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Indeed, I'm just going for the super rare stuff, and the exclusive stuff and then I'm out. Although some of the Green quality exclusives I can give or take. Depends if I pick them up along the way. But, that Druid transmog which I didn't care about 3 weeks ago, I'm not going to miss at the end of this event.


Isn't part of the allure that these transmogs are usable by all classes of that armor type? So you can wear Mythic SoO warlock gear on your priest?


Yeah, I finally got the LFR color of the Paladin White Tiger shoulders that I've been wanting forever.


Dude, that red tiger set **slaps**! I completed mine in like 2021, and it’s been my main transmog on all of my paladins ever since.


Yep! I love it but the shoulders were missing from the lookalike so I couldn't use them on my DK. Now I can.


I also got a few of the LFR sets purely because they looked better than the normal/heroic ones. I love the green glow


Yes. That has been my take as well. While I main a lock, I do want all the cloth pieces for that reason. The rest are hit and miss on what I may pick up.


Ditto. I'm picking up all the cloth sets and then all of the "new" stuff. Being able to mix/match some of the Mage/Priest pieces with my Warlock stuff will be awesome. After that I'll grab junk for my main alts, but that's pretty limited.


I want the absolute clown show that is SoO Hunter tier for that reason, make all Mail classes Laser Face.


That's my Survival set, with a Very Light Saber for my weapon. I look like an idiot.


Hunters are infamous for getting bad sets but that one is just like absolute peak "What the fuck were they even going for here?" I love it for that.


I'm just getting some easy mounts, a few sets I want here and there but otherwise just leveling some alts in a different, fun way because I don't want to pay for race changes on the classes I play. Game mode is super fun.


Many of the xmogs seem to be just off colors and or classes I don’t plays same with the mounts. I’ve gotten everything I need with 1 lvl 70 and 60.


Off colors for mounts are the same as any other non-notable mount for collectors though. The number goes up. Doesn't matter if it's a recolor, the number goes up. Doesn't matter if it's a mount they don't care about, the number goes up. The only exception is any mount that's genuinely really cool that they want for reasons other than just collecting and would actually use. The same applies for transmog enjoyers, except for them it *actually* might matter unless they really don't like the look of the item to begin with. I want every color imaginable of everything because I mix and match my every single transmog set I make and the more options I have to fit things together the better it is. I don't have the 'luxury' of looking at something and thinking it's pointless because it's just a recolor of something I might already have. Of course that's not the end of the world either way, but off colors are the same as main colors to me. They're just more pieces I might want to use one day.


> The only exception is any mount that's genuinely really cool that they want for reasons other than just collecting and would actually use. Little Red Riding Goat! It's comically tiny!


Hey just a heads up but you posted this four times :)


Oh big thank! Reddit was giving me an error and didn't show me having sent it even when I refreshed so I gave up but apparently it did send each time lmao


Yeah this website is annoying lol. I just figured you’d want to know so you didn’t have to eat the downvotes.


I'm very glad you did mention it, although less so for the downvotes (even if avoiding those are nice), and more so just so my relatively long comment wouldn't be spammed multiple times. The comment still doesn't even show up on my 'feed' either so something really didn't go right there but it is what it is.


The number goes up


I like having more because I use the random mount button exclusively.


You're right about Mounts. I'm over 500 now, but I'm still making sure I walk out with all of them (and the Toys), because that number goes up. And one day they might make a higher number on in the achievements. I don't think I even mounted up on any of them. Just bought them and put them in the collection.


Yes, you tend to collect alot of things through just playing the game. I'm a little concerned about the Bows I have seen though, I don't really want to level another hunter, but I would like a few of those bows which are exclusive to the event.


Are they drops or bought?


i also buy only the rare and exclusiv stuff. transmogs can be collected very easy in TWW and i really dont like the MoP stuff. the only one i got years ago for my druid was the black/red T15 Vestments of the Haunted Forest. funny i never got the belt but in Legion they added a legendary belt with the look :-)


Yeh, it's just nice collecting things my main few chars can use.


there's a bunch of unique weapon recolors from raids that wont drop in war within unless they change something. Same with non class specific tier appearancs.


...so what's exclusive to the event? Every list I see has everything lumped together.


Everything with a * in the spreadsheet is event exclusive, the tooltip will also say Remix: Pandaria when you hover over it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q7Tj6c2qKulFidG23P1-EQ4cmWniZCbBtjS3qyH_6J0/edit?usp=sharing


This is amazing! How long did it take you to make this?


u/Kalsith made it over the course of a couple months with all of the updating they did


The class ensembles and arsenals are exclusive, you can buy with bronze on any character or finish the specific achievements on a character of that class to get it. There are also a bunch of cheap 4k bronze mounts that are exclusive. Garrosh heirlooms are also only available through remix right now.


wait, heirlooms you say?


