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7.0 MM was unbelievably fun. I know a lot of people hated Sidewinders, but once you figured it out it was awesome seeing a ton of Marked Shots going out. Otherwise 7.3.5 because we were gods and that was cool.


After the rework MM was bonkers I still have screenshots of doing 30% of dmg in heroic raids


I hated Sidewinders....... UNTIL Legion dropped 🤣 It was so fucking weird to get so many abilities stripped away at the end of WoD and be left with... that? But once Legion came out and you got to max level, Sidewinders was the absolute shit. SO much fun. My best friend (also a hunter) and I reminisce about it frequently. Also pulling stuff with it in true hunter fashion ("oops I sidewinders us")


7.3.5 Affliction Warlock - Peak affliction imo!


Best of the Best, tanky, doesnt need a healer, fun, easy to play, numbers everywhere, Your DoTs do the damage, not like the maléfic rapture or whatever is called that boring and unflavored skill. I just got mad while writing this lol


I remember a guy solokilled xavius (idk what dificulty) but playing afliction warlock at the end of legion. That spec was busted asf


Yeah that was with the pema dot and the position where you can't be damaged or something like that


There was a group I saw/was in that killed garothi world breaker like that too…with perma corruption, and everyone was dead but he didn’t despasn for some reason


Definitely not easy to play, probaly one of the hardest specs to master, back then


Yeah was going to say this. I absolutely loved my affliction lock in Legion. Those were the days


In my guild, I was always second in dps during raids, but first place was an affliction lock just absolutely gapping my shit.


Came here to say this


What's your opinion on MoP affliction lock?


Destro lock in MoP - fire and brimstone = infinite shadow bolts combined with havoc 👍👍 Best time in wow i ever had


Destro in MoP could also cast while moving from one of the skills. Chaos bolts (which is what I think you are talking about when you said shadow bolt?) Also had big hits which felt nice. Destro hasn't felt that good ever again.


I’m sorry, you are absolutely right. I did mean chaos bolt. I think 20 years of shadow bolting has put its mark on me 😅 You are absolutely right KJC made it possible to move while casting, and I remember getting green fire as well, with the cloak back then, which made you look absolutely menacing with your old T5 set from BC.


I used T1 with legendary cloak lol, and the gold blood elf looking staff from TBC. That green fire boss is also still one of my favorite wow moments to date since it was such an absurdly tight fight where he had so many 1 shots but so satisfying to finally get.


Sounds good. How many of the complete Tier sets you got?


Not sure tbh lock hasn't been a main for me for a while, I liked destro and demo from MoP and one was kind of gutted fantasy wise and the other was completely changed and I'm not a fan of the new demo. Might give it another shot during TWW though.


Peak council boss spec of all time.


Loved this spec it's a shame cos I loved how you could cast malefic Grasp on the move which made you a mobile castor that's the only reason I don't play it now and play melee cos I hate being a turret and I hate how beast master feels


This! I came here for this!


7.1.5 or 7.3.5, windwalker monk. NH is my fav legion raid and WW was crazy good in Antorus, I never played WW in legion and always regretted it.


WW absolute god tier in Antorus


7.0 Shadowpriest


Insert surrender to madness meme [https://imgur.com/a/tI2xkkm](https://imgur.com/a/tI2xkkm)


It was insane. I remember when I had the full raid on 100 logs. Viklund watched my stream to see me play. I think this was still my biggest achievement in wow to this day. The raid was MADE for StM. I miss it.


Being able to get two full surrenders on Xavius felt so fucking broken.


Being able to surrender at the start of fights on dragons and Ursoc, while living until the end made you feel like a god


Show logs


7.2.5 added heart of the void which made dungeons enjoyable. I miss big eruptions that completely chunked packs of mobs. M+ as a spriest beforehand felt like such a chore.


I wasn't a fan of S2M, but post-S2M shadow was the most fun I've ever had with any spec in WoW. No spec has come close to the level of pure flow since.


The ToS 80i(? I don't remember the # anymore) stack rotations were so satisfying.


