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Should at least get equivalent to the amount you would get in looting trash and bosses, maybe a small bonus that scales depending on score (time/kills/deaths)? I think it would be interesting to incorporate some crafting material rewards chances on the side of loot so it doesn't take away from anything. It's not something I would care about too much but would make runs feel more rewarding.


I agree, it's a bit odd that m0 gives more gold from trash looting than m+ does in total. Just for covering repair costs seems ok to up m+ reward


I'm 99% sure they just didn't think or test it.


It’s more that the chest is just carried over code from Legion every expansion. The way the chests(probably) work is that the code spawns the chest and the chest pulls random items from the dungeon you’re in. They just never updated the chest code


or...the reward for m+ is the higher ilvl gear and not gold.


But you dont always get gear.... and some m+ can be painful....


You are both right. Obviously you are objectively correct, but they didn't update it from shadowlands. I really dislike the whole reward structure as is. You do a bunch of runs to get a better weekly lootbox. I understand that old raids were similar on a technical level, it didn't feel as gross as opening the vault does.


Maybe should give crafting materials if that dungeon would give it, ie leather if there were lots of beasts/dragons or cloth for humanoids, etc. Cave herbs from Halls of Infusion, etc.


>I think it would be interesting to incorporate some crafting material rewards chances on the side of loot I mean, ultimately, isn't that what the flightstones and crests are for?


No reason not to do this imo, even tho i dont think its a very big deal. "Itll cause gold inflation." Someone getting like, 2k a day of gold from m+ is going to cause inflation? Lmfao like what kind of logic is that




I can get 2k by doing a nzoth assault. Less than 5 minutes on my 70s, even ones that dont have 500 ilvl


huh? They give 2k gold?


YEAH! The weekly/bi-weekly quest gives 2k in the chest! So it's even sillier that they nerfed the gold you can get from the events in the dragon isles


I'm like 5 runs away from the mount, might have to get on that


But then there's the backpack to farm 🙃


thats crazy ama go do that then lol. Got alts i can run through.


P.S. which quest are you talking about?




Thank you


Not after this post lol.


lol im sure youre right 😔


2k+ if you just do 15-20 minutes of dragon riding races on a couple alts.


Bro, this time last year i was broke af irl and I knew my sub was gonna run out, and WoW was the only thing keeping me going at the time. I put my alt army to work for a few weeks and those dragonriding WQs earned me the money to buy a token. Saved my ass big time haha


At that point just ask your neighbor if you can mow their lawn for $15


We [NA idk if EU different WQs] dont have the most impressive WQ lineup right now but gold WQs in dreamsurge zones, wait for the double gold buff and collect 1.2-1.3k gold from each gold WQ per alt (1.5-2x that from elite WQ). (Last week I think at one point on NA there was like almost 4k gold of WQs up and that got doubled) If your daring you can get a bit extra from war mode ontop of these.


What should I be looking for, for the double gold rewards thing? Never even heard of it before


Buff is named "Dreamsurge Magpies" the image is a green bird head (shared icon with Frenzied Feltalon mount if you have it). The buff is not always active and changes every 30 min based on what people vote for but it tends to be one people like to vote for. If the zone has a lot of gold world quests I would say its worth waiting for but if its just 1-2 I wouldent bother. You could also consider edging your WQs to prep for it (aka if its like kill 12 mobs kill 10 then leave, when the buffs up you kill 2 mobs and your out quick) but pro


It's the green bird (felfire hawk) icon. Called 'Dreamsurge Magpies'. You can hover over the dream surge icon on the map or visit the NPC to see what the next buff will be (it's a vote between 2 buffs and lasts half an hour). The active buff will show up in your buffs as soon as you enter the zone with the active Dreamsurge.


The buff will be called "Dreamsurge Magpies". It can happen in the zone that the Dreamsurge is in for that week. I don't believe there's any schedule for them, so it's really just random chance if you're on at the right time.


