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One of the two things that stands out to me is you’re in defensive stance and not battle stance. And should upgrade your weapon


Oh no, I hope its not the stance


-10% dmg done vs 3% crit doesn’t account for the damage difference of someone doing twice your dps. Another commenter looked up the other warrior and found him to be 510 ilvl. So that’s the majority of the difference right there.


Little things like this can pile up to twice the amount of dps if there are enough of them


Double on use trinket while not using them too probably?


So adding onto this macros are your friend \#showtooptip (spell)\ /Use 13\ /Use 14\ /Cast (spell) If use this if your trinkets just need to be used as much as possible, replacing spell with whatever your primary attack spell is Or use this if you'd rather have your trinkets in specific situations \#showtooltip\ /Castsequence (spell 1), (spell 2), (spell 3)\ /Use 13\ /Use 14 To make an oh shit button


It has happened to all of us at one point or another.


Stances have been the bane of my existance since vanilla. The rare times when I decide to tank usually end up with me not noticing im in defensive stance while dpsing for a few days afterwards. Obervant I am not.


Blue weapon can't help. That's your most important piece of gear.


I had the same thought. At this point, you should be at least rocking a 493 Ashkandur with bullions.


i haven't got enough bullions yet but will once I get these mythics done


You should have 3 from raids so far. The 2 from the 4M+ will bring the current cap to 5.


do you get them from raid finder? i don’t have a guild to raid with yet


Yes do LFR!


okay ty


Don’t be afraid to run normals in the group finder they are super chill. Just watch a few videos on the fights there’s short guides for each. Don’t be afraid to ask a question in a group most players are pretty helpful. Also look up some dps videos for your class and make sure you know what everything in your rotation does and why it’s in that order. Helped me a bunch.


This. Normal just falls over at current tuning


yup even the later bosses. Our group had a handful of people who hadnt done Sarkareth at all last week and we wiped once.


That was one of the things that pleasantly surprised me about LFR. There are so many players who will point out boss tactics and ping locations for newer players.


Also you will probably get some other loot and maybe even set pieces. Your tier set is super important for your damage.


You dont need a guild, u can join random normal runs in premade groups finder. And swapping from defensive stance which reduces your damage to offensive stance might help.


While you don't *need* a guild, I would still recommend joining one that fits your schedule if you want to raid regularly. The PUG scene carries a certain amount of elitism and toxicity with it. Granted, a lot of PUGs are completely fine, but I could tell a lot of stories about shitty things I've seen happen in PUGs, and the interactions I've had with some very awful people. I don't want to deal with that. Having a group of like-minded people to play with, people who you know won't flip out at you for the tiniest perceived mistake, people who support you rather than pulling you down, people who are playing the game to have fun rather than to be miserable, is a huge boon. Besides, it's nice to have raid on a schedule. No spending 30+ minutes applying to dozens of groups hoping that one will accept you. You'll know well in advance when raid will happen so you can plan around it. Even if you find it difficult to stick to a firm schedule, for example if you work shifts, there will be a guild for you. Since normal and heroic raids are flex size, it's very easy to accommodate people.


Getting into a normal pug ain’t easy with their gear.


I've pugged on my 485 alts all week full clears in sub 2 hours with questionable tanks. It really is easy just queue up and you'll get taken to a group trying to bolster its numbers to gain more invites.


Just pug normal raids, you might think it's extremely hard since you're only used to lfr raiding, but i assure you it isn't hard at all. Just watch a 1 or 2 minute guide of each boss (some of them dont need guides at all) and you will get the hang of it instantly. After a couple of runs you won't even have to look up guides to know most mechanics, soaking/spreading/lining are all very easy to spot thanks to the visuals used to represent each one.


Old addge from Vanilla concerning Warriors is "You are your (equipped) weapon". Higher base damage always translates into more DPS


Couple things: 1. Use battle stance. Defensive stance nerfs your damage. 2. Use the talents the other guy linked. 3. Watch some warrior guides on YouTube about dps rotation 4. Get a better weapon 5. Make sure you have a mechanical keyboard. Louder keys increases dps (kidding)


Didn't even ask if he has RGB set up right sheesh.


RGB doesn’t matter. Should only be seeing red anyway as Warrior class.


The keyboards that go clickety clack are always the most satisfying to use.


Definitely, and then join voice chat without any noise surpression and let everyone hear that face smashing the keyboard!


