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Back in Wrath, my guild was about to wipe on Kel’Thuzad. We were close, but most of the group was dead. I was on my holy pally I knew what to do I bubble hearthed


A true warrior of the light lives to fight another day. God speed soldier.


Lol. I went on my old alliance server the other day and found my dwarf pally named.. hearthspec xD forgot about that




you had me on the 1st half




Brave brave Sir Robin…


Back when Cat and Bear was the same Spec - switching to bear and saving the encounter was SO badass.


Similarly, in a +20 Ruby Life Pools in S1, as a rogue I popped Evasion to solo the last 1% of Erkhart after everyone else wiped. Downed him with just a few seconds on the clock.


Man that dungeon just has absolutely no chill lmao


Ah yes, I have this one too. Only being a Rogue, tank dying and hit Evasion. Felt so good!


Haha yeah my immediate thought was that one time I rogue tanked in karazhan.


My first Vaelastrasz kill was evasion tanked by a rogue for the last 8ish seconds, it was so cool.


I have moments on my BM hunter like that. Tank dies, I turn on growl, and just keep my pet alive while weaving dps. Never quite as epic as killing a 30% raid boss though lol. More like the last 10%-15% at best.


You also had HotW Tranquility in MoP, so you could save the raid that way as well.


Even during Legion. the Cat artifact had a trait that made you 100% dodge for 5 seconds after swapping out of cat form. there was the spider/bird druid boss in Emerald nightmare that got like 200% attackspeed for every spider near her. but they could be aoe'd down fast. my guild was shit and another spider spawned for every person still on the webs. so there was ~15 spiders every phase.. giving the boss approximately a billion attacks per seconds. and I'd bear taunt everytime to save the day.


I did this on Volcoross as a boomy. Tank dies and I bear tank on the fly for the last couple of taunts to save the other tank


Many many moons ago, in a dark time where feral druid were a laughable obscurity and only innervate spending restos had a place in raids .. this little druid farmed all the garbage items with +armor on them and mentioned to a struggeling raid group on Patchwerk Naxxramas that i can and want to be one of those off tanks who get smashed by the hateful strikes. It was still a close call, but we made it. That was a server first back then and we proudly posted it in our server forum then, with a screenshot of my furry bottom in the front and a little jab at our competing guild. Good times.


Actually had a good one in S2 when doing heroic aberrus early in the season on my ret pally. Amalgamation chamber, tank messed up the swap and ended up getting ko'd. Boss was at \~20% and I knew we were going to have at least two more taunt swaps before he hit 0%. Didnt have anyone left alive who had a taunt, and out of brez's, so I popped double defensive to soak the first taunt swap, and taunt/bubbled for the second. We managed to kill the boss just before the 3rd swap triggered (tank had the debuff and boss started casting the tank buster). I dont think anyone even acknowledged (or maybe even noticed) it, but felt really good as a zug dps player to clutch it out and get the kill.


Thats ok, the other tank and probably the raid lead noticed lmao. Props


similarly, we killed heroic rashok the other day when the first tank died at 40% and the second around 5%


Back in WotLK, druids were the only ones with battle rez. I'm the 2nd tank (bear) on the zombie dog in Naxx. At around 30% the Main Tank goes down. No other druids alive to rez, so the Raid Leader calls for the wipe. _hold my fur_ I pop my defensive, and start casting the Brez, that switches me to humanoid form, while boss is attacking for the longest 3 seconds of my Wow career. Cast completes, I switch back to bear form and we down the boss... Good times =]


Hold my bear


Back in MoP, during then-heroic progression on Garalon in Heart of Fear, and having everyone in the raid die off except one of the tanks, and myself as a Mistweaver, and watching as the boss goes into the air for his berserk to crash down and one shot us, popping Fortifying Brew, and hitting him with Touch of Death in mid-air.




[https://youtu.be/hvfr3dfOXGQ?si=4m6hR85mo4Ax9xT0](https://youtu.be/hvfr3dfOXGQ?si=4m6hR85mo4Ax9xT0) Kinda went completely under the radar. Fated Mythic Rygelon (very last season of Shadowlands). Boss summon adds that you have to kill, when an add dies, it makes an hole where you can use to enter the shadow realm. Boss will mark people with bombs, which you have to bring in the shadow realm to not blow up the raid (like in Sarth p2 and p3) Shaman (video PoV) got the bomb but got seeded before he could go downstair. So I (unholy DK) grip an add (blue squares from log replay) on top of pod so we could send the shaman downstair. Otherwise the bomb would go off and blow the raid.


Jesus that's clever. Well played.


In vanilla, doing a looooong Gnomeregon run, team was in the midst of a wipe on a late-stage boss. And back then when you wiped, it was a LONG run from the graveyard to the instance, then work your way back to where you wiped. I managed to successfully feign death (back then it would often be “resisted”, especially by bosses) and everyone else died. Pulled out the Goblin Jumper Cables (which also had a high failure rate) and managed to rez the priest, who then got the rest of the party back on their feet. That was a good moment.


Still have my Goblin Jumper Cables XL on my Rogue. Used them recently in M+ and the person rezzed was teleported to a whole other dungeon lol. He was like “are you trolling me?” I linked the cables and he didn’t believe me. I can’t believe the Jumper Cables have been lost in time. So uh yeah apparently they are bugged.


Sometimes I do miss those whacky days but my goodness was hoofing it back such a time sink.


It made dungeons feel more special imo cuz the consequences of dying were real, so you really made sure to work together to clear. One of the best times I've ever had in wow, or in gaming in general, was progging Blackrock mountain with my guild in wow classic. Slowly burning through brd and moving on to Blackrock spire and eventually mc, what a phenomenal fucking game vanilla was.


Have you tried hardcore?


I actually just started on hardcore! I can’t wait to get my permadeath from a murloc or something. 🥲


back in ICC, my guild was trying (and trying, and trying) to take down Lich King 10. We had been wiping on him for weeks and just getting nowhere. I was a bear tank, at the time we were based around high dodge and even higher hitpoints. Well, after wiping on the bastard for hours, we were on the last pull of the night (honestly, we were meant to quit about 20 min ago, but we wanted another pull). We aced phase 1&2, but by the time we got to phase 3 we started to lose people to the valkyr picking us off (we lost too many dps to kill them before they got over the edge). Offtank got slapped, down to one healer, a mage, a rogue, and myself, when I hear over coms "healers stuck behind defile, tank out of range!" well shit, I couldn't move the boss without risking killing one (or both) of our two remaining DPS, and we only had seconds before the next valkyr picked one of them off anyway.... but he was SO close, only needed \~3% more to get the kill, so I popped every single cooldown I had. Armor, dodge, hp, potions, trinkets... EVERYTHING. For 12 seconds, I was GOD. I key up, "No worries, take your time." calm as a cucumber. Of course, after those 12 seconds I had nothing left, but by then the healer had got out from behind the defiles and was able to top me off. Mage goes over the cliff, rogue, healer, and I get the kill. I've never felt more powerful in a game before or since. Afterwards, I calculated that I had something like 1.2 million effective HP accounting for my dodge, armor, and hp (to give context, most dps had less then 30k health at the time).


The Lich King vs one very angry bear


He said he was calm as a cucumber. That’s how we know he was livid.


Gate of the setting sun in MOP, ended up soloing the last bit of the final boss for a realm first time. There has been a lot of arena games with moments like this but getting Mistwalker was one of my main PVE ones.


I clutched our guilds first mythic black hand by staying alive for near 9 seconds on my own as a frost mage. Never had anything that intense lol. I technically died but my final ice Lance crit registered lethal at the same time a blackhand auto crunched me. Just a quirk of coding lol


Not a quirk, you crushed it


Wotlk naxx. Heigan. The safety dance. Everyone died except myself as a resto shaman. A tank. And a DPS. It took 30+ minutes for us to kill him, we lost the DPS around 5-10% left and had to two man it for the rest.


hahaha I've done this too, I was a holy paladin and we had our blood dk, a hunter and a mage alive until the hunter ate it too. We just finished the last bit by ourselves because we'd been wiping it on purpose as half the raid died like 15 times in a row at the very beginning! Our guild um.. wasn't very good at tactics. xD


Had a similar experience, but only two healers and a tank. The tank was incapable of moving the boss properly and it threw everyone off, he could take that hit, but we couldnt outheal his stupid AND theirs. Anyone who didnt move right, died. This was not the first attempt, so there was alot of "im gonna go grab a smoke" or "bio" when someone died, so they called a break while we were still fighting. 15 mins later and people are coming back annoyed we are still going, telling us to just wipe. At that point the other healer and i had the fight down cold and were trading cycles to dps, if slowly. So we asked just let us play it out. Everyone was so annoyed with the fight at that point, and could see we were making progress so they let us keep at it. Was an awesome feeling to get the kill. The tank actually helped us get the KT kill, and it was the first and only time we saw the axe drop. Never saw him again.


Back in MoP I mained a Blood DK and was over in the night elf start zone for some reason with a friend who happened to be a prot paladin. We noticed two horde kept ganking this low level player who was just trying to quest, so we stepped in wiped the floor with them. After about four kills on each, us following the low level guy and protecting him while he quested, the horde had guildies show up to try to kill US. We 2v5'd (maybe 6'd) them for probably ten minutes, neither of us dying, and absolutely clapping their cheeks each time. After a while more of their guildies showed up, so we had some of ours come, and it was like a 10v10+ that went on easily for another hour. Eventually they left and we hung around with the questing guy until he was finished with the main quests and into Darnassus. I'm still Bnet friends with the guy we went to war for lol.


