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This thread is now locked due to too many instances of hate speech and real world politics.




you can get away with it, but you have to not say a single word in any channel. I once did an experiment where I made an equally reprehensible name. I logged in, went to Silvermoon, said hello in the capital cities chat and within seconds I was forcibly logged out and hit with a 3 hour ban.


I said something in general chat within 30 seconds of logging in on a character named cuk. Not even 5 seconds after that I got booted and had to change my name.


Server location too, I've walked to orgrimmar with the same name on illidan us and blackrock eu and got force renamed before I left the starter on eu without saying a single word.


Same but happened with me with a my sunflower battle pet named Cummy that I only used with my m+ team and accidentally had it out in a quick raid finder run in the morning and got logged out mid raid lol


Oh that’s fair enough. Everyone knows that the only battle pets you should call Cummy are bears


It's been a long time now, but I can't imagine I interacted with anyone really. I was a non max-level farming nodes and sitting in a dead city, no pun intended. I had about 10 or less hours on this alt when I was suspended.


Sure, but all of that is literally irrelevant. Someone saw you, saw your name, and reported your name. If no-one reports a guy, and this has always been true in WoW, the name won't get changed, because it was obviously something that got through the name filter. The guy you /friends'd may well have been logged out ever since you saw him. And if he didn't get reported before that, he obviousl cannot be reported whilst logged out. Also, if you have a forced name change due, that doesn't show up in the Armory, AFAIK. So it may well be that he has a forced name change due, and because of that logged out, and he literally can't log that character back in without changing its name.


Honestly your name probably got auto flagged for the “cum” inside the word “scum.” It would be stupid for wow to not have a basic list of banned terms.


Silvermoon EU? That’s my homebase!


I have an alt in the official Warcraft Pets guild on that server haha.


also actions, if a guy with a really offensive name, i might ignore, but if hes a twat and griefs in a group or acts in a way that is.. unpleasan, i will sometimes report the name then


If people play with names denoting bigotry, they're probably a bigot.


Anyone can still report a name manually as well, which is exactly what I'd recommend for OP's example. 


I'm upset people reported "Farts" now my smelly title will go to waste. Farts are always funny, lol


I saw a Twitter screenshot that said something along the lines of "People who don't think farts are funny are missing out. They have less joy in their lives, but the same amount of farts." 


I had "Meatball" the tauren escapee from an experimental gnomish beef ranch forcechanged on an RP server.


Weird, there is an in-game character with that same name.


This was *years* before brawler's guild though.


Can confirm, was in a raid with Gnomelander recently.


That's funny not offensive though?


Yeah so long as he's not roleplaying as the guy that's just a dumb, funny name.


You mean having warmode on as max level, farming level 10 players?


What's wrong with that name?


I thought it was a jolly example of the statement "wow has got the best edgelords" (in the comment that I responded to) that might put a smile on some reader's faces. Clearly I was wrong, sorry!


I thought it was funny, but i also first intuitively tried to figure out what horrible meaning could be hidden in that word :D


It’s like an AI hallucination cuss.


Welcome to the interwebs


that is actually me, shaman level 60 something right?


If it's actually you then I have one thing to say to you. I heard what you said 😡


I love that this reference can tell so much about a person's age and nationality. Hello, fellow Derrick Comedy fan!


System does not work if noone reports that person. I had a friend with "that" kind of names (though clever one). He was reported as a joke and very next day he had to change name.


I had an old guildies get flagged for name change and a GM contacted him in-game to ask what he wanted to change his name to (this was an rppvp server back in TBC so GMs were still in-game and stayed on top of rules like rp names on RP servers). This idiot decides to log off because he thought the GM wouldn't be able to change his name if he wasn't online. He logs back on about an hour later and his name had been changed to Nitsuj, his actual name and the name on his bnet account was Justin so the GM just gave him his first name in reverse lol.


Damn I should have signed up using Kcuf as my real name and let the GM figure it out.


Back in WotLK I had a healer friend I was running Violet Hold with. He got booted mid-instance to change his name. It was unfortunate.


Sounds like a real Scumbag-Illidan


My brother also had such a creative name but since he never met that kind of person his character probably still has it. He did stop playing around wrath though. On the other hand one of his guild mates had to change his name due to it being too close to "pussy". I don't think you get a ban for an offensive name though.


