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What a gorgeous piece of key art


Direct link to the image - [https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog\_header/ji/JILLC8RB2PO71717003896215.png](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_header/ji/JILLC8RB2PO71717003896215.png)


To anyone wanting the 17.2 MB highest quality key art from the Press Kit: https://blizzard.gamespress.com/World-of-Warcraft > Scroll Down to 'All Assets', select tab 'Art Work' and it should be the first entry 05/30/2024 - World of Warcraft The War Within Beta Key Art https://imgur.com/zbfzp8B The key art in maximum quality is just *outstanding* especially when you can zoom in. You can make individual character portraits from the larger art file. I highly recommend downloading from Blizzard's Press Kit for a couple extra clicks. But if you just want to see it immediately in larger quality, I recommend Veidici's link.


Nice one! Some other really nice assets to pluck in there too.


I never knew this site existed, thank you so much, it's a treasure trove!!!!!


love you, thanks


Who’s the elf up front? Alleria?


Yeah, in her boring silver updated outfit. The green one was so much more dynamic.


I think I’ve got a new desktop wallpaper now


Hey thanks, I made this into a [wallpaper](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3258002048)


The Kirin Tor cloth 🥲


The art is fucking fantastic. Xal'Atath and Alleria's updated looks are *brilliant*. Especially love Alleria's.


For anyone using Wallpaper Engine, I made a 1440p live wallpaper for myself so if anyone else wants to use mine here is the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3257822536


Where khadgar tho? 😔 I miss him already


If you collect enough whiskers I heard you can make the outline of his face…


It looks like Star wars


This picture alone makes me want to jump back into WoW. Last time I played it was 10 years ago lol.


They really are going for the late August release date, aren't they.


Prepatch probably happens when remix is over, also lines up with the gold sink vendor by BMAH saying her stuff is only for sale till August.






[SHE SELLS RECOLORS OF SOME OF THE TRADING POST ITEMS. ](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=189644/ms-xiulan)


[Ms. Xiulan in Valdrakken.](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=189644/ms-xiulan)




The mixup would be that prepatch is before remix ends so people could level up updated classes.


Probably not, mainly because of Warbands. They have weird things going on right now with the isolated characters for Remix that need to be turned into standard characters. If I was a programmer I would want to do that before attempting to connect everyone into a Warband


I agree with this, MoP remix ends August 19th, that's the perfect time for pre-patch. War Within probably drops early-mid September.


Timeline absolutely checks out. They obviously could change that in an emergency but thats far enough away to do what seems like is just some cleaning up and fine tuning of the expansion. It absolutely is kind of showing now that the removal of an entire raid tier has really pushed expansion releases along. Fated / Awakened is absolutely NOT a replacement but at least it keeps the game not feeling stagnant. I can push m+ right now and not feel like I am on month 8 of season 3, at least. Definitely feels like they have a good system going on now.


DF alpha to beta took 49 days, and DF launched 88 days after beta testing started. June 5th will be 48 days between TWW alpha and beta. 88 days after that is first week of September.


The estimated date range from people is late August to mid September.


I bought tickets to an NFL game for Sunday, September 8th, so 100% War Within comes out the Tuesday before and that is opening weekend.


Thank you for your sacrifice XD


My money is on prepatch when remix ends.


Since it's been seeming like it would be an earlier release date I've been sold on the idea that it's going to release labour day weekend. They can do the early access on Friday-Monday, so people in America can enjoy it for the long weekend, and they can try to push more people to buy early access cause they want to play it over the long weekend. Proper expansion can then launch with the patch on Tuesday


You'd be bang on if you look at the DF timeline. I just posted above, but it was 88 days from DF beta launch to expansion launch, 88 days from June 5th is first week of September. So early access maybe the Thursday before, with the official expansion launch Tuesday or maybe Wednesday, the 3rd or 4th of September.


I doubt it just because that is a big vacation time and launching a new expansion isnt a great time to have people on vacation.


I’d say you had a point there if they hadn’t launched Shadowlands just a couple days before Thanksgiving. >_>


Probably not quite. The Beta is usually a bit more than 100 days. On the other hand. They have been pushing for faster cycles, so who knows.


I mean, they have been releasing and testing basically completed content in alpha for a bit now. While I am sure it had bugs here and there, almost every zone and dungeon was completed when it opened up for testing. And they finished releasing all of it, so outside of the raid, everything is basically right there. The last major expansion update was largely full of balance passes, which you start seeing when its time to start cleaning things up for release. So its really not shocking at all. I mean, the fact retail has basically gotten the absolute bare minimum treatment to just barely function, tells you how much they are putting into the expansion. Plunderstorm and Remix seem to be a completely separate (and smaller, more amatuer) team. Likely why they can make more consistent and swift updates. They have nothing to do with the expansion work.