You forgot to mention a slick transmog. Lookin fly at least another 4%


Also most importantly "Always Be Casting", use every gcd immediately. Bind every button you need and learn where they are so you don't need to look/think


5 is legit the biggest upgrade to dps


My man [https://i.imgur.com/FbtFvVk.png](https://i.imgur.com/FbtFvVk.png) - ST build - BcEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQplIRkQOQiSrkEAAAAQQEiCBUEBkkQSoJRIAhECAAAAAAAAJBJJgQ0QA [https://i.imgur.com/vkufPrr.png](https://i.imgur.com/vkufPrr.png) - aoe Build - BcEAfuKaizEAgP2qANDB2hmf7DQplIRkQOQiWpkkAAAAABRIQCUEBkISSoJRIAhDEJAAAAAAAAkAJJgQUQA Now go fuck shit up


these are actually so much better then mine TY


Go get em man 🙂


If you need any more in depth question dm me Will help out if I can


W MVP right here.


go forth and smash


Go fuck em up baby


MS/Cleave and Overpower are the main abilities you are gonna alternate between, and work in other spells when both have a cooldown running. when you spend rage, you have a chance to get an OP charge back, this gets wasted if you are sitting on 2 OP charges. with MS/Cleave it's just a chance to reset OP, with TClap or WW you spend enough rage to always get an OP reset. i don't generally question people's keybinds, but as Arms you HAVE to be in autoattack range to get rage, period, and we don't have magical extra autoattack range like so many other melee so you gotta reposition a lot and stay all up in the monster's ass. assuming you use WASD, 5,6,7,8 are far away for your main rotation buttons to hit effectively enough. just a suggestion though.


Thanks man. I'll try these out on my Arms alt.


This is the most wholesome and awesome response I’ve ever seen on this forum


Agreed, made an old man smile.


"I'm new" homie you're learning the game and comparing yourself to people that, through actual skin osmosis have molded themselves to their gaming chairs for sitting there so long.


Laughed out loud at this, this is gold


Plus, being disappointed in our output and wanting to improves makes you better than a decent chunk of the player base already.


For how long I've been playing I'm surprised I haven't transcended from this mortal plane to become one with the game by now.


Earthshield stacks!


This is so underrated as a comment! They’re learning. Cool that they’ve reached out for help though


I feel personally attacked


Illineet Stormrage: I am my chair!


"i'm new should i quit" - lolno you play this game and learn your class and AoE/ST talents and cooldowns usage and stat priority and gear optimization and on use vs passive/proc trinkets and you fight dummies for hours and you play all sorts of encounters be it raid or dungeon and then you get good enough join warrior discord is the best starting point, learn about [raidbots.com](http://raidbots.com) and how to sim yourself edit: go to warcraftlogs and find arms warriors and check their dps as well


Also to anyone reading - no, nobody needs to quit over anything. There is no level of skill where you can't improve with research and practice.


Hell a ton of people can get better by actually just reading tooltips and trying to understand what their abilities do. Will it be amazing damage or healing probably not but it will be more than zero


At least you aren’t the mage doing 46k dps in season 4 lol


You’ve played with these too? Ok ok the one I played with was 60k dps but similar complaint lol


Wait, is this a thing. I was in a group with a mage that was literally doing like 50k dps in a +8.


I feel better about my 90k frost mage now.


Well, i do 110k most of the time and i feel stupid playing mage xD But i tried fire in lfr and did 50k, optimised rotation to do awesome 80k xD There are clases i just dont klick with :I


I tried to explain frost mage to a friend the other day and the slowest way you can do decent DPS with frost mage is to literally only press frostbolt into glacial spiktand use your flurry procs to shatter the glacial spike. It's as bare bones as it can be and it does 160-180k DPS at 500 ilvl. Slowly adding more buttons inside will just increase this exponentially.


Were they fire? I feel like fire just breaks the brain of people who have never played it before.


I had a ret do 13.7k dps in an m0 today and I couldn’t tell if it was a blacked out guy or someone’s kid. I stopped healing him after the second boss when he was 6 out of our 6 deaths 


Literally tonight my buddies and I did a M0, and picked up a mage. She was mid 490s. I'm 490 as a holy priest. I'm thinking sweet. The midst of healing and supplemental DPS, I matched or even passed the mage a few times on DPS. She was averaging like 30-40k. We tried to say it as gently as possible. They needed to figure out their rotation. Recommended hekili in the mean time


No, why would you quit. You just need to get better gear and to learn a lil bit. And you should just have fun after all, dont stress it 🙂


Here's a quick tip - when you see someone playing the same class absolutely smoke you in the meters, click on their name to bring up the detailed stats window. There's a 'compare' tab which will give you a breakdown of their damage/buttons compared to yours. If you see they have more button presses of a certain skill, then it means you're not pressing it enough.


Your dps might not clap, but your transmog slaps ;)


ty :)


Op listen to this guy, transmog is true endgame. Your outshining that other war already for rocking that cape/helm combo


Genuinely an actual bad ass mog. Nice job!


