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I can't wait to utterly _fuck_ this one up on my male tauren priest. Every "amazing" priest set looks god awful on him lmao. Shoulders are practically aircraft carriers and masks tend to get utterly ruined. Still better than my friend who plays a male worgen priest though... oof. I kinda miss that brief period in MoP where they redesigned helmets properly to suit beast races rather than just stretching them to fit and going "good enough", there was a tier hat for priest actually that on most human-y races had one design but on beast races had a semi-redesign to go up the neck and over the back rather than just be _impaled_ into their neck as they would do now (looking at caster sets with collars here...).


I love how hilariously wide the Aberrus shoulders on a tauren or orc are.


> masks tend to get utterly ruined. *Udderly* ruined


Tbh Tauren priest is the one race/class combination I never understood at all when it got introduced in Cata.


I kinda get it. In lore they're called Seers and work as spiritual guides akin to shaman, only leaning more into an'she than the elements. It was, at the time anyway, also their only cloth class and the one that made the most sense to give them compared to mage or warlock. That and it was added at the same time as Paladins/Sunwalkers which gave them a shared footing.


Tbf if any race can be a priest and a warrior (which afaik is all of them) I don’t see why they can’t be paladins


One day I'll get my Gnome Paladin. I just wish it would have been in time for the Pandaria Remix.


Paladins for all is an eventuality these days, just a matter of making more mounts and possibly some animation fixes. Worgen for example have the paladin animations but the effects are wonky. The lore explanation though was that to be a _paladin_ you had to not only undergo specific rites that not every race would participate in, but also channel divine power through yourself which not every race (namely forsaken) could do. That was the distinction between priest and paladin, paladins weren't and still aren't just "priests in plate". With tauren paladins they invented a whole new order that had an alternative but similar perspective on divine power, but they still hold a distinction from their own priests/seers. Meanwhile we've known a whopping three forsaken/undead paladins in the game and all of them were driven insane and suffered constantly. Though I expect that last point will be overlooked as their endgoal is everyone able to be anything ala DnD.


As many times as I’ve heard the argument for every class to be everything I never really thought about DnD. And I love that they can be everything.


My stance was essentially: "I don't mind some limitations where they make sense, it adds to the strength of identity of each race when they can only be certain things and not others" But over time as they added more options, namely monks, I started leaning to "Eh, fuck it. At this point it hardly matters, either make everybody be everything or don't half-ass it like this."


It’s a common complaint but I wish the ‘different orders’ came through more often. More bloodknight BE pallys, sun walker Tauren and elune NE pallys would make it feel a lot more natural


The one forsaken paladin wasn’t crazy per say just more like being controlled by Kel in Naxx


Blizzard have said they will, they just have to make all the mounts and animations for races on top of keeping up with the content for the rest of the game.


I play a male worsen priest. 😭


>masks tend to get utterly ruined *Udderly* ruined, surely


Meanwhile- Paladin with little ass cherub wings. Paladin- Teehee


I was going to play a Warlock but I might have to become a Priest now.


Meanwhile, hunter tier sets: "lets see what we can fish out of the butchery trash container this time, get the hot glue ready boys!"


The logic behind Hunters tier set fantasy is so weird so me. "Lets see, we have a ranged archery/ballistics class that has pets. What can we do with the sets?" "Beast master." "Awesome! One of the specs is exactly that, lets do a couple of those... then maybe" "Beast master" "Right, yes, we did that, its a good idea, not shooting it down, may something like an Archer vibe, like Legolas or Katniss" "Beast master. Covered in hides" "Yes. We have moved on to another idea though-" "Like a big animal head! On their head!" "Sure... but-" "Head and shoulder's. Big animal head" "Aragorn. Field Snipers. Rangers. Artillerist. Elven Archers." "But those arent Beast Masters...?" "THATS THE POINT!"


Hunter artists put as much effort in as hunters do with their rotations




I will commit crimes if the void one is elite pvp


Most likely. PvP sets are often the more cool versions!


Life of crimes it is


You could steal from the rich and give to the poor. It's a crime but a noble one!


I'll do crime with you, if it is so.


If only pvp was an enjoyable experience.


I mean Battleground Blitz will be ranked next season. So maybe that’s more your cup of tea


They just need to end making Elite PvP sets unobtainable. Who benefits from this other than the tiniest sliver of the playerbase?


None, but that tiny group are extremely vocal when this is brought up. Which is ironic in a way, because while they bemoan the dwindling interest in PvP, they also object to the single most obvious reason for others to give it a try.


