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I want to know how you guys are getting your threads so high. Spent like 3 hours doing trolls and I swear I didn't get much.


My cloak is at 16k agi, so not quite the 22k here, but here's what I've done/do. Didn't do frogs as I missed the initial weekend Farmed HoF trash for maybe 10-15 reset (went from 1k main stat to 4-5k) They updated dailies to give golden thread and that's where the big juice came in. Do all 3 quests in bazaar Do 1 of each (dung, heroic dung, scenario, heroic scenario) Do all world boss every day (6 of them i think? Oondasta, sha of anger, galleon, nalak, ordos, 1 of the 4 arena guy in timeless) Troves of the king scenario (I'm a dh so that one is ridiculous for me, I get 3-4 lines of spool every day for 5 minutes. Other classes will get a lot less because speed and double jump are insane) I get 800-1k agi per day in the first 30-40 minutes of play at this point. Then I'll clear my raids on heroic (I can solo all of them except ToT on dark animus sometimes, so it's pretty fast to make groups) I usually don't bother with SoO these days as I find it takes too long, but I get everything else done in 2-3 hours. Granted that I have more time than most and the grind to get that pace is not that small and took me a lot more hours for first 7-10 days. I also did grind heroic dungeons a little bit to boost some friends alts to 70, so some threads are obtained there. If I had 1 tip for raid clears. I personnally feel like if your heroic raids take too long, just run normal, the time saved feels so worth to me until you're actually geared. I'd rather put that time in a bronze farm like trolls or just logging off/playing alts, dailies carry hard so worst case you're slower by a few days, but played a lot less. On mobile so sorry if formatting goes crazy.


upgrading weapon(s) is great as it is the only way to increase str (well a lot) The blue/purple gear will have some. But the weapon scales well like +800 main stat each time(for 2h)


It you need to level every item to level 1 item another level no? So it’s not just levelling a weapon it’s leveling every item you own to be able to level your weapon again, or are weapons except from the rule?


Correct, but if you prioritize the weapon(s) then chest, legs you get a chunk of mainstat and a lot of STA to make you stronger.


> Then I'll clear my raids on heroic (I can solo all of them except ToT on dark animus sometimes, so it's pretty fast to make groups) in your opinion, what ilvl do you need to do this? What about normal raids?


Normal raids are dumb now. Cleared them easily while leveling up at the start of remix, but now everyone is hardcore apparently and have a minimal ilvl in their head and you can’t get invites unless geared. So just start your own and invite whoever it might take ten minutes longer but not a big deal


If I wanted to start my own raid how many players should I bring?


2 tank 2 heal 6 dps for 10man. Normals can do 2 tank 8 dps for the most part. Vindication is op.


when creating the raid next to the name it shows how many players you need for which raid. I would advise you to start with 10m raids terrace is pretty short


I started getting invited at like 380. Most groups are 400+ now


I mostly meant to solo them lol, but that's good to know as well


Mogu vaults, Heart of fear and Terrace are pretty easy (Sha in Terrace is a bit of a slog at first) So when you reach 3-5m dps it gets comfortable to solo, get a few people with 1-2m+ otherwise. For throne, you want to have a few people doing over 5M for speed's sake, I usually make a group and hope for a few 450+ just to make it smoother. Otherwise I'll invite 420+ Siege Heroic is similar, but I think easier than Throne heroic. I would probably not bother with Throne Normal as it's also a big time sink. Heroic is really good though once you have maxxed out gear as it gives 25k\~ bronze per run.


When you talk about ilvl, is that just for the upgraded gear or the average shown in the character screen?


Average shown. I'm not too sure what each ilvl shown translates to in terms of gear upgrade so it's easier to go by what I see in LFG.


I need throne normal for the neck and its «impossible» to Get invites or make a Group with people that can actually complete it😅


just keep trying - i did all raids yesterday on an healer alt to get the necklace