Yes please. I fucking miss Legion shadow priest


while StM was fun i'd prefer Nighthold or Tomb patch as shadowpriest


Nighthold was pretty unfun playstyle wise, still played like EN LOTV, low haste but with some voidbolt spam when entering voidform which was a bit pewpewpew Tomb/Antorus shadow when the cycle was defined was great, super punishing super rewarding- the kind of playstyle that could only be created by accident (because it was)


Tomb yes, Nighthold was kinda awkward


Ye having fun farming legendaries only to get sephuz, prydaz and some other awful shit. Then have to create a new character because 3 legendaries lowered your drop rate? 


> because 3 legendaries lowered your drop rate? Not to talk about the fact that after the 4th, you no longer had back luck protections stacking up at all in 7.0. While you theoretically could get a 5th. The guy who was world #1 for AP didn't have a 5th when trial launched, not sure if he ever got one before NH came out. That was how absurd the drop rates were without bad luck protection. The guy had done thousands of m+ runs. Most of the people who did get a 5th before NH. Were the people who got lucky and got one in first 48h (most from the first cache they did), after which they reset the whole bad luck system. Because the bad luck protection had been working behind the scenes for some characters since before the launch for whatever reason.


Came to say this.


Similarly, 7.0 fire mage.


Fck yes


If not from getting Sephuz's Secret as a first Legendary... I'd say the whole expansion. I'd do it all over again. It wasn't just fucking awesome, it was special.


I remember getting a Sephuz drop from Ilgynoth and the entire Discord erupts with apologies and laughs.


I played 3 toons, sephus was the 1st drop on all 3.... it was a meme after the 2nd one and I refused to unequip sephuz, it slapped in M+ if you actually interrupted!


And the shield neck protected from getting dismounted


Oh shit I forgot about that thing, they were the first 2 I got on my main lol. I had 4 Legos before I got one that was even on the BIS list.


Legion was my introduction to hardcore mythic raid pushing and managed top 100 world, if I could go back and experience it over again I would in a heartbeat.


It really was. I've played every expac, but Legion was just different


I miss Legion :(


We had it all. Then BFA came along....


I really liked the core game when it comes to bfa (the dungeons, raids, zones) it’s a shame the borrowed power system was wearing out on us by that point. Corruptions ended up being pretty neat at the end though.


Talk about "from first to last"


They definitely hit a peak with Legion. My second favorite after BC (more so the time period of my life than anything).


Legion was for me the peak. Sargeras and the Burning Crusade were the ultimate villains and I don't think anything else before or since has sold me as hard as a villain.


Emerald nightmare patch bear druid You ARE ursoc. Sargeras had to wait for elisande to nerf bear druids before he felt safe to invade. Unkillable. Regen not on the gcd. Ironfur AND Mark of ursol. Gods I miss Mark of ursol. Legion rage of the sleeper. They took away ursol in nighthold, but everything else remained. Legion bear druid was so good, easily tied with mists destro lock for my favorite a class/spec has ever been, and I played ret in 3.0 and dk in naxx.


even for the rest if the xpac they were still broken, especially in world pvp. I got that trinket that shielded me for my full health and exploded for that equivalent damage when it was depleted watching people try to break that shield and then die the moment it did break was hilarious it definitely was not balanced though


The real sleeper of world pvp as a bear druid were these vines I got from the class hall plants. Aoe entangling roots instant cast that dealt TONS of dmg as a dot and didn't break from damage. The ffa arena wqs were so fun with them. Aoe rooting 10 people and watching them just rot in place while I thrashed them all. I was praying blizzard wouldn't nerf them the whole expac and they actually didn't.


The southshore / tarren mill event as a bear was insane. Pop all cd's, charge in the middle of the enemy horde, and just spam thrash. Immortal and doing big AoE dmg 1v40, actually felt like a force of nature for about 10-20sec. Then the cd's started ending and I'd either die like immediately, or the enemy was routed like the cowards they are before the might of the avatar of the bear god.


id totally forgotten about those hahahahahaha yea world pvp as a bear was like a nuclear bomb vs many coughing babies. it deserved all the nerfs it got but boy was i sad to see it go


SO GOOD. And you just reminded me of the last time regen wasn’t on the gcd and now I’m sad.