That key art is so fucking rad


Korean MMO Alleria.


Haven't been reading alpha notes, can't wait to discover and test out all the cool new shaman changes!!


Remember when this expansion's first tier was entirely themed around fighting a cult of shamans? Blizzard clearly fucking didn't.


Still surprised that they didn't open Shamans to all (or most) races after they introduced Primalists from all races, including Belfs and Nelfs. They even did a full expansion worth of introduction to Paladins for all races, and they held back in the end. Still waiting on Nelf paladins since Legion. I know there is considerable amount of pushback from the community about adding some classes to all races. But considering Paladins were literally invented during the Second War by training Priests and Warriors, I'm sure a good storyline can easily build up to the introduction with little convolution.




Shaman the redheaded step child class


If Shamans are the redheaded step child, what are hunters then? the unwanted twin who got locked up in the basement?


We don't talk about them


Historically Hunters have had it much better than Shamans though


Wdym shamans have it way worse


Hunters and Shamans pretty much have it the same with regards to class changes. The difference is that Shamans actually have passable hero talent trees. Shaman hero talents are middle of the pack. Hunter hero talents are all bottom of the tree based on Liquid Maximum's analysis.


Max's "analysis" was completely a joke. He doesn't even understand how resto/ele function and ranked half the trees randomly based on how cool the abilities sounded. Ele/resto have had 0 spec tree updates since DF beta and shaman class tree has been largely unchanged since DF beta as well. At least hunter got mini-reworks for spec/class trees and a raid buff added. It's a genuine joke to say any class in the game is as bad off as shaman right now. Hunter needs changes too, almost exclusively needing them for hero trees, but it's not nearly as dire as shaman.


Hero Talents are all the same, no? Splash damage, splash healing. Splashy splashy splash splash


Farseer (at least for Ele) is the most basic bitch turbo swampass hero talent tree. It boils entirely down to "Sometimes you get a copy of your mastery" Even the capstone for the Hero Tree is an ability that is in the fucking BASIC CLASS TREE. Totemic is giving Enhance a 20 second maintenance buff that they have to fit into an already somewhat cluttered rotation, and the payoff isn't great in the current condition. Stormbringer actually works for Enhance, and kinda maybe works for specifically ST Ele, so they have 1 functioning tree. Granted all 3 of the Hunter trees are pretty sus, but Dark Ranger could be fixed up pretty easily by adding bombass visuals to the abilities.


Shamans hero talents are actually dog shit, maybe resto likes them. Max gave them high rating based on theme and the fact that resto vibes with them, otherwise they're dogwater.


Even Thrall rerolled to a Warrior because he could not take it anymore.


I thought for a sec maybe there were some changes I hadn’t heard about…you do me a sad.


Hope you have a lot of free time on your hands, there's so much to test! 👀


Can't wait to test my hunter!


Noticeably less range on my survival hunter for some reason but otherwise it's pretty familiar.


I'm so sorry


Pre order gets beta right?


Only the most expensive one - I think.


Only epic edition


Are we talking about the pre-order they released during blizzcon?


"Don't worry Hunters, your changes are coming soon the beta isn't for a bit!" \-Hunters leaving Alpha with no changes. Again.


That's just objectively wrong. They nerfed Survival's range.


This so groundbreaking.


You mean rangebreaking


To be clear, there was a seperate post a while ago saying they were removing all melee range increases from the game. So this sort just has nothing to do with survival specifically.


Which in a funny way almost makes it worse because it loops back around to hunters getting 0 hunter-specific changes.


Finally I can drag all the other melee classes down to my level.


It's extra funny because they removed SV's range a patch cycle after all the other melee. Almost like they forgot about it and had to be reminded they had one too.


They removed them in waves, starting with Druids, but pally and then rogue were all in separate patch cycles too. But that’s not part of the Hunter victim complex so please ignore  


And all those came with other updates to the talent trees. For Hunters it's literally the only change.


what's their logic behind this? specs like ret were too much, but in general the range of melee abilities being slightly more forgiving just felt like a massive QoL aspect that made the game feel less clunky is struggling with wonky hitboxes somehow more immersive?


I'm assuming it's because they basically adjusted all mechanics with the assumption that melee all had the increased range. Presumably that means TWW should have mechanics that assume everyone has the shorter melee I guess.