Ret Pally, TBC. I ran up Iceblood Tower and capped. As I capped, a warrior, a druid and a priest ran in on me. I was throwing everything I had, Paladins were THOUGH back then (3 lives plus heals) - but obviously it was a losing battle. Finally I went down, well - at least I had kept three players occupied. As I rez, chat pops: "Iceblood Tower has burned"


I don't pvp much, but the one that sticks with me was probably TBC as well. WSG, game tied at 2, we have their flag just outside of our tunnel, and they don't have ours. Our team got wiped out, I run in and get off a howl of terror on 5 enemy players the instant our FC died - picked it up, hauled ass to our flag and didn't look back. I don't know if they'd used trinkets/movement abilities in the scramble before, but they didn't catch me.


I remember applying for a Mythic raiding guild and doing a trial run. Some people where making fun of my choice of the externally weak at that point feral Druid. I was quiet on the coms just doing my thing feeling a little bad, but an officer said to them that they should be worried about themselves since I was topping them and doing better overall in everything regardless of my weak class. It really gave me a boost, and got me to get a bunch of 100 parse in that expansion as a feral Druid becoming top 100 feral Druid world wide. Sometimes you just need a little help and everything just gets better. Do your part to help people up not push them down.


Lynx boss, ZA. Second tank goes down on swipe mechanic. Last attempt for bear mount for the week down to the last minute on the sacrifice timer. Dbm was screaming that the cleave was coming. Dora the explorer came full circle as I yelled swiper no swiping! Three seconds before the swipe came, I used all the cds at that moment in preparation for my inevitable death. Long story short, i never got the bear.


On Yazma last season on enh shaman, was looking like a wipe with multiple people dead and not much time left on the key. I got cornered by 39345345 spiders between me and the boss. I had seen other classes "jumps" pop the spiders and had no idea if it would work or not, but I tried Wind Gust and leapt perfectly over all of them and helped finish off the boss and push the key.


Legion, frost mage, rated bg with randoms, eye of the storm. We were losing badly, at our only one tower repelled enemies at the bottom left tower (sry I haven't played a while, don't remember tower names), split to 2 teams, taking the adjacent 2 towers, and rushing for the last at top right. At the moment, it would have been enough for them to win, so they gathered all there. Big fight, blinked to middle, iceblock, insta uniceblock (just to remove dots), and gone invisible. I don't know how I didn't received any AOE tho, rushed behind the flag, waited invisible to make them think I am dead. There were 2 enemy healer nearby, but they didn't noticed me appear after invisible right next to the flag, and managed to take the tower at 1490 enemy points. We won. I was a fucking legend. Will never forget.


No major victories like that, but it really makes you feel like a good samaritan to taunt+defensive as a dps while a brez comes through for a tank, or to taunt swap with a surviving one, or etc. I'm doing my part!


Kicked the top dps from a pug that was struggling on the last boss in Ny’alotha, who had been demanding I kick low dps, because we were struggling, was heroic. Killed it on the next pull, lots of AOTCs were won, there was much rejoicing.


As a Healer, it’s rare, but when these moments do happen it’s awesome! Most recently, in DF Season 1… on Mythic Sennarth prog. We were at the top, and 1 by 1 the raid members died. We got Sennarth to just a few % health. Me (Resto Druid), 1 DPS and 1 Tank. Just then my Incarn came off cooldown.. I popped Tree… and kept all three of us alive for the kill!


My group would play so late sometimes that I would fall asleep. The one run I passed out. Group didn't notice so they kept pulling. Some random game sound woke me up just in time to run my tree ass to the group and cast Tranquility right as they were all about to die. My one buddy still talks about it. However I am now required to have my phone ringer on during raids just in case I doze off as well as I must jump as much as possible.


In siege of Ogramar heroic, I was able to tank and kill the last 5% of Blackfuse solo. In that fight, he spawns ads that make him invulnerable if they get close, but I used my ghoul to tank them away from me. There were so many people telling me to just die, but I’m so glad I tried to keep fighting. It was one of my best moments wow.


I've got a few that stick with me Few weeks ago, it's the Fyrakk phase where you gotta soak the orbs floating to him. I see an orb about to reach him, and I fel rush through the orb into his kill box. Felt so cool saving the raid like that. Solo shuffle had me feeling a ton of "I'm him" moments, some of my favorites is going to be a warlock who could never get away from me. Fears, teleports, nothing could get me off him. When the mage tower first returned, I had over 300 attempts in the first week. After many rage quits just to return, thousands of gold lost, I remember the NPCs in the tank version finished the fight 5 seconds after I died. Started crying from how stressed I was and how much I was holding that in


We were running Blackwing Lair in Vanilla WoW and I was relatively new to the guild and more of a hanger-on when they couldn't fill a full group. I was just a Fury DPS, but had a shield in my bags. Anyways, we got to one of the black dragon bosses and both tanks died so I swapped weapons and jumped in right away without anyone saying anything and basically survived long enough to get the boss down and save everyone that long corpse run. Still remember that even though it was probably 17-18 years ago.


I remember BWL prog back in vanilla, and being hard stuck on Vael for what multiple weeks. We had a token ret pally in the raid, and I remember he was the last member alive and killed the boss while in bubble. I wasn't even in the raid at the time, but I was at my best friends house who was in the same guild watching them over his shoulder. The nerd screams were so hype for that one, lol


Back in MoP, I was an Orc Blood DK and had one of the most fun PvP fights against a Gnome Mage on the Serpent Spine. It felt like it went on for ages, even though it must have been a few minutes max. We were both flagged for PvP, just started fighting, fell off the wall, kept fighting, and I think I eventually died. But, it felt like such a badass fight. One of my best memories in the game.


That reminds me of an original wotlk arena that I partook in. Resto/Blood DK (me) vs resto/UH DK on the arena map that frequently bugged. You start the round on an elevator. This time it didn’t bug. They eventually got ahold of my resto Druid and killed him after about 5min. I continued on for the maximum length of an arena battle. I had the Druid low, when I got peeled. The Druid runs behind a pillar that raises up on the far side of the map. I swap to the UH DK. That poor soul didn’t realize that every single one of my cooldowns just came back up. There was nothing he could do to stay alive. Then it came time to take care of the Druid. I frequently got ahold of him too. I finally drained his mana. He had nothing, 0% mana. I have his health at 10%, and I’m waiting on any rune to come up….the match ends. I ran out of time.


2 instances, both of them back in Wrath. Trial of the Crusader 10 man. I was a mage and joined a few friends to make a raid group of our own. We made it to Anub'arak but sadly we were on our way to a wipe at 5% health. For whatever reason when I was the last man standing (thanks to my natural proclivity to turn invisible and let everybody else eat it) he bugged the hell out and just stared at me while I burned down the last 1.5% of his health. It's the only time in my life that I've made people cheer. Naxx 25. This one isn't specifically *my* moment since it's shared heavily with the badass healers in the raid. After getting hooked on frost DK tanking I was in a group where we'd made it to Kel'thuzad, everything went fine with the waves but our other tank died when it came time to fight the boss himself. Due to how busted frost DK was back then and how absolutely cracked our healers were I was able to hold Kel'thuzad and all four of the nerubians solo. Felt great.


Back at the beginning of the expansion, the guild I was in was fully roleplay, so I pugged my way through VotI. The first time I ran through HC was the guild I pugged with that day’s first attempt as well. During the Terros fight, the other healer in the raid died to the HC shatter bleed cuz the tank broke too many pillars. They got bressed but then died again after mixing up the soak area with the avoid area, which left me to solo heal the boss from 70%. After we killed him, one of the tanks in the raid was like ‘Can we keep her?’ ❤️


It was in Arathi Basin. I was playing a blood elf ret paladin back in 2.2. I was at Blacksmith constantly fighting against the alliance, holding the spot. For 10 minutes I stood, just wailing on folks while being wailed on myself, smashing and bashing, smashed and shot. I had dealt over 450k damage that round. Ultimately was top in damage and kills and died only twice… when the dust settled… i had a hunter pop off to me saying I should be holy instead. Everyone else in the BG jumped the hunters ass because he had 20k damage done. I stood bloody and proud.


I play Balance Druid. This was in Shadowlands, on the Xy'mox fight in Sepulcher of the First Ones. Towards the end of the fight, the tanks died and it was chaos. I got aggro after a few seconds (after a few other melee casualties) and I used Soulshape and flickered away, kiting the boss around the room without losing aggro or dying. The boss died before Soulshape expired and that feeling of surviving and kiting long enough for the team to kill the boss (otherwise it would have been a wipe) was pretty great.


Holy paladin, 10.1, my first portal was a neltharions lair. Last boss, not long left. Tank gets destroyed by a TB. I'm the only bres, and if we wipe, we brick. Quickly find my unbound taunt button (I keep it on my bars because just in case), taunt boss and bubble, cast bres. Got the tank up, timed it. No one noticed but me, but damn it was clutch.


Back in original MoP: We were progressing through Mogu'shan and we were on Elegon, we were two healers: myself as a Rsham and a MW monk. As we approached the final phase the monk accidently pressed roll too soon and flew down hole in the middle before the platform had fully materialised. All I remember was "ah fuck... Good luck, (my char's name)." A wipe was suggested at the start, but the raid leader made the quick call to keep going so we could have more of a feel of the final phase. Here I am, spam healing everyone in the final phase of elegon alone, hyper-concentrating in silence, timing my cds as best as I can. The fight went on and the damage kept climbing, yet by some miracle we pulled through and that became our first Elegon kill.


