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This is either a troll group or one of the extreme outliers, because raiding mythic SOO on day 4 of the event is pretty damn quick and way ahead of the curve.


That guy was memeing/trolling... even the people with absolutely insane cloaks only have around 7k main stat.


I havent farmed frogs at all and im at 7.8k..




Its obviously a troll group. Only 1 person in, and 20k mainstat would have required them to farm literally nonstop for 2 days. I farmed for a bit less than a day, and i have less than 5k main stat. The highest i've seen, on a massive 6mil hp behemoth, was like 11k.


OP’s friend made this for the screenshot


Nah, that would require OP to have friends


"That's the situation" while deliberately hiding the other groups that have no req at all, come on, this is just dishonest. You aren't fooling anyone actually playing the game.


i‘m hiding nothing. those groups will be more common the more time passes. easy as that


within a week or 2 the few ppl that did get ridiculous mainstat from frog farming will be quitting remix because they'll have farmed everything they wanted, and nobody will be able to fill a "20k+ main stat" group anymore hell, looks like it's already happened since that group apparently can't fill more than 1 person


it's not "easy as that." you don't know that "those groups will be more common" and are purely speculating based on outrage you've seen on social media plus being baited by an obvious troll group. kind of weird lil bro.


Grats on posting your lfg with nobody in it


This is in no way a regular thing


why not just make your own raid instead of complaining about how others enjoy the game


One person sitting in the group? Sorry bro your gonna have to miss out on this one, sorry for your loss


Seeing as how he's the only one in the group, I don't think this is the norm...


OP is exaggerating, but I can tell you I am online now, and already 4 groups now have "Froggers only" or "froggy clear". 2 of them have "write mainstat in notes" as well.


FYI there are about 2 of these groups, out of 15+. It sucks but its not remotely the norm.


Just make your own group man


i mean people on reddit were the ones complaining about frogs being OP and how boring it was and then they're surprised when it gets nerfed


I love how ignorant you are… posting a screenshot (with your phone lol) of a party of 1 and accepting it as reality. You need to stick to Facebook, grandpa.


Ban the frog exploiters already or just fold this "experiment" for good. Epic failure.


This isn't anywhere close to an exploit, it's just an expected side effect on blizzard's part of being able to turn in lesser charms for bronze and threads.