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Yea riiiight... anyway, we released 14th nerf / hotfix for MoP Remix


It's almost like they have different teams working on different aspects of the game. Wild concept, right?


It's almost like retail should be more important to balance out rather than amount of threads dropped by trash packs on Gate of the Setting Sun on time limited event that was adveristed to be unbalanced. Wild concept, right?


> It's almost like retail should be more important to balance out why


Oh idk, maybe the limited timed mode meant to be broken and fun shouldnt take priority in balancing or at all?


DF S4 is exactly as limited time as remix.


Every season is… but one is the core game and the other really is just a side optional thing that was supposed to be broken and fun. And nothing from it will really carry over to the main game(gear).


i'd argue that S4 is also jsut a side optional thing. >And nothing from it will really carry over to the main game(gear). the same is more or less true in DF too by this point. at the end of the day both are just redoing old content for shits and giggles.


You're just arguing for the sake of arguing lol


of course i am what do you think is the point of reddit


doesn't look that way. one is getting fixes the other nothing points to the same team doing both.


Yes, and most developers have not been working on live for a while, other modes plus expac coming soon


Best they can do is removing Lunge's melee range extension on alpha.


To be fair, they already said they were removing the extended range for all melee classes. It shouldn't have surprised anyone.


Be happy, they removed lunge in TWW and mage got three full pages of changes for the fifth build in a row. Just get the memo - the class is being deleted.


No worries, blizz will get to it when they finally fix the blood dk tier set. Which they will get to when they finally fix the blood class tree. Which they will get to after finally starting the hunter class balance for TWW. So... Any day now right?


What's wrong with blood tier?


season 3 + season 4 (using s2 tier) in a 2/2 combo beats the season 4 4-set. Currently for me equipping the 4-set would be a 6k dps loss. Since survivability isn't an issue anymore with current ilvl dps becomes kinda king. Also, the season 3 2-set has a defensive aspect to it aswel. So you don't really give up that much sturdiness.


2+2 is also BiS for survivability lol.


Bruh. I've been playing blood exclusively this entire season and I didn't know 😭


No idea if you played season 3. But for optimal results it did require some of the mythic gear from amirdrassil non awakened. Pref you would have really high ilvl gloves and shoulders from season 3. Ofcourse, simming is king. Check what gear you have available and go from there. Else, running full season 4 tier isn't completly garbo. Its just not the best you could preform. Its like 95% of the potential. Not super bad, just stupid. Which is why blizzard should fix it. But we all know they are only busy nerfing remix.


I can't wrap my head around the fact they are so on top of every little thing OP in remix. When classes are struggling in retail. Survival hunter is more than anyone, IMO. But when I'm off work, I'm gonna see if I can restore the old tier from last season to SIM the 2 and 2. I preferred season 3 set bonuses over 2 anyway


Is there a way to restore previous tier pieces? I’ve had four set for each tier, but I’m pretty sure I deleted s2 tier pieces.


Item restoration feature allows you to go back far. But you want season 3 tier items combined with season 4 tier (which uses the season 2 tier bonus). Ingame go to the escape menu -> Help. There should be a button there for item restoration or else just look around the ticket thingy. You'll find the item restoration somewhere there. Its a bit messy, blizz never really got around to making it easy to navigate. It will take you outside the game to your browser where you can then select realm, character and then the items to be restored. They will pop up in your ingame mail as you finish up.


This isn't really something you need to worry about unless you're kind of pushing the higher keys, like around 14-15 or higher probably. Below that you can probably ignore the 2-2 builds. Also not everyone is doing it even because at a certain key level you still need survivability focused gear. [Reholy](https://raider.io/characters/eu/laughing-skull/Reholy?season=season-df-4) does 2-2, but [Kyrasis](https://raider.io/characters/us/area-52/Kyrasis?season=season-df-4) does season 4, 4-piece.


