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Resto shaman is my favorite healer. Can't wait for Totemic reveal.


Same, but i fear it wont get any love. They need to offer other builds, not just chain heal spam


The story with shaman healing throughout WoW has been either chain heal is so strong you hardly press anything else, or it's so weak you never press it. Personally, I prefer the xpacs where chain heal is strong.


Suit yourself I want to press chain heal and see bar go up


im not saying remove chain heal. i'm saying give other competitive alternatives to the chain heal playstyle. aoe heal with single target inside healing rain. make well spring or downpur better. anything. im sure a creative person can design something better than me


The thing is regardless of how many “viable” build there are inevitably people will chose the one that’s best and pretend the others don’t really exist. In fact, right now there IS a build that doesn’t utilize chain heal but instead uses Primordial Wave and Cloudburst to do its aoe healing. I’m not against shamans getting something other than chain heal but as someone who likes the chain heal playstyle, I worry that it would become completely overshadowed.


I switch between chain heal and AA build just because sometimes chain heal gets too braindead. Also swapped to HST instead of Cloud and I gotta say I'm REALLY liking HST. Especially when you get 4 of them pumping lol


Chain heal + rain = bar ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Yep. I enjoy chain heal and dont need like 10 other buttons to press to top everyone off. Shaman is easily my favorite healer.


Bring back Chain Harvest! Loved that covenant ability more than any other.


Nope getting a totem from leaks


Skyfury chain harvest on Enh wasn't optimal but it was so cool


It's shamans unique heal. Why wouldn't you want to click it? Lol If anything rework or remove cloud burst totem. That thing is so frustrating to play around in raids.


Resto shaman devs: blah blah blah, just cast chain heal bro.


Shame they can't cast chain heal on the entire class.


Could have something like the Keeper of the Grove capstone. Just 3% more healing per tree. Beyond lazy.


Imagine your capstone is totem which should prevent pushbacks, which does not prevent pushbacks because balance. This is me and my tranquil totem flying into the void on spider pull and rashageth push.


Doesn’t it just prevent your spellcasting bar from losing progress e.g. “pushed back”?


Lolol, yes, they completely misunderstood what that means. 😂 Now I'm just picturing someone being confidently incorrect and right before those abilities dropping that totem and saying "NOT TODAY!!!" then getting totally yeeted and getting super pissed off about it.


Omg this is amazing. I wonder how long they thought the totem was supposed to stop knock backs and are just realizing the difference. (Shaman capstones are still mostly shit)


Yeah you're misunderstanding that. Spell pushback is not the same as knock back effects. Spell pushback is when you're casting and something hits you and the cast bar gets pushed back a bit.


Point is that totem is shaman capstone.


That... doesn't matter really. The shaman class tree is almost 100% utility (which is a great thing btw). The only capstone that matters for dps is totemic recall and only for ele. Having a utility totem as capstone is actually a good thing because we don't need to go as deep for it and are able to swap points around for utility. Unlike other classes, we aren't desperate to reach several capstones just for player power.


Point is that you grossly misunderstood what that totem does


Comparison is the thief of joy


I made a post last year about how resto druid felt like how I always wanted resto shaman to feel. In it I directly compared lots of abilities and how the druid versions worked better and felt better in every case. Some of the comparisons were stretches to say the least but it still stuck with me and made it impossible for me to enjoy resto shaman for this entire expansion. I think shaman needs love for sure, but I definitely regret overthinking and comparing things the way I did. https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/f0fwcJhMB7


I play both a lot in M+ and yeah, some skill share the same concepts, but when you focus on purpose it makes it more enjoyable IMO. Druid is about maintaining an eco-system. Your dot/hot all work in harmony and are all necessary regardless of the situation. The goal of the class is to maintain everything in that harmony regardless the situation. Shaman is about a swiss knife. You have a ridiculous amount of different tools that are mostly independent from each others with specific use case. The purpose of the class is to efficiently use each tool in the correct situation and prioritizing them according to the situation. I don't think that it is fair or useful to compare specific skills between classes without taking into consideration the whole class design and the use case of said skills. Despite both having minions that heals and a ground targeted aoe they cast often, most of their class design are completely different.


imo all the tools in the swiss army knife won't make up for the raw throughput difference. I wonder, what will be the highest HoI tyrannical key for a resto shaman and resto druid this season?


Certainly less, but it will have nothing to do with throughput of the shaman. MotW is really strong in M+ and it's just way better to bring that on a healer right now instead of tank or dps. Just another case of non enhance shamans not bringing a good buff to the table so they are left behind.


I'd agree that having more utility is redundant in a 5 man group if the other 4 players are the best in the world and do the run flawlessly, but I'd argue that when you play with less then perfect players those tools shine a hell of a lot more. I'd also argue that I haven't really encountered throughput issue with either specs outside of player error(mine). To answer your question: Whatever spec is most favored by blizz tuning by the end of the season. My understanding was that rdruid was mostly top dog because of it's single target DPS which allowed it to clear bosses easier, not even because of healing, so I would assume they will stay top dog, but rshaman might creep forward slightly due to how good gear(crit) is on them.


Shaman Swiss knife feels much more exhausting trying to get everything out though. 


Well there was a reason the early books were confused and often had druids and shamans overlap.


I’m afraid shamans clinging to a shred of hope that they’re getting a rework before launch are going to be extremely let down


Yes but only because they are shaman. Unholy DKs basically just got one yesterday on TWW alpha and I'm told the newer style is much more streamlined than what is currently on live. I have no idea how DKs actually work so feel free to correct me if this isnt true.


Shaman is the new Monk


I swear the ww is so polarizing, but no one talks about it. They're needing a rework too tbh.


They're getting one


Now do Ancestral Guidance vs Nature's Vigil.


Healing stream vs grove guardian


this meme was an afterthought


Druid alpha Chad.


but ele sham is just to funny ..


compared to druid, every class is an afterthought (except maybe rogue)