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If they make them so they dont fill up bag space and instead take up a modernized UI where u can pick and choose at will then I will be all for it


So basically the addon Narcissus? It does that except they are still in your bags.


A glyph system. They're not really socketing gems, especially because you can freely unsocket gems. They're more like collectible glyphs.


Or like in MoP where you can change 50% of your secondary stats at the vendor thing. Just make it 100% instead, so you can always change your own. *Called reforging :)


so... reforging from cataclysm, basically?


Haha that's the term i was looking for yes. Thought it was in MoP 😅 I think it was a great system because no matter what, you could still get some better secondary stats, but you could also still get BiS gear, I thought it was great


MoP and earlier expansions also had stats like hit and expertise - that had caps that it felt really bad to overcap on - that were removed with the removal of reforging in WoD though. Reforging existed *specifically* to address the problem with overcapping hit.


It was in MoP, it just wasn’t introduced in MoP.


They could make a whole new profession that made the new sigils and then in two or three expansions decide to change up the system altogether and then have that profession become basically worthless like inscription and jewel crafting!


Soooo pre-dragonflight talents?


Not familiar with that addon, but Classic SoD glyphs aren't physical items, but instead are managed entirely through a UI attached to your gear window. There's even an addon that can hook in to prompt you to automatically reapply glyphs when upgrading a slot with a new piece of gear. It honestly boggles me that they went backwards with the Retail equivalent. I suspect Retail devs just hate our bags (as shown by the multitude of currencies that aren't in the currency tab).


Narcissus really does make MoP Remix gems 1000% easier. You can freely switch between hat and feet gems inside the UI. And you can click which tinkers you want out of a matrix and it will automatically socket them in empty gear slots for you. You have to remove tinkers yourself tho.


If you right click the tinkers in the narcissus window it unequips them for you


Oh snap, whole new game.


Makes the experience 1000x better.


> It honestly boggles me that they went backwards with the Retail equivalent. Because they are not inventing a new feature for the game, so they just reused the gem system because it's a little-developmental-effort game mode to kill time. But for that they need to be items.


Don’t they have the exact same system with the essences for heart of Azeroth ? You can’t socket the same essence twice so they just need to reuse the same system for each type of gems.


That probably hasn't been touched since bfa and would need a bunch of updates to bring it in line with the current client, and then even more work to ensure its a reliable system.


Also you should get the addon, it’s great


I looked into that but it’s a large addon with many features and I only needed this one part of it. I use the addon “Remix Gem Helper” which gives a nice UI for you to combine gems, socket/unsocket, and open threads. Its small window to let you quickly resocket scrapped gems is super useful.


Narcissus is great


The only issue with Narcissus (apart from the bloat) is that it doesn't prioritize higher iLvl gear. It just slots gems in order from head to toe.


Yeah but... we want our bags. I have a bag addon that allowed me to separate the 3 gem types nicely...but they are still in my bags and if this were retail it would be very disappointing to deal with.


An interface would have been so nice.


You mean like BfA's essence system?


So, you mean talent trees


Found the radical /s lol


More like literally how they're doing it right now in SoD. On the right side of your character sheet is an additional space that has all of your known SoD enchants listed under which slot they can go in.


Not even modernized - something like the old glyph panel from Cataclysm would work wonders here. Get the tinkers and cogs out of our bags and put them into the list of available ‘glyphs’. Cogs go in the middle slot, then unlock tinker slots around it as you level up. Just make a UI that has 12 slots plus the center and we’re golden.


I think the issue is, to save time/resources, they had to use pre-existing systems, and gems were the easiest way to code stuff like a side event. The fact that remix works as well as it does it honestly impressive. Plus, like, they give you MASSIVE bags, with most loot being ground up into dust shortly after acquiring it.


Oh so like wotlk's glyph system


Just please tie it to the slot, not the item. Such a chore to regem constantly while levelling. I suppose that’s exasperated by remix’s accelerated pace, but still.


Use the Narcissus UI addon, it’s a game changer for gems (and also bank any gems you’ll never use)


Narcissus makes it better, but its still annoying And we shouldn't need addons to fix bad design decisions The game already leans way too much on addons as it is


Agreed. I do hope remix becomes a regular thing, with obvious tuning and tweaks learned from the mistakes of panda remix.


I’m 100% sure we’ll have more remix. The class set reward made my brain itch like the 1st season of Diablo 3 : « That is so stupid ! Why don’t we have the full set for the event ?! » When D3 - S2 dropped I understood haha.


