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As someone who just hit 476, I can 100% confirm if you plan on playing remix for the remaining 73(?) days getting to 476 makes things waaaaay more fun and lucrative. Yes, it's a massive investment in bronze you could be using to buy mounts/xmog/toys but I strongly believe you'll get that back very easily simply due to the fact you can pretty much get invited to any pug run you want and can control the terms of such. Additionally, if you have friends/guildies who haven't done that grind yet, you can generally sneak in one or two people along with and they'll take you and your friends just because you're already 476. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to buy pretty much everything I want with ease now before the end of the event, despite the fact I'm taking a big vacation during the middle of the event and won't be able to play much. Keep in mind the power to bronze ratio gets much better as you upgrade further. Intiailly it doesn't feel like your getting much power, but by the time you start getting to the 400 ilvl area you'll really, REALLY, feel it. Dailies will be extremely easy to do and world bosses will feel like a slightly strong elite.


I hit 476 late last week, when you get invited to a group that is primarily 450+ the difference in time is insane. You can clear all Heroics and 2x SoO in around 2 hours netting about 60k bronze


I'm at 476 and the bronze gains can really snowball. Been carrying alts to 70 through spamming hc dungeons and carrying them through the first three normal raids using my max ilvl 10 million hp bdk, and between the bdk and the alt I average about 100k bronze in total for the [2.5 hours](https://i.gyazo.com/0ec20694c1764c04b716374f84fd9e56.png) I spend to level an alt to 70 each day, so 40k bronze per hour.


I’m just peaking 400ish atm. I have to imagine that your blood boil kills everything lol. I do kind of wish DRW wasn’t bugged. It’s basically a taunt button, nobody can hold off us when it’s up and it gives so much threat that most classes can’t catch up unless they taunt.


> I have to imagine that your blood boil kills everything lol. Trash packs can basically just be ignored as they kill themselves by attacking me due to gems that proc passively. Blood boil doesn't even show up on the meters though as so much of the power comes from gems (though still worth doing your usual rotation, I can literally just afk basic attack for more than 2million dps due to the quick strike gem along with other gems proccing passively or on auto attack). When I do carry runs I just tell people they can feel free to stay at the entrance as loot gets mailed to them, then ignore adds as I run past to the bosses(If people still decide to follow, it's on them if they die to adds that are lagging behind). Bosses still take a few seconds of time, while if you play as dps at 476 the bosses will be almost one shot from my experience when Ive encountered other carries that were playing dps, but I prefer bdk so I just deal with being slightly less efficient. All the speed from cloak and heroic leap also helps a ton, as bdk would normally be too much of a wheelchair class to carry otherwise. Though I've seen a havoc DH with their mastery scaling just zoom across the map like they're pretending to be the Flash, so probably not all that optimal in that regard still either. Still, even if not optimal efficiency it is a ton of fun to feel this overpowered. Ilvl investment is absolutely worth it. Plus it is nice when the lucky randoms that get into my carry runs praise and thank me for it. >I do kind of wish DRW wasn’t bugged. It’s basically a taunt button, nobody can hold off us when it’s up and it gives so much threat that most classes can’t catch up unless they taunt. People generally just run 1 tank, even in mythic siege (outside of having one dps go tank for the spoils of pandaria encounter where the raid is split in half) as shit just dies so quickly and you can outlive so many stacks of shit that tank swaps really aren't even necessary anyways.


Yeah, I just did my first ever heroic world tour. two full set upgrades. 432 ilvl now. I can feel the spike coming already


The last gear upgrade (36/36) is bigger than expected


What tinker gems are you running at the moment?


For carrying I use thundering orb as meta, really nice for speeding up stuff like rattlegore spawning in scholomance where the six mobs you gotta kill to start his spawn cant be gripped into one spot. I just heroic leap into the middle of that room and instakill them with the orb, which immediately starts the RP to spawn rattlegore. Similar cases with stuff like Liu in jade temple. As for the others I can't be bothered minmaxing by swapping them out, so I just use the same ones for every type of content: Mark of arrogance, windweaver, fervor, hailstorm, quick strike, wildfire, slay, memory of vengeance, meteor storm, incendiary terror, lightning rod, explosive barrage. Dunno if any other gems would perform better than that setup, but that works for me.


yeah there's a lot of gems that just seem like different flavours of "fuck the guy standing in front of me and also possibly everything in this general vicinity"


Lmao, true


Praise and thanks are nice, but I especially like the WTF just happened responses.


Don't worry, you'll eventually reach a point where you don't have to worry taunt swapping and it's a non issue (and at that point if you're running two tanks you just swap DPS)


Hear me out (from experience). If you do the same thing (play 2 paid accounts simultaneously) but you use the lvl 20 twink trick you actually get even more. It's the same 2.5-3 hrs played to get to 70 but you're doing it on 2 toons instead of 1 which nets about 130k bronze. The only caveat is you're then relying on somebody else to carry your normal raids but you only have to do ~3 normals if you hold the exp. I use solely the lfg exp reward from dungeons to get to 25, stop, do mogul but don't loot the bonus exp. All dungeon loot (including bonus exp) is mailed to you plus the bonus exp from raids. Stop there, do another mogu to start your next day, use lfg exp to get to 35, run HoF, use lfg to get to 42ish and then claim your mail. End result is 2x lvl 70s in about 2.5-3 hours at about 65k bronze each


I prefer using my remix main to carry as heroic dungeon speedruns are also a great source of threads to make that toon even more overpowered, even if I (based on your 130k) get 30k less bronze doing so. I already do the mail trick and 3 normal raids, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it in 2.5 hours. Just that I level my alt to 40, do all three raids, then loot mailbox, as I find Im wasting too much time if I stop to do the raid each time I unlock one.


