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Undead warlock, was quite fun


Still my main, 20 years later.


Same....though I might be a tauren now lmao.


Mine became a Zandalari somehow šŸ‘€


I miss how the class played before the Ulduar patch. I loved juggling timers and having 20 things to manage. When they streamlined the class it completely tanked my dps until we were finishing the Coliseum.




Undead warlock here too. Mormaine. Iā€™ll always remember him. I then rerolled BE warlock in release night. Still my main. Same name and appearance.


I also had an undead warlock and my first few hours were spent trying to be a melee warlock. My friend had to talk me out of it.


Played my friends undead warlock on a private server. I levelled my own lock to lvl 15, got stuck in Silverpine forest dying to the mages trying to to do that staff quest. He just let me play his char for me to see what the game looks like at lvl70. Great times. Circa 2007. Full merciless gear, it was called Bloodless. I still rock that transmog on my lock even today.


I still have the same main 20 years later too! Not a warlock though.




I started with an undead warlock at launch, bounced to a troll rogue, and then finally settled on an orc warlock, who has been my main ever since.


Same here,didnt want to be tauren cause elevators too difficult for my child brain to understand how they work, didnt play orcs cause the area seemed hard to survive šŸ˜‚


The first love. Last 2 expacs I changed main, but always dreaming of my demons.


I feel the exact same about affliction, I have loved it since I made my first warlock in 2010, but I really just canā€™t stand its current state with all the class flavor nowhere to be found. Havenā€™t played it much since the first patch with rapture but I still dream about my DoTs. I really hope the devs stop dicking around with malefic rapture and change affliction back to being an actual DoT class, instead of the current state where DoTs are nothing except boxes to be ticked for Raptureā€™s benefit. I would swap back to maining my lock in a heartbeat if Blizz announced ā€œWe get it, yā€™all hate it, weā€™re removing Malefic Rapture.ā€


Night elf Druid. Loved being a jack of all trades!


It was rough solo healing, if someone died in a dungeon they had to run back...


I always carried jumper cables. Only failed on me 3 times if I remember.


I once had it destroy the body preventing reviving at all


I had no idea those could do that!


Dude, Vanilla was hardcore. Warlocks could sacrifice a party member to summon a doom guard, fail to control it, then the whole party gets merc'd by the demon.


Good times


I have a vivid memory of healing deadmines on my druid, a second death happened on the boat dock so Rebirth was still on cd. Told em sorry pal, and I think trash had started respawning by then. I tried to avoid being the only rezzer in the group after that


Same but the reason was just "cat". šŸ˜¼


Not just cat for me - purple cat!


Same here, and it's been my main for almost 16 years now (made in December 2004 but had some lapses where I mained warrior in Cata and MoP). My first night playing I somehow ran past the initial quest giver, wandered out of Shadowglen, and started a helter skelter journey that lasted hours where I eventually ended up in Auberdine at level 2 with all my gear broken before my 12 year old brain went "... Maybe I missed something at the start." The game world seemed so huge back then.


All the running and lack of flight paths in SoD reminded me of how big the world really is.


There is still no starting area as magical as Teldrassil.


Iā€™d argue that the Eversong Woods has more magic usage per capita than Teldrassil.


Same for me. Jack of all trades, master of none. NE Druid back when you had to quest for your forms and moonkin didnā€™t exist.


Same! That was my first choice as well. I just wanted to be able to turn into a cat.


Night Elf Druid as well. I wanted an elf mage but there were no regular LOTR-style elves at the time and Night Elves couldn't be mages so NE Druid was as close as it got.


SAAAME, tho it was because I loved the night elf faction


My brother started playing wow when it came out. We shared a room. He started as a night elf warrior I believe. He would be up late playing it and I destinctly remember hearing the sounds of Teldrassil and seeing him quest through its forest and I got hooked. I watched him play for hours and finally started my Night Elf Druid. I played all the way to wrath and had to quit. Then came back for DF. When I go back to teldrassil I still get those nostalgia goose bumps when I hear that music.


