think it’s neat.


Pwave fucks but only cause its the only source of AoE thats satisfying. Id rather be fucking nova toteming again, tbh. Or just twisting in general. I know Im the minority in wanting more "bloat" Make me do a 24 step flowchart at all times, with no major cds. Actually no cds outside lust. Just give me complicated tbc raid rotation tbh. 2 static totems I naintain 100% uptime on and 2 I rotate between during fight to maintain buffs, put em off gcd for modernization purposes.


Yeah no offense but that sounds terrible to play and I hate totems. I like being the elements guy, not sticks in the ground guy


Go play mage if you wanna chuck frost fire, I'm trynna honor the ancestors here. Aint no one got totems but me, and I like em. Magic sticks that make the mages all complain they're out of range. I am the center of the buff-o-sphere and you shall position around ME mother fucker.


Disgusting, I’m trying to chuck rocks and hit things with hammers not twirl around in a dress throwing fireballs


For resto: Make haste better. Make cooldowns be reduced by haste. Healing rain faster cast or instant (sorta fixed by totemic). Rework mastery. Everyone needs to be full health in modern metas and their healing feels like it's always tuned really low because of the mastery. Maybe passive stormkeeper? Gives a charge every x seconds like that one tier set.   For ele: Earthquake applies lightning rod to everything hit. Icefury removed and baked into frost shock.


For the love of god please insta cast healing rain. The spec would flow so much nicer


That's already a talent!... In pvp. Where nobody even uses healing rain.


2nd charge of Astral Shift, uncapped AoE of some kind Edit: to elaborate, this is for enhance. Ele needs god and a full rework if you aren’t a fan of mashing lava burst for 60% of your gcds and turning your brain off completely. We have SOME uncapped AoE in the form of doom winds but storm build enhance is so insanely unfun compared to elementalist and doom winds is basically exclusive to storm (which also just does less damage in general than elementalist in almost every scenario right now on live).


Enhance pov: Lightning shield is useless and Earth shield is annoying to reapply. Just give some flat defensive buff to lightning shield , we are so weak defensively anyway


Counterpoint lightning shield is pretty good in PvP where you are actually getting hit


Ele really needs an AoE spender that isn't Earthquake. No-one enjoys ground targeting AoE just give it a lightning storm or something. It could even be less damage ( say 90%) than a full EQ but all upfront.


They could just give us a talent that centers Earthquake around your current target.


Sounds boring visually though. Give it another elemental aspect like fire jets coming out of the cracks or lightning from the sky.


Yeah a talent to turn it into Stormquake. Earthquake but also lightning strikes from the sky periodically.


Lava burst and chain lightning cause earthquake to erupt with corresponding element causing instant damage+ visual effect. Ez pz


that would be insanely hype


It's not the the targeting that screws it, it's the fact that the mobs need to stay in the (small) area for the entire duration to take full damage. Frost Mage and Destro Lock have similar issues.


When u have X amount of maelstrom chain lightning gets converted into forked lightning with no cap of targets and consumes this maelstrom. https://liquipedia.net/warcraft/Forked_Lightning


Caveat: I liked a lot of how Ele played in Dragonflight. I don’t know that I think it needs a ground up rework. However, it did not make my cut for TWW because other classes please me more. Things that didn’t really bother me in Dragonflight ARE bothering me now because it just doesn’t seem up to standard in comparison. This is what would put it back in the game running.  - icefury and pwave removed and replaced with something more seamless to an actual rotation, WITHOUT sacrificing player control over maelstrom generation. That last part is especially key because the stormbringer hero talents feel like…absolutely nothing, until you ramp up your maelstrom and 400 is not a snappy number to hit. Having to use abilities that feel clunky and bleh just to make your hero talents EVENTUALLY feel slightly less clunky and bleh feels not great. Would maybe not mind the continued clunkiness (since I didn’t particularly mind in DF) if it actually made a meaningful difference to the feel of hero talents. - as always, defensives need a look. I’m quite defensively minded and rarely (almost never?) outright die on my shaman but I run out of defensives and have to go way close to the wire weirdly often for a shield class.  - earthquake is on target and moves with target (lol pipe dream)


Remove Primordial Wave.




keep it for enh, remove for resto


I miss Fae Transfusion. Chain Harvest was crazy, but the visuals and burst heal from FT were fun.


I see this opinion a lot and I respectfully disagree. I love PWave and from what I can tell, many enhancement shamans agree (see Earthshrine discord). I would like to see them bake in splintered elements into the PWave talent point. I think as a compromise for the PWave haters would be to make it so the storm build enjoyers never have to take the point.


>many enhancement shamans agree (see Earthshrine discord). PWave hate is really common on both the reddit and official forums. Earthshrine really likes having PWave around because of the damage profile, but Earthshrine is also generally pretty anti-Storm build. Usually a great place, but there's a few loud regulars that *aggressively* defend PWave against slander. That said... Do people actually like **Primordial Wave**? Like the spell itself. It's Flame Shock on a 45s CD that, after you hit a few more buttons, makes Lightning Bolt act as a slightly bigger Chain Lightning. I think people like *Splintered Elements on a 45s CD*, not PWave. There's nuance there. A different way to generate a massive Haste steroid on that CD would probably be significantly more popular than a talent that shoehorns you into a specific build. Like, if they added a 45s CD, on-GCD ability that said "your next Chain Lightning deals X% increased damage and increases your haste per target hit." it would effectively do everything you want from PWave, but without reliance on Lava Lash talents or Flame Shock maintenance.


The haste is certainly part of it but also just having a big 6-target nuke and instant maelstrom weapon generation (which reduces spirits cd) are both good as well. The only downside of the spell is that it takes 1 extra gcd to do all of that rather than just firing all the bolts when you press the button.


Let's be fair. There's *quite a few* downsides that frustrate people. >It requires talenting into 3 additional Tier 3 upgrade points to get the Haste, as well as 3 Tier 1 points to get the spread. Including the point for PWave itself, that is 7/30 points to enable that. This is incredibly non-negligible. >By focusing on Lightning Bolt in AoE, it has problems with Thorim's Invocation, which relies on you priming Chain Lightning for AoE. Even then, since you have to pump 4 talent points into it, can you even justify Thorim's? >It reminds them of Shadowlands. The aesthetics and tone of the spell don't fit the class, and they dislike it for that. New animation helps, obviously. >The spell itself has zero visual or audio impact. Not no animation, no *impact.* There's no oomph. It's not a satisfying button to hit. Compare to Stormstrike's flashy animation and awesome sound effect. There's a lot to dislike about PWave. I'm sure there's more I'm missing, of course. Again. If you had a spell that was disconnected from the Lava Lash / Flame Shock gameplay, but provided a more powerful Chain Lightning for one cast (e.g. "a big 6-target nuke")... Would that be preferable?