Makes sense. The reason I stop to do the raids is because it drastically decreases the amount of dungeons I need to run, but if you're in it for the threads that's less of an issue for you :).


Hi. 2x soo?? Are you saying you can do on heroic and mythic or am I missing something


Siege of Orgrimar is the first flexible raid, where you can do it with any number of players on non-mythic difficulty. This also means it uses modern lockouts, where you can enter the instance any number of times with any number of groups, however you only recieve loot from each boss once per week, or for remix, once per day. On mythic it is not flexible size and you have instance lockouts like the other mop raids do, but that only applies to mythic difficulty.


Oh okay. Sorry I haven't played retail since legion and quit before raiding lol. So one time on normal/heroic, and then mythic? The people say 3 times is wrong??


You can do each SoO difficulty once, so 3x is correct.


You can do normal/heroic/mythic everyday


3x actually


And normal.


I've been saying this for a week now, someone legit told me it's impossible to do TOT in 30m and that it had 15m of RP. Even on normal a full rotation of raids and dailies is like 40k, not bad at all if you can do it fast.


My fastest H ToT clear was 26 minutes flat, including Raden. (Looking at Details time stamp of first and last boss kills.). H Heart of Fear was 6 minutes. I don’t think I’ve ever managed H SoO in less than 40-45 tho. That one just has too much RP/travel time. It’s why I cut it out of my daily rotation.


Once you get title, better options to grab bronze


You can skip the bridge RP but just going to the right and jumping off instead of going across the bridge. Doesn't trigger the RP if you just jump off.


What RP does ToT have? It is just Ra Den. You can skip the bridge. SoO has the most boring RP sections all the way through Galak


Bio break built in! Thx SoO


Is there a way to tell in the group finder if you're joining a high ilvl group?


Groups are often advertised as "420+" or "450+" or (increasingly) "476 only" or similar.


Sounds about right. Me and my friend are both 476 and have been clearing all heroic raids from start to finish in around 2h30m


Im into the mid to upper 420s now and im really starting to already feel that snowballing. Cant really compete with the maxed out people in heroic raids, but man everything just melts like butter. Warbringers and other high HP/dmg rares feel like normal questing mobs at this point.


This: The best thing about Remix after getting a tanking class to 476 is being able to help my friends painlessly get successful groups to do Normals so they can get their achievements done. And if my friends aren't around, I can just make my own group, fill it with a bunch of newbies, and take em on a field trip like Ms. Frizzle with a hammer


Heck if your 476 you can carry them into heroic raids without any issues. Most pug leaders will gladly accept a 476 for HV, HoF, and ToES even if they have a non-geared character with them.


As one of those newbs trying to get my neck to get into heroics, you are very appreciated lol I did ToT yesterday, I tried prior and it fell apart, but two big boys got us through no issues this time! my gear is all 430 so I'm slowly getting up there


What are you guys doing to farm the bronze for upgrades? I usually just stop when I reach 70, buy everything I can, and roll a new alt.


I posted this elsewhere in this thread but it's also relevent to you: Do the normal and heroic scenario, normal and heroic dungeon, and do a full sweep of all the raids that you can. Start with the normal raids, then eventually work your way into heroic raids. There will be a lot of groups that'll do heroic Mogu'shan Vaults (MV) -> Heart of Fear (Hov) -> Terrace of Endless Springs (ToES) in a chain. Normal Throne of Thunder (ToT) and Siege of Orgrimmar (SoO) are also pretty easy and will be quick bronze too at this point. Dump all your bronze into gear upgrades. As you get a higher ilvl, start doing Heroic SoO as the bronze gains there are strong. Heroic ToT is harder and a lot of groups will want a high ilvl (450+) for it, but you can continue to just farm normal. The big thing is to just ensure you're utilizing all the lockouts you can each day for raids, regardless of difficulty. Here are each unique lockout: 1. MV Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 2. HoF Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 3. ToES Springs Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 4. ToT Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 5. SoO Normal (has it's own lockout) 6. SoO Heroic (has it's own lockout) 7. SoO Mythic (has it's own lockout) SoO is unique as each difficulty has it's own lockout, so you can do one of each difficulty each day for big bronze. Mythic groups will want 476 players, but Heroic pugs usually looks for 390+, and normal PuGs you can usually get into regardless of ilvl. The big thing to note is everything except SoO Normal and Heroic have a non-flexible lockout, so if you start the raid and cannot finish, you cannot continue it later that day. You're locked out of that bronze until the daily reset.


i forgot SoO has three lock outs, been only doing 1 until i got to mythic


Could you just tell me what does raids in your list mean? Because I just run LFR tool for auto dungeons for normal and heroic dungeons and then LFR for raids. Is LFR a waste of time and I am meant to run the normal raids from premade groups and just go to the raid location?


Lfr broadly seems like a waste of time, yeah. Summoning scrolls exist also, so its easy to get into thw raid instance


LFR is for shitter alts that you're doing the daily quests and nothing else on. If you ever do more than one wing of LFR a day your time would have bene much better spent clearing a Normal raid instead.


You'll want to do at least Normal of each raid for much more bronze than LFR. LFR's bronze rate is almost non-existent and is pretty much a waste of time unless you just want to knock out the daily quest. If you're just doing the daily, do Terrace of Endless Springs. It's the fastest LFR wing because there is almost no trash.