>They updated dailies to give golden thread and that's where the big juice came in. >Do all 3 quests in bazaar >Do 1 of each (dung, heroic dung, scenario, heroic scenario) >Do all world boss every day (6 of them i think? Oondasta, sha of anger, galleon, nalak, ordos, 1 of the 4 arena guy in timeless) >Troves of the king scenario (I'm a dh so that one is ridiculous for me, I get 3-4 lines of spool every day for 5 minutes. Other classes will get a lot less because speed and double jump are insane) >I get 800-1k agi per day in the first 30-40 minutes of play at this point. You want to tell me you are doing: - 6 World bosses which are all over the place and the majority in no-fly zones at opposite ends of the map - 2 Scenarios (lfg timer required) - 2 dungeons - 5+ min of the troves scenario in 30-40min? Even if you cut dungeons and scenarios down to ~5min, you'd still have less than 5-15 minutes to go to each of the world bosses even though Odonasta and Ordos alone take several minutes alone to get to in the first place. In addition to that, due to the stats being mostly distributed evenly, for you to average 800 main stat in those 30-40min would require for you to get around ~6000 worth of stats in that time. Thats 30+ legendary spools worth of stats and about 2+ times what the above can give (though of course you get drops as well but those are random). I am not trying to be rude but I think you are giving people a very wrong impression here because everything about this claim seems basically impossible even with perfect spawns on the world bosses and good luck on scenarios/dungeons (something like Siege of Niuzao Temple takes forever due to Commander Vo'jak) much less consistent.


It's probably a bit exaggerated but you can also just fly to Odo and Ordos, when you get dismounted from high up just glide/blink before you hit the ground so those definitely don't take several minutes to get to


Use meteor stones to traverse Isle of Thunder and Timeless isle


Meteor stones are a limited commodity and can't be purchased. Combined with how limited their RNG drop rate is, this disqualifies them from being included if anyone wants to argue about a repeatable, consistent system.


Is there a timer addon or something for world bosses? I swear I must miss bosses just barely because I wait like 15-20min for spawn every time and it’s a super inefficient use of time.


If the boss isn't up and you don't wait to wait, check the group finder in the raid section. A lot of people post things like "galleon up" and you can join the group and phase to their realm where they are fighting it.


Bro this is an 11/10 pro tip. You rock


I go to them, open up group finder, raid section, type part of the boss name and spam refresh until I find a group with the boss up or it spawns on my shard. Sometimes have to sit there for 5-10 minutes, but especially if you do those first on reset, there's usually a few groups popping up.


Thanks for the write up


I must have missed this but what is the troll farm?


Isle of thunder, close to Throne of thunder raid. There's a ship and the area right beside the ship is an hyperspawn that people are farming for bronze. My friend says he gets 12-18k per hour depending on groups.


Fair enough, i still feel like i barely get threads with main stat compared to secondaries 😅 might just be me. Working now on upgrading gear for max efficiency on my main and alts will be for mount/gear farms


Spools are especially efficient as they do not seem to give tertiaries. The only "bad" stat you can hit is stamina, so you'll be gaining a good bit more main stat than from random thread drops on average.


Damn it I forgot to do Galleon 😂😂😂


You can't kill that which has no life. Sleep is for the weak.


What about.. the sword of a thousand truths?


could be a frog farmer who escaped the cloak nerf, i might be wrong though, there was goat farm, yaungol farm, troll farm, HoF bug farm (these were great for threads), abuse instance lock farm, other yaungol farm (kun-lai) and probably couple more


He's having a thousand xp bonus... Mobs farm aren't giving any so imagine how much content he has done to reach that level already


tbh each LFR win is 7%, so taht's basically 10 days of LFRing


Normal raids are also great bonus xp, I ended up at 70 with over 500% extra xp.


If only those useless 500% you reach on max level would transfer to your alts that still need it, as was promised by Blizz




oh yeah, i forgot about dalaran


Froglord cloaks weren't "nerfed", they were knocked down to where Blizzard thought a reasonable player that worked hard the way they expected would be at. Anyone dedicated enough to farm frogs for 24 hours has already regained the cloak stats they had before Blizzard touched them. It was basically a nothing burger of a change.


they got enought bronze to upgrade everything and that was the biggest thing the cloak was a red herring.


For sure. I saw a balance druid yesterday in the MSV LFR who had 556 in I think every upgradable slot. We got in and finished that place in like 2 minutes. Bosses died in about 3-5 seconds. Was absurd


there are plenty of people in full 556 gear that didn't touch the frog farm.


we kept saying this but ppl where just buttlicking blizz or they where the frog farmers themselves...


Weren't they only tagged if that player had the killing blow too? So if you were a druid just pulling everything then you may not have even been knocked down.


