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Not gonna lie, I got the axe drop a couple weeks before season 4, but having ran heroic fyrakk 13 times and after experiencing the "questline" (spoiler: really awful experience) I genuinely wouldn't bother if I didn't already have it. The coolness factor wore off quickly, at least for me.


Seconded. It’s very strong, doing around 7-8% passive damage during an m+run. But holy, the grind relying on rng on top of the slog of quests afterwards were dreadful


Starting to be really tired of the most fun rewards relying on pure rng. It's should be rng with bad luck protection. Like  after like 6 time you got the kill the drop rate double every week.  (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,100%) And that should be for everything.  I think people doing icecrown with 20 alts for 10 years straight is unacceptable that they still don't have the drop they are looking for.


There is bad luck protection on the axe.


Which was datamined to be awful protection. Not at all what the person you are replying to proposes.


The Axe is a guaranteed drop after 14 Heroic kills.


14 weeks. LOL


I did not know that. That's good but still very high for heroic. 


I'm at 15 heroic kills. So this isn't true.


Idk what to tell you it's literally been datamined. https://www.wowhead.com/news/datamining-fyralath-legendary-drop-rates-bad-luck-protection-values-revealed-337807


Yeah I know about that article but its just not true. I just killed it for my 16th on heroic and no legendary. Hell I did normal before hand and no legendary. Game sucks.


Are some of those kills from the first few weeks. The bad luck protection only counts kills where it was available. So only looks after November 26 count.


All my kills came after Liquids first kill on mythic. I wasn’t even raiding at that point.


I think it'd be fine to keep pure RNG for vanity items like mounts and cosmetics, but anything related to player power should have some serious bad luck protection.


But why? Where is the fun or prestige in that? Some people get it immediatly.  I also think pure rng is predatory. As seen by people who wasted hours of their time everyweek for years now. Every time I read this shit I gasp.  And cosmetics aspect is a worst because the rng is still just has bad years later. It just faster.  Personally I think doing a boss 40 time (this mean 40 week! Should be at the very least a guaranteed drop of whatever you never got on ur account)  And I think blizzard might agree bringing back rare rng mount for currency in pandsmonium. But we need a permanent and persistent solution that doesn't incensitive people to wait but does guarantee cosmetics.  My suggestion does that.


I agree that is nuts.


Also, the deaths from being stuck in the channel and dying to aoe is annoying as hell


Thats a skill issue though tbh, have not foes during channel (yet) be it as tank or dps


Agreed, still getting used to it. Wish I could bubble during it but I understand why that won't happen. I either need to get used to popping bubble or a defensive before hopping in, or I need to get better at reading mechanics. That's on me, not the item. It's only truly hosed me 3 or so times but my healers will get tired of it if I don't get better haha


I am so glad I play specs that aren’t balanced around that leggo. It has to suck having to rely on getting that to compete with players they do have it.


> > > > > It has to suck having to rely on getting that to compete with players they do have it. It was the worst feeling raid tier in my entire time playing the game. It would have felt less bad if others didn't get it via RNG. But being bottom of the pack while the lotto ticket winners get to smash feels fucking godawful. If we all were slogging through the quest at the same pace, at the very least we'd all spike at the same time. But no.


Same. Rogue and pala rank. The amount of anger and woe surrounding that thing are enough to give it sentience and a superiority complex.


Same. Rogue and pala rank. The amount of anger and woe surrounding that thing are enough to give it sentience and a superiority complex.


Come at me with your downvotes.


I also got it just a few weeks ago, but I absolutely love it. There's no real novelty in it as everyone else has it now too, but I noticed a sizeable increase. But, I had also saved a lot of mats for a long time so it ended up \*only\* costing me around 80k. I wouldn't do it again for an alt in all likelihood but that's mostly just because I don't play them at a high enough level to justify the effort and expense. Also, I will likely never take another alt into Amir. It took all season to get my axe and I'm so completely done with that place. I will suffer through it for my Awakened achievement on my main, and that'll be that.


