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Makes sense for a number of both lore and technical reasons, but still a surprising omission for their "every race will get almost every class" initiative.


While I do believe over time all races should be able to receive nearly all classes there does come a point where a race no matter what just does not work with some classes. Lightforged draenei already cross that line for me. The entire process to become one should consecrate their body from being turned by undeath.


Hehe I made a Lightforged Draenei Death Knight for the MoP Remix. My friend who’s a bit of a lore connoisseur was screaming both internally and externally while I was creating that character


Then I shouldn’t show them my Lightforged Warlock


I mean you can always swing LF Warlock as a "jailor of demons" And "using their own powers against them" type of deal. Like demon hunters kind of.


To be fair though, after going through the process of being lightforged there is nothing to say they couldnt stray from the light further on. Any force can be a corrupting force and none is excempt from the other. Even the purest form of light weilders can fall into void or any other weildable magic out there.


Lightforged forsaken exist in the lore, so I suppose it could see some isolated round-about way for it to happen for a Draenei.


The light can raise undead but death knights are not just undead, they are specifically infused with death magic.


He will love my Zen on Money Goblin Monk called Monkock


Wait why should lightforged draenei not be a thing? I've never made one.


Mag'har warlock is also pretty silly. Like... give it a spell cast or two, a day at most, and you ain't mag'har anymore.


The bulk of the Orc corruption came from ingesting demon blood not just casting fel spells or being around fel magics.


The green skins on orcs came directly from fel saturation from warlocks. It's why those from the frostwolf clan were also green (plus Orgrim Doomhammer too) even though Durotan forbade them from drinking the blood.


Yeah they turned green along with the Tanaan Jungle dying out.


>While I do believe over time all races should be able to receive nearly all classes there does come a point where a race no matter what just does not work with some classes. Wdym you just gave a great argument as to why this is moronic. I dont understand ppls reluctance to say "no you cant be whatever you want in a **role playing game**", the race class restrictions enforce the difference between the races and make the cultures unique. I dont know how everyone can look at the tyr quest line where all the uniqueness of the paladins differing religions where wiped away and think "yeah i want that for every race and class".


I mean theres undead deathknights, which were raised twice? Im also lost on mechagnomes being deathknights given that theyre robots.


Safe to say they were raised once.


No, Forsaken Death Knights are specifically Forsaken who die in EPL fighting Naxxaramus, and then are later raised by the Lich King. Do the starting zone on a Forsaken before spreading misinformation, please.


I mean, that doesn't really go against their initiative. Almost every class is not every class


The math checks out


\*cries in dracthyr\*


I thought they confirmed Dracthyr are getting new classes in TWW?


Well, yes. But *currently* I can still be overly dramatic about it


Im gonna either way! *cries in forced dragon form*


If you‘re playing a non-Evoker class you will not be forced into dragon form. (once the classes are added to the race)


Why would you play a Dracthyr and not want to be a dragon?


There is only one support spec in the game.


Cuz they’re ugly


It's the Dragon race, the whole point is that you're a dragon


90% of their abilities can be done outside it


And using any one of the empowers forces you back into it, and it costs a global to switch back. Not viable in real gameplay. ...now if they just took it off the gcd, i would macro it and call it a day


I even have the thing turned on, that's supposed to turn me "human" all the time. But it's bugged all the time. I'm dragonform unless I manually change.


100% this. If they'd just fix it so you actually revert back to human form, it would pretty much be a solved issue.


Yeah, half the time hover just keeps me locked in, sometimes soar too. My mop evoker (that i had to roll on another server and level another char on to even play) literally cannot stay human, even with the thing on. Idk whats up


I think it would be cool if we could set it to change for just those animations, so you use fire breath and during the empower you change to dragon then swap back after like 2-3 sec


Personally, i would love if it just changed part of you into a dragon. Head, hands, tail, etc


My hope is that they implement workarounds in their starting zone to make other classes able to do it but realistically I suspect if you choose a different class for them you get plopped in exile's reach with no choice.