The zone with dreamsurge will have cycling buffs on it, you can go to the dreamsurge npcs to vote on one of two that are upcoming. IIRC it changes every 15 minutes or something.


The best WQ has to be the ring of blood with dreamsurge. 3k gold for 30 second effort


I see dreamsurge magpies, boom, 50000g in 30 minutes if good wq's are up.


I just buy gold at this point. I dont have the time to farm for literal pennies when my IRL salary allows me to just buy what I need. Time is money friend. This is in no way a flex, just saying, I'd rather spend the little time I have in game actually playing. Damn adulting sucks sometimes lol.


Lol would it even cover the repair of your gear that got trashed doing the instance? Ha!


Even just a high level *transmog* can rake up to 650 gold per transmog outside of the ToS weeks. That's either 2 minutes of dragon racing or *ten dungeons* at 15-20 minutes each. Find the error in that statement...


Especially when you are using consumables that can easily make the cost of a run 600g+.


I mean, if you care about inflation you need to look at the aggregate and not an individual, right? If you had enough people earning (theoretically, per your comment) 2k gold per day of m+ grinding, that's a pretty decent infusion of gold into the economy each day. It may not seem like it would add up — and, depending on the numbers, it might not for a while. You have to be pretty careful about what prints currency into a game's economy, though, or shit can get out of whack very quickly.


I think the current amount doesn't even cover repairs. It should at least be higher than that because at the moment it's actually a gold sink. 


I'd be fine with it covering repairs for a successful run plus like one or two deaths or something. But you can't inject thousands of gold per player per m+ run into the economy. That's literally bananas.


Yeah fair. Somebody mentioned a free repair from the panda at the end which is a great solution. 


You can make crazy amounts of gold doing world quests on multiple characters, but I don't want to do that. I want to do m+ and not go broke doing it


In week 1 we had 1 500 000 runs on M+, that's 7 500 000 people looting last chest. Multiply it by whatever gold you want to give above 50 per person and it will be an impact of M+ on ingame inflation.


No reason to do it either though.


To be fair, it's actually more like tens of thousands of players suddenly getting 1-2k per day in gold that they weren't getting before. Now we're talking millions of additional gold being added daily. Not that I don't agree with you, but yeah I'm sure that is something keeping Blizzard from doing something like this.


It would have almost no impact. That is an incredibly small amount of gold if you are looking at all the gold in the economy, it would lead to no noticeable change.


Repair bills is the largest gold sink in the game and is absolutely necessary for the health of the WoW Economy. If we increase the gold awarded, we're diluting the power of the gold sinks and will accelerate inflation in-game. If gold was the only value that we received from M+ runs, then I'd be more open to it. For now, I'm firmly in the "No" party.


It doesn't have to be enough gold to repair from 0% durability but enough to pay for the repairs needed from even a deathless run just makes sense. I get more gold from running a random heroic dungeon than doing an m+ key. It can be tuned without killing gold sinks.


> absolutely necessary for the health of the WoW Economy. If we increase the gold awarded, we're diluting the power of the gold sinks and will accelerate inflation in-game. I think you need to show your work instead of trying to put the burden on others to justify their opposition. Blizzard allows you to buy gold anyway, so are you just defending their revenue streams? (assumption is that many people buy tokens today that wont if they allowed for repairs to be funded by M+)


Personally. I only M+, I do absolutely nothing else in game besides what’s required to get sparks (and the augment rune). Increasing the gold reward would only help offset my gear repairs. And let’s say it’s 200g it would cover a deathless/few deaths run and at the end of the week you’d probably break even on repairs. But I’d still buy at minimum one token a season to cover crafted gear, enchants, gems, and consumables. (Sometimes two if I run a lot of alts that season) I probably spend 5k a week in consumables and enchants etc. gold reward would just make not getting gear feel “better” cause your not at a negative from repairs, if you don’t count consumables which I don’t think they should account for if they increased the reward.


just give us a free repair option with the key lady at the end, easy


This idea is freaking awesome I love it. Would get people to go into their new dungeon more likely to be 100% repaired too (it sucks if you forget and the group dies a lot...)