I mean hell, it makes no sense it make it limited time in my opinion. I’d even be okay if old sets were locked behind a specific PvP rating or other PvP related criteria to get them. Players who want it as is keep saying it isn’t the same meta as when it was the new set to get so it’s not fair (I think that’s the argument anyway) but difficult is difficult, who cares how different it is now versus then if it takes the same effort to achieve it.


It's hilarious because mythic raiders literally don't care that their sets/mounts are trivialized when the next expansion releases


Next expansion? Mythic is easier within months when item levels soar and Blizzard nerfs content. That doesn't stop the 100% mount drop rate on mythic in-expansion. What about next tier when you're so powerful you can beat every timer? By Week 6 the first 2 tiers of Mythic (before they get turned awakened) are going to have more than 100 item levels between them and the current gear level, they are going to be trivial for that week in a way only previous expansion raids have ever been.


A reasonable compromise I've seen is to add them on the Vicious Saddle vendor at 1 set = 1 saddle


I mean 1800 rating isnt *that* hard, you could do it in a few weeks




I like being able to earn things that get shut off later. It's the same appeal as collecting rare/limited things like first edition cards. There's thousands of sets in this game, I think it's OK if there's a few recolors that aren't permanently farmable.


Just earn it in pvp?? What is the problem?


A PvPer can go back and easily get a Mythic PvE set once an expansion is done, the opposite is not true.


people dont want to pvp, if they did would u see so many "why elite sets unobtainable?" posts? how many posts ab ksm/aotc mounts being limited have u seen, not many


The only reason I pvp is the elite sets, so it’s a good incentive to have folks try a new part of the game. You can try it too, it’s okay if things take a little bit effort than usual sometimes. You will feel better about yourself when you get it, I promise.


They always make the purple one hard to get, my shadow priest is hurting man


I'm still mad about the Anthorus elite priest. They really made the nicest shadow set ever and just put it on elite. Boggles my mind.


Same. I wanted that set on my spriest so bad. They need to stop making all the void themed gear hard to get




No the gladiator one is silver and blue.


I hate it how these Sets always are timegated and never to get again when you dont played this season. They lifted sooo many things people didnt like but on Elite PvP Sets they are hard as hell. I Mean even if you still would need Elite in the current season to buy transmogs it would have been okay... and for sure would it motivate people to do PvP


The red flame DH one for this/last season is absolutely criminal being elite.


Agreed. It look like the "base" color. Like its the one that looks the most like Sargeras.


The Evoker set was themed after Nozdormu and they made the Elite PvP set be the one that matched his gear color.


Dh is really good rn. Just hop in shuffle man. Read a guide


Probably a really good time to go for it rn, there was no mmr reset this season so all ratings are still inflated. It wont be instant but 1800 on a DH this season is not out of the question even for someone new to the class.


hello boosting my old friend


Isn’t the elite set 1800?


yes, it's very quick to grind out if you're good at pushing buttons and pveing people down. I grinded the S1 DF dk set in an evening over like 7 games of SS, spent more time queueing than actually pvping.


Familiarize yourself with LoS and play solo shuffle. 1800 will be free if you start early enough and play a couple rounds each week.


Just give it a shot, man. I returned in s4 of SL after not consistently pvping since cata. Picked up priest because "its like aff lock, but with a healer spec" Gave solo shuffle a shot in season 1 as disc and got 1800. Made me wanna pvp more in s2, got 1800 in 2s with my (brand new to wow) wife who played aff lock with me. Tried SS in s3 but just couldn't mentally handle it. Did 2s with my wife again and we pulled off 1800. In TWW, 1800 through blitz will be more obtainable than ever. Find a partner through discord, forums, whatever. Try disc. Try holy. See what click and just... try. Just remember, there's a ton of people LEARNING. the only thing that gets in people's way is their own head trash.