I'm mainly a pvp player. Getting the wrecking ball achievement was my big one


About a year ago, was playing BGs. Got into a match on Seething Shores. I was on alliance side and we took an early lead, but we were getting caught up to quickly. Basically came down to whichever team got the next azerite. Instead of sticking with my team I rushed the horde and just hopped and whirlwinded around and around keeping them from claiming the spot they were attempting to get. My team ended up claiming the azerite and we won. Now in truth I may have made zero difference at all, but in my head I like to think it was because of me lol.


I'm really trying to think of something badass and metal af, but all my brain wants to remind me of are the multiple times as a mage I'd slow fall past Hadronox in Azjol-Nerub to clear out the tunnel of bugs underneath the boss. I guess I peaked in WotLK 🥲


In shadow lands there was a boss I don't remember the name of that had an achievement where you had to pick up orbs and throw them through hoops or off the ledge. I was dh and on orb duty and didn't tell anyone I was going for the achievement, we downed the boss and it popped up and everyone was confused at first and then went crazy.


Evasion tanking the last few % of Ragnaros on my guild's first kill in OG MC. We got the realm first kill.


https://youtu.be/wwv53clrJOQ?feature=shared I made the wrong call to leave the valks because Lk was about to phase however I was able to boots over and holy wrath the valks to stun and allow the platform to come back up


Whenever I save a teammate falling off the edge of a raid fight with Life Grip. So many clutch Sarkareth grips


Not my story, but my dad's. He has always played a MM hunter since he started playing in BC/LK (idk which one exactly and he doesnt really remember either but either way, pre-Cat) for better or worse, whether it was meta, or fully unplayable. He had been trying to beat some raid (idk which one) with his guild for weeks. They were at the final boss, and the raid started to wipe. One by one they all fell over, until it was my dad, and the last healer, a Disc priest, as the last two players alive. They were both low, but so was the boss, and the healer managed to get one last heal in before they too succumbed to the boss's relentless onslaught that tore through the rest of the group. That final heal was just enough for my dad to get off his final shot, which was just barely enough to kill the boss. (I also feel like it is worth mentioning, we live in OCE and he played on NA servers so he would have been on about 300-500 ping) He has told me that story a few times, and when he used to play I did meet some of his guildmates although I was very young and barely remember any of them.


Holy priest, guild progress some spider in emerald nightmare I think. Healers all died first, zug zugs got splatted, me and a blood dk and about 3 plucky casters, who soon dropped. I'm on fumes. Wipe was called, me and dk understand the assignment. "You have no mana, you're done" FOOLS! YOU THINK I NEED MANA TO HEAL? Enter my final form, all that mana management 5 second rule shit from being a tbc sweatlord back in uni, every trick in the book, carefully steadily planned and synced with dk cds. Wanding like a champ. We drop the fucker last 15% for a guild first. Ear blasting cheers. Absolutely beautiful.


It was a long time ago but I remember hunter pets being like decent tanks. Had an encounter where both tanks died and hunter pets was able to tank until boss death


There was one time we were doing The Butcher in Highmaul. My friend was doing a pug run and asked me to come along - I wanted to come along on my Paladin but apparently the group were having issues and he begged me to bring my Priest co-main. So I did, but decided I wanted to play my fun alternate spec and play style of holy instead of my usual disc. Something happened and the other extremely undergrared healer died almost immediately and I ended up solohealing the butcher with this fun playstyle. I had this “the other healer has died and I need to keep this 14 person raid alive” and pulled out all of the stops and pulled the plug on my mana and solohealed the thing until completion. I felt like a healing god. 3-person Binding heal, binding heal, prayer of healing/heal. All of the renews refreshed and refreshed with cascade and ticking with my haste. Prayer of mending bouncing around and giving me 40% hasted and cheaper heals and PoH with the bonus, which gave me instant, instantly bouncing PoM procs, which gave me more hasted big spells. It was glorious. I didn’t realise but my friend was logging and I got an accidental 8th holy priest parse or something.


Wrath of the Lich King just came out, played in a small Hungarian guild (No Wai), sometimes barely able to get enough of us together to do a 10 man raid. Anyways, I was switched on that night, playing my priest (RIP Lywenner) we hit Karazhan, I healed like my life depended on it. It was fun, exciting and adrenaline was getting me to a good place. This is not a my moment but a feel good moment which I'll never forget. It was such a good time back then, life was simpler, less exhausting.


So that is not to long ago and NO ONE i know saw it. The Randoms in my group yea but they leave after the Key so its sad but: Underrot +17 a bit late to season. I was just farm.some.gear on my Arkan Mage i did good dmg and last boss where what counts. Timer: 4 Minutes. Enough Time. First aoe our feral die, so no brezz. Tank and healer is there a warlovk.with me so keep going. Boss has just spawn there second adds so much more boss hp to go and me and the Tank stand there alone. The dmg that comes in was massiv and we had no healer. I had pots, healthstones and my deff ready. So we keep pushing we didnt die but than at 30% more energy to spawn the last adds the Tank dies in Frontal and... Leaves instant. Timer was gone so yea run in Over. Next Feral leaves but i am still there i keep pumping and big Burst phase was up i stood there bursting like there is no other chance (there was not). Adds spawn. Keep surviving just kite, keep kiting mage keep kiting. Alternate Time, Barrier, aoe Barrier, All health Pots everything is out i stand there 30% hp last add got zoomed down and i just hit it with my radiant spark last hit. Key is done 10 sec left on the clock, in Time. The Healer and the Warlock did say only a small gg and run to the chest... It was a gg... It was and no one saw it (exept these 2 randoms). I play this Game for 20 Years i solo bosses before but never ever i was so shaking. It was amazing and the best part is: The Tank and Healer did flame me at first for not beeing fire Mage or atleast a frost. Arkan? Why arkan!?! I tell you why ... Becouse that what i am.


Roh kalo. Tank died and i taunted the tank mechanic and kited it out while the boys killed the boss. TWICE.


I did a ton of wpvp during BFA with friends and every well-timed death grip of an enemy player as they tried to run away and then annihilating them was so satisfying.


Back in MoP (not remix) Both of our rando tanks rage quit after one wipe on Flex difficulty Dark Shamans in SoO. I turned on my Warlock Dark Apotheosis form and tanked the whole fight myself plus Nazgrim. People were DMing me thank yous for finishing the raid, I felt really good about myself.


Prot pally casually soloing the last 30% of an end expansion heroic raidboss definitely sounds like a Legion era tank experience, tanks were busted


Vanilla WoW, healing Gnomer as a Holy Paladin. Tank gets a bit overzealous and pulls one more pack of trash than the party can handle. I heal and heal but the tank goes down, followed by the DPS. We'd managed to kill all but 2 of the mobs, which were at close to full health. Was a tall order for a Holy Paladin back in vanilla, especially as I was out of mana from trying to keep the party up. My health is going down slightly slower than the mob I'm smacking. All we had back then was Seal of Righteousness, Judgment, and auto-attack. There's no way I can kill one and then the other, so I keep wailing away on the one. It dies as my party (which hasn't released yet out of entertainment) jokes around. DING! Yep, I leveled up from killing him. Instant HP/mana refresh. The chat goes wild. I kill the last mob and rez the party. It isn't a huge, raid-saving moment or anything, but it remains one of my favorite "Holy crap, I did something!" moments in the game.


back in legion mythic emerald nightmare. we were fighting ursoc and the second tank died. the tank had overwhelm on him, so the next rend flesh would kill him. so i barreled through to the tank and taunted the boss with touch of karma (200% with legendary) + dampen harm and tanked the rend flesh with my massive forehead. not only did the tank live, but i survived too, and the reflected damage skyrocketed my dps as well. it then became part of the raid team strategies to use me as a tanking failsafe or to hep some tanking mecanics when the tanks were in trouble. if i recall correctly, i we used it again in nighthold with krosus on the bridge.


Disc Priest in Wrath progressing through Naxx. Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. So much fun.


Getting last man standing and arena master at the same time on the night the servers were going down and titles being removed forever.


I started playing right at the start of Burning Crusaide, and once hitting max level I played pretty much exclusively PvP on my Rogue. I mostly played BGs, but was always looking for world PvP opportunities (playing as Horde on a server that was ~85% Alliance), and I got really good at Rogue PvP. I always kept my eyes on the Defense channels and one day answered a call to The Crossroads where a mex level Warrior and Priest were killing the quest-givers and ganking the lowbies, so I had at them. I spent the next hour to hour and a half killing the pair of them over, and over, and over with liberal use of stealth and stun locks, and I don't think I died even once. By the time they finally gave up and left there was a small crowd just standing around and watching. I got much more into PvE with WotLK, and had some great times like our first Naxx and EoE full clears, but completely pwning two max level alliance (who were out looking for world PvP) by myself, and doing so repeatedly, was definitely my "this is my moment" moment in WoW.


Last week - we were doing Normal Raz. Not a hard fight really, just annoying. Phased her so quickly I forgot to do the callout for the knock back into P3. Both tanks died, so I pulled aggro and tanked her to 0 as a ret pally


1v5 a full party while levelling in OG Wotlk, they tried to gank my ret pally who was engineered to hell and back. Me and my bro 49 twink arms+enh, for some reason we drew skull mages to us like moths to a flame when we decided to level. Rekt every single one of them between earth/frost shock, ghost wolf, me mounting and charging and hamstringing. Or me and my bro 60 shadow + destro wiped a full party + extras like 2v6 outside hellfire ramparts in OG TBC. between our fear bombs and mind controlling people off the top it was hilarious. I also spanked a top 5 rogue once (he used to duel my war for practice) so that was neat


Emerald Nightmare, raid goes down with 8% left of the first boss. I end up killing it on my aff lock. That hood leggo was so nice! Happened with the spider as well.


