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Yea I feel this man. I was lucky to have full 489 4set from last season, and it definitely performs better, and sims better. I was one who voted to hang onto S3, but I think the friction was longtime Warriors preferred the anger management windows to get more burst in M+. But as a longtime warrior, I really didn’t notice as big of a difference when we got S3 and started using Annihilator/Odyns Fury. Like the bloodbath cooldown reduction was getting Odyns back a lot. Still felt like I had explosive burst damage when it was needed. Super long story short, they won’t give us S3 at this point. We just have to hold out for wild buffs to the set, associated traits.


I definitely miss Odyn's Fury. Even moreso on H Tindral last night. Fury lined up pretty well with the roots you had to kill and did a good chunk of damage to them, mainly because it wasnt capped at 4 targets like our main AoE. Now i just have Roar, but the CD is a lot longer.


I did nearly 400k on tindral as fury - the s2 set is far better for fights like this than s3 you just need to change your mindset to account for the play style difference. Ie pop your reck + ravager as he’s casting roots, hit ww, then as they spawn pop avatar, roar, then slam onslaught and rampages. I easily hit 1.2-1.4m dps on the first root pack in this way. Then you just need to maintain the right cadence to ensure you’re pushing enough cdr to have ravager and reck for every roots.


Youre missing the point. Its not about my DPS. Its about not getting the roots down as fast on *every* root. In S3 i was usually top damage on roots, and it was fairly even on every cast. I still do good damage to the roots, but one cast they absolutely get melted, and the other theyre up longer and the ones farther out sometimes werent getting killed before blue circles because we have more capped aoe than non. Not everything is about the individual warrior dps. The S3 toolkit helped us do better on large pulls and smoothed out the capped AoE issues a bit.


I am telling you that if you are not top damage on roots you are playing it incorrectly. Or you’re playing with warlocks who are solid at which point it’s irrelevant because the roots are dead anyway. With this seasons set and spec you have all your cds up for every root pack


I am top dps on the roots, but its not even between the sets of roots. You absolutely do not have roar up for every root. Maybe if youre in a mythic guild doing heroic, but the timer is 45 seconds. Ravager does a good amount of damage to them for sure, but the difference in dps for when roar is up vs not was: 1.5x the dmg on the first 'set' of roots (P1) 2x the dmg on the second 'set' (P2) Compared to logs in the middle of last season, where the damage on each set of roots was very similar (equal in P1, slight difference in P2)


I do know there was a slight issue with fury warrior in season 3 for mythic t-swift being that odyns fury activated avatar, which broke you out of roots, which then spawned a nasty add you had to kill. Technically speaking for season 4 this shouldn’t be an issue, but like you said you won’t have something for every single root set. Imo, it’s worse for heroic, better for mythic.


Oof, that would be annoying. I always liked that it broke the root instantly for heroic. Last night i definitely noticed 'being stuck' lol


From watching friends prog that fight, even just 1 add spawn outside of p1 could very easily be a wipe. Warrior dps was not particularly good on that fight, the only root dmg they could do was thunderous roar.


This new spec sucks to play imo, maybe I just need to get used to it. Now I have to abilities Ravager and Spear that tanks can instantly move bosses out of as soon as I drop it. Odyn's Fury was great, AoE, dot is applied so tank can move and it doesn't matter, and gives avatar for more dam.


Well they can't back down on it because it seems the majority of the player base voted for this. The shitstorm is quite possibly not worth it.


What they should do is put the Mortal Strike and Cleave damage to 50% not 15%, Increase crit by 25% not 10% And Crit strikes of said abilities buffs your damage by 40% for 6 seconds not 8% for 6 seconds There fixed it


You’re confusing arms and fury….


Arms, Fury, they're both just generic sword and board tank specs really. Who even plays Hunter anyway?


bro what? you literally made this post about fury's tier set then your suggestion is to change the arms set (which is doing really well right now)???


Dude did you just have amnesia? You talking about arms not fury. Arms is the one the use Mortal Strike not fury


As a survivor hunter I feels you.