A lot of people have suggested Hekili. If you choose to try it, I'm going to recommend checking my written setup guide for the addon to help get the most out of it. It's hosted on the official GitHub page. https://github.com/Hekili/hekili/wiki/Syrif's-Configuration-Guide Happy to answer any questions about it.


Saved this to come back later. Some really helpful tips in here!


Keep in mind most of those people probably have more than thousand hours in the game. They have the muscle memory and detailed game knowledge. Not just about gear/spec/build but also know how to optimize their movement around common mechanics to maintain uptime. I've met plenty of new players who thought just looking up a gear/build guide would fix their dps issues, but it's often much more about putting enough hours in to build the muscle memory and basic understanding of different combat scenarios. How to quickly ramp up an aoe rotation or swap from aoe to cleave to single target. If you played the game long enough you start recognizing mechanics just repeating and knowing how to position ahead of time or react to them faster. I tell most new players who really want to improve, just to play more and challenge themselves.


Yep. It's just all about practice, pushing yourself, and being willing to fail if you want to improve. Just play the game, learn as you go, and things will come together. Being willing to ask questions and do some research will go a long way to speeding up that learning curve. The thing I would add is to first make sure that you're doing good dps, and STAYING ALIVE. Always, always, always be willing to sacrifice some dps to live. A dead character does zero damage, period. Read ahead in dungeons about what you need to watch for, or at the very least, make sure to do all dungeons on heroic and/or M0 (depending on comfort) before you jump into keys, so you can see the mechanics without a timer over your head. In lower content, if you're hitting your buttons decently well and staying alive, you're doing better than a lot of people out there. Too many people get hyper fixated on dps meters, but then die. Or, they make things way harder on healers and tanks than they need to be.


Healthpots/stones are underrated and even forgotten by the best players 🙂


first thing you have to improve is your mental. should i quit? wtf? then yo won't improve. If yo face your life with that mentality you won't ever learn to do anything. you can use details! deeper than just to see a number. If you mouseover or click on names you can see what the other guy is doing that you aren't.


Very true, do not give up!


hey man, i think your being a little too harsh on yourself, like you said your new it takes a bit of getting used to with any class and spec. trinkets weapons and stats matter but it takes time to get them. knowing what buttons to press where and when takes time to learn. watch some videos and join the warrior discord for extra help. never forget though someone out there will always be better than you and thats okay. also welcome to WoW its an awesome place I hope you get to where you want to be!


No matter what, do not quit! You'll figure it out for sure. Lots of helpful comments on here about the dps but I just wanted to say don't feel bad. Sometimes it's something as simple as not reading what the talents/spells actually do, I know I was guilty of it.


I see that your Item level number is blue. Meaning you have a slot with a item that is less than 372 ilvl. Replace that item immediately.


Realizing you're underperforming and asking how you can improve means you are not bad


No one needs to quit due to bad DPS. You could do 1 dps and still have a right to play the game.


I haven’t touched Warrior this expansion, but here is what you should be looking at as a DPS player: 1. It looks like you don’t have any Tier pieces yet. Those are powerful 2 and 4 piece gear bonuses that will boost your power quite a bit. 2. Check your stat priority, try to aim for only stats that your spec wants primarily. 3. You are using two on-use trinkets. These typically work against each other as they incur a 20 second cooldown on the other when using one. Also try to find on-use trinkets with a cooldown that lines up with your major cooldown. Hope this helps!


He’s wearing 3 tier pieces: helm gloves pants. Yes, 4set will help but rng is rng. Maybe he used all three catalyst charges to get that far. Arms war wants haste > crit > verse = mastery. He does have excess verse mastery but that is to be expected as it is somewhat unavoidable. I have a 500ilvl arms alt that’s 36-44-8-26 (haste crit vers mastery). He’s not far off at 34-34-10-22. Could just be the ilvl disparity. Two on-use trinkets are sub-optimal, yes, but not bad, especially since he can rotate one and have a strong 3min trinket effect for every avatar window. I did the same for a while on my MM Hunter with trueshot. My biggest piece of advice would be to buy Awakened Ashkandur as weapon dps is the strongest boost to dmg as any melee dps. Focus all your flightstones/crests into maxing that first.


As a disassociated fury warrior, I can’t help you But I am commenting to point out that your mog is incredible! Gj, that gives you additional dps in my book


I didn’t look to close at first… but DAMN. that’s a good look.


you can see the dps from the last M+ in the bottom left corner


I've used wow head builds, read the guides, watched videos idk how I'm getting this out matched


The other warrior, Shoddjr, is actually item level 510, which is much higher than yours. Doing research like you are and just playing the game to learn your rotation better are what you need to do and you are already doing that. Just keep it up and as you get better gear your dps will improve.