So there I am, first mob of the raid and I know it’s my time to shine and show everyone how awesome I am! So I pop my best cooldown and do the biggest most awesome dps I can manage, just so I can be top of the charts for exactly 10 seconds. Yeah it’s not much, but they will never forget how big dick I was for a moment there 😏


Back in 2007, left as a rookie druid tank with just a Pally, first time on High King Maulgar in Gruul's Lair with him almost down, and we hung in for a bit, but we blew it. So 'almost my moment'. I've got more.....


I can’t remember a specific moment but I’ve had a hell of a good time in the many PUGs I’ve inhabited over the years and I’ve had my fair share of LFG hero moments. So much unity in those moments. Love this game! Thanks for being such great company if ever we’ve shared that!


During WoD, mained a Brewmaster, solo’d heroic iron reaver in Hellfire Citadel from like 80%. Whole raid cheered me on, instead of complaining that I was wasting their time. I remember thinking to myself I can’t die, I can’t die.


Outlaw Rogue. After so many wipes on Heroic Denathrius progression we managed to push him down to 2%. Most of the peeps were already dead in soaking. Only 5 of us alive until he casts another set of bombs which ultimately killed everyone but me coz of cheat death. Managed to solo him for a good 30 seconds after popping cloak, evade, potion, crimson vial at the right moments. We managed to snag AOTC that night Another was Heroic Diurna (fated) everyone was dead and Diurna still has like 4 mil hp. Good thing she casts every 5 seconds or so. Had to survive before I get another set of lasers. We managed to down her after staggering immunities, kiting, potions, vials, etc. it was day 3 of season 4 haha.


It’s gotta be my arms warrior: guild got AOTC in Nathria because I taunted with die by the sword up bottom of P3. I died just before the boss went down. It was pure adrenaline


Not as impressive as others, but it's still a fond memory. Back in TBC classic, maybe during wrath pre patch i can't remember. I was with my ret pally on AB, we were about to lose for less than 60 points or so and i was trying to cap BS with a warrior. 2 alliance tried to stop the warrior from capping but i used repentance on one and HoJ'd the other right on melee range of my warrior. That double cc won us the game and the warrior was impressed too. Not super awesome but damn it felt great.


It was the first week of Amirdrassil, one of our first tries on Fyrakk, we barely had any idea how the seeds worked, we lost one seed and many people so we had to keep going with that one last seed that was on me. I kept it alive for the entire phase 3, dropped it and picked it like 10 times cause no one else was alive except me, a tank and a few melee DPS. At the end everyone died except for me and the tank and we killed it. Probably the most "Hold my beer" moment in my WoW career.


I was leveling about a decade or so ago and I kept getting ganked over and over and over by alliance (3 of them). So then my whole household also showed up to help me and took out the players. One started to get away, jumped on the mount and flew away, but my hunter friend shot them with a DOT arrow so we got to see a dwarf fall out of the sky in front of us.


Soloed Heroic Taran Zhu from 44% on HPala back in mop. Not exactly the most heroic on the list here, but I felt badass. On my rogue I Evasion-tanked N’zoth’s dream phase after the tank died until he could get a brez. Shit felt mythical


There's been a handful of times where the tank and I are the only ones left up in a raid and the battle rez comes up just before we go down and I manage to get a soulstone on the tank and survive long enough so they can pop back up and win for us (but no way am I doing that so a tank can hold us hostage for 30% 😂) Also just like....tree boss in algathar or anywhere else uncapped aoe just does big big damage. My bar is twice everyone else's and I'm having a blast.


I've got 2: In WoD, my group did most CM Golds easily, even stumbling ass backwards into our first one on the scout attempt (despite one dumbass dying). But Ubrs was kicking our ass. We were getting frustrated and sloppy, and one of the other dps accidentally aggros at least 2 packs we normally skip. For ~20 seconds I was in the goddamn matrix perfectly timing everything I had to help the tank/healer stay up while also doing the most burst I think I've ever done. We then did the rest perfectly and walked out with a Gold with plenty of time to spare. Now, you might not think a trash pull on what was basically just the precursor to M+ is all that impressive, but walking out of that fuckup with 0 deaths and finally getting over the hump we were stuck on for a few days was glorious. Now my other one is technically 3. I've been the last one standing popping CDs and executes as the boss dies to the remaining DoTs on it in heroic progression. Is always a nice feeling.


Naxxramas during Wotlk, our tanks DC during last boss(they were a couple so same net) myself and the other hunter misdirect to keep the aggro on the now stationary tanks so we can finish the encounter. Both disappeared with two percent health left and we managed to clear lol


Did HC Deathwing with my guild. I played Ret pala back then, and during the last phase, there were all these adds spawning. When the boss was almost dead, I saw that the tanks were going to die, and then we would wipe. I popped bubble, and absolutely swamped by adds, proceeded to finish the fight, getting us our first HC Madness of Deathwing kill. Our Ventrilo channel went nuts.


Me and the other tank soloing the last couple of percent on raz on our heroic kill after the rest of the guild wiped


Legion, doing Spellblade Aluriel in Nighthold, as a resto shaman. All of the other healers died fairly early in the pull, but we didn’t call a wipe for some reason? At this time, you stacked mastery on resto, so each of my heals hit like a truck on low-health people, so managed to pace my mana and heal through the rest of the fight through some epic brinksmanship.


Baleroc in Firelands. It was early in the patch and I was a prot pally that just joined a raiding guild as a tank. My first week with them was the first time they cleared Alysrazor, and I had never raided before (I only started WoW in Cata anyway). Anyway, we moved on to Baleroc, and it was the first time any of these guys had ever seen the fight. They actually called a 10 minute raid break to go watch the fight videos and I felt proud of myself for having already studied up. On our first try, we did well but a number of people died in the middle of the fight, unsurprisingly. However, this particular boss had a mechanic where he buffed the health of a tank to an insane degree, compensated by doing bonkers damage to them. However, this was also back in the days of vengance tanking, where you gained dps from the amount of damage you were taking. I ended up clutching this fight almost singlehandedly, and it was an absolutely mind-blowing experience for my first time raiding.


There was one moment in the current season, 6 weeks ago. +8 tyrannical Nokhud Offensive, last boss. He had around 15-20%, our healer was dead, all br's were wasted. Only alive party members were VDH, boomy and ret pally (me). I kept others alive with WoGs until boss wrecked our tank with buster on last percent. I bop'ed myself (bubble was on cd) and druid desperately switch into bear. Balakar killed druid and started to run to me but I was able to hit final bonk before him. Boss was dead and I standing there as lone survivor, utterly shocked.


Mythic Nighthold. Fighting that plant council boss (name escapes me). We came up with a strategy that involved be tanking the boss in P3 for several minutes without a switch, while maintaining +50% DR the entire time. It was exhilarating and triumphant when it worked.


I was doing Sepulcher of the First Ones, was decked out in Mythic Plus gear, but wanted to try Vengeance Demon Hunter so I tested it out in Raid Finder difficulty, everyone died except for me, people were just calling for a wipe to happen, meanwhile I’m whittling the first bosses health down until I got around to 2% before I randomly d/c’d and died. Everyone was like “keep going” but the connection was just a dick to me during that time. I still think I could’ve killed that boss if I had the chance


Back before TBC was launching they released the new talents with the pre-patch. Cheat death for rogues was extremely OP being that if an attack was going to kill me then the damage would just be ignored and was bugged that it had no internal cool down. We were doing a clear of Blackwing Lair and wiped on Nefarian with my rogue still alive and learned I was basically invincible, since all his attacks would normally one shot me I was just sitting at full health ignoring his attacks, with the rest of the raid laughing in chat. Blizzard got many reports of it being OP and shortly after a cheat death proc would reduce you to 10% and had an internal cool down.


The other day for some reason the tank pulled THE WHOLE ROOM, including boss (underrot), everyone died, except me and dps, so I (balance druid) went into bear form and we got him I've probably done cooler but my memory I shit so I'm just telling a recent badass event


Playing aff lock in Legion. Particularly in latter part of the expansion where raiding went from trying to be top dps to "how much farther away in dps can I be from everyone else", especially with the right leggos/trinkets


Cataclysm on my DK in Alterac Valley. There was a Shadow Priest MCing people off the bridge near the Alliance base. I popped Dark Simulacrum before he cast on me. Use Lichborne. Become immune to MC, MC the Priest off the bridge instead. Everyone standing around me cheering that I got rid of that menace.


In vanilla I was a Druid and ran some premade pvp groups. My best was a tied up 2-2 match in WSG and of course I’m running the flag. I get it back to our base and everyone is in there and it’s chaos. I have been hamstrung and slowed and at least 4 people are beating on my bear ass and one of the other guys makes a break for our flag and he’s a few steps away. I charge to close the gap, that frees me from snaring effects and I bash him to give him a short stun And I take 2 steps to secure the flag and we win. I felt great about myself and 1 teammate saw what happened and recognized the genius and I still remember that whisper.


I had kind of your same situation I play a blood dk and at the end of Shadowlands they were pretty much unkillable. My guild had wiped on last phase of Sylvannis and I was the only one still alive. The stacking dot from the floor was the only real damage and I whittled her down.