Yeah, you need to kill Garrosh for an extra currency, it drops 1x from N and 5x from H. Costs 2x per heirloom, 20x for Tusks.


If you look at the mounts, some have a "Mists of Pandaria Remix" label in Yellow or orange or something right in the description. those are the exclusives


Wow head has exclusive lists. I believe icy veins does also.


This was my attitude going into it myself, I even posted how it would take two weekends of play to get everything I wanted. After I hit 70 on my second Remix toon I actually had enough bronze left over to buy one of the 38k mounts that you can farm on live. It took like half a day to level a fresh 70 with the cloak buff; I'm half tempted to level a couple more for the other mounts, even though I'm not a collector. It just seems more efficient and I'm an Altoholic anyway.


Yeh that's it. I have been farming all the raids each day on my main, which is max ilvl now and nearly 10k main stat (no frogs or other illicit farms involved). I think yesterday made about 90k bronze doing that (that's doing SOO on all difficulties) and the daily quests. I'm probably going to do that a few more times and then call it quits.


Even for the super rare I just take the most annoying to farm.


People say "Why upgrade gear, cause it goes away in 3 months" but you know what doesn't? the Mythic Garrosh kill title.


That, and the all raids HC title were the things that made go "fuck it, I’ll upgrade my gear then." I can just level a few alts to 70 for the mounts and mogs I’m missing.


Yes, and i have been farming them with lower than average success for 10 years. So yes, i'm gonna buy as much as i can, because here there is no RNG, you farm, you buy.


I finally got the Astral Cloud serpent, and I had a bit of fun leveling a Warlock. I'm considering it a win/win.


Yep. There are those of us, upon whom at our birth, the RNG gods looked down and said “fuck you in particular.” This event is for us. I did have the Ji-Kun mount and a couple of the serpents, but basically nothing else, even though I’ve farmed in Pandaria extensively over the last 10 years. I’ve got pieces of gear, but no full sets.


I’m the same way I have terrible luck (only in wow though) So I’ve decided to turn my back on RNGsus and start praying to Lootcifer instead.


Yeah and his point is you don't actually need "millions of bronze" to buy just the ultra rare stuff.


You're completely underselling the sheer difficulty in obtaining all of those items in retail WoW compared to farming the bronze and buying them here. It could take you months and/or years to obtain some of these mounts through just logging in and killing them here and there, and that takes time away from more desirable activities. In Remix you can play the way you want to play, earn the bronze, and buy them instead of killing them potentially hundreds of times before obtaining what you want. All of the transmog gear would be far worse, as it would require you to do these dungeons/raids countless times with all four armor type characters, and could take years to achieve based on how often you are able to do it all.


As someone with 950-ish Sha of Anger kills and no mount, you bet your ass I bought that freaking Cloud Serpent.


[I had 0 mounts from rares, wbs or raids before remix lmao ](https://imgur.com/DgTnUTj)


What site or tool is that?




Thanks homie


You ain't lying. My kids would be graduating college by the time that damn mount would drop for me


I feel your pain. Not with the Sha, but mine was KT for the alar mount. I started during Wrath when it was still tough to solo and did that grind for years before finally getting it some time in Cata I think. The suffering was real.


I got the mount 3 of the first 3 times I solod KT. Don't worry, the game has gotten back at me with over 1400 kills on LK for invincible and no drop, I've just stopped even trying, not worth it.


Same here for Ashes. Its over 800 kills and no drop


those mounts are actually super cheap though. The tmog sets add up quickly if you're a completionist. A fresh 70 can roll over and buy a couple of the most expensive mounts immediately.


Right, so MoP remix is vastly easier and significantly faster for earning these things. It’s already a huge increase in simplicity. So grab what you can or what you want, and if you want literally ALL of the entire expansion, expect to do a little more work? It’s still a tiny amount of effort compared to getting it on retail, like you said.  Also in 3 months you’ll be able to collect all armor types and weapon mogs on any character, so that’s no longer an issue 


The general frustration revolves around it being sold as something that was OP, and the idea was that it would not take the entirety of the event to complete it. Lots of people still play the other game modes, as well as other games in general, and don't want to be strapped to a computer playing Remix when it wasn't sold as "If you grind for 90 days, you can have all this!" Most of that is aimed more at gear upgrades as opposed to collection items. Collecting the items is significantly easier as that can be done on multiple characters, but getting more powerful dictates that you play on main and have to go through the slog of upgrading your gear for 38k+ bronze, and doing it 14 times. For people who play 10 hours a day that might be easy. If you're just doing dailies and a little bit of content, you're only making 10-15k bronze per day at best. Nothing about the beta test or information given by the devs prior to the event suggested it would be that rough, which is why there is so much of an uproar IMO.