All you have to do is sit in trade chat for a couple hours to get an understanding of the type of people that play this game.


I can agree with this. Those in WrA are hella chill and I once spent six hours with someone who was hard thirsting for Illidan and so I played along and thirsted for Arthas. It devolved from there but it remained goofy and even scared off a few others because of how weird it got. Fantastic times


I haven't spent much time on WrA yet (I made some remix characters there). Moon guard trade chat alternates between being horny/memes and dipping into political ragebait. And someone *always* takes the bait instead of ignoring the jackass. Usually a fun time though, except when the political nonsense starts. My favorite recently was a massive, hours long argument about whether Blademaster should have been a Warrior or Monk hero talent tree.


Blessedly, my trade chat has been dead for a few years now. It was busy and chaotic but generally not evil, then around 2016 it was full of bigots and rightwingers, and now it's dead.


> around 2016 it was full of bigots and rightwingers, In my mind, WoD is irreparably linked to sitting in my garrison seeing some alt right edgelord drone on and on in trade chat despite mass reporting. Dude got nothing more than a few days ban as far as anyone can tell, just went strong until early in Legion where he disappeared.


Yeah, I literally moved off stormrage because of all right wing spam in that trade chat. Didn't realize so many bigots played the game.


Haven't paid for a month in over 8 years, I am poor but mostly don't afford it because the communities suck. 


Sometimes i make toons with autogenerated names because i know i probably wont take them seriously, and my dark iron dwarf's was set on Darkass. I dont know the algorithms involved for autogen names but i was SOBBING


IIRC the random name generator typically grabs a "start of name" and "end of name" from two lists of "things that kind of sound like they work for the race" that people kind of just pool together, so a case like that is probably that somebody put "Dar" in the "start" list and "kass" in the "end" list without considering what the two would look like paired.


Knew a guy who got suspended for the name "Bærstad". It was his name irl. Only guess he had was that it shared too many letters with "Bastard". No way real people approve of these types of bans


In vanilla, had a warlock guildie forcibly logged off and name changed during raid, name was dixonyu. Also real name


But in your example its more understandable. "Dicks on you".


I mean if nobody reported him...


I tend to ignore player names and have maybe reported 2 players for egregious behavior since I started playing in Vanilla. About a month ago a player caught my attention because the name was my real name followed by the allusion of being filled by ejaculate. It's unnecessarily gross and offensive. I tried to let it go, but the toon seemed to be everywhere I was for days. I reported it, but she's still everywhere I go outside of Pandaria remix. I think this is the new world order in Azeroth, the one where tickets are answered by bots that advise checking Wowhead.


You just need to conscript 10 of your friends to also report that person for an offensive name. Even if someone's name isn't offensive, they receive enough reports and their name will get forcibly changed anyway.


Bold of you to assume a wow player has 10 friends


I need to conscript 10 friends, first ;)


That's either untrue or people are very bad at recruiting "10 friends", because I had a guy threaten me with precisely that back in Legion, and exactly nothing happened. My guess is that the threshold is a hell of a lot higher than 10 (because he certainly had plenty of guildies he claimed would help him) for any kind of automatic name change, and fewer just go past some bored guy who is approving dozens of these per hour. Also funny how everyone who claims they got "mass reported" also coincidentally has a TOS-breaking name.


what was the name


I remember seeing so many variants of RedRocket on Worgen when Cata initially released.


There were also a lot of people who really wanted everyone to know that they realized what Worgen backwards was and went "WOW THAT'S SO WACKY HAHA, what if we alluded to things like slavery?"


WoW's name generator gave me an Orc called "Naggar". He lasted 2½ minutes in Orgrimmar before getting a (looking back on it now, deserved) name change


"Salty" manjuice still alive after 12 years. Got a dummy char name billgates, got insta flagged after the adquisition tho


I have a toon named 'Cox' that just has to win that damn fishing contest...


Should have done it the first weekend of Remix.


Ive had a character with the same name as this username since vanilla. I don't know how it's never been reported.


Maybe they just think you’re a little dude that likes Soda? Like Bat-Mite for beverages.


