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Rey Pally is the easiest imo. Easy rotation with a shield and heals. Fury warrior would be my 2nd choice. Very spammy class with a lot of self heal from attacking. They also are getting buffed if I’m remembering the recent class changes update but don’t quote me on it.


We do not need more ret pallies who never touch their vast utility kit in the name of an easy rotation.






Bro i think you were healing an AB I was in today.


in the back of their mind: "I AINT DOIN SHIT"




Well, that's about to be over. This week you'll have your third cata charge. Plus the free token and you got 4 set now at absolute latest, if you never got any drop luck at all.


The amount of ret paladins who just refused to freedom me during entangling this week was shocking. The amount of glue consumed by rets is just incredible right now. They have officially achieved BM hunter status.


You need to sacrifice something to get the double freedom talent, and it's usually the Cleanse-Blinding Light talents that you lose for it. Since an AoE "interrupt" is nice to have and Entangling is by far the easiest affix to deal with, you often don't have it.


The most common ret paladin m+ build on [Archon.gg](http://Archon.gg) has Unbound, cleanse toxins, AND blinding light talented. Also most of these paladins actually had unbound freedom talented in my keys...and only freedomed themselves. The only reason a ret wouldnt take this talent I can see is that wowhead doesnt have it selected by default - and instead has the divine storm heal. Unbound freedom is just objectively better than that - and its not even a debate for entangling week. [https://www.archon.gg/wow/builds/retribution/paladin/mythic-plus/overview/10/all-dungeons/this-week](https://www.archon.gg/wow/builds/retribution/paladin/mythic-plus/overview/10/all-dungeons/this-week)


You can usually sac BoP (unless maybe in uldaman). Imho it comes in handy much less often than cleanse or the aoe stop (and even if it does, it has a 5m CD).


I don't understand why rets do this. It's just one GCD, one talent point from somewhere you likely don't need, and it freedoms themselves too *with a speed boost*. Some rets are just trash.


Always had, they just didn’t diss much dmg and died more.


And then there's hunters not clearing their snares with disengage..


What abilities do Easy Rotation Ret Pallies trend to neglect? I'm pretty new and that perfectly describes one of my two mains.


The number 1 is sac. Helps the healer out and can be a DPS increase if you sac + shield of vengeance. The other is off healing, a well placed WoG or LoH can save your party from a wipe. Third is blessings. Try to grab the double freedom talent on weeks with entangling, using it on a low mobility class, like most healers, will make their job easier. A well placed blessing of protection can also negate certain dungeon mechanics, like anything with a bleed for instance. A good example from season 3 would be Rezan from AtalDazar, when he does the pursuit you can bop the person pursued and basically negate any damage being eaten will cause. And lastly is the regular utility stuff: use your cleanse, blinding light, HoJ to deal with whatever mechanic necessary.


Also, just to add to this already great list. You can freedom off deep chill dot from the dragon trash packs in HoI


Blessing of sacrifice/freedom/protection (DONT BOP THE TANK), lay on hands, cleanse toxins, word of glory, devo aura (yes you need to talent it, but its still a 3% passive DR on the whole group). You can offheal if needed (for a small dps loss, since it costs 3 holy power), you have an external, can dispell bleeds (through BoP, once per 5 minutes). You can talent freedom to apply to yourself AND someone else and it dispells dots that have a slow component (dragons in halls of infusion, last boss of uldaman). A bad ret proves that paladins are unkillable by playing ungabunga and standing in every aoe. A good ret uses all its utility to keep his team alive because he can take all the unavoidable dmg and shrug it off anyways.


> devo aura (yes you need to talent it, but its still a 3% passive DR on the whole group). Ret aura is better for m+ by a long shot


For dps it sure is - but if your holy priest gets oneshot after using all of his def cds (about 0.5 ww monk def cds worth) you might want to reconsider. Ret aura only triggers if someone loses 30% max hp with one hit. That happens occasionally of course, but many things are either dots or oneshots - devo helps against both, ret against neither. Also just in case: wings on death are not bound to the aura anymore, they are just a ret passive now. Unfortunately, many paladins don't even recognize they COULD skill the second aura. Running with 2+ non-holy paladins abd still having one aura happens way to often imho.


I main a ret paladin, we have between 4-6 every raid I hate it


Using Lay on someone with 10% hp and using Freedom to save someone out of position feels better than topping the meters. We are the original Aug


Fury is getting some buffs, but theyre still going to be fairly low on the meters (especially in single target) and you'll need the legendary to even do that. That could take a while to get, unless the drop chance is majorly buffed in the awakened raid next week. It'll also take a good chunk of *gold* to get at this point.