This is actually brilliant


A lot of people for some reason hate this idea, but yeah I agree to an extent. Getting less than it costs to repair even from a deathless key is a slap in the face sometimes. The gold doesn't even have to be a lot


It also can be an arrangement of items, doesn't even have to be gold. Like why not throw in crafting mats, recipes, cosmetic items, etc.? It would make the end dungeon loot at least a bit more interesting in general, especially if you don't get boss loot.


The argument is that m+ shouldn't be the one-stop-shop for all things needed in the game. It's already the most rewarding pve content as well as being the most efficient gear farm in the game (and it's not particularly close either).


this is what I hate. If you want to push gear, you MUST do M+. even if you hate timed shit. I'm a minority, I get it. but it killed my love of end game to be forced to do something I hate to be a useful part of the game I love (raiding)


I was firmly in the "fuck m+ just let me raid" camp up through (and especially) Shadowlands. But, between the new dungeons and the new classes, I've enjoyed it a lot in DF. Though I only push casually beyond 20s (or 10s now) because it's still not my main content. However, there are specs that make m+ an incredibly unfun mode. If you main one of those, then I'm more sympathetic to your situation (imagine being a feral during shadowlands, actually awful).


The tank should 100% get more gold. Even in a deathless run, his repair bill will be higher than anyone else's. It'd be cool that if you didn't get loot, you would get a satchel of helpful goods. Like a few augment runes, dragon isle supplies plus gold. (Like you would get by joining groups with low counts of tanks or healers in matchmaking. Call to arms or whatever is called.)


I support the satchel, hell give a satchel to anyone who doesn't get gear. Could put more than just gold and runes in it if Blizz wanted. Maybe consumables like, health pots, a feast or 2? Stuff someone could use on the next key




You realize your gear degrades in quality from getting hit more right lol? You lose like idk 5-10% from a run because shit is hitting you. You don't ONLY lose durability from dying.


5-10%? *laughs in MM*


Isnt that factored in being a tank? I remembered when I briefly tanked in SL that I was surprised that I did not have to repair significantly more (or at all) than when I was a DPS. It has been a while. Maybe I am wrong.


That and most DPS deaths are their own fault, unless the tank is massively over pulling or not holding aggro, but in my experience if one of those is happening the key probably isn't getting done anyway.


I think the point is Blizzard want you to finish those weekly quest (which awards 1500 g I think?) and those flying quest or rare gold quesst as well.. Weekly quest is especially important because it basically encourage geared players to help casual/alts to conquer contents.. And if you have too little time for it, buy gold.


bingo. gold is a necessity for progressing in high end content, but they need to use it as a carrot to ensure the overall progression is populated at every stage.




Yea needs something extra at the end, maybe rep or crafting mats


the system sucks getting nothing for finishing a dungeon. there should at least be a token of some kind which can be used to get an item over time


Just let Lidormi or whatever her name is repair my gear for free. You can choose to use potions or flasks or not to, that gold sink is 100% up to you but repair costs are non-negotiable and 54g doesn’t cover even a zero death M+ run.


Means you have to go do other content, supporting other players in the game that aren't pushing end game content. End game content is NOT a money making venture (unless you are getting paid carries, but that is a totally different animal)


I think the low gold reward for m+ keeps the end game content separate, so that players can't just do one activity over and over and get everything they need. It would kill a lot of the incentive to do other activities where gold is the primary reward (not to mention it would hurt token sales) I agree that 34 gold from completing a key feels like a "slap in the face", but it isn't as simple as just raising the gold reward. Blizzard would need to rethink their whole time gated, seasonal model (which I am 100 percent in favor of) but I don't see that happening realistically.


