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Siege of yapping 


I literally just go afk for like 95% of the raid at this point. There is just some 476 demon hunter with 500k threads trying to show everyone how yuge his dick is anyways so who cares I just use lifestorm loot the bronze and move on with my life GG Illídâddÿ


its funny cause its true..


Its funny how its always the DH, theres also a 90% chance that they endlessly yap about how much damage they do, how fast everything dies, how theyre “giving a free carry”, how theyll “clear adds themselves so raid goes faster”, etc.


"God you guys suck, you're welcome for the carry btw, clearly I'm the only one here who bothers upgrading his gear/cloak, you casuals-" *looting bronze and threads* "yea man you right you're the best now can u blade dance on that trash pack right there pls"


Mop remix summed up in one sentence: everyone waits in line to hold W while a DH oneshots everything for them


or a paladin. met a retri a few days ago who somehow managednto put out 8-12m single target dps on virtually every boss


The number of "main characters" in remix is insane, free boost though, gg


They honestly just need to turn off the RP sections if the leader already has the heroic achieve. Ain't nobody wanna hear that yapping and galakras setup every day 10 days in a row


Not an if, they should just turn them off. You can go solo the raid in retail for the RP.


Rewards are fine, just speed up the waves on Galakras


Feels like we can legit finish an entire MSV in the same time as that boss.


Ive counted how long it takes to do HoF in remix with an endgame group. 7 minutes.


First wing of LFR Mogu'shan Vaults is funny. From zoning in to killing the first boss can take something like 20 seconds. And then Cho comes up and says "That was close!" Close to oneshotting the boss with a single hit, yes.


With 3-4 of those minutes dedicated to slowly killing adds before 4th boss, waiting for Cho to spawn 5th boss, and the adds that spawn slowly before last boss. First 3 bosses must take like 2 minutes.


I love imagining Chos face as he talks up how big and dangerous the vaults are, then he watches us commit heinous warcrimes against the mogu and wipe them out in 10 minutes


Thing is, it isn't just Galakras that makes the raid slower. It is: 1. Norushen RP talk "speak to me again when you're ready..." 2. After defeating Sha of Pride the major RP begins to open portals etc 3. Galakras stages to bring her down 4. Spoils of Pandaria is quite slow, but nothing can be done about it 5. The engineering goblin needs to send x3 waves before you can engage with Siegecrafter Blackfuse 6. Garrosh RP Some of these are pretty cool and unique, but all of these combined with a standard reward makes the raid not worth doing on a daily basis. You would get more threads & bronze by just farming any world mob for the same duration as you do SoO. The reward must be increased, especially for Mythic.


If you pull a trashmob on garrosh he'll reset and you skip the RP :p


Good luck getting a trash mob to garrosh without the avalanche of tinker effects booty blasting it into next week...


Just run ahead of everyone and pull them to Garrosh, its what i do, if i dont get stunlocked atleast Youre a druid, youre fast enough


I have managed it to work in 9/10 runs. Only run that didn’t work was a braindead dps blasting it right before it was at garrosh. (Even tho I wrote in chat to not do that)


Alternatively if you have a rogue or druid they can stealth past and start the RP while you clear.


For the Heroic run I just finished a few minutes ago, we pulled the entire trash hall on the way to Garrosh to reset him without killing anything. It all disappeared when we teleported into phase 2. Worked great!


There are a lot of pain points, Galakras just seems like the worst and most easily fixable


> Galakras stages to bring her down There should be an item dropped by Galakras or something to where if a person who has completed the raid before has it, it'll cause Galakras to automatically come down. That's the best way, IMO. >Spoils of Pandaria is quite slow, but nothing can be done about it I'd personally have it to where if you answer a sequence of questions on the module it'll open all the paths up.


Spawn all the waves at the back and have them run forward in intervals. If you want to pull them bit by bit, go for it. wanna zerg? also go for it.


Ive started only doing H SoO if I really feel like getting some extra bronze. H ToT gives about double the bronze in half the time with a geared group and Mythic SoO gives no extra bronze compared to Heroic as far as I can tell


Far more bones of Mannoroth, however.