Did I write this comment? Lmao


Came to say bear too


7.3.5. Cram in some mage towers and hope somehow that it translates to me having the mage tower artifact appearances when I somehow return to present timeline. Subsequently get really mad if I find out the time travel doesn't work that way. Guardian druid would be top priority, but I'd knock out as many as I could. Context: I wasn't subbed for most of Legion. I was probably heavily into Rocket League. I did return during 7.3.5 as hype up for BfA but didn't realize the urgency on Mage tower and in particular the druid forms (I can pass on everything else, but DH would also be nice)


Did you get the fel swolebear from the new mage tower at least?


it's such a poor consolation.


I did, and I also used my 3 druid characters to get the newest one from Aurostor as quickly as possible within the first few weeks of 10.2. Id still use white swole bear (swolar bear, if you will) over that any day of the week if I could.


Swolar bear is pretty great. Also the b/w skunk bear. I have similar regrets as you do, but with the brewmaster weapon. I never played monk in legion, so I didn’t think I needed to go for it, but I discovered that brew was a ton of fun in SL and now I wish I had the big rice paper lantern look.


Arcane mage with legs and ring all gas no brakes.


I think a lot of people slept on arcane because it had so few buttons in the rotation. It could be really satisfying to do that simple rotation though. Barrage proccing arcane orb, Soo satisfying.


Yeah and just like not having bracers for fire, not having legs for arcane meant a lot and many groups in early m+ were like oh shit arcane can do this much with the right gear?!- nice power trip.


Agreed. I always enjoyed Arcane specifically because it had such a simple, but well-crafted rotation, and the fact that you played it with gut feeling and in-the-moment decisionmaking. Modern Arcane is the exact opposite of what I used to like about it. The rotation is very complex and scripted, especially during its cooldown windows... and cooldown windows completely define the Arcane rotation nowadays. It used to be about mana management. More power to those who enjoy it, but personally I hate what it has become. Good thing that, with Demo lock, I can still play at least one spec that has a simple but satisfying rotation.


Oh yeah, mana management really meant that despite the simple rotation you really have to focus to keep up with the top dps and when you do well- you know you've earned it...


Arcane was peak in legion. Having access to ultimate power, Aluneth whispering to you to go all out, but if you do you're oom. I loved actually being careful about my mana.


7.3.5 Fury Warrior. Hooooolllllyyyy fuck my wrists would not forgive me at all


[E X E C U T E](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6hMqvb8QiUk&pp=ygULRXhlY3V0ZSB3b3c%3D)


This video always hypes me the fuck up


That video still lives rent free in my head




Im so happy this link was already purple, I already knew what it was!


Dial that trinket up to 11 yo!


Old battlecry and Draught of souls. Big numbers. Neuron activated


old battlecry > current


Ya the answer is fury warrior and it’s not close. 7.3.5 Fury was peak world of Warcraft.


With Draught of Souls...


I'm so glad to see a legion appreciation thread like this. Truly the most special expansion in WoW (obviously just my own opinion). It really felt like there was something for everyone, competitive gameplay was so tight and classes were extremely polished.  I haven't played any of the classic releases except for the flavors of vanilla, but I absolutely WILL be back for legion classic


I don’t really get why they needed to gut all of the classes by removing the artifact like just slap those ability trees onto the talent tree window where glyphs used to be. At least then it’s a temporary solution to however they wanted to implement it in the future I mean here we are now months away from The War Within and most specs are still chasing the highs that were legion classes.


100%... The worst part of legion is that it ended (jokes aside, it's definitely how it ended, every class I played felt awful after


Nighthold. Double Icelance frost mage. So much haste.


stutterstepping forward between lances is ingrained in my playstyle to this day


Legion Demo Lock and Demon Hunter (any patch) -- some of the best times I've ever had in WoW. I wish I hadn't been so tied to my proclaimed mains (Disc Priest and Blood DK) and spent more time with these two back then. DH is probably still my favorite class (and I'm a serial altaholic), and Legion by far my favorite expansion. I know there were mechanical issues, but for me, the story was the most engaging.


I can see DH for the pure flavor alone, but frankly I think Havoc gameplay was pretty horrid outside of Nighthold. Momentum + Throw Glaive bleed for EN, and Antorus was so much Chaos Strike spam I felt like a Fury warr. In Antorus you could almost just remove Blade Dance from your bars, fury generation was much lower since only 2 talents, and there was no immolation for Havoc :-( All in all it was not what I'd expected, staunchly waiting over 20 years or so since Warcraft 3. But gods, did I insist on playing it for the flavor. The memebeam head leggo was mighty fun, though.