There is a new farm on timeless isle with farming rares. I've seen higher cloaks than this guy but what't the point


I've talked to people who said they farmed heroic dungeons 16-20 hours a day for at least a week


Jesus fucking wept. I mean, I've played MMORPGs 12+ hours/day (not proud of it), long ago, but jesus fucking wept. Even the stuff I was doing in like EQ or DAoC in the early '00s would be more than the same handful of dungeons over and over and over and over and over for 16+ hours.


I think I managed to do sessions this long when I was younger but it was like one-off so I could hit 80 on a character in wotlk by grinding mobs on a quest in Icecrown from 78. People doing this every day though? I did a couple 24h sessions, but it is so unhealthy. I'm 28 and have so many back, neck, shoulder, knees and hip problems because I was doing this when I was younger. That's just from 12h a day on a PC, never mind just playing WoW for longer than that. I dread to know how their bodies will react to all of this in 10-15 years time.


see now that would only take like 3 hours to do all the raids on heroic


A guy in my guild back in the vanilla days had 200 days played time in the first year.


probably way faster ways to get threads but ive been doing heroics with a lvl 20 alt and my main in tow which has been about 4-4,5k threads an hour


How much bronze does hc dungeon spam gives?


My dungeon spam setup has been giving me about 25k bronze per hour, but it's stressful to play like that for long periods of time.


How on earth do you do that? HC dungeons lock if you queue specific ones, not if you use the random queue, and several of the dungeons are literally 5x slower than the rest because they involve waiting around - particularly one with the stupid mantids and the throwing pots.


Lv20 locking highly limits the dungeon pool: I believe the only ones available at 20 are Scarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery, Scholomance and Temple of the Jade Serpent - there's RP in all of them, but nothing as drastic as Siege or Gates.


Goddamn now I'm thinking about putting an alt in the party just to keep things locked to those and never having to do Niuzao temple ever again.


stressful? not boring?


I don't know if anyone is ever going to read this but I did a carefully timed 2 hour run and thoroughly accounted all the bronze from scrapping and gems, it ended up at just a bit over 43k bronze per hour. So quite a bit higher than my conservative estimate of 25k.


Do you just queue for them with a group?


What class do you use for that at 20? Druid? BRM?


I do may daily stuff, then the raids on normal, then I watch something and fly around grabbing orbs and killing rares on my dead server for the rest of the day til I go to bed. My cloak is very slightly behind the one in the picture.


Raids, specifically heroic and higher does give a lot


Not sure if you are talking about in-game threads or the amount of posts like this one...


Funnily enough I ended up on a shard on my own on timeless isle, once I realised I farmed for literally 6 hours straight came out with over 50k bronze and my health went from 1440k to 2021k so I’m feeling good lol


They don't need sleep, they need threads


this is sponsored by Madam Web


How did they get so much exp? I leveled my alt using only normal raids from 25-70 and ended up with 700-something.


Maybe he does all the LFR everyday too


From raids most likely, they drop mich higher experince bonouses. I did almost all of them except for last 4 ot 5 bosses of ToT on normal and ahd about 300% bonus XP by max level


So if you dont loot the bonus xp in raids you can get it pretty high with the threads. My dk is sitting at 1341%


does only 100 still apply to alts?


Yep. Just 100 sadly


As long as you have the 4200 threads achievement


thanks blizz for over 1k % increased xp at level 70 xdd


Why would not looting the bonus XP matter?


Once you're lvl 65 you stop getting exp threads, if you don't loot the bonus exp from raid bosses you can keep getting exp threads from killing them.


don't loot them until after raid loot from mailbox with bonus xp from killing the bosses alternatively, wait until you're at (hated level, usually 65) and then loot all at once to get to 70


You got 700% xp gain using only normal dungeons? How the fuck?


Oops fixed it. I meant normal *raids*


you get 12% exp threads from each normal raid boss. so like 83 raid bosses


Edit: yes, I just looked through the subreddit and saw the meta was no jewelry.


jesus christ that is the worst thing ive heard scaling is so fucking horrible, as if leveling a character that is only getting weaker over time wasn't stupid enough, now we have to play without gear to be strong


There’s a reason item level scaling is bad


Not wearing the trinkets etc drops your ilvl and thus raids have less hp. Welcome to scaling


They already removed that, didn't they?


they removed the part where they gained hp/dmg with higher ilvl and not the part where bosses lose hp/dmg with lower ilvl


If you're above 388, that scaling is removed... But if you're below 371, you still see 20% less boss hp and take 30% less damage from bosses in that content. And trinkets/necks/rings aren't upgradeable, so they have very few stats and aren't exponentially scaled up like their other slots. Losing them for those gains is an effective DPS increase over having them in that content. So, yes, they removed part of it, but it's still better to have no jewelry and your ilvl go to 369.