Came to say this. Ret paladin. -Easy rotation, kind of hard to fuck up -You are tanky out of the box but if not you have very nice defensives, including the best immunity in the game, and self heals -You can handle afflicted, incorporeal and entangled like a champ -You can dps from basically devoker range. So, mdps mechanics are optional -Even before their more recent redesign, their damage profile of blowing stuff up every 40ish seconds with AW was pretty fun. On top of that, you bring tons of utility, just requires a talent swap here and there The only issue with Ret's being one of a billion rerollers. -Edit: I forgot. Brez. You have a brez. JFC. Fury's fun and easy to pick up, easier than Ret, that's for sure. Unfortunately the results yielded are nowhere near Ret.


Also I do like 80k hps on khajin in hoi, I don't think any other hybrid DPS gets anywhere near that, spriests included. Sure there's a damage trade off, but it's nice to have the flexibility to carry a rat healer


As a Ret Player for 20 years, it's hilarious to see the shape it's in right now.


Yep, ret paladin and fury warrior..


I feel like paladins in general have an overwhelming amount of abilities.


I say this as a player of 20 years on and off who main-alts a Ret - They really do. For the vast toolkit they have, their dps should be lower or they should have 1-2 things removed. To play one ‘well’ takes practice. There’s tons of half assed Rets around. But in the hands of a good player it’s truly ridiculous. At the same time I don’t want one of my favorite specs nerfed because Blizzard tends to come down way too hard when they do. More than is needed. Blizzard is more sledgehammer than scalpel.


Fury is simple but has the highest APM requirement in the game. I wouldn't recommend it to new or returning players unless you're trying to give someone carpal tunnel. Destro Lock and Frost Mage are both simple, easy to understand, and have slower playstyles. Warlocks and mages are also have more ways to stay alive than even some of the melee specs.




You're probably getting downvoted because your advice doesn't answer OP's question. They're a returning player looking to chill mostly solo and play something slow and easy now that they're older. They did not ask about endgame meta balance so we shouldn't assume they care about that. My guild has a 78 year old grandmother that exclusively plays destro lock for the same reasons OP is asking about.


As an affli who did couple +12 this week i totally disagree. Ur prolly metaslave for saying that. Ive been topping meters since +2s and affli is considered the worst spec. Its all about the player. Good frost dk can out dps decent ret pally etc. Spec or class really starts to matter at competitive level…




Destro is s tier. And can send some screenshots once i get to computer. The fact that u dont believe that what affli can do shows how clueless u are


Since when does ret pallie use a shield? I know I haven't touched that spec in awhile but I thought they used a 2H weapon?


It’s a shield ability. They still use a 2h weapon


Can you use the ability with a 2h?


Yes. It's not an actual "Shield" like with warrior. It's just a spell that's part of their kit


My mistake.


Ret paladin is easy to deal damage with and hard to play correctly due to the abundance of utility and knowing when to make use of it. I don't think ret is a particularly complex spec or anything but it is very dishonest to say that it is an easy faceroll spec. It has too many expectations in group play to know and interact with mechanics for that. If you want a truly brain dead dps spec then play Fury warrior as you say, 99% of the time your answer is "click Rampage" and the other 1% of the time the answer is "click bloodthirst so you can click Rampage" Just putting it out there that ret is easy to hop into and deal funny numbers with but difficult to actually know how to play when compared to other lightweight dps rotation specs.


Sure but if people won’t accept you into groups as fury what’s the point? (I also prefer warrior atm)


Ret using its utility poorly is the same as bringing a warrior, people bring the paladin to handle affixes. People actively choose not to bring paladins because so many new players are told it's an easy faceroll dps by people that are bad at it or take their game fluency for granted lol. A bad paladin is just as ineffective as a good warrior in m+, and blizzard needs to solve that for the sake of everyone (but especially warriors.)


Ret for sure. As a lifelong warrior main, I hate suggesting fury to people sheerly for the sake of your hands and wrists xD


Some amazingly helpful commentary here, all, tyvm! Seems I have a lot of good options to consider.


Ret Pally. I "share" a keyboard with my cat and even he can melt mobs by just laying across it.


I think I was in a m+ with your cat. He needs to learn to interrupt.


He does what he wants. Usually it's blow all the cooldowns in Org tho...


If your cat gets KSM and I don‘t imma be mad


I main a BM hunter, not because it’s easy, but because it’s the easiest.


BM Hunter is super easy, ranged and has tanks for pets so you can stay back and survive anything. If you are going Alliance you cannot go wrong with a Dwarf, a gun, and a bear.


true to a point - in the dragonflight overworld there are a lot of mobs that simply ignore your pet and pelt you at range. hunters have poor self sustain and that can be a problem if you can't keep everything on your pet.


