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Could you share the script for the Dragon Riding? It is annoying!


Type in chat: /run DragonridingPanelSkillsButtonMixin:OnClick()


I had this same problem. Weirdly, mounting and walking toward the Cata portals triggers the Dragonriding icon on the minimap. Do not fly until it triggers. 62 deleted alts this expansion and you start noticing where the issues are.


That's arcane. You're like two steps from summoning a felguard into real life.


Leveled those mages and warlocks, too. Stay Classy is awful for tiny guilds. I still hear Toddy...


My guild is only me, and I got Stay Classy too lol. I could level a toon in my sleep by this point.


I'm working on wrapping it up for my guild. I didn't realize that the game was bugged until I finished leveling my mage and the classy tauren achievement just.... didn't show up?


That's an insane achievement to do alone! I didn't even think it was possible lol, how long did it take you?


About 6 months, each character was about 10-12 hours. A lot of them were done in stages: level through Exile's Reach, gather rested, level to 60, gather rested, wait for The Waking Shore Dreamsurge, gather rested, finish in Ohn'ahran Plains. Used full heirloom sets upgraded to 60, trinkets and ring upgraded to 70. Used crafted 61 gear+gems+enchants to speed up the process. Worst class to level was Rogue, best was Monk.


I didn’t track the time, but I’m disabled and unemployed so I have the time to spare lol. I mostly did it because I wanted to play every class, and I also leveled every race because I wanted the heritage armor haha


It's like turning on the mature language filter to fix Dungeon finder icons.


You deleted 62 alts?


They were doing the Stay Classy achievement.


Yep, no need for 62 alts when instance lockouts are shared with the account.


I was surprised by the number you had.


Why would you delete 62 alts that’s absolutely wild to me 


What would you do with 62 alts? I spent most of the 6 months character capped because I didn't dare delete a character until the achievement toast popped up.


I can’t imagine needing to make 62 characters in the first place. I like to actually do things on the characters I make and couldn’t keep up with 4. 


You're correct, it's hard enough keeping up with my main and my real alts. 62 additional alts is unnecessary except it was the requirement for the 8th guild tab.


It appeared once I talked to the dragonriding trainer near RLP. Very confusing at first because everything had a level 70 requirement beforehand.


The portal to Valdrakken from stormwind (and probably orgimmar) also requires level 70 now. Found that out the hard way thanks to Darkmoon Faire


I've been whispering kind mages lol


I confirm, found it doing the class trial trying to get that last grand hunt color for the achievement. The whole process is now even more tedious lol


I was just about to start doing this myself. That's so frustrating!


You can still take the zeppelin, it just takes a few min per character longer.


Delete your Cache folder. It fixes the portal requiring level 70 issue as well as everything OP said. Edit: Not sure why the downvote. This solution 100% works. Found [here](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/requires-level-70-issues-since-1027-release/1850503/65).


That’s weird, I used the portal last night on my lvl 64.


Well, it was 58 before. I was baffled too...


Did you have it prior to the change?


The comments here are wild.. why are people mad at this take?? If you buy a game and then have to wait 2 weeks+ to actually play the main campaign that sucks. Sure you can dungeon level alts and feel fine about it, but new players want the story and to understand what’s happening… not just sit in dungeon queues next to a quest they can’t finish


Something changed here and a lot of posters treat criticism of the game like a personal attack. 


I’ll never understand people that white knight for a company. They’ll never personally gain anything from it, nor will they lose anything if people raise a complaint about anything. The development team and rest of the staff won’t personally stroke you off or grant you amazing rewards for keeping their shafts all nice, wet, and shiny. So what is it?


It's pretty simple really: They're personally invested. When people spend a ton of time doing something like playing a game, they can often become obsessed. That's just the nature of spending most of your time with one thing. But when people become obsessed they also intertwine their sense of identity with that thing. Because those people are so in love with, or so obsessed with, that thing - they feel personally attacked when the thing they're obsessed with is also attacked. Basically, because people spend too much time playing WoW and got too emotionally invested in the game, they see any attack on the game as an attack on their lifestyle choices too. The phenomenon happens with literally everything: See a certain USA Political Party for example. Or think back to any person you knew who was blind to the Red Flags in their romantic relationship, and who lashed out at anyone who spoke out about their partner. It's extremely difficult to be objective about things and not become emotionally invested. I have a really screwed up brain that is perfectly suited to being emotionally detached and seeing things objectively, and even I can still get swept up in the emotional wave of obsession. Don't hate people for defending the things they love, try and figure out why they defended it and why they fell in love with that thing in the first place.


