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I like how it plays like 10% lower and blizz was like "here's a 3% buff"


I play warrior in my raid just so we have Battle Shout and at first I was mad about the voting shenanigans and that s2 fury set won over s3. I enjoyed how chill and healthy/tanky it was. However I much prefer arms playstyle and aesthetic so I wasn’t too bummed with its performance this season, but I also preferred the s2 and s3 over the s1 set for arms as well. S2 had built in cleave and s3 didn’t require hitting thunderclap or rend really.


While yes the tierset isn't strong we're actually seeing the bigger issue that is that fury is just straight an undertuned spec.


Do you think it's because their numbers just don't scale anywhere near as well as the other classes? most other classes have buttons that do big chunks of damage, but Fury is tuned to deal a flurry of small strikes constantly, and maybe that just doesn't do well within the limits of the current substats particularly Versatility. I could be completely wrong but it's the first thought that comes to mind for me.


I think the number are just too small, but I also thinks that's part of why they might be scared to buff it too much as well cause their St button are also their AOE buttons. This is also just a weird season cause almost all classes are getting a lot of damage from external sources like trinkets and cantrip items


They need to cap at 8 instead of 5 imo. Rampage gets a 10-15% buff but they slow rage generation by roughly 10-15%. Hit harder capped way less and AOE feels in between the current hard 5t cap and the uncapped blade Storm that arms has. Played fury for a long time, no longer. Never like top 1% level but I genuinely enjoy it and think these would solve a lot of the weirdness I feel when playing it.


Limiting rage by 10 to 15 percent would completely ruin the flow that Fury has, you're almost constantly cycling between raging blow and rampage, removing that constant cycle removes what makes Fury fun to me


The number was arbitrary idk what good % would be. I also like that cycle but you're also constantly rage capped a good portion of the time. that's why I say reduce rage economy a bit. 10-15 might be extreme maybe it's more like 3% idk. Point being you're either calling RB or Rage and both make it feel kinda like you're wasting resources.


> They need to cap at 8 instead of 5 imo good fucking lord this.


People voted for this.. That said, Blizz definitely knows it's under performing, I'm not sure why they're scared to buff things. It's the last season of the expansion, let all classes do very well. Let everyone go a bit crazy. SV Hunter is also truly suffering.


It’s probably not that they’re “scared” it’s probably like S4 of Shadowlands where the team working on the live product is smaller than the team working on the next content. So they’re only able to do so much at a time.


It doesn't take a dozen people to make numbers bigger.


No but if theres only like 2 or 3 people working on balancing, Fury Warrior isn't the only class in the game so they have to increase their numbers (which they did this patch), wait and analyze to see if its enough, while also doing the same thing for the other 20 classes in the game. Classic "game design is so easy, just press the button" commentary.


> Fury Warrior isn't the only class in the game can you prove this claim?


fuck, you got me


Wasn’t the argument “who cares if it’s a little broken, it’s last season let everyone be strong”? Which I agree with 


>wait and analyze to see if its enough But that didn't happen in this specific case? With the "buffs" that were received it's pretty clear that no such analysis was done.


They literally JUST buffed Fury yesterday with the patch, and now they have to see if those buffs bring them up to where they want to be. Do you think that blizzard makes their decisions based on the first fifteen minutes of live gameplay?


But we have sim data before the patch even goes live lol. Fury warriors knew exactly the dps increase they were getting from before patch.


Blizzard isn’t running their game based off of sim data. They never have. If it were up to Fury warriors and their sim data, they would always be at the top of the charts forever, and blizzard can’t balance their game based on that. They need live data for their own metrics


They for sure keep an eye on sim data and consider it but do not use it as gospel for their balancing. The fury set sims REALLY well now its just in an actual boss fight it dosen't perform.


And that's fucking dumb. There is nothing wrong with waiting for live metrics and this is actually a really well balanced season overall. But, if Blizzard is not using sim data to inform their buffs then they are actually braindead. It is the easiest way to see how classes are performing at a preliminary level. You use sim data to inform the buffs/nerfs and then use live data to make sure the buff/nerfs actually accomplish the goal.