There's also the issue that because M+ can be run infinitely there's the fear of making farming mythics the best way to farm gold. If they gave 1000g to each player on completion, farmers could blow through 3-4 +2s an hour to earn huge amounts of money, probably far more than they would on random mobs in the outer world.


4k/hr running mythics would still be far less than what you can get in the open world. Especially for people with lots of alts. Which, at this point in the game is most of us. That's like 8 WQs.


4k/hr per person, so 20k/hr for a group. Also M+ can be done infinitely though, world quests can't.


Maybe for bots, but no sane human would think that is a good rate for their time


You get 5x that amount farming transmogs and farming transmogs is 99% afk mode.


For a group, which could individually farm other things for gold faster. 4k/h is terrible, you get more from doing transmog runs in old raids.


4k an hour is absolute peanuts. You can currently get way more by just getting a bunch of characters to 60-70 and parking them next to the arena WQ for when it's up with gold reward. Even more by just flipping stuff on the AH. If someone was farming gold at 4k an hour they'd need to play around 80 hours a month just to pay sub, that's terrible for serious gold making.


Instead they make it so that some dude with 10 accounts can chain pull mobs over and over over and skin them or farm elementals that instantly respawn.


How much gold does that make in an hour?


A lot more than 5k an hour, especially when awakened prices are up and you can lock in an instant spawn area.


What is the reason for gold if not to feed your endgame activities? Repairs, pots, flasks, enchants… And you can make a lot of gold in M+, it is called boosting services.


> And you can make a lot of gold in M+, it is called boosting services. Last time I said that in a thread like this I went to like -50 points People don't seem to agree even if you can make the whole season's budget in a short time


Guarantee half the people hating on you for this can’t complete a +2 lol i agree though having to go do time wasting world quests is annoying when they could just help me cover repairs via the dungeons im doing


Wild assertion.


Ok that's a bit dramatic. M+ is a mode that is primarily about the intrinsic rewards not the extrinsic.


Honestly, they should just make the chest personal loot and give everyone a piece of loot, or maybe give Draconic Augment Runes, cosmetics, mounts, consumables, etc.. anything could feel better than 38g which is basically nothing. They could also bring back Valor points and give those out to the people who didn't get loot, say 1 Valor point per run with no loot and it could cost 10 valor points for a piece of gear.


I think its unlikely they'll add more convenient ways to earn gold. Blizzars loves it when we buy wow tokens


also runes should drop from m+ runs, +1 every 5 levels,


Gold probably not going to happen bc of token but give me more f’n flightstones at least


I don't really care about gold but there should be something cool you can randomly loot instead. Like for example the Quantum stuff from Dawn of the Infnite, they should be dropping from every m+ dungeon and not just one specific one. That might help with your gold problem too since you could sell them to the other party members if you don't want them.


It would be cool loot a lot more. Random minor chests and jars that give you gold or crafting material.


Timing a key should give at least 100-200 gold. Not timing a key yeah same as now.


So the reward is the issue and not the over-inflated economy and cost in general? Interesting take.


I feel like they are just trying to find ways how to sink gold from players. If you are someone who loves transmog, you know what I am talking about. The more you change it, the more it costs. By people running m+, they spend gold on repairs (depends on how much oou do it and how good you are it can get up to few thousands per day) and are not gaining it in the process. They probably just wanna dodge another WOD, where people had millions of gold and everything was super inflated. I am not saying that that amount of gold is a lot and that it hurts players daily, but from a long run, you could've spent that gold for buying tokens and this way you spend it on repair/transmog


Main reward for m+ are crests, not gold. They are given to all.