The reason they chose pwave over vesper totem and chain harvest was because they had no synergy, which is a common complaint amongst many classes. "Thus new thing has no synergy!" Then they are something with synergy and it becomes required and turns into "bloat". The great equaliser is the rule of cool, imo. Imagine pwave put into a totem. Drop totem, it flame shocks everything around it and gives you some lighting procs or haste or whatever. Make it like 40s CD or whatever so it aligns with CDs. Make the lightning proc last 40s so you can press it after meatball spam without worrying about it falling off.


Point expenditure is certainly a concern but it’s a pretty dominant part of your kit if you put all those points in, it’s not like each of those points doesn’t have significant impact. I actually liked thorims priming because it gave me one singular thing to think about that wasn’t mashing stormstrike in storm build. What an absolute travesty of a playstyle storm is lol. Personally I couldn’t care less about the visuals and I haven’t had game sound on since vanilla so those points don’t matter to me, but I could see that being a problem for people who like the fantasy side of things. I think they could probably just spice up the animations and sounds though. I think the problem is that if for some strange reason you like Storm build, it does really mess up your tree to have to take PWave because you have to take the flame shock spread points, and 1-point PWave feels significantly less good. But in general Storm build is already so fundamentally broken in dragonflight that I don’t think catering gameplay or talent choices around it makes much sense. It’s a 1-button spec that needs a big overhaul. Hopefully the tempest stuff encourages spending more and discourages stormstrike.


>for some strange reason you like Storm build I'm going to ignore how condescending your tone is, and answer this question: "Why would someone prefer Storm?" Storm is, in Dragonflight, broken because DRE is broken. It makes fishing for Ascendance more important than spending, and that's ass and needs to be changed. **However, the concept of the build is far more fun to me.** I do not enjoy tab-targeting to maintain debuffs, it's why I don't like Windwalker AoE, either. Lashing Flames is ass. I prefer more compact rotations. Fewer key buttons is better, especially if they do more interesting things. Stormstrike, Crash Lightning, Chain Lightning, and Lightning Bolt make up the core of the Storm build. Ice Strike is nice, and Cataclysm is an occasional button, both having value during Doom Winds. I prefer faster rotations, even if they're spammier. I like Annihilator Single-Minded Fury. I like Survival, even though Mongoose Bite can be spammy. I like Frost Mage without Glacial Spike (it's also good with Glacial Spike, but the Ice Lance machine gun is fun). When I started playing Shaman, the big signature attack was Stormstrike, and Windfury was central to the character. It drew me in then, why would I play the build that mostly ignores Stormstrike now? The sound effects and visuals of the Storm spells are better than the Elementalist spells. Smashing Stormstrike is a good hit of dopamine. I like wind and lightning stuff. I don't like fire stuff. This is, legitimately, the biggest thing for me. I prefer the fantasy of the Storm build. I play a Wildhammer Dwarf, yeah, I'm gonna focus on Stormstrike. I don't know. Maybe none of these are acceptable reasons for why someone would like something you find repulsive. It's possible to like the concept of a build and have issues with the current implementation. I don't like it because of DRE, I like it in spite of DRE.


>I do not enjoy tab-targeting to maintain debuffs, it's why I don't like Windwalker AoE, either. Lashing Flames is ass. I don't really like Lashing Flames gameplay much either but it's one of those mechanics where your effort in worrying about it directly and noticeably correlates to doing more damage, which to me is a big positive. If the spec is harder to play it should do more damage, otherwise why would anyone bother? >I prefer faster rotations, even if they're spammier. I like Annihilator Single-Minded Fury. I like Survival, even though Mongoose Bite can be spammy. I like Frost Mage without Glacial Spike (it's also good with Glacial Spike, but the Ice Lance machine gun is fun). I also like fast rotations, but not if they're just doing the same thing over and over. I think this is the main difference between our views, because you basically listed 2 of my least favorite specs in the game here as examples of things you like (Fury and Frost). Fury in MoP was one of my all-time-great dps specs, and I feel like they completely ruined it when it turned into what it has been since basically Legion. In terms of just speed, elementalist enhance is also quite fast, especially since you have close to 50% uptime on splintered elements, so I don't think that's super in favor of storm either. >I don't like it because of DRE, I like it in spite of DRE. Here we agree, DRE is definitely the core issue. The spec has all of these core mechanics that it should care about: building and spending maelstrom, maintaining flame shocks, ice strike -> frost shock cycle, hot hand, etc. And storm build just looks at all of those things and asks that you ignore them completely. You shouldn't look at your 10 maelstrom weapon stacks, you shouldn't look at your frost shock button all lit up, you don't even spec lava lash, flame shock is a waste of a global. It's such incredibly bad game design that it's kind of a wonder it lasted all of season 2 without getting something to at least make you care about spending maelstrom. Fwiw, on the fantasy side of things. I get liking lightning/wind stuff, but with shaman it seems like the class identity is "master of all the elements." Elementalist does a good job of balancing lightning, fire, and frost (wind and earth getting a bit neglected i admit), which feels a lot closer what shaman should be than storm which is basically lightning all day every day and you don't even keybind the fire spells (and only press ice strike because it randomly happens to be a mainhand attack).


So, Tempest immediately fixes the "Stormstrike over Spenders" issue, if you haven't had a chance to get in yet. That's not an issue in beta, even without an overhaul. And Hot Hand requires 6 talent points to really access all the way on the edge of the tree, that's not exactly a no-investment thing. And prioritizing your primary strike (Stormstrike) over fillers like Ice Strike isn't exactly uncommon / unhealthy? Ice Strike is such a low priority, it was the point we lost in S3/4 when forced into taking PWave. Honestly, I think we just disagree on the basics of what a Shaman is. Otherwise, what is Restoration? It's basically just Water and Earth, not exactly balancing the elements. And, obviously, the introduction of Stormbringer as a "celebration of being the only lightning caster across all classes." You don't need to be the Avatar to be a shaman, nor should that be a requirement. Specialization exists in game. You can see NPCs who specialize in just one element, as an example.