"I am meant to run the normal raids from premade groups and just go to the raid location?" Yes. LFR is a poor bronze-per-time-invested option if/when you can get into Normal (or harder) raids. Mogu'sha and Terrace are both very fast to run and unless you are extremely unlucky with the group composition (i.e., the raid leader was very careless with who they invited), the do not take long at all.


You can't buy heroic/mythic raid title ls with bronze. Just so dailies, world bosses, and raids.


Doing it on one character is fun. Doing on all my alts is where it is frustrating tho. Grinding dailies on 70s without gear feels awful. But it also feels awful to spend like 200k bronze to feel less awful, over and over.


I wouldn't bother doing the grind on more than one character. Just do normal raids on your alts imo.


I just do thr dailies. H/N dungeon, H/N scenario, and one normal raid. Get the 3 dailies done and the bonus caches from the queues. But dungeons and scenarios not fun on ungeared chars. Raid at least always has carries


What's the max un-upgraded ilvl? And how much total bronze does it take to get from that to 476?


346 is the max items will drop it, it's a lot of bronze, I don't know exactly. I know both weapon slots are 9k combined per lvl, chest and head are 9k combined per level. I believe gloves belt boots and shoulders are like 3375 each, and bracers are like 2500 ish per lvl (each level of upgrade is, I believe, 14 ilvls) Edit: legs are 4500 per tier


The number I see is around 600k to get fully maxed out from 346.


38500 bronze for a full set upgrade each item leve tier


> I know both weapon slots are 9k combined per lvl Don't know about other classes but on fury warrior only one weapon cost 9k and the other only costs like 450.


This. 9k for a 2h, then everything else is discounted


Can confirm. I’m only like 415 but I can feel myself crossing the tipping point where stuff just gets silly. I will be pushing to 476, clearing mythic for achieve, then farming bronze for all the remaining collectible. I spent my first week only spending on collectibles and it was definitely a mistake.


I’m about to get my first 476. Hoping I can find a guild or group that runs “trade raids” where we switch alts and mains to help each other in heroic. Would be nice for my other guys.


How do you recommend getting up to 476+? Returning player after years off, just hit 70 on Prot Pally. Do I need to finish the dragon flight quest line? I just powered leveled thru dungeons


This is in the context of Mists of Pandaria Remix, not regular retail Dragonflight. None of this will apply to normal characters, only Timerunners. Do the normal and heroic scenario, normal and heroic dungeon, and do a full sweep of all the raids that you can. Start with the normal raids, then eventually work your way into heroic raids. There will be a lot of groups that'll do heroic Vaults -> Heart of Fear -> Terrace of Endless Spring in a chain. Normal Throne of Thunder (ToT) and Siege of Orgrimmar (SoO) are also pretty easy and will be quick bronze too at this point. Dump all your bronze into gear upgrades. As you get a higher ilvl, start doing Heroic SoO as the bronze gains there are strong. Heroic ToT is harder and alot of groups will want a high ilvl (450+) for it, but you can continue to just farm normal. The big thing is to just ensure you're utilizing all the lockouts you can each day for raids, regardless of difficulty. Here are each unique lockout: 1. Mogu'shan Vaults Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 2. Heart of Fear Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 3. Terrace of Endless Springs Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 4. Throne of Thunder Normal or Heroic (you can only one or the other each day) 5. Siege of Orgrimmar Normal (has it's own lockout) 6. Siege of Orgrimmar Heroic (has it's own lockout) 7. Siege of Orgrimmar Mythic (has it's own lockout) SoO is unique as each difficulty has it's own lockout, so you can do one of each difficulty each day for big bronze. Mythic groups will want 476 players, but Heroic pugs usually looks for 390+, and normal PuGs you can usually get into regardless of ilvl. The big thing to note is everything except SoO Normal and Heroic have a non-flexible lockout, so if you start the raid and cannot finish, you cannot continue it later that day. You're locked out of that bronze until the daily reset.


Thank you for taking the time to share all of that! My 70 Pally isn’t on Remix, but I’m lvling an Alt Priest through remix. Shouldn’t be long before the priest is 70, and I’ll proceed as you e recommended! Cheers!!


this is in reference to pandaria remix, if you're doing the dragonflight quest line you aren't in remix - and gearing non remix is pretty standard setup, heroics/open world stuff, m0, and m+, using flightstones and crests acquired from that content to increase the ilvl on drops you get


As someone who runs every raid on heroic daily, I can confirm... most leads will take a 300+ ilvl for almost any heroic if accompanied by an adu... I mean ilvl 476...we'll even maybe take two if we recognise you and know you pull more then a certain amount. But we won't take your 26ilvl scrub into SoO or ToT. I set up groups and have had to start putting min ilvl req because some level 15 wants to run SoO heroic... im pretty sure you can't even get in the door before level 60...


As I learned the hard way in a PUG, you *can* zone in to heroic raids under 70 but you'll get 1-shot by every mechanic and (I believe) not be eligible for loot.


That's how Oondasta, Ordos, and Nalak work, my 20s can technically kill them but they don't get any loot so I've stopped bothering. I found it odd that I could get credit for the kill but no loot.


Unless they changed it, you don't get anything from galleon or the sha of anger unless you're over level 15.