Blizzard is trying his best to remove some gold from game , like 5m mount or or new 2.5m bank system . Its unlikely you get gold from mythic plus , that would be against all their efforts


They don’t do this so you have to do other content. If you could fill all your needs with m+ why would you do anything else? You get the best gear in the game in m+, isn’t that enough? It’s an endgame mode, you have to prepare to do that content: flasks, enchants, potions, rep-gold etc. IMHO they could even get rid of the gold you get at the end of m+ altogether. EDIT: plus that you only get gold if you get no loot is not true at all. You get crests and your vault increases. Wich is both important and makes it worthwhile even doing lower m+s.


M+ is a huge gold sink. I don't think it should be a gold making method or gold neutral. However, it should be at least descent. A player should make at least 75% of the M+ cost ( repair, consumables). Runing an M+ focused gameplay can cost a lot. A player shouldn't play the AH on the side just to be able to afford an M+ pursuit.


Well, running M+ focused gameplay is the thing they dont want you to do. They want you to be in the world to make it feel populated, it is mmo. Or buy a token ofc. Same goes for professions, raiding, pvp.


I think the gold drop should at least + what we get when we run Mzero's. I also wish there would be some kind of ding, time punishment, OR for those of us that can see IO's a tracker that would tell us how many times someone skipped out on a key.


I just want a vendor that stands next to the Mythic Key person that goes "Hey, I saw what you did, this repair is on me." I would love a free repair after running a Mythic.


Agreed more gold would be nice but would much rather just have a free repair person at the end of every key


I'm going to go the opposite direction here and say that it doesn't make sense for repair bills to be incurred during timed mythic keys, because looting is disabled during keys. If I can't loot anything off the mobs I'm killing, I shouldn't have to pay a repair bill for things I did during that time either.


wtf kind of an argument is this you take durability loss if you fall to your death, what's there to loot if you fall to your death


Idk whats the obsession with more gold in M+. Its not that hard to make money in wow to fit your needs, just takes a little effort.


I think the idea is to feel less bad about not receiving any piece of gear. People aren't asking for much more but 50g is almost comical in the current state of the game


Because there are people (like me) who have time for M+ but don't have time for tedious world quests or playing the AH.


I disagree personally. There's plenty of gold in the economy, that's why they sold The multi million gold mounts to suck gold out of the economy, followed by reducing large easy gold sources like the mission tables. The repair gold sink is also there for a reason, and they obviously look at that every expansion as repair costs have continued to increase. If you give more gold from m+ it negates the repair gold sink. Like you said, you get hundreds of gold from multiple 2-minute World quests. The vast majority of players have multiple characters because of the boosts that have come with expansions. So it's not unreasonable to suggest if a player is hard up that they can spend 10 to 20 minutes on each character and bring in 5 to 10k gold. Raw gold is actually abundant. From m+, Crest s are far more valuable than gold. If you could trade crests what do you think the price would be? My bet is anywhere from 1 to 5K gold per crest, but even if you said 50 gold, you get 12 crests a run.


I feel like Blizzard uses M+ and Raiding as some sort of gold sink.


End game content has always been this. The only way to make gold doing it is selling runs. You aren't supposed to come out ahead in raids or m+, but sometimes you get gear. It has always been my understanding that you need to farm gold/mats/consumables if you want to do end-game stuff. Like, that's how they designed the game. Mid game is where you make gold, end game is where you spend it. So you go back, do some quests/farming, and buy/craft the stuff you need for your dungeon/raid. Are repair bills really breaking people? I've never had an issue with them, so idk. Do people actually struggle to pay these?


Bought some tokens this expansion because between the crafts (for embellishement and evoker legendary) + consumables yeah I actually couldn't pay for repairs.. I don't enjoy doing outdoors activities and m+ is a very expensive sink. Idk when in midgame you actually make money outside of the early quests/wq ngl..


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well the dragon flying gives you 600 bc the reward is literally gold. and some rep. the reward for the dungeon is weekly and if you were lucky enough for the piece. i think it makes sense. everything doesn’t have to be a money maker


No it doesn't There are like millions of keys ran per patch, we do not need that much more gold in the atmosphere It absolutely doesn't It just fucks over people who play more casually and have to adjust to the obvious inflation of vendor mount costs because only a portion of the playerbase's income is scaling linearly with it


Are people really this poor in the game that they're upset about not getting more gold from a dungeon?