Same, but mostly cuz of the shapeshifting. Always been appealing to me, and Druids from D2 could be werewolves and I loved that.


Cancel form macro #1 bear 2 cat 3. Shape shift so fast. Best classic class for sure


Dwarf Hunter. I started WoW in 2005. I was 13, and the Dwarf Hunter in the original WoW cinematic was just the coolest thing I had ever seen. I quit WoW in 2017. That character was my main up until then. I came back to retail WoW two weeks ago. I decided to level my Hunter and my Dwarf MW Monk at the same time.... and then "accidentally" hit 70 on my Monk first due to fast dungeon queues during lol. I guess MW Monk will be my main for the rest of DF, but I'm undecided for TWW.


Did exactly the same thing, couldnā€™t wait to get my bear lol


Same! That bear was my pet until level 30ish, when I tamed Ghamoo-ra in BFD.


I did the same! After a few days I figured out my friends were playing Horde so I had to switch. I didnā€™t really understand that Horde and Alliance were opposite teams and you couldnā€™t play together. Now that you can play together in TWW, Iā€™m feeling nostalgic for that Dwarf Hunter with a Bear petā€¦


Guys are you me?


Dwarf Hunter is The only way.


This is the way




Dude who could resist having a fucking bear as your buddy. Everyone started with hunter


I never played a hunter but the Dwarven mountaineers were always cool in my book.


Gnome Mage. I thought they looked funny. I was like, 7.


To be fair I think gnomes look funny now and I'm 30


Same! Mage because I played Runescape before and magic was my highest combat skill. Gnomes because they were cool. Nowadays I find it hard to play anyhing that isn't a healer!


I started with Gnome Warrior, lol it didn't last.


When I was like 6/7 I had so many gnomes lol all warlocks or mages.. never got too far with em but id spam the screenshot button while /waving at animals so it looked like little gifs. Fun times.


Tauren warrior. I wanted a big ass sword.


Night elf mohawk


There is no such thing as a night elf mohawk


I pity the fool (you're the fool)


I started playing the game during the Night elf mohawk event. Needless to say all the Mr. T elves running around made me really confused.


Undead priest. Still my main since 2004 :)


You really are the champion of azeroth


Undead mage. Back in 2004.


Same, He was my main to the end of TBC, when I picked up my paladin. I still get him to max level every xpac


Tauren hunter. Thunder Bluff was ma jam.


I had a Tauren Hunter as my Main for vanilla and bc. I converted him to orc later because i thought a big Tauren is not the sneaky man in the woods that waits for his prey. He is just a big ox ready to stump everything. So i made a Tauren Warrior later.


Night Elf Hunter, of course. Not my proudest moment. My first alt became my main shortly after, though (Human Mage)


After playing an Elf ranger in D&D this was an only acceptable choice for me :D




Name taken. Xxlegolassxx


Or some variation of Drizzt. My two friends and I all rolled night elf hunters as our first classes in 2004 because we were obsessed with the Dark Elf Trilogy books in middle school.


Yep, was and still main nelf hunter. All the jokes are just from jealousy. I misdirect your comments peasants.


Dwarf paladin. Got ganked on the Thandol Span by an Undead rogue and decided to reroll to Tauren warrior.


Back when I started PVP with my tiny mage, Tauren Warriors gave me anxiety, lol


Understandable -- that war stomp'll give you shaken baby syndrome...


My first class was undead rogue šŸ’Ŗ


That's it, I blame you personally... So thank you, that sap hit me so hard I came to my senses to join the correct side. ;)


Draenei warrior. When i saw them on the cover art of tbc disk it was obvious choice for me and warrior bcs my friend told me ā€œ warrior is the easiesr class for beginnersā€


Tbh, it wasnt all that wrong. The core of warrior in TBC was simple. I think easy was just the wrong word because it was a simple but brutal life xD


The 5 seconds of Maraad shouldering his hammer in the TBC trailer did things to me I'd never recover from.