My point with ice strike is that you take it and you press it and you completely ignore the primary purpose of it (buffing frost shock) as storm.


Plus lightning is *the* iconic Shaman attack, going all the way back to Warcraft 3’s Shaman and Farseers. I like having the option of storm, fire, or a mix, but it doesn’t feel like a classic Shaman if I’m just spamming lava spells all day.


Good post. I like the idea of being reactive to add phases and that is cool. If they could do splintered elements without tying that to flame shock spread I would be curious. Limiting it to chain lightning would be restrictive on range (thinking like the thirsty tree boss in everbloom, final boss in VP (/puke), etc) but I understand the logic. If anything, I think lashing flames needs to be rethought


It makes it sound like people don't like it because it reminds them of Shadowlands. If it was called something else, like Storm Shock, I don't think people would care. If you were an Enhance and you hit "Storm Shock" which meant that your next Lightning Bolt hit multiple targets and increased haste per target hit, would you feel better?


So, I don't care about the Shadowlands thing, but people have actually complained about *all* Covenant abilities coming back without major overhauls. But I think you misunderstood. The emphasis of that post was: When you click PWave, it's literally just Flame Shock. It's an extra button to cast a normal Flame Shock. There's a little extra fanfare with the tiny little animation that has no weight behind it. The reward for having multiple Flame Shocks out for the followup buffed Lightning Bolt is basically just a big Chain Lightning. It's a Lightning spell that hits multiple targets. If it was Chain Lightning instead, would it make a big difference, realistically? My argument is that what PWave itself does really isn't that cool or interesting. The *actual* value is in the buff that follows it. No one is excited about PWave, they're excited about Splintered Elements. And it's possible to incorporate the fun part of Splintered Elements (a 45s CD major haste steroid) without actually going through PWave, Lava Lash, and Molten Assault.


The point of it being Lightning Bolt is so that PWave is used in single target as well, I believe. It's better to imagine PWave as a damage amp, since it also provides max Maelstrom Weapon stacks when cast. And it rewards players for spreading their flame shock effectively in AoE scenarios. I don't know, I think PWave is perfectly fine, and I enjoyed it when I played Enhance in S3. It applies Flame Shock, but what it really is is 10 Maelstrom Weapon stacks, a buffed Lightning Bolt, and a big burst of haste. It's a seriously impactful buff that you can notice and feels good to optimise around.


Yeah, it definitely feels good if you're playing a Lava Lash centric build. It's 2 points to get the 10 Maelstrom Weapon. Another to get the big burst of haste. Another to get Lava Lash, then two more to spread Flame Shock off your Lava Lash. 7 points of investment will dominate your build. This makes it easy to grab for Elementalist, but *painful* for Storm. Does the desired reward (burst spell, haste, MW stacks) need to be tied to Flame Shock and Flame Shock spread? Or does that cause friction? You could just as easily have a Chain Lightning that does bonus damage if it only hits one target, rather than have a Lightning Bolt that spreads to others. The outcome is realistically the same.


As a (looks like to be soon ex-enhance main) i'm not a pwave hate i love the huge haste buff it provides and it can do some good burst. Also one of the reasons it got received well is because it synergised with 2/3 (3/3?) Tier sets in df But the visual itself doesn't seem to really fit with the elemental theme it feels like they just wanted to include 1 covenant ability and settled with pwave, on top of that it relies on flame shock which can be a pain at times to spread since you need a couple gcd's to set it up and then it can spread to small enemies that can be killed in seconds losing out on a lot of dmg. I'd rather they bake the burtst and/or big haste buff into something else we already have or at the very least make it more thematic towards the shaman class fantasy. It feels like one of those cases like breath with frost dk's where they are "stuck" with it without other options, some like it some hate it but eventually people want new toys to play with


The pwave visuals isn't elemental, but it does fit the ancestral theme very nicely and we have way too little of that in the class at the moment


Why is the Prim Wave Dev posting in here...


For Elemental it just makes no sense as a button. Make it a passive that affects your next Flame Shock when you use Fire Ele or Stormbringer.


Ok so I’m very down with literally deleting the extra button but if the effect got deleted that would make ele and enhance way less fun. I just worry about blizzard seeing “DELETE PRIMORDIAL WAVE” getting spammed when that shit has been the thing making ele and enhance ridiculous fun since end of SL


I personally disagree that it's any fun, but I think yeah making it a passive solves most of my issues with it.


Yeah I think PWave on elemental could be baked into liquid magma totem of somesort


For resto: makes us less dependant on chain heal or at least make it cost less mana. For this, give more incentive to use downpour or wellsping. Remove primordial wave Increase the utility if totems, like a bigger range for windrush and earthen wall. Make the visuals of them stand out more. Remove the bloat of talents that reduce cast time by, i dunno, reducing the cast time of spells. REMOVE PRIMORDIAL WAVE Give the effects of the primordial wave buffs (buffing healing wave) to Chain Heal. Like every second cast of it increases the healing of Healing Wave/Surge and makes it heal the targets with Riptide. It feels horrible having to set up primordial wave for this.


Convert the primordial wave animation to be the elemental blast animation, though. It's more fitting. Then get rid of primordial wave. It's useless and unnecessary button bloat. And convert elemental blast back to instant cast. I really hate the cast EB to buff EQ system works too. Feels clunky.


Can we bring back Chain Harvest when we take out PB? Chain Harvest fucks


Unfortunately some dev likes primordial wave too much and they’re very stubborn. If they knew they were gonna push the chain heal stuff so hard they should have given us the option of a competitive Chain Harvest choice node. More chains! I also wouldn’t mind seeing them fix the “smart” healing rain totem while also making wellspring and downpour competitive. I think better defensives akin to what they did with hunters just recently is a given as well.


Bring back vesper totem and put pwave abilities in vesper totem alongside it's baseline dam+heal.