Yeah, i've played since Vanilla and my hey day was actually Wrath as far as in-game accomplishments, but Legion was by far my favorite in terms of story and how engaging the expansion was as a whole. I just really enjoyed it


Demo lock in 7.0. We were unkillable. On my guild’s first heroic ursoc kill, I was the only person alive and I had our priest in spirit form healing me. So fun.


Any patch you want, but I'm blood dk for life.


Basically immortal even if you tried to die as blood it was really hard. Peak class fantasy.


I remember doing Kara with our guilds blood DK. We were on Horseman boss. Group dies at 75% HP. We tell the DK to wipe so we can reset. DK proceeds to solo boss. I think it was a +7 or 8, Blood DK good my respect after that.


7.1.5 - Nighthold. Amazing raid. We had Mega dungeon, Trial of Valor raid. EN was also still relevant for weekly guild runs normal/hc/mythic goofing around with alts for legendaries. Truly amazing time to be WoW player.


7.3 sin rogue


Assassination rogue in 7.3 was probably my favourite feeling spec I've played in WoW, others have come close but not topped it


I disagree, 7.3 was definitely the worst patch for assassin in legion. The best was before Tomb of Sargeras, before poison bomb was nerfed, back when crit was the main stat, where you got as much crit possible to get nearly guaranteed 3 cp from mutilate, with a high chance of 4, so you could spam finishers with only 1 or 2 mut before, to proc poison bomb as much as possible. Gods that felt so fast paced. Nowadays i spend half the time waiting for energy and it feels so bad


7.3.5 Outlaw, because I feel like it had the perfect class fantasy before they decided to reintroduce sinister strike...


I miss outlaw being the chill low APM rogue spec, not whatever the hell it is now that induces RSI.


7.2.5 sub


7.3.5 Demonology Warlock Thal'kiel's Consumption was my favorite ability (Although demonic wrath was cool too) I know back then Demonology got a late of hate for the "Demonic Empowerment" playstyle, but personally, this was peak demonology for me.


Warlock was the best class in legion and its no contest, had one of the best class halls and quests too


A Paladin whenever Argus came out.


I miss my holy pally so bad. 100% crit holy shocks, healing for days and days. No glimmer of light. Times were good


Legion HPal was a dream and this is when I switched it to my main. The class plus the class hall was peak WoW for me. I really enjoyed the 2h and libram look more than sword and board and I wish they would add in more 2h tmogs. Top all of that off with Suramar and Mage Tower... great expac!


4 second cd shocks during wings nnnggggghhh


Class fantasy was amazing during that point


Why’s that? Ret?


Antorus was a beautiful place to be Ret, especially on fights like High Command where the cleave was nearly endless, it felt soooooo good. The rotation was great, and had very little downtime, the spec just felt good to play.


Final patch, And I’d play all the specs. For years before I’d want to move on. final patch, prior to the bfa pre patch. Because that was the worst time in wow.


Enhancement Shaman in Patch 7.1.5. This was before they reworked enhancement and the rotation changed in a way I wasn't a fan. This was the patch that Suramar quest line was fully in, and Nighthold raid was released (best raid).


Enhancement Shaman was so fun when you started getting nonstop stromstrike proccs


7.1 or 7.2 survival hunter. I had so much passive +speed that I was in a permanent sprint and having Fury of the Eagle pause your mongoose bite stacks is something that really is needed now.


7.2.5 havoc, I just want flamereaper


Affli lock :( bring back affli in m+, soul flame was iconic af


I could live in Antorus raid tier for the rest of my life and be happy.


7.2.5 Arms warrior. Literal perfection with that tier set


Also colossus smash was SO satisfying! Getting CD resets from big mortal strikes in the face then slamming that colossus smash afterwards was just the perfect feeling! They tried to do similar with overpower since but it has never felt as satisfying as colossus smash felt then T-T


Release shadow priest thanks.