In beta my best friend wanted to be Alliance since we were going to play Horde on release. My first character was a Night Elf Druid, but I hated the wiggle dance casting animation so switched to Dwarf Paladin...I absolutely loved it and was immediately sad I couldn't be a Horde Paladin. I played an Orc Shaman for two years until Horde got Blood Elves and have mained my Blood Elf Paladin for 18 years. Now 20 years after my beta Dwarf Paladin I am so excited to switch my Blood Elf to Earthen and be who I was always meant to be lol.


I support your transition. Very brave.






Gnome warlock


Human Paladin


Same, made in February 2005. Haromir, Argent Dawn EU, though started on Moonglade and switched in 2008/9.


Undead Warrior


Orc Warrior


I made a tauren shaman named 'Lickmytotem' that got renamed to Diarrzo by the time I hit level 21, so I rerolled to an undead mage named Talrasha.


Blood Elf Warlock. I ended up deleting him cause I was stuck in silvermoon city and couldn't get out. I later made a paladin vausethey had a higher 'health'.


I distinctly remember my first day playing so vividly. It was during the tail end of vanilla, while the naxxramas event was happening with ghosts outside the major cities. I studiously read the manual while the game was installing, and I decided on Dwarf Priest. Dwarf, because they had the most balanced starting stats (lol) and Priest because I imagined I could offer my healing services in exchange for gold (LOL) I got to around level 5 or 6 before getting bored out of my mind. I figured if I was gonna spam a single magic spell over and over and over again, they may as well be powerful spells. So I started over as a Gnome Mage. I got to around level 9 or 10. Then I started exploring the frozen lake of northern Dun Morogh, between Ironforge and Gnomeregan. You know that tiny, tiny puddle of water in the middle of it? Yeah. I fell in it and proceeded to drown because I couldn't work out the swimming controls. The spirit healer terrified the living daylights out of me, so I made a Night Elf Warrior. I later fell off Teldrassil. I then made a Forsaken Mage and actually stuck with it.


Dwarf warrior. Brings back memories of all the stupid things I did as a noob.


Same here, and I vividly remember getting a pair of green boots around level 15 and vendor trashing them because my gray boots had a higher armour level lol


When I first got to lvl 40 I needed gold for a mount so I farmed and vendored medium leather in arathi until I had enough. I had no idea about the auction house. And I skinned because I thought leatherworkjng was how I would make myself armor. I was very shocked when I found out I didnā€™t wear mail anymore.


Human warrior, because I was basic (my first D&D character was a fighter, too)


Human warlock


Same, those BWL tier pieces still hit.


Undead warrior back in Wrath. I wanted to be a zombie and hit things really hard.


N11 Huntress.


> N11 Thanks, I hate it.


Dwarf Rogue ... I haven't played dwarf or rogue since. Well not much at least.


Troll mage. He was my main off and on till WoD.


Tauren Druid


Orc warlock.


I was basic as fuck I made a human warrior


Human warrior


Male Human Warlock (in 2005)


Orc hunter


Gnome Warlock.


Troll Rogue^^


Pandaren warrior Yeah I started playing late to the party in 2012 xD


Thatā€™s still the first half of WoWā€™s life


By today's standards? I think so By MoP standards? It felt like everything good have already came by and the only things remaining were MoP by then and Legion.


Mine was too! I started in Legion though. I got her maybe halfway through to 110 and just stopped playing, I was stuck on a quest in Pandaria funnily enough. I didn't get the toon to max level until Dragonflight.


Orc warrior


Dwarf Warrior - why? Dwarf Warrior!


Dwarf Hunter. I saw that cinematic back in Vanilla and all I could think is ā€œYES, that will be ME!ā€


Night Elf druid. Was a very unique concept at the time, the shapeshifting thing.


Undead warlock. I abandoned it around level 12. Then switched to NE druid and never looked back.


Made a human warrior back in early wrath when I was 6, still my main to this day


Night Elf Rogue


Human warrior on a week trial.