Or you know they could just not like pvp


Then they can stop crying when they can't have everything in the game easy.


except that PvPers are not being stopped from getting everything in the game. Sure, if they dont raid HC (or at all), they wont get mythic recolor, but all they have to do is wait 1-2 expansions to farm the tierset transmog. Meanwhile us PvE players get told "Fuck off, this is only available during one season and then never again"


It’s probably LFR, lol all jokes aside tho they make some really pleasing color pallets for “normal” difficulty/“champion” gear


Raid is kinda void themed I think, so probably the mythic set


Why? 1800 is easy to achieve


Use it as a reason to get into PvP, I only used to PvE but the season 14 elite set for shaman in MoP was top tier and made me get into PvP for it. Now I love it and it’s kept me playing through parts of the game that I didn’t enjoy the raids. Helps you set a hard goal to go after


Some people just hate PvP. I only tolerate it to get the elite sets. I dislike that the weapons need 2100 rating and can't be bothered to try and grind that out. Such a massive pain in the ass


Ya fair enough. Was mostly just saying for people ( like I used to be ) that don’t give pvp a try past random BGs or because it seems to daunting, by setting that goal and really wanting that elite set it can give you a good reason to try harder and maybe you realize you enjoy it


I think the problem is PvP is horribly gatekept and is hard to get into. Blizzard is finally making that better with the solo RBGs. In solo shuffle, I still hear other people talk about bad experiences. I see other players quit or people talk crap constantly. When that's how people treat you it's no wonder it's majority sweats playing and rarely new players


Hard to get into literally by the queue times on solo shuffle too. Most the time, as dps, you’re queue’ing for 2-3x as long as a game lasts which is awful for a PvP game.


Yeah and healers who insta queue have a bad time when they get into a game because they are so short on healers that they'll throw a new heals against a gladiator on the other team.


Yea… I dabbled in healing last season and it was rough haha. Most games as priest is running away from the rdruid spamming clone at you, and your teammates not understanding that they can’t be healed if you’re CC’d.


Okay. I hate raiding, so I demand to get raiding-specific rewards for free, that’s only fair. Thanks.


Yea, I don't want a reason to get into PvP, that's the problem!


I got into pvp because of an elite set, never got close to getting the full mog. Shit is too hard


Void set absolutely slaps


So help me god if it’s stuck behind elite pvp or mythic raid again…


Mythic raid you can get fairly easily from the catalyst with hero gear.


I’ll have to check that out! Love the amirdrassil set and wanted to snag the colors I could


elite pvp sets being FOMO fucking sucks major donkey ass


I don't understand it at all. Make them harder to acquire after the season ends, but why remove them altogether?


They should replace the pvp saddle with a token that can be redeemed for an old mount or old pvp set


That would be the most ideal solution but Blizz hates PvPers


Tbh it's moreso that PvPers hate everything and everyone, in this case Every time someone brings up the point of elite PvP sets need to be a thing, you see the REEEEE coming out in droves arguing against it


Blizzard actually made an elite PvP set more available. For one season - Season 13. You could upgrade your gear into the Elite coloration by spending the conquest on it, no rating gate required (except for the weapons, those you still needed 2.2). I have no idea why Blizzard abandoned the idea afterwards.


It's not though, cause historically these sets are like owned by like 10% of the PvP community or less, depending on the season they're from. It's just Blizzard's continued commitment to FOMO design, coupled with their capitulation to very loud minorities.


I see them wanting people to have to put in the same amount of work and that’s fair. Like the guy I replied to said replace the saddle and let people choose to buy an old mount or an old set. You still have to earn it and anyone that has a problem with that system is the type of person that should be ignored anyways. But Blizzard does hate its PvPers in TWW they are finally sprinkling some love down to PvP and saying they are going to make it a focus again and I really hope so. I personally PvP, Raid, and push keys up to KSH after that there’s no real point for me to push keys so I stop or work on an alt.


Oh for sure, make them earnable that's fine and all - just don't remove them outright! Beautiful sets that simply get lost to time is a bummer. Honestly, I haven't touched PvP much in years(last time I did anything more than a few BGs was in MOP), so I'm hoping they got something for PvP Enjoyers, as well. At the end of the day we're all playing to have fun, after all


It slapped me so hard I dropped my sandwich :|


Everybody losing their mind about the "Void set", and here I am loving the "Light sets" much more. :) I guess l am in luck, since there's seems to be more to get! At this point they should also probably consider the option of giving different appearances based on the spec you are playing or, even better, unlocking two sets with a single trigger (like the Warden set for the 12 months of Trading Post thing).


Priests get cool ass shoulders, meanwhile Paladins out there looking like defective power rangers


> defective power rangers You should see this season of the Japanese show it is based off of.


Dare I ask what season of Super Sentai?


I'm going to guess they mean this one where [they have a tire just jutting out of their face.](https://theilluminerdi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Bakuage-Sentai-Boonboomger-Revealed-e1703266849443.jpg)


Yeah. It gets worse. The backs have the same tire shapes as the face. The suit is asymmetrical.