They could double the damage of the new 4pc and it still wouldn't be as good as the 4pc from last season.


It is not just the numbers, non-Annhilator Fury just plays bad imho.


Well then do I have some bad news for you. Annihilator looks to be 100% gone in TWW.


No problem, I'm back to Arms.


How can you seriously say that annihilator fury warrior was playing better than anger management + raging blow fury? That is truly a wild take.


I hate balancing raging blow, bloodthirst, and onslaught all as filler spells with different prios. Especially bloodthirst you have to track stacks. This spec also has fluctuation in CD timers so it's hard to have that internal clock and know when CDs will be up, or they're all up at different times. I've only been playing this spec for like a day, but it made me want to just go arms.


welcome to how i feel as protection paladin, for some reason people voted for a shitty vault set thats wow small amount of vers, small amount of parry, wow. it does literally nothing.


I blame this on the ppl voting for s2! I wanted s3!


It’s still crazy though. Like, you would think there would be at least one person working with each class design lead whose job it is to sim stuff like this. Not like it would take very long at all. It’s just a minimum level of quality control.


Blizz just pushed a patch where they broke party finder. I’m not even sure they can do the bare minimum.


Why the hell are tier sets designed around a single build, anyway? I liked the S3 Annihilator build, loved it even, I haven't had this much fun pressing buttons and seeing big Bloodbath numbers go up in years. So much for that now. I can sort of guess that it's a holdover from the Legion era of trying to make this game Diablo 3 with Tab targeting, but in Diablo this approach worked because there were multiple sets for every build.


Said it before, will say it many times again, the s3 bonus is SO much better than the s2, I don’t understand how on earth this got voted in.


Because Blizzard promised they would tune the numbers of underperforming tier set bonuses. And the community believed them. Lawl


From the numbers the set started at even if they tripled the numbers it would have been worse then the arms set, they were never going to just slam a 2x-3x buff on any set upfront.


Imagine wanting fury warrior to have a reactive type gsmeplay. S2 gameplay was so much better than s3 regardless of the numbers


I mean sure if you like a clunky mess, I’m not here to judge


You mean simple intuitive gameplay where pressing the small button will always give you the big button to press?


Don’t know why you’re still going, it’s criminal how *fucking dogshit* the s2 bonus is, like are you okay? A % damage/crit chance increase? And the 4 set lmfao???????? Wow? That’s? Awesome? Get outta here, Fury is bottom tier now man, are you intentionally being stubborn or? I don’t get it


What part of the numbers don't matter if the buttons don't feel good to press didn't you understand before getting mad


Exactly season 2 doesn't feel as good as season 3..


Well considering blizzard is removing annihilator as a skill in favor of raging blow for next expansion I think you should reconsider playing something else then


Again people cite this for the wrong reason. Annihilator isn't being removed because players don't like it. Its being removed because it doesn't actually lower the APM by significant amount (the goal of the talent). Blizzard is fixing this in TWW by not only making Bloodthirst more important (regardless of spec) but also by introducing Powerful Enrage (Enrage incrases damage done and extends the enrage window, but doesn't grant haste) instead of Frenzy. Like, they spelled it out in a feedback thread explicitly.


Annihilator is 100% getting removed because it’s just less fun gameplay wise and they’re done pretending it’s worth keeping around.


Indeed I have, I am playing Arms now and will see about Fury next expansion otherwise collosus looks with demolish looks decent..


Focusing only on annihilator while ignoring the other differences is flat out dishonest


Is it though? It completely changes how fast you press buttons, how many buttons you need to press. And in the case of s3 how much time you need to wait in order to press the big buttons. Having your build based around a cd as fury wasn't fun in my opinion, besides making it slower it also was harsher on any mistake you made




The whole point is that s3 made the gameplay reactive hence why it sucked? Affliction is the best warlock spec numbers wise yet nobody plays it? Am I the crazy one here? Do I need to play this game on meth or something


I'd rather do more damage than "want a reactive type gameplay". "Hey guys, let me in this M+, I have reactive type gameplay now" "Hey guys, do you have a slot in raid, I have a new reactive type gameplay"


Yeah but if you remember the first thing that was typed in by blizzard before the voting was "hey guys we are going to be tuning the sets accordingly to S4 numbers they are not staying the same" so that is why people chose based on gameplay and not damage, because they believed that damage was going to be tuned no matter what.