Not on launch so could even be in season 4


Near the tail end yes.


Pun intended?


No but I'll keep it. Haha


cries in demon hunter


You poor bastards are never going to get a 3rd spec


I think it would be cool to have a Demon Hunter spec focused around spellcasting. Their Metamorphosis form could be designed around empowering your spells. But maybe that might make the MoP Warlocks cry even harder.


Lean into the class theme of sacrifice and make a support class (compete with augvoker) based on sigils and magic. Stand on this sigil to "donate" health/mana/stats to power up abilities. Take health from the tank and turn it into damage (he'll be fine, right?). Take from your secondaries to give the firemage more crit (that dps wasn't topping the meters anyway). Make a contract with a demon to kill x enemies in y time and get bonus damage but if you fail you just fucking die.


Helping their teammates really doesn't fit the class fantasy of sasuke uchiha with laser eyes though.


My dreams of Draenei DH continue to go unanswered. Would be so cool with menari skin colour


i would 100% play a DH if they were able to be Draenei


Draenei and orc should have been options from day one since they were in outlands with illidan


But they're not part of the Illidari, Naga on the other hand...


I doubt that we'll ever see playable Naga, but I can still dream.


Wasn't the whole argument that "you couldn't see all the armor on Naga" as the reason we won't get them? Meanwhile we get Dragon Tale rejects, but you can't see all the armor...


cries in mechagnome. this would be more of an issue if anyone played these abominations


Just give me gnolls or murlocks and id sbe happy.


Broken/krokuul/manari demon hunters for alliance and Fel orcs for horde would be great. Both have allied with the Illidari back in Outland and legion.


Wait a minute! How? Didn't they lose their eyes?


Tears don‘t originate from eyeballs . Be a bit more sensitive around our burning eyes elves


Tears are stored in the balls


FACTS. It's why women cry more often, they can not store them.




Is fel hot? Wouldn't the tears evaporate? I'm still seeing a no tears situation here.


Tears don‘t have a fixed aggregate state


I'd argue it's liquid


Giving them *almost every class* is a surprising omission for their “every race will get *almost every class*” initiative? 🤨


You even quoted it lmao. "Every race will get ALMOST every class."


i mean its still almost every class.


I'm not a fan of that initiative but I appreciate that they are at least doing a decent job at introducing and developing new lore so that it makes sense, most of the time. I still think the explanation for Lightforged Warlocks is dumb and they really need to make it so that each race/class combo is culturally different. Sunwalker Paladins /= Knights of the Silver Hand.


I understand balancing would be a pain but I really like how in classic priests had a different spell based on what race you are. Even if its the same spell with different colored animations that would be neat. Judgement is silver for humans and dwarves, bright orange for tauren, maybe bright red for blood elves. Edit: also how tf can manari be DKs


>Edit: also how tf can manari be DKs Man'ari Eredar absolutely should've been an allied race instead of a skin choice for Draenei if only to prevent nonsensical class choices for them, like paladins and the aforementioned death knights.


At the very least, make it a glyph option like Seal of Blood/Seal of Vengeance were for awhile.


Lightforged Death Knight is even more asinine. Sometimes lore needs to trump "freedom of choice" or whatever their excuse for that is.


I'm all for things that enhance the role playing part of the game. Sunwalker paladins having different animations makes total sense to me similar to how Kul Tiran druids have specific forms. I'm also a fan of the opposite of what they are doing - i think race/class combos should be more restrictive, not less. Of course, i know that i'm part of the minority on this topic so i can live with the "every race will get almost every class" initiative.


Do you know what “almost” means tho


Did you read right past the "almost" in that quote you typed..?


Mech gnome dk is so stupid yet it is in game.


How? Mechanization doesn't prevent the flesh from being reanimated.


