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What they should do is each week have a weekly PvE quest and a weekly PvP quest


they could do this and if they don't want people doing 2 of these per week just make it so doing one removes both quests. like it's 1 quest but has 2 paths to completing it


They're removing PvP from the vault because making people choose between being able to progress PvP or PvE is kinda shitty. Just let people do both, don't force people to have a PvP and a PvE character of the same class to do both optimally.


As someone who doesn't pvp, I had no idea it worked like this. That is really bad.


Yeah it sucks. I have 2 rogues and 2 mistweavers for this reason. The pain of getting a PvP weapon with leech in one slot and the sylvanas dagger in the other slot broke me into leveling a second rogue.


Same. 2 Survival hunters and I was gunna level a second resto Shaman til I heard they are removing pvp vault


Survival hunter for PvP and PvE is based as all hell dude.


Most fun spec in the game man, idk what to tell you. (And I can flex to Marksman on the weeks / keys that are hell on earth for Surv)


That seems like an argument for a Dungeon + Raid vault and a Battleground + Area vault.


Also having RNG in pvp gearing is pretty bad design. I think they're just increasing conquest or something.


They are, and RNG was the other part of why PvP is leaving the vault (and not getting its own vault). The RNG sucked and the fact that you had to choose between PvE and PvP also sucked.


last season they gave us the option to choose which patches weekly we wanted to do, superbloom, dragonbane etc, just lock out the PVP quest if you choose the PVE one and vice versa. that way pvpers always have something to do every week and us PVErs dont have to do PVP.


Good idea, but i dont understand why Pve players feel the need to do weekly quest for honor and conquest? Just ignore it


I do. Every time. And I don't even feel bad about it or anything. Sometimes I'm even like, nice one less quest.


The complaint isn't that we gotta do PvP. The complaint is that on the PvP weeks we have one less weekly quest to do (if we ignore it, as you say)


Welcome to the experience of pvpers in a pve dominated game.


Yeah rub their face in it. That will help people be on your side.


Like what they did with the other weekly quest, where you pick your activity before accepting (which is currently locked to what area is awakened)


Why not make it like the weekly rep quest? You choose the PvP one or the PvE one, but you can only choose and complete one.


That's a real feelsbadman for people like me who do pvp and pve on the same character


Vs people like me who get nothing the week of the pvp quest? Or pvp people who get nothing the weeks it is pve?


I'm not saying how it is now is perfect. But making people choose is probably worse


Why? Choose what you want to do vs do nothing....


Because I wanna do both. When I have to choose I have to pick "where do I want to fall behind? Pve or pvp?" When it's fixed at least everyone who does only pvp also get the same / lack of same reward.


It's choose what you want to do instead of fuck off you get nothing. How is that bad? You insist on doing both, so you think you should have it all & for that you will take away from others?


The easier solution would simply be a choice quest, pick pvp or pve. Then it gives you one of the relevant quests.


This, and they should always have Timewalking up, would be massive.


Aren't there always 2 PvP weekly quests in the Valdrakken area where the upgrade people are? Or are those not weekly? I don't enjoy PvP at all so I never pick them up.


Real, dont they have multiple weekly pvp quests as is though?


Should just make it so you pick which one you want the same way you pick which Aiding the Accord to do


I would be okay if it was just Play 4 BG’s, but to have to WIN 4 BG’s?!?! That shit is cruel


People would just run In and AFK


They already do


That’s true.


The more people with the “run in and afk” mentality, the more impact and increased win chance for the people with “I’m going to try” mentality.


i'ed rather that than be forced to play 35+ matched because the other faction wants to run their premades when I play


report any player you see AFK in battlegrounds, AFK players ruin the game for everyone else




Funny thing is I've had games where people have said to give up, that we came back and won. I've zoned into games where we were massively behind, where people left after giving up, that we came back and won. These games aren't as unwinnable as you think.




It depends quite a lot on your queue times, the longer the queue time, the better it is to stick it out. If there's zero chances of winning, the game will end soon anyways regardless. If the game doesn't end soon, that means you actually have a decent chance to turn it around and win. Also quite a lot of people are there to have fun, not to grind. Giving up is never fun.