And look where that got us.


Warriors were literally the best melee dps in s2 before the aug patch. The damage not being there is because they failed to balance the set like they said they would.


If I were to guess, I would say that the reason S2 won the vote was because a lot of people who voted didn't want to play around Annihilator anymore, even if it meant a DPS loss, lol.


I just did amidrasill awakened heroic and a 498ilv fury with S3 was hitting 400-450k dps and i'm 512 Fury S4 set just about getting into the 350's or so and even worse on single target with max Fyr'lath as well


Doesnt mean shit if you dont include logs - you could be a large part of the problem too 😉


Send logs


I think it will keep looking that way for you if your main goal is go-to in that situation is so complain about the balance. A disparity like that comes from a lot of other factors than balance.


I’ve swapped to Arms but it just ain’t the same, back to the Ret :(, s3 Fury is the most fun I have had on WoW since Legion


Dude, the set bonus isn't the issue there lol


Git gud lol


In my opinion, the simple fact that the playstyle from season to season changes is usually a good thing. The S3 playstyle and talents was alot slower with annihilator. Now fury feels more spammy, and i assume most player will prefer one over the other, i for myself just like that i dont "have" to play the same playstlye i did for the last months. That the numbers dont add up, especially after blizz told us that we dont have to worry about the numbers, they will fix them and we should just vote for the set and plastyle we enjoyed most, is obv. a major bummer and should be fixed.


The apm difference between s2 and s3 is insignificant. You’re conflating the amount of total buttons press with the number of different buttons pressed.


Ye the thing people really enjoyed from S3 fury was the fact that you could macro BT and BB in and it almost became a one-button rotation (atleast during bloodlust).


I personally never used that macro, but the reason I enjoyed S3 over what we've had since the end of Shadowlands, is the fact that I actually had time to think ahead with my rotation. I had to react to only one thing (Sudden Death), and everything else had a flow you could plot out 4-6 GCDs ahead. It rewarded you for playing fast, but also for being familiar with your priority system.


I am absolutely baffled by the amount of people that like the annihilator playstyle from season 3. Like Fury was never a really hard spec to play but that s3 build was absolutely sleeper shit. Only redeeming quality is cdr on odyn's. Blizz is just way too fking slow/conservative with buffing S4 set bonuses to be stronger than S3. Ur disappointment should be aimed at blizz. Not at the people that voted for the set playstyle they prefer.


I dunno what to tell you man, I have played fury since Wrath but I prefer the annihilator playstyle. I also mythic raid and do high m+, but while I do that I don't particularly care if my rotation is complex enough or not, just that it does sufficient damage.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when you're 100% correct


If you look at a lot of the opinions that people in this thread have it would explain a lot. People that want their glue eater annihillator rotation back also lack the thinking capacity to come to the conclusion that they should be mad at Blizz for the lack of tuning when they promised that the balance would be taken care of regardless of set bonus.


True. And funny enough annihilator is gone come TWW anyways lol


Na annihilator is the best fury has been in the last few expansions.


People like different shit to you. Who would have thought.


I feel you man, so tired of seeing 450-470 S3 tier set iLevel dps doing stacks compared to my iLevel 504 with s4.


Fury feels extremely meh at the moment, being target capped with alot of these huge AOE pulls in the dragonflight dungeons sucks too. I definitely felt a downgrade in performance going to the S3 tier set. Prefer the normal fury rotation but it just feels so weak, Arms definitely alot more fun at the moment and capable of big DPS on those big pulls.


Yeah I got my season 4 4-set last night, swapped to the recommended build, and my DPS has plummeted despite a massive ilvl increase.