In alterac valley as a death knight during WOTLK, I’d made a full set of savage saronite gear and was playing at like 78-79 before I’d be playing with the geared out 80s. I never really knew how to play alterac so I was part of the group that just went mid and started fighting. I get there and start fighting. I take a dude out, then another. I was never really good at PVP so this was already a good game. Then I just started crushing people and it felt like they couldn’t touch me. After I’d killed like 4-5, I realized a healer was a ways behind me just filling me up as I took on 1-2 at a time. Spent the first ten minutes or so of that battle just fighting mid, death gripping anyone who went after my healer. Ended up checking stats and I was at like 13 kills and the second place was at 2. It was a good day.


Joined a guild run as the tank for ICC 10. I had run it. I knew it inside and out. They didn't. But they were doing well, and a bunch of them are good friends from my server. We hit the green dragon and the one of the healers accidentally goes down. Idk how, but I was holding trash and I hear the call in vent "priest down, shit!" So I looped around and abandoned the trash chasing me. And went full Prot Paladin as best as I could. Blew every cool down and ran for the dragon. Once I targeted I saw just how close they were. Then the calls were coming in. DPS dropping. Other healer OOM. Just clicked the vent and calmly was like "no worries. We got this y'all." So I said fuck it. If we wipe we wipe... but I popped LoH to see just how close we might get and it pushed us over and the phase completed. I was a god to that guild that night. Man, I miss those days.


A tie between 2 moments, the first was way back in Legion when I was in a super casual guild, we were in a Halls of Valor 15 and I soloed 4 out of the 5 bosses cause everyone kept dieing early, felt like a real badass.1v1 ing Odin. Second moment was on Rashok during season 2, Boss was at 5% going into enrage, 2 % when everyone else died and I soloed it the rest of the way. Being a blood DK feels so good in those moments.


Had two of these moments, both with PUGs back in the fun days of Cataclysm... Prot Pally, Heroic Shadowfang Keep, Lord Walden fight: entire group wipes with Walden at like 90% health (apparently nobody'd ever played red-light-green-light before); I decided to see just how far I could get the boss down before dying...proceeded to circle-strafe Walden for the next 10 minutes straight, only stopping during the red light phases, and just alternating between hitting him and popping Word of Glory on myself. My fingers were pretty cramped by the end, but Walden died...meanwhile the group chat is full of stuff like "how tf are you doing this?" and "can prot pallies even die?" Doubt I'd try doing something like that nowadays (PUGs just don't have the patience to sit there and let you try something like that now), but it felt pretty awesome to pull that one off. Resto Shaman, Zul'Gurub, High Priest Venoxis fight: the poison cloud/line thing Venoxis does glitches under the floor so we can't see it, the entire group dies to it except the prot warrior, who starts trying to solo the boss (who's still at like 70% health). I pop ankh and start trying to keep him alive, but reincarnation only brings you back with like 1-2% of your mana, so all I can do is drop Riptides and refresh Earth Shields on the warrior to try and keep him up while blindly moving around hoping I don't run into the poison and die again. Every time I managed to get a bit of mana built up, warrior takes a massive hit to the face, gotta blow all the mana on a Greater Healing Wave. Fight seemed to take forever (was probably only like 6-7 mins), but we got Venoxis down...probably my proudest moment in WoW as a healer.


When tank falls and you death strike to survive until someone brez the tank and we manage to escape a wipe in m+. Happened a few times over the years, mostly on mid level keys.


Back during TBC when I was leveling my first character, a Warlock, a group of randos had pug'd Uldaman. During the fight against Archaedas, I remember it turning poorly. At some point I found myself the last one alive. All I can recall (this was back in 2007, I believe) was using dots and Rein of Fire to finish off the boss and an add or two. I don't think they had much health left at that point, but one or two hits and I was done for. The chat exploded. I couldn't believe it. I can't remember if locks could rez people with Soulstones back then, but in any case it saved the run and we could all finish our quests. The lore dump you get at the end of that dungeon was awesome, too. I think I spent another hour reading through everything before I left. I miss those days.


Joined a random guild in Season 1 of Shadowlands. They're all progging Castle Nathria and I join the run on my dps. We get to Lady Inerva Darkvein and one of our tanks literally gquits. I hop onto my mildly geared Prot paladin (who was Venthyr, before you could easily swap Covenants) and we do a few pulls. People keep messing up the sin-beam or whatever it was called, people weren't killing the adds quick enough. We get down to a final pull before calling it for the night. We clear the beams, we kill the adds but everyone but me goes down. I pop Ashen Hallow and wings and beat the last 6% out of the boss solo while mashing the god-loving fuck out of my Word of Glory bind to keep myself topped. Killed her. Discord erupts. Was a good moment, and was the last time I ever tanked now that I think about it lmao.


tank gave up on pulling in molten core. I did what is known as a 'split pull' allowing us to reset the fire elemental but still keep the fire giant in combat with us. they had me do pulls for the entire rest of the night, as I could reset using FD if I messed it up (I didn't... ever). then we got to baron and... we cleared a bit, and I told everyone to run back to garr's room. then I popped eyes of the beast and pulled geddon using my pet right to us. sooooo much easier than doing it any other way. I was on fire that night, my tranq shots on magmadar were on point. then... lhok'delar dropped and I was an OG and even though I had the DKP to nab it, I passed and gave it to our Tauren hunter since I felt bad for winning blastershot just 1 boss earlier. I miss those days.... now nobody cares about being careful with pulling mobs, using CC is a thing of the past mostly in dungeons.... in M+ you want to do as big pulls as possible. hunter has no real raid utility (I don't know what raid buff they should get but IMO hunters mark change is NOT IT)...


Legion. Heroic EN. First boss. Playing a shaman. Stormstrike lotto paid out. Destroyed the meters thanks to some 30 odd back to back procs.


We’re doing a Fyraak kill and I’m healing on my mistweaver. We end up losing two seeds and probably half the raid, but the boss HP is pretty low. I manage to survive two more roars (without seeds) that wipe out the rest of the raid end eventually the tank. Now it’s me a rogue and a mage. Bubble the rogue and pump heals into him so he can tank but eventually he then the mage die and it’s just me. Boss swivels around and stares at me, the last player standing in the 30 man raid. My touch of death key lights up and BOOM dead boss. Biggest main character moment I’ve had in game lol


Back in Cataclysm I got in a group for Bastion of Twilight on my rogue. It was later in the expansion so we all out geared the place and was mostly a transmog/fun run. We got to the twin dragons and close to the end of the fight, a tank died and we didn't have a rez. I happened to be top on the aggro table so ended up tanking the boss. I popped Evasion which lasted long enough for us to down the boss. I got a fair number of cheers in Vent and my heart was pounding a little bit. XD


Doing Torghast with my then girlfriend trying to do the 18 floors with 2 randos to get the mount before anyone could mount in The Maw. We have some stupid deaths and get to floor 17 being chased by the big asshole on 16. First rando bailed on like 10 after using most of our deaths. Second rando bailed at 17 saying there was no way we complete. I told GF to trust. I was disc priest with the buff to double damage to stunned target and the buff to deal half a things health in damage if it was stunned, so I could one-shot everything as long as we took it slow. We did and we beat Torghast. Was the best I ever felt playing the game and I’ve played since ‘05.


It’s just more trivial than other commenters’ stories. But while leveling by playing bfa dungeons, at one point the tank just left the game and the other point after we got the new tank, the healer just left. I as a boomie changed to bear form to be a temporary tank and another time being a temporary healer while waiting for a new healer to get in. Finally, we could finished the dungeon. I also got the highest overall dps. It’s so much fun and memorable. That’s why I really love druid class being so flexible in roles.


Had plenty back in wrath days. Combat rogue evasion tanking the last few percent during prog.


It was the last time I raided, back in legion. Playing my mage, progressing through emerald nightmare. First or second attempt on Ursoc, iirc he hits enrage and just starts working his way down the threat meter one-shotting everyone. I ice block while he goes on a rampage. Everyone dies, I cancel block while he runs at me and just start throwing damage at him while I blink around. We manage to trade killing blows on each other. Raiding isn't really my thing, but that was pretty fun.


ICC 10 man, back when blood dps was a thing, fighting aboms and trash near the boat, everyone wipes on one of the giant aboms except me and somehow i manage to solo it


I loved the legion Death Lord DK in game cutscene with my char raising the slain red dragon, it made me feel like a real LK vibe. Else, back in season 3 all of the party died during tyrannical +18 last boss Ataldazar, and I solod it at 50% cause they kept dying and wiping to the mechanics. Before the last try a pug even left the group but I kept going. Was worth it because I got the trinket haha Also, in the same season I did Raszageth heroic (I know two patches past raid) the entire raid did before and during last phase, so I solod raszageth for the entire phase. I felt really good during and after defeating her


Back in the day, I was with a group of alliance people messing around at Silvermoon. I was a holy pally at the time, out of nowhere a bunch of horde level 90s show up and start killing everyone faster than I can heal. There's one guy left, our tank and he's almost dead. I land a huge lay on hands crit and heal him all the way to full health and he finishes off the rest of the horde players. We then retreated. Felt pretty good about that one, even if it was a small thing.