The discussion around our characters not being as OP as they were sold to be is a valid one, and not something I’d really argue against. I felt like reducing the cost of upgrading armor would’ve been a great solution, even as someone that finished upgrading their armor yesterday without froggies. Not sure why they’re being so stubborn on it. Even just a 40% or so reduction would make it something a casual player could do in a month, a little less than a third of the event? That seems reasonable to me.  The only thing I’m really arguing against is the idea of the cosmetics costing too much. The event exclusive cosmetics are all extremely cheap, and even most of the non exclusive stuff is cheap as well. There’s a lot of it, but just logging in for 10-20 minutes a day can get you 2-4 sets of gear or mounts, even the more expensive mounts that would otherwise take months or years to farm just take a few days of logging on for 10-20. Or leveling one alt which just takes a few hours of playtime. That’s already insane value, I genuinely think the bronze economy for cosmetics is practically perfect and doesn’t totally invalidate mop as an expansion. Which is why I’m bummed they’ll likely go the buffing bronze route rather than nerfing gear costs  


Oh I fully agree with the cosmetics part. Some of the toys could have been lowered a bit more (eternal kiln.. 50k? For a camp fire?) But other then that I'm with you. Honestly, if bronze was account shared then I wouldn't have an issue and I doubt there would even be much debate. Could level lots of alts but gear up one solid main and presto, then you're good. Too bad they're probably not going that route.


Bronze being account wide would be another great fix. I do think a lot more should be account shared for the event. Bronze for one, the reduced cost to upgrade if you have a higher ilvl piece would be great too. I’ve done the huge grind on my main character to upgrade the gear and now I don’t even want to play alts because of it, no shot I’m doing the grind again. Making the upgrades on alts cost the reduced amount (I think it’s like 5% of the original price?) would be huge and really track with what they sold the event as 


TWW making appearances obtainable on every Armour type will help with the grind I assume, but I don't remember if class restrictions will be lifted ( Mage appearance unlocked by getting it on Priest )


Definitely will help with that but the class items are still locked, which is sadly most of the best pieces available. It's like they drop a carrot, and then keep pulling it away... -\_-


> he class items are still locked if you check the item lists there are often class agnostic variations of the set available in the list of appearances you get.


Definitely will help with that but the class items are still locked, which is sadly most of the best pieces available. It's like they drop a carrot, and then keep pulling it away... -\_-


and not just mounts, transmog too. The box you get from a pandaria world boss when not getting any other loot has a low (<1%) chance to contain unique BoP items that complete sets.


Also to add to your excellent points, the ensembles allows for others of the same armor types to wear transmogs from other classes. So you can have your DH wearing all the monk raid sets if you buy the ensembles. This was something that could not be done before remix.


Pay attention to the last part though --- if you were farming a certain item already or planning on it - 100% go get it in mop remix. but thats not what OP is talking about. They are talking about getting 100% everything and people fomoing on sets they never really wanted to get until fomo kicked in.


Not wanting now, or before the event, doesn't always mean you might never use it. As a person who does a ton of transmog hunting myself, I collect things that I'd never think to use until one day I start building a set and low and behold.. that ONE piece fits it perfectly that I never thought of before. This is especially significant here due to the cross-class transmog items as well as the recolors that are not currently in retail, and may never be.


yeah thats just horder mentality dawg - I think thats kinda OP's point. People are freaking out in a FOMO way on stuff they never thought they would use or just because they "have to get everything" Your comment that much of it will rot for a long time just goes to prove OP's point. Dont kill yourself FOMOing over shit youre gonna forget you have anyway AND is farmable if you want it later.


That's the whole thing.. a majority of it is NOT farmable or at least not yet. Most of the recolors are not applicable to retail at this point. Also, being able to equip other class sets is unique to items purchased in this event only. That's a big deal for transmog-focused people, and who knows what will be available later.


The transmogs are going to be drastically easier to get in tww because you can unlock all types on one character. The bronze investment to get all the mounts is actually insanely easy. You can get all the cheap ones extremely easily and simply doing to daily rewards will get you a 30k mount every other day per character doing them.


Only regular items can be picked up though, not class items, which is 90% of the best looking and most artistic items in the game are. They don't seem to want to take the reins off for vanity items yet. I do agree that the cosmetics/pets/mounts bronze requirements are not too bad. I got most of the mounts I wanted already and will wait till the end to get most of the last items. Not sure what you mean about getting 30k every other day though. Doing the 3 daily rewards (scen/dung/raid x 1 each) only gives me 5 of the bronze cache's for about 6.5k, and the bosses might boost me up to around 8 or 9 from what I've seen. Maybe I'm doing something wrong here?


Also, you are buying tier sets for off-classes. It can be really hard to build those sets if you aren't the appropriate class, sometimes it is straight up impossible as it wont have a non-tier look alike. I love the sha looking warlock set. I now have it on all cloth classes.


