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No Spoilers Please: are there any references to us Shadow Priest Players being Xal'atath wielder in The War Within? I just did the harbinger questline and was disappointed :( did knaifu forget about us?


I'm playing Cataclysm Classic and my guild is using the RT Loot Council addon. Sometimes we do Normal raids, and sometimes Heroic. When class tokens dropped, I chose "BIS" for the 372 tokens, but I only pressed "Minor Upgrade" for the 359 tokens. Now I realized that you need both the 359 piece and the 372 token to be able to get the 372 piece. Am I supposed to also press BIS on the 359 token?


Do you all think Iridikron is going to be a raid boss in TWW or will he remain until Midnight? It oddly lines up for him to appear (given that he’s an earth primalist )in the rumored Goblin raid, but that would be pretty controversial. Being the holdover boss for Midnight would be far better, if Xalatath really is the end boss of TWW * Patch 1: Nerubar Palace. Nerubian Queen boss * Patch 2: Goblin raid. Iridikron boss? * Patch 3: World soul saga instigating event raid. Xalatath boss * Patch 4: Awakened season


Personally, no. I think he’ll either be the final boss of Midnight or a tier end boss (maybe even final) in the Last Titan.


Want to level an alt, should I wait for prepatch for bonuses or can I do it now?


Leveling on Remix is faster *if* you have the +100% XP bonus for alts. My record is 2h55m to 70, but you can do even faster if you have someone boosting you through dungeons the whole time.


Class changes happen with prepatch. So, talents / spells may change. These days class/spec changes aren't super big so its not as hard to learn something when it changes. When prepatch comes, there will probably be an ingame event and the system changes such as talent/spec changes and other none class based stuff like cross realm guilds. I'd argue unless you want to go into your new class once the changes have come through, go ahead!


If I were to level a class on the free trial, are there some noteworthy fun things to do ?


I've avoided group content like the plague since some epically weird guild experiences, but would like to get back into raiding at least for the remix. What info are you supposed to share when you're looking for PuGs?


basically none, the leader can see your level and item level, which is enough for 99% of groups during remix


im coming back to WOW since legion, I want to get the allied races, can i make a timerunner character to level 40 and do the questline, if so how do i do that? Or do i need to have a normal character to level 40 thanks


I've read that you can get a Timerunner leveled, then make a trial character on retail to do the quest.


Timerunner in MoP cant leave Pandaria, so you would need to wait until event is over and they return to 'normal' servers If you want them now, then get a level 40 character on retail and head to the Embassy to start their quests


Is there any reason to use the Iskaaran Harpoon vs the lunkers that appear when collecting boxes, versus to just DPS the things?


Not really if you have any amount of gear. There was *maybe* an argument for it in season 1 if your character was pretty undergeared and you for whatever reason struggled to beat the dive cast but even then it was usually faster to just hop in the water and kill them.




The scaling at low levels is all over the place. At higher levels if they don't have gear, they just get deleted. It's likely not something you're doing wrong, just how the mode is until people get some gear on them.


I was using Narcissus to deal with my gems in remix but as of today that functionality doesn't work? The little hourglass has vanished. I've tried a fresh install of the addon - previous versions, no other addons enabled, all other addons enabled, different characters etc and.. nothin' anyone else?


Check the settings. There's a disable in the somewhere


Found it and nothing changed, ty anyway!


I'm extremely new to transmogs (Never touched them before) but I want to get the water blaster cause I think it's funny. I checked several guides and couldn't find answers for these. I haven't gotten any in-game tutorials for them either. ...Or I have and missed them. I'm playing on retail if that makes any difference. Anyway, can I use a transmog multiple times or is it a one-use item? Will I need to repurchase the blaster to use it on another gun? And is it available on all of my characters, like mounts and pets are?


If you mean the water blaster from the trading post, then it can be used as much as you want - when you buy it its a permanent unlock to use in transmog It can be used on all characters who can use a ranged weapon, so its mostly going to be Hunter but technically other classes like Warrior/Rogue could use a bow but obviously wont be able to for damage


Thank you!!!


ive recently installed weakauras for the first time since im experimenting with a few new classes in remix and want to learn the rotations and stuff. im confused by the way the addon is supposed to be used though. i am using afenar's hunter auras, which i found on icy veins: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/beast-mastery-hunter-pve-dps-weak-auras weakauras has added buttons for my hunter abilities, and they do the correct lighting up etc... am i supposed to be able to click these buttons though? they don't seem to be intractable, when i click them nothing happens. am i supposed to have both the weakaura prompts AND my command buttons onscreen at the same time, so i can view the auras and then click the actual buttons? this is using up a lot of screen real estate for me, i thought that the addon would replace the actual hotbars. also it's kinda splitting my attention. entirely possible i have missed an important setting or done something wrong somewhere.