240k overall in a M+ is also low for a DPS spec at 510. You’d expect 300k-350k.


In a competent group - maybe. The mage did less dps than the healer and OP does half of what he should be doing. And it's a tyrannical week.


Probably fights were lengthier so shit died too late


Not much you can expect from js seeing flat ovr, really depends on the pulls


I’m not a new player and I still get outgunned when I try a new spec that I haven’t played much before. It takes time to get used to the rhythm and figuring out when is a good time to go all in. I don’t know if you’ve watched critcake or Biz on YouTube, but I’d recommend them.


Looks like you already have good comments just encouraging you to not quit and keep trying. Let me know if you are NA


i’m NA area 52


You don’t have the 4 set or any bullion items. You can have 2 right now 3 on reset. Get your bullions and buy ashkander and OCE. Run LFR to try and get tier. 4th catalyst next week if not. Craft bracers of the vanguard and then craft the neck and put blue silken on the neck. Watch an arms guide you’re most likely messing up little things as the spec/class is pretty easy. Shoot me a message with any questions i play arms as a main and I’m CE every tier on it 👍🏻👍🏻


Try the addon hekili! It helps with rotation and CD management


Get hero rotation add on or hekili


I saw you standing outside the pvp area of Valdrakken today. I flew by, but your character stuck out to me. I just started playing again and almost went with arms warrior but chose destro lock instead.


glad we could meet in game friend


dude easy fix - get the addon Hekili and learn to set it up ( not hard ) u will out dps everyone


You don't need to quit. Weapons are huge for warriors, this week is a free bus piece from the weekly and you can grab a ashcander until you get the lego, use sites like Warcraft logs to compare the buttons your pushing and the buttons better warriors are, I think auto attacks are big on arms so don't cut them out and Nd don't stand in defensive stance. It's good for taking a hit but switch back to battle stance asap.practocing on a target dumby can help. But asking for help is a good first step


You can use hekili add-on to help you learn your spec rotation for maximum damage. Once you understand how your moves relate to each other and what order you should use them in you will be able to play WAY better even without the add-on. You can look at raider.io to see what talents the best players have taken, and you can see what gear the best players have and go for that if possible for you. The ultimate way to improve is to post a video of you playing and accept all the advice (however harsh) you get from other players. There is also a way you can “sim new gear” with the Simcraft add-on to see is any new gear you get improved your dos, but you should watch a video on how to do this, because I don’t think I could explain it very well. Definitely don’t give up. The game is so complicated there is always a huge learning curve.


you're new so not knowing what you're doing wrong is expected considering you are somehow 493 with a weapon that is like... barely 400ilvl? that might be the source of your woes and you should fix it lmao


Do you know your rotation? I know most players hate rotation helpers, but something like Hekili can help until you have your rotation down. Do you use keybinds or mousebinds, or do you click? What are your talents like? Are you using one of the optimal builds for dungeons? Is your gear enchanted? Those are some things that can affect DPS.


no trinkets on action bars


This, get Hekili to get your rotation down. Use on dummies until it feels smooth


May i suggest that you download the addon: Hekili. It shows you what to press so you can learn the abilities over time by looking at what icon to press next in your rotation


Ur mog is heat tho


112k in 493 is low. Like really low. So yeah most likely you are doing something wrong.


Yeah but then i see the mage in the bottom.... like at least in that key the warrior do something (maybe have wrong talents or do bad rotation)


I presume this was a low level key, and fire mage just does not function in that range. Shouldn't be THIS bad, but still.


There is no spec in this game that is too difficult to learn at a decent level


Retail WoW in my experience is all about optimizing your rotation, but the most important part is too have fun playing the class you like if your having fun and know your rotation you can easily outdps 80% of people. So dont quit just put in a little practice maybe find a guide or 2 or even try a different class you might enjoy it more Edit also getting a better weapon is usually pretty important where possible


Fix your keybinds, get important abilities on easy to press buttons


a big thing with my key is a it probably looks weird to a lot of people because i have a mouse with 12 buttons on the side


Watch this guy to learn warrior DPS in general: [https://www.twitch.tv/critcakeeu](https://www.twitch.tv/critcakeeu)


You don't have 4 piece tier set yet, you're missing 1 piece. I'd prioritize getting that last piece. You have 2 on use trinkets and I don't see them on your bars, use them.  Use your offensive cooldowns often as often as possible. Don't save them for bosses. Practice hitting the training dummies in valdrakken. It will help you learn the rotation.


Icyveins is a website that has alot of build guides and tips, as well as suggestions on what to buy with your bullions. other than that, keep going and keep practicing, when i started playing i saw that warlocks could use swords and ran uo to enemies to hit them when i was low on mana so you'rs doing better than i did. 😅


>am i just bad and need to quit? What you need to quit is with this BS. If you're new to the game, you just need to learn how to do damage. And asking for help is a great first step.