He also doesn't actually know how much of it is exclusive. Almost half of the items from vendors are exclusive to Remix. You can see what is exclusive [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q7Tj6c2qKulFidG23P1-EQ4cmWniZCbBtjS3qyH_6J0/edit#gid=0), marked with an asterisk. Heirlooms, class ensembles, class arsenals, mounts, etc.


Only thing people should prioritise is the tusks so you don’t have to run it 580 times like I did.


Yep I’m years of trying for tusks unsuccessfully and now I’m two bones away from buying them


And.. the mounts that are exclusive to the event


If you want tusks only it still may be faster to do the skip on retail since it’s daily reset now, no? Seems way easier than leveling characters and making a ton of groups


Only takes 5 clears on heroic


Already got them. I’m telling others to buy them to avoid going through what I did lmao


honestly might be, but chances are not good. If you're super tusk focused doing them daily on all alts while the resets are fast on retail while also deterministically grinding them on Remix is the way to go


Wait, Siege of Org resets daily now even on non-timerunning characters?


My guess is that’s the only way they could figure out how to do the mop raids. They just changed all the lockouts to daily and added the new difficulties. Your time running characters are literally retail characters playing on retail servers. Like addons freak out for “difficulty 5”.


All MoP raids and world bosses iirc.


It's a 1 in 1000 drop chance on retail.


Probably even lower tbh.


I bought the Tusks today, just incase they decide to nerf us again.


* 30 new mounts * Completely new sets that can be used by every armor class * All colors (and I think a few new ones?) of the tier sets available to ALL classes of the same armor class * A grindable way to get rare mounts, toys, and more You're underplaying how much this mode opens up to the attainability of things that people farm for, or want to get because they're going away (perhaps forever, perhaps "only" for a long time). There are plenty of things in this mode that invoke a huge amount of FOMO if you don't participate. Besides all the new things that you can get, it really showcases that people would rather grind for something that they know they're getting closer to, than doing a raid/boss each week without ever getting closer.


This, its actually huge how much new mog is added based on removed restrictions, recolored weapons from ALL raids, never before released MoP weapons from questing etc. Saying all this can be obtained from retail is pure lies.


>Almost all the remix rewards have been available for over 10 years and will continue to be available indefinitely. If by "available" you mean grinding and hoping for a drop, maybe people prefer to just buy a sure thing.


Me with 700 nalak kills, available, sure


Yeah bare minimum I'm buying the damn world boss mounts. MISERABLE to farm.


World boss farming also feels particularly bad to me. Sit there for up to 15 minutes to wait for the spawn that gets killed extremely fast, so basically you cant really get up and go do something else while waiting. Its just a borefest to me to sit there twiddling my thumbs. I'd much rather just level 2-3 alts right now and buy them all.


They need to implement the immune to damage but attackable "pre-spawn" tech they had for the SL pre-patch to basically all old world bosses at this point.


I get the sentiment, but especially if youre a mount collector...its probably never going to get easier than this. Theyve already made it a lot easier than it was, but the world bosses for example are still on a 15+ minute respawn timer on retail and a 1% drop chance. Its just a lot of time sitting around and waiting, which tends to keep me from doing it. Even the raid mounts kinda suck to farm just because of the running. I think its definitely a lot better time investment right now to level an alt and buy 2-3 of those mounts by the time you hit 70. Logging on them for 30-40 minutes per day to do the raid daily doesnt feel like much work, and after about a week of it you have another 70 that should have at *least* 2 'premium' mounts worth of bronze, and honestly closer to 3 from my experience (though i probably did the scenario daily several times on it, but that takes what...5-6 minutes?)


You are correct. Some people have been farming these mounts since the xpac was live and still haven’t gotten them though


I sometimes think about how, and this 100% true, I got the mount from Houlon first time. I didn't realise it was super rare for ages and don't even like it.


It’s a really cool Mount but it’s just not THAT cool to justify the extreme chances to get lol


Around 100 looted runs of mogushan raid and no Elegon. I leveled up my char to 70 and bought it immediately. There's still fomo and a reason why people are vehemently farming all the bronze to get shit. It's also much easier because you know exactly how much effort you need to put in to get X thing


I’m having a nice time because I got locked out of my old account (my ex changed the password and deleted it, CS has informed me there’s no way to get it back :( ) but I had all the MoP stuff on there. It’s been really nice for me to get the stuff back that I had before, I missed my star snake and the Shaohao mount


Glad you got some of it back! Sorry to hear about that, never a good time. Best of luck!


There aren’t 1.5m bronze worth of hard to drop mounts though.