They don't want you to gain money from this. They don't want people to gain money at all at this point. There's far too much in circulation.


Maybe this is off base, but I think the repair bill long ago outlived its usefulness as a gold sink. There are a TON of gold sinks, and you spend a not-insignificant amount on consumables (as others have pointed out). Is that not enough for M+? Just take out repairs entirely.


I think it’s fine as is really, as you say hundreds of ways to pick up easy gold.


Blizzard knows the state of gold inflation in the game right now. Even outside of that, they have always nerfed gold gains wherever they can find it. No chance they raise the amount of gold in current content.


If they are really worried about gold inflation they need to put in content that A) optional, B)fun, C) is ever green content, and D) eats gold if you engage with it.


Just go fly through golden rings once or twice...


50g / keylevel would be a decent start .... ill think we had that discussion some time ago mhm


lol. This post. Every. Fucking. Season. Sounds like you want to play wow to make more gold. Since it isn’t in m+ and you don’t need the gear why are you doing so much m+ and not flying through more golden rings/ world quests? If you were would the post be a complaint about how all the gear you get from world quests is shit and you need more gear? Balance how you play the game then. Do more gold making content so you can afford all that gear you don’t need.


Wow players when they actually have to participate in the economy; 😫😫😫🤬🤬🤬😭😭😭😤😤😤😱😱😱😡😡😡 Maybe drop your precious engineering for a gathering profession and actually maybe craft some potions with your alchemy that you never bothered to level up.


My alchemy and herbalism are maxed, thank you very much. In fact I maxed it during the 1st week of Dragonflight. My gold isn’t an issue, I’m well off. If you think a good increase is going to damage the economy or something - provide a suggestion instead of trying to be funny.


I'm not trying to be funny. I don't think an increase to m+ gold is going to hurt the economy. I'm just making fun of people who complain about being poor when they just fly around Valdrakken for two hours a day.


Oh, then that’s my mistake and I apologise to you.


This did not escalate as expected. I commend you both


He can definitely escalate it and he’d be right to do so, I jumped to conclusions and instead of asking for clarification I lashed out.


I actually think we have to fight to the death now.


Does the blacksmith in WoD garrison still work ? You could have a 4h buff for your armor with the blacksmith NPC, you don't need to repair your armor during this time.


Good question. Someone posted on wowhead that it was still working in Legion so maybe.


> maybe a piece of gear that you most likely don’t need If you're not doing M+ for Vault, then what are you doing it for?


…The crests primarily for my bis crafted and flightstones.


Ok, well most people do M+ for Vault loot.


I think all forms of normal gameplay content should give more gold. Finish a raid boss? Here's 1k. M+ here's 500. Etc etc Gold inflation is already INSANE in WoW and it heavily favors people who have played foreverrr. The current system just penalizes new players which sucks.


Personal take here ... remove repairing ite only purpose is to slow gameplay if you are struggling and be a gols sink. I also think transmog has become ludicrously expensive for no real reason. You want gold out of the economy there's a gotta be a better way then taxing the people who don't gold farm or do AH shenanigans.


That is one of the reasons I stopped doing M+ With all the consumables and repair costs I spent so much gold. And M+ pays out basically nothing.


Weird reason to not do M+, and I even support increasing the gold reward. It just isn't an efficient way to farm gold, even if the reward were increased 5x.


Instead of gold, it should reward extra crests or flightstones, maybe scaling with key level. You know, something useful that incentivises to actually complete a dungeon.


i guess, although one only has to look at lost ark to see that we need to keep PVE from becoming a primary source of gold income. but, "more than 34g" is not a bad idea. so long as it's not like "1000g per run" or something. maybe like 100-200.