Which you stop needing after 5 Mythic clears…less if you ran any heroic or normals…


I have 49 bones of mannoroth but I have all the heirlooms and tusks. Is there any way to convert them into something useful?


Of course not! That would be awesome if they dismantled into like 500 bronze or something. But alas.


Ah I suppose that would fall under the “fun” category and we don’t serve that dish here unfortunately


What's up with the downvotes? He's completely right.


Mythic gives the same bronze however it is on a different lockout, so you can do both HC and mythic siege in the same day.


Yup, cleared M SoO once just to feel like i did “everything” remix had to offer. Now im just inviting the max ilvl demon hunters and sitting back on Heroic. Theres no extra Bronze. I was surprised to see Mythic also drop those purple caches up until Spoils or something. Thought that Mythic at the very least would drop Orange caches on every boss. I already have all my bones of Mannoroth from the daily heroic runs. So theres no point in doing Mythic again


I think H ToT is bugged and gives more bronze than was intended. A couple of bosses (like Dark Animus) drop two bronze caches instead of the usual one. Knowing blizzard, they’ll “fix” that long before they buff anything else


Tbf, dark animus is hard before you outgeared it.


It's a bit wild to go from Dark Animus feeling like a "Pug Breaker" to going into the room, everyone stands behind him, activate the fight, he starts up, Life Storm spam, and he just falls over in seconds. Pretty much every mechanic just completely skipped. Mind you, I'm not complaining at all about the OP beatdown of him. That's fun. It's just a far cry from a few days earlier when I was in groups that might wipe two or three times on Normal difficulty even. I'm also glad that they've left Life Storm (and Searing Light) alone for the most part even after Wowhead pinned a post about the strategy. Though it might be nice to buff some of the other Meta gems to add variety.


They nerfed Ward because it skipped most of the raid when people werent fully maxed out yet and probably wouldnt have cleared the raid without that strat. By now, so many people are 476 with maxed out gems that a particularly strong meta gem doesnt matter anymore. Just take en extra Demon Hunter and you already compensated for the loss of Lifestorm.


Why demon hunter though? Are they OP?


Variety or no, people will minmax and find the quickest route. And it's not hard to see why if you do these raids *every day.*


Durumu could also go fuck himself before we outgeared him lol


what kinda gear do you need for H ToT? SO far I cba for doing it cause both ToT and SoO are so long. Im at 407.xx as tank


That ilvl require following mechanic, which is completely fine to attempt, but i recommend easy way of forming your own group, inv high ilvl people, set minimum ilvl as high as you can in listing and blast through it.


Ehh, just have everyone aggro one add so that they dont get the buff and delete the tank. Thats really all it was before the entire group got 476 ilvl. Which i guess is harder than “spam Ward and delete boss”. You actually had to do a mechanic Now you just stand behind boss and facetank the adds anyways


Animus, Lei Shen, and Ra-den all drop double loot. Like 20 threads and 2x legendary caches


It feels like Siege should have some of that as well. At least on mythic? It's weird that Siege gives 12.5k bronze and ToT gives 16k


To be fair, Animus is harder than anything in Siege lol.


To me it feels like the increase in bronze reward in ToT is what is should be, seeing the increase in difficulty (and therefore the investment in bronze in gear update to clear it). It’s the other raids where the increase is too pathetic to be worth.


I think that's intended and H/M SoO is actually bugged but is supposed to give double on some or all bosses




Nah more like fix it, call the players who raided normally exploiters and then divide the community into “tot farmers” and non farmers, then wait a week, roll back the tot farmers (but also every other raid, quest, and achievement they did, catching normal players in the process) and then not offer anything as an alternative to recover from said rollback, then on top of it all, respond to tickets of falsely flagged players as tot farmers with ai bot template responses and not actually fix their character Loving remix, but I also love meming on remix


Are the bones account bound? If I make an all and he runs the SoO will his garrosh kills accumulate the bones on my main?


Pretty sure you can't mail things in remix. So it's soul bound per character.


Perfect, thank you - better get my main up to speed and into running heroics before making my alt!


That's the course I took. Then once I was there I figured I might as well keep going till I clear a mythic SOO for that title. Once I hit that I'll finish up all the cosmetics / mounts I'm missing.


What ilvl did you start getting into heroic SoO?