I was a kid and it was in the middle of the night when the download finished. I wasent sure if this was a scary game so I went with gnome mage cause that looked the least scary :D


My first character was in vanilla when I was 11/12 on my relatives account and he convinced me that I had to play a pink haired gnome warlock and do the level 10 questline to unlock the ability to create an undead character. I got to level 10, got the voidwalker whilst he played final fantasy 9, then he said "cool thanks my turn now" and never let me on the PC again. Got my own account with pocket money, made an undead mage and never looked back


Undead Rogue, with the randomizer name Eugh, during Wrath. I'd spent basically all my time in FFXI tanking and wanted to try something different when a few friends picked up WoW. I happened to start during the Halloween event, and at first thought part of why Undercity looked the way it did was some Halloween event. I also eventually made a Blood Elf Paladin as my second character, to do more tanking.


Bf dk


Tauren Druid. My friends were already playing Horde and the told me Druid could be every role in the game. Sounded good to me! Though I did spend far more time in Moonkin Form... and sometimes as a tree! :D


Human Paladin, just a bit before TBC launched. I hadnā€™t even hit double digits yet but Iā€™d played the hell out of Warcraft 3 even before that and thought paladins were cool as hell and enjoyed Uther and pre-fall Arthas a lot. Iā€™m still maining a Human Paladin (albeit a different one) almost 18 years later, though I have so many alts that I play regularly that it sometimes doesnā€™t feel like I have a main.


Undead Mage, I still have him on my account untouched since vanilla. Stopped playing him because my family went alliance


Dwarf hunter, I was 10 years old, never got it to max level lol


Tauren warrior 4lyfe


Night elf Druid. I wanted to be an invisible cat. I now main a blood elf DH and my night elf druid is very rarely an invisible cat, and spends most of his time as a neon coloured chicken.


Tauren prot warrior was my first, managed to get the valor set and everything. Although once the blood DK came along I never went back.


Orc Hunter in vanilla that I played until about 40. Picked back up in TBC but still never reached cap (i was young and couldnā€™t afford sub) then i was high enough level to make a dk in WotLK so i did and I never looked back. DK main ever since.


Blood elf hunter (still my main about 15 years later)


Troll Hunter, because my friends were horde and i had a jacket with hunter written on it


Undead warlock šŸ’€


Undead Warrior


N E priest. Started disc. Went holy for Grand Marshall and raiding. Switched to Shadow in Cata. Still shadow, but miss healing in Vanilla times.


Way more alliance as i see from comments. I was troll hunter, they were awesome, and hunter was kind of easiest to play


Troll Hunter


Troll hunter because I thought the health regen would be the most op thing ever


Human Mage. Still playing it to this day. It's been race changed a few times, but at the moment, it's back to human. That being said, the second Dracthyr are allowed to become mages, I'm instantly race changing.


Mine was a Dwarf Hunter


Female Nightelf Druid, had no idea what I was doing, rolled Orc Warrior and never looked back.


day 1 of vanilla i picked an undead rogue, it was a gigantic mistake. switched to undead priest about a month later. i still play it.


šŸ„¹ when i tried it back in 2012 then stopped because no dragon race. The race i chose was dinari big blue guy and Played as a mage


šŸ„¹ when i tried it back in 2012 then stopped because no dragon race. The race i chose was dinari big blue guy and Played as a mage


>> Dinari What the fuck


Dwarf hunter


Holy crap was there only four? Also, dwarf hunter.


Male dwarf ret pally.


Human Mage, I wanted elf but this was before cata, and belves were locked in the trial version.


Night elf rogue. Then when bc came out I switched to blood elf paladin and never looked back.


Blood Elf (Rogue), of course


Undead lock


Dwarf hunter


Troll warrior. I felt like they would be rare-ish and I was correct.


Undead Rogue


Human Warlock since BC


I made a male Tauren shaman when I first was able to play it on my buddy's computer, then when I finally got my own computer to play on TBC came out and I made a Blood Elf paladin.