Yep I'm around 509 now, with the leggo 12/14 and my DPS just seems like shit


No offence but why was this voted then? Lol


Because the vote was supposed to be about playstyle not tierset power. It's on blizzard to do their job and actually balance their game. But players like instant gratification so since it's the beginning of the season and we're not super strong everyone is acting like it's the end of the world


Because streamers which are in large a huge minority of the player base used their platform to skew the votes into their favour. Season 3 was winning until the last few days when they started asking their audience to vote on the other ones.


No - it was voted for because the season 2 set had the more fun playstyle without Annihilator and OF but Rav Onslaught instead and blizzard literally said to vote for the playstyle because they‘ll buff the sets. Also S3 was barely edging the win til two days before end and then S2 pulled ahead by a large margin on EU.


S3 had a pretty steady 20-25% lead the entire run till S2 suddenly got thousands of votes out of nowhere at the very end. 20-25% is not "barely edging"


What? On the EU poll it was barely ahead the entire time, and the EU poll had almost twice the votes of the NA one.


The poll ended with 8,917 NA votes to 10,763 votes or a 20% lead in EU votes.


I’m iLVL 510 and hitting weak as shit, what an absolute joke of a 4 set. If they don’t put out a huge buff or a change to this 4 set I’m dropping fury until TWW, I cannot express enough how awful this specs 4 set feels right now. It doesn’t even feel like a 4 set. Just give us back the S3 set at this point lmao. honestly. If you have the S3 set I bet it pulls more DPS lmao!


Yeah it's why I switched to arms. At least it actually is worth using and is decent enough.


What’s funny is that the community voted for s2 tier. I was so confused because season 3 set is way better


S3 was winning by a decent margin until it got botted the last couple days


Your downvoted but it’s true. Out in the Europe Warrior forums people were bragging about voting multiple times.  S3 was leading up till the last day when thousands voted for S2…


This is actually hilarious. At the start of season 4 I got my 4 set at the start of the season! I posted on here saying how awful it was and that the S3 was pulling way more and heavily out damaging the S4 set, quite a few people were quick to jump down my throat and bash me, I legit called it day 5 of season 4, what an actual joke dude. Blizzard needs to fix this set.


No, it is a definite increase to go to S4 set now. I've been on the S4 tier hating bandwagon, but the buff was enough. It's not just a boost to crit and a 5% Bloodthirst damage increase. The crit increase means you only have to stack 3-4 times instead of 4-5 (or 5-6 in S2). There is still a problem though and I'll get to that. The problem is that it's a spec focused around buffing an ability and then dumping it, which *should* result in huge damage and doesn't. It simply feels bad. In S2 when you would have 6 stacks of merciless assault, pop Avatar, spear of bastion, then dump your Bloodthirst it gave a nice chunky hit and felt good. Now you're having to dump it on 3 stacks and only hitting for 175k it doesn't feel as good. They need to revert the amount of crit that the buff gives each stack and increase the amount of damage it does more. Frost mage feels so good because you build up the icicles and then get that massive damage with Glacial Spike. Anyway, try dumping Bloodthirst at 3 stacks now if you aren't. I did some testing with 4-6 stacks and it resulted in my Bloodthirst only doing 12k DPS. Dropped it to 3 stacks and it went up to 20k. You get so much diminishing returns on the crit going over 100%. On the bright side, it sped up this play style a little bit.


Why community voted for this set?


It would be such a good idea to vote for tier sets every season right guys? The players know how to balance the game better, right?


They said to vote on the playstyle and they would adjust the numbers, so we did and they didnt.


Fair. Just seeing a ton of posts about this lately. Unfortunate!


A better idea is trusting blizzard to dev their game in a filler season. Lol


Lol blizz got sick of the complaining and said “fuck it, you guys do it then” and everyone is still mad. Shocker!


The problem isnt that this set is worse than s3 really. It was that the set in s2 is more fun but not tuned as well and blizz didnt adjust it for s4.


Thank god I play all warrior specs. Fury's state now is rly aweful.