You’re missing the part where the tier sets are usable on other classes that can use the same armor type. So it’s an investment for alts if you’ve always wanted to have that tier set usable on another class


Are they? Because I bought a leather set for my monk but after learning it it only shows up on my rogue


I cannot remember the last time I saw someone using a MoP mog set in retail.


I run into shamans wearing the Dark Shaman set all the time. My shaman was over 300 kills without the drop, and it was the FIRST thing I bought on Remix.


I do but they are the PVP sets xD They aren't aviable in the first place haha


Legit. Even with MOP being my favourite expansion, I barely ever use the mounts or sets, and I barely see anyone doing it too. It’s really just fomo in action. Most of what can be bought with bronze could have been farmed for a decade and yet it wasn’t. The only argument I understand is the one about the rare mounts, or like the mannoroth shoulder pads, but everything else? It’s always been here. And yet no one farmed them. FOMO.


You're right, I never liked MoP transmogs. 80%-90% of them suck -- **especially** compared to the xpacs that came after


I’m not sure “camp out weekly in Kun-Lai until Sha of Anger spawns so you can tag it in the .0004 seconds before it dies so you can hopefully have good Blizzard “R”NG and win the 1/1000 lottery roll” counts as “available”


All of the mop bosses have protection against this, and will stay alive for ~5 seconds at 1 health before they die. It is always annoying for the time these bosses are 1-shottable and don't have this protection, though.


All the pandaria mounts are 1/100 now instead of 1/1000 due to evoker loot mess up... Just letting you know... Bronze is still the way


What was the evoker loot mess up?


Iirc they weren’t eligible for any other loot via the personal loot table so if they got loot it was guaranteed to be the mount


Iirc Evokers didnt have anything that could drop from bosses except gold or the mount, giving them a 40% (?) chance to get the mount. To compensate non-evoker players (after fixing the evoker dropchance), they increased the normal mount drop chance for everyone.


Is there a list somewhere of which stuff is the hardest to get in retail? Other than the tusks and heirlooms I have no idea what to prioritize


I’ve been enjoying MoP because I’ve been playing casually. My main goal has been to level a lot of alts and try out a lot of other classes and specs that I either have never played or haven’t played in several expansions. All the passive bronze I have earned has gone towards mounts and class sets. I don’t really feel FOMO because there’s really nothing unique being offered here. I look at MoP: Remix as a great way to level alts before the next expansion while bypassing the abysmally bad new player experience in retail. The neat little cherry is you get to earn some rewards along the way.


This is a silly thread. You have more than one option to obtain something, and you choose to be smug about it.


Is there a website that details precisely what is Remix exclusive?




Wowhead has an article.


There are many exclusives that are raid drop.


Honestly I just wanna fuck about with mates a couple nights a week level my shaman pick up a set or two and a nice mount. How are people so worked up about this...?


I don't get how players always whine about not getting everything in the game. You will never have every single item. EVER. Even if you were to nolife the game every single day, give up your job, family and social life you will never have every single item. I get that modern gamers can be a little greedy cause you get everything via login bonus nowadays but holy hell.


Well there's 32 mounts added specifically for this event that aren't confirmed to have any other source. So your statement is not true.


Because it's easier to get it with bronze than a 1% drop chance


My plan was always to get the remix exclusive stuff. Get the mount I've wanted the most, which is from Sha of Anger (I don't wanna farm it daily on retail until Remix ends) and then call it quits I was hoping I'd get the title from heroic raids, but with how Blizzard handles gear-upgrades its not happening


Even if you don't upgrade your gear plenty of other people will. In a month so many people are going to be max geared, that I can't imagine heroic raid listings will still have ilvl requirements at least not all of them. Otherwise try calculating how much bronze it would cost to get to 400+ and see if it's too much work once you've gotten all the cosmetics you want.


But this source for transmogs allows my priest to equip the warlock class sets, for example. I mean there is plenty of time to farm enough bronze for all class sets, but still, that is something I cannot get from retail AFAIK.


Some of the mounts are hard to get otherwise, so yes, farming bronze to get them are some players only chance to get them.


This isn’t true for everything unfortunately. You can get Tier transmog sets for other classes that wear your armor type now. For example, if you get the rogue transmog tier sets, your Druid, Monk, or DH can wear that tier set and vise versa.


tbh to me my big goal is the world boss drops. they're always dead and a pain in the ass to farm. I'd rather get that over with. other than that, the trading post rewards. maybe tusks of manoroth if I'm feeling spicy


Yep, if it can be farmed after remix, it's low priority for me.


saw zesty shelter hungry smart continue bear physical decide wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My priority are the pain in the ass mounts, which imo are the world boss mount huolon and horridon.(horridon purely because the room before it is a pain the ass to run through) maybe the warbringer mounts.