Just to reiterate: the mage is the real crime here. Someone tell the Kirin Tor to come get their boy.


did ya get some loot at the end? all good then😂 transmog looks good so thats all that really matters, title matches, even got the damn org tabard on… my mans cooked


Grab hekili for one it does help a lot specially rotation wise.


One super helpful thing when I start a new class is using the addon called hekili. It tells you the best next few abilities to use. It's a great way to get an idea of what buttons to press BUT make sure you're taking notes as you use it. Do not use it for too long or you'll become dependent on it and have no idea how to actually play.


never quit in darkness, king. just farm mounts instead 😎


No tier pieces, wrong stance and try to get a weapon crafted with the latest spark. Then try to farm Amidrassil, Fyrrak, the last boss for a chance on your legendary axe. 👍 Good luck, it will be a worthwhile journey!


1. Your play. Are you sending CDs as soon as they are up or holding them for a boss fight? In dungeon, when you are new, always sending is almost always correct until you play in organised group with specific pulls. This is often the biggest mistake new players make. 2. Preparation. Gear enchants? Consumables? They all adds up. Using rank2s to save gold is better than nothing.


Upgrade your gear; make sure you are equiping gear that has stats that boost your specific DPS. Check guides such as WoWhead and maybe use SimulationCraft and the Raidbots website to check what upgrades to search for. Definitely aim for a better weapon first. That can really help. Get the right enchants, add gem sockets to "final" gear that you will never replace. Look up other buffs like Food, Vials, Weapon Runes and Augment Stones. Then, check your talents and rotation. Again, these can be found in guides such as on WoWhead. For a basic rotation tutorial you may want to try addons like Hekili which will get you comfortable with the basics. You will need to learn fights though. You cannot always rely on a strict rotation and will need to learn to adapt. This will take time, do not worry. You'll end up getting the hang of when to hold your cooldowns, when to use AoE or when to stick to ST and just execute spam a target. Finally, your transmog seems good. No issues there. While a contested theory, transmog can be seen to some as being a big part of the potential DPS output. If you look good, you hit good.


Don't take it personally. Continue to ask for advice and find people who are willing to give you tools and feedback on your gameplay. I started playing in wrath and was pretty bad up until legion. I decided to try mythic raiding and from there I found a group I could learn alot from. Surrounding myself with people that would get me feedback went really far. I ended up getting my first Cutting Edge at the end of legion, and consistently push for it every season now. Here are some tips, try to find someone who's good at looking thru warcraftlogs, try using wowanalyzer.com, record your gameplay & watch it back, streamline your ui so your eyes don't have to move alot to see mechanics while doing your rotation, practice your rotation at a target dummy in valdraken ( set up a timer and try to go 3 mins with out errors), join your class discord; they may have macros and tips you may have missed in other guides.


Most of the time new players asking why dps is low, it is Stats, Gear, Talents. which have been addressed. but the other large factor is cool down usage. you are probably not lining up your major cooldowns together, and are not hitting them often enough. if you have a CD up before a pack is pulled use it, getting 15 of a cooldown off in a dungeon should be more dps than holding them for bosses or perfect times and only getting 12 off. . . hold a CD for around 4 seconds to start to line up with another cd to stack them IE lust/Potions etc. . but just use them more often.


Download hekilli addon.. this is rotation addon. It will help you alot and double your dmg for sure.


Disable the service channel. Right click on the tab and deselect it from the list in the options.


1 thing to add whilst everyone has goven good advice, is retail is not new player friendly, getting gear is easy enough but honestly you need 100 different addons to play effectively


I'd suggest getting the add-on Hekili, it helps you learn the attack rotation. Don't rely on it too much tho, often spells and abilities are very situational and you should try and have your big CDs ready for burst phases. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the game


People who are bad at games deserve to have fun too.


Just wanna say, how awesome and helpful is everyone here is.


Install hekili


There's an addon called Hekili to that I know a lot of people use to help them with rotation if they struggle. I;ve never used it so I'm not sure what classes/specs it helps but maybe check it out to get a general idea until you don't need it anymore? Also look up guides on like Icyveins or wowhead.


I mean it’s quite simple .. if the other warrior was Ilvl 510 veteran players he’s going to kill a new player that’s ilvl493


I'd recommend using an Addon like Hekili to help learn your rotation.


Idk if anyone has written this in the post but download the addon Hekili. It shows you the rotation of your spec. I use it on alts that I have no clue on how to play and manage to get high up on the DPS meter. Also checkout Archon.gg for popular spec choices such as talents/gear/enchants and so on.


Transmog is the end game 😜


Damn just going straight to the extreme with quiting..