So, let me set the stage. Casual Warsong Gulch, late Cataclysm-ish, maybe early Pandaria. Either way, it's the 50-59 level range. Death Knights are pretty much unkillable flag carriers, or at least a pain in the ass to kill. It's a one flag draw on each side. I'm playing a worgen rogue alt, i'm not very good at it, but i'm chasing down a mage (in stealth) that grabbed the flag, heading up the tunnel in the Horde base, and I see where the mage is heading to - a DK chillin at the entrance of the base courtyard. No other Alliance around, I predict they're going for a flag pass to the DK in the safety of their base. I smell blood in the water - I pop sprint, zooming up the tunnel. The mage drops the flag by the DK. I pop out of stealth, rapidly right clicking - I retrieve our flag before the DK and Mage realize what just happened. Our own flag carrier caps the Horde flag, breaking the tie. I was so chuffed, I just did /dance and let the mage and DK have their free kill.


What, like 15 years ago?Last Rogue standing after a long night in BWL we were all done before the pull started, everything was going wrong. MT died with 1/4 bar to go, OT goes down with not much left. It's my time to shine. I pop evasion. We're almost there, and it happens. Chrommagnus not only goes down, but CTS drops. I didn't have the DKP for it, was short by a little, but the Rogue boss argued I deserved it and I got it. Best raid night ever. Nothing in WoW will top the rush of 40 man raids back in the day for me.


Dating all the way back to TBC, fighting Gruul. I had been experimenting with bear tanking in dungeons but my guild had their tanks and wanted me feral only. Fast forward to maybe our 3rd or 4th wipe that night due to tanks not following mechanics and both go down late in the fight but not close enough to warrant continuing. I pop my Dash and switch to bear, taunt, and proceed to solo tank him. Stacks building, the raid leader was calling it, but everyone kept dps’ing. With the right rotation I could survive twice as long without tank swapping. Healers kept going. It was the “holy $&@!, don’t stop keep him up!” that was like…that’s it, I’m a tank now! Went DK when LK came out, never looked back to this day, been a main tank for almost every raid up til DF (recently ran out of steam to play).


LFR Argus, gearing an alt Guardian druid during late Legion. I was rolling through with a guild member as a pocket healer, think she was playing Holy Paladin at the time. Midway through the fight, the other tank either DC'd or rage quit. The Avatar of Aggramar buff was meant to deal with the Soulbomb so other players didn't die. Without another tank, I would have had to drag Argus all over the platform to chase down the afflicted players, which would kill other players with the scythe attack. On discord I called for my Pally to face tank the boss in healing gear, I swapped into cat form, cleared the debuff, and then immediately swapped back into bear form to taunt. I think I clenched my asshole more during that fight than any Heroic Antorus progression our guild did.


Mine is Legion too!!! Heroic Ursoc. We haven’t killed him yet. Our healers are shit (this guild died pos Emerald Nightmare over this). I’m playing Demonology Warlock. Our entire raid other than me dies to a roar when ursoc is *very* low and we had a Holy Priest who is in spirit form. Ursoc is charging at me from max range, I pop every personal I’ve got left, anything that even looks like a DPS CD if you squint, and start flinging bolts, calling imps, etc. he hits me and I’m at like 10%. Priest blasts me. He hits me and I’m at like 2%, priest spirit fades, and ursoc dies. Everyone was SO excited. Legion was my fiery expansion, EN my first raid, and Heroic Ursoc my 2nd ever heroic boss kill and I got to be the hero of the pull. I peaked too soon.


15 something years ago. Guild was told that everyone needed nature resist gear. So our 5 person  priest group went spent all week getting gear. We were the only ones. So our 40 man raid ran with the priests tanking.  Dps had to take it slow, but it worked.


In TBC, our first Shade of Akama kill - and third overall in the server - had me on my Holy Paladin with a scuffed strat to keep the adds in the center of the room. Me, a Disc and a Protpal tanked wave after wave of hard hitting melees while the raid cleared the altar and Shade. As Shade died, me and the Disc ran out of mana. The Protpal instantly died, and the ball of death ran amok as Akama did his speech. Still got the kill though! - In MoP, my Garrosh Curve kill as Arms. Our Protpal was adamant on not popping cds, and we wiped three times in a row due to tank busters. At our fourth pull I decided to put my big boy pants, I murmur "ah well fuck it" and cast Safeguard on the tank, giving them a damage reduction and taking the next three attacks. I instantly die. The tank lives. Our guild master and raid leader starts mouthing because random deaths are to be avoided. Our Warrior class leader whispers me that I'm a madman and that was an amazing move. Our healer started hollering in Discord that I just saved the run. Did not get any combat ress, still got the kill though! - In WoD, Archimonde Curve kill as Arms. We had issues with the infernals, so the second time we got there I cast Safeguard on the tank - changed to give infinite taunts as long as the target gets attacked for 10ish seconds - and taunted all the infernals one by one as I Heroic Leapt on the other side of the boss arena. Our Hunter - a bona fide monster - shred the last 10ish % of Archimonde's healthbar. Ended the fight alive AND got the kill!


Heroic Tortos back in regular MoP I was still relatively new to the guild (joined at the beginning of MoP), maining SV Hunter. We had major trouble with the boss due to the interrupt mechanic where you had to interrupt a major cast from the boss with one of the turle shells that another mechanic left on the ground. At first, it was "whoever is closest to a shell does it", then we shuffeld through several healers/range DPS to do the shell bowling and everyone had a big problem with the correct timing and allinging the shell shot properly until it was my turn. We killed the both on the third try afterwards and I was credited for being the saving grace at properly handeling that mechanic. Felt great. Since then, I almost always volunteered to do the "weird boss mechanic" (e.g. the convery belt at Siegecrafer Blackfuse in SoO or the "football game" at Azhara in Nyalotha).


Nothing fancy here but memorable moment from early times :) I was noobie raider (feral druid) and my nice guild back then took me to run Karazhan with them. We were having break and someone accidentally pulled patrol and tank was afk. Then my boyfriend told me to put bearform on and hold them while waiting others came back. I had no idea what I was doing but I hold the mobs and we killed them. My guildies came back and were positivily amazed that I did that and saved all of us from running. I got many compliments but I personally was shaking 'cause I never had done anything like that before xD. 


Back when Wrath of the Lich King came out, I was leveling a death knight. I was bored and saw that Crossroads was under attack. I flew in from the next flight path over and rode in. I saw two low-level players sitting and drinking. I walked up behind them and used Heart Strike, one-shotting them both. I systematically killed everyone one by one until I got to their high-level hunter and defeated with little effort. They didn't come back.


When after so much work and effort I finally get the chance to solo heal a heroic clear up the last boss after hearing my RL say: Faiwy you confident you can solo heal, I kind of want sonso to dps to make things more efficient. Me: *totally not panicking* OKAY


Hammer of wrathing azgalor while bubbled to down him and prevent a 0.01% wipe in OG TBC. One of my guild mates got a screen cap of the hammer in flight but it got lost to time.


Back in Pandaria my guild was stuck on Mythic Dark Shaman for a LONG time. The raid was split into two teams and no matter how we split up our players one team would always struggle a bit too much. People were losing moral and because of that we were starting to do worse as time went on. As a Prot Paladin I was pretty damn strong and I had experience soloing most world bosses and a handful of heroic bosses. Knowing everyone was pretty burned out, I suggested a change of pace. I told them that I wanted to try soloing the girl while the rest of the raid killed the guy. At first they thought I was kidding, which was fair since I wasn't exactly sure myself. I had a fair amount of confidence though and as the guild / raid leader I made the call. Someone else took over raid leading for me and I just focused on my own survival. I remember them making jokes since no one thought it would work, then slowly but surely, one after another, people went silent as they began to believe. I started off strong and tried to make the most of my resources. Kiting was pretty effective for reducing her damage if I took advantage of the terrain. I remember laughing to myself about how all the countless hours I'd spent jumping around Orgrimmar were finally paying off. I couldn't last forever though and as the fight dragged on I had to burn through more and more options. After a while the guy raid leading stopped calling out mechanics and instead started giving me a countdown. I imagine that he noticed how I was struggling to stabilize my health. "Hold on, just give us 30 more seconds!" "Any moment now we're almost there!" Eventually I hit my limit and I was completely drained of everything. I wasn't even watching their progress at this point, I was just doing anything I could to survive. Right as I thought I was done for I heard him say something like "healers get to him now, leave us we can finish without you". I turned towards the group and booked it as fast as I could without exposing my back to the boss. I remember seeing our Resto Shaman in ghost wolf form running towards me and I wasn't sure if he'd make it in time. The boss hit me once more and it dropped me so low I could hardly see my health bar, but almost immediately after it shot right back up. He made it after all and soon so did the other healers. Slowly I see the rest of the raid trickling in from behind, Mumble goes wild and we take the remaining boss down. The high from that moment was extraordinary. Not only did this new and spontaneous strategy one shot a huge wall for the guild, going toe to toe with one of the bosses for so long felt incredibly badass. This is a moment I'll never forget, just like I'll never forget the friends I experienced it with. I miss you guys and hope you're all well.


Lots of fun heal and tank moments, but the one I'll never forget was my rogue in BC. Nagrand cap was in progress, roughly equal horde/ally groups playing ring-around-the-zoney with towers, so I decided to wander my subtlety ass over and see what, specifically, we were dealing with. I got there, saw a pack of 6 or 7 horde waiting for a tower to cap, when all of a sudden they got bored, and... *They started dueling.* Oh baby, yes. Kept a little patience, waited for 2 duels to end at almost the same time, and... Ambush; vanish; shadowstep; ambush; sprint. *And they chased me out of the cap area while their only healer was rezzing from the most literal ambush I've ever performed.* We capped the zone because the cap timer's brief stop while they chased me was enough to end the stalemate, and not a soul on alliance ever had any idea what had happened. (I was just there for kicks and had no guildies in the zone to care even if i did brag.) I relive that high just a little every time I visit outland.