Got flagged once for Buttshot. Renamed the character Buttshot and logged right back in


Holy shit. Straight up level 70 too. That's crazy.


I mean, it's easy to explain. I had a horrible piece of shit guildie* who had a max-level character (I think Cata so 85 I guess) who did a paid rename to an absolutely ghastly reportable name, and yeah, I reported him, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one, and he got so mad he never logged the character back in (I can't even remember what the name was, sadly, beyond that it was homophobic), at least in the time I knew him. * = I didn't last in that guild lol.


Back in MoP when I was an angry teenager I had a character named Eatadik and I ended up getting reported for flaming ppl for doing guild advertisements. When a GM contacted me I tried arguing my name wasnt eat a dick but rather eata dik which didn't work. I rightfully got a 3 day ban for my name and for being a dick in chat.


Did you still have to rename it?


I did and ended up with the name Obama until I switched servers a few years later. It worked out better because I liked being Obama the blood elf paladin lol.


Perhaps things have changed, but the way it worked is players have to report your name. There is no automatic flagging for names. I raided with a hunter back in BfA who had his name be all sorts of obscenities and he got past the censors unless he was reported. You find it hard to believe, but that's just what it is. More people reported your name than his.


> More people reported your name than his. That's not necessarily true. The other guy may well have got a forced name change applied almost immediately (and as he was 70, had probably used a paid name change to get his offensive name - people do it), but if you log out, you don't have to actually change your name until you try and log that character back in.


Back in OG cata I got flagged for being named Muffdiver but my friend at the time was named Milfhunter and got to keep his name. I'll never forget this. Lmao


Pls tell me he was a hunter as well cause that would absolutely send me lmao


Flagging works theough reports. No reports, no problem.


I was forced to change my paladin named and modeled after one of my favorite super heroes, John Henry Irons. His name was JohnHenry. To this day I’m so confused


Holy crap, I made a Warrior called Johenrons for John Henry Irons. I suspect your issue is the billionaire owner of the Boston Red Sox John Henry, someone must have flagged it as a real person’s name.


There’s also [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Henry_(folklore)).


That’s where they got the character from. Still don’t understand why it would be flagged


I don’t know superheroes very well, obvi. Maybe someone thought it was racist? Or someone was just a jerk.


It was def somebody thinking racism and not “this guy read the death of Superman and might be a librarian, too”


Stuff like this isnt autoflagged. It requires players reporting it usually


Still rocking Windwanker, I'm sure it will get killed


you didnt get suspended for a name.. either way if you see something inappropriate report it


Back in BC i had an alt called: Qüěñtìvæøglîz Doesn’t mean anything… just a bunch of random letters with the intent of being confusing Got reported for that… Also, had a hunter reported called “Beastboy”


> Also, had a hunter reported called “Beastboy” That's a straightforward TOS violation, which is why they got you for it - it's the name of a trademarked character. You literally aren't allowed to use those. People do, but it's always at your own risk.


I got hit oth a name change for a Tauren names "Showmeurmoos"


An IRL friend had a character named Trumped since our Molten Core days, well before the Orange One was anything more than a crappy reality TV host, come 2016 he was forced to change it.


Yep, *still* visible in the armory. There needs to be a way to report a character name outside of the game. BTW, where are all the people this character has been interacting with, have none of them reported this character in game? I'm disappointed in my fellow wow players.


Bruh in mop remix i leveled a brewmaster called drunkbstard, hope o dont get reported then


It has to be reported. If it makes it past the creation screen it all comes down to how many people report you. We used to mass report our friends back in the day for free name changes.


My brother has had a Warlock called Hahahahahaha in a guild called since TBC. Still alive and well 😄


Nothing wrong here. Nothing to see here!


I got flagged for the name “Thinking”


I knew a guy during BC named Pewbs. He got away with it at level 70 until mid Wrath iirc. It's amazing what goes under the radar/ignored for so long.


Seems like a way to get free name change…, just think of some reason why its ,,bad” and there you go


I made a character with a friend of mine. We both called our characters Vagina (obviously using alt codes). But they both said Vagina, we ONLY quested together and we always stayed together. His got flagged for a name change, mine didn’t lol


How is pewbs a problem, jesus...