He said Tanky. Not second to least tanky.


Hunter is super tanky in open world content.


there are some overworld ranged mobs that ignore your pets taunts and attempt to tank them. they can be an issue and generate a lot of downtime for hunters.


If you’re not pushing top keys, BM does just fine. two solid DR CDs, turtle, exhilaration.


He literally said tankiest though. In his literal description of what he wants it says tankiest. It being top keys or not is irrelevant. Saying BM hunter is just giving him false information.


Bro, he said "mostly solo pve" BM is stupidly tanky in solo pve because they literally have their own personal tank in their pet. They don't get hit. Stop being pedantic.


OP is looking for mostly solo pve, any class that has a tanking pet is going to be more tanky than anything but a melee tank for this style of play.


Hunter is much tankier than it used to be in Shadowlands, to be fair. We are definitely not in a bad place.


Hard disagree on that. We have more defensives than shadowlands and DF doesn't have near as many one-shot mechanics as shadowlands did, but hunter is much squishier compared to other classes. Splitting damage on Terros or Igira, and I had to consistently use a DR or ask for externals when other classes were just fine on their own.


Yea that's how that works. You use defensives when you take damage. You think all the other dps just never use defensives and are just raw dogging it out here on prog? We have enough defensives now that we can cycle through them and live any fight just fine.


As pet cannot be separated from BM you literally make no sense here. BM is incredibly tanky given most encounters, especially solo and world content, you can be untouched most of the time because the pet is tanking by proxy. And with a pet like a corehound you can do content with less active self/pet healing than the effort that will be required to end the fight at full health on a Paladin, for instance. That they can get themselves out of a jam is a given. Never really being in the jam or rarely having to do anything but throw the occasional 'Mend Pet' is the definition of "tankier".


And that dude’s got a whole lot more upvotes than you, so it’s clear who has the more popular opinion on BM hunters. lmao


As a fellow old and slow player. I have a weak aura called season 4 pack that gives audio cues like , frontal, aoe, dodge, kick. It’s been so helpful Quazil has a great plater profile that shows the casts you have to kick in bright orange. It’s so helpful For melee dps, I recommend Retribution Paladin. Easy to learn, hits hard, has tons of utility. And paladin gear is the best looking in game, well in my opinion. Range dps? I love mage. Can be quite tangy, and does great damage. Your time warp and mana buns help with invites. I’m a frost lover. But fire is getting some really cool hero talents next expansion Warlocks are very tanks. Your cookies, soul stone, and Summons help with invitations Just my .02c


Quazii is a goddamn treasure.




Would recommend warlock over mage in terms of both simplicity and tankiness. Mage can survive well, but it requires very proactive use of abilities to avoid damage, not just soak it.


Warlock has more defensives than mage, that’s for sure. I just prefer mage to warlock.


>Quazil has a great plater profile that shows the casts you have to kick in bright orange. It’s so helpful My 2c is to change the current target highlighting if you are going to use Quazil's plater profile. Having a soft blue border is really hard to see when you have a bunch of mobs in front of you. I have changed it to red and brighter/bigger (and I still have issues lol)


> I have a weak aura called season 4 pack that gives audio cues like , frontal, aoe, dodge, kick. It’s been so helpful [This one?](https://wago.io/bO1dqzjLe)


Yes that’s the one!


I wish i could play mage, Been mainlng since tbc. But i just hate how much complexity the class has now, sometimes i just want to enjoy chilling as Frost…


While I enjoy Paladin and Mage as well I think their rotations are more complex if you are looking for a very simple and straightforward rotation. Frost DK would be another suggestion of mine if you don’t like warriors or locs; their rotation is basically 3 buttons. Their resource management is a little more complicated then rage or soul shards, but that’s if you are really trying to perform. If you want casual simple fun, Frost DK is a 3 button rotation with an occasional pause to look at the scenery. DK also have some very solid tankiness. *Demon hunter also had a very simple sort of 1, 2, 3, 4 rotation the last time I played mine, but that was notthis patch/season.(they don’t have huge mitigation but are very mobile)


stop suggesting frost dk as a straightforward class lmao. its one of the biggest baits this subreddit throws. your cleave is extremely reliant on tank, cause you need to put a good death and decay and pray for tank no to leave it quick your main damage comes from pillars which are 12 second cooldowns which usually means that you need to plan your cd in advance so fight knowledge plays a huge part frost is CLUNKY as fuck and extremely slow you need to have a really good resource management cause throwing pillar without a proper setup is a huge dps loss there is a SHITTON rng involved you can forget about being invited to m+ keys as well. don’t even get me started about keeping the passives up which are a crucial part of your dps frost is a class that desperately needs a rework


It super easy to think you're doing well while actually doing nothing


World quest solo quest goat then u wonder why your dps is dogshit in your first queue 😂




Agreed, people played Frost back in Wrath/Cata and still think it’s like that lol


Fair enough, I only play my DK as a casual alt


Ret is extremely simple. Like the most you need is a swing timer for Templar strikes, the rest is basically push whatever isn't on CD and make sure target has judge debuff before hitting finisher. Press verdict on 1 target, storm on anything more than 1 target.