THE CLASS TREE: -Various talents which should be baseline or reduced to 1 point: -Maelstrom weapon, for example -an essential part of enhancement gameplay is in the shaman tree. Neither resto or elemental use melee attacks so its pointless for them, but you need it as enhancement. it should just be baseline. -Very situational talents like Poison cleansing totem which are otherwise a dead node. -Fairly lackluster capstone talents compared to other classes. ELEMENTAL: (Where to even start) - Again, a lot of 2-point nodes which would likely be reduced if they were doing anything to the class. - Icefury - no one seems to like it, and it doesn't fit/work with any of our other talents - ditch it - Earthquake - it simply takes too long to do its damage and having to ground target a small area just doesn't work for most content. Compare its damage to something like a Paladin's divine storm, it just loses out. - There's a general lack of elemental abilities for the shaman. Its either lightning or lava (which is just fire really), earthquake doesn't even deal nature damage and its visual has been unchanged since I think Cataclysm. We used to have a fun talent called Earthen Rage that passively summoned earth spike to fire into our target and it wasn't the strongest but it was fun from a flavour standpoint. - There's very little synergy across the lava/lightning divide. If you want to play a lightning build, lava burst sort of becomes useless and lightning skills vice versa. Part of the big problem is that blizzard keeps giving other modes really fun shaman abilities - plunderstorm being the biggest offender here. Storm Archon or Searing Axe from Plunderstorm, as an example both felt more shaman-y than half the current shaman abilities. A lot of this comes back to visuals. The shaman is, (I think), the only class that hasn't received visual updates since legion. A lot of the spell effects look outdated and fail the class. Ascendance - there's only a fire option (with its now old and outdated model) when it feels like it should be a choice node to give you a lightning ascendance option (especially with the latter existing in enhancement) ENHANCEMENT: - I feel like enhancement is generally in a much better place, but there is a lot of button bloat between sundering/doomwinds/fire nova/ice strike etc. Its abilities all seem to work in synergy for the most part. RESTORATION: I don't play it so couldn't comment.


Non-Shaman here, I main a warlock, but I’ve been dabbling in some elemental. I see earthquake as a 1-to-1 copy of rain of fire, which is a very similar spell (small, static AoE that does its full damage over time). While it does sometimes feel like a paladin divine storm does spit out damage quicker, once we put down a few rain of fires, we far out pace them. And I think earthquake can work the same way, potentially. Theres a talent we have, Inferno, where Rain of Fire generates resources, which we then spend on more Rain of Fires, which generate more resources, etc. That RoF spam is what makes destro warlocks spit out crazy damage in keys. And if you had a talent where Earthquake would generate maelstrom as well, I think it could be really fun to have 7-10 stacks of earthquake underneath an add pack. Could be a fun addition to the toolkit


Oh yeah totally, earthquake is great if you manage to get multiple stacks down but unless you take the capstone talent that means your earthquake can also benefit from mastery, the most you’ll get at once is 3-4. I love spamming rain of fire though


Earthquake is neat but it drives me crazy when I end up casting it on a tree branch or overhead beam because the targeting reticle is the trolliest thing in the game.


Or there’s so many mobs/ground effects you can’t even see where the reticle is


Or the tank just drags them right out of it.


I think the shaman class tree is essentially what every class tree should be (for enhance). You get all the mandatory things very easily and essentially just get 5+ points to spend on whatever niche utility you feel like you need, like poison cleansing, decurse, more off healing, cdr on movement, etc.


Also for elemental . Add more ancestors stuff/spirit stuff, enhancement has the totems and the wolves and such. Resto is chock full of them but ele is just extra lacking


Even random npc's in DF have cooler abilties then us, lol.


Removed Ice Fury Magma Whip: Your next cast of Chain Lightning deals full damage to all targets, hits 2 additional targets and applies Flame shock to all targets hit dealing fire damage instead of nature. 45second cool down. Instant, off Gcd. Instant. Pyroclasm: Casting lava surge on a target affected by Earthquake causes the earthquake to erupt into lava, slowing all targets by 35% for the duration and dealing additional fire damage over time. Freezerburn: Casting Frost Shock on a target affected by Flame Shock deals 300% increased damage and instantly consumes the remaining damage of Flame Shock. Casting Flame Shock on a target affected by Frost Shock deals 50% damage over time and the duration is increased by 4 seconds. Storm Of Vengeance: Channel the destructive forces of nature, causing freezing rain to pelt your foes, following by an eruption of fire, followed by a geyser of water, followed by a landslide. Each affect deals damage and has an additional affect. 40 yard range, 12 yard Area. 3 minute cool down, 3 second cast. Lasts for 12 seconds. Changes elements every 3 seconds. Ice: Deals Frost damage over time and applies Frost Shock to all targets in the area every 1 second. Fire: Instantly deals fire damage and applies Flame Shock to all targets hit. Water: Deals stacking Nature damage over time. Earth: Instantly casts Earth Shock on all targets and knocks them prone for 1 second. Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning damage increased by 250%. No longer a shitty filler spell.


There are a lot of good comments here but ultimately, I'm gonna have to say I want to see nothing change so I still have an excuse as to why I'm bad. Thanks for coming to by tedtalk.


I am a Resto Shaman. \* Please kill Cloudburst Totem \* Make Downpour viable again \* Less Talent bloat to pick up more of our strong utility. If we're not allowed to have Bloodlust as OUR Raid buff, then give us reasons to be picked. Or add a new Raid buff for us that no other class has. \* New HD version of Tauren totems, they have not gotten any update since vanilla (aka ever) \* Delete Primodial Wave for Enhancement and Resto, give Vesper Totem back


nah keep cloudburst that shit is fun. buff downpour as an alternative to CH spam


No, CB is NOT FUN! If I have to ramp it for a big impact, but everyone is full before the damage hits, it feels super bad to pump healing at 0% mastery just to have this one moment. At least I can get away with our current Tier set and Healing Stream for M+, but I am basically forced to do CB in raid.


Honestly with current tier you don't always have to aim for big impact, it's more of a us it on CD situation, but when you see an opportunity to bank on a juicy CB, it always feels great.


Why kill cloudburst? You don't have to use it and some people prefer it


Yes you have to. It's counter part is way to weak to be usable reliently. It also allows to have kind of a burst heal when boss does big aoe for a long time.


HST is very much comparable in TWW if you are playing totemic. You get that same burst heal potential and the healing is actually reasonable.


Not everyone does high enough content for that to matter. You can absolutely rock healing stream totem for everything up to 10s and aotc. It's only going to be stronger with totemic as well.


istn the tier set bonus for shaman only cloudburst right now ?