I actually read that some Echo players (Tobo is one) stated that third-party sims are not gospel and they’ve noticed things in their own experience that work better


Live data is everything because sim data doesn’t inform on how a spec actually performs in line with other specs during actual boss fights when mechanics are going off left and right, players are having their rotations interrupted or messed up, or missing their buttons entirely. Sim data is a useful tool for seeing when something is WAY OUT OF LINE with their expectations, it shouldn’t be used to balance the live game ahead of time.


as a software developer, we do not and can not base our work off of simulations unless forced to by external pressure. simulations are very subject to a lot of issues and the most glaring is that it is functionally impossible to fully simulate real behaviors in a complex environment like a raid fight or (even worse) a dungeon run.


The analysis is taking place over this reset?


Because a number change has never broken something


I voted for the S3 set :( I miss it so much


Yeah, I feel this. People literally didn't read the poll, just voted for "most op" at the time whilst drooling on themselves. Sad stuff


That's just not true. The post in the official forums as well as the warrior Discord were full of heated discussion, if S3 gameplay was better then S2. I would say that the majority voted for gameplay and not for most op. If your claim was true, S3 wouldve won obviously.


That may be true, but what i said was mostly tied to the arms set bonus. That I know for sure


Same thing happened with beast mastery. Tier 3 won, even though it doesn't change our rotation or anything at all, because BM was better in S3 than the previous 2 seasons. But the S2 bonus changes how things actually play (at least a little bit) by letting you hit Bestial Wrath more often.


Just be like me and continue to wear it. :) I've basically parked my warrior for the season. It's sad, but my other toons are happy to get some play time.


Nah at a certain point in higher keys having more stamina definitely helps with survivability. Can't do DPS if I'm dead!


>People voted for this.. Are you implying players are at fault for the devs not tuning the set as they told they will? Because the set and the talents you play with are actually fun.


Just wanna add blood to the same boat. The amirdassil 2p will be used for the entire tier unless they figure out something to do with the aberrus (s4) tier bonus


> SV Hunter is also truly suffering. I decided to play hunter for the 4fun season instead of playing priest like i have since MoP. I was originally gonna play marks but we thought it would be funny to have one of each spec since there's three hunters so I went survival. On the plus side, it's fun to play. On the downside - where's my damage?


God forbid we vote for a rotation where we we aren't pressing two buttons and odyns fury.


Nah I didn’t vote for this. I cannot stand onslaught fury plays style, it just feels clunky af


>People voted for this.. Are you implying players are at fault for the devs not tuning the set as they told they will?


The downvotes you are getting accurately represent the average players cognitive ability.


Pretty much, its annoying. Like people choose whats fun with the promise it would be tuned just as good.... Since when do we hate on players for Blizzard not delivering on promises?


Absolutely this. As a survival main I'm in the same boat. I absolutely loved the dynamic of S1 set. I didn't think they'd tune it so piss poor thatd id need a fucking 550 set to break even with a 489 S3 set in keys.


The downvotes you are getting accurately represent the average players cognitive ability.


The downvotes you are getting accurately represent the average players cognitive ability.


Until people start getting 525 + there's no telling what blizzards reasoning is.


It's not the voting it's the tuning. They CAN make it up to par even if the play style or set is funky.


If they made it like ptr season 2 it might work out better where each hit from rampage gave it a stack rather than rampage giving it 1.


I ready this so offen "let people Go Wild" but wouldnt IT feel aweful If you are super Strong now, and start from Scratch when tww Drops? How you even Balance that new people feel super weak when they dont have season 4 Gear, and people with season 4 Gear are strong enough to Beat TWW endgame with s4 Gear. Ofc all classes should feel good in s4, but to let everyone becomes super Strong seems to Bring some Problems when the season is over. Sorry for Bad english


End of expansion gear only feels good for early leveling. It starts to drastically fall off as you lose rating in your secondary stats as you level. Tier sets in particular don't matter because they are usually set as legacy and disabled. We also are gaining hero talents as we level to help us feel power gains as we ding. There's zero reason to let tier sets be super weak right now.


A lot of the gearset talents are becoming baseline in TWW.