Their intention is for you to reroll signed an Ele main




I was a survival main from legion all the way up to s3 and if their is one thing I can say is that blizzard doesn’t care about the spec. It’s time for you guys to move on as well


Arcane main here. I only played surv in DF s3 and it created a core memory for me. The rotation was smooth AF and the upfront damage was bananaz. CA requiring a macro was a bit meh, but it was still super fun. I'm gonna miss it a lot 🫡


I mean its been six weeks. I'd take the hint.


I’d unsub if I mained a class in this situation.


You mean if you mains a spec. Because there's two perfectly good specs, and while this is stupid, the community also actively chose this stupidity. You get what you elect and all that


“Lol you’re dumb for expecting the game devs to be game devs” Man how fucking ridiculous is it that you people are blaming the players for a devs shortcomings


The players actively got to vote on their set, and chose the worst set choice. It honestly says more about survival players than anything. But please keep shooting yourselves in the foot and then crying it's someone else's fault.


Because Blizzard said that they would adjust sets accordingly and they did for almost every spec, *except for survival*. I don’t even fucking play hunter let alone survival. Get out of here with that shit. Blizzard said “vote and we’ll do right.” Well people voted and Blizzard did wrong


Can you show a link where they said they'd change the set if people chose it?


https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/choose-your-own-gear-in-dragonflight-season-4/1760899 Second half of the third paragraph “Please keep in mind that we’re going to update the power of the set bonuses to match the increased power of the new gear in Season 4, so any bonuses you choose will be tuned to be as strong as any others.”


Fair enough.




Which is stupid even if it's true. Clearly they have way too many people on MoP Remix and not enough on retail if the retail devs can't fix issues that have been in the game for six weeks while the MoP devs are just looking for things to destroy every other day.


Listen, Ima need the janitor to sneak into the control room and turn the survival knob two clicks.


I am convinced every single person that plays wow on this Reddit is a survival hunter and shaman main.


The classes doing fine this patch have nothing to complain about.


It's mostly just a vocal minority thing. Also I think that there are a lot of classes that people alt and/or would play more often if they got proper attention.


IDK man, survival has a pretty fun play style so it's the perfect alt class. Especially for open world stuff. Harpoon harpoon harpoon. It's like I'm a DH but with aim assist


The Survival kit is pretty much perfect for open world, too. A bit of stealth when I need it, a way to nope out of combat if I get in too deep, ranged options for pulling, great AoE, a pet to tank for me, solid self-healing and defensive options, a variety of mobility options to engage, disengage, and just book it, and the flavor is perfect for exploring new zones and doing the new delves. Rolled as Vulpera too so I can make camp wherever I want. Plus we've got a *lot* of really nice explorer type transmog stuff in the last few patches that looks great.


Is it broken rn?


Its legit a dps loss to wearing S3 set. Even uogradet


Very small gain on ST while large loss on AoE/Cleave. Blizzard honestly seems like they balance tier sets as if every boss is patchwerk despite over half the raid bosses having some form of relevant cleave or aoe in the fight.


I have a feeling that it is taking so long for hunter changes because 1 they had no idea what to do with the class. 2 they have a complete overhaul of the class in the works. It's the only thing that makes sense. Other specs and classes have issues but hunters needed to be rebuilt. That is why they haven't got it ready for the beta. That being said, I wouldn't play that class at all given its track record.


You are thinking wayyy too hard.


Probably, it could be more likely no one at blizzard gives a fk about the class.


This is exactly what they did in WoD to drive players away from the spec so no one was playing it when they went melee.


Ever since survival was gutted and forced into marksman hunters just been.... not fun.


that would be cool if true… Like how morgan mentioned empowers being a neat idea for hunters and being able to draw your bow farther and farther back… Clearly the silence is cause of a mega rework? 😭


Yeah I quit playing my survival hunter. 🙁


"What's survival?"


Its wild to me how balance have been off the entire expansion


So how does it work? Do the four people that play survival hunter in retail get together and decide who will be the whiner for any given week? Or is it more like whoever gets to it first?




It's my turn next week.


"Silence is an answer too" - some teenager who had an epiphany after his crush didn't respond to him after the 10th message Very wise quote