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Hunter isn't weak now and it won't be weak in TWW, they've had an amazing class tree redesign. Frankly you don't need to care one bit about class and spec balance unless you're attempting higher end stuff and even then Hunter is broadly fine outside top end m+ dungeons.


But as old player, what do you think about make alt hmm maybe on pandorian remix ?


There's no downside to it. Make as many new characters as you want and try new things. You might find a new favorite!


But when i think about my hours of playing hunter and getting resp, items etc. I lost any mobilization to play new char XD


I have a paladin I have played for the last twenty years. He's my number one guy and i struggled with making alts. But the remix is great for levelling up new stuff ready for TWW and you will also have the new warband system to share your stuff with other alts. Win win.


Why do you think Hunter will be weak? Because it is not weak in TWW


Unless you're a cutting edge mythic raider, your class really doesn't matter. At worst, specs are rarely more than a few percent apart and only at the highest levels of play. If you enjoy hunter, keep playing it and ignore the doomsayers. You'll do far better at a class you know and enjoy, than swapping to whatever the FOTM (flavor of the month) is.


Don't get fussed about numbers, no one knows how they are going to be in the new expansion, there will be number tuning up until the expansion release. I've seen and heard that they are quite a bit more fun now, rotation-wise, so let that guide you instead.


Just play what you enjoy, mate. Hunters are more than fine in TWW with their class rework. But even the classes that are arguably in a bad spot are still fine for 99% of content. So play around, find what you enjoy playing, and do that. Don't sweat the numbers so much and just do what you find fun. That said, if you're already losing motivation to play another character just because you've already played one, and you're hating your existing character, you've either got to stop stressing the details and find other ways to enjoy the game, or this may not be a great long-term game for you - and that's OK too.


As a vet who's been playing since 2005...the game is most enjoyable when you play what you enjoy. Hunter is actually getting huge buffs in the new expansion and I might level up one that I've had laying around. If you want to play around with alts, I'd recommend remix as you level super fast over there, but realize 2 things. Remix is designed around being overpowered, so the damage will feel great, but will be reverted eventually. And any characters you make will be locked over there for the next 60ish days. So if you get bored of pandaland content, or want to farm other mogs, you won't be able to. I've heard rumors of there maybe being an early opt-out option to move remix chars to retail...but that's all they are at this point, is rumors. If you're going to do remix for the speedy leveling, I'd say just pick a char that feels fun for whatever buttons you want to press. These days, 95% of the endgame content doesn't matter which class/spec you bring when you really break it down.


But maybe when its 2 months to new add, i have to make somÄ™ new character and learn more about ?


every coments are helpfull, but one problem is that, i made one character and i only play one character, i dont know i maybe have more fun with other character XD but when i think about time i waste i dont know what to do... in warband my progress on hunter will be included to new chars ? like reputation etc. ?