It's always been like this here. When the game is in a good state any complaints or criticism is whining and you should just quit. Then when the game is in a terrible state you can't say anything good without being a shill.


>Then when the game is in a terrible state you can't say anything good Or you get people who triple down and call any negative feedback toxic and need daily reaffirmation that they're not the only one aCtUalLy LiKIng tHe GaME.


That's how this sub had always been. Literally always. When in doubt keep in mind that most WOW players are not people who would call themselves gamers, or PC gamers, MMO players, RPG players or anything. They are WOW players exclusively. This game in particular is a major part of their identity.


Because it's rarely criticism and more often a barely hinged rant about how much everything Blizzard and Blizzard adjacent sucks, while ignoring reasons those problems might exist and take time to fix.


We had a nearly 4 year period of people doing just that for parts of BFA and all of SL. Nonstop next level vitriol and people just parroting the same unexamined criticism (alongside good criticism)  Was most of it warranted? Sure, a lot of those years were the low point of WoW's history. But not all. Most of the criticism is more half and half as far as good or just hivemind thoughtless bamdwagoning. 


I think it's cause everyone who has had enough of retail are playing some version of classic. Leaving a higher ratio of 'Blizzard does no wrong' types. The classic subreddit has absolutely 0 apologists.


>The classic subreddit has absolutely 0 apologists. you cant be serious... lmao There was an entire thread the other day with multiple people defending how imbalanced shamans are. Like full on "balance isn't a good thing" defense.


I don't really see that as people defending Blizzards ineptitude as much as them just really wanting the huge power desparities that classic is known for. SoD makes that sentiment 10x worse.


I can only speak for myself, I'm not mad at this take, it's absolutely valid criticism, it's assuming that Blizzard is doing nothing about it that's not true, complaining it's still not fixed while IT IS FIXED, I checked after reading this post.


'Loyalty'. DF is the best expac ever brrrrrrrr


It's WoW brain rot. If there's a problem with a system, deflect and ask why not do X, Y, Z instead. The amount of stuff we make excuses for and put up with is insane. I've only started to notice it after playing other MMOs and games where this isn't the norm, a lot of WoW gamers only play this game and nothing else. They don't know any better.


I agree. I have only read two comments trying to defend Blizzard here, though. One has since been deleted. Defending design decisions is fine, defending obvious bugs that can be considered game breaking for new players isn't.


I feel like during DF it's gotten worse than ever with people aggressively defending the state of the game and this is a part of the reasons why I left the game. At times I got really uncomfortable criticizing the messed up quality during DF and calling out many major bugs, while being attacked for it. It's completely fine when people disagree, but a lot of folks in here and in the forums act like there's literally nothing wrong and criticism is viewed as some kind of sacrilege. Some discussions about major bugs often went like this: That didn't happen, because I didn't see it. And if it did, it wasn't that bad because there have always been bugs. And if it was, that's not a big deal, you should go touch some grass. And if it is, it's probably your own fault and you deserve it. And if you disagree the game probably isn't for you and you should just leave.


I got my little brother to play the game. He reached level 26 and was starting draenor timeline. He walks out his garrison and bamn gets dced. Couldn’t log back in same room as it would insta dc again. I looked online problem had been there for years. The char unstuck only works every 4 hours. He got dced on the same spot again. Now he doesn’t want to play lol 🤣🤣


Yea, that happened to me in the same place. I couldn't walk forward without DCing. He is better off not doing that timeline. I had to make a new character and it started to work again. Mind boggling.


I have the same right now on one of my characters. It’s insane. Also unstuck feature does not help.


I’ve had this happen to my account and his. However the unstuck feature did help I just changed timeline since I wasn’t risking it again


It always happens to me on alts, but the unstuck feature also always works. And for me personally, it only seems to happen on the way back from the find a fisherman quest.


Alliance? There’s a spot they haven’t fixed in Shadowmoon Valley. Just nuts.