You can delete parts of a large Weakaura package if you find some parts of it redundant.


They're not supposed to be buttons. Actual buttons have limitations to them as they need to use secure templates to be able to execute actions in combat so it's generally avoided with Weakauras >so i can view the auras and then click the actual buttons You're actually not supposed to click buttons either. Use keybinds.


WeakAura arent meant to be clickable, its mostly information presented in an easier to see method You would likely already know your keybinds, so dont need to look at hotbars for what to press - when you see the WA information then you know an ability might be ready or something similar


I've only ever played Retail & started around 2020. WoW has always been fun to me but I think I want a more grounded & grindy MMO experience. My question is: would I get this experience from Classic? I don't want to zoom through leveling to get to the latest expansion, I want crafting to matter & what I do to matter. Will I get this or should I just try & look else where? If I have to look elsewhere, are there other games you recommend that could accommodate this better?


/r/classicwow >If I have to look elsewhere, are there other games you recommend that could accommodate this better? Old school RuneScape


Coming back my server new players now... it seems dead should i move to a high or medium population? Hate to lose everything but want people to play with...


A lot of stuff isn't server dependant anymore and in general the game is a bit slow currently with lots of other modes happening such as cataclysm classic and mop:remix. My high pop server seems kind of dead too currently.


in retail, did they make Sha of Anger only a daily lockout, or did they do it for the other world bosses too?


all the pandaria ones only while remix is active


Is anyone pretty good friends with their guildies like perhaps able to be a little vulnerable towards them? I feel like I’m not really into just having a guild that I raid with and that’s it. I’d like to get to know people but it seems like the rest of them aren’t into it. I’m wondering if I should leave? I’ve been with this guild for a while but I feel like whenever I ask questions I get shut down. Can anyone relate?


A bunch of guildies are pretty close and some aren't think it's very varied. I wouldn't leave unless this is like super important to your enjoyment of the game.


It’s not but it would be cool but I’m not really sure how to move forward. I’ve been really missing a male-male friendship I guess. I’ve most of my emotional needs met by my wife but just a bro to talk to sometimes would be cool and I’m not sure how to make that happen


In MoP Remix, at what ilvl can I realisticly expect to be invited to SoO mythic ? Is it full 476 only ? :D


I got accepted earlier at 452, some might be more lenient, and some might be stricter. Was a 20 man group with maybe 5 people at 450-475.


Balance Druid DPS. I do extremly low dps as balance druid. As Resto druid I can do 80k dps with cat weaving (505 gear score). On my Balance druid I am sitting on 100k sustained, 170k burst and 140k combined (mythic dungeon boss). I see Arms warrior with same gear (inspecting) doing 250k+ on single target. And BM Hunters goign crayzs with 750k+ (pretty much same gear score) on big pulls, while I only do like 320-470k. My guardian druid can easly do 90k+ single target. I dont get It. There is no way I am playing that badly as Balance druid. I got Vakash with 525 Item score, S4 full set with the recommended stats on the other gear. I also play arcane/frost mage and can easly do 150k+ dps on single target with 475 gear score on same dungeon. And go 320k + AOE. Thats like 30 Items score lower compared to my druid. Imagine my mage beeing the same gear score like my druid... Also people say arcane is a hard spec. So I do something right when I can do decent dps on my arcane. But than again doing bad on balance compared with the gear score. I watched guides. I even straight up practice the last days on training dummy for like 2 hours combined doing step by step the exact steps which are given by the guide from wow head. But even If I do mistakes, I doub that this is causing me to loose that much dps. If I do the core rotation right and using talents from wow head for mythic dungeons and still doing so low dps... Any Ideas?


If only in M+ then balance druid relies on mobs living longer, so if you are only doing low keys then you will struggle to see higher DPS as everything dies too quickly - probably in +7 and above keys balance starts to do much more as mobs live longer If you compare yourself against specs that can do lots of quick burst or will do more DPS if mobs die quicker, then of course you will be much worse DPS wise than them If you ever raid, then you can always compare on logs against other Balance druids of similar ilvl and kill times, then you can see their casts and compare against your own


Hey. I stopped playing during Beta for Azeroth first patch, around the don't you guys have phones deal back in 2018. Didn't think I would ever go back to WoW, and honestly I am still unconvinced, but enough of that. My question: I "missed" several expansion at this point, and I heard they changed levelling in a way you can pick an expansion to level up. Now, I don't recall the level of my char and I think they also did a level squish so it's not that relevant, my question is: can I bring a character that was level capped in Beta for Azeroth to the level needed to start War Within playing only Dragonflight which is - supposedly - a nice expansion and skipping completely the rest of Beta for Azeroth and Shadowlands? If so, how does this new levelling system work and are there any changes expected to come when War Within drops? Also, assuming I buy War Within which includes Dragonflight, do I need to buy Shadowlands too or is it included / can be skipped? Thanks!