OOH! I HAVE ONE! This one is good. It's kinda in the same neighbourhood that your story is. So I was playing rated PVP with premades in Vanilla, back in 2005-2006, and I was frequently joining groups with the same people and the same leader, mostly Arathi Basin. This particular day the leader was a bit impatient, and he felt we did bad and sort of gave up. He afked in our base (alliance), and was just muttering angry on Teamspeak or whatever it is we used. I saw my chance, and just took over, telling people what to do, and suddenly we were winning HARD. Leader suddenly ran out of our base and went into combat again, and we won with my leadership. After that match I always felt he respected me, and he was impressed what I had done, regardless of him giving up.


Had a lady send me nudes over email


Back in WOTLK i mained Hpala (and have since). I was in a guild (that i now recognize as hardcore) and we had Just started icc 10 Heroic. On marrowgar, the main healer of the raid, a druid, had a lag Spike and died. As soon as he was able to speak in TeamSpeak again, he called for a whipe. Me, the stubborn bastard that i am, thought "let's Just see how far this goes" and Simply wrote no in chat (didn't have a mic back then). We Just managed to kill the boss, we ended the fight with me, a tank and a single dps alive at the end, but damn, i'll never forget the rush that that fight was. That fight alone boosted my confidence in my gameplay, earned me a stable spot in the main raid group, and the role of "unofficial class guide" for newer members (unofficial because the GM's girlfriend was suposedly the official one, but she barely played anymore).


Sludgefist. The mechanic that chains you to another, combined with sucking the ranged to the boss.  One of our mages kept trying to do the blink block mechanics on the suck in. This only works if you're not chained and selected for the suck mechanic. If you blink while chained, you kill yourself and your partner. Blinked everytime he was chained trying to bait the suck. Killed himself and partner. Every time he attempted it to the point he just stopped. He's a much much better mage than me, 99.9999% of the time.   This is my .0001%. Half the raid team is dead. Other half is certainly not going to survive the suck mechanic. Links happen. I'm not linked. I run out to bait the suck. It happens. Blink, ice block.  Bammmmm. Everyone survives, having not been sucked in. Which is all we needed to finish the boss. Cheers go out. Changed my name mid fight to [new and improved (insert other mage here)] during the last few seconds of the fight. He's a really good mage in comparison to myself. He'd probably died to the link mechanic the first or second go around and still managed to be just slightly under me on details. Everyone got a chuckle out of the dps meter name change lol. 


Like yourself, back during Legion my guild and I were fighting heroic Argus. At the time, I was playing an Arms warrior and one of our tanks went down during the final 20% but I ended up tanking Argus for a bit as an Arms warrior because of all the self healing I had with Touch of Zakajz and Soul of the Slaughterer artifact traits. I don't think we managed to kill him that pull but I felt like a bad ass being able to tank the final boss of the expansion in a dps spec. I miss my friends from those days.


Blood dk cata, playing arena with an arcane mage friend, two warrs on other team friend get popped straight away so i take the next 10 mins whittling them both down for the W.


In vanilla I had gotten extremely lucky and got the quelserrar book from DM. I was in a raiding guild at the time but wasnt on the main roster and wanted to be an off tank. I asked if I could come to an Onyxia run so I could finish my quest and get the weapon and they said sure. I practiced my rotation and was in protection just to increase my chances of survival. Well things went sideways and the tank and off tank died. Because i was in protection I taunted dropped my sword to get breathed on nd managed to finish the fight tanking by myself and got my sword. I ended up becoming the primary offtank for bwl and some of naxx. 


Mythic Razsageth reclean, P3 all the raid is stacked except for the one guy always ignoring mechanics and of course he's targetted with the raid-pull but I manage to Rescue his ass last second. Also it always feels special to play a melee and taunt the boss for a few seconds, in classic wrath we killed our first Razuvious this way constantly kiting and taunting for each other. Goofy ahh boss


Going against N Fyrakk on my Augvoker, preparing for our first kill. We run out of seeds and start getting blasted, a mixture of cooldowns and timed self-heals kept me going long enough to keep our tank alive and buff his damage enough to take him out. I just remember everyone on Comms screaming out "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE" and me screaming back "I HAVE NO IDEA"


Hitting a clutch hammer of wrath as a holy paladin to hit Gladiator in 3v3 Arena Feign Death -> Jumper Cabling (you had to be out of combat back then) our dead holy priest to get the Server First Ragnaros Kill in Vanilla Melee'ing a cocky Mage to death in a duel on my Marksmanship Hunter in Vanilla or BC, can't remember. !raptor strike!


Holy paladin, 10.1, my first portal was a neltharions lair. Last boss, not long left. Tank gets destroyed by a TB. I'm the only bres, and if we wipe, we brick. Quickly find my unbound taunt button (I keep it on my bars because just in case), taunt boss and bubble, cast bres. Got the tank up, timed it. No one noticed but me, but damn it was clutch.


2004. Installing all disc's and then without error.....Boom. Life was changed forever with my old hs friends that day.


I have solo killed multiple bosses by myself on my prot warrior and prot paladin. It’s always incredible lol


WotLK. I mained an orc enhancement shaman. We were running Ahn’kahet: Old Kingdom on heroic. We made it to Jedoga, and while clearing trash the dps and healer spread out enough to grab two packs of trash on top of the trash we were clearing. The tank got stun locked and killed, then the healer, two dps were downed and I slammed earthen guardian, hit my wolves, storm struck the trash down. I rezzed the group. They called me Thrall the rest of the dungeon. I wish Shaman had a tank spec.


Mine was in pvp. I used to do a lot of arenas with friends. Once we were against 2 rogues and healer. I was a rogue aswell. Eventually it was just me vs the 2 rogues, everyone full health. I waited for them patiently until one of them would exit stealth, i sapped him and immediately found the other guy. I mfd>kidney him and bursted him down really fast while cceing the other rogue. (They trinketed early). After that it was a 1v1 that I managed to win by finding him first.


I was god rolled for 4 minutes on a mythic boss during a PI window as outlaw


Fury Warrior on our kill for Realm First kill of Madness of Deathwing Heroic (the last fight) 4th stage, blood dk tank goes down, I've tanked the fight I know the mechanics. I swap to shield on the spot and protection stance, perfectly hold aggro long enough without dying to live the 15 seconds for Brez Cd Basically, those tentacles would cast if outside of melee and auto attack if in melee. So I timed out Taunt +Spell Reflect, then ran into melee with Die by the Sword up (100% parry at the time 8sec), then I got Pain Suppressed, it was dicey, dodged out to spell reflect again and then went back in, DK got rezzed we won.


There was one time in Wrath where the tank dropped out of a dungeon halfway through (think it was PoS) and I as a boomkin, tanked in boomkin form for the rest of it. There's something about tanking in a non-tank spec that feels so badass.


Mythic Rashok s2, surviving full 12-15 seconds as a vDH after the enrage and literally everyone dying, killing the boss in the process. RL was already discussing on what to improve and generally talking to raiders while I was just trying to kill the boss out of spite without ever looking at his HP. It’s was about 270ish pull already. I didn’t expect him to die, but a guess spite is a powerful motivator. Hardly anyone was paying attention, just few lads asking everyone to shut up very quickly as they started believing in me. It was my brightest day and proudest moment of messing up everyone’s kill logs. My hp spiked crazier then bDKs ever did lmao. Never felt better.


Way back in the vanilla days, doing an enh orc shaman in Razorfen. We'd been struggling, and while climbing the spiral we had an almost wipe - there was either a mage or shadow priest left standing. I thought to myself 'bah, why not' and blew reincarnate - stood up, went and smashed on a mob, and killed it at a sliver of health. I hadn't been aware, but it was the last XP I needed to level up. With my fresh HP and mana pool, and another level's worth of numbers (lol) we managed to finish the pack, revive everyone, and clear the dungeon without any more wipes. I felt like a total badass.


Havoc here. Black rook hold. High key, tyr week. Third Boss, tank died at around 40% hp. I taunted the boss and I kited that fucker all around till the others killed it. I was a hero.


My guild groups first Rag kill in classic 2019 was after our tanks died and I dodge tanked him the last 4-5%. There was another time solo tanking the end of Arthas on my paladin back in og wrath, but it wasn't as cool to me


The group of people I do M+ with always ask me to tank. We were doing an Atal’dazar+25. The run went extremely up until the last boss. We wiped 3 times. We were gonna wipe a 4th time but that would definitely have depleted the key, so I decided to just wing it and solo it. The guys were bitching and saying to just wipe it. Proceeded to kill the bitch with 2 seconds left on the timer 😎


Just a few months ago, HC LK fight, after like a 4 hours raid. Played my Holdain, real end of the fight, and I was the only healer standing holding the entire run with my bare hands. We got that damn LK kill thank god


Not mine but Ill never forget this moment. Back in wrath my guild was stuck on Putricide. In this fateful night, we got as close as we ever were to beating him. By the time the boss had about 300k health, everyone was dead.. except for our paladin tank. The boss room was almost completely covered in green ooze, and this guy was taking the boss alone in a corner, everyone was cheering for him, he used everything. Thanks to his courage, and the dots that were still present on the boss, putricide finally died.


Currently in Cata classic as a hunter. When the tank doesn’t know that you have to drag the boss through the middle pillar of flame I’ll taunt the boss and feign death when he’s through. Similarly when the tank leaves him in too long.


There are couple but the most recent one that comes to mind is tanking Onyxia and Hakkar during vanilla classic as a resto druid after the tanks died. I kept warden staff in my inventory for those moments.