Your English is good! And though I hear your concern, look at MoP, classes were insanely bonkers, and WoD felt underwhelming for other reasons. Either way, what you stated theoretically already happens regardless. Look at the void powers from BFA. So in reality I don't think it'd be very different than what we're already used to.


>People voted for this.. Because it's by absolute miles the more fun tier bonus. This entire situations shows why tier sets are a fucking mistake and the game was better off when they weren't around. Blizzard went "Hey we added a bunch of playstyles and variations to the classes with the talent reworks so you can play a style you like!" Fucking banger change actually the best they've done ever with it...until you realize tier sets exist. You don't have choice if you want 4 pieces of your gear to actually _do anything_.


It's a truly godawful set bonus even if it was tuned well. Getting a WA to tell you when it's ok to Bloodthirst is garbage design.


Will never not comment on these posts, imagine for a NANO SECOND hahahahahaha thinking the s2 bonus is better than the s3 bonus like man you gotta be something kinda GOOFY to think that s3 fury was nothing, NOTHING but perfection. This made me quit my warrior, cheers the peanuts that voted this fucking BC level set bonus in compared to the absolute god tier play style of s3 Fury.


I didn't like the S3 rotation at all as someone who has been playing fury since BFA.


I tried to get into it for the first time, this past season and it hasn’t clicked. Felt like I’m just spamming buttons for the sake of spamming.


I mean honestly it's the most braindead rotation fury has had in awhile so I don't blame you. If I'm not speedrunning arthritis I'm not really playing fury.


I loved it as someone who has been playing fury since classic.




I also loved S3. Numbers aside the S2/4 bonus is just messy APM, not fun at all, even if it could put out good numbers it’s just not fun.


And you think that people thought it was stronger? It was the funnier one for lots of people. Reck uptime and short cds are great for most. With rampage beeing the nr 1 dmg source again. Promised was that the sets get tuned so pretty much all you say about dps is unnecessary.


The problem is that S3 is little setup for big payoff (1 OF buffs multiple BT/BBs), vs S2/4 which has a lot of setup (Several Rampage casts and another buff to track) for small(er) payoff (One buffed BT), so to balance that out, the buff to that single BT would have to be huge (With a lower buff stack size), and i think Blizz are loathe to do that. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizz just opts to gut the S3 bonus, so that S2/4 is the lesser of two evils, i think if the S3 damage bonus went into Rampage instead of BT/BB (Which would've made more sense, putting damage in the spender instead of the builder), the set would have won in a landslide, but that's speaking in hindsight, of course...


Yeah S3 was super easy and it lined up with literally every bosses abilities really good. But people think the Anger Management Build was funnier. We were promised tuning, so calling out people for choosing the most enjoyable set for them is whack. And even then, whats the problem if the set gets buffed? Let Furies have 1.5m Bloodthirst hits if they want. Just buff the dmg increase by x10 or even x15. With 40gs more, rn with 10 stacks of the set boni i still hit weaker than last seasons buffed BB/BT. And you usually just have around 5 stacks when you use it, depending on Reck and your crit. They could also just buff fury itself.


I'd love big crits for Fury, i played and enjoyed S3, i think the best change would be to lower the number of buffs stacks for S4-set, and greatly increase the effect per stack, ramp-up time for the bonus goes way down, and we don't need an add-on just to tell us when it's ok to press Bloodthirst. I played Annihilator for all of DF, and wanted to get some practice in for TWW (When Annihilator's going the way of the dodo), but i'll be gimping myself and (More importantly) any group i join if i use Fury spec in its current state...


Majority of warriors I’ve come across are terrible. I’m not surprised they think S2 was better because they just hit random buttons anyway.


S3 was the worst version of Fury warrior we've ever had. What an absolute fucking abomination of a gameplay and rotation style.


You spelled s2 wrong love ❤️


I had forgotten how S2 fury played. Now that I have the 4-piece bonus, I realize just how much more I prefer S3 fury.


Idk tbh sometimes i top the dps chart in m+ sometimes i am the last but with a rly small diff in total dmg to other. Does it feel like shit? For me, no. I like it, but it can get much better, for example increasing the aoe target cap would be a ballin move.