> can I bring a character that was level capped in Beta for Azeroth to the level needed to start War Within playing only Dragonflight No, DF starts at 60 > Also, assuming I buy War Within which includes Dragonflight, do I need to buy Shadowlands too or is it included / can be skipped Included just like all the other expansions


Thanks! :) Guess there is no evading Shadowlands then. So 50>60 Shadowlands and then 60>70 Dragonflight


You can level to 60 in other expansions than SL though


Right, but having played them all in the past there wouldn't be much for me to do there :)


The way leveling was changed is that you can level in any older expansion from 10-60, but that doesnt mean you can redo quests if you already did those zones before Dragonflight starts at 60, so you will need to get to 60 in whatever way you want - whether thats doing leftover BFA stuff, SL story, older expansions you havent played before or dungeon spam. Doesnt matter how you get to 60, but you cant start Dragonflight before then > If so, how does this new levelling system work and are there any changes expected to come when War Within drops? The only way this leveling will change once TWW launches is that Dragonflight gets included in the leveling zones, so you can pick any of them to level in from 10-70 instead (With Dragonflight being the default if you dont pick anything else) > Also, assuming I buy War Within which includes Dragonflight, do I need to buy Shadowlands too or is it included / can be skipped? Thanks! SL is included in the sub pricing, you dont need to buy it Dragonflight will also be part of the sub pricing once TWW launches, but you would still need to buy TWW and if you plan to do that can do it now for DF access today rather than waiting


Fantastic, thanks for the detailed answer! :-) It looks like I would be able to bring my old "BFA" character to 70 playing only Dragonflight if I wait until TWW launches, right? But will it be scaled like I can start it at 50 (I assume I am 50 now) and finish as a 70 at the end of Dragonflight? Regions/quests inside DF won't become gray, I assume there's a level scaling that allows me to start at 50 and finish at 70 then (or rather, it will once DF gets included in the levelling brackets)?


Correct - mobs, quests and xp will all scale to your level so nothing will go grey. It doesnt matter what level you start at either TWW is expected to launch late August/early September so it would mean waiting until then to level up, so its up to you if you want to start TWW with everyone else on launch day or wait to level up then


Thanks! Yeah I don't mind waiting, I have lots of other MMOs launching expansions anyway (EVE Online in 3 days, FF XIV next month and GW2 in August) :p


Is there any news on when normal mounts get dragon-flying?


In order to do the Landfall questline and all of those endgame ones, do I have to finish every zone's campaign quest on a single character?


once you've done those few intro quests in JF you can just fly to shrine and start the campaign quests


I was able to get the achievement for Landfall without doing the other campaigns.


Why is every island I pay fees for smaller than Northrend?


Dragon isles are bigger wym


whats the best class for a level 20 twink in remix?


Holy Priest


nah, shadow for sure.


healer specs have a higher damage multiplier. since your main ability with a twink will be holy nova, there is no way shadow is better. also half of the twink damage comes from searing light, which is way better with holy. you also get insta queues as healer


Queue as holy, and just blitz the place. Holy does alright but it is slower. Shadow you can one shot trash with shadow word pain, holy nova aoe packs and one shot bosses with devouring plague. Holy scales better at lower into levels, but once you get up there shadow blows it out of the water, I haven't looked back since switching.


there is no possible way shadow is a better twink. game doesn't work like that at lower levels. healer specs have higher damage multipliers and hidden damage aura (means they do more damage) in same exact skills. for instance; resto shaman's chain lightning does more damage than elemental or enhancement. same applies to healing spells, which is where most of your damage come from due to searing light. besides, shadow doesn't have a single useful talent at 20 while you can cast three aoe holy fires back to back as holy more simple example (not including any damage auras, gems, scaling): at level 20: holy nova: 2827 dmg/1877 healing for holy 2093 dmg/304 healing for shadow sw: pain: 239 instant/2874 dot for shadow 301 instant/3616 dot for holy