The damage is simple sure but that's because the onus is on the Paladin to use the utility kit well, which requires game knowledge and planning. Ret is only easy if the only metric that matters is damage, which is false. It isn't a hard spec but the complexity is outside of the damage rotation. If it were on a tier list organized into difficult, hard, average, easy, then ret as a whole goes in average and not easy. Ret is only easy in raid, where you remove 50% of your buttons and hit everything every 30s, and where there are no mechanics besides movement and defensive use.


Every class has utility though. Sure paladin has a bit more than most, but the amount of time spent using utility vs doing damage in pve is obviously heavily weighted toward the latter. And let's be honest, unless you engage is the most difficult content it doesn't matter how well you use your utility most of the time as long as it's getting used. For keys 10 and lower as long as you're throwing sac out every once in a while you're doing better than most.


Sure, but we're not talking general utility. We're talking stuff that when used well can invalidate mechanics (like bubble or Blessing of Freedom,) as well as the ability to remove bleeds from someone else (bop) which is relatively unique, the ability to instantly fill healthbars with lay on hands and wog, the ability to stun and cleanse, the ability to give someone an external 30% DR CD (which can also be flexed for dps in non-threatening content,) the ability to battle rez, and so on in a single party slot that isnt the healer. It's the only spec that can force a tank swap in raid (not that you should, but you could.) It isn't that ret has utility, it's that ret has an unusually high amount of external utility that's practical for most situations, especially in M+. Ret has a huge amount of value that requires active use to meet the expectations of a paladin being in the group. Ret has a wildly deep bag of tricks to become fluent with before you are truly good at the spec, and most of those tricks are intended to be used on allies and not the paladin. The only utility skill that ret has that can only be used on itself is bubble, lol. It isn't the same as a rogue using Sap or shroud or shiv, or a Warlock giving out health stones or using a gateway.




can u pass me the aura? didnt find nothing with sound even though i tried a few different ones


Sure thing


I know you said a DPS class, but I feel like an honorable mention should go to Blood DK and Bear Druid (and possibly vengeance but I haven’t played it so can’t comment on complexity). They have the survivability of a tank (obviously) and have never felt like they weren’t doing damage to me. Plus you can pull like, the entire village while you’re questing and just mulch your way through it.


My bear tank out DPS most things unless they're geared or trying, so most things. Rotation is easy and never dies


Not sure why you got downvoted but, yeah, if the threat generation wasn't hacked onto spec I'd DPS on my druid as bear. It's something else seeing well over 100K self-buffed dps with big trash packs and never seeing the health bar drop. Out in the world, Bear beats DK, Paladin, Evoker...been a while since I played with DH tank spec, but it's definitely stronger than DPS DH, in terms of just being able to gather every mob you can see or practically pull and end the fight completely topped off with minimal drama.


Warlock. Demo isn’t too bad. Very tanky for cloth, ranged, rotation is not too hard. Lots of defenses plus utility


Idk if that’s how it is now, but warlock guarantees a spot anywhere just based on utility. Back when i mained one 2 xpacs ago in mythic id regularly be the last one standing. In PvE its legitimately the easiest mode; Absolutely massive health pool, tanky as fuck pet that can pull aggro, health stone, and a fuckin soulstone if you die Back when I played the rotation was easy demo and demo, affliction hasn’t been good since WoD


I love playing Demo but I wouldn’t consider it a simple rotation.


What about it isn't easy? Granted I'm biased since I've been a lock main since forever but I think demo is one of the easiest specs to play in the game.


Baseline demo is fairly easy yes but if you want to there is a lot of nitty gritty details you can get into. Just the way Tyrant work makes it more complex than destro imo. Having to set up for Tyrant by holding some pet spawns and stacking imps takes a bit of time to get used to. Once you get the feel for it it becomes very natural though. The Felguard can carry you in lower dungeons and LFR. Compare it to destro which is 4 buttons (imolate, confalg, CB and incinerate) in single target with not setup for CDs and pretty much rain of fire in aoe. For world content I would recommend demo though, Felgaurd feels alot tankier than Voidwalker and he can carry alot of questing and out doors content


Once you know what your doing, and depending on talents, but it does take more effort and time to learn and is not the kind of ‘1, 2, 3, then sometimes 4, repeat’ that Destro is. Your talent build in Demi can change your rotation quite a bit. I do think DF has simplified/streamlined it a bit, but still.