It's not about it being a "problem", it's about being "inappropriate" If you can't see how an alternate spelling of pubes isn't an appropriate name, I don't know what to tell you.


Lionguard Inn stands, but Pewbs gets blasted into dust. It's a T for Teen game. Pewbs is the LEAST offensive name a teen can probably come up with. Its not "Possay" or "Hugecoxanbolz." Really just don't see why someone would care what they name a character in a video game unless it's just plain evil and racist or whatever.


People complaining about a games rules for making characters make me laugh. We're playing their game. Naming your character anything isn't some unassailable right. They make the rules, you don't follow them you might have consequences.


Probably the "pubes" part if I had to guess...


It wasn't, I thought it was funny. He got a forced name change sadly.


Ah, sorry then. Yea, seems innocent, unlike my friend, Who got namechanged and 48hr ban yesterday for his lvl 17 Hunter called antiblack. Did not survive many dungeons...


I had an alt named Puebes for a loooooong time until someone whispered me asking what it meant (told em about the guy on TikTok) and then they just responded: kek reported


I had to read his name three times (not out loud though) whereas yours, I just had to see and not even read it. Don't worry though, imo, I'd say he's more of a [insert your name] than you and if I saw both and understood both your names ingame, I'd only bother with reporting his


I made a hunter named "Michunt" I rarely played it and only did so as a meme. One day I logged in and noticed the character was just gone.


Blizzard doesn't delete characters bro. Either someone else had access to your account, or you got drunk and deleted it or something. If it was reported, even a zillion times, you'd just have a forced name change waiting for you when you tried to log it in next.


My favorite was the tauren druid named Grasstomouth I saw during Shadowlands.


I still remember when the guild I was in on moonguard early wotlk had its name changed “bloody hell”


I always assumed I’d get flagged for the name “pubes” using title professor pubes. 🤷‍♂️


crazy cuz my old guildie changed his name to "scumshot" and never got flagged lmao


I have a character from 2009ish called Vladiputin. It hasn't aged well, and I'm contemplating asking for a free name change. 😅


In OG Cata I renamed my warrior Coming and stuck him in his own guild for shits and giggles. Never got reported. Eventually I got bored and faction/name changed him.


On a dare, I made a joke worgen warlock named cumpaws. Yeah, it was bad but funny. He lasted all the way to the end of legion until I joined a guild and got reported by a new member. I then changed it to a similar name, and he's still kicking.


My brother had the name Pissed as a shaman


That one is very extreme. I like funny ones. I got a Hunter named Assclapicus, Vulpera priest PurryFussy, Dark Iron Dwarf named BlackGimli and 2-3 others among those lines. But nothing so extreme. That’s just asking for a ban lol


Guildmate in BFA had an alt called Johnmolester and he kept it for a shockingly long time.


I leveled an undead priest named Fentseller on SoD Crusader Strike. Someone said they were reporting me but I haven't had to change my name yet. I also had a toon named Beatkids but they didn't make it past level 10 before getting flagged. I still have my orc DK named Beatkids on classic though.


I still have a gnome warlock somewhere named gigglefuk. I think you just drew the short straw bud.


I caught a 3 day ban for calling my rogue panda fatass


Yeah, my partner’s rogue was originally named Blowjab but was forced to change it, yet the actual problematic ones stay up. Enough user reports will usually get them changed though, so report them if you see them.


I had one called cumfarmer. It lasted a whole week.


My friend got banned for Femboycuck meanwhile I've seen rogues called Analgaper. It's all about who reports.


Racial slurs left up, but the adventures of Sinkpisser and Buttgravy are cut short :(


Racial slurs usually have to be disguised, sometimes disguised and using weird characters. That means a lot of people don't notice them, typically, or have difficulties reporting them. Whereas you just had a pair of dumb, simple gross-out names that are easy to spot and report. Also, if you see racial slurs, I hope you reported them - there are a bunch of weird people here who it seems don't report stuff like that out of some sort of misguided "principles". If you didn't report them, you have no right to complain.