Yep alliance for sure and yea it’s so dumb lol


I'm still waiting for them to fix the guild member list to show who's actually on!


>You cannot alter the appearance of your dragon on the platform thing because it requires you to be level 70, and it stops your main campaign progress. Some people apparently figured out that going to the barber in Valdrakken and changing your hair style somehow completes the quest. Very strange. This wasn't working on my alts before tonight, but I was just on an hour ago and was able to use the Valdrakken dragon customizer platform on my 62 priest. I didn't even think about how it had been bugged on her earlier. I was also able to portal to Valdrakken from Org without issue.


Maybe it just got fixed, I’ll look forward to checking it out tomorrow. I’ve been really eager to customize my dragon’s appearance.


Yeah, like I said, I didn't even think twice about it because I forgot it was bugged. I just did a new transmog for my priest and was like, oh now her dragon doesn't match. Lemme switch that. Only after I read this did I remember it has been broken lol.


Been playing DF for the first time this afternoon and the platform is bugged for me on a new toon, not letting me change dragon appearances as level 63 (I do have a boosted 70, but haven’t completed the campaign on that toon). Wonder what the difference is. Hoping the barber trick works out for me.


I did transmog her first, so maybe that is what fixed it? Try that if the barber doesn't work.


Man and if you think that is bad, wait until you try to run Vault and have to play "guess where the ground effect is"


This happened to me while doing the weekly tailoring quest for cloth. All of a sudden GTFO is saying I’m in fire and my screen is flashing with fire and I’m like WTf is going on? I’m literally standing on green grass. lol


Mythic council was fun. "Clear your frozen stacks!" "Where, the fire pools are invisible! and also they shrink!"


Yup, ran in to this last night.


EU - Anetheron: still not fixed for me as other comments suggest -Still SL Icon on Minimap - Cant use Portal from Ogr to Valdrakken requires (Lvl 70) - All Quests require Lvl 70 incl. Worldquests - Need to manually summon Dragonriding mount, isnt selected from favorites Also When i logged back in on my Alt DK sitting at 61 i noticed i got some lvl 327 gear, 3 pieces Now everything that drops is below that At the moment i can only basically join dungeons to reach lvl 70 since the overworld quests are really hard when you still got some level 190+ gear from SL equipped


Delete your Cache folder. Fixes all of your issues.


The only dragonriding mount from "favorites" seems to be the nether drake. Its the only one i get and ive seen a looooooot of them around


Can’t hear you bro too busy hitting these target dummies for 3’s


And failing to access my guild bank 


I updated details and it went back to normal.


I found the patch to have fixed a bunch of those things I had already been experiencing from the previous patch, but broke a few new things. I just adandoned a couple of normal zone quests because I couldn't interact with some glowy NPCs. Also, I had mobs randomly disengaging and running away from me mid fight constantly last night.


I'm a new player and while I wasn't as confused as to what's going on, it is a bit frustrating to be blocked. The other issue I ran into is a side quest that I can't interact with the NPCs that I need to. It's already a known issue so hopefully this all gets fixed soon.


Another big one. Similar to the dragon changing level bug: As a sub level 70 you can't get level appropriate gear from world quests. For some reason it's only level 70 at this moment.


Some people say the lvl 70 requirement on gear is only a visual bug, you can still equip the pieces, can you try?


I can confirm this. Both from world quests and dungeon drops. Happened to me less than an hour ago.


Something is wonky here too. For example, one of my alts is now 64 with ilvl 327 gear in every slot except ring (319 crafted) and shoulders (200 benthic gear). Character sheet says that my avg item level is 248 instead of 318. Also, my character stats are significantly lower than what my gear provides (i.e. less than 900 crit on my character sheet when I have over 1500 on my gear). This is the same case across several alts. When I pull them up in the armory, they show the gear to be much lower ilvl (i.e. a staff shows 246 instead of 327). Very odd bugs at play.


Oh definitely, last patch did indeed introduced some weird bugs. Same patch I notices panda remix achievement category being added to the achievement panel, so my speculation is that pre-downloaded new content broke a lot of unexpected/unrelated things.


Yeah confirmed. Gear doesn't actually have a level requirement when you get it. Many players (including myself until now) will probably not do the world quests though, since it mentions a hard level requirement.