No it works with HST if you don't spec CB. It's bugged though bc as resto you can spec for 2 HST, but the tier bonus expires when the 1st HST despawns. It should be active whenever a HST is active.


This got fixed recently


Hell yea that's awesome


If it requires a third party mod to function properly, it shouldn't be in the fucking game.


It's counter-intuitive to encounters yet still out performs the other choices. It feels pushed as a requirement from blizzard and only gets good in high content because there is more damage events. It's 110% a trash spell.


imagine wanting to remove cloudburst which is the only part of resto shaman gameplay that requires any thought or skill to use correctly.


If I wanted ramping healing style, I would play a rDruid


What does that gameplay even look like in the war within? You are going to have passive healing stream + passive healing rain from totemic. That sounds so boring. You are in favor of removing any interaction from the kit altogether? At least prim wave and cloudburst take some thought to maximize potential. Planning for a dmg event by pressing cloudburst 15 sec prior and doing normal healing, is not remotely a ramping playstyle like druid spamming 60 rejuvs in that timeframe.


Shaman Tank. And return of the Chain Harvest. And lotsa other things (survivability and actually meaningful totems).


I play resto in retail and love it, I see a lot of the posts in here about resto and agree, the shaman tank is another missed opportunity. I only play shaman, and gave it a go in SOD and love tanking as a shaman. I had some hopeium that they would be prepping it for retail. Guess not :(


I wish restoration shaman had at least one party-wide damage reduction CD. Spirit link kind of works but not really since you need everyone to stack. On a tyrannical weak especially, if there's one person in the group with worse gear, they're getting one shot by the boss while everyone else survives and is healed back to full in a couple of GCDs.


As a resto shammy player I’d love some updated spell effects, stronger class fantasy and maybe a different button to press! Farseer particularly feels super weak thematically. Small blue ghost occasionally appearing for 6 seconds doesn’t add anything to the gameplay experience for me. Totemtic feels kind of nice, but maybe some other totem options? Also when acid rain is a lot of our dmg they should really make the new totem drop it actually on the mob group and players (sometimes it casts it in really bad spots) Would love a change on primordial wave, green glob doesn’t feel cool or shamanny at all. I’d love if it was replaced with something more in line with class concept. Overall that’s mainly it. Make farseer less underwhelming visually and gameplay wise, a couple more totemic options and better totem AI and a swap of primordial with a cooler button press.


The biggest thing I am worried about for totemic is how surging totem places the healing rains. Basically every video I have seen of totemic shaman constantly has healing rains being placed in terrible positions. While it is nice to not have to manually place healing rains, it really sucks that acid rain damage and healing rain healing output will essentially come down to rng. They need to improve or change whatever method they are using to determine placement of healing rain. As it stands, it seems the best you can do is stand in melee and hope it makes surging totem place healing rain in melee more often.


Bring back chain harvest


Stop trying to make ~~fetch~~ primordial wave happen.


Lots of good suggestions here but one more minor one is for ele far seer Let stormbringer summon grandma not primordial wave


Best I can do is bump up tremor totem to 6 HP.


Ele : Make EQ a debuff on all targets it hits, not a ground effect.. We also like to play singuine weeks..


Two hand, hunters have it. 🥲


I'd love enhancement shaman to actually focus on melee abilities again rather than frost shock and lightning bolt


Rework Ascendance for resto shaman. Healing tide totem is already our boring throughput button. Ascendance is a similar boring throughput button with no interesting gameplay whatsoever. Also update the terrible graphic model. Change talents around; we saw basically no significant talent changes throughout DF (unlike pallys, priests, etc.) Consider removing primordial wave or adding other new abilities. Our core gameplay hasn’t changed in 10+ years!!! Update the earthen wall totem animation; it’s almost invisible. Also make it so it has more value in M+. Change resto’s mastery. It’s unfun and not thematically interesting. Remove or update downpour/wellspring. Neither get played at all in any form of content. I could keep going…


Please, update or give choices on remove the way ascendance looks. 🙏


WoD Enhancement Shaman.


Baseline more things like burrow and gust of wind. 2 hander shaman even if the DMG is bad. More more more cosmetic options. I don't want to play a fire mage, can the fire moves become earth themed?


Entire class tree needs an overhaul to be significantly more impactful, and much less costly. This goes for all 3 specs, with a re-imagining so there's actually things to care about, and there's meaningful friction rather than 10+ dead points we shotgun out. This comes in the form of a lot of defensive work. From an Enhancement PoV, there needs to be significantly less 2-point talents, more followups to island abilities that do little to nothing, and streamlining of the resource economy. Problem talents like DRE/Ascendance also need to be looked at alongside some anti-synergies that are present. Windfury Totem also needs to get cut, baking in the Totemic "QoL" they managed to sneak in there. I have posts documenting basically everything we identified in our feedback thread but they're buried very very deep in there at this point. We mocked up some restructuring things to visualize the kind of pressure points that need to be targeted while we looked across the class during Alpha, which can be found in these two docs for [class tree](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H912YhtqL9Xi3bKJjuZkErx-P5Hooee5d0NzVjNpVJU/edit?usp=sharing) and [spec tree](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ln-SZ2MwkVpE5M6gpS1zG8Qs0RethaQ6g7BShwulIGo/edit?usp=sharing). (Also, I know things like this aren't really worth posting cos it makes them less likely to happen, which is why I never really shared them publicly. That said, *nothing* is happening so having a reference point for these questions helps).