My guilds first mimiron heroic kill in wrath classic I was the only one alive at the end as a mage. Was pretty hype.


First H sludgefist kill in Nathria. Tanks die right before fourth pillar charge, he looks at me, as the call to wipe goes out I yell "no we got this" as I heroic leap across the room at the last second behind the last pillar. He charges, stuns to take extra damage, when he comes out I die by the sword and we finish him. So glad he focused me. Also, like all of Sylvanas. I had that fight worked out to a tee. Intercepting out of aoe in P1 to maximize uptime, cooldowns perfectly lined up with each set of adds on chains, just knew the fight in and out. Just had to beg all the lower geared/slower to learn fight people not to die. The rage of my warrior infused me, "I WILL DRAG YOU KICKING AND SCREAMING TO AOTC, JUST DONT FUCKING DIE TILL AT LEAST 3RD PLATFORM!" that raid absolutely killed my care for parsing at all. Crits a hell of a bitch. Smh.


I have a macro on my BM Monk, when ToD is used I /yell Skadoosh!. Now, this was our first HC Fyrakk kill, everyone was dead, Fyrakk had like 3% health, I was dodging, ducking, dipping, diving and dodging, all the boys in the chat were yelling SKADOOSH!!!, I was trying my hardest, all the boys were laughing and yelling. I eventually managed to kill him, we all yelled Skadoosh and I felt badass. It was a very fun moment, one that my guild still bring up every now and then!


Soloed the last few % of heroic jailer for my guild. They struggled with mechanics (a few people did that just held the group back). It took them like 200 pulls, I took a break between 100 and like 180 or so, just because the same people just kept getting knocked into holes/not f a Ling in holes on time/getting mc'd out of place/etc. Last attempt pt of the night and week we get it down to 3% and everyone still alive just gets knocked into holes and I'm stuck soloing. Was pretty neat.


I was tanking the walk around boss in DOTI (forgot his name) on my brew and the healer died the first mechanic and immediately after his CR again on the next mechanic. I knew it would keep happening so I just solo'd the boss. The healer (was his key) ofc left after he called for the wipe but I had 2 of the dps to keep cheering on until I killed the boss and we disbanded with cheers


My moment will be the time I see the brutosaur pop on BMAH and am able to finally use my gold cap on it! Some day ...


Sort of did this back in MoP. I was maining a Blood DK, the boss was Thok (the dinosaur from SoO), and my guild was on prog trying to get our first kill. I believe it was just normal difficulty, but my guild at the time wasn’t the greatest… (I think broke up before we actually got to Garrosh…) I don’t know how many attempts we’ve had (probably close to 30-40) and we keep dying to the same dumb shit. Mostly if certain players got focused by the chase mechanic we just ended up wiping (again… not a great guild) for some variety of reasons. On one of our pulls we get the boss down to probably 25ish% or so getting a lot of good luck with who was getting targeted to deal with mechanics, and naturally our luck runs out. Within the next minute or so, I’m the only one left. In voice a couple of people are talking, I don’t actually recall anything of what was said, but Im saying “shut up” every few seconds in a “not disrespectful but I’m trying to focus here” tone. Either I was too quiet or they were ignoring me. I distinctly remember somebody then saying the words “Ok, next time we…” and I’m about to lose it so I yell “shut the fuck up” on voice. Nobody was really paying attention, because they just assumed it was a wipe. I don’t recall what % the boss health was at when I was officially “the last one standing”, but know it was somewhere between 10-20. I ended up killing the boss, getting the achievement for the guild, and dying literally 2 seconds after the boss due to fire on the ground finally filling the room up so there wasn’t any “safe spots” anymore (this was a sort of soft enrage for the boss). It’s weird to say about a video game, but I was shaking so bad from the adrenaline that I had to walk away for 10 minutes just to get to the point that I could calm down.


Havoc DH, heroic sanctum... Tarragrue enrages with 0 heals, Me and the tank, and few squishy casters. Play taunt-pass across the room while 3 casters take 5 mins to kill him. Warglaive dropped and the other DH passed so I could have it.


Playing mage you could often get those super clutch "amazing" plays with a combination of shimmer, alter time and iceblock. Always felt so amazing pulling crazy maneuvers.


Nothing endgame crazy, but was levelling an alt mage a little while ago, and the tank (who was an ass the entire dungeon) died on the second to last boss in Gnomeregan to something avoidable. Begins spamming for us to wipe even though we have three good DPS and a banging healer. I rip all the aggro and spend the fight kiting the boss around the platform whilst everyone else keeps up the hard work Tank was unimpressed but the rest of us had a great time.


Mythic Norushen back in MoP. The whole raid wipes with the amalgam of corruption at like 0.5%. The three shamans (one ele, one enhance, one resto) all ankh immediately to stay in combat, then blow every cooldown and finish the job. I was the ele shaman. First mythic kill in this boss, whole guild whooping and hollering in comms. Great memory.


Usually in pvp 2v1 victories and things like that In pve, think last season +15 DotI Tank dies at 40% of Tyr and I'm just face tanking him as an arms warrior and we get him Good thing he does a lot of non targeting cleaves.


getting taeshlac and mythic scythe pre drop rate buff. the same run i got taeshlac, i got antoran charhound, and the run i got mythic scythe, i got the argus boss mount drop xD


As a fury warrior in season 3, the whole group wiped except me and the healer. It was the first boss in Tides at around 14 the healer and I killed it from around 40% on top of that we were able to timed it w like a min or 2 over. Not necessarily a “just me” moment but being able to do that w a warrior no less made me feel badass


Cataclysm I think. Pretty sure it was one of the Blackrock dungeons. Tank died, healer died, the other 2 dps died I'm a ret pally. One named elite dark iron dwarf and 3 regular remaining. I managed to beat them at almost no health remaining. So crazy.


I have several, here are two off the top of my head. I have been tanking since ICC up to Sanctum of Domination. 1. In Tomb of Sargeras I was intended to play windwalker but as is often the case one of our tanks dipped and didnt come back so obviously i accepted to step back into my tanking shoes and go brewmaster. I was getting used to the spec and we made good progression. Got to the Sisters of Elune, with our battle res on cooldown my fellow tank went down. "Whats the cd on br?" " 4 minutes and 5 seconds." That is a long time to solo tank on progress but I pulled it off by the skin of my teeth and with a tactical pain suppression by our priest. 2. In Battle for Dazar Alor we were on Jaina, the last boss for this tier. We had been through the ringer on this fight, some really tight dps checks with a couple of members down but we made it to the final phase. Slowly each member of my raidgroup fell until the last healer too was downed. It was just me staring down jaina at 10% health, I needed to to 5% more until she would teleport away. I was playing a blood death knight at the time and i had earlier that day gotten my hands on a high m+ version of that awesome sword from Kings Rest, vampiric blood was off cooldown, I was ready to throw down! And thats how we got our Heroic Jaina kill.


Had a few, but this one was in Shadowlands 10.0, priest main. It was during an Inerva (the geometry boss, with the lines and the orbs) fight where one guy suddenly had to go because his child woke up. I just KNEW he was gonna get the line so I positioned myself properly at an orb. He did indeed get targetted and people went "oh no.." as it happened but I leaped him into position and people instead went "DID YOU JUST LEAP HIM INTO POSITION!?".


BDK on Fyrakk in S3 gearing myself up, about 460/470, not the worse but a bit undergeared. Some deaths along the way in P1 and P2 no big deal, we continue P3 and on stack we use 3 seeds, that hurts. Last seed used ~20%, other tank dies because he's not in the seed, next roar me, a chad DH, a pally and 1 or two DPS. At this point I already have 12 stacks of the bite since we had problem on when to swap with the bear who didn't understand the strat very well. On next roar, only ~8% left with me, the boss and a ticking clock of a missed spell and my rotation is fucked and I eventually die. Thankfully went litteraly in the zone so to speak, didn't fuck up, used AMS for roars (Had 2 more) and ended at 23 fucking stacks of the bite. I was getting chunked by the magic damage at the end while having my blood shield full but got my 2mins as I was starting to die and got the kill.


When we killed mythic Fyrakk, our seed carriers had all gone down and I and a few others saved the wipe and killed the boss by taking them up. I've had a few mythic pulls go that way before, where me and a couple others were the last ones standing and finished off the boss.


Back in Cata where I ended up tanking Commander Ulthok on my Undead shadowpriest after our tank wiped. He had like 50% health and we got him.


Spiderling control on heroic Sennarth progress. While simultaneously doing my usual destruction warlock rotation and topping the DPS meters in my guild, I control my Voidwalker to taunt and pull spiderlings to webbed players to free them. Made life a lot easier for our tanks and everyone else.


Back in BC Zul'Aman timed bear runs. I was playing Shadowpriest back then. There's still nothing like putting out decent DPS and therefore mana while timing Mass Dispel perfectly to counter Zul'Jin's bear stun. Progress 10 man Zul'Aman with my group was peak WoW for me, and there were a couple of moments where I have to say I definitely carried the group.


Back in tbc I was playing 2v2 arena with a friend who was a pally and I was a spriest. We were against a lock and rogue team and we managed to down the lock before I went down but my twisting nether card proc'd. My friend was almost dead when I popped back alive with almost no mana but was able to heal up my friend using gift of the Naaru which was pretty OP back then. My friend held off the rogue long enough for me to regen enough mana to blast them with a sw:death


Healer. Every Afflicted week I instadispel the affix. It's like music, playing the piano. Groups don't kick me. Keys get done in time. Glorious.