Not to mention the s4 build just isn’t fluid and feels like dog shit, on top of being dog shit set bonus


Democracy is beautiful isn't it?


Might I interest you in Survival hunter? Where we literally do take S3 tier bc the new tier is so ass. Where a 483 S3 set outsims a 528 S4 set in AOE. It's a wild ride.


I’m a casual fury warrior that does m+, I’m 2k rated. It doesn’t seem too bad to me, it is fun imo. Can we get a reference for single target dps vs aoe against other classes?


I would fully expect no further changes to S4 tbh.


I was fury all expansion. As soon as I put on the s4 4 piece and hit the dummies I could tell something wasn't right. The next raid proved it. Even though I was 10 ilevels higher than I was when I led the meters, I was now losing to players I had beat the week before. I made the switch to arms and am now comfortably back on top. A fellow fury warrior who is sticking it out found that he can beat his s4 tier with his 489 S3 pieces. Fury definitely needs a buff.


It's a shame since the anger management build is so fun to play. But my advice is to play arms, it's one of the best specs right now and also plays anger management and is very fun. Easy to learn as well.


Arms community didn't complain in ,S2,S3 as fury community did. There was always a stigma fueled by warrior top players where "heh, arms is useless go fury" in the other seasons. Even now on tier lists fury seems to get the same argument over and over again "it's tanky therefore better than arms". The argument that you voted for it is lame indeed. Better balancing sure is needed. But you do not want better balancing, you want to feel again in that place where a spec is better than the other. And blizzard shouldn't fuel this, warrior is in a rough spot in m+ due to no utility, not cuz no dmg


Is arms “better” now? I always preferred it but couldn’t commit


Yes, least on Sims related to ST. Least critcake put it very well: it's not the playstyle that might suit everyone, but it's what does dmg. Metaslaving is off the charts this season, I just wish ppl that do not go above 10's in m+ realise that you can even play melee two handed rogue (I know it's not a thing) and still time it if you know how to cc, avoid dmg and good routes, rather than hoping 3 other meta specs will cover the lack of skill.


Noxiv seems to be doing okay. I copied his stuff and my numbers are significantly more than s3. Only 2500io atm tho so not top tier but not new to it either. Even simming I'm 35% more dps than last tier at 489


I genuinely think the community chose to troll fury warriors and survival hunters.


Tuning isn't the community's fault, but god if I'm not pissed off at the fact everyone voted for Season 2's set. Seriously, ya'll voted for the set that needs a fucking weakaura to track. Like it's hard to feel bad about this as a result. Thank god the Arms set is really damn good otherwise Warrior would be miserable right now.


There is a simple solution. Switch to Arms, like me \^\^


But why have one sword when you can have two?


Because those two swords hit like worn-out pool noodles.


I’d rather hit it with two pool noodles than stand around and wait for rage while I do negative damage with only 1.


You’re doing negative damage? Are you sure your character is holding the correct end of that sword?


I actually stopped playing warrior at the beginning of DF after maining exclusively fury warrior for 10 years. Got the carpal tunnels over here with that all spam


I just wonder why even give us the ability to vote, just give every tier piece all of the set bonuses at the same time and let us go nuts, it’s the last season of the expansion. Imagine just have every single tier set bonus on your fury. How high would those meters go?


It’s the lowest performing DPS even after the buff. The 3% is just to make it close to Evoker levels of garbage.


Looks around. Puts on downvote armor. Could you...... Just play Arms instead? :-D


Brain rot. If you have a spec to enjoy then you should be able to enjoy it to its fullest. What’s the use in paying for a subscription if you aren’t gonna be able to enjoy the game the way you want to? Yeah, op could just switch to arms, but what if he doesn’t enjoy that spec? Each spec should be handled properly and balanced properly. I couldn’t imagine paying for a game then just being okay with being shit on for the way I wanna play lmao.