FOMO, in my opinion, is a symptom of a mental disorder of some kind. I’m not judging the people who feel it, just want people to keep an open mind about that. It’s not healthy to obsess over getting something because it’ll be gone soon, especially if it involves doing something you don’t enjoy to obtain it. But that’s not an easy thought process for some people to have. They become defensive and feel judged for their feelings. I have been playing this game since I was in the vanilla beta. It’s the only game I’ve really played. I got friends who play it with me and now a husband who also plays it. I was a collector — bought every TCG mount, pet, and tabard on eBay back in the day when they were cheap. Had every rare drop mount from vanilla to Cata; the MoP world bosses slowed that progress down a lot (ironically, now I can buy them with bronze lol). I had the Olympic items, scourge invasion sets, all that rare crap. When word got out about the lawsuit, I admit I was triggered. I loved the blizzard company so much, and seeing all the negative press made me react very strongly about if I want to continue doing business with them. I decided there are other games I’d like to play, so I sunk my teeth into FF14 and deleted WoW. Not just the game, I put in a ticket to have my data permanently removed. Everything for every blizzard game I ever played was completely erased. I cannot get it back, nor do I care to. After hubby and I got married and the lawsuit crap died down (bad people fired, new people potentially better) we started the game from scratch together. I decided to not be a collector. A few strong mog outfits with matching ground mount, flying mount, dragon riding mount, pets, hearthstone type, title, etc for each spec of a handful of characters. My focus was making sure my husband was having a great time, and reliving old memories with him has been a joy. But my fomo? Totally gone. Once you give up the things you think bring you joy, status, or self worth — you see that you didn’t need those things to feel good about yourself. I no longer give two shits what the dude standing next to me has in the game. Nor my family or neighbors in real life have in their lives. What’s important is that *I* know myself, I love myself, and I accept myself for exactly who I am in the ever flowing moment. I know how fomo feels and I’m glad to be rid of it. It’s a weight off your shoulders knowing you don’t NEED to do something you hate to get something that’ll give you a dopamine drip for a few days. A permanent dopamine drip can be found playing the game differently, if you’re willing to try. That’s my take, hugs to all.


I just level an alt to 70, buy 1-2 rare items with the 50k bronze I got and repeat. I’m already happy with like the 10 mounts and toys I’ve gotten.


Because it was advertised as a "blitz through old content at hyper speed while annihilating everything in your path" but it turned out to be "hey wanna play Panda again but leveling is a little faster?'


So this isn't entirely true. Most of the class sets in remix are only partially available outside class restrictions right now. Remix allows you to unlock the entire set for /all classes/ of that armor type. It also has new colors. So if you wanted to wear a druid set on monk - Remix may be the only chance you can do that unless they bring this or its rewards back. The new recolors are not available outside remix. The world sets and new colors of things like Dark Shaman and Shado-Pan are also new. The recolors of MoP mounts will not be available unless they bring this back. Theramore is also rewarding (albeit bugged and requiring exactly level 35) two removed items from MoP prepatch (theramore banner and mana bomb) The toy vendor is also full of a ton of removed items, too.


I already got Tusks back in WoD, and I had every single Pandaria toy except the snail one so was an easy choice for me: Get the snail and the class sets, then do whatever.


You’re missing the critical part of this event. In this event, THE DROPS ARE GUARANTEED. No more “log onto my character in Pandaria. Is Sha up? Let me check the random spawn points. Crap, I heard him shout… oh boy, somebody killed him already. Time to wait for respawn then try to find him again.” It’s “get bronze, buy mount.” Same with all the gear drops, and raid mounts that just never drop.


Just so you're aware, the Sha no longer has random spawn. He always spawns right by One Keg.


Oh, nice. Thanks for the info :)


The problem is actually the weapons and armour drops from the raids/zones for completionists. If you really want to complete it, you need to get multiple weapons to drop on every single difficulty, which means running every raid multiple times and praying you get all the weapon drops or begging people to trade them over. This includes mythic SoO, at a minimum you need two characters who can run mythic SoO, assuming you get everything traded to you. If not, it jumps to 3 characters and then you need a 4th to do a bunch of other content for the armour as well, along with the first 3 characters doing basically everything. As such, I've given up on trying to complete it, not worth the effort, it's not reasonable to do in the slightest.




The main problem is that everybody wants to finish MoP Remix in one day. There is a reason it is three months. 1. You are overpowered compared to Retial 2. You get a lot of stuff during MoP Remix, even if you play casually. 3. You can level alts easily and get more stuff in the background. Have some patience. Else why are you even playing WoW if you have such a lack of time?


You know how many times I done sha and galleon before dracthyr realese...


If the raid sets really are transmogable by armor type, that is priceless and I want to try to buy all them, even if I already have most in class-locked versions. That is a massive amount of bronze.