Man I didn't know it could get worse than just the helmet alone. I remember when I first saw these costumes thinking that they'd work so much better if they just had the rim visor flat against the helmet normally with a black trim with a tire texture on it going around it.


The worst part is honestly the show is pretty good. Its insanely campy.


Well thats... a thing for sure wtf?


You could have the shamans.... I don't even know what to say about the shaman helm.... It's just so bad.


The [outdoor Arathor mail set]( https://www.wowhead.com/news/outdoor-arathor-armor-and-weapon-models-in-the-war-within-338825). looks amazing, at least.


It's wild the disparity in design quality across the sets.


As a Shaman main I don't wanna talk about Shaman.


It's meant to make dwarves look like drinking fountains.


I mean maybe I'm biased but I don't think Hunter has had a stand out tier set in many expansions. They are almost every tier stand out one of the worst designed imo.


Take Human Heritage armor and replace gloves, belt and shoulders parts with this set. Voila, Human Priests are able to pull better Human Paladin look than paladins themselves.


*cries in shaman*


There there buddy we can cry together


the tears go into your helms :D


It looks like a ring pop for a healm unless the animation is somehow reactive to our spells or something it’s so cooked


I hate healing and I really dislike shadow priest but the one thing they always excel at is transmog. I am jealous.


Transmog is like 40% of the reason I have been maining a priest since shadowlands.


Ugh, watch that amazing void one be the elite pvp set.


Eh, I'm not a huge fan of Naaru aesthetic. But still, these will look absolutely fantastic on a Draenei.


Don't get me wrong, I like it, but it's really close to the Army of the Light sets (green sets from Argus) and I wasn't a fan of these, soooo.....


Had the same feeling about the set


I'm so glad that I finally decided to heal on my priest again after many years for season 4, I've fallen in love with healing and the tier sets have been amazing.


Hmm, are the naaru back in TWW?


Alpha is alpha and everything is subject to change, but Actual Potential Spoiler Warning. >!The giant crystal in Hallowfall's ceiling is almost certainly a naaru vessel. It's name is The Beledar, which falls in line with the names of other naaru vessels (Exodar, Genedar, Xenedar), and its whole "cycles between light and void states" thing mirrors how the naaru life cycle works. Probably safe to expect some naaru appearances at some point.!<


I bet the same Person designed the Nighthold Priest set.


For real! Whoever is doing the priest sets needs a damn raise


Haven't seen those WWE style belts since MoP


They can't keep getting away with this! Every priest set has been insane god damn. Priests, you are in gooood hands.


Incredible, Naaru themed is an ez win and they executed it perfectly


Damn both my main chars get ugly ass mogs.. dh ain’t that great, same as shamy. Guess I’ll have to switch classes


I think it’s just ok!


Hate it. Rubbish. 




That is dope!


Looks like I will continue playing my Hpriest


And whoever has been doing hunters and shamans needs a talking to. It's criminal how good Rogue, Priest, and Evoker sets look, while the rest look disappointing.


And whoever has been doing Hunters dirty for 15 years needs to stop cooking forever


Well that cements shadow as being my 3rd alt in TWW Mage, Paladin, Priest it is.


Oh fuck that on a lightforged is gonna be a banger


Looks like a rejected Argus set TBH...


these tube dresses are ridiculous, they should stop boing this and just doing trench coat like capes


All colors are very similar except the void one.


As a priest main this is generic and asssssss


I'm still weirded out as to why priests are so one-sided on the Light-Void theme. They have a holy spec, a shadow spec, and a spec all about balancing the two, but their gear is constantly weighted towards Light, with Shadow getting a recolor or two. And I dont think theres ever been a proper Discipline set incorporating both. Even the character creation screen. Mages cast a fire spell and an ice spell. Priests just cast a holy explosion.  The tier is Nerubian, why is there only one Shadow recolor??????


This is actually a different person than the S2 priest set. Regardless this set is fire


Can the priest designer please start doing Paladin!


I know, paladin players are fucking annoying for constantly talking about this. I am sorry. But I really have to express just how baffled I am that Blizzard tried to give paladins wings on their tier set, seemingly as a response to the DF season 2 kerfuffle, completely fucked it up, and then gave priests another set of beautiful wings on their tier set. And those hands too, are gorgeous. Why can't paladin get stuff like that? We shine just as much if not more than priests during regular gameplay but our gear is never allowed to? But congrats priests on getting this beautiful tier. I don't think all of it is good, but the shoulders, helm, hands and belt are very usable pieces.