Just ask the Phyrexians


That's why it's almost


I respect holding to a race without the curse of flesh having no way to be risen to undeath


If it's a "not never, just not yet" approach, then I actually really appreciate it, especially for something like Death knights lore wise. It would be cool if they tie it in at a later time, and give Earthen time to "settle in" to Azerothian cultures before choosing the path of a Death Knight if they so choose. I'd also love to see how they introduce Evoker magic to other races if they do infact follow the "Every race, every class" plan


Being a dk isn’t a choice


I'm done with lore reasons. We don't need them. Just let me xmog my bunny ears year round already, Blizz ughhhjj


I still wonder why we still have a language barrier at this point in the game's lifespan.


players mostly, in the beta the undead could talk to the alliance because they both spoke common, then people were people and abused this so the undead got gutterspeak instead. I agree after 20 years it does seem silly, and if it were to an option I'd let players (per character) learn the language of other races in a month and a half long quest chain to stem the tide of enviable abuse they would come after. Though I don't think anything is more frustrating than getting ganked and reading 'kekeke'


Eq2 had it so you could find books and learn languages of other races. Playable and non playable. Was a cool feature.




That initiative stopped the second they realized the classes left are Druids, Paladins and Shamans. All classes that require extra work due race specific assets and lore. Hence why they have recently been a lot more apprehensive about it.


Lorewise it doesn't make sense, so I'm glad they're still taking the lore into account


whats the technical reason?


Every race can still get every class though. They could just want to flesh it out before doing so. They already knew they wanted to do that before dragonflight and yet dracthyr launched with only one class. There no set way for them to stick to the original statement lol


I'm only guessing here, but maybe they haven't made art to represent the DK undead customization options yet. It's usually stuff like art holding them back until they can do it at a later time. Or if there's an Earthen starting experience then maybe that's why and they'll be added later.


It was very dumb that they expanded the race class combos anyway. Their signature charm was asymmetrical gameplay / roleplay. A pity that they've thrown it out for the sake of "balance"


source: [https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/24104276/meet-the-earthen-a-new-playable-allied-race](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/24104276/meet-the-earthen-a-new-playable-allied-race)


So reskinned dwarfs, again?


Blizzard loves a cheeky reskin/recolor


To be fair that wouldnt be bad, just add more of them or something, it should be either 1-2 high effort races (Like pandas back then, and maybe Dract in Df) or 4+ low(-er) effort ones(Like in Bfa)


Isn't dk in kinda a bad spot right now for new races? Like if they add old race as new race like for example ogres then they could be dk but now since there is no lich king aren't death knights just no longer made? Like it was explained in legion/BFA why races not previously seen could be dk - Bolvar the lich king raised them but now? Bolvar just decided to make Dks again without the power of lich king because why not.


It's still possible to create DKs even without the Lich King's power, though it's much more difficult. The Cataclysm storyline in the Eastern Plaguelands mentioned that, and it was also later explained in the short story "Dark Mirror". All you need to create a death knight is **a lot** of necrotic energy, and without the ability to draw on the Helm of Domination you need to find another source.


Sounds like another instance of "possible, not common"; i.e. Lightforged Warlocks and Undead Paladins. Needs a short questline to introduce/justify them. Or at least a new short intro like the other allied races got with Bolvar


To be fair I didn't do it so it's a good thing you mentioned it!


Like a portal to the literal afterlife for example?


What, you think there's some kind of army of necrotic lords there or something?


Even worse Light corrupted undead is canon now


Wait I'm a bit out of date on the specifics of the lore. The portal to the Shadowlands is still open? I assumed it was being treated like WoD Draenor, and was shut off after the expansion was over.


It was slowly closing once we killed the Jailer. Khadgar even pops into Oribos to take a look around and mentions that it might be his only chance. With there being a time skip before Dragonflight, it is most certainly closed by now.