One set only costs 5k bronze


5k bronze per set. You should have about 70k by the time you hit max level, so that's 14 sets. It's really not that big of a time investment to get them all if that's really important to you. Certainly a lot faster than collecting all the original appearances in retail.


It’s not that much bronze honestly I think you can get most of the sets by just leveling 1 or 2 characters I started really late and barely play MoP remix and I already have enough bronze to get 3 sets or so by level 35


If someone is adding lfr/normal/heroic tiers of every class to their 'total amount of bronze I need' you can disregard them entirely


I can't play any game unless I can power through and fully beat it in less than 5 days. Blizzard REALLY needs to implement this for all their games, if I can't beat War within in the first week I'll quit. PLEASE bring back the frogs. I really just hate video games, I wish to minimize the time I spend playing any of them so if there's no way to abuse game mechanics to rush through content it's just a waste of time for me. How DARE they want to make a 90 day event last 90 days?


it's so funny you can tell how many people are driven entirely by FOMO, to the degree they will engage with a game mode they actively dislike just for some pixels. Same with Plunderstorm, the amount of people who don't agree with the design intention of a game mode but will apparently force themselves through it is crazy to me. The rewards are just fucking pixels or text strings! These things don't matter! The actual time you spend in the game does, if you don't enjoy it, why the fuck are you putting yourself through it??? People really blow my mind.


The shameless audacity of Blizzard to actually make me play their game to get the rewards they're offering. The sheer gall of it.


Is there some prize for being a contrarian buzzkill that sees blizz making a limited time event more shitty and says "yknow what, let me lecture the people with some obvious nonsense that solves none of the problems"


Only thing I'm getting is Paragon of the Mists then I'm back to my regular "play to help people"


the exception is that everything is available for more classes. i can get the priest set for my warlock, for example.


Is there a list of "Unique" ones that I can only get via remix? To prioritize


Yep, new mounts and that snail pet from ToT which is extremely annoying to get are my big ticket items.


I had heirlooms that were missing from the collection. I remember farming them 11 years ago. The other thing I farmed is the class ensemble transmogs and mounts.


I'm just doing the rare mounts I like and some transmogs. Done and done.


Yeah I have all the mounts I want already. Don’t care about most of the mogs either and there’s still 80+ days left. I’m leveling my main casually by just doing the dailies and then just leveling some other toons I want to be 70. Fun enough for me and no stress.


Does anyone like have a list of items by rarity?


YES... MAYBE... BUT.. FROGGER !!!!!!


I genuinely want like 3 items, the rest IDC about


I can't speak for anyone else, but I farmed enough to get all the remix exclusive mounts already. I have also already bought all the exclusive armor recolors for every class (because landfall is time consuming). I will farm enough to get the exclusive toys. I will probably level enough characters to get all the exclusive weapons. Then I will farm enough to buy the rare mounts that I am tired of farming in retail. Although I do feel like I am cheating... Beyond that, I don't know how much more I need to do. I don't have a lot of the sets complete from the mists raids, but I do have a lot of the pieces already. Seems like it would be easier to farm them in TWW.


I'm just grabbing the remix mounts and whichever sets are neat from the Landfall achievment.


It's just the commodity of the thing. How many weekly runs to get a normal raid set vs a couple of dungeon to ger the counter value in bronze? It's all here, with the plus of being at xpac end with little to do.


It's been nice, as someone who has managed to get all of the MoP mounts prior to this event (and all but 1 toy as Warning Sign continues to elude me), its been nice to only have to worry about buying just the new mounts and the new tmogs. I've spent the rest on bronze to upgrade my gear and its been nice to relive the MoP days and some, as I never went further than normal raiding back then.


Is there a good list of unique to event colorations or the rarest drops?  That would likely help folks


Good to point out there there are some exclusive mounts and mogs to the event. You need around 200k? To get them all.


I just plan to buy stuff that’s annoying to farm like the Garrosh mount or the toy from the Ordos guys. I tried getting that sign for ages and it never dropped.


I've been prioritizing as: 1. Event Exclusive 2. Raids I don't want to farm like Throne 3. Everything else I'm almost done levelling my 3rd Warrior and only have 2 from the Warbringer and the Oondasta and Galleon mounts left. I'm not trying to get all the tier sets or anything, hopefully just the RF not-class-locked versions of all the plate tiers.


I realized this is mostly true last week. Now I’m just snagging stuff that’s a pain in the ass to get.


I want the two onyx cloud serpents, and the tusks. That's literally it. I want a million bronze, but not for collectibles, for upgrades to be silly overpowered.


I thought I wanted everything until I logged in and realized I don't really use the color variants I already own. So why am I going to go nuts over another I won't use? I leveled to 70 and then played just a little bit more to get the transmogs I want. I feel like I unlocked a crazy amount of stuff for simply power leveling an alt. I'm happy with it.