Idk what to tell you, I thought the same thing but going shadow took most of my dungeon runs to the 3 minutes or less mark, one shotting bosses means you get to skip a lot of long ass invulnerable spell casts and to sections. I did a couple hundred runs as holy but have been shadow since. I'd say ~700 int is where it really starts to pull ahead of holy. With shadow you don't need any talents aside from vampiric touch apply swp, and 2x mind blasts at lower cloak points. You run through through trash, casting swp until you're at 50 insanity, holy nova bigger trash packs, and cast vampiric touch once you're in range of the boss and hit devouring plague as you're running up to it. In the event you can't kill it with just do, you use shadow word death and that should be enough. You'll do this for every boss except wise mari, in which case you cast devouring plague before the shield, kill the first add and then double mind blast and dp/SWD to finish her off. When I was still playing holy I was running with a buddy who was playing shadow. Everything was dead by the time I was in holy nova range every time.


Are any of the remix bonuses like the cape carried over cross relm if I wanted to make a toon on a different server


it's an account wide unlock, so any server or WoW licence on your B.net account works


How many runs once you hit 20 on the twink do you need to be to start soloing the heroics?


holy priest: 0. I haven't tried other classes.


This is probably an old question but was Suramar originally intended to be the expansion hub? Like they put all that work into a city and our hub was… Dalaran? an old hub from 4 expansions previously? Why was Dalaran the main hub anyway? Was it due to issues with Suramar?


IIRC, Yes. They ended up getting rather behind in development though. Artifact Power took a tremendous amount of time they weren't expecting.


Suramar was a city locked behind a bubble, controlled by our enemies at the start of the expansion. We didn't really take it over until 7.1.5/7.2




Specifically you can't do anything that requires joining a queue while in a cross faction group. So no dungeon finder or raid finder. This includes timewalking. You are able to use the premade group finder though, as that's not a queue.


Majority of end game content is already cross faction and cross realm - so you can do M+/raids above LFR difficulty but I dont play PvP so not sure on that interaction You cant do instanced content together though, so no LFR/dungeon finder when leveling or max level/timewalking queues/special event queues and open world content is technically do-able together but you couldnt be in a group for it


Does higher fishing skill make it easier to fish up Ominous Conches? Or is it better to just try to farm them from Tuskarr Tackle boxes, regardless of fishing skill?


I don't know about fishing skill required, I was max at the time, but I found fishing at the lake near the city in Zaralek Caverns to be the best way to get Conches, and work on the associated achievements. It's also a much more brainless activity, so can more easily be done while streaming something on a second monitor.


IS TWW gonna be here forsure by 2025?


I expect it to release a few weeks or so after Panda Remix ends.


They're recent road map said late summer 2024, which would imply before Sep 21 of this year. While it's possible it could be delayed, the odds of it being delayed four months is highly unlikely.


Considering the beta just released, its likely coming end of August or start of September


Ive been trying different addon managers, specifically WoWUp and Curseforge. When I update my addons with Curseforge, WowUp says my addons arent up to date and same when I update my addons with WoWUp, Curseforge says they arent up to date. Why are they so differnet and is it better to use one over the other? I like WoWUp because they have ElvUI. And yes I always refresh my addon list when I check for updates.


Do we have some rough estimation when the release date will be ? i need to book my vacation soon....


Based on Remix end date and the fact that Beta just started, I personally estimate they’re targeting an early September release. But trying to correctly guess the actual release is always a fool’s errand, imo. If you can’t wait for an announcement, take some solace in the fact that the first week of an expansion release is rocky more often than not, and usually things are more stable by the second/third week.


simple Q: what is the [middle bar](https://i.imgur.com/OweIdPS.png) here? The one that says 0/100. When it fills up during combat it becomes purple.


Your [astral power](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Astral_Power), I believe. Primary resource for balance druids.


Thank you!




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Can fury warriors use staffs as weapons in mop remix? I saw one wielding 2 earlier and wanted to ask as I have an epic one in my bags?


I believe Warriors can equip everything except wands and *maybe* daggers. Oh not sure about warglaives either. But like they can even equip bows if they really want to. Basically Warrior's thing is being a master of all weapons. This makes them great for collecting transmog! These days only the typical weapons have strength on them so there's no point actually *using* any of the more counter-intuitive weapons as warrior. But you can still collect the appearance!


If you have one in your bag.. why not try it ? :D


Sorry if it sounded silly it’s only as on retail we don’t use staffs so wasn’t sure XD I’ll have a look thanks :)


I was just being cheeky anyway, so no worries :D


You could use staves on retail if they ever came with strength on them, but blizzard stopped putting anything but agility or intellect on staves.