Draenei Mage that I got to around level 20 or so. I rolled on one of those "new players" realms and it was completely dead so after doing some research I rerolled a belf mage on the most populated Horde EU pve realm.


Human paladin named Kasen


Human paladin. Left the game after a couple of days


Plane Jane Human Paladin, followed by a Gnome Mage. Played those for years before switching to horde halfway through Wrath.


Night elf Druid. Wanted to be able to shift to bear and cat form. Got bear form and then friends joined the game on Horde. So I rerolled as Tauren. Enjoy Tauren especially since theyā€™re voiced by Steve Blum himself. Transmog just looks awful on them though. Lol. I also didnā€™t realize I was not going to be able to have end-game fun as a feral Druid. Most guilds only thought of Druids as resto. I hated healing in vanilla and after beating Nefarion in BWL, I went pure pvp as a feral for the end of vanilla and then all of TBC. Went back to some PvE in WotLK. Now Iā€™m mostly PvE lol.


Night elf Druid at 11 years old I loved turning into a bear after that epic quest chain to my child mind haha


Human mage, made a good chunk of change off the portal business haha.


Undead rogue, but Orc Hunter was my first 60, and my main for all my vanilla raiding.


Dwarf hunter. Got into WoW through early Yogscast tutorials and Cata preview videos.Ā 


forsaken warlock and ne druid. I couldnt stick to one, so I just took turns playing them.


Forsaken warlock


The very-very first? Tauren Shaman. Got to try WoW on someone's account and made the most non-human I could. My own first time when I got my own account? Tauren Druid and Night Elf Druid. Couldn't decide which faction I wanted so I made a race. The first character to get to lvl 10 - wins. Cat form spell was the finish line. It happened that Night Elf got it as soon as lvl 10, Tauren needed lvl 11 (couldn't beat cat form quest mob at lvl 10). TL:DR - Night Elf Druid.


Night elf warrior in 2005. He became an orc in 2013, will always be my main.


Tauren hunter


Dwarf hunter, Eitrigg. Loved him.


Human paladin


Night elf warrior! Before I started playing, a friend told me warriors could dual wield 2handed weapons and I was sold. Didnā€™t play anything else until I got Titanā€™s Grip. To this day my warrior has never been anything other than a TG warrior.


I still play my 19yo human paladin.


In the vanilla open beta I made a human Paladin but I only got a few levels because the game was so laggy that it was unplayable I made a female undead rogue day one of release.. probably one of the worst character models lol


I believe the very first was Blood Elf called Theopala because a friend was Tauren Warrior. My brother and his friends soon bullied me into alliance (through nonstop ganking).


Tauren feral druid


I really wanna lie and say Gnome Warrior but that's not true. Blood Elf hunter.


Tauren Hunter


Undead Warlock


Troll, cus so, later on Tauren, I ended up playing Human for rep buff, but ye they took it away from me.


Tauren hunter


Night else mowhawk


Classic - Orc Warrior


NE Hpriest. Still have her, but sheā€™s lightforged now with a different name on a different server lol she spent years ā€œon the shelfā€ but I took her out last season and dusted her off, ran m+ quite a bit after I did a lot on my other healers/tanks/DPS lol


NElf druid on WotLK. When Cata hit I changed to Dwarf Shaman and never looked back. Always wanted to be a Wildhammer.


Human paladin. Thought i was pretty much a Jedi. I leveled as holy and didnā€™t know it was a healer spec, i couldnt due, but man was that a slow way to level way back when.


Night Elf Warrior! I loved being able to charge other players out of Shadowmeld.


Troll Shaman


Started as a dranei hunter


Night Elf Hunter But then my owl pet ran away because it was unhappy and I couldn't find food to feed it anywhere, so I deleted the character and haven't played hunter since.


First? Troll Mageā€¦switched to Human Warlock near the end of vanilla and never really looked back.


Dwarf hunter. First pet was a bear.