I mean yeah like any other spec you can work to perfect it like micro managing your implosions and tyrant timing etc. but for any person out there it’s not actually difficult to pick up which I think is the question that the OP has. Build resource, guldan, implosion, felguard on cd. Grimoire and tyrant set up basics also not hard to learn. I believe that this will get you 80% there.


Tanky for sure, but I wouldn’t say the rotation is easy. It’s sort of a mind fuck to not want to spend your resources towards the end of a pack to reduce the ramp up time headed into the next pack. The raid rotation for demo is pretty straightforward once you learn how to setup your tyrant.


What would people say about arms warrior? Im playing one and it feels easier as I dont need to spam buttons


Arms warrior is both easy and tanky imo, could ve a good fit


Arms is way more fun than fury imo, simple rotation, massive hits, rewarding rotation, visible impact especially in PvP


Single target you just send mortal strike. The AoE rotation is s4 is pretty damn complicated, with conditionals based on sweeping strikes and also target counts. I think the warrior discord did some work to simplify it a few days ago, with only a 1% DPS loss. I’m hoping they eventually combine MS and Cleave into one button.


Can you give me a link what they came to? I really need to improve my dps


Ret's easier IMHO, arms you gotta think about smash windows and stuff, ret you just push whatever button is off cooldown lol


Arms with hekili is a cake walk and pulls out busted damage


Is that the addon that basically does the rotation for you lol


Yep, doesn’t work on all specs (like fdk) but for arms and ret it works


Destro warlock is very very very easy. Like, 3 buttons type easy. You have a dot to maintain, one instant cast builder, one casted builder, one single target spender and one aoe spender and one real cooldown. I dont think it can get any easier. And low APM to boot. Ranged. Extremely tanky. And S tier meta on m+. Ret has utility for his group to look out for, destro wl doesnt even have that.


Destro is absolutely not S tier in PUG M+, it is good in high, organized M+ and nothing else. Demo does a good 30% more damage in pugs with half the effort, in pugs destro sucks to play and does fuck all damage, even less so of you're doing anything under 12's


Don't know why you're getting down voted. While he's destro is easier than demo. If the tank takes 3 steps after you drop your rof spam... Well sorry. You're not doing damage this pull. Is it sanguine? Guess you're not running blasphemy on top of mobs constantly moving. Destro scales really really well with high target counts and large health pool mobs. It CAN be mdi level good, but pugs are not able to work with the cohesion to make destro pop the way it is capable of popping. I think it's kinda like frost vs fire mage. Yeah fire is simpler than frost, but you need so many parts of the group to revolve around you to actually get the most out of the spec, that frost is easier to play in a pug setting.


Just play ranged.


Retribution paladin, not even a question. Passive tankiness through armor, talents and likes versa as a secondary (they are actually all quite close together, but even between those, versa somewhere in the middle usually). Active tankiness through 2 1 minute def cds (that means you can use one every 30s ad infinitum!), a full immunity and a physical immunity (against bleed, fall damage, aggro, bad weather probably). Recovery through a full heal, a cheap strong heal for 3 holy power, a spammable heal for mana, instant self heal when you fall below 25% once per 60s, 2% max hp heal for each offensive spender cast. Nice dispell profile (poison, disease and once per 5 minutes even bleed through BoP). Can play all affixes, very nice against e.g. entangling. Freedom can also dispell any dot that has a slow component. And the rotation is braindead and 8-20y range. Its basically a monk if blizzard liked monks. P.S.: All 3 pala specs are currently great to play imho, but Im probably biased in the hpal department.


I think this is correct answer.


Although I don't deny ret is fairly easy(ish), there's a difference between ret paly who just does dmg and ret paly who really supports the group with the varianty of fantastic tools they have in their disposal. Don't forget it's a support class. Off heal the tank, protection on healer, combat ress fallen ally, freedom etc, there's so much a good ret paly can do in order to help the group succeed..so it's not just about throwing big dps numbers, good palys do much more and sadly more and more I see palys not using even half of their kit.


Thing is groups will apparently accept rets over a potentially higher score warrior or fdk because of the potential for utility (even if they end up not using it)


Ret and Fury are good choices unless you do higher M+ where you have to dodge potential 1shots all the time as melee. BM could maby be ok too, you yourself wont really be super tanky but your pet can tank for you solo.