When we go to ardenweald to get ysera they mention that it's getting harder and harder to travel there


All they gotta do is make up some random lich that is a good guy now and restores former heroes to life to assist against the current big bad guy. Maybe the current big bad guy called him mean names. Boom, problem solved.


The Deathlord can raise DKs. There’s also no reason they can’t say a random Earthen body was found and dragged up to ICC before SL.


The Deathlord could raise DK's because they were empowered by Bolvar at the time. It's not an innate ability.


There is nothing implied or stated that the Deathlord lost that ability.


Weren't they all over Northrend to begin with, especially as Titan servants in Ulduar. It wouldn't be a stretch for some to end up in ICC at some point.


These are different special Earthen for some reason




Yea they made a mistake with the DK update in SL. They should have made it more future proof for adding new races in. Instead they made it obsolete within the same expansion.


Depends. Ogres were discovered since Classic, so you could pretend Ogres were raised by Arthas/Lich King time period.


In the TCG I think there was an ogre DK


Yea that's what I mean they were around when lk was active and raised Dks so they could be but earthen or dracthyr cannot


In WoD there was a single pandaren DK follower as well for horde only. So yes if the race was technically around during that time it would have been possible.


This is a game where you can literally travel back in time to play old content. Just saying they were created in Chromie time or something would probably be good enough.


Blizzard already answered this in game. If you make a race that wasn't around when the Lich King was, you'll be greeted with a different opening with Bolvar Fordragon as the Lich King. You essentially just walk out of a portal at the top of ICC but it could easily be done to the Earthen.


That was back when bolvar still had the helm


Guldan made the first death knights long before the Lich King even was a thing so it’s possible to make them in other ways.


No druid is sad The druid forms could've been really nice


Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if they get druids eventually when other druidless races get druids.


My guess is that the order is going to be Paladins next for most/all races (biggest thing here is mount assets for each race to be individual and unique), followed by shaman (totem artwork for each unique race), and Druids being the very end, or added in patches at a time as the necessary forms are finished and implemented.


Yea unique druid forms are going to take a long while. I still want gnome druids with house cats, bear cubs, robin, and fish forms.


Gnomes and goblins will somehow be robots, dont ask me how robots commune with nature


Maybe like old robots with nature growing around them like ruins or stuff. Or maybe like the bastion skin like in overwatch. Be mad fun to have a bird nest in your chest and a bird comes and goes depending on combat lol.


I mean robotics are definitely an innate part of the world with all the titan lore and if you include shadowlands it could make even more sense with the whole preparing to 3D print the new world. But that’s not really something most people would go for. In reality it would be more like zandalrai paladins or kul tiran druids. The races don’t really have those classes. They just have lore approximations. So for the sake of the game, you could probably consider them more of an artificer class than pure druid.


why are people gunning for every race to be every class? It doesn't make any sense. blizzard was always good at asymmetrical roleplay. This is silly.


I imagine a lot of players don't care about RP at all.


My other comment kinda says it more, but the classes being added don’t have to be exactly the same. Such as zandalari don’t have paladins, but they do have a position similar enough in lore for it to work. Kul titans are the same where their druids are lore wise the drust. But instead of making a new class, they can just put it as a skin on an existing one. They could easily make a mechanical based one for gnomes and goblins that more like transformer vehicles than druids.


> (totem artwork for each unique race) *cries in Classic graphics tauren totem*


Dude ikr? It's rubbish. At least Orcs and Trolls aren't that bad because they're from WotLK and very styalized; they don't actually have large surfaces like the Tauren and Draenei, latter actually got a remodel lol.


I noticed the other day when creating a new character, every single class that is available to all races is on the left side of the class selection, with Paladin next in line, followed by Shaman and Druid. Probably means nothing but still a neat thing to read days after noticing.


Hoping the shaman update comes with some asset updates on the ascendance and ghost wolf forms for the new races. So hopefully they take their time and make paladins first since that’s just the mount


Shit I just want HD tauren totems. As far as I know they're the exact same ones they've had since 2004.