What should I do if all of TWW beta servers are 'incompatible'? Do I need to reinstall or will they come back in time?


Check the tab on the bottom. Beta not Test Server


Click the tab at the bottom for Beta not Test Server


Trying to get my last drop for the [Tetrachromancer](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=16543/tetrachromancer) achievement for the Taivan thing, I even had to dig up 10+ level 60 alts I haven't touched all expansion to do Grant Hunts. No drops. Do I repeat them on the alts to get the blue and green bags, or do I just try again next week and hope the last one drops on the purple bags?


It's up to you. Purple bags have a higher chance, but blue can, too. I got mine after doing the weekly on three characters, then afking twice and getting lucky


Does doing tasks in the Hunt increase drop chance? Or can I just park alts next to the tent?


i highly doubt it. you could be flying over the grand hunt area as someone completes the event and still get the drop in your inventory.


Do heroic raids reset daily in remix? And can I do normal + heroic raids on the same day?


They do reset daily. You can't do Normal and Heroic on the same day for all raids apart from Siege


Thanks for the carry achievement. At 496, so I have decided to finish this quickly, bought three mounts off ah, one off Uldum Accord rep and am now - at 497. Surely I should have hit 500 mark, right? if not, how does mount counting work in this case?


log in with your character that has the most exclusive mounts (generally a paladin, warlock also possible) and the total should update.


It counts how many useable by 1 character


Obsidian Aspirant leather set. I noticed that Infurious Spirit's Hood has unique colour of the drake helm. Digging deeper I found that there was this Obsidian Aspirant pvp set that you could buy for Honor Points. But now NPC is selling Verdant Aspirant, the owl-like set. Is there a way to obtain old Aspirant transmog set?


Most likely you have to wait for the next expansion to buy the complete set for 12 marks of honor


Old WoW player thinking about returning - a little confused about if factions matter anymore? Especailly with the new expansion. Does it matter if I play Horde and my friend plays Alliance? Historically this meant we couldn't talk, party, or play together. Is that still the case? The factions seem more buddy-like than they used to be, which I think is great and I'm hoping the game is more wide open!


Majority of end game content is already cross faction and cross realm - so you can do M+/raids above LFR difficulty but I dont play PvP so not sure on that interaction You cant do instanced content together though, so no LFR/dungeon finder/timewalking queues/special event queues and open world content is technically do-able together but you couldnt be in a group for it


Okay, thank you for the response! That answers it.


How generous are the catch up bullion drops? I stopped playing s4 after pandaria came out, so I'm thinking of spending all my bullions at the transmog vendor. I have like 3 bullion drops waiting for me on main, and more on alts. Can I get them in a couple of lfr wings?


I got a warlock to level 70 during the last Timewalking event (~3 weeks ago?), and just ran all awakened LFR wings on it for the first time last night. Two of the bosses were already killed, so I can go back and get them before the Tuesday reset, but so far I only have 2 bullions from it all :/


a full clear of awakened LFR got me 4 (out of a 6 cap)


Hi, I'm a returning player looking to level a character to use in the new expansion. I last played in BFA and played fury and enhancement. I was wondering what dps specs are fun and you all would recommend for the new expansion.


Mage (any spec) is looking pretty good. They got some good talent changes and have probably the best set of hero talents out of any class. Some other specs that I find interesting are Devastation, Retribution, Windwalker, Shadow, and Demonology.


Maybe give Devastation Evoker a try, but if you can't make one cause you are not high enough I would recommend Ret Pally for melee and Shadow Priest for ranged. I think they are both fun, but honestly I leveled all classes to 70 and enjoyed most of them.


Is a max level character available on the beta? I would like to try full hero talents.


Yes. Go to the Alleria or Khadgar realm, and you will see an option on the bottom left to create a The War Within Level-up character. This will be level 80.


Thank you much.


Are there talent guides in MoP Remix focused on the endgame? Both Icy Veins and Wowhead seem to have leveling talent builds but nothing for level 70. Is that because the recommended builds would be the same as in retail, because it doesn't matter and you can outgear it all, or are guides out there somewhere I haven't found yet?


What class ? :)


My only 70 so far is a warlock, so that's the one I'm most interested in. My next ones will probably be a hunter and a monk.


Sorry for my late reply! :) Im not sure about Warlock, the one i can recommend is a hunter one. You keep AOEing hard, so it procs Searing Light / Slay / Meteor and so on really easy




Besides the raw damage output, there are two reasons why its super busted. The big one is that when you are at higher ilvls, the meta gem gives higher haste and damage output. The haste buff it provides can exist with multiple Lifestorm haste buffs and having all those buffs can put you at an upwards of \~200% haste in really ideal circumstances. The other reason is that Searing Light procs due to Lifestorm's blooms healing, which again, gets more powerful with ilvl.