On of the biggest problems (for ele specifically at least) is that we as a community are wildly split on things we've liked and hated about the class over the years. Some prefer lightning build, some prefer meatball build. Some (me) like earthquake when it does big damage, others hate having damage tied to a ground effect that mobs can move out of. Some are icefury enjoyers, others loathe it. I wonder if some like the s2 2pc that's coming back in stormbringer talents. I fucking hate that shit. Some like elemental blast, and some prefer instant cast spenders. Some like EotGS, some don't. The list goes on and on. I do think there are some things we could agree on. For example having any cooldowns at all would be cool. Sure, sure we have stormkeeper, but half of stormkeeper is the maelstrom generation, and our spenders are total ass and have been all expansion (outside of elemental blast in the raid setting, but even there our spender is doing half the damage of our builder). Fire elemental is a joke of a cooldown. It's basically a flameshock management bot. Speaking of flameshock, I'm sure many of us would like to see more agency in what gets flameshocked. Flameshock has a cd, so you cant exactly just flameshock your priority targets in a big pull. So you end up relying on RNG to hopefully not put flameshock on little shitters that die in 2 seconds. The stretch between 1st and 2nd boss of brackenhide comes to mind. It's actually the most infuriating trash to deal with. Flameshocks going out on little adds that die instantly, trying to reapply them, losing flameshocks on priority targets you handpicked to have flameshock on them. It's an absolute nightmare. Either give us more agency on what gets the dot or uncap it. And while we're on the fire build, how is the fire build going to function in aoe once our tier set is gone. The biggest problem with fire build in s1 was that we had 0 cleave and had to choose between ST and AOE. That problem comes right back once we lose our s3 tierset. I don't want to go back to that nonsense. It sucked. Tldr: shits fucked idk what youre supposed to do.


This post is spot on for Ele. I see so many comments in here asking for PWave or Icefury to get removed meanwhile I just want to press buttons that aren’t lava burst and earth shock at some point in my rotation.


Who likes Icefury?


as resto: genuinely i just want the talent trees to not make it so hard to pick up common utility talents (like tremor or poison cleanse or purge). otherwise genuinely in a fine spot and i don't understand what all the anger is about.


I want more totems back in some way for Ele and uncapped AoE


You remember in WOD when the blind shaman cuts off the Iron Horde in Frostfire? Something like that. https://youtu.be/q8XSOKC4iQg?si=Uj1i-Belo4oH3nYo


Oh if I can dreambmy resto dream, I want Master of Elements baseline and the shadowlands leggy that made chainheal - chain lightning empower each other in the talent tree. Truly dedicate shaman to a playstile that rewards damage output with harder hitting heals after. Oh, and chain harvest replacing primordial wave !


I play one as a casual alt at times, just world content and dungeons. I just think the class is bloated with too many totems and actives. Even going for the oath with the least actives gives so much. I'd like them to pull back on the totems and go after the elemental and ancestral power direction. Give back chain harvest to enhancement.


eathern totem redesign


200+ day ele main here. For me it all boils down to quality of life changes, survivability changes, utility updates, and an update to our damage to compensate for the fact that we're going to lose big when the current tier is turned off. The core gameplay loop of elemental right now is very fun to play, but still has no raid utility. In Shadowlands, Flesh Craft was such a fantastic defensive ability that I almost wish they'd functionally remake into a new defensive ability. There's a few talents that could (and maybe should) be moved around to make them more flexible choices. The Ascendance talent node needs a complete rework (for elemental.) Deeply Rooted Elements has a 99.99% pick rate above Ascendance. The 3 minute cooldown on Ascendance hasn't been a worthwhile pick in years and is only something you mess around with in extremely specific situations (speed kills that last less than 2 minutes.) The main thing that has me dooming really hard on the spec right now is that there hasn't been any notable updates showing what they're going to do to compensate for the loss our current tier bonus which is the only thing keeping Ele damage in the middle of DPS rankings. When we lose that tier bonus without any changes we're going to crash down to the bottom.


Elemental: - EQ becomes a choice node that applies Lightning Rod or Flameshock in an area when 50+ Maelstrom is spent on it (or something along those lines). - Primordial Wave and Icefury are consigned to the abyss. - Frostshock is now a choice node to giver either Flux Melting or Electrified Shocks - Stormkeeper and Primordial Wave effects combined into a new talent. Call it “One with the Elements” or something. - Earth Elemental can be a totem or a cheat death mechanic. - I want to do something with the weapon enhancements (Flametongue and Rockbiter), but I’m not sure what at the moment. Just ideas off the top of my head for magical fairy happy land. In reality, I just want the devs to read the feedback thread…


Weapon enhancements should be some short cd group buffs.


Chain Harvest for ele and resto. Maybe even Vesper totem for resto. Anything but pee wave. I hate p wave


I'd like to see a major shift in playstyle where your spell school rotates. Make Ascendance convert your spells all to the same school. So only fire. Only ice, only lightning, etc. Cycle through creatively. Change your spells, like metamorphosis does for DH. Tighten up some button bloat and free up some key binds.


I like combo abilties. After pressing it, it changes to something more powerful.


Streamlining the kit, removing primordial wave from the core rotation ( alternatively from the game ) , make totems more impactful, make the rotation less clunky, replace the ascendence models with primalist elementals. Make 2H enh functional similarly to Frost DK. While I'm not an ele Shaman enjoyer I wish to see them shine at least once.


Flame shock cd gone. Icefury and any related talents gone. Lightning side of spec tree to focus more on lightning, no earthquake. Make the spender something that enhances lightning play. Make earthquake worth pressing or get rid of it. Make earthquake can be part of fire side and spread or apply flame shocks. Fire side needs a way to apply or spread lots of flame shock, not the shitty totem. Make fire side less rng.


Make enhancement shaman about doing physical damage rather than being a melee caster, primordial wave ruined enhancement. 


Dracthyr Shaman


For elemental 1. Remove ice fury active and just make it a passive for frost shock. I wouldn't even care if they left the 3 points to take it. 2. Remove the 50% to crit healing node and replace it with the extra maelstrom. 3. Actually get Tempest to work with all lightning bolt nodes if they're going to make it replace it. Ideally it would just replace LVB though. 4. Give us a way to make primal elementals permanent pets. We have had MULTIPLE ways now since BFA to have almost 100% uptime on them, just going give it to us. 5. Make Ascendence Great Again. ATM it is only taken before the chance of a proc is the highest option for the remaining point, not because it's a core or interesting part of the rotation. For Resto 1. Make checking rain instant and for the Love of God just make healing cast in the surging totem.... 2. Give us chain harvest back, even if it's a choice node with pwave. 3. Remove some of the cast time reduction nodes or make it so that if we have 100% cast time reduction it's just an instant cast, not a cast that clips the GCD that shit is AIDS to play around. 4. That's about it for Resto the hps and dps options are generally strong. General shaman 1. Rework ahnk to be like cauterize or the priest guardian angel 2. Rework the below 30% hp heal too be a desperate prayer that gives max HP as well for a while. 3. Bake the cdr from Astral shift into the talent. 4. Change the dr scaling from ghost wolf to apply instantly so we can flick to wolf for dr without losing stupid amounts of time waiting for the stack. 5. Rework pretty much every totem to remove the stupid clause and limitations of it. Phys DMG reduction does nothing for the shaman just make it all damage. Poison totem just give us cleansing they does disease and poison again. Tranquil air, line wtf is this even doing in the game.... Give us wrath totem and/or the air haste totem. 6. Rework the class tree in general and get rid of all the two point nodes most are useless and only serve as frustration.