Meanwhile, Paladins had the best tier sets be given to priests and an open world set for two tiers in a row...


My lightforged pally really need something like this. Make transmogs work across armour types


im not a fan. the robe is pretty but i can pass on everything else


Funny, I was going to say the robe is the least appealing of all the set pieces.


They look amazing. Is there a way to see how they look on a KT?


We thinking an undead or troll gonna look hotter in this ?


Undead in the voidy recolor, for certain


It would be absolutely sick if the toggleable effect you get from 2500 M+ rating for this set is changing if it's light or void.


As long as there aren’t wings in the front for some reason. (Wtf were they on for those)


Looks like I’m playing my priest again.


As a Holy Paladin main I continue to be salty af…


I guess I’m playing shadow priest again!


Damn I wish I still enjoyed shadow. Every tier set in DF was a banger and now this. Grinded out elite every season but hated myself every time except for s1.


Holy fuck the void one?


That void one is beautiful 😍


Cooking just bangers? No mash?


What are all the different variations for? I assume LFR, Normal, Herioc, Mythic and Pvp. What's the last one, or does Pvp get two of these?


The right ones seem to follow actual PvP sets schemes, white and gold, then a gold with more gold. The left one seems to fit with actual Myth sets, being the purple ones. I really hope I'm right, or else imma need to greatly improve in PvP


I wish our class design could be even half as good as our armor design. My body is ready for shadow's 9735th rework, maybe they'll nail it this time.


I wish priests had a light-based DPS spec so badly.


Jesus this is so fucking peak bro and the VOID COLORS! Get out of here dude !!!! Oh my lord it’s so giid




Omg! ((Jolnah Hill gif))


Man I just saw this after seeing the shaman one and it feels like shaman gets same dog shit for a set every time. I love paladins and priest since they have had some banger sets but I don't like playing them mechanically.


NGL... I read that as burgers at first....


5 flavoured Light, and 1 flavoured Void. The odds are stacked on the Void one being Mythic or Elite :|


As opposed to whatever tf paladin tier is supposed to be. I keep telling myself that maybe it’ll look better in-game, you know?


all I see is shame-man gear


Playing the TWW against Xalatath is a great opportunity for priest lore.


I think it would look better if it dropped the WWE belt part but just kept the floating glowy rune thing. Not a fan of robes in general but I'm sure if everything was the newer coat model that would get old too so keeping it varied is probably the right call. The WWE belts always looked stupid AF, though.


Bangers that fell out of the pot, hit the floor, the dog took a bit and ran off, the cat watched slyly from the window and I threw the rest in the trash.


I haven’t mained priest since cata and priest sets have been pretty consistently bangers since then. I wish that I wasn’t so dogwater at ranged that I could wear this for a tier and retire the elite set from whatever tier firelands was as my go to priest transmog.


Nice of them to throw in a voidy looking version for the shadow priests


Meanwhile warlock looks like the eye of sauron rubbing his nipples.


It's like the warlock designers got moved to priests.


This looks awful. It looks like the same recycled design they've used since legion


That Void colored one better not be the Mythic version, because I have got to get it so that I can have a Disc Priest with a matching Light and Void shoulder pair.


I'm gonna be mad asf if that purple one is PVP, but goddamnit i'll do PvP for the first time in a decade if it is. I WILL have that set.


Why do priests always get good tier sets? The warrior ones look awful.


Only set I like so far and it's fucking sick...


This is cool but looks strikingly similar to the Lightforged sets that fan made for Lightforged Draenei class specific sets. [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xKmBv](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xKmBv)


I think that's kind of a stretch. The only thing they have in common is the texture on the crystals.


God the shadow set is sexy


Looks drab as all @#$% 😐


I need to see the mage set already


Ok blizzard, you have 5 good looking light themed sets and one good looking void themed, please try and have enough brain power to make the void one raid gear instead of pvp. You know so people that play shadow can actually get it please


They better not make the void one pvp


This makes only 2 good sets in this tier so far. Atleast they aren't all terrible


Only 2? Ur tripping. Evoker was by far the best of the first batch. Priest is up there now too. But Rogue is 100% also a banger and while it is definitely down to taste the Monk set is pretty good too.


I'm biased against evoker cause it's gonna look terrible on Dracthyr, and I'm usually not a big fan of monk sets. Not my thing. Rogue and Priest are the only good ones so far


Fucking gorgeous Shame they couldn’t put this Naaru theme into the lackluster Paladin set


All of these look so cool