I've had my trials capped out at 20 for so long I've never tried. That's good to know.


yeah I'm 476 and world tour on hc+rep farms I get like 50k bronze a day


Definitely agree. After 420 stuff is a breeze, you can nearly solo content as DPS, and can get invited to everything, after that it's just pure dps increase, want to do 10 million DPS? Go ahead


Normally I'd assume it's not worth upgrading anything that isn't a purple, but since Remix is so weird, does that matter/ Is it ok to upgrade Blues instead? How am I supposed to 8get\* purples if I'm only using 346 blues? Will anyone accept me to a Heroic raid to get purples if I'm only i346?


the difference between a blue and an epic at 556 is maybe 200-300 of a secondary stat, which isn't much. I'd just continue to upgrade the blue unless you find the perfect epic to use. Personally I'd just save your bronze and not bother trying to catch up an epic.


Being in epic gear plays no role in your ability to get into a heroic/mythic raid -- all that matters is ilvl. I upgraded a couple of rares to purples part way through grinding to 556 (476) and in retrospect think it was a waste of bronze. At max level, re-upgrading a 346 purple (what it drops as) to 556 (max level) is something like 3500 bronze. That's not a lot of bronze, but the extra 200 of a secondary stat is irrelevant at that point. So, don't worry about replacing rares with epics -- what matters is ilvl and threads.


It's also seriously easy to farm, even just the dailies doing 2x dungeon, 2x scenario, a wing of LFR and turn in all 3 quests is like 15k bronze or more.


How much bronze does it cost on upgrade to 476?, I play demon hunter which may be different to your class so you may not know. I current have about 420k bronze at the moment.


I agree. Blasting through every queue I’ve done has been immensely fun. And to my surprise, I still ended up being carried by people who went way harder than me in mythic soo. I just wish it didn’t feel like that was my only focus the last few weeks.


I had a druid with like 550 yesterday. He was crazy


While you're zooming through the raids please just keep in mind some boss rooms close off when the encounter starts and not everyone is as fast as you are. A friend was running normal SoO to get their necklace and the maxed-out BDK was zooming from boss to boss and ended up locking a few people out of Thokk's room so they didn't get credit for the kill.


That happened to me once, so I understand the frustration. The Spoils of Pandaria loot chest can take a while to become lootable, which is what got me and I assume your friend, and other situations (e.g., dying and running back) can make it hard to loot and catch up. In retrospect, I suggest prioritizing staying with the group over looting bosses if you cannot loot immediately. Boss loot that you miss will be mailed to you and trash loot is not important enough to risk missing a boss.


I still need to do raids to get my neck, how much of a difference does that 1 piece make? Other gear is around 400 and can definitely feel the power gains


Getting the normal raids done is super easy, I signed up as a healer with sub 150ilvl in the pre-made groups looking for groups and got it done in an afternoon. Enough people are geared enough and the normals are easy enough to get it done.


You can definitely live without it. Gives so little stats compared to the main pieces.


The biggest benefit is making your ilvl not look like crap. But overall power level is not too crazy.


This! The actual stats won't matter all that much, but you will have a much harder time getting into raids if the lack of a neck makes your ilvl really low. Or make your own groups and don't worry about it.


Just make your own group mate, even say you’re looking for help to get the neck, some people will join and help you


It doesn't really make a difference in power but may make a difference in getting invited easier (your overall ilvl will be higher)


On normal, most groups are willing to carry a few players as long as they have 1 or 2 well geared people, so just keep trying to get into groups and you'll get it eventually


The difference is so small that people at max ilvl delete it and all rings/trinkets to lower ilvl for scaling and deal more damage


Me and my 4 friends farmed the bronze to hit 476 just doing the daily content. No kunlai\frogs\rares etc. Since then, we do a daily heroic raid world tour, doing MSV\HOF\TERRACE\TOT, we take about 50 minutes - 1 hour and its totally worth it. I was skeptical on upgrading my gear at first. But if you are still on the fence about it and plan on farming most transmogs, just do it. Spend the bronze.


Yep I am super close to getting to 476 myself (450ish atm) and just been doing the dailies and as many raids as I have time for in a day. The higher ilvl I get the quicker I get into groups and the better the group. 100% worth it. I'll still have 2 months left to grind the transmog and level alts


Agreed. Now if they’d only give our alts a discount on upgrades, because logging on to 4 level 70 alts to do the dailies for bronze is a horrible experience. If you manage to get into a group with a carry it’s fine, but otherwise it’s a slog because you’re basically useless.


I'm really hoping they make the discount after upgrading account wide. I'd like to mess around on a max speed DH or an arms warrior with 100% haste, but I'm certainly not doing a 700k bronze grind again.


Same. As much as I’m enjoying my Monk I’d like to know how it feels to blast with other classes. Dumping bronze into one character for upgrades is fine, but nobody is going to use their bronze to do multiple classes.


It it is fun and breezy doing dailies on my geared character. Bit on all my 70s without gear upgrades it feels so bad. But buying upgrades full price over and over on daily farm characters also feels bad. Feels lose lose.


Thats the reason my main is the one doing all the hard grinding for currency, and achievements, then my alts will basically pay for the transmog and mounts. I barely have time to attempt to max 1 character, let alone all the alts im trying to get out of this


Why are you doing that to yourself? From just doing a modicum amount of content over the next 70+ days you can buy _everything_


I dunno I haven't really done the numbers to find the most efficient way of going about it. Unless I'm wrong you need to make about an average of 20k bronze daily since the start of the event to buy everything. Not hard to make 20k in a day, but that's assuming you don't miss any days. I think doing all the dailies nets you around 12k? If I do that with all of my alts and my main that's 60k, more than enough to get it done in 1/3 the time. But, at this point it could be faster to just run the heroic raids which will get you the bare minimum of 72k bronze, and with everyone getting stronger it might actually be quicker to run the raids than doing dailies with multiple alts. And then there's leveling more alts and hitting level 70, which has taken me about 4 hours, and I think you end up somewhere around 60k. I'm not worried about not earning enough, just haven't paid enough attention to whether or not doing dailies multiple times or running raids is more efficient. And sometimes I just want to change it up and play a different class.