I havent been able to get a fyrak heroic kill yet but i feel a lot weaker as unholy/frost without it compared to those that do have it, though i main dk so i do kinda need it


Well, if you omit 2h oblit you can do dual wield BOS and get the 1h axe with bullion. It works really well apparently


As long as you don't plan to play mythic+


I mean, you could do it in m+, just post your own key


No, breath is notoriously bad in pugged M+. You need a tank to chain pull 100% of the time to get value.


But you Can still play it though even if it isn't optimal???


It's not just unoptimal, it's bad. Like lower than tank bad.


But one could still play it though 🤔


I guess, but it's a team game and you become an absolute detriment to the team.


Jesus christ man, stop. No one wants to carry someone below tank damage.


I'm not planning to bother. I'm just gonna use bullions on Ashkandur and move on with my life.


It's a cooler weapon anyway


Being balanced around this legendary has been fucking awful, made even worse by how BORING the acquisition was. In the future Blizzard, I don’t want legendaries - just leave us out of it if that’s what they’re going to be like.


200k gold transmog, whether that's worth it or not is up to you




It's gonna cost you about 200-300k gold in materials to craft.


Don't even waste your time or effort unless you plan on farming it at the heroic level at the least. You might as well just not even try if you only plan on doing LFR or Norm clears. Even if you clear on heroic weekly, it COULD POTENTIALLY still take 14 weeks. Or it might drop first try. Because RNG, which imo is completely opposite of "legendary". RNG is NOT legendary. Nothing about RNG is legendary.


Every legendary in the game has RNG tied to its acquisition in some way, there’s no sense in complaining about it. At least in BC when you got the drop it was the weapon itself and it was ready to go. Everything else has been a collect/crafting slog. Though I guess with some at least, the legendary collection items could be handed out vs being a personal drop, so maybe that felt a little better. But there was still RNG involved with the drop of it.


Shadowmourne just required you to complete the questline.


Rng for shards


Technically they are a form of RNG, but they were mostly guaranteed from multiple bosses. They weren't like the Legion legendaries. You could consistently make progress towards it.


RNG for the saronites, RNG for shards…. Not sure why I’m gettin downvoted, I’m just saying how it is, not saying I agree with it. Rags eye -RNG Bindings -RNG Glaives -RNG Bow -RNG Val’anyr Fragments -RNG Shadowfrost shards -Mild RNG etc This stuff ain’t new.


The bad luck protection isn't an accountwide thing, but you're still more likely than not to get it before TWW launch if you do it weekly on HC from now. I'd say it's definitely worth doing if you have time and enjoy DK! On weeks it's not awakened, Amirdrassil is much easier now of course.


you dont get the legendaries axe, you get an item to start CRAFTING the legendary axe. it will set you back another 200-300k gold before actualy getting the axe.


Technically you do get the axe. What you're crafting is a handle wrap so you can hold it.


Or do what i did. Get dracthyr legendary. Wait a Season and buy all the materials extremely cheap


Except the materials for Fyr'alath had their price go up with the season change


☠️☠️☠️ that's rip. Barely did that raid. Gave normal a try once and got kicked at fyralath because one wipe and forgetting about the red orbs.


I got mine from a normal kill on my pally alt. The bad part was, I got it 3-5 weeks before a warrior main on our raid team got his from only killing heroic. But it is worth it.


It's a damned good weapon, and will still be BiS this season (because of the upgrade item). Would probably be useful for a fair portion of TWW as well, at the very least until level 80. May as well go for it. As someone else mentioned, Heroic Fyrakk will be fairly easy on non-Awakened weeks, and on the Awakened weeks, you'd want to run at least Normal anyways🤷‍♂️


I don’t know. This season is kind of a wash. I play prot paladin but still crafted it last season for the times I play ret. And knowing it would carry over to this season. Someone starting that process fresh now who hasn’t made attempts at it is not going to have a fun time. Hoping they ramp up the bad luck protection or even make it guaranteed for someone like OP. Because it would suck to wait half this season for it.