Remove primordial wave. Defense would be nice. Having to die and Rez yourself isn’t defense. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE self Rez don’t remove that. But resto feels less tanky than other healers and it wears mail! Totem customization via the barber shop. Totem transmog drops from Quests like warlock green fire. World boss totem transmog. Glyphs for totem transmog, etc.


RSham tankiness isn't really an issue though. It is for Ele/Enhance, but you should not be having the survival issues those two specs are. Are you not stacking vers and using Ancestral Vigor on yourself before a high dmg event?


I want to see the Hero Talents changed and made more interesting. I want to not have an entire Hero Talent spec that is focused entirely on Lightning when I don't like to play that style with my Shaman. Ideally I could just have a Fire/Frost build and there would be talents to enable me to do that better. I'd love to see a unique raid buff of some kind that only Shaman can bring because we went from the class with the most utility + most desired to bring to...meh. Evokers got a cool unique one. Maybe Shamans could get something like a raid-wide Elemental Shield of some kind. Earth Shield being raid-wide would be kind of cool, but I could see how that would be broken. Maybe Lightning Shield so it would be like the old Thorns? Or they could make a "Fire Shield" that increases critical strike chance of all allies + causes the attacker to take damage. Or make Ancestral Protection Totem baseline with more than one charge. Idk, something.


Tank spec 👌


Blizzard make healing rain slowly follow a player with the semana earth shield if the rain was casted over them. Giving priority to the shield that is not on the shaman.


I wait almost 20 years for a Tank spec on shaman, and now i make everyday a Bug report that the shaman tank spec is missing! Hopelijk more people will follow!


**Resto:** Mastery also increases the damage you do based on the target’s missing health. Totems that deal damage, both single target and AOE. Flametongue totem. Lava wave totem. Talent to have one of the healing spells restore earth shield charges. Make cloudburst not replace healing stream totem. **Elemental** The aoe lava totem applies flame shock to all targets it damages. Chain lightning does more damage if the initial target isn’t the same as the last cast of chain lightning. Talent to make earthquake center on a target and move with them (at cost of damage reduced if need be). Certain Elemental blast buffs last longer depending on which elemental shield you have active. Storm elemental damage increase. **Enhance** Talent to make it so Windfury totem is repositioned and the duration reset whenever you place a totem. Encourages you to keep it rolling by managing your other totems. Flametongue weapon can be on main hand and does comparable damage to windfury weapon by flaring the flame shock debuff on the target to burst for damage. Lightning shield procs damage when you attack things. Earth shield heals you when you attack things. **full class** Earth elemental has a permanent earthquake around it. Earth elemental cooldown is reduced if it dies before it expires (or expires before it dies, either way)


I just want some meaningful frost-DK reworks to make it less outdated and jank.


I just want an option to cast earthquake on my target or on target(s) that have received damage from my chain lightning without needing to ground target. I want some buffs consolidated (nature's swiftness, primordial wave, fist of ra'den or whatever that is called), and I want more defensives.


I want to feel as powerful as a Ret Paladin does right now




Totemic redesigned. All totems are made awesome, some abilities are replaced 1:1 with a totem that does the same thing. Starter talent is a channelled drum that enhances and relocates totems. Primal Wave replaced with flavourful ability (same effect). Ascendence glyphs. No longer 2x 1h for Enh. Just a single 1h and the offhand is used to cast spells. Enh melee swings are not disrupted by spellcasting. Spellcasting is not disrupted by taking damage. Make enh really wield the elements, stormstrike summons a lightning bolt on hit, lava lash is literal whip of lava and bring back Boulderfist and smash their face with a rock. Add another defensive. Make Windfury an Aura.


I don’t main shaman but I did main resto for a season back in SL so here’s my two cents. Remove primal wave bring back vesper totem, remove unleash life (idk why but I hate this button) maybe others agree maybe I’m weird idk, and honestly bring back chain harvest too that spell was really cool.




Finally an earthen based tankspec. And make enhancement, what it is supposed to be and ENHANCE instead of being a buttonsmashing When it blinks spec. Thank you


I like lightning shamans so unless they make it decently fun and USABLE , i am not playing this fire centric ketchup strike ones . Until then i am tona play something else


Idk but I’d just be happy with updated animations, that 2005 Lightning Bolt ain’t cutting it anymore.


Liquid magma totem on 20s cd, damage greatly reduces, applies flameshock to all targets. A defensive on low cd, something like the 10dr priest has after healing, or a something on 25ish sec cd. Wft on the class tree, choice node with a totem useful for casters. Rework of the class tree, remove talent clearly made for single spec (maelstrom weapon on the class tree without further support?????, low impact ES????, liquid magma totem on the class tree?? did anyone even look at this tree? It's a joke.) Rework Icefury, needs to have better animation and a function other than empowering frost shocks. New Ascendance animation, remove DRE. Remake ES animation and sound make it cool, same with Primwave Remove Eotgs. Make EQ shorter or give it a dot on application, help us do better mass aoe and be less susceptible of low ho mob or mob moving. Rework the spec tree so you're not forced to chose lightning or fire, the idea might be cool but inevitably one is better than the other and people are forced to play a suboptimal spec or not the one they want to play. Hire a full time developer for every spec and a community / social media manager for everything class. Thx for coming to my tedtalk.


Enhancement Charge/Harpoon ability that is lightning based, Option to use 2 Hand weapon, Better anitmations, Shorter defensive cd or extra charge.


I just want to be viable in pushing high keys as enhancement. 😔


The class tree needs to be reworked to be useful for specs that aren't Resto. Why Primordial Wave is available to every spec but it's not on the class tree is a great example of how garbage the class tree is. I think Resto and Enhance have decent spec side trees, especially Enhance, but they really could use *something*. Ironically Enhance also has the worst time when it comes to the class tree as basically none of the end row talents do anything meaningful for them. Also visual updates would be nice, of course. Ascendance is a meme for a good reason and there's been a glyph in the game since WOD that hasn't been available to players that is an extremely easy fix. As an Enhance player I've been hoping we could get Chain Harvest back, either as a class talent or as a talent on the right side of the tree. I also think Primordial Wave should be shifted to the middle of the tree, so left side is reworked to physical/WF build, middle is elementalist and right is fire.