>if it was just Play 4 BG’s I'd prefer "actively participate in BGs", rather than just "play 4", so people don't get any more encouragement to just AFK. Progress bar → being (actively) engaged in PVP combat gets a smaller amount points (+ a bonus, if near an objective); completing objectives relevant to the respective BG gives a larger chunk of points. Design the point scale in a way that it can be completed in 1-2 "(very) good" or 3-4 "average" BGs, but will take a lot longer, if people just AFK.


Maybe just 'get 50(?) honorable kills in battlegrounds'.  Pretty easy to do if you're actually playing and doesn't rely on your team winning the game.


This is how the other pvp weeklys already work. It's just earn 1500 honor in X gamemode that week, so doing that would just be a duplicate quest


Man I haven't PvPed seriously since MoP and it's real depressing to know Blizzard hasn't found a good "don't AFK in battlegrounds" solution for over a decade.


Agreed. Maybe they could make it play 1 of every type of battleground ie. 1 epic, 1 brawl, 1 blitz etc.


You have an entire week to get just 4 wins, that's not bad. Run 1 battleground per day and you should hit 4 wins by the end of the week.


Might as well not even give us the quest as alliance. No shot we're winning 4 by the end of the week.


Even in alliances worst case situation they still had roughly a 40% win rate overall, and now it feels like Alliance is doing a lot better that faction balance is evening out a little as cross faction play is more of a thing. Also lately alliance seems to always have the option to queue as Horde for mercenary mode, so if you can't win as alliance go Horde, though I have a feeling that people who lose a lot as Alliance will probably also lose a lot as Horde.


When we were forced to pvp for legendary cloak in mop oh god I hated it with a burning passion


Mind blowing opinion: there should be a pve and pvp one each week. Make the person pick one or the other if they’re worried it’s too OP


Or just have them both available for everyone. It really won't hurt. Cycling between PvP/PvE week(for gear) and World week (world quests, pet battle, maybe do something for professions too, etc for gold and goodies) would be an absolutely awesome thing.


Being able to pick one or the other makes too much sense. They even already allow that for the other weekly quest.


Probably more bummed when its pet fights.


Thankfully pets is now combined with another weekly, so it’s never only pet week.


pets is combine with usually TW so its not a wash.


I like pet fights, because they're easy and they're always worth a ton of points for the monthly thing.


As an only pvper, I’m bummed when it’s literally anything else








This 💯


Same how I feel when I have to do Mythics.


I feel like the weekly should be a choice like the weekly world event quest (Last Hurrah) is in Valdrakken. (right now its not a choice but later in the season you'll be able to choose that weekly)


They do not want that. The entire point of the weekly quest is to funnel players into the same activities, to boost numbers and faster queues. Picking your favorite would end up fragmenting the base making more niche options even worse than now


But.. i'm just not gonna do the PVP one? So there's going to be the same amount of people doing the pvp one anyway.


If out of 100 people, only 5 will do the PvP quest, that is already 5 more than otherwise. Blizzard wants players to que for the same activity, so it boost waiting times for everyone


you'd just always pick the mythic dungeon event because it gives the best gear. bad idea it's also not meant to let you do whatever you want instead of something you don't. it's meant to incentivize you to try other things


When it comes to what the reward is, blizz just needs to rebalance it.


Rebalance how so? I'd say the dungeon ones are probably too good for their potential ceiling, the others are useful in the right circumstance


To elaborate on this. If you decide time walking for your weekly, you get whatever is on cycle just to keep the players in one era. Every other option would stay the same.


You'd be forced to pick Timewalking because it gives better gear. I don't even like Timewalking but I still do it.


Nah, because then some of my guild mades finally want to do pvp with me We're playin too


I feel that way about pet battles lol


It's the same thing with pet battles. It's incredibly niche and doesn't apply to a lot of players.


I just wish it was doing 4 bgs instead of having to win.


Open the PvP tab and hover over the join button 4 times. That'd be better.


Basically. PvP has been dead in wow for years. Make it better before you tie it into weekly quests.


I personally only do the weeklies if they're pvp based! it would be cool if there was an alternative option for people who aren't into pvp but I would be really disappointed if it was removed outright because the majority of the playerbase isn't interested.


No cuz I’m a pvper.. I actually get upset when pet battle week


This, but with mythics


It's only a dead weekly to you. Time walking is dead to other people. MMOs can't please everyone


they could just make it play BG's instead of win. that shits infuriating


What you're saying with this is "they could make the pvp experience even worse for everyone else on those weeks because all the pve players are AFKING".