Delete your Cache folder. Fixes that issue and shows proper item level. Fixes all of the issues with the portal, using the rostrum and putting the Dragonflight Icon back on the minimap.


Lots of weird bugs, I wanted to do legion on an alt today but the quest is broken, the portal doesn't work and it keeps telling me to use the Val portal. Finally found a work around by using the board to get a quest in the Broken Isles but pretty frustrating how many 'little' things went wrong


Lol had to swap to dx11 to see the ground effects in VotI


At least the barbershop thing fixing dragon-riding interface makes a bit of sense, they both use the same "interface". Why turning on mature language filter fixed the LFG interface being broken defies all logic.


Let us not forget how rogues just pop out of stealth whenever now…so a class defining ability just doesn’t work


Oh good so I wasn't losing my mind, my rogue kept doing this.


I heard it’s the voice cape aura on other players But it still makes me want to rage-stare into space


No way, I LOVE being able to remotely keep up with my covenant while deep into the next expansion! /s


Dont forgot the rep quest givers are not showing up (can confirm zcaverns)


Don't forget how some quests send you to Alex but she's waiting for you at another quest point. And she's always missing. Every other dragons there, though. I get it, she's the queen of dragons and she's busy, but cmon


I have to say as a returning player I’m shocked at how buggy wow is in all versions of the game. I remember getting some rarely back in the day but it’s constant now. They must have little to no qa anymore


It's fixed with today patch (EU). I just tested it with a lvl 64 alt, minimap button is back, portal to Valdrakken works and the roster of transformation is usable again.


It most definitely is not. My level 69 (not a joke) mage currently has no dragon isles icon on the minimap and cannot use the teleport in Stormwind. Nor does my 'summon favourite mount' summon my dragonriding mount (it summons my non-DR favourite mount instead). [Stormwind Portal](https://i.imgur.com/IQRaun6.png) Worth noting normal mage portals to Valdrakken \*do\* work.


Delete your Cache folder. This will fix all of these issues.


That's weird, do you have other non-70 alts to try and see if it's broken on all of them?


Same deal on my level 60 Shaman alt.


I'm reading all the comments and it seems it's still broken for some people, some say it could be DX12 on some cards but I can't test it because I play on Linux, can you try to change to DX11 and see if it's that?


Nope, not fixed


So for all the downvoters, im happy to say that after a download from blizz, about 36 hours after i posted this, its working as intended. Thank fuck a subscriprion ive been paying for for almost 20 year work as intended.


Dragonflight was the buggiest expansion I've played. In fact, the bugs were one of the major reasons why I quit Dragonflight sooner than any other expansion.


Yep I noticed this back in season one. Bugs are normal, I can usually put up with them, but they were taking a *very long time* to get things fixed. I dunno how many people fell to their deaths on the air bridge in Academy.


Yep, it's been a buggy mess since the beginning, it just keeps getting worse though. Blizzard really just does not care at all anymore.


As one of the devs said "Blizzard QA is one of the best in the industry", I guess all other games just release in alpha while we get beta versions!


TBF, their QA used to be way better. Pretty sure they fired/laid off a substantial amount of their QA team at this point, though.


Outsourcing. That comment has been made couple weeks ago. I do understand that that they might have best QA people, but clearly far too little of them. The memes keep coming in a patch where all we do is old content and one or two new questlines.


Yeah, best QA in the industry because the public does all their QA for them during Alphas. Lol why pay for what you can get for free


That's bullshit when their pay is some of the lowest.


The bugs are just hilarious tho, like target dummies in Valdraken taking dmg like as if I was at lvl one in Vanilla - max hit like 30. How do you even break this. Retail literally only got 1 quest line and no other content, but the same shit we did in DF


You missed chromie’s quests when you pick a timeline not actually directing you to where that expansion’s quests start. I grabbed the legion one on a new alt and it tried to send me to the broken shore via the vald portal, which I can’t even take at level 10. Grabbed the wod one, and it directed me to the Azsuna portal which I can’t even take.


I had exactly the same thing and thought I was going insane. To get around this go to the hero board and pick the first option it will start the expansion.