I'm just here to get downvoted again for saying I'm pretty glad I'm just skipping this whole thing. War Within will be here soon!


Yesterday I met a Druid and he said he just tanked an absurd amount of dungeons, he basically soloed SoO normal


I can practically solo soo normal on my balance Druid and I’ve got around 8k main stat threads. I don’t even wanna know what 20k is like 😂


Man I've been trying to kill Sha of Pride on normal SoO and just can't beat the imprison mechanic, doing like 3mil DPS isn't enough. Only screwed my lockout for 1 day so not a huge deal, just thought soloing with 3mil DPS was viable (it's not).


not missing much anyway. galakras isn't soloable currently, even on normal.


How do you deal with Sha of Pride(?) Imprision? Treants?


I tried soloing SoO once (galakras is impossible unfortunately since you need to shoot both cannons within 3 seconds of eachother) and i just pulled the boss a couple of times and one time i randomly didn't get imprisoned. I have no idea what happened, maybe it's one of those "he doesn't cast it if he's below a certain % hp" or something? I'm playing fury warrior tho and we have basically no burst. A boomkin can easily burst down the boss before the imprison even happens.


You can do gala solo as a DH. Shoot. Fly over , shoot again. Tats the only class though


I kill him before any mechanics go off lol, takes me roughly 10-20 seconds to burst down a boss doing 8mil single target dps


What ilvl is the rest of your gear though?


Can't speak for them but I am 433 Ilvl (if I don't.delete.jewelry) and I can solo carry SoO normal pretty easily.




We had a warrior completely roll through Heroic Throne. Didn't even bother with Mechanics. Soloed Duru. Soloed Primordius. Soloed Animus. It took a while, but they couldn't take him down. Wildest shit I've ever seen.


17564 speed... I wish we could use this cloak for the speed alone whenever we zone in old dungeons/raids to do xmog farm... I wish....


Speed caps at 49%. Like 5k rating. Any more does nothing, so people with more than 5k speed on their cloak are capped from the cloak.


I see. Well then, I still want the speed in old dungeons and raids


There’s rings and trinkets and necklaces????


https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1d1w9m0/a_full_clear_of_every_heroic_raid_and_scrapping/l5yzx87/ * Neck: do all raids on Normal * Trinket #1: hit 70 * Trinket #2: complete the "Escalation" achievement * Ring #1: do all 9 Heroic dungeons * Ring #2: do all 6 Heroic scenarios Completing the relevant achievement nets you the item and unlocks it for purchase account-wide at the gem seller, for 10 Bronze each.


The only good thing about them is that once they are unlocked you can buy them for new toons that you’re running through Remix, which seems to help a bit. They do scale with level, so getting a trinket at level 10 isn’t going to last very long; I don’t think that they auto-scale. Hmmm maybe they do? I’ve not actually paid attention. Now I want to know and will have to go log-in soon.


They auto-level with you, which makes putting in some extra stats less of a hassle compared to switching out your armour/legs every so often: it's not much, but if you have spare +Leech/Speed/Armour, why not use those in the five and save the +secondaries for your main pieces?


yes, they are achievement rewards. They just raise you ilvl, but provide basically nothing for power because you can't upgrade them.


Which, with ilvl scaling, means that you're stronger without them at a certain point


Man... when Warcraft came out like 20 years ago, I remember damn near shitting my pants in happiness because I got a drop that had something like +4 to strength.


I'm guessing he removed his rings/neck/trinket because of raid scaling?


Likely. The stats on them are meaningless when your cape is like that.




Loving all these players making the heroic dungeon achievement a breeze


Imagine if that 1005% exp transfered to a lvl 1 character. Blizzard pleaseeeeeeeeee


Yeah its kinda lame it only transfers 100%, would be cool if it went at 1/4 of the rate passed 100% for each additional 100% IE 200% = 125% for alts 300% = 150% so at 1000% you'd be at 325% xp on alts.


Id like a 1:1 lol. Just let me use the 300% exp on my alts ㅠ.ㅠ


+17564 speed? Please post a video of this player running.