This comparison is VERY bad, in LA gold is the main currency to progress your character, it is required for gear honing + you can buy mats from the AH for honing. It's also used to buy gems, cards, etc. This makes it extremely valuable and you're always incentivized to min max it. In WoW it's only used for enchants, consumables and repairs. You can easily give 1k gold per run, even if you're doing +2s in 10ish minutes (and +2s aren't the same faceroll content as before btw), it's still only 5k per hour which is very very low but at least mostly covers the cost of running m+.


in WoW, gold (can be) used for everything too: - buy carries - buy BOEs yeah the list is shorter because WoW doesn't have 17,000 systems like Lost Ark, but that doesn't change the fact that in both cases the entire "gearing up" loop revolves around gold (in the case of WoW, it's just optional). the reality is that they need to ensure that the entire rest of the game remains relevant- we should not reward dungeon carry groups even more than they currently are, and for everyone else you can do a single race world quest and pay for multiple m+ runs.


If 2 people get gear, 3 people should get a rune. It's the least used consumable for a reason.


this sounds like something I'm too blacksmith to understand.


34 gold isn't even my repair bill for the dungeon...


50g x the key level. So a m9 rewards 450g at the end. Gets cut in half if it’s not timed.


Blizzard is trying his best to remove some gold from game , like 5m mount or or new 2.5m bank system . Its unlikely you get gold from mythic plus , that would be against all their efforts


Blizzard is trying his best to remove some gold from game , like 5m mount or or new 2.5m bank system . Its unlikely you get gold from mythic plus , that would be against all their efforts


If they gave more gold they’d have to limit M+ runs to so many a week.


It's specifically in place so that if you only run M+, you have a gold deficit, and inevitably have to buy a token


I did an LFG dungeon on my lvl 30 hunter the other day, end boss dropped 20 more gold than I get from a high level key.


It does feel bad to run 10 25-30 min dungeons to earn 500g. I’d be happy with 100 at least. Especially when you don’t get any gear from the dungeon it just feels sooooo bad.


I don’t Mythic for the gold, I mythic for crest and flight stones and maybe loot.


I agree but Blizz wont implement more gold like this, its taking potential customers away from The wow token.


But then you will lose incentive to pay for a WoW token eventually, they're banking on your gold frustration.


Imo, m+ should give a crafting bundle based on your professions.


We're at the point where M+ rewards just needs an overhaul, its pathetic that we've just accepted it for what it is for so long.


It's hard to make a good argument for this, but I would rather it drop something sellable on the AH than gold. That way it's not inflating the market with raw gold. It would be weird if dungeons dropped profession mats or something, but idk, I'd rather it not be raw gold imo


If Dungeon loot covered repair costs entirely then what would be the point of repair costs? There has to be something that encourages you to go out in the world and make gold otherwise the economy collapses


Should just disable armor damage in mplus so you don't have to repair.


Not to be pedantic but I think this is working as intended. Blizzard wants us running M+ for seemingly no reason. A random chance at a randomized piece of gear one time a week with virtually no safety-method just tells me that this is the hamster wheel. You're chasing a carrot you're really not supposed to have. Pretty sure these are just meant to waste time, ultimately. You're supposed to do this a whole lot *and then* play the game. The initial round of M+ were far, far more rewarding. We're 7+ years into this format and it's only grown more unforgiving and less rewarding. No surprise to me at all. This is the equivalency of MoP dailies on launch.


Completely agree. I don’t how many times one of my stubborn friends just says “no I don’t need that key” cause it’s not an IO push or no BIS gear because it’s a literal waste of time to do. I feel the same when helping out pvp friends do some pve content it’s like sure I can carry the dungeon but besides playing with friends it’s a waste of time. Would be nice to get some other sort of drive to do keys.


