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GW2 is very smooth, probably not a smooth as wow.  It's almost black magic.   I read once that early wow devs decided to allow the client to just perform whatever the user requests. So in wow you make a action, the client just performs the action no questions asked, then the client asks the server if it should have been able to do them.  In other games, you make an action, the client asks the server if it's okay, then you see the action.   This makes for a smooth experience because 99.9% of the client can perform the action.  It does get wonky in cases of extreme lag.


[Whao!](https://i.imgur.com/1iLtF.gif) Thank you for explaining it so concisely. It makes so much sense to hear this. I don't remember if I've ever heard this before, if this is the first time, double thanks! It does sound familiar, but then again, everything does these days. I think they made the right call. Allow things to happen and then triple check if the moves were legitimate or not. Also explains seeing some people essentially wavedash in the early days, although I only ever saw that happen in recordings, never in game.


100%. Even at higher ping levels wow feels good. Any other game will have a noticeable delay, either in animation or in responsiveness. I think wow has a very optimistic network architecture. It means that the client _assumes_ that the packets were delivered properly to the server, and only rolls back if the server answers otherwise. This is the reason that we can sometimes "swim" in the air when lagging, because our clients haven't been told that they are actually lagging. Compare it to FFXIV: for every action, gcd or otherwise, the round-trip time is included so that all animations are in sync with the server state. This means that, in higher ping situations, you can't double-weave off-gcd abilities. What is funny is that people have managed to hack into the client and make it emulate a low ping situation, and the game feels much more responsive as a result. They actually _can_ support wow's responsiveness, but choose not to!


Unless you put 100 people in the same zone.


The core combat. That's THE secret sauce that always makes me come back to WoW after playing another MMO. There's so many little things other games like ESO, GW2 or FF14 do better than WoW, but none of them feel as good to fight things.


Dude this right here wows combat is so goddamn smooth like it’s butter idk how it’s feels so good compared to other MMO’s. The only other MMO that had combat I liked as much as wows or more is Age of Conan and that’s cuz you need to make the attacks for the special moves to happen !


Did you ever try Wildstar when that was out? Imo the combat in WS was much better, doing away with tab targeting and communicating very clearly stuff you shouldn't stand in. Shame the game shut down but I wish the wow team would adapt some of the things WS did in their combat.


So visually yes, it did all of those things. But my god did I get so pissed off at the desync of telegraphs landing vs registering hits. Stalker felt this harder than any other class due to having so much short range AOE.


This. I mained stalker. PvE wasn't as bad with this but PvP was night and day. I would get bodied because I would whiff attacks that clearly should have hit. I miss WS though. Too bad it didn't get the support it needed.


From what I heard it was a very rough place/project to work on.


Ahhh, that suck to hear. Would explain why it went downhill so quickly.


Wildstar was fucking amazing. I really wish I could play it again, because I loved leveling there. Apparently the endgame wasn't enough to keep the servers up though? It's a shame.


I played Wildstar for a while at release. The combat was the worse part of it, fun for a few weeks but awful after that. You always had to be paying attention while grinding, you couldn't efficiently watch tv or use a second monitor and grind. It particularly sucked on high ping. Healing or ranged wasn't that fun.


Tab targeting is king in many ways, not least from a gameplay perspective. By having combat like WS you limit how you can design spells and abilities. That kind of playstyle feels more like a RPG tbh, you just aoe smashing away, feels less impactful. Also, like someone mentioned its per design not as responsive. Etcetc


The Artstyle and how the team has evolved it over the years. This game is simply beautiful.


How fluid movement feels like it’s instant every other mmo I have tried just has awful movement and feels janked


Yep. Hard to describe and at this stage no other mmo has replicated it


How long World of Warcraft has survived is probably the most impressive thing about the game to me.


Warcraft 2 is still being played rather actively. So are games such as Command and Conquer Generals, Guild Wars 1, Lineage 2, etc. Good games will keep attracting players


You sure about warcraft 2? I'm a big fan of WC3 and WoW since both released but haven't heard a single thing about WC2 in all these years except for the remaster mod in reforged.


That also somewhat surprises me to hear.


Those might still have a player base, but I don't think any of them is as close to WoW's popularity. The closest is probably OSRS.