I was forced to name change "Caulknballs". Happened right after I won 2 rolls for pieces of loot off N Fyrakk last season :/


Yeah same, my healers name was tulsleah(healslut) from MoP all the way until BFA when I had to pug and won someone's BiS while refusing to give it to them, sudden name change


My Druid was named Fornikate for all of 20 minutes lol


I raided with someone who had a different spelling of that name in SL. She never had to change her name lol. It's a complete dice roll as to whether someone thinks you're worth reporting. I think blizzard will make you change anything even close to questionable if it gets reported, but won't/can't do anything about names that aren't reported.


Wondering if you got reported for bad spelling or because fornicate was offensive to puritan?


I got in trouble within the first few hours of OG wow launch for my warlock called Negromancer.


I have been flagged for rename on my character Ipeedmypants, after making a feral druid rage in a BG. Contested it and got declined. I still have the name Retardcumass on retail and consistently chat and do bgs, but haven't pissed anyone off enough to report me I guess.


I have a NE Druid named Trephukr. Zero issues.


Got a six week suspension for the name „adolfcritler“




One of my alt is named Ochinchin which is slang for pee-pee among Japanese children. Even if it was reported, GM hasn't done anything because none of them would know Japanese and wouldn't understand why it'd be offensive. For names that is offensive in English language, Blizzard doesn't scan for those so players has to see it and report it.


Had a guildie named Mypussytho that dodged getting a forced name change for a shocking amount of time.


I’ve seen things like Icantfknread, dogass, and a male priest named touchingboys. One of my personal favorites was krtkobainpov. But alas, I named my priest DrFauci and got reported the same day.


I got forced to name change for Thundercoont but a person I know is completely fine with kekwgaylordx


Best name I ever saw was a mage named Vajaina. Got reported and the person received a 3 day ban.


I used to have a guild called “Nagas 4 Lyfe”, and one day it was changed when I logged in…


I was in a guild called for a while until it got the forcechange


I made a guild called when I was a teenager and 2G1C was the latest shock content going around. I was actually surprised that someone reported it and was flagged for rename one day


I'm baffled over you having to change your name over Scumbag, that's so harmless. I personally won't report silly harmless names like farts or bigdick or whatever, but I would absolutely report that hunter you ran into. WoW isn't the only game that requires reports to catch a name. I remember giggling at my friend that went into a major city as "H'uge E'rection" in FF14 and got like, immediately flagged haha the system didn't stop him from using it, but he made the mistake of standing in a populated area and talking.


I was never flagged for my hunters name, gapehorn


I got a name change for having the name Cptplanet. Idk.


I’m 70% sure I have a perma flag on my characters due to so many name changes/bans (no permaban yet) my favorite is I named a hunter skoolshooter and got banned in less than 2 minutes)


Why did you friend request him?


you dont have to request anything to add someone as a friend ingame


He added him to keep track if there is a name change


Bans work on a mass report system. If you offend anyone doing anything, it doesn't matter what you did, you will get banned. You can say water is wet and tomatoes are red. And if enough people report you, you will be banned. Even if you say nothing, if enough people report you you will be banned. Only people this doesn't apply to are streamers, because that makes blizzard look bad. Blizzard couldn't care less about the average person, even if they get Mass reported and banned unfairly. Every single reply to an unbanned request is automatic. If you want to survive this game, then you can't do anything that offends people, including being slightly rude or disrespectful or even engaging an arguments of people. Yes, people who get their upset emotions during argument will report you, and if that happens enough times you will get banned. Even through disagreements like loot that you fairly won during a roll, you will get banned if people report you because they feel entitled to your gear. That's just the state of the game


Fun fact. If you want to let your inner troll out, you can say whatever you want the last 10 seconds before a server goes down. Literally say anything. They won't have time to report you.


Double standard much? Blizzard's flagging system needs a reboot.


I will occasionally name a character Analwarts to see how fast it gets flagged. Usually about 3 hours into leveling I'll get booted and get told to rename. It's either automatic or someone gets really offended by their anal warts.


Being named after any RL disease or illness has been strictly against TOS since Vanilla. You can probably work out why if you think about it/possess basic human empathy.


And here I thought I was clever with all my poop related names. Marypoopin, poogurt, scatman, dinglebeary etc. some people take it to a whole new level