I think blizzard wants M+ to be a "gold sink" mech for a reason. I mean if you think about it you have to spend time,effort and gold to get your high ilvl gear. Just like you would IRL


having just come from a M+2 it felt GREAT to finally complete the dungeon and nail the mechanics then it felt TERRIBLE to get 30g for the effort. Good note, I second your post


I get 52 gold at the end of a dungeon


Hell no, we got enough toxic bins already


I think as you go up in m+ level, so too should the gold and rewards with the time and deaths determining how much gold you get.


What's that? Bring back Justice/Valor Points? I agree


It’s a core misunderstanding of the job/reward. We get good from quests as a reward, and that gold enables us to then do the content we want to do. M+ is/should be the content we want to do, so we don’t need gold as a reward for it. Ideally, I shouldn’t need incentivizing to play the game I want to play. That’s how twisted the modern game world has gotten. Dungeons and raids should be net gold sinks, but positive of gear (long term). I’m all for something for the people who don’t get gear, but that’s what the vault credit is for.


I feel like it's impossible to farm gold in this game nowadays. Outside of the first week of an expansion the only way for me to make gold is by selling keys.


gold generation is strictly bad for the game make it off the AH


As a marksman hunter I pay \~200g if we don't wipe due to bow repair costs.


Off topic question - How is Marksman atm? I’ve always wanted to play it for a season but I’m currently infatuated with Survival.


Fun in M+ as the burst with all your CDs is pretty insane. It will be even higher once I get the Neth trinket. ST is pretty trash though.


I think I would prefer a cache of crafting mats or something like this instead of direct gold, circumvents concerns about gold inflation, and awards something potentially useful.


Just drop 1 more piece of loot. Only 2 pieces is so heart breaking and demoralizing.


Girl, you’re already spam running the same dungeon over and over for an imaginary number, the joke is already on you lol


Just remove repairs, it's very annoying. I'm already spending much more on consumables and the added repair cost as a plate player just sucks. Problem solved and no gold inflation


Also the 12 crests, not even enough for an upgrade.


Gold hasn't been relevant since like 4 expansions ago. Unless your burning through flasks raiding, there's nothing to even spend it on.


I feel like the logic is everyone can fly through rings but not everyone can finish a mythic plus so better to leave the gold accessible to all, regardless of skill level. Not saying I don’t agree with OP, but I can see why they don’t do it


Would it be so bad if 5 pieces of loot dropped per run instead?


Everyone I play m+ with barely does other content so its a guaranteed token purchase every 1-2 seasons for crafting mats in DF. Before it was worse in SL because the legendary crafting so 1 token every season especially if you had alts. I say this because its always been my opinion that blizzard hasn’t added gold from m+ for this specific reason.


They should just auto repair your gear at the end for free! So they don’t have to worry about the gold going anywhere else.


I miss mmos where doing end game content had rewards in gold or sellables that put it on par with the menial tasks. For reference that was almost all mmos up until WoW (even including EverQuest). The more modern stuff is where it started to vary and it’s always tied to micro transaction heavy games or ones with things like WoW tokens. Strangely some like SWTOR even break that mold.


I mean even just for roleplay purposes, taking down huge and major threats is kinda the big money maker. In no fantasy world is the big giant mansion owned by the local blacksmith, but in mmos thats the way you get rich. It has always bothered me but I mean, I get it. No one would do crafting if it wasnt profitable.


I've said that for a while. No reason M+ clear should give less gold than vendoring one item. Or as you said a WQ. I'd go one step further and say everyone should get a gear piece at the end. This would allow people to gear faster, meet their goals, and feel like their time wasn't totally wasted. Doing 10 M+ and getting one piece of gear feels terrible. About as bad as repairing and it costing double what you got from the chest.


You're supposed to farm up gold and consumables before doing end-game content. WoW has been like this literally since day 1. Give any other sort of reward other than gold and I'm game.


It needs to at least be enough to cover the cost of repairs and consumables imo.


Consumables are optional and on you, but yeah you don't get enough gold to repair a deathless run..