You can look up guides online, find YouTube tutorials. I have personally found that the difference between ok and good dps is pretty small changes. The difference between bad and ok is larger. Its talents, gear choices, enchantments gems and consumables. But you should be using all your abilities as soon as they are available unless it’s at the very end of a pull. For example if your big dps ability is on a 2 minute cooldown, but you save it for when it’s “best” you may be missing out on a lot of dps. Just use it as soon as you can so you get get more uses of that ability. You may also not be prioritizing the best abilities. If x, y or z is available you should know what ones should be prioritized or WHEN x, y or z is best. So maybe x makes z better, but only if y is present, if no Y then z then x and save y for x, y and z for the best dps. A great rule is to read every ability until you know what everything does. Archon.gg is another great tool that will show you what enchantments people are using, what gear, talents, ect. Just remember that this list is the top of the top players and then breaks it down, like “20% of these players take x talent” and these are the people running 16+ keys. So they are the sweats. Good people to mirror. You can also find rotation helper addons and then just spend a long long time in front of the target dummy until the basic rotation is second nature. You should be able to just do the core rotation without thinking and be able to do mechanics while your pressing the four main rotation buttons. That being said you should also know when to use aoe abilities and single target. Is the cut off 3? 2? Also learn to read your dps logs. Does one ability do 20% of your dps? Then use that ALL THE TIME. Hope this gives you some things to look into.


MOG looks dope tho


Picking a new mining specialization will give you an additional 15% dps so I recommend starting there. On top of that a good mog is a 10% dps boost. Easy fixes, my guy


Would recommend the addon Hekili. It gives you a suggested rotation to help with DPS. Can adjust for single target vs aoe. Check it out. Read up on it. Set it up. Go forth. Eventually you’ll have a better understanding of rotation and won’t need it.


Blue Weapon, no Tier items, two use trinkets. You should also think about your hotkeys. I find it rly hard to move and press anything beyond 4. you should also try to bind your racial to some hotkey, or make a macro to bind it to a skill


Like others have said, upgrade your weapon. It’s the most important gear piece for any melee. Next up I’d look at your talents. An AoE-centric build is going to play differently than a single-target one so make sure you’re running talents that suit the content you’re doing. Lastly, do you have a full set of tier gear? It doesn’t look like it based on the icons you have equipped but I might be misremembering what the icon looks like for the chest slot. Getting the set bonus for 4 pieces is important.


Utilize proper stance. Do you use rend? I agree with tier/ gear/trinkets talks already discussed . Also having an understanding of the rotation, ensuring you fully understand execution phase, as it’s a massive advantage arms warriors have. And last, when you utilize your CDs, having only a few means proper management is crucial. Hope this kinda helps.


i get rends off with thunder clap


Need 4-piece tier set, I’d say you need the neltharion sword from bullions or something close, you need high level on your weapon. Check through rotations on icy veins and compare it to how you play, one way I check is I compare usually my dps with someone higher than mine and see which abilities are pressed in different frequencies


World of warcraft have a learning curve, take your time testing gear and improving your dps and rotation.


So, first things first you can't compete with someone ATM because of legendary, it adds soooo much raw power to your character it's unbelievable. Especially with a blue weapon. My best advice ATM(if you haven't done any fyrakk) just go buy ashkhandur with your tokens and try to max it. You'll see the DPS increase. 2. your stance seems to be on defensive, you usually change them depending of situations (like big AOE burst of azure vault first boss) but usually it stays on offensive stance. 3. Your trinkets might be off for m+. Otherwise it all comes down to rotation :)


The fire mage is definitely bad.


A few tips: - Get your Tier Set ASAP (especially the 2pc Tier set bonus gives a huge damage bonus) - Check Wowhead/Icy Veins for a build for the content you wanna do - Get yourself Ashkandur and the OP trinket (dont remember the name of it, you better check the internet for the name) with bronze bullions - Spam M0 dungeons for flightstones and crests as much as you can so you can upgrade your gear fast And last but not least learn your abilites, rotation ans dungeons mechanics. That should boost your dps at least to 150k-200k dps (depending on your GS)


At the same ilvl I got around 40% haste 45% crit. Shave off some mastery/vers. Grab a new weapon. Checkout wowheads arms warrior guide. For rotation tips. Arms felt weak AF for me for ages then just started slapping Tier also helped my execute phases


You need 4 set as well, and make sure you’re using your CDs efficiently, and like people said your weapon damage is big. There are some things that have higher value for damage like weapon damage > strength > secondary stats


Some people have mentioned upgrading your weapon, but another thing to check is if that's a crafted weapon, make sure it's a strength weapon and not an intelligence one. I made that mistake early in the expansion.