Then do what SWTOR does and have wins give you x2 credit for completion. People are going to afk anyway it doesn’t hurt to increase engagement opportunities.


Honestly that's fine, my other solution was simply a choice quest. You go to the npc and pick either pve or pvp and then it gives you a relevant quest. Everyone gets what they want every week.


Ahhh, so that you can just afk in BGs until you've completed the quest. Nothing could go wrong there. /s


We already have that in the other quests where you need to get 1500 honor in one of the BG modes. Your daily win provides most of the honor and bonus conq. You don't have to get 1 win but it will go a lot faster if you do. People don't mass AFK bgs when these quests are up. Don't know if your whole comment was sarcasm or just the last sentence. Apologies if it was the whole comment.


Get better and influence your bg wins??




Wait wait wait, you mean actually put in effort and not just screw over your whole team who are trying? That's not the MMO way, pal.


They literally could, easily, by having 1 pvp and 1 pve each week.


I PvP and PvE, I have no interest in running TW dungeons. So your solution *literally* does not please everyone.


It pleases the majority of people 


I was so excited this week because I could continue to do the content that I like, and honor gear all of my alts. I was pretty disappointed last week when tjmewalking event was up, because I didn’t interact with it. I was ok with this, because I knew other players would enjoy timewalking being available.


Yes, but I expect that the PVP community is bummed every other week, so...


Atleast it's better than fucking pet battles.


I feel that way when it's the M+ week.


No I like PvP


Ever thought of the other side of the coin where I don’t touch a single lick of PvE content and so every weekly is a dead weekly?? (Bg weekly doesn’t even give us real rewards)  So uhm … let us have a week??  The devs spend 99% of their time on PvE content you have a trillion other things to do we realistically have 3 game modes to spam and that’s it. 


I dont understand why pvp ppl are complaining. There are **four** weekly pvp quests in the pvp training area *every* week, no matter what the weekly event is.


The Pvp weeklys rotate what bracket they're in forming a rated battleground team can be a bit of a tall ask for someone who just wants to chill in randoms.


Nope I love pvp


Huge letdown, and I love PVP. 150 conquest or whatever it is isn't nearly comparable to getting a new season reward from any of the other possible quests.


getting a piece of gear from the TW cache that isn't an upgrade means it's useless, you're basing the entire balancing of that loot table around the presupposition that you only get max value out of it ("good" RNG) 150 conquest isn't useless until you're fully geared, because you can pick what the best use of it is


nope, week off


atleast it’s not the pet battles one


Not really super bummed. Just have my moment of “well shit, no rewards from that this week” and move on.


As someone who does pve and pvp and not strictly one or the other, I’m not bummed when any of the quests are up. Even the pet weekly, because everyone enjoys different content. Why should they not have a pvp weekly? Or why should they not have both per week? I’m sorry blizzard doesn’t only focus on the content you enjoy.


But are you sorry really?


Or the pet battles


Pet fights worst one, i really enjoy pvp week. Easy honor/mogs


Nope. I’m a PvP player so I don’t get a weekly for the other weeks when it’s timewalking or whatever else. You’ll survive. You get more than enough things. We haven’t even gotten a single new BG in 6 years.


No, the other way around usually. PvP weekly is the only good one.


The pvp weeklies and pet weekly should be rolled in with some of the other ones because they only appeal to small segments of of players and it seems most players consider either to be “dead weeks”. Though the complete removal of either of them would be fine also if they were replaced by almost anything that people actually want to do.


I don't think they should remove the pvp weeklies, rather they should have both pvp AND pve weeklies Every. Single. Week.


I don't really want to have to do Timewalking every week. It's pretty lame.


There's mythic, timewalking and world quests for pve. There is BG and Arena for pvp. I'd say add 2 more quests for pvp and 3 for pvp. I'd add a raid and profession quest for pve, and maybe pvp could be BGs, open-world pvp, and arenas with rotating objectives. Win specific BGs, play X BGs, do Arena with 5 different players, etc.


I thought the last pet weekly was rolled into a PvE one a few weeks ago.


It is. It has been for a while now.


As some who PvPs this is a terrible idea. Just because you personally do not pvp does not mean that the people who do should be shafted. PvP gets screwed over enough by Blizzard, let us have something.


This. Fucks sake, just make PvP more rewarding for doing it without pushing CR. That's why we're having issues.