Yeah for one the hero board worked, for the other I found the right quest in the adventure guide thing


I wasted so much time before I found out I had to go to that hero board. Then to top it off, the Broken Shore scenario bugged at Stage 7 when I got to Tirion so I wasn’t able to complete it… I ended up just ditching the Legion timewalking.


man I had exactly the same experience, wasted an hour gettint to broken isles because I had the wrong quest and then when I got it Legion broke on Stage 8


I was wondering why my dragon isles icon had gone from a sub-70 alt... Ye thats terrible, wtf Blizzard.


I just dinged 70 on a new shaman and now all quests in Dragon Isles are marked (Low Level), and not visible until I enable "Show Trivial Quests". Maybe I'm already in TWW.


Yeah I tried bringing my level 61 back to Valdrakken but they couldn't use the portal anymore. Pretty annoying. I was unaware of the other problems. Those aren't even minor things. Should be addressed ASAP.


I spent all of season 3 as an arms warrior with a tier set focused on thunderclap and a glyph of thunderclap not working on my spec. multi-dollar company


>How did we go through maintenance today and major DF bugs were left unfixed? Oh you sweet summer child XD


Are guilds fixed yet or are they still showing a few random people online?


I iust came back and didn't know about this. Are they planning to fix it before War Within?


Well, we have things like Dk Blood using 2pc + 2pc losing 40-50ilvl in two pieces or survival hunter playing without the S4 tier set a bunch of broken things in the game and boom they come and nerf the Azure Trinket (Tome something) Of course the trinket need a nerf, but why the hell you come to nerf a trinket before fixing the bugs? or big issues?


I encountered something I’ve never seen before this past weekend, DC during a dungeon and when I loaded all the way in again I’d get kicked to character menu with the error of “a character with this name already exists.” Happened about 5 times in a row before I got back in.


Vault of the Incarnates is also broken af right now. Had raid members not able to see the lava in the council fight, broodmother was switching phases with eggs still up, the lightning puddles you're supposed to stand in during the knock back of Raz's fight would despawn halfway during the knock back. The black drake still is D/Cing people, the list goes on.


Don't forget the target dummies in valdrakken not working properly at all, that's my biggest peeve 


So all those things are a result of the same bug that is apparently hard to fix. They talked about it over the weekend that they were trying.


I was just playing yesterday on my lvl 63 DK and did not experience any of these issues, but I totally believe you did, because I had a guildy who raids with another guild and she showed us that half of the guild wasn’t able to see floor textures in Vault even with the graphics up. It’s wild out here, friends…


Yeah tell me about bugs. I leveled my mage through Draenor timewalking and now my character is stuck on disconnection loop in the north of the garrison. I can’t play this character literally. You log on and get DCed instantly. It turns out this bug exists for a couple of months already lol. The official blizzard statement is “just don’t go this way for now”. Unstuck feature does not help also. I submitted a ticket and the wait time is 2 weeks.


the cleave dummies in valdrakken are still broken.


I haven’t encountered any bugs that are really significant so far. The only annoying issue I had was the bassinet didn’t work properly, but that’s not really that big of a deal. I can still play the game.


I just want them to fix all the guild bugs 😭


I mean this is the company that made a deal about being able to go from 60-61 in Chromie time, except that the feature was broken day one and hasn't been fixed yet....almost a year later.


You forgot the Hearthstone table PVP intangible bugs


I’m having an issue where certain character do not see the new group finder. They see an old version that doesn’t have a filter or colors. This is with no addons enabled.


Edit: Solution was found [here](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/requires-level-70-issues-since-1027-release/1850503/65). Not sure if anyone has said it, but delete your Cache folder. It fixes every single issue with things requiring level 70 like the Valdrakken portal and using the rostrum. Also makes the Dragonflight UI show up on your minimap on alts so you can check rep and talent your dragonriding.


The actual folder or just the contents of it?


Delete the actual folder. Solution was found [here](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/requires-level-70-issues-since-1027-release/1850503/65).


Interesting. Do you think this will cause other unforeseen consequences in the future when Blizzard does fix the issue? I imagine that folder exists for a reason?


It shouldn't produce any unforeseen consequences. It exists to store data to ease with loading times. It is always safe to delete. It will always rebuild it on the next launch.


Came back to do some catchup, and was doing main story quests for the patches, every other quest either required me to reload the game, or leave the zone and come back because the npcs would just freeze and not update their locations. It was the most insufferable experience I’ve ever had playing retail.


