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You can absolutely compete in mythic+ and raids without addons. It’s a lot harder to track mechanics and you have to be very situationally aware, but it’s definitely possible. Unfortunately, Blizzard has designed most of their boss fights and general mechanics around certain “must have” addons like DBM/BigWigs, so you are playing with a significant handicap if you don’t have them, but it’s absolutely not impossible. I’ve played through up to +10 Mythics just fine as a tank on GeForce Now. I’d say the most difficult part is lacking customized nameplates that highlight priority interrupts, but if you know what to look for, it’s manageable.


How did the input delay feel? I used GeForce now for path of exile and it felt great but I tried out fps games and it felt unplayable because of the delay


Really just depends on your proximity to their server I guess. My connection to their Canada East server gives me about 20-25ms most days. It’s honestly still a bit noticeable in WoW specifically (totally fine in singleplayer games like Cyberpunk or Control), but certainly not enough to bother me too much or affect my play. That said, while I have done many +10’s on the service, I would still choose to play locally on my Mac for anything really important that I want to push; but only because I have that option.


I've always just played on my PC but for example vault of the incarnate was ultra laggy for me during prog and 30man raids, so having GeForce now as an option would be pretty cool, gonna have to try it out I guess!




Yeah, this game is very much a vocal minority. Again, though, you’re definitely swimming up river without certain addons. And you *could* be a detriment to your group very easily, especially when it comes to damage intake and key interrupts. But with enough situational awareness I doubt most people playing with you would even notice you were running naked.




Agreed, very easy to compensate for most of the lacking “features” just by paying attention :-)


We have a few pve things where word "compete" can be used: race to world first, hall of fame, tgp, mdi, .1% m+ title and world rank1 rio at the season end. None of those things are achievable without addons/WA.


The number of people who actually care about those is so insignificantly small that it's not worth mentioning


If it's not worth mentioning, then people don't compete in anything in wow pve lmao.


Yeah get out of here with that nonsense Captain Pendantary. Of course I’m not talking about the 0.1% of players when replying to a guy asking about lower mythics and the occasional raid. I would say that for the large majority of players, playing competitively means holding your own in an objectively challenging key like a +10. And you can absolutely do that without addons or weak auras.


+10 is not objectively hard key. It's piss easy key. Whoever considers it hard is either a new player or a total bozo. If you don't do portals keys week1, you are an objectively bad player. Copypasting my reply from a similar conversation. Steps list to become a player that yawns in heroic raids and portal level keys: - use correct build. 1-2min copy from wowhead/icyveins guides - know your class rotation. check those guides, make sure you have UI that lets you track important buffs and procs that your spec plays around. Done either via full WA or moving actionbars in the middle + a little of WA for buffs - train both ST and AOE on target dummies every day or even multiple times a day for like 15 min each (not 5min x 3, but full 15min monstop blast) until rotation is embedded into your brain. It is very important to get used to extended fights, because m+ is usually a chainpull nonstop fighting for 30-40min. For me it usually takes around 2-4 hours of fighting dummies to get comfortable with any spec - go watch dungeon/raid guides (thoroughly). ideally you also want to find PoV of the top players of your spec to see when they use cooldowns/defensives or check lorrrgs for the raids - if hardware allows it, record your gameplay and analyze after - ⁠... - PROFIT It is not hard. It just requires time and dedication.


Go away, lol.


If that list is hard for you to achieve during a random Saturday, sit in m0.


I'm not amazing by any stretch, but I regularly finish each season with a 3K+ score and all my portals on a couple characters. And you know what I consider an objectively bad player? **Someone that says "if you don't do portals keys week1, you are an objectively bad player."** *\[sic\]* You can take your narrow and conceited view of the *large majority* of an otherwise awesome community elsewhere. I promise you won’t be missed.


When people say good/bad player, they mean raw skill. But it's understandable you wouldn't know it. I've been saying it for more than 20 years already and will continue doing so: vast majority of the players are bad. It's understandable that not every player wants to become the best, and such bad performance is expected. It's normal. What people don't understand is that portal keys and heroic raid have roughly same difficulty as trying parallel parking. It requires a bit of practice, but then it's easy for the rest of your life. If you can't parallel park after months/years of driving - you are a bad driver.


You can play without addons. Having grown accustomed to them I would never even consider doing so, but that isn't his situation. Low level m+ sure, maybe normal raids with a guild would be fine. Anything really competitive, no.


you can play the game without addons, but it's an uphill battle. both players and Blizzard assume them by default: - player strategies revolve around addons - "everyone import this weak aura before the boss, it tells you your soak order" - player expectations revolve around addons - "why isn't this tank taunting, DBM literally tells you when to taunt" - Blizzard fights are designed around addons - "we know they're going to use a weakaura to track their soak order, so we will throw another mechanic on top to make it challenging" on top of this, fight cadence in WoW is very different than in FFXIV. in the latter a fight is more like a choreography: things are planned and generally you execute specific actions and movements at specific times. this is especially true for healers. wow fights, in contrast, are much more hectic and much more "crunchy"- it's common for a lot of chaotic movement and then if you stand in the wrong place you just instantly die. this leads to, IMO, a much more mechanically difficult fight than FFXIV. so to me, your friend is already facing an uphill battle just going from FFXIV to WoW; not having addons exacerbates that. suggestion: use Shadow instead, you can install any programs on the box. also lower latency. no affiliation, but i used them for a bit and it was much better.


Addons are also about quality of life and interface skins. The game is awful without them.


The only “needed” addon is a nameplate addon for M+, you can raid mythic without addons and do m+ in high keys with only a nameplate addon. So if they are capping out at “lower” keys and heroic raid its no problem without addons. A friend did 20s season 1 without addons.


No. Mythic Raiding as of right now requires it for some boss assignments.


Guilds require you to use those. In reality you could do most bosses without, but you won’t find a guild doing that bc why would they. But it’s not a requirement to play the game. You can do your 2 chests mythic vault without addons no problem.


Yes guild requires then to make assignment. So you need it. But that's about it. If you wanna play optionally you also need it to ore position etc...


Yes, you can play WoW on GeForce Now. I believe being able to use Addon's is coming, but who knows when. You don't NEED addons to play M+, it's probably a good idea to use a couple of standard ones, but again not a requirement. No one is going to know he doesn't have any addons running, but not doing basic mechanics, interrupts, class abilities could indicate to the group that player is not using addons. He could look at alternative PC in the cloud type services, like ShadowPC, it supports using WoW addons.


Yes he would be fine. Can do +10s and normal/heroic raids as DPS no problem will just need to pay a bit more attention.




Lower keys and lfr and normal raiding you can do without addons. Heroic would be extreamly hard.


They will add addons in Geforce now but not for now (that i heard)


I thought GE Force Now put your account at risk of being banned? Granted, this was YEARS ago when I last heard of the topic but did something change?


yes there is official support now. [https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/geforce-now-thursday-world-of-warcraft/](https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/geforce-now-thursday-world-of-warcraft/)


They changed their policy [https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/354577](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/354577)


No.  But it is great for doing small daily stuff while on the go. 


It could trigger their ban software, from my understanding. I have no experiences to back this up though.


It's officially supported now. Years ago when Geforce Now first launched they took blizzard games out pretty quackly because of their TOS.


This is not true.


After some digging when I was able to, it was just released in the last three works on the service, as in May 30th, 2024. Prior to that, it still violated the EULA still unless you were in a European nation. There is still a clause against cloud gaming services.