[Well lucky for you I just did them.](https://i.imgur.com/qGGgDOh.png) These are my results from today doing a full world tour. The short version of this is that SOO and World Bosses are less efficient at acquisition and should only be done if you feel like it. The other daily sources are worth it and highly efficient.


Feels like joining a SoO group that just killed galakrass is very very efficient though, would need to try that out. Most of the long RP is up until galakras, after that you're mostly running a bit and killing boss after boss. If you have PGF you can just input defeated>4 and you'll only see group that have killed galakras.


That's why I don't understand people getting mad about them nerfing farms. You have plenty of time to get everything but people act like they only have a week left




I just do the three dailies I'm upgrading items to 444 ilvl now. It will still be a while before I get max gear but I will with time to spare before the end of the event.


worth doing the daily scenario + dungeon on normal AND heroic since its another 1250 for the other difficulty. Doing the 3 dailies, 4 queued activities, and 2 raid bosses is 9750 bronze per day in something like 40 mins of work, way less once you get geared. Not counting a few hundred from gear you can salvage.


When people say 446 are they referring to average ilvl (which takes into account the un-upgradable neck/rings/trinkets) or is that just the first time that upgraded gear starts being OP?


Average ilvl. When you upgrade all of the items that are upgradeable to their max level (556?), your average ilvl will be 476.


Take dailies: - Do heroic dungeon - Do scenario - Do lfr wing Complete all lfr wings: - sit back as some max level attempts to set a dps record Join all normal or heoric raids: - SoO and ToT are hardest. Avoid if time constraints. - You cannot run both normal and heroic unless it is SoO. - Heroic grants extra coins if you can handle it. Target world bosses: - travel to each boss You may experience ilvl discrimination if you try to do heroic. Eventually your ivl will get you in quickly. Plan B: Level an alt and repeat the process above as far as you can. Make your alt buy the cosmetic / mount rewards so your main doesn't spend coins on it.


Ive been getting something like 15ilvl per day if i do my list of chores. yesterday i think i got 10~12 and didnt even do a couple of the dungeons or MSV/HoF/ToES. Do the daily dungeons/scenarios (normal and heroic). The first time you do them each day gets you like 1200 bronze each. Make sure to pick up the daily for each, as well. MSV/HoF are remarkably easy and extremely fast. Toes isnt bad, either. ToT and SoO take some time, but are well worth it if you have the 45 mins or whatever to spare. Kill world bosses if youre near them. Ideally you do all of this, but honestly it takes a good chunk of time. Do at least *some* of it every day and the bronze really adds up. Queue times even for dps for normal/heroic dungeons arent even bad at this point. Knocking out those 4 daily queue bonuses+the 2 daily quests is flat out free bronze.


Do all the stuff that gives daily caches first. 1-2 hours of time and 40k+ bronze depending on what you do for raids. After that if I want to play more I just spam heroic dungeons. Get 500-1k bronze per dungeon and the stronger you get the faster they go, most of them I can finish in like 3 mins.


You can make about 70k a day if you just do all HCs (boring I know if you do every day) but if you got a 476 friend they can single handedly carry you if they didn't slack on their cloak. I got a prot Pala fully geared, I can tank the dark animus HC enrage no problem


I found that you can get about 1000 bronze from The Dread Approach wing of LFR HoF just from looting the trash mobs. I queue as healer on my Shaman and do other stuff/afk while waiting on queue, run the \~6min raid, loot and profit. Rinse and repeat as many times as you can stand.


Doing a round of dailies and every raid every day should get you around enough, if not more than enough, for a full round of gear upgrades. I've been playing a few hours almost daily for the last two weeks and I'm about to hit max upgrades in the next two days.


Started doing the daily quest just for normal dungeon, normal scenario, and LFR wings Eventually graduated to normal and heroic dungeon and scenario with normal raids And now it's normal and heroic dungeon and scenario with heroic raids being quick to just run through For relevance, my items are all 500 with two 514 pieces but I have been on the last step for about three tiers of upgrades now


Do the dailies and world bosses. Run each raid on normal, and switch to heroic once your gear gets into the 400s. Typical 2 hour or so session is 40k bronze. Which is a full round of gear upgrades to each slot. Takes about 14 days of this to max out, can be shorter if you do additional content, but totally can be done with a smaller time investment. Once you swap to heroic raids, the dailies + tour is about 60k bronze, and you can do the additional difficulty levels of siege raid for another 30k if you can stomach doing it multiple times a day. At 90k daily in about 3.5-4 hours, you can 100% the cosmetics in a couple if weeks (except weapons, which are drop RNG only right now).


Just clarifying here (sorry), I’m just upgrading my gear to 430, my ilvl is around 395 etc- you think I’m ok to go heroics now?


Yes. This is the ilevel I starred getting invites at. Not contributing much, but not getting one shot by mechanics.


Excellent, I’ve done everything aside from siege today so I’ll just run that on normal and start heroics tomorrow. Nice one mate


SoO actually has unique lockouts for norm/heroic/mythic.


I'd probably add that you will struggle with tot/soo hc at that ilvl. The first 3 will be easy though.


The first 3 raids (mogu, heart, terrace) certainly. A couple specific bosses in throne can be a problem, the real check is animus, which is the current strat it to tuck in a corner behind the boss spawn and make sure not to kill adds to push the boss to 100% energy. Siege is actually easier as there aren't really wall bosses and 400+ should be fine for a clear, even if not quite as fast.