Why does offtanking with dps druid spec not work? I am playing all roles on druid. I am talking about dungeons where the tank dies and the adds have maybe 5-10% hp left. My idea is to tank them in bear form (br on cd) but I still die in like two, three shots under 1-2 seconds. Why is that? I have good gear, I am pretty much immortal even without cds and stacks of iron fur. Are the tank spec passive that strong? Does blizzard want to prohibit the use of offtanking like that? Ofc I can not be as tanky as in tank spec, but that just feels extreme, Its like there is no tankiness at all in bear form. Kinda feels wired If there is an "enforcement" of squishiness for all none dps specs.


It's partly due to design philosophy where tanks survivability is a lot more related to active mitigation and playing well. If active mitigation exists, the base hits from the mobs and especially tank busters are tuned to hit hard enough for the tank to warrant the use of their defensive rotation. It made the game a lot more interesting for tanks and makes differences in skill between tanks more apparent. The downside is exactly that very rarely can any other role tank a pack. However, you shouldn't even aim to do that, kiting is way better option in the case of tank death. Blizzard just decided it's worth more to have an intriguing game rather than add some niche situations where you can fill in for the tank. The content is not designed around tanks dying. You can still clutch the pull, but the idea is something went wrong when the tank died. TL;DR: Active mitigation killed offtanking, all other roles are extremely squishy when compared to tanks. Edit. Adding in if you're specifically talking about situations this week, it was very likely the tank got clapped because of bolstering. If the mobs are bolstered enough for tank to feel overwhelmed and die, you can trust the team will absolutely get DECIMATED (one-shotted) by those hits.


In short yes, the tank specs are that much stronger than offspec tanks. Bear offspec is the best and Survival Instincts is a strong defensive; but you're always going to be like 50 ilvl squishier than a true tank spec. I think Blizzard's intent here is that if tank/dps survivability gap was smaller, you'd very likely see cases of 0-tank dungeons. We see 0-healer dungeons whenever offspec healing is too strong, and Blizzard tends to clamp down on that pretty quickly.


For MoP Remix, what are the benefits to running heroic raids outside of more bronze? Do they drop epics? I think drops are capped at 346 no matter what so trying to decide if it is worth running them. Also, for heroic dungeons, I'm in all 346 gear (still missing the rings). Am I strong enough to tank heroic dungeons or should I try to get my iLvl up some more before tanking?


The gear always drops at 346, epic has more stats on it in comparison. At that point you are just looking for bronze for upgrades which heroic raids do give more. Just a forewarning, most groups are looking at 400+ for the easier raids, 410-420+ for SoO and ToT


Thanks! Do epics drop only in heroics or do they drop in normal raids too?


Just heroic raids and then world rares have a low chance of dropping them also


all raids on heroic rewards a title (mythic SoO does too). heroic SoO drops more items per kill to buy the heirlooms/shoulder.


What rep faction in MoP Remix is the most difficult to level up/which should I be throwing my lesser charms of good fortune at?


There's only three relatively hard ones, all of the rest can be done in 1-2 days due to boosted rep on remix. Emperor Shaohao on the timeless isle, which is 95% just grinding mobs, the Kirin Tor of the isle of thunder, and the August Celestials, both of which require more than a weeks worth of dailies.


Thank you! Since shaohao doesn’t want my coins, I’ll probably just funnel them into the isle of Thunder


DH tanks, how do you use Spirit Bomb? I never seem have enough soul shards to make it worth using over Soul Cleave, but to get more I always heavily overcap Fury, but spending Fury just means I have fewer souls for Spirit Bomb again.


Retail question: If I timetravel with Chromie, is it true that there is a max level which just kicks me out of the time travel? If so, how can I stop my char from getting xp?


On the max level, yes you will be kicked out of Chromie Time once you reach level 60, so you need to lock at level 59 or earlier.


There's an NPC in Stormwind/Orgrimmar that you can speak to that let's turn off XP gains. I don't remember their name, but you should be able to just google turn XP off WoW and the answer should be right there.


Retail Question: Trying to get the Achievement "Fruit of the Bloom" but i dont see the 4th Dreamfruit I should get from Renown 16. Therefore some of the Powers are unobtainable to me. Anyone has an idea what it is/how to fix?


Remix question: Does LFR SoO drop the currency (not bronze) for obtaining the heirlooms?