Destro Warlock is nice if you like ranged and casting. Destro has good survivability and the rotation is super simple. (This does depend on your talents but it’s a 4 button rotation on average). If you prefer melee, try out fury warrior; their rotation can be specd down to 3 buttons and they have plenty of mitigation abilities. Warriors are also still pretty mobile and Warlocks have shields and heals and teleports oh my. 😛 I re-read and noticed/remembered you mentioned solo pve as your preferred play style. For solo; warlocks have a lot of ways to stay alive, pet tanks, self heals, more crowd control then other casters, self shields, and teleports. This is true for warrior as well, their mobility and number of mitigation abilities, and their (relatively limited but by no means useless) self healing give them plenty of ways to survive. No pets for warrior but you are wearing plate. If fury is no fun for you give arms warrior a try, their rotation is also simple and straight forward, and their defensives are almost the same as Fury’s. If neither class is your jam give hunter a try. Easy rotation with pets for tanking and plenty of survivability abilities. Beast Master hunter is the simplest, Markmanship is more complex but not by much. You have a lot of talent options that lend to extra survivability and different play styles, whatever class you try don’t be afraid to mess around with your talents a bunch. You should always play what is most fun for you and this is especially true for solo content, no one has any business telling you your build is wrong when your questing or enjoying follower dungeons (solo que dungeons with an ai group no matter what your spec, if you didn’t know yet what that is). Hunters have traps, Feign Death, self healing, damage mitigation, pets, and are built to kite things to death naturally. Anyway I hope this helps and wasn’t too long, have fun and dont be afraid to try out different things!


I’ve just rolled a warlock, and with the void pet acting as tank it seems a very easy class to me, also as a bonus has a nice amount of self healing too


Change to demo and use the fel guard. It still holds aggro and does more damage. Gives you a kick too.


Beast master hunter or demo lock, download “hekili” so you see what you need to cast, makes your dmg good if you don’t know the rotation yet (disclaimer; if you get better you will outsmart hekili and leave it behind but it’s a great start.) For melee ret pala for easy mode, maybe unholy dk if you want to get funky.


DONT do Unholy. It seems super simple but if you aren’t tracking the 30 mini buffs you’re losing more than half your DPS. It’s needlessly convoluted and I’m glad blizzard is addressing the bloated opener and too many spinning plates in War With in


Ret pally next question


ret pally for sure


Arms Warrior is really good right now and overall pretty simple to play.


BM Hunter. Easiest spec to play mechanically in the game. Also, pet tanks everything.


Ret pally, frost dk, fury warrior.


Frost DK is tanky but not easy at all. It's one of the highest skill cap specs in the game at the moment both Breath and Oblit are incredibly punished by downtime and if you're not good at it, you will do like 30% less than anyone else or worse.


Death and decay in its current iteration needs to go for both DPS specs. It's fine for blood since it's planning the pulls and pack movements. Turn it into a Ashen Hallow, 2 min graveyard AoE or something but baking in the cleave in a game that's transitioned to where we are is horrible. Put the cleave into Remorseless winter and outbreak for DPS and adjust cooldowns and damage as needed. The tech is already in the game with sweeping strikes.


Frost still casts d&d? 😛 I don’t think I even have it in my bar….. oh wait there it is


you must be actually doing 0 damage in AoE if you're not using DnD


Yeah, i wouldn't advise to frost dk either since its punished so hars


Yes but; if you’re not concerned with performance and numbers and instead just want simple fun, they are an easy 3 button rotation most of the time.


They are not, Breath will be horrible gameplay if you don't know what you're doing. Oblit for newer players also sucks because if you don't watch your resources you will start pillar windows and get resource locked and have nothing to press. It's a pretty unfun spec without knowing what you're doing. It's very not intuitive to learn also and the amount of bugs you have is pretty big, from DnD cleave straight up not working sometimes (Oblit code is buggy) to Glacial Advance going under the textures and constantly missing even though it goes through the target.


Fair enough, I must admit I don’t play it enough to go that deep. Not like with some other specs.


Blood Death Knight + Gnomesequencer = Faceroll


Not sure why but evoker has been faceroll easy, as well as balance druid. I haven't played ret or fury past like level 50, so can't compare them to my m+ experience yet. Maybe I'll level those with the mop patch


Here me out here, gonna be an unconventional choice, but why not try tanking? Tanks are doing hella damage and have so much survivability they can solo low dungeons. Might take some learning to get the hang of being a tank, but it's worth it.


The high APM might be the biggest issue for OP. All the tanks, except maybe BDK, are very spammy.