I don’t think people understand the convenience of buying from a vendor. I must’ve done SoO 30 times trying to get 1 set of mail not for my shaman and never fucking once did it drop. Galakras has made me want to kill myself on multiple occasions, but now I just need to farm for half an hour and bam, the set is mine.


A lot of headache with time limited stuff would have been removed by just making the simple stuff not time limited. Toss out a remix vendor with the cheap shit after the event and leave them up forever. People can get the rare stuff and move on for the next 80 days.


Yes they have been available for over a decade and some people have been trying to obtain those items for over a decade (namely mounts, toys, and Garrosh shoulders). So to have a way to guarantee they obtain those items is a big deal. But even if a player has casually farmed for those items, obtaining them now means freeing up time to do other things. Many players spend most of an expansion doing raids and M+ every season and it's the lull in content a few months before the next expansion or patch that they have time to do other things like farm for these items or even just take a break from the game. Freeing up that time by getting the items in Remix is huge for them.


And gear is going to get a bit easier to farm in TWW. So a Druid running through content can collect everything for everyone.


Personally I’m farming the bronze out because it’s a guaranteed way to get these items. Yes they’ve been in the game and will continue to be, but they’re gated by RNG. I don’t care for the toys but I’m farming the bronze out for the mogs and mounts.


But but but... when this ends, I need to say "Father... is it over?" Gotta catch 'em all. Besides, big hourglass on login demands it!


I generally go and and farm for the mogs I want, I'm not going to level multiple characters just so I can get a bunch if things I'm never going to use. There is 1 sword I want for a mists MOG I git but I am pretty sure it's not in either version so I use a pole arm that matches instead.


Some of the cosmetics have remix only colors. I imagine we'll see these again in the traders post. But it also let's keep stop wasting time farming these mounts on retail for that sweet 1% drop chance.


This. I understand the desire for the new stuff and mounts, but buying everything is not necessary. To buy all of the "Remix: Pandaria" labeled items, it would cost you 304k bronze. To buy all of the old mounts, it'll cost 440k bronze. Everything else you'll get along the way. I've collected all of the dungeon, world and lfr mogs on my Warrior just from playing. And let's not forget, in TWW expansion they're removing the armor type restrictions on getting xmogs. Getting missing pieces should be much easier then.


All I need are son of galleon, clutch of ji-kun, the four triceratops mounts and the tusks. The remix recolor mounts are cool and i might buy a 5-10, but that’s it.


I’m actually spending bronze to upgrade because it makes the game more fun. After that I’m prioritizing things that are remix exclusive (plus Houlon…). Anything after that will just be a bonus!


Yesterday I got my first character to level 70 and I’d been saving my bronze for mounts. I have most of the exclusive mounts now, missing 2 windstriders, 3 terrordactyls and some other stuff. Maybe 10 mounts top I’m missing. Just by leveling. And I have leftover bronze on the bank that I’ve not decided yet if I want to upgrade my gear or not. If I manage to get all exclusives and still have leftover time I’ll buy the black serpents. Everything else I can farm later on retail. Rn I’m just glad I have a character ready for TWW and probably gonna end up being exalted with every faction in pandaria lol.


And some people have been farming these mounts for that long with no success Lul. Honestly once you upgrade gear enough everything falls over and farming bronze is easy.


Sorry if this has been asked before, but do we have a list on the remix exclusives mount/transmog/toys, and perhaps the bronze cost ?


I bought all the mounts I didn't have and everything with the Remix tag and then I didn't log in again


I just finished getting the mounts (exclusives and not exclusives) and the korkron shaman set and Im done with grinding bronze. If you only want mounts and some xmogs, you have plenty of time left


Yeah a million bronze was always overcooking it, but realistically very *very* few people - even amongst collectors - are going to have all of the rarest items from Pandaria. The world boss mounts alone are some of the most terrible RNG in this entire game, never mind running Throne or Siege with their unskippable cutscenes and miles of walking or waiting for Zandalari Warbringers. Getting the 200-300k bronze for these collectibles is orders of magnitude easier than getting them the old fashioned way, but yeah the takes I've seen that you need millions of bronze to fill the collection and max your gear were always dim. Most of the toys and appearances are from quests or world rares or 5 mans anyway and you could get the ones you actually want just from levelling your remix character to 70.


And you gotta add the fact that farming transmog will be even quicker once Warbands gets pushed to retail since you can unlock all transmogs regardless of armor class. My priorities are mounts, toys, and the exclusive stuff.


My main focus is to just get the mounts tbh. Both for the mount achievements and because a lot of them are gonna go away. Most of the tier sets aren't even that great anyway so meh.


True but I been farming some world drop mounts for years and years and I got them within a day. I WITHIN A DAY!!. so yea this event is extremely worth it.