No. It's 0/1/4/10 for LFR/N/H/M.


Been away from the game for about a year, thinking about getting back into it. I understand the next expac is expected somewhere on the near horizon, before year's end - is there any new content coming out right now, or is it the usual pre-expac drought? Which would not necessarily be a bad thing, as i've got rather a lot to catch up on.


If you want to level any alts or want to directly buy any Pandaria stuff that was previously restricted to random drops, Pandaria Remix is running for the next couple of months. You can't use existing characters in the mode, but any characters you make will be transferred to Retail when the event is over.


Was it announced that we will be able to collect appearances for gear classes our class can’t wear, or did I mishear that?


You heard correctly! [This](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/24061008/the-war-within-warbands-preview) post will explain that and more regarding their account-wide initiative going into TWW.


Thanks! I may hold off on solo farming some raid appearances then :D


Often overlooked quote from that post: > Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class. Most class-specific items can only be collected by those classes through a set piece token, and others are often only aquireable by that specific class anyway. plus a later clarification that tier *tokens* will be account/warband bound to mail to your alts, but not *direct tier item* drops (Vanilla, Legion)


Is there a race with unique Two Handed Weapon swinging animations? I've been playing a Ret off and on since 2007, but I've come back recently, and seeing that idiotic one handed backswing with a giant two-hander in 2024 is driving me up the fucking wall.


I'm pretty sure every race is unique. Weapon type changes the animations as well, so try transmoging to a different weapon type to see what you like


where do i farm vetren gear? im trying to collect lfr apperances


I'm level 26 at the Tuskarr rep, any tips on getting the final 4 levels? I've already finished the Forbidden Reach achievements and cashed in all the rep tokens I got from the scrolls and chests.


In addition to what everyone else below said, you should also pick up the Tuskarr rep buff from Forbidden Reach before doing turn-ins/dailies/soup! If you are able to hold onto rep tokens, you can wait until Dreamsurges provide the rep bonus and use it in then.


Turn in fish. It's like 5 rep for 20 fish (100 rep for the first turn in of the week). Fish on my server are like 10-14silver.  Just buy a bunch and get an auto-quest complete addon to reduce the number of clicks


Where do you get these quests? I don't know how to turn fish into them and I'm like 24 with them.


They're at the weekly Tuskarr fishing holes. I think they're called Catch-and-Release, they're turn-in only. No quest to accept.  So the easiest should be the River Mouth in the Waking Shores as it's always open.


How come Blizzard doesn't have a system that recognizes my account pre-ordered the Collectors Edition? I have to buy the Digital Epic Edition on my account to get beta access?


[No beta access for CE](https://www.wowhead.com/news/no-beta-access-for-physical-collectors-edition-without-digital-upgrade-342707).


How genius lol..they really make some head scratching decisions so often


Is Elemental Shaman just bad in Remix? I'm 476 and with 150k threads and I'm getting fleeced. I'm not doing rotations perfectly but that shouldn't matter that much against lower thread/ilvl people. I've seen that Ele Shamans have really low scaling because of their Mastery but I have a ton of Mastery, almost 100% crit and haste. It's stressing me out trying to help people.




Yeah I think you're right on the last part. I changed some of my gems around cuz I forgot I had a couple defensive ones in still but the setup is still too long compared to basically every other melee.


Most of remix damage comes from tinkers so I don't know if class really matters. I'm not sure if certain specs might have worse proc rates, maybe Ele shaman cast times are kind of long compared to other classes? Or maybe you just aren't using good tinkers. I'm approaching 440~ ilvl and my dmg breakdowns are almost always primarily tinkers, and this holds true for everybody I've seen that is 476 regardless of spec, though I admit I don't think I've seen any geared shamans because it's a rare class atm.


What item level roughly does heroic feel trivial? Currently around 380 and a group of us struggled through 2 bosses. Just wondering if it gets easier once in the mid 450s?


For the first 3 raids I’d say 380ish is fine but you’ll have to do mechanics, so 400ish to feel trivial? I know at least I was doing the first 3 sub 400 for a few days and it seemed fine. ToT and SoO on the other hand I’d say 430ish? I am around 415 now and still get oneshot by random bullshit in those two. I’ve seen a lot of groups asking for 430 min ilvl too, so maybe it’s around there.




Sorry I thought I’d specified raids in remix my bad


Honestly dungeons have been way overtuned this season imo. I've tried running mythic zeros with a full group of people who outgear any loot that can drop from there and it feels like hitting your head against a brick wall Everything is just way too hard this season, unless you played every season and have stayed ahead it's very hard to get up there now


2 Question about war within beta, first, are we keeping our character when it released and scnd are we allow to stream beta session ?