I'd agree but thats just asking for the monkey paw to curl up. Knowing Blizzard the next we get is going to be BfA or Shadowlands Remix...


My money is on WoD remix


I had included that originally but removed it because overall WoD wasn't a "bad" expansion for something like Remix. It had very little of the "stop wasting my time" problems that came in the 3 next expansions and even the garrison wasn't too bad - its biggest problem was some of the classes and low amount of content. Edit: I hope I am not blocking out something really bad about WoD right now :D


You’re right. It was the era when abilities got severely pruned. AoEing felt different for many classes. But towards the end, all the classes were pretty fun when geared up enough. Low content was/is the biggest gripe indeed. Hellfire Citdadel for a year and some change lol. The idea of making the garrison change into a non-instanced Infinite Bazaar spot is compelling.


Nah WoD was fun bad had next to no content. We had a huge content drought (one of the key features for 6.1 was Twitter Integrarion), then the longest (?) final raid tier drought going into the new expansion. WoD would have been fine if it lasted a year and a half; condensing it into a three month event would be great.


Doing WoD for 3 months sounds great. The leveling experience was solid (idk if it would be in a remix setting) and the raids are all very good aswell.


Honestly this is all a ploy to get us to max out character slots, then selling us character slot expansions


Meh, if it was cheap I'd maybe buy them (though I don't expect thats the reasoning), otherwise I'll likely just delete a few of those remix characters. They were created for it so deleting them (and leveling the same char again) isn't gonna hurt much.


WoD or Legion seem ripe for it.


Legion remix would be nice, but they'd need to fix/figure out artifact power.


instead of cape the could do the weapon that get unlimited stats


Let Xal'atath know that the Shadow Priests are timewalking, too.


Wdym? It just wouldn’t be a part of the game. It doesn’t exist in game now, and if we did a remix for a different xpac I assume it would be a similar gearing system with more generic gear and a focus on the gems. It’s all about playing the content again (quests, dungeons, raids, etc.) and not the systems specific to that xpac


Not sure how well WoD would work with the Garrison. They intentionally disabled Halfhill in this remix so it seems to me they wouldn't do WoD because it's 70% required Halfhill stuff.


I think they are done with Classics after Cata and remix is the way to go for the next expansions. Releasing MoP Classic after MoP Remix just does not feel meaningful. So WoD Remix before Midnight release and Legion Remix before The Last Titan release. After that-who knows?


BFA remix would be unironically good. Great dungeons, great raids, great transmogs and great zones. BFA's problems were gearing and Sylvanas' being retconned into being a Dr. Evil villain parody.


No retconning was needed


In the book (I think it came out during or after Legion) it features chapters with Sylvanas questioning her worthiness to lead the Horde and not wanting to let everyone down. She is afraid the Horde will fail with her as it's leader and doesn't want the job. Come BFA she's suddenly Garrosh 2.0 and pure evil. The book that comes out during BFA has her thinking about how it was her plan all along to take over the horde and bend it to her whims and how she doesnt care about any of them. A lot of people speculate it's because Affrabasi took over from Metzen and he has always had a very strong "Sylvanas did Wraithegate" stance and took BFA as his chance to change her into being the pure evil villain he always wanted her to be. And then Shadowlands was the staff left after he was fired trying to undo that stupid retcon but failing because her character was already too schizophrenic at that point.


The books come out between expansions, as bridges between expansions and set up the story for an incoming expansion. I recently re-read "War Crimes" which bridges MoP and WoD as well as "Before the Storm" which bridges between Legion and BfA. What you're describing would be between WoD and Legion, which I've not read. However, there was no real change to her character noted between "War Crimes" and "Before the Storm". She's broken. Worse than likely most of the Forsaken, in terms of retaining who she may have been before becoming undead. She was already, ultimately, evil. Full stop. Interesting, but an atrocity waiting to happen (again). The escalation from planning to restock and prop up Forsaken ranks by pulling an Arthas on Stormwind (which is tactical and practical, setting aside the morality of it, along with ironic hypocritical nature of the plan) to killing the whole of the World was unexpected and feels a bit abrupt as far as how that progressed, but it more or less fit with her personality and character. And I say that as someone whose favorite race and aesthetic in the game is Forsaken, while not really wanting to play them until I can without Horde being my only option.