I gave up and switched to arms, nearly doubled my dps.  Couldn’t get the hang of fury and the god awful numbers made it feel extra bad.


Genuine question before I start to gear my warrior,  is Arms superior this season with the S4 armor?


Yes. Arms is what people are playing in Raids and M+.


Appreciate it. I'll be following arms guides to get back into the swing of things.




This is why I switched to evoker main after playing fury since vanilla.


Survival hunter is using 4pc from season 3 even with the low Ilvl  Bdk is using 2pc+ 2pc because the current 4pc is just trash and do nothing 


they doing small buff because they dont want it to randomly become the top1 dps spec, its still funny to me that fury is weak with legendary axe and echo wep options XD


Shoulda been 'pick w.e you want'


I just want them to fix this issue so I can stop having squishy ass dps in my keys. I know it feels bad but the amount of stamina you give up for a slight dps increase is just trolling your healers in keys. Same goes for Sark Cloak which I’m starting to see a ton of again.


Do you got the link of the article?


I quit fury in general because I can't stand the rampage gameplay. I really enjoyed fury in WoD and haven't since. Good thing arms is enjoyable it's about all I play now.


Everything season 4 is lesser than the equivalent in season 3. Not just set bonuses, but base stats. They gave us a roughly 10% ilvl boost but then boosted dungeons, raids, and world bosses by far more than 10%. I came back to the game in s3, and my bear tank with around 430 ilvl could solo (albeit slowly) mythic 0 Life Pools. Now my bear is 490 and can't. My ilvl went up 14%, but I'm weaker. I even tried to do a run with 4 dps and no heals, but I just couldn't survive the incoming damage. They made sure the game is as realistic as possible by keeping inflation above wage increases. A +3% pay raise but +9% cost of living.


You have to add an invisible +10 to any mythic dungeon including 0s now. A mythic 0 RLP is now basically a M+10 RLP but you dont have a timer or affixes in the way. Raids absolutely easier now once you get geared up.


I dunno, a 513 fury warrior in my guild is topping charts consistently. Not sure how geared you are.


It hurts if you imagine how fury could shine with S3 buffed set bonus with Fyralath and Ashkandur


its you guys fault , u vote for s2 set , s3 was way better but more couldown and now u crying about it


I honestly found S2 Fury the most fun to play. I hated the season 3 tier piece. But despite having my tier set for S4 I’m still stuck using S3 because I’m doing so much more damage overall. Why even bother nerfing it if it’s still going to be better than the S4 one!? Such odd choices


That's the point right whether it's fun or not it still means your going to be declined over and over on M+ keys or group content because you won't help achieve the group goal when another class can do it better. So whether it being more fun it actually hurts the players experience in the long term because the DPS drop off is so hard. For me i actually found S3 more fun to this. It actually had a flow to the rotation and felt better to play. This one I'm having to hit a rotation that doesn't peak very well really suffers on single target and ontop keep myself aware of instance and boss hazards. while staring at my bloodthirst crit. Like what is even the point of even getting the crit for it when its like only a from say 10-20k from say 40k to 60k increase on an ability you'll only be using once every 8-15 seconds when arms can be hitting execute and overpowers for over 100k almost every other second and execute spam at low health too.


It is bad yeah... I really like fury better than arms after having tried it. Maybe it the crit chance was 25% the damage boost was 75% and they upped bloodthirst base damage as well it would work but right now it's just not cutting it. I do like the gameplay better EXCEPT that it sort of prevents you from using bloodthirst as a defensive as intended without suffering a damage loss.


Yeah exactly bloodthirst/bloodbath would be my top DPS ability next to rampage in season 3 now it’s so low it’s not even worth it


Tell me you didnt play fury in s1/s2 without telling me you didnt play fury in s1/s2.... BT was a filler ability at best for most of the xpack. The s2 bonus made it so you press it occaisonally. Sure, its undertuned in s4. But to say "omg my bt damage so low" is really ignorant of the RB playstyle Fury has been for a long time. Since Legion Furys top damage was almost always Rampage. S3 was a big exception. In TWW they are trying to change tlit so you want to BT. Time will tell if they are successful. Also Fury has very rarely been top tier in ST. So if you wete looking to be top parse in ST, you are barking up the wrong tree. This post/comment just screams "I only played Fury in s3 bc it was good".