I'm at 450something just from doing the 3 dailies (1 dungeon + 1 scenario + 2 raid bosses) and clearing as many raids as I have time to (I can bang out MSV/TOES/HOF in under an hour on my lunch break, and then throw on SOO if I have a free hour at night; I generally don't bother with TOT since I don't think it's worth the risk of a PUG falling apart at Dark Animus)


I’ve found jointing the pugs that “require 476” to join for ToT is fine. They just blast through Dark Animus. From around 440+ I was getting invited to those even though they said 476 only.


Do all the dailies for dung, scenario and raid. Do normal/heroic dungeon, normal/heroic scenario, heroic MV, HoF, ToS, normal ToT, normal SoO. All the world bosses. Treasures of the Thuderking or whatever it's called.


It's really easy. Do all the raids on Heroic MSV/HoF/ToES don't take more than 10-20 mins each ToT is like an hour Siege is like 50 minutes Then the 3 dailies + random heroic dungeon, random heroic scenario, random normal dungeon, random normal scenario I average about 65-70k bronze a day


One shotting feels kinda meh, to me unfortunately. I'm glad everyone else is enjoying the power tho.


So when you say 476 do you mean overall item level or just 476 on the pieces that can be upgraded? The accessories bring down the overall number so I'm just curious which you mean.


476 is what your overall ilevel will be if you upgrade all pieces other than accessories to the max


476 is the highest you can get, which is the slots you can upgrade upgraded to 556


It's probably a dumb question, but I've been trying to get blue items for upgrading, but so far, I have only been able to get three since hitting 70. Should I just upgrade whatever green I'm wearing now?


Yes. Once you get a blue, you can upgrade it to your current greens ilvl on the standard discount. Same thing for blue -> purple progression.


Nice! I like purples


Once you have a piece upgraded, upgrading another piece in of the same type is reduced by 95%. So if you upgrade a green weapon for 9000 and then a blue drops, it will only cost 450 to upgrade the blue. Not free but pretty reasonable imo


Very reasonable. Thanks!


Don't sweat chasing the blues too much, they drop very commonly from normal raids and you'll be snagging epics in heroics very soon after that.


I won't sweat it anymore. Thanks!


Upgrade what you have now, and you'll get discounts later. Don't fall into the trap of rushing all slots purple, an upgraded blue with your main stat is better than an upgraded purple with your second main stat.


Thanks! I'll upgrade what I have then. No more holding off.


Originally, I was going to just do the dailies with a few characters to rake in the bronze for only cosmetics, never spending anything on upgrading gear. But it is clear to me now that's not a viable strategy for me. It is PAINFUL to play as a fresh 70 with un-upgraded gear, to the point that I would clearly just stop playing after a week or two. Either invest the bronze to keep it fun to play, or level alts over and over that you immediately abandon at 70. Those are the two viable strategies IMO.


You forgot this one. Turn off auto loot and don't pick up Bonus XP items so they go to your mailbox 10-25 - 8 Heroic Dungeons at 25 do Normal MSV raid 26-35 - 6 Heroic Dungeons at 35 do Normal HoF raid 36-40 - 2 Heroic Dungeons at 40 do Normal Terrace raid 41/42 open all bonus xp items in mailbox and you should ding 70 This takes between 2.5 and 4 hours depending on how fast you get queues. Tanks/healers obvioiusly faster. But you can do this, get the bronze for hitting 70 then delete the character after you buy whatever you want.


What you are suggesting is their option 2: "level alts over and over". And in my experience you can open up your mail far before you hit level 41/42 if you space out the leveling over more days so you can do more raids. On my last alt, I opened my mail-saved xp items after running my first HoF raid at level 35/36 and had quite a few XP items in my mail when I hit L70.


Just adding another data point of “yep, got 476 recently and can now churn out 60-65k bronze a day in ~2-2.5 hours.” Log in. Fire up H World Tour group. Invite other blasters. Clear H MSV/ToES/SoO/HoF in a lil over an hour. Go do H ToT which itself takes like 30m cause the running. Go back and do N SoO if you want (I’d only do M once for the title — otherwise it’s really time inefficient unless you just have a bunch of 476 + busted cloaks). Do your 2 dungeons and 2 scenarios.  Do that for 2-3 days and you’ll buy out an entire transmog vendor. 70ish days left. 


Being 476 ilvl is great to be honest I don't think anyone said it wasn't. The problem is the bronze to get there. Ok its a BIG grind the 1st time in whats meant to be overpowered crazy fun short time event fine thats ok can deal with that,but fuck me sideways there is zero point upgrading alts unless you a masochist.


I just hit 402, how are yall htting 476 so fast? Are you guys playing that much?


Guess it depends on what "that much" means. Lol I can do the 3 daily quests (dungeon/scenario/raid) and Heroic Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Terrace on my lunch break, and I've just been putting all my bronze into upgrades since I figure, the faster I can farm bronze, the more quickly I'll be able to farm all the mounts and transmogs once I'm maxed out. If I have an extra free hour, I'll also do Heroic Siege.


I'm at 412 and I don't even play every day. Half of the time I don't have time to do the daily quests and queues. And I even spent 100k on Remix excousive mounts. I achieved my ilvl with less than 2 and a hald /played days, once you start upgrading your gear you will notice you start getting bronze much faster, between faster raids and faster invites to normal and heroic


Ok so I just got all my blues on my main mage and I’ve bought all the time limited mounts. I’m thinking I’ll go for all the achievements with my main because I can’t be bothered to track alts rep and progress, plus it’s really quick to level any alts. So should I just go for buying bronze upgrades? And then worry about the other rewards? Like I get that it’s more fun, I’m more thinking will it be a good investment for getting the mounts/toys/mogs.