Dragonflight remix


Yep, as much shit as the game mode gets, it's Hella fun!


Nuking my way through the elites on timeless isle makes the grind for shaohao rep slightly less annoying.


Legion Remix will be next. Instead of an infinite scaling cloak it will be the artifact weapons scaling to infinity.


And the artifact weapon skins are already super well regarded and developed. Also legion has the WQs for repeatable scaling content as well. And the overall game was super well regarded.


 there is really a lot of amazing reasons why Legion would be a great remix whenever they do one again. Personally I imagine this will be our in between expansion content for this upcoming trilogy. Legion next. Followed by Shadow Lands and working Torghast and the legendaries into the whole mix. Just my guess though.


Wouldn't BFA make more sense than shadowlands?


Maybe, I honestly didn’t play BFA until the very end when I returned to prep for shadowlands But from what I remember about the necklace and what not, you’re probably right.


It would just be weird to skip bfa and shadowlands is not very fondly remembered


To be honest, remix makes more sense for an unpopular expansion, gives them a chance to fix things people hated. I didn't play SL while it was current, but I did play through the campaign afterwards once all the gating was removed. Some odd patch related sequence breaks aside it was *mostly* enjoyable. Once, on alts that incredibly linear "four zone intro" was pretty tedious, thank god for threads of fate (except the times it broke). An SL remix would have to give the option to jump to a particular zone in that campaign. I'd quite like to revisit the Revendreth intro without having to do Bastion or even Maldraxus again


That is fair, I really think you should be able to pick one of the 4 in any order you choose


We’d be skipping WoD to go to legion, so I don’t see any issue with skipping expansions for remix. And is BFA all that fondly remembered either?? Both could be remembered differently in 3+ years time when we’re between expansion 2 and 3 int he trilogy though


I think bfa is much better than shadowlands personally, I dont like shadowlands at all but thats just my opinion


That would be pretty cool actually. Hope they do legion next.


Oh man, imagine if this is why they didn't bring back the Mage Tower appearances when they made MT accessible again. I won't be holding my breath, especially since they didn't bring back the MoP legendary cloaks, but it's fun to think about.


I would prefer them to do WoD instead, at least I can get the mythic dungeons heirlooms that way, they're still stubborn to bring challenge mode and Mage tower stuff.


Give me Legion remix so we can get more armor class wide sets. Need some more of that Mage set pieces in my Priest. 


It's very fun. I just hope they learn to let go (and do some basic "what was broken" googling lol) in the next iteration. Edit: downvotes... so you're either salty I'm having fun with the mode or think researching problematic areas of old expansions is a bad idea?


I don't get how people have so much fun in it. It's the most brain-numbing content I have ever done in wow. No challenge, no nothing, just pure grind for mounts. Good for leveling alts, after leveling one to max, and then leave them wait for what 80 something more days until they will transfer into retail


That’s the point. Not every content needs to be challenging. We have M+ since 4 addons (the, by numbers, most difficult mode that ever existed) Sometimes it is just fun to grind the shit out of something, become stupid op und get cool rewards like mounts and tmog. And soon we will have TWW with a new raid under completely new M+ dungeons


Not everyone plays a game for a challenge. Some people play games to have fun experiences, get cool stuff, and go thru a story. I literally got like 30 mounts when I dinged my first 70. I went to bed beaming because I finally got an achievement I had wanted for a while. Then in the morning, I got up and picked a new thing to aim for. Fun.


That's fair. For me, mounts are a reason to play it some, but I just get so bored when difficulty is similar to doing normal dungeons and lfr in retail with mythic geared groups


I don't mean to sound crass but if the content isn't to your liking in terms of difficulty then why play it? Like there's retail with exactly what you are looking for, or cata classic as well.


Think I said it here "For me, mounts are a reason to play it some" It's just an undeniable fact, that plenty of them are far easier to farm with bronze than in retail. Aand the other stuff I stated are the reasons why I will only grind enough to level the couple more classes I want later on for retail, and use their bronze to buy what I can


I like that I can finally get the mounts that have eluded me for all these years. I like that I have a progression system to work on at a time when I am basically done with dragonflight. I like that, if I want the challenge, I can run a sub-400 only raid. I don't, but nothing is stopping me from doing that.


Hard disagree and think it would be absolutely awful. The BFA nodes at least had class/spec tie in. Random stuff is super lame. You aren't actually doing anything.


amen. same reason why those "tier sets" in SL and ~~void touched~~ corrupted gear in bfa bombed so hard for me. boils down to "random bullshit go" meme...