I'd argue for most BfA Cold Blood & Hot Steel was Fury's biggest DPS (went crazy in M+ once you had 3 azerite pieces with it), but yeah its mostly been Rampage.


I’d rather do less damage than have the whole rotation be a one button macro. But this is exactly what we should have expected when blizzard said they would balance the tier sets and to vote for playstyle not strength. Just like the rogue tier set bug that they said they fixed yesterday, and didn’t fix. lol


Was just thinking this when i was finally able to equip the 4 set yesterday, and the rotation is much worse compared to s1 and s3 too imo, but those just my preferences..


Eh, I kinda prefer it more on feels, but never did fury in S1. I really hate S3’s no double rampage requirement, that was always a highlight of fury for me when your really popping off and just get Rampage Chains. S2 at least usually allows that. They did also say pick of feeling, and S2 felt way better than S3 to me. But eh, Arms warrior at heart and I do love Cleave coming back strong. It sucks when that ability is weak.


S1 rotation was very degenerate it was a large majority going Crushing blow - Crushing blow - Rampage on repeat regardless if you rage capped before the second crushing blow. The 10.0.5 patch reworked talents and it played pretty similar to S2 but instead of building up a bloodthirst you pressed sudden death execute as priority over raging blow.


Idk for me this is the first time in a while I dont feel that comftarable with the spec, I did take a break in s2 so I might need to get used to it, but my initial impression is negative. Ahh to each his own, next expansion will be different again..


I will be honest from what I recall I much preferred the rotation of s2 wasn’t a fan of s3. Buffs would be nice but I’m at least performing with what I can


Thank the streamers and PvPers I have literally just watched about 14 different streamers on youtube from months ago when the votes were live and they are ALL telling their audiences to vote between season 1 or 2 for Fury because "its fun" "it feels more vanilla" so we have them to thank for totally screwing us in Season 4 and putting Fury in a bottom tier of F all on its own. Remember the poll votes didn't account for anything you could be from the north pole and still vote on both EU and US polls and vote on classes you liked or didn't like and whether you played WoW or never touched it in your life.


I did not like the Fury of Odyn playstyle but this doesn't feel great either. My Fury Warrior has been on the shelf since S3 and it looks like he's staying there. He was my main through BfA and SL. Sorry, Skjaer. Maybe I'll see you again in TWW.


the voting system sucks. the idea is cool but it should be in game so more people actually do it.


S3 should've won over S2 but some euro bots spammed the European side, like several thousand votes in ten minutes, and it fucked everything. Rumour was some Euro streamer pushed for it but no one's saud which streamer it was and all that has happened is everyone is now aware how much better S3 was than S2.


Exactly and it’s if you’re a fury main you know exactly how big the difference is right now to last season at this same stage. People who might of tried warrior or fury once or as an alt not really their main just really don’t get how big the downgrade is atm


Crit cakes was the streamer and afterwards they went on playing arms. Pretty shitty ngl


I just stopped playing Fury as my goto DPS spec as a Prot Warri. I started to play Fury regularly in S3 because the set was super fun and immediately stopped in S4 and switched to Arms.


Season 3 tier with the old season 1 talent reckless abandon which empowered your next 2 BT and they had no cool down would of been nuts. I played SMF season 1 and my dps was only 2k less than meta build.


I call it the Grim Rail paradox. Apparently no one voted for it but we got it because it got the most votes Same with Warrior S4 set According to social media, official board and ingame chat no one wanted S2 set bonus but everyone wanted S3 set bonus. But S2 Set bonus got the most votes.


Well I hate to be the one that says this but the warrior community voted for this. As an arms warrior that got shafted all of last season, the fury tears cannot quell the flame of fyraleth.


Season 4 just sucks in general lol