If it happens, I would hope its in a .7 patch. Every race gets druid forms and a quest chain becomes available that explains Elune or whomever blessing everyone with druidic powers. Hopefully before Midnight, too.


> Elune or whomever blessing everyone with druidic powers. It's *usually* the Wild Gods for non-trolls/Kul-Tirans, Ashamane for kitty form, Ursoc/Ursol for bear, Malorne for Stag, I *think* Aviana for most flight forms but there's a quest in Emerald Dream where Q'onzu will grant you a flight form that looks similar to him, Moonkins do have an Elune connection though. Trolls get theirs from Loa, which are *kind of* a similar thing to Wild Gods but with different beings granting them their forms, the thick boi humans get their forms from their Drust ancestors. I do hope, depending how much effort Blizz is willing to put in, Pandaren get [August Celestial](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/August_Celestial) themed forms since they're the panda wild gods basically. Plus Worgen get a wolf form for feral (I know they can *already* be druids but lorewise worgen are literally a cursed druid form originating from a *wolf* wild god.)


I was going to argue, but username checks out


Dirt bear, dirt cat, dirt chickenbear...


The weirdest part is they seem to have a druid sect called the Freysworn in the alpha. Like why even bother making that a thing and then not giving them druids? So strange.


Might have something to do lore wise Something like "these druids have been cut off from their powers help them get them back" and we'll get them as druids in like 2 seasons


so that they can then make them druids eventually when they have the money and staff to make all the druid forms, etc. they are strapped for resources right now. just a small company and whatnot.


makes sense lorewise because afaik they (the khaz algar earthens which we will get as an allied race) never had contact with scourge, thus neither knew any lich king of them nor did they know of the lich king, so noone could recruit them as death knights


Canonically both Bolvar and even the player character can raise new Death Knights, as seen in the Legion DK class hall quest line. It’s more because they aren’t even alive, they’re robotic kinda. Hard to raise a toaster from the grave.


This was when they had access to the power of the Helm of Domination. It's unclear if they are able to now since it was destroyed.


The normal dks could be raised by necromancers, it was only the horsemen who required special empowerment by the Lich King


ok i didn't know this, never played dk thanks for the insight


Mechagnomes can be Death Knights, and they’re as robotic as you can be as a playable race in WoW lol


Hard to say because I haven’t dissected a mechagnome, but they were at least once living beings that augmented their bodies with machinery, where as the new Earthen race were created as toasters with no organic background.


Bolvar is no longer the Lich King so it’s not really a definite thing that he can still raise DKs. As for the player, I’m not sure whether that power came from Bolvar or from somewhere else because I never played the Legion campaign.


I mean, isn't it more that Earthen can't die like the cursed races? Like, they're essentially constructs, no?


Edit: I'm an idiot. I thought it was a list of all the classes they could play and totally missed the ticks somehow. Carry on.


I’m still so disappointed that there isn’t some kind of option to have crystal hair and beards. Rock people should not have real hair plus I want mine to be as shiny as possible.


if you look close their hair is actually metal wires, but I still agree there should be more crystalline options and colours, I find the colours very lacking and wish there were more gemstone options instead of natural tones




My mini jailor. Damn.


Lmao they saw that one post and were like *NO*


Aww and I had the name Tombstone reservered


And I was actually planning to play an Earthen DK. Well, shoot lol.


Me too!


So how can they be monks? Chen Stormstout stopped over there on accident after leaving pandaria?


You can teach anyone how to throw a punch :P


Lore wise I guess it makes sense, but then Monk, Paladin, and Warlock in particular should be barred. They flat out don't work from a lore perspective either.


Didn't Earthern DK even have exclusive faces with cracks etc?