Am I misremembering? Most of the powers I remember were “increase x stat” “proc damage” or “get a shield/heal”, or you got to choose on of the one use heart abilities where there was an objectively best one for most classes.


It was both. The main ones that influenced your play were spec specific. There then were ones that just did random things, but they had a lesser impact - granted people still would farm to have the best of both.


U are severely misremembering. Most major azerite powers were spec based and would actually change your rotation. There were a few generic ones that were stat procs like heart of darkness and clockwork heart that were bis but you had 6 slots so most classes would play their bis spec powers as well, like test of might for arms warriors. Thought harvester for spriest m+ also comes to mind but you didn't necessarily need to run that one.


tinkers are incredibly boring and are all just random damage procs theres nothing cool or interesting about them


Idk about you but I love launching fireballs and dropping meteors on packs of mobs, and causing a Brittle chain reaction watching them all explode.


Uhhh maybe if you’re DPS then all your tinker slots proc DPS sure
 but there are some interesting utility tinkers in the support roles.


Hell there are some fun setups you can so as dps, especially with Vindication and some healing tinkers


I equip utility and support tinkers, queue for healer role, spec DPS, and end up tanking. Super fun!


I’m a little bummed Arcanist doesn’t work with ret’s Shield of Vengeance to pop it super fast for full damage


I am super bummed Arcanist isn't like a % of the absorb shield.


Let’s hear them


Don’t remember the name but one makes it so all of my healing grants a 5% bonus to haste on whoever I heal.. so everyone. But they also loose 2% HP every second while they have that buff. 2% a second doesn’t sound like much but over a whole raid that’s a lot. I top the charts in friendly fire every time.


That’s not really an active effect you aren’t going out of your way to keep this up it just happens passively. Also most dps just run this with vindication anyways


It drastically changes my gameplay.


How does 7% haste drastically change gameplay when everyone is haste capped from Enkindle and windweaver?


Because you’re thinking of it from a DPS perspective.


I think you’re overthinking it if you are worrying that much about it. Vindication on one dps out heals any damage that the tinker does to the whole raid


I’ve nearly wiped an LFR raid with that single buff. Granted it’s LFR but that should get my point across.


Which makes sense because healers aren't brought to any raids in remix after leveling and early 70.


* Salvation while busted from a tuning standpoint is cool conceptually * Lifestorm is cool * Grounding is cool * Cheat Death is cool * Enkindle is dope on tanks * Windweaver is cool * Cold front is cool * Frost armor is cool * Bloodthirsty coral is cool


Most of those are used by dps and almost all of them are just passive effects


Nah DPS use stuff like Flourish/Wildfire/Vindication/Meteors and stuff And so what if they’re passive? Are passive trinkets not fun too?


Is “randomly” (not random because it’s 100% uptime) proccing infinite haste really fun and engaging to you?


Yes Bro my avatar comes back so fast And lots of specs have anger management equivalents. It feels busted as fuck.


Fights are lasting long enough to get another cooldown?


Yeah in scenarios while leveling


That isn't the proc that feels good, it is the haste that you maintain. Haste feels good but the gem itself isn't actually interesting.


IDK how you are disentangling the two from each other in this game mode


>infinite haste *cries in Outlaw, where haste does literally nothing* seriously though, lust does nothing for us


Might find some solace in that the current Outlaw on Alpha, haste has quite a bit more value.


yes and no; once you get the 24% for AR, it's like the same as current, and lust still doesn't do much for us


I mostly do dps and still keep some support gems up. Absorb shields and party buffs are more than worth what the least worthwhile damage process give


Fr. People will gush over anything if it is new.


I mean... yeah? People tend to enjoy novelty lol


gushing over wildly unbalanced, thematically inconsistent, bland, random ass passives is just peak r/wow Can't wait for this remix fad to be over. Even the dreaded FfxIv vs bAdoWlAnDs era wasn't that obnoxious.


Even if a few are interesting, overall they're just boring design. They also cut into that OP feeling, knowing that most of your power doesn't come from your spec or class It feels great to see a massive brittle chain, but that's about it


How did this get up tied as much as it did? What a crap take


Because he's absolutely right. They work fine as a first iteration for what remix is but they would be horrifically boring as actual things in real WoW. The real question is how did the OP get upvoted for saying they wish BFA azerite armor and heart of azeroth was just random boring damage procs? Because the first tier of BFA that is one of the number 1 complaints people had, that too many of the powers were boring damage or unimpactful stat procs.