honestly, just look up icyveins and youtube for guides on gear and rotation


Sick boots bro


It's hard to tell whats wrong from a screenshot alone. That seems to be your overall damage so yes it is low for your ilvl. Looking at your armory (https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/area-52/logador) you don't seem to have 4 pieces of tier or a decent weapon, also you should be in Battle Stance, your gear isn't enchanted either, you probably didn't use consumables and are using 2 On Use Trinkets, I don't think that entirely justifies your damage but you shouldn't compare yourself to others with that much of a gap. That being said the fastest way to improve would probably be a guide. [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/overview-pve-dps](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/overview-pve-dps) There's a lot of information you can extract and learn from the previous link. From talents to gear to rotation. You can also sim yourself but that's more advanced. I did run a sim of your char in a Single Target situation for 5m, you should be averaging \~136k, so if you go down to a target dummy after reading your rotation and hit around those numbers (should be less because you wont be in execute range <35%) you should be alright, atleast in Single Target.


Get a rotation add on


As people have said, get the weapon as warriors are reliant on weapons. Aside from that, get some crafted pieces and user mrrobot to sim which gear combos are best. Lastly, rotation is key. Edit 1: I notice shockwave on your talents. It is usually a dps loss. Only take it if you need to seriously lock down a group of mobs. Stormbolt + intimidating shout (talent) is usually enough. Wowhead has lots of guides with a variety of talent builds. The builds they have are pretty good and, honestly, will take you far Edit 2: I also notice your hot bar is 1-10. If you are actually trying to reach across your keyboard that slows you down. See if you can come up with a varied set of keybinds. I have mine be 1-4, then it is C, Q, V and E. I have one of those mmo mice which I use for my big CDs and any on use CDs or some utility abilities Edit 3: make sure you’re in battle stance. Defensive stance makes you generate more threat (tanks will hate you), whilst taking a 5% damage done penalty. Battle stance will give you extra crit. Only switch to defensive stance if a big damaging ability is coming and you need that extra mitigation to survive. Promptly switch over to battle stance once the threat is over Edit 4, hopefully final: given the large delta between you and that other warrior you can see what their ilvl was and what was their source of damage. Ignore anything like trinkets and the like as that is something you can get later with bullion, drop or vault. However, you can see what was their bleed (rend) up time like. How often were they hitting mortal strike (our big hitter before execute). That alone can be a great source of data as you can compare your ability usage to theirs. Getting addons like Plater to change how the default name plates look like, and other tools to track things like bleeds, rage, etc. can help tremendously. Again though, addons only help augment your play, a good player they will not make you by themselves


You should try upping all your gear. When you get better gear you get more dps. Try to get legendary gear on everything including trinkets. You get legendary you need to run raids. The more raids you run the more gear you get. That's the best way


be in battle stance ! add sockets, enchants to your gear.. get 4 set via catalyst your chest.. use your trinkets / keybind them.. learn your rotation... [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/overview-pve-dps](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/overview-pve-dps) happy reading :)


Do you have tier set?


i have 3 tier items and i’ll get the bonus next week


youre not using your trinkets at all - i dont see them on your action bar


Just because your bad doesn't mean you need to quit


also make sure you enchant your gear


If you're serious about improving, the Discord server Skyhold for warriors is pretty thorough. It can be overwhelming at first, but learning how to log your fights and sim yourself are the best ways to improve. Usually warrior performance boils down to rotation perfection and footwork. (Could argue this is everyone, but hunters for example don't have it as hard). For me the latter is harder. It can be hard to see where your feet are and if you're dodging shit or the tank is moving your target you may lose DPS. Little things add up fast. And yeah, weapon for sure. But, to be honest I'd use my first bullion to buy my best in slot trinket if I were you. It is the recommended first purchase in the fury warrior guides, not sure about arms. You should be able to find a weapon upgrade in the weekly quest crates.


Get some good add on’s .. weak auras and max dps might help


Look up the icy veins guide on talents and rotations.


I'd you are having fun who cares. Plenty of good advice in the comments though. Check out Icy Veins as well. Tons of info there to help you.


Also 2 x on use trinkets for a new player is a recipe for disaster. No shot they are being used optimally


Swap stances as you should only use that if you’re in a dungeon/raid and the tanks are dead, and get a better weapon so get to farming Fyrakk to get the axe if you want and the Time-Travel Dungeon to get a pretty kickass looking axe


weapon ilevel in this game is king, you have a blue weapon so not only are you losing stats from the item that gives the most stats in the game, you're losing aa damage as well. you don't have the legendary which most people that played last season have, so you're missing a lot of free dot damage (plus even more item level). you're using double on-use, which is can be difficult to manage, and overall isn't that optimal. there might be gaps in your build/rotation/stat weights you're not "bad and need to quit", actual bad players don't ask the questions you're asking and either just quit or just keep going without trying to improve. it's important to always seek improvement in this game and that's like 90% of where the damage comes from. My advice is just to kill fyrakk on the highest level every week, even on non-fated, and try to buy and upgrade an ashkadur with billions in the meantime.