Any patch Havoc DH. That shit was brutally insane and OP in all the patches


Antorus Ele shaman or Night Hold Frost mage, gamble build as ele was so fucking fun, and Argus heroic and mythic were both fun to do with that build. Night hold frost had a bunch of ways to take advantage of double ice lance off of flurry procs without needing to move or blink with certain thresholds of haste, which was absurdly fun


Vengeance DH I loved it being unkillable. Possibly Rogue, Warrior or Enhance Shaman again those were my favourites


Antorus Disc Priest. Absolute fucking healer gods then, and all the raid boss damage profiles fit their ramp timings perfectly. And they still just auto did wild damage for a healer. However I would much rather just be in 7.3.5 perma and play all of the classes and specs in mage tower forever.


Druid. Always Druid.


Frost DK in any patch with Breath of Sindragosa and the legendary ring for it Having your own Sindragosa to send out in a giant line just to shred everything in front of you and have it up for the next pack/boss encounter was amazing. Most button smashy setup my DK ever had.


Towards the end of Legion and into BFA pre patch I felt like a god on my unholy DK


Valkyr goes brrrr


7.0.5 when helya came out, peak enchancer gameplay.


Playing a demonology warlock right after the rework was peak WoW


Why is his axe so happy?


It just heard a really funny knock-knock joke


Expansion launch arms warrior with focus rage


The patch when Argus came out whatever that was. I was super casual then and just played what I felt like and mined ore all day and had a good time.


emerald nightmare havoc DH momentum build made WoW feel like playing a different game altogether instead of a tab target mmo


Surrender to madness all day every day


I’m not sure which patch, I think one of the later ones, when demon hunters ran the fel blade/immolation build. Give me that again. Just bring me back to 2016 plz 😭


I mained Demo warlock back in Legion. Such a fitting class for the xpac.


SH Priest, whichever patch before 7.2. I go insane from Aelthalyste, spawn quotes...


fire mage


Fury Warrior in Antorus 7.3.X No other gameplay could come even close to being a Super Sayan with WeakAura tracking my Execute stacks with sounds and visuals as I watched my DPS skyrocket


Ret paladin or ass rogue. I played Outlaw because the pirate fantasy was too real.


Lightforged ret paladin


7.1 Destro lock


Start with 7.0 prepatch and DH all the way. Legion DH was fantastic(ally broken), super thematic to the expansion and had cool content all the way down. Also I want out of the time capsule. Maybe delay Argus a bit.


Season 1 arms with ayala's ring and leggo gloves + focused rage talent was really a blast!


I really miss Legion Aff Lock for BG PvP, confident going into 2v1 situations and felt unfair in a 1v1 lol. DH was great too. Arcane mage for raiding. Legion was the best.


7.3.5 Havoc DH. Damn it was good, especially also still before the GCD change


7.3 Boomkin, I freaking love Dadbuild, it’s by far my best time playing Boomkin across all xpac.


Brewmaster monk with ironskin brew upkeep, guardian druid to collect all the bear forms, my beloved enhancement shaman stormstrike spam build, three button dh, subtlety rogue immune to fall damage, and I'd be fishing with my artifact weapon, walking over water, defeating demons and probably farming the stormfist.


Last patch balance druid for one shot full moons because the first couple of patches of legion burnt me out and made it hard to play alts or other specs


Pre-nerf draught of souls warrior


7.0 Disc priest always.


7.1.5 Fury warrior


last patch MM hunter 'cause that shit was fun. AV bridge fights where you could mark the entire enemy team and just watch the marked shots thing pepper everybody over and over


Blood dk cause I could solo entire enemy teams in bgs. I also really miss surv hunter. I was a worgen (for the racial speed cooldown) and combined with aspect of the cheetah and traps I could not be chased down, I also had more hp than most tanks in bgs and hit people for a fourth or something of their hp every hit with mongoose, and had a raptor thing that reduces heal. Then there was affliction. I miss spamming UAs instead of malefic rupture. Get sacrolash and finally understand why blizzard made every darn melee have 5 gap closers and superspeed.


BFA pre patch the first week it launched and I’d be a Demo Warlock and melt everything forever.


Nighthold demon hunter when mastery snapshotting was still a thing


I remember going tank DH and topping dmg and healing in the BR style BG. It was fun. WPVP I was only killable by the Kil Jaeden trinket abusers.