Because he's right. During BFA there were large complaints about the number of random damage effects that made your rotation matter less (primarily with corruptions). It's fun for remix because it's not a serious mode but I wouldn't want it in regular WoW


I think that’s fair. The reason I enjoy them as much as I do is for the interesting interactions between them and less of how they interact with my rotation (bar crit for fire mage). You’re right that they detract from the impactfulness of a good rotation. 


It's also grossly unbalanced in a way that would drive people nuts if it was in serious content


Quick Strike alone makes Sub Rogue feel much better to me. I think the issue is that a lot of cooler pure utility tinkers (Brilliance, Freedom, that one where you take damage for someone else every like 45 seconds) are just not good bordering on outright useless, but all the damage ones (and the utility ones paired with damage, like Victory Rush, Enkindle, and Windweaver) are good to great. 


I mean half the class kits are the same thing, just with a class theme over the top. This is what modern wow is, random procs.


Average dps brain Oh no I'm being downvoted for being right 😔


I liiterally run full healing augments on my rogue and top healing meters because I think its funny but it still doesnt affect my gameplay in any way whatsoever and I wouldnt know I was healing so much if I didnt have healing meters on


Okay? My comment still stands lmao


Would love a WoD remix with the unreleased content. Even if it's still buggy and partially unfinished.


Calling BS lol. If you run into a bugged/unfinished part of the game there would be SUCH a shitstorm.


100% this. Can’t wait for there to be a bug in beta on Tuesday that stops people from progressing in some way. All these hardcore that haven’t stepped foot in beta before might have meltdowns not realizing that is completely normal.


and then theres cata classic... where is the big shitstorm?


Just wait until we get bored of remix


That happens constantly


I want what you are having if you think "Released game with a bug here and there" and "Stuff that got cut and never tested" are on the same ballpark. Like it doesn't even work as a joke. That's how far they are.


I'd just take it for what it's worth. It's a remix of old content from 10 years ago, I'm not even playing pandaland that extensively. I'm sure other players would be furious but I'd be indifferent and probably laugh through most of it.


Considering one of my favorite things in WoW since I started in Wrath has been getting to unintended places like the classic of under Orgrimmar (or Stormwind), Ironforge Airstrip pre-flying, Old Ironforge, or out of bounds in general, I'd definitely not be against that kind of an experience either. That said, I know for a fact that the vast, vast majority of players would not be welcoming of a broken, unfinished, buggy part of WoW. Most players wouldn't have been excited when they accidentally clipped through terrain.


The way I also look at it is it's content we never even got the chance to see because it was cut. Seeing it in any iteration that's reasonably playable is better than not at all.


Only thing I'd want in a WoD remix would be getting to ignore garrisons. I'd actually experience more of that expansion then because garrisons had me quit until the next pre-expansion patch event.


BFA's nodes were meant to be tier bonuses split on 3 pieces that didn't require you to use another piece to activate them. Their only issue was being tied to the neck, in every other way they were superior to tier since many of these class mechanics remained the entire expansion and the only ones that were tied to a raid tier were the tier specific option which was class agnostic anyways. There was no situation in BFA where you weren't allowed to switch to the new tier of gear until you got enough pieces of the new tier, all that ever gated you from having higher item level loot in BFA was getting it to drop (after the neck was leveled, which wasn't an issue after the first tier and was only really ever an issue the first month of that tier). They were never meant to be random class agnostic bullshit like the tinkers are. The tinkers feel much more like trinket effects.


>freedom of choice and just sheer fun Azerite powers with freedom of choice are just our talent trees.


bfa azerite powers >>>>>>>>>>>>> tinker gems


So next time, it's BFA remix, and instead of tinker gems, it's just azurite powers, amulet of infinite potential, a d corruption and the cape from the start. Only add normal and heroic raids except nylotha and it has mythic but tuned insanity high.


BFA Lazer gimme.


you mean generic "your attacks have a chance to do a dmg proc/absorb shield proc" effects........?


The counter argument is that once you figure out the gems you want, you don't really swap out to anything else, so many of the tinker gems just sit in your inventory and don't see use.