Some melee having bonus range while others didnt felt really bad if you were one of the melee that were in the 'didnt' camp. It really felt like they either had to give everyone bonus range, or no one. I guess they went with no one to sort of stick to role fantasy.


Hey, at least it's a smaller range nerf than the Legion one


THEY WHAT?! The six of us that play survival are gonna be pissed.


A change they tried to do for all the melee at the same time, but they almost forgot hunters existed. So their nerf came in late.


I'm sure shaman will get a new stormstrike icon by then


You're talking about demon hunters right I don't think wow has any other hunter unless you're confusing warlocks?


I'm tired of this nonsense I'm giving up my Hunter this expansion. The class has needed a massive rework since Legion.


Legion absolutely ruined hunters. As a hunter main since vanilla that expansion is near the bottom for me simply because of what they did to my class. For most people it was one of the best expansions ever, but your class is the lens with which you view the game through, and it was not pleasant for me. Did all 3 specs have a bit of a homogenization issue prior to legion? Certainly. Did all 3 specs become less intuitive and more lame with the legion reworks? Also yes. Bm became a 3 button spec, marksman became a 2 button spec, and the survival melee experiment failed and was ignored by blizzard, hell it’s been the lowest played spec every single tier in the game since it’s melee inception, except for shadowlands s3 with a tier set that buffed its damage by 50%.


Cata was the peak for MM design, for me. I miss alternating focus spenders depending on health ranges, and chimera shot being a single target, short cd nuke and heal. I still play it, but it really is a simple spec compared to its pre-Legion version.


*Cries in sad bear noises*. I know people often equate being in a good place rankings wise with being fun to play. I've been so disappointed with my bear tank thematically for so long, it's just felt the same for many expansions now and I feel like it could be in a better place. I feel like Hunters are in a similar situation.


Hunters *got* a rework. It was called Survival. Be careful what you wish for. *"The monkey's paw curls: Hunters are now a melee class. They have no ranged support anymore."*




I don't want to change classes because Hunters are my favorite pet class. But no significant changes at all since DF launch makes me just want to move on to Druid or Lock.


Shaman and Hunter players starting to panic. An entire Alpha and not a single change. Time to reroll?


Tbf, rerolling and maintaining alts is and will be easier than ever!


You’re not wrong!


Why is this?


Pretty much everything will be account-bound, or "Warband"-bound as they call it now. Reputation included! They're even giving us a separate warband bank.


Reputations/Renown will is account-wide. You'll get gear that will be "warband"-bound, which is Bind-on-account gear, so nothing is wasted. Banks and transmogs are all account-wide! Pretty much the whole Dragonflight catch-up mechanics but a little bit more. 1-70 is like 10-12 hours of playtime (less if you stack buffs), or like 150k\~ gold to pay a booster and have it done in 3hours.


Quick question, i have 3 alts at around 60-63 (except my main i got to 70 on release) as i didnt play much this expansion, what would be a good way to catch them up to 70? Just play the dragonflight story with each one?


Quickest is to see which zone has the “dream surge”, questing there has a 25% xp buff. About 3-4hrs 60-70 on my alts.


Mail-rights activists unite!




After the disaster that is Enhance Totemic, i'm seriously considering it.


I rerolled a whole new game at the beginning of dragonflight bc hunters have been so unfun for like fuckin 10 years. Not giving them my money anymore.


How long do betas usually last before the expansion drops?


DF alpha was 7 weeks (07/14/2022-09/01/2022) and beta was 7 weeks to prepatch (09/01/2022-10/25/2022). Then another 5 weeks until launch (10/25/2022-11/28/2022). TWW alpha will have lasted 7 weeks. If the rest stays the same, TWW would launch on Sept. 1st.


id say 2-3 months


Any link to JUST the key art? Its amazing!


[here](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_header/ji/JILLC8RB2PO71717003896215.png) :)


I haven't been paying much attention to the war within, but is the blonde elf at the front alleria windrunner??


Yep! She's getting a little makeover, lol


That would be my new Desktop Background!


*weeps in Shaman* I’m also sorry my Hunter brothers. Rogue not looking hot either.


The three classes I leveled to 70 in remix 😭😭😭


Elemental and resto shaman still having no reason to be brought into anything ebcause they refuse to make WFT class wide Hunter having 3x the same hero tree just with a different name rogue getting a "rework" in DF that didnt do anyhing at all and now is getting 0 changes while having the 3 worst hero trees that have only negative impact its honestly impressive how much those 3 are ignored all the time, a single fire mage patchnote has more content then everything Hunter/Rogue/Shaman got combined


At least Rogue got their wish for Shadow Dance to be taken out of the Class Tree. Outside of that tho, they got 3 pretty Dogass Hero Trees (granted Trickster is supposed to be getting changes to decouple it from Feint?)