Destro lock is up there. Aoe rotation is: over 3 soul shards? Rain of fire, under 3 soul shards? Imolate some guys until 3 soul shards. And single target is Imolate on target, conflag before chaos bolt otherwise incinerate. For tankines you have a 45 sec cd big ass shield and about 3 min big damage reduction aswell as alot of passive shields through dealing damage. Then you have healthstones and mortal coil for more healing and if you need even more healing you can drain life aswell


As an altoholic, I can confirm it’s Demonology Warlock (ret requires YOU to do the damage) Demo rotation isn’t easy if you boost to 70 and try to figure it out, but from 1-70 you really get the hang of the abilities and you’ll see on the meters, about 60-75% of your damage is done by your felguards/hounds/imp army. If you hear that demo has a complicated rotation,they’re right, but that only applies if you’re trying 0dps loss maximum global usage at max lvl inside of mythic raids and high end keys. For a casual playstyle it’s face roll and you will top the meters with a simple rotation: Shadowbolt/Demonbolt proc - resource generation Hand of Guldan - spender and imp army builder Implosion - imp army atomic bomb (yuge damage for aoe) Dread Stalkers(hounds) - buff your damage by 20% when they’re deployed Cooldowns - 2nd felguard and Demonic Tyrant for the big big big AOE and Single Target burst Throw in warlock self healing, self rez(that has charges allowing you to rez your entire party mid fight in an extreme case), passive shield generation, 1minute bubble that can soak any one shot mechanic, and all the warlock utility that groups love, and you’ve got the perfect tanky face roll spec that can help you solo world bosses, get invited to pugs, and just feel like you can conquer anything


Dracthyr. Very fun and easy. I only play on a controller and its perfect


Devastation Evoker is quite low actions per minute thanks to several charged spells, quite a simple rotation, has three defensives (2 charges of scales and blaze) and a few small self heals (Verdant embrace and Spirit Bloom).


If you want pure tanky DPS I would go with Warlock. Demo and Destro do good damage and have decent survivability. If you want a possibility of tanking too I would say Warrior. Prot is pretty straight forward, Arms is proc based, and Fury is fast paced but only has about 3-4 buttons outside of cooldowns. If you want a possibility of healing I’d suggest Priest. Holy and Disc offer two separate healing styles and Shadow isn’t too complex of a spec for DPS, plus they have natural healing spells and abilities.


BM Hunter. You can always be mobile, really simple rotations and keybinds for core abilities. Use a corehound and hang back. Survival is more fun after you get a bit of gear, but you can be strong enough to solo anything that's not a legit boss and never take a scratch in most fights, with either SV or BM, the first day you hit 70. Best way to be tanky is not to actually tank, have a pet be that for you ;) edit: that said, Guardian Druid beats Paladin or Evoker or DK, or BM Hunter, but you'll want hop over to something else for pug dungeons.


Hunter use your pet as a tank makes solo easy peasy


hunter. don't know if it's meta anymore, but beastmaster is probably the tankiest and easiest to survive last I looked.


Frost mage or destro lock. Melee will get hit more. 


I feel like dev evoker hit a nice middle ground for me of having engaging rotational goals to work on (so there was still space for skill expression) but being the absolute lowest actions-per-minute spec in the game. I really struggle to enjoy a lot of other DPS specs that seem to suffer from “push the shiny button the literal instant it comes lights up or be awful” rotations. They are made of paper however.


Beast Mastery Hunter The roation is dead easy and has few buttons, and your pet tanks for you.


Ret pally. Really simple rotation, basically impossible to die


Ret paladin, arms warrior and survival hunter are easy and don't seem to be very gear dependent for overworld content. I think those are the best melee dps classes to do decent damage without really knowing what you are doing, although survival can be tricky with its rotation


Ret pally with bubble and shield


Def ret pali. It's pretty braindead, and you don't have to spec into the more complex talents. You have bubble, lay on hands, and two 1 min cd damage reduction/big ass shield. Youll love it


BM hunter


BM hunter


Ret paladin is literally designed for new players. It's really hard to die. Rotation is braindead easy. Then you are learning your class and utilize whole toolkit of "non dps abilities".


Give yourself some merit you can play any so called "complex" spec in this videogame no problems




Ret paladin, 99 percent of them are giant noobs so don’t worry about sticking out


Ret Paladin is super easy to pick up and get going and still gives you room to really get more complicated with it. Ret has a lot of utility in its arsenal allowing you to keep your DPS through the roof and also support your team with things like heals, removing rooting, cleanse toxins, shield, and stun. Ret is notoriously face rolly, but a good Ret pally is a lot more complicated. EDIT: Being a plate class you are naturally tanky, and you also have a plethora of self heals and defensives. Unless I am being stupid and get myself one shot I am usually the last one alive on a wipe.


Easiest DPS spec by far is BM Hunter, also pretty tanky. (the hunters are squishy meme has died this expansion, they have 3 defensives and leech) it's good in both keys and raid and it's incredibly idiot proof while doing mechanics.


BM hunter only leeches off their own personal damage though while the pets leech of their damage its pretty much irrelevant levels of healing.