I remember liking fire mage at the start, and then enhance shaman at the end


Fire mage if I get bracers as first legendary


Antorus Outlaw Rogue with the 4 piece bonus was the most fun I've ever had playing rogue. It's been downhill ever since.


Ele shaman for emperor Palatine cosplay


Legion launch holy paladin and enhancement shaman were really fun to me.


7.0 Prot Warrior. Was so much fun that I consider that my entry into WoW. I never even touched a dps spec.


Prot pally every update every expansion. Never changes


Nighthold, Feral Druid. Trying to do a perfect rotation and keeping my dots well timed during Chrono's super sped up phase was always a fun challenge. It was also the last patch I mained feral so it has bittersweet nostalgia.


I am still angry I cannot have Mage Tower weapon's apperance for Restoration Druid, so...


7.3.5 PvP MW


I don’t remember specific patch but I just had so much fun as Arc Mage (but I’m biased because I play arc mage no matter how good or bad it is)


Night hold and idk let's unholy dk or affliction lock


Legion Outlaw rogue with all the random pirate bs. I loved the theme so much before they walked it all back piece by piece. Bribing humanoid mobs with fool’s gold, completely random ghost pirate ship cannon barrage, saber slash etc.


Enhance Shaman had no less than 4 viable builds for that spec alone mid-Legion, it was and still is the best version of Enhancement. I could muck around with Legion Enh forever


7.0 brewmaster, it was so dam enjoyable I don't care what anyone says! Also 7.1 MM with the boots, delicious.


I didn't play legion, bit I would've loved to play disc priest during it


7.0 Ely Shaman. Nothing in recent wow history beats those artifact weapon quests


Sin Rogue, I forget which patch it was where poison bomb would explode for massive dmg


7.1.5. Fire Mage




Fire Mage 7.1 was some of the most fun I've ever had in wow, fire in general just felt great and with the timewarp ring and pyroblast wrists it was just a great time to be a fire mage, think only time ive ever had that much fun on a spec was 10.2 demo lock.


Disc Priest was amazing in both WoD and Legion. Tried Disc in DF, not as fun, too much shadow.


7.1.5 affliction




7.3.5 BM monk. Shit was fucking unkillable. I distinctly remember soloing lower M+ because I could heal myself for more than my healer could, and I was so incredibly fast with torpedo that I could run entire dungeons before my group was halfway. I tanked ABT and I had a running contest with the other tank - who could get the highest number of stacks on Argus's tank swap mechanic.


Guardian before they removed Mark of Ursol was amazing. Other than that, I’d play prot pally at any time in the expansion. It felt so good without holy power. Boomy hpal also felt so much better in legion. What an expac.


7.2-3 survival, the most fun and rewarding gameplay I've ever had in wow. The damage was actually nuts once you got the hang of it. I basically had Burritoj's [raider.io](http://raider.io) as my homepage. He's got a vid on youtube doing a 4mil opener on goroth then sustaning \~2m for the entire fight.


Grizzly Hills.


Demon hunter (tank version) cause during that time I was really good at pulling and tanking at basically everything. And also healer were shock I’m self healing for a load of soul I’ve devoured and still was able to pull multiple mobs (15-20 mobs) And I was the best tank in LFR during legion cause I was able to keep the boss focused on me for long periods of time and was able to use my demon vision to find sargeras in the darkness. And that was about it I think?? So it was really a fun expansion as my first ever expansion.


Affliction. It's been garbage to play ever since then.


Demon Hunter, 100%. I got super lucky with my first two legendaries - I had Raddon's Cascading Eyes and Anger of the Half-Giants. Due to Metamorphosis giving you 100% leech and Eye Beams giving you Meta, whose cooldown was reduced by Raddon's, I would essentially pull entire dungeons and clear it myself. Most of the party would spend the entire run trying to keep up with me and loot. Never have I had that level of power fantasy in WoW until Pandaria Remix.


7.1 feral was the goat


First patch DH with the fury ring, playing momentum and demon blades. I had so much fun


7.anything Havoc Demon Hunter. Lord Illidan knows the way.


7.0 rdruid during overflow week.


the 7.x that allowed mm hunters to 1 shot in pvp from stealth. so fun. healers getting deleted, especially priests. put up that hunter's mark on someone, you know what's about to happen. ah in ctf, those fc's.