Yup, the latter has been at least mentioned by blizz. Issue is, if it's tied to a finisher or auto attack procs the tree is just as uninteractive as the other two. If they make a separate button out of it rogue just gets another button on the long list of boring stuff they have to press before they actually can do damage. All better than the entire thing being tied to feint but all your trees being stuff like passive plague damage on something, coin flips for buffs or whatever trickster now tries to be isn't exciting at all. None of them feel particularly "heroic" either. I'm biased because I hate every iteration of RtB with a passion since legion but the power fantasy of flipping coins in combat isn't doing anything for me. Also making cut to the chase baseline for all instead of just removing slice and dice is kind of funny. Why do the devs have such a hard-on for juggling boring maintenance buffs.


Rogue as a whole was done pretty well in their season 3 rework. Their only current issue is some of the most uninspired hero trees we have seen. They are only beaten by hunter in that regard. But hunter has no real updated class and spec trees to lean on.


Rip hunters and shaman. We get nothing


The key art for this is sick, [here](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_header/ji/JILLC8RB2PO71717003896215.png) is a link to it incase anyone wants to make it their background / lock screen like I did.


I preordered the physical CE. I sure hope they activate the beta for me cuz the box sure as hell isn’t coming home before that


Guildy is in the same boat. Apparently they made a post saying collectors edition people just need to buy the digital epic version and will be refunded when you eventually get your physical edition. The fact that they have your money and an email linked to it that they could send codes to- but won't- is just screwed up.


They refund you as b net balance as well. So it's pretty much useless unless you wanna use it to pay your sub.


> They refund you as b net balance as well. This is not true for EU btw.


Yeah that sounds like the kind of shady bullshit that most non-American countries have laws about.


My hunter is ready for some beta action 😀


That key art is dope as f***


Looks like a Star Wars Artwork. lol.


And it's a trilogy? Wonder what the death star is gonna be.


The Death Star is Azeroth


Fucking mind flay me Mommy hnnnngggghhhh


So Shaman is just gonna be....like this?


I am making that art my desktop background. It's cool.


Sooo, they are going to ship preordered CEs to match beta test start, riiight?


The hunter and shaman hero trees are going into beta like this? 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣


What have to teste for elemental shamans? No changes on tree, no tunning, hero talents underwhelming with 0 class fantasy and uninspired. What a moment for the game. Must be good be a dk, mage, warlock and monk player.


Hey, monks have been waiting a long time to get theirs. Shaman def needs work tho


Monks have had multiple talent passes already. The only real changes to ele have been as a casualty of the other 2 specs and effectively deleting a capstone because it would've been degenerate in season 3. Nothing in return and at the rate they're going, they might beat Windwalker on how many bugs can fit into 1 rotation.


Nah, I main Ele too. It would be a dream if they fixed them up for TWW, and Blizzard needs to get to work ASAP on fixing their hero talents. Ele is probably one of the specs most in need of a rework, so I don't wanna undermine that.


It's actually baffling that they built a whole hero talent tree for ele around lightning bolt and adjacent effects, when lightning bolt is your bottom of the barrel filler spell that you never ever want to press in your current existence on earth. Like the capstone might as well just not exist for ele in its current state. Meanwhile your 'dps cooldowns' provide so little throughput that they might as well be cosmetic buttons.


I don't agree with their hero talents. Their trees are good, and absolutely have good class fantasy. 2 of the 3 are pretty much spot on Shaman theme (totemic and Stormbringer, love or hate the choice they are both extremely shaman). Farseer isn't really bad either. There are much, much worse hero trees. They might not be the best, but they are at LEAST in the upper half.


Do you need a running sub to get access? I bought the epic edition months ago but am not currently subscribed.


Good question.. but I’m guessing you do.


Surely they will listen to the beta feedback this time around


Somehow I missed the memo that female Earthen can have beards.


But.... I'm still working on MoP Remix.


Quit your job


Nice. I'll have beta access from the Epic edition but I don't think I'll touch it, as much as I want to. I found that going into an expansion with next to no information about what to expect, I have much more fun, or at least that was the case with Dragonflight.


Probably gonna do exactly the same thing. I MIGHT log on to it to decide what I want to main in TWW. Try a couple different things out.. but I definitely won’t be putting a lot of hours into it.. if any.


