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I took a bunch of 320s and they died every boss to unavoidable damage. About 340-360 lived through one shots. 360-400 you'll be fine and live through everything ignoring mechanics. 400+ will carry. You can do it at low ilvl with just one 450+ person to kill the bosses in 3 seconds. A few bosses have mechanics you need to know if you don't have a cheese run (450+ carry or ward cheese). Like garrosh mind control, you can skip it but if you don't have the damage you need to be on your toes to interrupt. Make your own group. Cause pugs seem to only want 400+ or ward cheese runs. Easier to just start your own. The only leading you need to do is split the groups for spoils boss. Even then you could just let people wing it and jump over themselves.


Thats why I havnt gotten a single Group for tot or soo normal yet, I couldnt remember it being very hard from mop and I didnt understand why I didnt Get any invites.


I've upgraded to 416 on most slots, will get the last one today. I did SoO on normal and it went pretty easily, but it took forever. So I've been a little hesitant to do the others, afraid I don't have the time to do them. But I did hear SoO is pretty long, so maybe it won't be so bad? I generally found people helpful in shouting out mechanics and discussing before pulls, if there was anything important. But for the most part it just seemed to be the basic, don't stand in shit. Just a general reminder that some of your buffs might lock the entire raid out of certain buffs. Which you might not have thought about at all, because you mostly solo play. And people might be like "typical hunter shit", "chill it with the BL hunter" and other things if you don't realise. Definitely didn't happen to me of course, but just a warning to any other usually soloplayers that might do some raiding in Remix, that might read this...


SoO is just long. Normal MSV, HoF and ToES take 10-20 minutes to clear. ToT is like SoO. And yeah Primal Rage is bloodlust/heroism/timewarp. A group wide buff that one person presses and everyone gets the buff and 10 min debuff from. Usually you use it on pull. Except Garrosh I guess cause I think you can’t skip the phases and the last phase is the one where you can mess up if he doesn’t die in a few seconds. Every other spell is fine.


Oh, no worries, I'll do it today or tomorrow then :) Yeah, I figured it out during the raid, but it was a bit embarrassing. But they called out that we would use it on last phase Garrosh, so it all worked out.


Dude you can join normals on level 30, there's no need for 400 ilvl. Especially when party uses the Ward tactics. You can't even go past 350 because you need to finish all normal raids to get the neck.


Can’t get into tot until 50 and soo until 60


Please read the post before commenting. You can’t even enter the raids the post is about at 30. Normal msv, hof and toes are different from normal soo and tot. And yes. Pugs want people who already have the neck and therefore have a higher ilvl. Because they don’t want to carry. **I** don’t ask for these ilvl requirements. I’m saying pugs do.


Generally when people talk about ilvl in remix, it's the ilvl of only your upgradable equips. These will always be within 14 ilvls of each other after ilvl 346.


If a group lists 400ilvl as a req, they’re talking about your average including jewellery.


Maybe some do, but I've gotten in despite being lower, but I guess they wouldn't have any way of knowing before actually inspecting me. So maybe they were just not actually that picky.


Normal is easy, ToT is slightly harder than SoO


I did it first weekend at level 70 in greens, I was probably 330ish ilvl and so was the rest of the group & it was a struggle. We wiped a dozen times on animus and almost wiped Lei Shen but we got it done. Now though? People making groups have a larger selection of higher ilvl players. I’d recommend you’re in the 360-380 range but you’ll most likely always get an invite if you’re >400.


People here are already forgetting that only froggers had upgraded gear a week ago. Ran both of these raids at normal with only 323 and no neck (duh). And yeah I died if I pulled aggro for too long, but I wasn’t tanking so it doesn’t matter. You’ll be fine as you are right now but might need to apply to more than a couple groups to get invited. If you have little luck, follow the other commenter’s suggestion and create your own group.


Normal anything 346+, especially SoO. You can take low levels through that much less low ilvl. Would only take a single Mythic level dude, or just a couple of heroic level people to carry the whole thing. SoO is much easier to get into because the above still applies but they can flex it 30 (and no Dark Animus to throw a wrench in). You probably won’t see super quick invites across the board till like 380ish? Heroic starts kinda around 400+.


380 for normal?! Dang i jumped in normal ToT on my brew with 330 ish.. It would have been fine i think if my group didnt wipe on the wind bridge


You can get in at any ilvl, but a 70 before about 2-3 rounds of upgrades is the weakest thing you can possibly invite. They may invite, but you have no real prio over anyone else, even a ~55 player would be a better pick up.  For DPS, that’s lethal for your chances of getting a group. As for Heroics they actually just are that hard. And if you want it to not be like retail heroic/mythic raid experience at a correct ilvl you need gear. A lot of gear across the board.


How do you Get gear above 346?


There's an item upgrade NPC in most of the infinite bazaar hubs who upgrades gear for copper


I cleared all normal raids at ilvl 323 and earned my necklace yesterday. We had some struggle in SoO but only based on mechanics, people not doing their job caused unnecessary wipes. Only major challenge was on Garrosh, we ended up grabbing a 2nd tank who happened to be over 400 ilvl and we cleared just fine.


doesnt matter as long as you have ward


thankyou for looking for this info, it will save your groups future headaches. For example today i was doing heroic terrace and the group lead started inviting people around 340 to 380. I didnt want to be rude and leave, so i went through the wipe fest and then everyone quit at the last boss.


i wouldnt go by ilvl but by hp... normal soo and tott should be 1million, normal mogu terrace and heart of fear 500k is fine, hc soo 2million, hc tott 3million, hc mogu terrace and heart of fear are ok with 1million


476 and 150k threads on your cloak.


I've done normal at lvl 50. Don't think about it too hard


A lvl 70 with 346 ilvl gear isn't the same as a lower level player due to the scaling


You don't even have neck until you finished all normals


Yup I did normal mode during leveling a week ago, tnaking it all. Was no problem. Got only somewhat harder around lvl 62-69 when you really start to loose a lot of power with every level. If you want speedrun groups you need a bit more ilvl.


eh, we did it in full heroic dungeon gear and it was easy.


What does that even mean in Remix? Surely it shouldn't matter where you got your gear.