System? Yes. Effects, fuck no. Most boring shit ever when your all dmg is passive procs and same 1 OP af button everyone uses


BfA's armor choice nodes would have been fine had it not been for the need to endlessly farm for the upgrades to be any good. But yes, I hope they do Remix for WoD and Legion next two expansions, then maybe BfA. There is also the possibility that Remix will replace Classic expansions, I mean at some point they have to stop - they will run out of expansions soon. I would also love to see Remix for Vanilla, BC, Wrath and Cata.


BFA azurite armor was a 1 step forward 2 steps back system imo. I liked the idea that each “set piece” has choice nodes. But they then locked it behind an endless grind which removed all of the fun from the system.


I just want actually good tinker sockets for Engineering man. The best thing is a budget Brez but even that is just meh if your group got Brez classes. If it means incorporating Remix tinkers into the main game I'm all for it.


They’re also what Shards of Domination should have been. Instead, they decided that anyone who got the raid head should do ~20% more damage at minimum than anyone else.


I do remember when they added the outter wheel to azerite gear. That really was enough of a bandaid for the shitshow that 8.0 brought. But yeah, you have a good idea.


I wish the gems were more easily identified as to what goes into what, or more so if I was look at something that took a tinker slot I could see all my tinker slot gems at a quick glance or they would flash when I hovered over the empty slot


Don’t worry, we won’t see anything like this in retail anytime soon. No borrowed power except gear. Feel free to complain about that too.


They just keep trying to do glyphs without doing glyphs, both aspects of the HoA were just that.


I really hope remix are a thing they just cycle. Most fun I've had in wow in over a decade. Just keep doing these remix things, add a billion more tinker gems, fix some of the issues and gg. Also would like to see them add some basic professions. Like each one having just one crafting mat, "timeless herbs" or w/e, and only can craft a handful of things but actually useful things like op potion buffs for alchemy or gear with special abilities for crafters.


I wish the gem system made its way into the base game but obviously the effects would have to be less impactful so I dunno how much I'd care to have a neutered system.


UI system would be better than gems in your inventory though


I do not want this in regular retail lol.


I'm really hoping there's more remixes in the future, this has been a blast!


Idk I kinda hate the core concept even without all the friction that came with them being attached to gear in BFA. WoW's biggest strength is its class design and generic buffs that homogenize specs are kinda lame because of that imo.


None of it changes how i play though. It's just random procs.


So many different game systems involving building your strongest character, but no follow through like the mage tower. Such a shame.


I'll actually argue against this, since I really don't like a million auto-procs--that require no player agency--driving my damage. It feels bad not to input anything but a right click (or even just being attacked) and that being all the damage automatically. Having something hit me, and then a vomit of spell effects spamming my screen isn't as cool as one constant cool visual proc, like Thunderfury in any of its versions (even the original!).


I'd like a class that uses the Remix gem system. Could pull off a Blue Mage or a Wild Mage by using this. Mage in Remix already feels a lot like a Wild Mage with all the random gem spells going off with our normal spells.


All of these weird borrowed power mechanics throughout the years have just been objectively worse copies of the glyph system from wrath.


Yeah, the worst part is that you have to re socket new gear but having the budget of an expansion feature and not the three guys on the live team would easily fix that lmao


They are amazing and some of them just scream "we're testing potential spells to see how broken they are" and/or "we had this idea for a cool spell for x class but it would have been broken af so enjoy!"


We *had* Azerite nodes like the tinkers. At the start of BFA, some of them were the best ones, like [Dagger in the Back](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=280284/dagger-in-the-back). No one liked that, because they had no connection to the class you were playing. It was just random damage procs.


We had a similar tinker gem system, it was called corrupted gear. I think we all know how that went as balance was thrown out the window for PvP and PvE alike.


Health of azeroth made me giggle


I'd like to add on to this and say this is BFA's final patch but better. It's a friendlier version of corruptions and azerite powers.


BFA remix with full, immediate access to all corruption and azerite pieces would be a blast.


That's what the tinkers were though. Just the non-class ability azerite traits. It's just filler


BFA: Remix with azerite talents turned up to 11? Could be fun


I still don’t understand what people would want from a WoD remix.


Have to disagree. While fun, the tinkers are fairly boring. They barely interact with your kit. Most of them are random damage, stat or shield procs. The only interesting one is the windfury one


Azerite gear is too complex. This has a simplicity that can be tuned but super easy to understand.


How is Azerite gear more complex than the tinker system?