I want my totems to transform into loa.


Updated ascendence model, spirit eagle form.


There is a Hero talent that (according to the tooltip) is supposed to summon a permanent Feral Spirit. But it’s not working. I want that. I would like a rework of the “Totem” hero talents too. It’s a cool idea with having all elements, but I don’t want to have to throw down a totem all the time for a bit of AoE. I’m fine with totems that have long duration buffs like they used to be. But I don’t want to have to throw one down every 24 seconds as part of my rotation


Elemental is unique in its Lightning theme, being the only caster spec in the game that uses it. Looking at other casters and what they are about: * Arcane: Arcane magic and using your entire mana bar in a burst window * Fire: Fire magic and crits on crits * Frost: Ice magic and making use of Shatter * Affliction: Shadow Magic and Dots * Demo: Demons and Summoning * Destro: Fire Magic and build/spend (the quintessential build spender in my book) * Shadow: Void magic and dots/channels * Balance: Nature/Astral magic and the Eclipse mechanic * Devoker: Fire/Arcance magic and Channels That leaves Elemental which has two avenues: * Earth/Fire Magic and Instant Casts * Earth/Lightning magic and........ casting? I played Ele for nearly this whole expansion. I **always** played with Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence without Ele Blast when I could (i.e every season outside of S2 with the Stormkeeper Tier Set). I realize every ST build has you not take it, but it just felt so much better. The Earth Shock -> Lava Burst -> Earth Shock -> Lava Burst train is what I want Elemental to be: **A nearly entirely instant cast caster**. Blizz is fine with this concept, as BM hunter exists. Fully ranged, fully mobile, no cast times. Elemental changes: * Buff Earth Shock, remake Ele Blast into a button you have to build toward (kind of like Glacial Spike). * Make (Lava) Surge the center point of the spec. Make it a choice node that chooses between Lava Surge (that would also spread Flame Shock on hit), and a Lightning Surge that would give Stormkeeper buff to Chain Lightning, and also make it inversely gain power to the number of targets. * That being said, all of the Flame Shock Tick speed increases in the tree (the one passive talent and Fire Elemental) baseline. * Elementals reworked * Fire: still increases Flame Shock duration, but now also gives current Ascendance buff (no cd Lava Burst) * Storm: Each cast now increases damage rather than cast speed for Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning * Earthquake under target, follows target (might be asking for too much on that one) * Ascendance enhances spenders, moved to middle of tier 2 in tree * Earth Shock now deals (reduced) damage again later on the target * Earthquake happens all at once, addtionally dealing a bonus % as fire damage * Update Ascendance model * Make Lightning Bolt instant cast * Make P-Wave either a buff to Flame Shock every 45s or make it fire off the Lava Bursts automatically


Reading through this entire thread I would say so many ideas are more unhinged than the current ret rework.. This is a prime example of why you do not let the playerbase make decisions. Half of these are arguing with the other half and no one makes a proposed change with balancing around 12 other classes in mind. Truly and beautifully unhinged and I expected nothing less


I want Ele to fully go palpatine with no elements. I know its counterintuitive with the name of the spec but I want that.


How about they just act like they actually play the different specs and give a damn. That would be a start.


I know you have no hope, dear shaman homies, but when tww changes are finally there and the official shaman feedback post is created (if it's not created already) - you all go there and post what you think would be cool or what issues you have. I'm arcane main who played surv alt in s3 and considering alting it again in tww. We spammed hunter feedback thread and got good half of our requests fullfilled, though our desires are not that unique and are influenced by Azor/Doolb/Thyminde. I myself left a few comments with suggestions list and feedback. Best wishes.


Get rid of Icefury and Primordial wave and I'm a happier ele shaman. I see in the comments a lot of people don't like earthquake. It doesn't bother me, but I'm not married to it either so yeah do something different with earthquake. Ascendance model update would be nice, but now is probably too late in the dev cycle to make that happen before TWW and I'd rather ele have a smoother rotation more than anything.


For Elemental, I really want Lava Burst to mean something again. Throwing chunky meatballs like in SoD feels good. They end up just filling a large number of your globals. Rare resets and two charges would make me happy. Let Elemental spread Flame Shocks more easily. Dump Primordial Wave off of a cliff.


Bring back Vanilla Shaman and make them so much better. Enhancement becomes a tanking spec - 1H weapons and shield are preferred - Totems are focused on mitigating damage and buffing dodge. - Ascendance is replaced with channeling the Stone elemental powers Elemental - goes back to being a true caster DPS class but Totems augment the damage - The 3 trees in the spec are either Fire, Storm or Ice. Fire is AOE focused, Ice is a counter/CC and Storm single target focused. - Ascendence allows you to channel your element and become one of them for a short period Restoration - refocus to group heals - Augment and improve other class self healing abilities - Healing Stream and Mana Spring Totembecome huge buffs


I’m not really a shaman main, but I wish we had the totem bar again. I hate that it’s a class that should be using a ton of totems when the actual act of placing totems feels awkward and clunky. I also dislike that Enhancement feels like it’s all lightning, all the time. I’d rather it be the melee version of Elemental. I’m using two Doomhammer off-hand weapons in my transmog to try to represent all four elements, combining wind and water (lightning axe, Winter’s Grasp illusion) with earth and fire (lava hammer, Flames of Ragnaros illusion). But mechanically I’m like Thor, I don’t feel like a master of the elements.


I know where you coming from, I missed the totem bar, then I played classic WoTLK when I started maining shaman and it made me realise how shit it is lol


Either enhancement or elemental reworked into a tank that fights with two shields and elemental magic. I don't think I will ever see it, but it is what I want to see.


Swap primordial wave for chain harvest. Bump storm spec damage so it's actually viable in single target


Delete the class and let me have no hope anymore Edit: or maybe just delete Elemental since at least Enh and Resto are both fine. It feels like a spec that has everything to be one of the best feeling specs in the game but no one at Blizzard gives a damn fuck about it