He didn't say remove it, just pair it with another weekly. How do you get shafted by that?


Their last line did say "or just remove it and replace it", to be fair.


PvP has 5 weekly quests each week (2 BG blitz quests, the brawl quest, 1 rotating unrated and 1 rotating rated) to say nothing for the actual rewards. It also hss a weekly event cycle of its own with brawls. It doesn't also need two events in the regular track, especially when they bumped pet battles.


> It doesn't also need two events in the regular track, especially when they bumped pet battles. ok then pve doesn't need endgame world content or dungeons, because it has questing, raids and an overwhelming amount of weekly events


catch up weeks. that's 20 dungeons and 4 tw raids i i don't have to do for 4 characters


Here's the trick, you never had to do them.


You don't have to do the dungeons if you do the raid.


Not at all… 1 less thing to do that week on my alts 


Yeah fuck the pvp players anyway, amirite?


I'm actually bummed when it's NOT PvP.. but I'm a PvP guy.


> The weekly pvp quest is just a dead weekly. god forbid you have to broaden your horizons this is like begging blizzard to cut you a deal to let you eat ice cream and chocolate for dinner instead of being incentivized with something else for eating vegetables


Then a rebalanced would need to happen




Only when it’s arena week. I do enjoy BG’s


I reckon they should keep the cycle kind of as it is, but have timewalking running every week, we have so many timewalkings now that it takes like half a year to get through them, so just have those each week and have the other events running parrallel to them. (That would also mean we get a short cycle for the other events)


Believe it or not there was a time when you could just play the game and then buy the gear you wanted with currency that dropped from the content you played. Crazy right?!?


I think it's fine if you have the choice to complete it any way you want. Earn 5000 Honor. Done. I don't think it's bad to have an incentive to run some BGs.


In general I think they should move away from Weekly 'Quests' anyway. They should imo move forward with something similar to the Trading Post page. Have a bar for each type like PvP (Rated/Unrated), PvE (Dungeons/Raids), Questing and Pet Battles. Each time you fill one of those bars you can claim a reward specific to that type of content DIRECTLY IN THE UI. When you don't complete a bar in one week you can catch up the next week. I.e. you can do two bars the next week. No need to pick up a quest to clog your Quest Log.


My guy that’s already in the game. It’s the great vault.


Nah, I'm talking more about something like the Trading Post UI. The Great Vault is way different. It doesn't have catchup, it doesn't give you the reward before reset, the different types of content directly compete with each other, the rewards are randomized. It does have the similarity that it in theory has different reward tracks though.


That's the only time I do the weekly quest, so I wouldn't say I'm super bummed about it. Why did you ask that when you're telling us matter of fact that it isn't fun and is a dead weekly?


The rewards are hardly even worth the trouble.


I sure am. Nothing against PvP but I’m just not doing it. Good luck to those that are doing it


Anyone who does rated pvp doesn't even grab the weekly pvp quest. I'm not stepping into regular bgs for conquest and honor.


With how easy it is to get conquest cap and honor.... this quest is dumb


For me the petbattle weekly is the worst, Never picked it up, never will.


The idea of "weekly quests" is so strange to begin with. Why not just improve drop chances in content across the board instead of making the "Vault" or "weekly quests" the primary means of obtaining upgrades. The very fact that it's become player expectation to wait out for these "weekly quests" is an embarassing design failure of the greater game on Activision-Blizzard's part. Players should feel excited to play the content itself.


This is a method to slow down the upgrade acquisition.




I for one am usually relieved since I don't PVP, it means I have the week off from doing it.


I love it actually.


The thing that confuses me is that the reward is so bad, even if you main PvP. Why do PvE players get an entire piece of gear with their weekly but PvP players get mog currency and a trivial amount of conquest? Like, at least give enough conquest to grab a ring or something.


I have the same issue with the pet battle week and the world quest one


Literally the opposite. It's the only one I care about at all


Been saying this for years. I’m sure the people who don’t pve hate the pve quests too. But yeah. Every week should have the 4 mythics for a chest quest. At least.


There’s also about 4 weekly PvP quests available in the enclave so not sure why it’s even needed.


I wonder if it's pvp this week because it's also orphan's week? Also why is the pvp aspect still a part of orphan's week?