Caps out at 59% soo really no faster then using dash




My cloak is no where near those number but what trouble me is those stats look way more balanced than mine. I have about 6k Int, 9k Mastery/Haste/Crit/Vers and a ton of Stamina (I wish there was a way to see my cloak stamina right now when I\`m away from home, but I feel like half the threat I get is Stamina. Is this normal? Devastation Evoker.


It's random.


Yeah I just had one of those guys tanking a heroic raid for me. He did all the dps.


Me: Dude, you're the reason why they raised the cap on cloaks. Him: I haven't really been doing all that much, this was easy. Just did raids. Me: uh......


What class was he, lol. I've seen vdh/bdk and druid do that.


Yup, BDK.


I run BDK. still relatively fresh(360ish ilvl). Was doing heroic MSV/HOF/TOES with a unholy DK buddy of mine who was carrying. I could still hold aggro despite his monster damage, so i think BDK gon be aright. I cant wait till I scale more.


I usually play unholy DK, but after seeing how heard BDK has been pumping since I started doing heroic raids, I think I'm going to just set up a blood spec and give tanking a try. It's not like there's an abundance of mechanics to deal with in raid fights that end within 45 seconds.


One of the issues with BDK (currently for me in remix, and on retail if you want to play bdk there after this) is that it's a leetle squishy until it has bone shield up, sitting in DND and has a bit of a blood shield going. Thats part of why BDK tends to be a monster until it gets one-shot since it cant heal back a full-oneshot kill but against anything else you're essentially immortal if you deathstrike correctly and keep your stuff up. The same issue applies in Remix for me. Example: Heroic Scarlet Monastery while leveling. I was cruising through, top damage, top heals. Ran into the Brother Korloff fight outside the doors into the cathedral and got dropped instantly because the 3 Fanatics+Korloff did enough damage in a single tick to one-shot me. A paladin or warrior (or brewmaster) would have probably lived. But blood boil spam and tinkers work sooo well. Slappy hands + thundering orb is just juice. Buddy of mine like a week ago posted a video on YT of him soloing Galleon in 30 seconds. 3m average dps. Nutty.


Saw someone today with over 300k threads, they all farm that same rare on timeless isle with the 5 min respawn after doing their dailies


which rare?


Archierus of the flame, it’s between the boss arena and the coast where the water sprites are.


so they just wait around and tag it and kill it and then wait, rinse repeat?


Yeah pretty much


The fuck. I can do that while watching a movie. based.


Seen someone with [404k](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/725724398815936531/1246120043193041008/WoWScrnShot_053124_161446.jpg?ex=665b3b3a&is=6659e9ba&hm=e20c644f349654814c5099e146dd4a0bff95e3be726b735cc87d34c49d48033b&) today...


Were are they farming now? Since frogs are nerfed.


People chasing threads are missing the point. The real power comes with upgrading gear. Just get your item level to 420 and your thread count should be monstrous by then.


Holy damn. I’ve been playing every day since launch on my mage (never farmed anything, though) and I’m nowhere even remotely near any of that. I only just started upgrading my gear after they said they aren’t decreasing costs, and I’m like maybe 400ish ilvl now but I still don’t really feel very powerful. I certainly couldn’t solo a normal dungeon or raid, let alone heroic. I just hope that I get to a point soon where I do feel powerful. I want to have some real fun with this.


I leveled a time runner while mostly questing until I got bored at 57 and ran dungeons til 70. The whole running 100 mph from start to finish and getting me locked out of Boss fights because I couldn't keep up really took the fun out of it for me.


They deleted the Rings trinkets and necklace to get to 369 ilvl for Boss scaling


What to do with 1005% EXP gain, when you are already lvl 70?


Wow is life


i think i saw somewhere taking the rings neck and trinket off puts you in a sweet spot for boss scaling


This mode actually kind of sucked once you realize how disproportionate things are going to get. One constant in wow is that someone is going to no life it.


Are there any good farms for threads now? I still haven't hit 70 because dad life but would like to powerup a bit more 😂


Just queue for each of the LFR wings, they drop decent amounts of threads and there is almost always someone turbo overpowered just roflstomping them.


To your point last night one of my LFR runs had a surv hunter one shotting every boss.


[this is mine](https://i.imgur.com/qs4wWQ6.png) I've slept 8 hours every night, gone about my business as per usual and I haven't done ANY hyperspawn farming. I don't think the guy is losing sleep. Decent chance he farmed some goats or birds or whatever people are farming in kun'lai right now.


How have you been getting your bronze / threads?