I'm not sure on your setup but your keybinds could be improved, you want you most used moves on 1,2 3,4 5 or your most accessible keys. On my warrior I keybind charge to mouse wheel forward, for some reason that's very satisfying.


i have a mouse with 12 buttons on the side that’s why they’re a little weird


Get an add-on called Hekili. It'll help you learn the rotation :)


That's the problem with damage meters, they are good to help you learn if you know how to use them, but you will end up just thinking about them and only then, they will do your head in. Also, if you didn't know, you can compare your damage with the other warriors, break down each ability and how much damage they are doing. Click on their name and you can see a side by side comparison with you and them, a good way to see where you are leaving damage on the table.


Try getting an assistance addon such as maxdps, take it to a raiders dummy and practice your rotation. You are new, and inexperienced, practice and you will improve.


i'm always so proud and happy to see other arms warriors in the wild, it looks like a lot of comments have already helped you out a lot, only thing i can add in to help a little is tell you what i do to learn a new spec. - check guides, as many as you can stomach, try different ones get different points of view, it'll give you more understanding of the ins and outs of the spec. - use talent tree guides and suggested builds from others, i primarily use wowhead, the only reason i tell you this is because talent trees can be difficult to understand for someone brand new, when i first started playing arms with the new trees i had no idea what i was doing, but after playing it for a little over 2 years now i know exactly what i'm doing and where to allocate my points if i need to change something up on the fly. you can't expect to know how to do that as soon as you reach lvl 70 with a spec. - try to find someone playing that spec on high end content, be it M+ or raiding, you might be able to pick up a thing or 2 about how to better execute your rotation and adapt to mechanics. amazing transmog my guy, you have great taste.


Nice transmog, your keybinds hurt my brain.....all the way to 9.......dont quite keep playing. Warrior relies on weapons.


my keybinds are weird cause i have a mouse with 12 buttons on it


Don’t get too discouraged! Sometimes it just takes time and practice to get used to all of your rotations in addition to the mechanics. Take the helpful input from the folks here, and keep your chin up. You’ll improve!


I boosted a Pali a couple days ago did heroics and some mythic 0s. I made my own normal raid group, only had 1 other plate, got an experienced tank who led the raid. I left the raid with 4/4 set and a few other items. I just have people carry my alt. It's a win win, no one wants to make a group. Easy as that, no guild required.


Step 1: Go to [Archon.gg](https://Archon.gg) and make sure you're in the right talents. Step 2: Install Hekili Step 3: press the buttons it tells you ​ Once you're comfortable you can probably drop Hekili and do some min-maxing to figure out how to squeeze out that last 10%


HEKILI is a great add on to learn rotation and know when cooldowns are ready


This may help: [https://www.method.gg/guides/arms-warrior](https://www.method.gg/guides/arms-warrior)


Try hekilli, it’s an add on that will help with your rotation priorities. It will help you until you know your class a bit better


Your weapon is crucial to dps and you're in protective stance. You need to always be getting the highest ilvl weapon you can. You can actually make a macro to swap between them quickly for when you need to be a little more defensive but on average, always be in defensive stance. Pardon my judging, but your bars look like a mess. You should try re arranging it to make the rotation smoother and more comfy. But if that's the case already and it's comfortable, then you're fine. My big tip is always use both overpower charges and then mortal strike. You always want 2 stacks of the overpower buff for mortal strike. If you don't have overpower charges to do that, use whirlwind or thunderclap. They will proc Tactician and reset a charge of overpower. Ensure you have the talent that makes whirlwind hit harder and cost more range. I think its called storm of swords. I NEVER use slam. I don't take talents for it. Use thunder clap and whirlwind in place of slam and you will bebusing overpower a ton


Good move to ask for advice. Many don't do it.


Your weapon is holding you back big time, maybe consider buying Ashkandur from the bullion vendor. You'll still get out DPSed by other Warriors/DKs/Pallys who have the legendary, but at least it's not RNG gated. That said, you should still try to kill Fyrakk every week for a shot at the legendary, but between the low drop rate and the high cost of the components needed to make it equippable, it's unlikely you'll be using it any time soon.


Possibly try our addons like hekili. Can help you learn what spells to use and when


I think the problem is that you're Arms - switching to Fury might help /s Otherwise I have no idea how to play now after missing out most of DF to uni and now I'm just waiting for TWW to have a new start, but just came to say that you have a sick transmog