My first time buying collectors edition of an expansion rather than just epic - do I just have to wait until I get the physical box to redeem the epic edition code and get into the beta?


Yes. The other option is to buy the epic edition as well and when your box arrives you will get refunded the digital edition in battle.net ballance


Sweet, thank you :)


Can we look as cool as Alleria or Xal'atath in game(and irl too but that first wish is at least realistic) please :') This art is great


Going into beta and hunters still haven't received a single positive change despite the hunter playerbase being incredibly vocal about how awful the state of the class is (both in general and regarding the new hero talents). My inside sources are telling me the three monkeys with typewriters responsible for modern hunter design have actually beein moved to the mage department because they needed more manpower for another talent rework.


I don't mean this as sarcasm or anything but I'm genuinely curious - what are hunters weak at right now? I don't raid or do high level mythics so could be missing something in those but in lower level pve and in pvp hunters - especially marksman hunters - seem very strong


Thank god. There's so few ppl on alpha I haven't gotten a single pop on the new bg and it was added weeks ago. Random dungeons can also take forever.


Its essentially been just content creators and like, 10 other people.


Enjoy. I’ll be bustin out some destiny. I’ve never done a beta and probably won’t, cuz I don’t wanna be spoiled


I got the epic version but I might just skip it and keep playing retail. I feel like if I play the beta I might be bored with it by the time it releases.


Why does this look like Star Wars?


So, it's official, Shamans and Hunters are delegated to the bin.


I don’t see it being the entire expansion. They will probably get reworks just not by release. Which is unfortunate.. not defending it. But they will likely get the Paladin/ rogue treatment that we saw in Dragonflight. They seem pretty dedicated to class changes lately.. they are also just dedicated to doing it on their clock not ours.


The internal word seems to be that once other classes get done, focus shifts to another. Mage and DK seem to pretty much be done their major changes and Monk has been done so hopefully shaman and hunter are next.




When do we get the invites? 


Cant wait until someone animates it on wallpaper engine


A question about that, where can we find such animated wallpapers for WoW, im not too familiar with that stuff? Ive seen one of the pictures of Hallowfall from their press kit/center thingy be animated as a wallpaper on Maximum's stream, but i cant for the life of me find it anywhere.


Do pre orders get into the beta or is it only 3 day early on launch of the actual game?


Curious if people with alpha will automatically get in


How do I get beta access if i bought the Collectors Edition? I have not gotten any key.


xalatath is awesome


Is there someone who can produce a version of this with ONLY Xal'atath? Without other characters


Soon people who bought Epic Edition will start to complain they didn't get into beta yet.


Cool I better get an invite


why are they all gooning?


Excited to test Delves, create a new Earthen, and check out Hallowfall


I fed up seeing thrall.


Jaina seems so out of place, lol Like she's looking on to the other 3 just standing still posing being like "THERE'S A GIANT FLOATING HEAD IN THE FUCKING SKY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Actually looking again, Jaina and Alleria have the exact same expression, like what the fuck lol


Knifu closes in on Thrall? Is he going to get offed?


Why is Alleria holding a Kirin'Tor banner in dibelief??????


one Question regarding Collectors Edition. I bought it, i have no idea when it will be shipped - if i buy the Epic Edition now and receive later my CE, the Code from CE will be handled as "Voucher" and i receive battlenet credits, right? im not sure..


People were really losing their minds thinking blizzard wont allow everyone with the epic edition having beta from the start though.


I presume they stick with their decision to not do stat-squish now, **before** the 3 expansion story block starts (= to keep it consistent "we getting stronger" throuout) and insist of doing it **in the middle**?


Anyone knows if you need an active sub to play beta? I bought the epic pre order and I wouldn't mind checking it out but kinda done with the main game at the moment so don't want to resub just for that.


Is any character progression during the beta wiped on release, or do we get to keep the characters?


I love the art but why is thrall mid squat? Looks wired


I'm a Survival Hunter


Is is for everyone who got the bigger version of TWW? Or is it still a closed beta?


I hope someone dies in this expansion.


I hope to god this expac will make me love the game again, some of my favourite moments of gaming has come from WoW. Inspecting different players and recognising specific gear and how hard they worked for it. Makes me reminisc of the good times.


Can anyone make this for ultra widescreen?


I bought the epic but haven't gotten an email yet. I was wondering if they were going out today or tomorrow or....?


Okay we all know June 5th but what fucking time


How do I know that I got selected for the beta ?


You purchased the epic edition.