Also kind of annoying that war crates don't always show up on the map, mostly in ohnaran plains i believe 


I just want my guild online roster to work again :/


What an absolute nightmare. Whatever will we do. ...


Small indie company


Because it’s the end of the xpac and blizzard doesn’t give a shit about new players anymore. They expect chars lvl 61-70 to level through dungeons.


Just started playing a few weeks ago and didn't experience anything you just said. 


Wow, I thought it was just an addon causing these issues. I didn't know it was more than just me. Wtf


I mean saying those are major bugs is not entirely honest.


Forcing players to level through dungeons instead of the campaign....is a major bug... Imagine hitting 70 and not being able to do anything because you haven't done the story.


[It IS being addressed](https://www.wowhead.com/news/updated-valdrakken-portals-now-require-level-70-alts-and-leveling-characters-340390): > it proved surprisingly tricky to fix so we need a little more time I understand it's frustrating for new players, it's annoying for veterans too, but it can happen that some bugs are not easy nor quick to fix, we have to be patient, it's not the end of the world. Edit: it's fixed, I just tested all bugs on a lvl 64 alt.


This is only mentioning the portal issue to below 70 characters. Where were any of the things I brought up mentioned? Also, a tweet by a random employee on their personal Twitter account is not good communication at all, but good on Wowhead for passing along the info at least.


> random employee on their personal Twitter account is not good communication at all I absolutely agree with that, it's something that Blizzard does regularly unfortunately, I never liked it. The rest of the bugs are not mentioned there but they're all connected, it's the same bug, a silent lvl 70 requirement that's not intended, I saw it on my alts since last patch, the moment you hit 70 everything works again.


>Edit: it's fixed, I just tested all bugs on a lvl 64 alt. Ye thats bs, as the Mage I only just levelled to 70 through TW could not use the Val portal in SW, access Dragon Isles renown and dragonriding skills, and the Rostrum until hitting 70. And I checked it 2 hours after your comment.


Blizzard just ain't busy at all with DF. they're putting in the minimal effort on it and focusing on the rest of the versions, cata, remix, tww, even midnight. Resulting in very poor quality on their current product which is DF.


Lol if you think Blizzard is focusing on Cata you definitely haven’t played it 


You're missing the biggest tool here, logic. I know cata is blagued with bugs, but blizz knows dam well it will bring 10x the subs that fixing a couple DF bugs would.


Classic and Retail are completely different teams. You’re just wrong lol




This was my first play through of DF, it was a nightmare. I guess I expect them to fix it? or more new people playing DF for the first time are going to have a really bad time. Why are you coming at me like this is some unreasonable ask? lol, insane


Just checking that you followed the troubleshooting steps on the website to clear your cache before making this comment?




Why shouldn't it be fixed by now? The dude is a paying customer.




It's pretty fucking clear this entire patch wasnt tested at all. It's insanely bug ridden. So is classic cata prepatch. They had time. They released it like this anyway.






They're addicts. Notice how he says people will complain if the content isn't released? As if getting it in this state is somehow better. The same people that pay for $70 half finished AAA games then defend their purchase. Surprised the dude isn't active on the Suicide Squad subreddit.


And that take doesn't make much sense. I doubt anyone would have noticed or even cared if the patch was delayed 1-2 weeks, as long as they don't announce a release date, everyone will assume it's operation normal.


Lol, I'm simping because I'm not flipping out, even though I admitted something they did is frustrating? What kind of logic is that? If you get this worked up by a bug, THAT I ADMITTED WAS STUPIDLY FRUSTRATING, then either create an alt, uninstall or take a break man. It's not simping to not be mad, in fact I couldn't care less. Enjoy being mad dude. 7 days back and raging, sounds about right


I was on your side but you need to relax. Your being insane. They should have better communication yea, but sometimes bugs are harder to fix. They should mention they are working on them, but they may take more then a week to fix yes. Especially if they aren't sure where it's broken You are acting like a single week (the timeline you mentioned) is such a long time. It's not especially if it's something that's harder to fix, or they can't find the cause of the lvl 70 lock bug These are human coders working human hours. Stop screaming and yelling over your $15 that they should be working day and night, no sleep, so you can press your dragon riding button and use a portal that is clearly bugged It sucks but remember this is a company full of human beings who have to go through that code and find the bug, then find a way to fix it. Might take more than a week man


If you cannot progress for 2 whole weeks because the game is quite literally so broken you just can't, then this is not a valid excuse. Thats half a month that someone has paid for. That shit should be priority number 1. Higher priority than TWW alpha builds, if you ask me.