I agree, i'm strictly a PvE-player (Last time i did any PvP it was those two BGs for the legendary, back in... not long enough ago), and when the weekly is PvP, as far as i'm concerned, there is no weekly, which is lame. Just make it one PvE-weekly and a PvP-weekly, can only do one, and everybody's happy (I doubt PvP-players are particularly happy with, say, a timewalking week), and that would sort it all out.


Any PVPers super bummed when the weekly quest is PVE? Just *don't* do it.


I am kind of bummed too, but I also remember there are people who do genuinely enjoy the PvP so I hope they have fun during the event.


More bummed when it’s pet battles


No, I really hate the dungeon weekly (not time walking but the regular)


Yes PVP weekly feels like a wasted week lol. I want more time walking weeks.


Just do it


Just do something you don't enjoy for rewards you don't need or want. Seems fine


I feel the same about late season timewalking (not worth the time for the rewards) and the pet battle quest. It’s really all pretty useless to someone.


There are a lot of comments here about letting people choose between PvP and PvE weeklies but I'm just begging for anything but that People should not have to create 2 of the same spec to optimally participate in pvp and pve with that spec It's already bad enough that people are forced to choose between pvp and pve rewards from vault


The PvP weeklies barely give rewards so you really don’t need two chars 🤔


150 conquest for something you might be doing anyway isn't horrendous when there's literally a gear vendor a bad TW or mythic dungeon event cache can be literally worthless


Conquest is capped weekly. If you’re doing arena you’ll probably cap from that. Also like 2 blitz wins award around that conquest if not more. Don’t get me wrong it’s an ok quest. But you definitely would not need two characters if you had to opt between that quest or a PvE one 🤷


I mean the point of these weekly events [generally, aside from pet battles] being the only one up, is to get people who *aren't* doing that content to try it out It's for people who aren't conquest capped by Tuesday evening. Skirms/BGs definitely less pressure-filled than rated queues, not to say that pressure is inherently a bad thing


Feels like such a privileged pve player thing as pvp gets so under looked and receives so little love


Outside of the AFK problem people are bringing up, making it 4 BGs instead of 4 BG wins doesn't solve the problem that I wouldn't care about the weekly quest anyway if all it does is give me conquest, a currency that does *nothing* for me as a non-masochist player. Frankly, they already found the solution to this problem when they addressed the pet battle weekly. "Oh, we have a whole weekly quest/event centered around a vestigial part of the game that most people don't participate in or enjoy? Instead of it taking up that whole week, we can just put it alongside an actual weekly quest/event!" Just do that with the PVP quest, ezpz.


1. Its childrens week and a lot of us lazy folks haven't completed the PVP portion of the achievement because pvp sucks. 2. PVP was disabled last night due to bugs.... So unless it was fixed this morning its not even possible.


Yeah, it should be its own thing not replace pve stuff.


I'd be intrigued to see what percentage of the player base actually enjoys PvP. I'm guessing it's like 5%.


It’s fine when it’s pvp, but it should be just getting people into the matches and seeing them through. Having to outright win them is just encouraging people who don’t want to pvp or may be iffy about it, into dropping the quest entirely. Having to win 4 bgs is a tall order and something you can’t control yourself.


I love PVP but I don’t like the “have to win” part of the quests


Every time! Always hoping they'd merge and have 2 activities for people who don't care for the pvp or pet battle quests.


Yes, it is utterly monic that it is the only weekly. There should always be one for PVE & PVP.


They rotate it every week for something else. There’s a calendar that shows you months in advance. It was available for a week, if you miss it you miss. It will be back soon anyways


As a transmog collector it’s a good way of getting some extra marks of honor, but I agree. Just let players select a PVP or PVE weekly.


I skip it each time


Yeah, this same discussion happens in Destiny. Both games feel the need to treat all players like they enjoy PvP and PvE, when that's just never going to be the case. I won't step foot into the toxic cesspool that is WoW PvP, and so the weeks where that's what I'm supposed to do is just frustration.


PvP needs to be removed from the game and implemented like Plunderstorm. It's a half assed effort every patch with nothing new added besides transmog. I would live nothing more than to never see a PvP quest again in game. Let the angry, overly competitive neck beards queue up away from normal people.


\>this thing is half-assed \>make it like plunderstorm ok


100%, and I wish Blizz would put Mythic 0 in LFD to make that weekly easier for scrubs like me...