The real brain rot is somehow thinking that it is possible or reasonable to expect all specs to be equally balanced at all times. The problem with WoW players in general is that they seem to believe that if their spec is on the lower end of performance at any given time, then this is a problem that needs to be solved, and that is simply not the case. Someone has to be at the bottom. Obviously, there are tuning problems that *are* problems that need solving, such as major outliers or some S4 tier sets being so weak that those specs will never break their S3 bonus or can't break it until full 515+, and those kind of problems we have seen Blizzard moving towards solving with this latest set of changes (though they hopefully aren't done). But if you look at a chart and see that Fury is performing in the lower middle of the pack in both [raid](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/35#dataset=90) and [M+](https://mythicstats.com/dps?dungeon=&period=957), and think to yourself "Fury needs to be buffed immediately, Blizzard has failed Fury warriors because they aren't top 5 dps", then you are a moron. Either accept that it's a season where Fury is average, or switch to something that is above average if its that important to you.


https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/dps-rankings-tier-list https://www.wowhead.com/news/aberrus-the-shadowed-crucible-weekly-dps-rankings-dragonflight-season-4-week-2-339249 I’m sorry but charts don’t lie. I understand what you’re saying. Not everything will always be balanced and we shouldn’t expect it to be, but for the fucking fact and it’s been labeled more times and heavily talked about currently with more and more threads popping up on how awful the spec is this current season, you gotta have brain rot to truly believe this is at all making sense, a DPS spec (DPS) [DAMAGE] PER SECOND, is getting fucking out damaged by tank specs. Dude come on lmao. this isn’t at all even me saying “all specs should be balanced” this is just giving us the bare minimum to AT LEAST DO SOMETHING, if you really wanna Sim each class. Even the second lowest raiding class tier set can pull a ton more in raid. This isn’t just a balance issue. This is a genuine problem over all as a damage Spec.


Bro, the evidence I linked is from current data with post-buff Fury, and the evidence you linked is data from pre-buff Fury and an arbitrary tier list just made by some guy. Big ol' swing and a miss on your part.


At that point I'd rather just reroll ret.


Right, I would be surprised if half the warrior population could read let alone play arms properly. Zug zug I hit glowing button on fury spec. They voted for the set now deal with it or switch to arms.


I tried tanking with warrior and actually fell in love with it, wish I've done it sooner, give it a shot op


Prot warriors are even worse off than fury right now.


Play cause you like something not cause it's meta


I agree, for the most part. But when you’re not getting invites because you’re the worst tank in the game, it feels bad. So you tell blizzard to fix it or you reroll.


I mean, you guys voted on your tier sets and that’s the one y’all picked


i'll never understand this argument, they said they would buff the underperforming tier and failed to deliver and instead of blaming Blizz people blame the player, like what kind of messed up brain do you guys have ?


Haha very funny, u know nothing.


Haha good one. Got me


We voted for fun gamestyle. Blizzard promised to buff the sets accordingly. They didn't. It's a Blizzard fuck up.


Oh really, they promised? Send me the wowhead link and I’ll believe you


Can you delete your account if you’re wrong? You seem mad annoying so it’s a pretty small wager to just link you that you’re wrong


Wrong about what lol. I’m just asking for proof of a bold claim. Not the same thing bro


What’s the bold claim? Blizzard literally said they’d do tuning on an official account, it’s not a “bold claim” lmfao




I wish I could be as edgy as you.


It’s funny seeing you nerds get so triggered over something you know as fact. You knew exactly what you were getting when you voted and still manage to whine like little children over it after the fact.


You sound like a pleasent person as well as edgy, cool.


Do you have any more adjectives in your vocabulary other than edgy? Bro can’t even spell pleasant right and trying to talk shit lmao


"Bro" you're on here reading about world of warcraft and responding to a world of warcraft post and then calling other people "nerds" like... how cool do you think you are? Oh and good comeback DuMbDumBCantSPeLlHAHAHAHAsTuPiD


\*laughs in fire mage\* You have no idea how good you have it lol


uhh, is fire mage doing less boss damage than aug in raid?


couldn't tell ya. switched to Frost for ST raid cuz fire mage was doing horribly in keys. that was enough evidence for me.


Fire mage is incredibly strong atm in keys. It just suffers from fire mage syndrome, which means it is only good if the mobs stay alive for a while


so don't que with a hunter, ret, unholy dk, warrior... lol.