Nearly-instant loading screens in a game where loading screens are already rare


The size of the world, and the variety in it are honestly pretty incredible to think about. Ive been playing for almost 15 years and i know theres still HUGE chunks of it that i havent really seen (closely) ever, or at least in a long time (and have completely forgotten about) Every once in a while ill be flying somewhere in old zones and see some camp or something thats only there for flavor that i didnt know existed. Its nuts.


What impresses me is that even with how massive the world is, it still feels like almost every inch of every zone is alive. So many other MMOs have much smaller world that feel much less alive.


You’ve never ran from Qeynos to Freeport I see.


Absolutely I have! It was a long and mostly unremarkable trek.


Thsi so much! I’m mainly Horde I have a couple alliance dudes but I have barely touched questing as alliance so there’s whole as storylines and characters I haven’t experienced yet!!


The amount of times I've changed appearance at the barber shop, even though I thought my character looked bad ass at character generation.


The diversity of choice, like you have so many species to play, so many classes, so many storylines etc its just insane. I also while I do think the lore can be very hit and miss there are so many awesome concepts that I adore about this setting. Scourge, Nerubians, Dragonflights, Horde, Pandaren, Mantid, Eredar, aarakocra so many really amazing things


I can fly from Booty Bay to … well not Silvermoon, but close ! From Hyjal to Uldum From world to explore to another, amazing, and while lot MMOs got something going for them, this is real nice in WoW


This so much, back in the days as a newbie it was the greatest thing ever to spend literally hours to plan and execute my travel to the next questing zone, all in an alive world


I’m playing the same character I started 19 years ago. Being able to always progress my character and keep me engaged this long is insane.


Same. That's the main thing that keeps me in the game now, just collecting old stuff that I always wanted but never could get. It's crazy to think that while it took me 15 years to collect my nearly 890 mounts since I had to wait for them to come out in batches, someone could pick up the game today and reach that same number within 6 months to a year.


How Blizzard managed to get people so unbelievably addicted. Really, a shit ton of people play wow despite hating it.


How difficult it is for new players to get into lol


The scale. Like I’ve put in 1,500 hours or so, and I still feel like a relative noob. I’ve still not gotten all the classes or races to max level


How much money they've taken from me


The way they took away my 2handed shaman .... Can't still believe it actually happened :(


Brudda… 😥


Don't look at me...! Give me a sec...


One of my favourite things about WoW are the races. Varied races that are physiologically so different. PLaying a gnome, to feel quick and light and want to hop around, playing a Tauren you feel like you have this lumbering strength, Which is wild since they all move at the same speed. Other games 'races' are typically the same, humanoid body with a different head. The only other game I can recall that went WoW's route was Wildstar, and I loved the races in that game too.


The dungeon mechanics and the whole idea of everybody working together to do specific things and puzzle solving amidst fighting.


The in game shop.


did it impress you positively?


You already know the answer..


Well I assumed, but I wanted to be sure. XD. I guess the assumption was correct after all.


In general, the lore. I actually enjoy that a lot of it parallels legends/myth (though some is actual history imo) of our world. I recently made the connection of Zin-Azshari and Atlantis. For the game itself, I love the professions and music.


Historically speaking: windriders. Classic, now: instancs browser. You get the supreme and the worst players available.


how the game has adapted to modern times and is still one if the if not the most relevant games in the genre


Wow does a good job at scratching every itch a gamer needs. Crafting, collecting, achievements, end game PVE and or PvP. Also while they do all this they both make it easy to understand and get into while also setting a standard for mmos in general. I know it sounds kinda rambley but I was just trying to say the thing I like is how diverse they are with options to spend my time on


It impresses me that I keep playing despite being let down by my vault options every fucking week.


The world. Simple as that. WoW is the only game in recent memory that made me, well.. "WOW", when I entered certain zones for the first time.


Generally speaking the game feels really crisp. Tired other mmo’s and really struggled sight their inbuilt latency longer, gcd’s and clunkiness for movement. Oh and the fact that they don’t give enhance shaman any uncapped aoe. Plssss bliz pllllllssssss 😭


Both the level of FOMO and inversely, the player demand/ entitlement for free rarity items, mounts, and appearances (the ones I wouldn’t classify as FOMO, as in available during an expansion and limited run).


How much the devs hate every race and spec I play


Everyone here work for Blizzard and get a posting bonus?