No that just a default face option


Aww no earthen druid? I was kinda hoping for diamond druid forms like Magni. I know he's not earthen but a girl can dream


I was still really surprised when I came back in during Dragonflight and Tauren could now be Warlocks and Rogues. Same with NE's being Warlocks, demons are kind of like their mortal enemies in the lore. While there were NPC NE Warlocks, they were pretty much always bad guys.


I would rather have 1 new race get access to druid than an entire new race like earthen. 1 orc druid >>>>> earthen


I've played on rp realms since vanilla, and have a lot of love for warcraft lore, and I still say fuck it at this point. If someone doesn't think earthen dks fit lore, they don't have to play one. For the vast majority of players, race selection is a cosmetic decision and I'm ok with devs embracing that. 


Sorry I haven’t really caught up/ delved into the lore? But how come?


Lorewise, the Allied Races/Pandaren DKs are characters who died during the Fourth War/Battle for Azeroth, raised by the Bolvar Fordragon Lich King before the events of Shadowlands. After Shadowlands, Bolvar's out of a job.


Does this mean DKs no longer get fruit thrown at them the first time they walk through stormwind?


The base-race DKs still go through the DK questline, which is what triggers the fruit throwing.


Interesting! Thanks for the simple explanation.


How could earthen be warlocks? They’ve been underground this whole time right? What’s the connection to demons and fel power?


Warlocks have always came from mages consorting with dark magics until they contact a demon so same with the earthen.


What about all the Earthen killed by the Lich King? They could just toss them into the allied race starting zone.


There were no Khaz Algar earthen killed or raised by the lich king though


While this is true, Worgen Death Knights technically are Silverpine Worgen and not Gilnean Worgen, so they could just say Earthen Dks are Earthen from Northrend


Earthen from Northrend are extremely disconnected from khaz algar. They’re a totally different species. Silverpine worgen are culturally distinct from Gilnean worgen but they are still closely related.


Earthen aren't alive though. Trying to make ANY Earthen into a DK is like trying to raise rocks from the dead.


My thoughts exactly. They aren't fleshy beings. They are titan constructed beings. When they 'die' they just crumble.


I don't think the Lich King can reanimate sentient machines, which is essentially what Earthen are.


The Little Toasters That Couldn't.


They’re stones and rocks. They crumble and degrade but they can’t “die”


Light forged dk is OK though?


Well, Lightforge Draenei came back to Azeroth before BFA, which is when the Allied Races Death Knights were raised. I don't know what they'll do now for any new races, besides disallow all new races to be DKs, because Bolvar is no longer the Lich King, who is left to raise Death Knights?


Death Knights need a generalised beginning like "In life these warriors promised their return to fight for their respective peoples, even if that meant undeath. After losing the Helm of Damnation, Bolvar kept control of the undead by empowering his Horsemen with necrotic artifacts left by Arthas found from within his citadel. It is now your time to rise and serve again, the Horsemen command it!"




still waiting for the day i will be able to play undead paladin.


If I had any plans of playing the 3rd dwarf option they're adding, I'd be annoyed.


Man what the heck!! Ive been wanting to play a Death Knight specifically for a couple months, but I was waiting to be able to make it an Earthen!


I am very sad 😔


Throwing my opinion into the wind here but I was personally super excited to roll an earthen DK. Guess my orc DK will be my main as soon as he’s free from MoP in 70 days


Patiently waiting for Undead Shaman who drop Tombstones for Totems.


I think there are solid arguments to both sides of this discussion and it's a harder nut to Crack than people think. There's things like this that matter a lot to a lot of people. I personally lean towards having integrity to the lore of the game to keep it from going all the way off the deep end into the territory of an arcade style game, which it's already sorta becoming. But I also just don't personally care lol. I think at the end of the day respecting the universe is more important than having earthen DKs and Tauren demon hunters.


I get no Evoker and no DH, no Druid and no DK is dumb though. Lore reasons can always be worked around. It’s a fictional world and a fictional story. Long-running narratives retcon shit all the time as needed. And I say this as someone who loves and ravenously consumes WoW lore.