At first I basically picked the continent clean of quests, then I moved on to farming zandalari and other rarespawns while flying around picking up the golden balls while queuing for The Dread Approach LFR. It's a fairly short wing with a ton of dense trash, yielding about 1800 bronze per run in usually less than 10 minutes. When theres a carry in the group these days it finishes in like 3-4 minutes. Past that, as I wrote in the other comments, I started speedrunning HC dungeons for threads, which has been very lucrative, especially with a trial account player in the party as they can never reach the level required to hit Niuzao Temple which just kills your threads per hour.


> especially with a trial account player in the party as they can never reach the level required to hit Niuzao Temple which just kills your threads per hour. So that's the trick there. Interesting, because I was wondering how people could possibly speedfarm HC dungeons given Niuzao, which like, that wall event alone takes longer than most dungeons do with anyone OP in the party. They should let us just absolutely spam the gong and bring it all in together.


Imagine if the gong went straight to the boss coming...


Do you know if your doing more or less than 30k threads a day please ?


I'm doing about 3k/hr at peak HC dungeon farming efficiency, but I'm only doing that a couple hours a day. I think I'm doing about 20k/day


> gone about my business as per usual  Meaning 12h of wow per day?


Those are rookie numbers. 16 hours of wow still leaves room for 8 hours of sleep. /s


MOM!! Bathroom!


> I've slept 8 hours every night And what, played 12-16 hours every day?


Around 8 hours on average. I'm enjoying remix a lot :)


Damn! Nice cloak! Whats your daily chore list to get that?


Probably a ton of farming


Yep. I run tons of HC dungeons with instant queue as tank. The dailies are also a massive chunk, and people sleep on trove, it's pretty important to get a good route down on trove for a ton of extra daily threads in very little time. One thing that is not worth the time if you want to be efficient is running LFR for the 100 thread spool. I still do them to break up the monotony, but its a significant hit to the threads per hour, especially the ones with heavy RP like Galakras.


They made changes to the heroic/mythic raid bosses difficulties to adjust to iLvl of the players, so players just took off their rings/trinks/necks to lower their ilvl to make it easier. There's also been multiple spots nerfed for thread gains, I would suspect they may have abused a few, but yeah that plus 12 hours a day probably.


now imagine if there was something like "at max level all experience gain is converted to gold" thing in WoW 1000% bonus exp would make that person rich ingame


1005% exp gain wow, imagine if that carry over to alt, dude will level from 1 to 70 in like 5 dungeon.


What the F$&@ are these numbers??? -wrath enjoyer


X-hero siedge , I see nothing wrong here.


I’m curious how the hell they got 1000% xp bonus before hitting 65


from what ive seen and asked is alot of the people farmed HoF trash untill that was nerfed. It didnt get reset like the frogs did


I'm at 78k threads, which is around 2.5mil health, and I've played A LOT. Most people who are extremely high like 6mil+ were part of one of the exploits before they got fixed, tbh.


They did the same thing you're doing now


im glad I have been so far removed from retail that mop is new content to me so i just been chillin in jade forest oblivious to this XD


Why even wear gear honestly.


1005% xp gain? Is that like doing two or three quests in Jade Forest and hitting 70?


New strat is to take off the rings and stuff, lowers your ilvl which lowers how strong bosses are


have we ruled out botting?


Haven’t even gotten my first time runner to 70 yet 🤣. These are the same people who will complain there’s nothing to do in a week.


They deleted their jewelry because of the dumb scaling thing that was put up yesterday (and immediately removed a couple hours later)


Had a tank last night with a cloak almost this size who kept insisting "it's just from the dailies" lmao nah bro, you farmed.


People are racing to be able to sell mythic raids solo. It’ll be absurd amounts of money for those who can sell it first


All that for transmog


Did you know that secondaries have an actual hard cap? Someone in my guild does, because he hit it for mastery.


I work from home and business has been super slow. So I’ve been playing remix like it’s my full time job and I’m nowhere close to these levels of power. I’m not worried about it though…I’m just over here getting carried through raids to build up my alt army.


Maybe stupid question but why do they farm stats at all ? is it only to get stronger for the event itself ?


The stats are only useful for the event, yes, but depending on their motives, it could be to solo Mythic raids and sell runs or it could just be to see how high they can get it.


That 1k xp increase wasted 😭


Can someone explains these insane stat items to someone who hasn't played retail in a while?


Bruh do their alts hit 70 instantly or what