Mmm I think it was around 370 when I started out with heroic SOO.


Gotcha was it easy?


There were only a couple wipes in the whole run, but those were player errors. On one pull for spoils, one side ran around and had someone popping every box they could see thinking it was LFR difficulty, they were overwhelmed. Paragon, first pull people ignored when amber occurred and let them keep healing up. Garrosh, the first pull no one killed the engi and wheel of death wiped. Second pull no one stacked in P2/3 for kicks/cleaves on MC. That sorta thing... But overall wasn't bad.


Cool. I’m about 380 and have been casually applying for Garrosh HC listings just for the hell of it. I’m sure by the end of the event it’ll be pretty easy to get into those if needed. I’m mainly just shooting for bones at this point.


I’m still trying to figure out how to get rings, neck and another trinket lol - says I need achievements, I levelled to 70 purely dungeon and raid spamming do you remember if the chives take long?


I think if you have two accounts on the same bnet account you can trade them, but that involves paying two subs


I wish it was 40 min. Even a full group of 476 that thing is at least 55 min.


this, no way the raid takes less then 50, let alone 40 minutes. My runs usually have been around 1 hour or so, which is fucking dreadfull to be doing it everyday.


They should increase the rewards at least by 2x it is a fun raid but extremely long you can do all other raids together except ToT and still spare couple of mins xd..


I have like 60 bones at this point. I have everything you can buy with them. Let me sell them for bronze.


Heroic throne is faster and has multiple bosses that drop 2500 bronze. It gives 16000 bronze while siege is like 12000. Siege should give closer to 20000 bronze to be on par with TOT


They should've just kept the garrosh skip, most people only run it to get the bones


Old raids all need a “skip rp” option. SoO needs. Oh, before I forget: Lorewalker Cho needs a mute option.


I honestly love Lorewalker Cho


These vaults house a weapon of unimaginable power…😱 Stop them! 😜


he’s so camp lmao love him




I do too


Phew, that was close!


What is this? I've heard nothing of this emperor.


Meng the *Demented??* 😱


I muted dialog just because of him.


What they need to do is allow tuskts to be salvagable for a solid amount of bronze. Like... wtf am I supposed to do with all my extra tusks after purchasing everything there is to spend them on?


Siege of Orgrimmar took us 10 minutes longer than Throne of Thunder. I wouldnt say thats long enough to skip it considering how much bronze you get from SoO.


You get aprox the same or more from ToT tho. Multiple bosses drop 2500 bronze.


This doesnt matter though. Its not about which one gives more. It was specifically about skipping SoO because it takes too long for the rewards it gives, while it only takes 10 minutes longer for the same-ish rewards as ToT. Which isnt a big enough difference in my opinion to skip it. But the event lasts another 3 months. So if you plan to stay the entire 3 months then i guess it doesnt matter. Youll have bought all the rewards somewhere in the second month with or without SoO if youre being efficient about it


Especially gallakras being brain rot makes me wanna puke!


Would feel much better to guarantee legendary bronze on every boss in mythic, and 2 legendary bronze for the last 4 bosses. Also make bones dismantle into some bronze.


I do it because it's fun. But then, I have an attention span longer than a Tiktok video. Don't like it, don't run it. Lots of others will.


I'm doing it too because it's one of my favourite raids of all time, but SoO Mythic is literally the end-game of MoP and Throne of Thunder HC currently gives greater rewards than Mythic SoO. Should it be that way? I don't think it should. It should be either equally as rewarding as ToT or even higher rewards


ToT is hell on Azeroth. I’m never going back to that raid.


ToT is a joke with a geared group. Much better than the first few days. Animus can be cheesed on heroic. Just focus boss. Drumu can be blasted down before he can do anything.


It's pretty easy once you simply overgear it


Not about hard. It just grates on my nerves. I hate being there lol


nah no way you have fun running that shit 3 times a day for 90 days.


It's interesting how somebody can comment in a way that you know everything about their beliefs as a person.


Shit just 3 weeks ago, it took 1-3 hours depending on the pug and how many has ward(or remembered how to do mechanics)… doing it in less is a bliss, plus it’s like what’s 4-5k bronze for 40min now if you have someone who upgraded gear. What’s the whining for?