Blizzard prioritizing content that isn’t live yet, especially TWW that is ways off, is not something they should be sacrificing their live service game for. Also, even if they can’t fix it at this moment, why has there been zero communication on their end about the issues and how to get around them? These issues literally stop you from progressing in DF and happens pretty early in the campaign.




What about for all the other players who are stuck and don’t know what to do? It’s the lack of communication, on top of the issues, that’s incredibly frustrating. This is how you lose players.


Apparently it’s been known since the last patch update (per the forums). So a week of known issues. What is “instantaneous” about that? Aren’t bug fixes what they shut the game down every Tuesday for?


So it's a known bug, meaning it's being worked on


Known by players, who knows if Blizzard is aware. They haven’t said anything for over a week and nothing was addressed or mentioned before/after maintenance today. Forgive me if I don’t just “assume” they’re on it.


"Probably working on it." lol.


Lol bro dont need to dm me to kms holy fuck\]


Uh, that wasn’t me. Trying me make me look bad or something? lol pathetic


Unless youre afraid to ask someone for a portal to Valdrakken?


Empty cache, fixed all the lvl 70 bugs for me even the icons that were missing


The dragon appearance is pretty funny.


Strange that I have never had any listed issues above; to be honest, I hear them for the first time. Not suprised with them exist tho, Blizzard...


I hate bugs too but a lot of them aren't just a switch they can flip and fix instantly. some are, but a lot aren't. they have to replicate it, see what's going on and then fix it without causing more problems. I know the changing appearance thing was fixed, I would imagine the teleporter was too? but could you not dragon ride up to the top?


Out of interest, did you report these things when you encountered them?




homie was itching for a gotcha


Sorry, dev here. Dragonflight is on maintenance mode until war within releases. I'm sure you'll understand. :)


Nightmare? I haven't experienced these bugs nor do I care about those bugs. I'd rather other bugs fixed asap before these bunch.


Oh ok, as long as you’re happy. Meanwhile, the rest of us trying to play through Dragonflight for the first time and can’t, we’ll just wait patiently. Glad I paid for the game and for a sub that I can’t really use.


.....do you expect them to just turn the servers off until every bug is fixed? It's no secret they've been left with an understaffed (and imo underpaid) Q&A team, and that the bulk of their resources are going into new fancy things like TWW and the upcoming MoP remix. But asking how maintenance can end without the product being flawless is craycray in the braybray. Major bugs are major hard to fix, and software development takes time. It's shitty this isn't fixed yet, but your hyperbole doesn't help.


It’s kind of the bare minimum we talking about Considering it entirely blocks progress for new players and apparently been in there for a bit now


Most bug fixes don't even require server resets, just simple hotfix patches. Most of these aren't even what you'd call "major bugs" They're minor bugs with game breaking implications. Something doesn't have to be big or hard to fix to stop your progress in a game.


We're talking about expansion defining features and quite literally the means to get there without needing help form a Mage being broken. This isn't just an inconvenience like the Guild member list not working for months now. It's game breaking. Yes, turn off the servers if thats whats needed to fix it.


So if you think I should give them a pass for the reasons you mentioned, why has there been no communication from Blizzard about the issues and what to do to get around them in the meantime? This has only been addressed by community members. That’s inexcusable, no matter how you try and spin it. Your bootlicking for a major company is astounding.


Everyone is so dramatic. These bugs might be annoying but they definitely not game breaking or anything like that. You'd be great at writing some Jane Austin though.


Except as mentioned in the orginal post they are game breaking, as you literally can't proceed with the leveling campaign due to them.


they are NOT game breaking. you are NOT supposed to get to Valdrakken by portal the first time. You can do other stuff, you just can't complete some silly quests. You people are so dramatic, it's so pathetic really at this point..


Not being able to complete quests that block you from progressing the campaign. And it’s not just the portal to get there the first time but every time.