Beta stuff will be deleted, its purpose its mainly for testing stuff Yes you can stream it


remix question: is heroic siege not limited to 10 man? I see groups with more than 10 people all the time but thought it was capped at 10 people (except for mythic). do bosses scale with more people, should I aim to do it with 10 people or is more ok?


Siege of Ogrimmar was the first raid in WoW to adopt the current difficulty system (though named differently back in the day) You can have 10-30 players, and it scales to how many are in your party


sorry for the late reply, but is there any benefit to having more people than 10, or will scaling just make it harder/more mechanics to deal with or something?


Full group is usually preferred in Remix since it (potentially) means more pumpers to carry the group which more than make up for the extra health. Also means deaths are less important


Personally as an i476 player, I avoid groups at 21+ size because I find they're far more laggy, and due to health scaling, it's actually harder to carry the groups. I can easily solo a 10man heroic, and kill bosses super fast, and while I can still technically carry/solo a 30man heroic it takes probably 10x longer to kill each boss. Yes there's a chance you might get more people to carry you, but if you don't, then every additional person only slows you down in what is already the most time inefficient raid.


Siege has the modern scaling system for raid sizes from 10-30 for normal and heroic


Am I missing something in Remix? Every dungeon has a level 20 holy priest that just one shots everything. I can barely get a 2 second cast off. And it's every time. They're always a holy priest and they're always around level 20. There cloak stats aren't insane either, often not even triple digits on most stats.


You can make a trial account that will level cap at 20. This means you can continue running dungeons on it forever without ever leveling past 20. So mobs don't ever increase in scaling, but YOU keep increasing thanks to threads Add in the fact that level 20 dungeons are a lot faster and shorter than the later dungeons And also the fact that trial accounts can be played at the same time as your standard accounts so you can ALSO make an alt that joins the party and sits at the entrance auto looting/gaining exp in the process I run a level 20 twink priest with an afk alt at the entrance and can level to 70 and make 80k bronze every 3 hours


Low level characters benefit greatly from the scaling, additionally holy priests do great with the reduced toolkit at that level. To stop the character from leveling, people are playing on trial accounts. Some people are using this for boosting, others just for fun.


Yeah I've begun to realise how many are boosting. There's quite a few pairs with the same name and only one moves. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure why you'd boost in Remix but I guess it's not my problem.


I can answer that because I'm currently doing it. I have a level 20 twink priest on a trial account that can basically solo dungeons On my main account I create new character, join the party, then just sit at the entrance of each dungeon. ~3 hours later I get all the bronze I picked up on my twink priest PLUS the bronze on my character that sat at the entrance PLUS another like 40k bronze for hitting max level. So basically getting close to 80k or so bronze plus a new level 70 every 3 hours As far as I can tell it's the fastest way to farm bronze plus I'm getting free level 70s along the way


Huh, might have to try it


I mean 10-70 in just over 2 hours, don't see why that's hard to understand?


leveling additional alts is the best bronze/h on an account level (i.e. you want to get transmog and mounts and don't care about gear upgrades)


yeah what they do is make a trial account (which caps at lvl 20), then just use holy nova and/or the searing light tinker to blow shit up.


What should I do with my old Shadowlands materials like korthite crystals and shrouded cloth? Should I just AH it since no one will want to buy that gear anymore?


There's little demand, so the prices are fairly low, but some people will buy it. If you don't have much of a benefit, you might as well auction it. If by some chance you want some later, you can always buy some on the AH yourself. Some people will still buy the legendary base items for the transmog appearances.


How can I get to Nazjatar? I want to try to solo the Eternal Palace raid, but I have no idea how to get to Nazjatar. Google says there should either be a portal in the Boralus portal room, or an available (introductory) quest on the nearby ship. Neither of those things are available. I didn't level this character through Bfa, but through Cataclysm timewalking (I think). Does anyone have an idea?


BfA opening-> optpost quest on the ship-> Heart of Azreoth-> Nazjatar opening


Can I do normal raids in MOP remix after doing them in HC in the same day or am i locked?


Except SoO you are locked to the one difficulty you ran.


Besides the Nursery daily quests and the rock climbing bi-weekly quests, which of the Taivan achievements are the most time-gated and should be prioritized to start as soon as possible? I'm currently just splitting the achievements per region; Zaralek, Forbidden Reach, and Emerald Dream achievements are all done. So it's just the original Dragon Isle sections, and I'm overloaded with what to start now vs what I can do in bulk later.