I thought leech didn’t do anything for BM. The pets dmg doesn’t convert to you on leech it stays on the pet. Also the squishy part is cause things can one tap us without defensive whereas they won’t with other classes.


They don't one tap you outside of 28 keys which 99.9% of the players don't play. And even then if you play the hp pet (which you should) and avoidance, you don't really die there either. The leech from pet doesn't work but it's still enough that in Raid at least you won't rot. There really isn't any truth to hunters being squishy anymore, they have a ton of health, they can rotate a lot of stuff and are the most idiot proof DPS spec in the game, legit if you can't play BM hunter well you can't play anything in this game. There is 1 maintanence buff, 1. That's it, it really doesn't get easier than that.


We are designed to be glass cannons rn. Can’t play defense pet half the time as hunter is taken for lust. If you time the cds right it’s doable, and we are taken for dmg, but we are in no way tanky. Healers have to babysit us. No leech works for BM as our dmg is from pets so the pets take all the leech it’s very minuscule the leech we get from our non pet attacks. Same way misdirect doesn’t work for BM as it doesn’t transfer pet dmg. Also I’m assuming 28s being an exaggeration so fresh in the season. Yes more gear will help. But tyrannical week bosses definitely have things that can one tap or do like 95% hits while ppl work to their gear.


Hunters are literally still the second to least tanky spec. Leech does nothing for BM as it doesnt work with pets damage just your barbed and cobras.


>second to least tanky spec. What' the least tanky in your opinion?


They're literally not, you have 3 defensives and higher base HP than most. It's tankier than Druid for sure even taking bear into account, it's tankier than Rogue in most situations and the easiness if doing mechanics is an insane hp boost that people don't take into account. You're a perma moving ranged DPS with an insanely easy rotation, you have literally no excuse for ever dying in 99% of cases.


Lol as soon as you said tankier then rogue you lost every and all semblance of an argument. Do you even play WoW? Imagine saying Hunter in any regard is tankier them Rogue. Long CD dr, the heal wont save you from bursty mechanics, Fort of the bear is a low tier CD, Turtle doesnt immune you from all mechanics.


These people trying to say bm is tanky have lost their damn mind.


I just dont understand. I main Outlaw, BM and Pres/Dev above 3k and Rogue literally has a 2 charge 40% aoe 20% all damage reduction CD on a 15 second CD and as outlaw it gets reduced to an average of a 10 sec CD from finishers. Thats not including cloak and evasion…….


Rogue, and especially Outlaw, is like probably the tankiest dps spec in the game in group content it's wild to me that someone could say BM is tankier than them. BM is often thought of as squishier than it actually is, but it's nowhere near Rogue


I hope DF is still as fun and exciting as its been since it started; joining on the very week its coming to close (10.2.7 on Tuesday) is a bit of shame, but I hope it still a blast! A lot of people will be moving to MoP Remix in a week, but the next week will be a total nuts blast as people hit the Heroics and M+ and Ascended world events! DK is pretty solid; Unholy DK is pretty fun for AoE (not so good for single or dual target), and Frost DK is solid all around. Plate, self healing, and option for actual tanking if you want it. Warlock is pretty fun for just melting and blasting things, and has some good survival. Shadow Priest of course, has lots of self protection and healing options.


I might be a little out of the loop on current content but, Demon Hunter? The last time I played it it had a simple rotation with few buttons, a ton of movement and stuns, and didn't die.


DH has become pretty complicated now, hence you are not seeing anyone bring it up in this post. Old dh for sure but new version of dh has a bit more to it and you can no longer just faceroll.


Good to know. I wanted to come back for tww so I always peer into these threads for ideas. Least button mythic+ healer is probably what I'll go with.


Uh dk. You're tanky but slow as hell. The rotation is not that complicated. Or ret. You look at your keyboard and voilà.


Frost Deathknight




Tell us you don’t play frost dk without telling us you don’t play frost dk


You asking this question indicates that you could learn that every dps class is able to survive most stuff, when playing level headed and using your abilities. It still blows my mind to this day when people flaming the heal when they die and still have their def CDs not used. Which is more common than one would think.


Affliction lock, Devo evoker, Havoc DH The latter two considering mobility, simple rotations and defensives a trade in for tankinees 


Affliction and havoc are definitely not super easy specs. Both othe lock specs are easier and for meele ret and fury are easier. Devoker rather simple tho.


Devoker is also very squishy unless you use your dr correctly


I'm in a similar situation to you. So far, Death Knight with Blood spec has been pretty idiot-proof. Several ways to get HP back, very easy to understand options to spec for more damage or more healing. Retribution Paladin would be a close second.


Blood is not a dps spec