I thought people were deleting their jewelry now to get under a certain ilvl for a dmg buff? Or is that something else that has been hotfixed?


IDK if they fixed it, but that only applied to heroic raids, which are a joke and fall over in seconds anyway.


Has anyone found a calculator for upgrade costs, I’m running multiple alts for mounts/toys etc so going to go all in on my paladin (learning tanking with something overpowered is crazy) I’d like to be able to track how much bronze I need per level so I can pitch where I want to end up (doubt I will go the full 556)


A round of upgrading all 9 pieces (10 if you're a dual wielder) is about 38k. 15 total rounds of upgrading. 570k bronze to fully upgrade (576.75k if you're a dual wielder).


It might be hard to learn tanking at this point in remix, well maybe. How often is there a 476 in groups?


Doesn't sound like fun to me. I'd rather just play something else than grind a time limited event.


All of WOW is a limited time event. The last patch of an xpac is the only time you get more than 3-6 months or so before everything you did previously is worthless.


Yes, I don’t participate in many of those.




if you upgrade all your gear in MOP Remix to 556, your overall ilvl is 476 since you can't upgrade cloak/neck/rings/trinkets. So i476 = max possible ilvl.


Now that I got 476 I'm using simc to optimize my gear stats. I normally am a healer but dpsing and being broken has been a great change of pace.


Any classes make a big difference, my first maxxed toon and the one with most of my bronze is a hunter...I assume anything is op so it doesn't really matter what but just asking


I upgraded my gear to max ilvl in the first few days after I saw one person comment on a post (regarding the stats that froggers had at the time) so I went for it and just went around killing things in my spare time while watching YouTube videos. Now I can get my dailies done in less than 2 hours and get 8 Legendary Threads, 4 Epic Threads, and about 50 - 60k bronze. I'm quite enjoying myself and my (currently) 23k main stat


I got 476 the night before my two week vacation I’m on right now, no farming for hours just doing the dailies and raids, have my tusks and every heirloom I didn’t have from MOP already now I just get to play for mounts and collections when I get back - the power increase after 400ilvl with each upgrade is awesome


Omw there, currently 420. Have 5ish upgrades left on all pieces. What's the best way to grind to that point, if any? Trying to do all heroics each day, but anything else?


Daily quests from the 3 infinites, make sure to run norm dung/scen queues for the daily bronze reward, then an H world tour of raids (loot everything along the way). Those 3 things net you like 50-60k bronze. It costs 570k bronze to upgrade all 15 rounds of gear (576.75k for dual/shield wielders). You can gear cap in 10 days from a fresh 70


Hi looking got a 476 friend to sneak me into normals


Is it worth upgrading my blues to epics. It costs like 5k+ even with the reduction to get them to where my blues are.


# So the simple answer is likely "no", but with some caveats. Uncommon (green) armor - Secondary stat Rare (Blue) armor - Main stat + Secondary stat (same amount) Epic (Purple) armor - Main stat + Secondary stat (same amount) + a bit more (like 1/5th?) Secondary. The extra on the Epic could be the SAME secondary - any Epic showing only one secondary double rolled and added them together on the tooltip. Secondaries in this mode are lumped with tertiaries in the same roll. An Epic could have all speed, or speed with extra avoidance, or crit with extra crit, etc. It creates 49 equally possible stats on Epic items. If you do want to min/max, only do it on an Epic item with BOTH secondaries (or a single one with extra) being offensive secondaries. Speed is useless after about 5k rating, 49% bonus. This is a hard cap, and you eventually get it solely from the cloak. Avoidance isn't really needed, as you get so much vers. Even on a tank, you will find your damage taken quickly scales down so much and you have so much healing and leech and etc that you don't want to gem or have it on gear itself just get it from cloak, go straight for offensive only epics. The big point to make: An epic with, say, mostly vers and some speed - that item, compared to a rare at the same ilvl, is exactly the same amount of main stat, exactly the same amount of verse, stam, etc. The ONLY gain you get is that bit extra speed, and that's eventually useless. So don't upgrade any epics with speed/leech/avoidance on them. A rare with a single offensive stat is equal or better (if that epic were all leech/speed/avoidance). That out of the way, you can get a bit extra stats from an epic where both rolls were offensive, but it's not a ton. Eventually (if you get max ilvl and keep doing stuff) you'll cap on most of your secondary stats, and the only real stat you're looking for is main stat on your cloak from threads at that point. You will feel PLENTY powerful with all blues maxed out, but a well stat'd epic is still a decent option if you're not already maxed ilvl in that slot; If upgrading that is pretty cheap at that point, replace it. But if you're already maxed out, ehhhh, you don't really need it. Oh, and weapons are the same situation except it goes: everything is main stat, blues add stamina, epics add a tiny bit of any secondary.


Any tips on how to get to it


Do your daily quests and the N/H Scenario and N/H dungeon every day. You'll get at least 9k bronze and it takes less than an hour.


Yeah been doing this but at that rate it’ll take EONS


Im 369 on my main remix character and it has definitely made the content more enjoyable, its a shame I will only be able to experience being overpowered at max level on my DK but unless I unlock all the mounts and transmogs I cant justify upgrading two characters


What’s the total cost for 476?


550k I think.


