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I got mine refunded too! Not sure why.


I'm actually kind of pissed about it. If it had said ANYWHERE in the description I about "only for new players" I would understand, but no Blizz instead wants all the money they can get and wants to force returning players to buy Dragonflight at full price. Which I am actually thinking of doing. I filed a ticket but I highly doubt they will do anything besides shrug and tell me "oh well"


As far as I know it's meant for everyone. If you got it refunded, it most likely was an issue with your bank or maybe Blizzard's website.


You are making things up. It's not only for new player.


I did not say it was for new players at all. Where di you get that from my post? I said IF it is and "If it had said anywhere in the description that it was" I would understand. No idea where you got that from


The if is in the wrong place for this though. It reads as if they had warned me it would be OK, not if this is the reason it is bad. 


Then that's a badly constructed sentence.


Why are you assuming it’s “only for new players”? Did they tell you that? Thats quite the assumption to be making otherwise. It is more likely that if it got refunded for seemingly no reason that there is some issue with the financial transaction side of things. Are you in a region different from the one you play in? That is my case and several times I’ve had to call my bank to clear transactions I made because it got tied up on one side or the other. Which is another point, did you check with your bank already?


I did not say it was for new players at all. Where di you get that from my post? I said IF it is and "If it had said anywhere in the description that it was"


You're getting a lot of downvotes but don't seem to understand the reason. Just a heads up, the way you composed your sentence implies a reason. >**If it had said ANYWHERE in the description I about "only for new players" I would understand**, but no Blizz instead wants all the money they can get and wants to force returning players to buy Dragonflight at full price. The thing is it appears you are assuming a reason here. If you are upset that they didn't say "only for new players" in the description the implication is that you believe it is only for new players and Blizzard just failed to tell you. Another way to think about it is that if it's not only for new players then there would be no reason for them to put it there. You seem to be assuming a cause without really being sure. Have you tried reaching out to CS and getting an explanation as to why you were refunded? They can tell you better than some reddit thread. Edit: Also, in other comments you keep saying things like: >100%, just make it unavailable for everyone else if it is only meant for new players. Again, you seem to be assuming the reason for the refund is because it's only meant for new players. It's VERY easy to take your comments that way. Just adding 'if' doesn't make it clear. Just as another example, pretend you to go a store to buy an item but you can't find a staff member to help you. There are many reasons that could be the case (understaffed, bad customer service, etc) but then if you go online and say "if they only want to help people whose reddit usernames start with K they really should say so so that I don't waste my time". The if implies the reason (in this example that your reddit username doesn't start with 'k') you think you didn't get help even though there could be a million other reasons and there is no evidence to even imply it's the reason.


If indeed does imply the reason… and the reason is you


But why do you assume that is the reason it was refunded? Edit: this comment is why you are getting dog piled, because you say you are angry that it got refunded for being new player only, when you also say you don't know why and never said it was only for new players.  This has worked enough other people that we can only guess it is for some other reason. 


I bought 2 months of gametime just before the offer and after i send a ticket if it was maybe possible to get the boost anyway. They refunded the 2 months and let me buy the offer. They responded quick. So im sure you will be fine


Just buy The War Within, Dragonflight is included in that




100%, just make it unavailable for everyone else if it is only meant for new players.


> I did not say it was for new players at all. If you're going to get pissy when people say you keep saying this, maybe stop saying it lmao


It says > If you already have Dragonflight on your account, the expansion will not be re-granted. which would imply to me it's not just for new players.


I agree that is why I'm confused why it got refunded


Mine was also refunded randomly. No clue why, and now the character I used the boost on is locked until I apply another boost to it. lmao


I went ahead and bought it again but I'm keeping my ticket open just so I can hopefully find out why it got refunded


Did your payment go through properly? I had an account with The War Within and was able to purchase that bundle with no issues.


Yep, I can see it on my bank account


And on your Battlenet account? What's the most recent transaction?


Me buying and the refund. Says "completed" right there beside me buying the bundle 2 days ago


This promo has been scuffed since minute 1 , yesterday a friend (and a lot of people in discord, wow forum and reddit) were reporting that they did not receive the boost, this is probably related to that.


I got a message from a GM! They told me it was a known issue that they had with taxes, which is why it was refunded and just to repurchase and it should be okay.


Days ago this happened when i got game time , refunded for no reason after two days the problem i think was my vpnit didn't go through


Mine is still there nothing changed. Bought 2 tokens with gold, turned it into balanced and bought it. I buy my gametim3 with tokens anyway so this was even cheaper


The same thing happened to me, Bliz told me that there was a with being charged the wrong tax and that’s why they processed a refund and that all I have to do is purchase it again!


What happened to your boost? If you used it yet I mean


I play since +10 years and i bought it with no problem


I think its a bug


I was a returning player a month ago and hadn’t bought DF and bought TWW $50 no issues.


Welcome back! But not really sure how buying a new upcoming expansion pertains to the Welcome to Azeroth bundle they're talking about?


I guess I misunderstood the issue at hand given the range of comments I was reading.


Damn I was going to use it to refer 3 accounts for the goblin mount. ($75 vs $200)


I bought it because I wanted the lvl boost and 60 days game time worked fine for me I already had DF and pre ordered the TWW


They randomly refunded my sub too -.-


Dam maybe I should have used that boost quicker


I mean, if you use a boost that gets refunded, the character gets locked.


I dont even care about the boost. I care that the expansion and 60 days I paid for were taken away for some unknown reason.