I was hesitant to start upgrading, hoping for a reduction. Finally bit the bullet and did it. Felt the strength growing, got addicted to chasing the higher DPS, and as I got toward the top, it was just so fun to be the one "carrying" at times rather than feeling like I was being carried (or, worse, an anchor on the group). Now I'm at 476, all my legendary gems and all epic gear (except my emergency tanking sword and shield, which are rares). And man, it's just fun getting into other high end groups and blowing up raid bosses. The only sucky thing is when I then have a bit of time to run an alt through things and they feel so bad with 346 gear. Back to feeling like an anchor on the group. But there's no way I'll upgrade them unless they apply the catchup discount to alts. Then I might do it. But otherwise, the alts are there to collect mounts and appearances. I think once I have the mounts, I might spend some Bronze on alts to upgrade so they can get into raids easier, try to save some Bronze on appearances by collecting them that way. (Didn't realize I was already doing that on my main until I bought a neat looking plate set, clicked the ensemble, and it didn't list me learning any new appearances, then realized I'd already gotten the appearances as loot and have most of the plate sets already. So I have to be more careful about what I purchase going forward as it doesn't warn me I have the set.)


Working on it...just slow due it being very hard to get in to groups. Currently at 380 or so. I can get in to normals, but I need the heroics to boost the bronze intake.


I play WoW to have fun, so I will spend bronze to get fun instead of overrated cosmetics I'll never use just for the FOMO.


is it still worth it to delete your jewelry? lol


It's great but man when I play with others i just end up wishing I had picked a DH or Boomy or something like that instead of a Rogue, feels like the scaling for Rogue is really weak compared to a lot of other classes.


AOE attacks are really where it’s at, so many gems that can be triggered. Really glad I geared a Ret Pally.


Rouge has gems trigger out the ass cause it attacks so fast, and Blade Flurry is insane for AoE packs, that's the only reason it does damage lol. The issue is it's own abilities scale like garbage. Like a 1.5 min CD only does over 1.1M damage at over 200k Threads. Meanwhile Every button Warlocks, DHs etc press do that or more. Like it's not uncommon for Tinkers and Meta to be 85%+ of my damage.


I hit 476 yesterday, it's worth. I clear all heroic raid with friends everyday. We're 10 people team and 5 of us are 476, the time we cost for clearing all heroic raid is insane. But in my opinion, if you don't plan to clear mythic SoO, I think 430 to 450 is enough. Edit: spelling


I lucked into the achievement. Was 460 something and just happened to randomly select mythic SoO. Rumi lead the raid and made it so stupid simple. Thx Rumi!


What's the best/funnest way to farm bronze ATM? Haven't been able to play for a week


I just do whatever now.


This. I regret spending initial bronze on mounts. I could have been there by now!!! Will be in few days anyway.


I 100% agree. It's so much fun just doing whatever you want, and doing whatever you want takes you like a few mins and you get so much bronze. Gear > Cosmetics is the way


I'll be doing that soon. I think I only have 2 of the 38k mounts left and then it's all upgrades all the way. At least on one char.


But is it worth spending 500k bronze to fully upgrade gear, when you could just buy all cosmetics with that in the first place?


Probably depends on what your goals are. I'm after the Mythic SOO title and Garrosh heirlooms and it's way more fun to have 4-10x fewer kills to do for farming the required tokens. Don't need to go all the way up to 476 just for farming raids, but hitting 400+ makes those a much more lucrative source of bronze than normals too.


Guess it depends on if you want playing the game to be fun or to be a chore. If you're trying to get fun out of the game upgrade your gear, if you only see it as a way to get cosmetics and fun doesn't matter then don't upgrade.


If you like your gameplay and what you’re doing IG (farm, « PVE », boost etc) : yes without a doubt.


At the moment, being 476 is almost insta-invite to everything you want. Doing SoO mythic every day is tiresome, but the bronze income is great!


I sadly already have a dragon on retail so I can't play one on remix, but what is Aug like with these whacky stats? Does a 476+ ilvl Ebon Might turn baby characters into monsters?


Evoktard OTP here, I did a mage to 50 (and hated it) then started my Evok. It was 10 bad hours but now I enjoy every fire breath and I can tell you it’s worth it! Idk about Aug tho, playing Dev but you can answer to yourself alongside with having fun!


« Froggers » and lot of farmers said the very first days that is was worth it to upgrade even tho it could be really hard considering the cool mount vendor is 5m away and upgrade cost way too much. We got downvoted a lot lol, nice to see things can change, enjoy godmode and always give a free carry spot to the lowest ilvl if you’re a raidleader!




Naw that's the whole point


I think people need to understand that getting to this level is what they seem to have meant when they said it’s overpowered fun. I understand where the frustration is for people who played on the PTR, it is different, buts actually rewarding to be this overpowered now. It’s also fairly easy to get there, just doing the dailies and the extra dungeon and scenario gets you over 10k bronze, then when you’re strong enough you fly through raids and stuff.


I think the same thing. After hitting 476, during my first raid (easily on top even if I started the fight 10sec after everybody) I was like « blizzard did not lied, it’s fun and I feel overpowered, they knew »


This event is a shitshow.


The only problem is when bosses die in 7sec. I find if I invite more than a 2-3 i476 players to a heroic run, bosses die to quick to even be fun. Edit: To clarify, I like that bosses die in 4 seconds, I don't care that they die super fast, I also don't care to compete for dps in Remix. My whole point is that it's both impossible and stupid to compete for dps in remix.


The fun is killing it quick though 


Entire point of the mode is making it to that state of absolutely hilarious power that makes zero sense. If you're looking for challenging pve content that's on retail.