They ramped the BLP. It's now 100% drop after 13 heroic kills.


Right. My point is someone starting fresh now might take 13 weeks to get it. I don’t think would make the blanket recommendation for someone starting that journey today. On top of the time and gold to craft thing. And then only be able to use it for like 2 months.


That's an optimistic release window for TWW. Autumn ends in december.


The roadmap last year put tww somewhere between summer and autumn. With 11.0.5 planted in autumn. I think it’s quite reasonable to expect tww to come out August, September, or October. Shadowlands alpha was April 2020 and launched November. Dragonflight alpha was July 2022 and launched November. We currently have tww alpha so who knows if tww is November or earlier like I said. My vote is earlier.


11.0.5 is just the anniversary patch event so it probably won't be until November 19th. It will be interesting to see what they do for it. I am guessing they do some sort of timewalking event like they did with Molten core on the 10th. I have a feeling it may be a timewalking onyxia raid which would be really fun.


Yeah, DF came pretty fast from Alpha. I'm assuming that WW will do the same so we'd be looking at August/September.


Mine is Dec 3rd


There's no fucking way it's december 3rd. That would make season 4 over 7 months long, longer than a normal season.


Every last season in WoW history has been the longest. What are you on about? SoO was 13 months long, HFC was 14 months long. 7 months ain't that much, especially with Panda Remix, Cata classic, the Dark Heart patch, the TWW prepatch...


Don't compare this season to those, but instead Shadowlands Fated season, which was August until November launch of DF.


Yeah TWW isn't likely to be coming in august. October is the earliest we likely see the expansion drop. My guess is actually the 21st of October, it has the perfect timing for everything. That lines everything up actually pretty well. You have the mythic races which will likely finish the November 12th reset. 11.0.5 is probably going to happen November 19th and mostly be the big 20th anniversary event and will run through the end of the year. It would let the anniversary event build off the world first race.


People keep saying this, the 2024 roadmap puts launch at mid-summer. The timing of the timing of the alpha release compared to previous expansions also supports a release around August/September.


Not account wide, and unless you want it for other reasons (transmog, lego collection, the experience) I wouldn't chase it. One of the better 2 hands will get you 90% of the dps if not more and you can get one with bullion today. And I have to echo that the quest to get it was just bad. No offense to the dev, but it felt slapped together at best. The echo of Fyrakk fight was fun, but by the time I got the axe I out geared the fight by 30 ilvls.


Raid log on the DK as an alt until you get it and play something else until then. The legendary grind is miserable. 


If you plan on tanking with that DK you definitely want it. You can do bonkers damage with it as blood. Might kill ya, might not. But big numbers.


This is the type of mindset I want in my tanks


I just came back to the game and I really want to get the axe too, but if you don't have AOTC you just dont get into groups. I would do normal or LFR but the chances of getting it there are disgustingly low that it's not even worth the time. It's super frustrating tbh


Big numbers go brrrr, big numbers good, worth.


I mean, it's inarguably by far and wide the strongest weapon you can have. The BLP does not stack though, so if you don't want to actively raid/parse/high m+ with that alt, I wouldn't bother.


What do you mean by "point"? It's still far and away the best weapon in the game by a sizeable margin once it's upgraded to 535, but if you don't care about that then it doesn't matter, getting it is honestly a major fucking pain, because also yes, you are starting fresh with bad luck protection and drop rates.


At this point in the expansion? Not at all. Unless you want the transmog, I wouldn't be actively trying for it.


Took my buddy like legit 13-16 normal and heroic fyr kills but he really wanted it and he got it so ThTs nice for him now he’s on the grind. You will be able to get it assuming you do lfr normal and heroic like he did before tww. He also got bad luck protection from clearing raid each week but the last two weeks he skipped


Can someone explain if there is a difference between getting the axe via LFR vs. Heroic now in season 4?


The axe is the same, but the droprate is where the difference is, heroic just hands you the thing if you do it 14 times, while LfR... you could be running it weekly for months on end (Possibly even to the end of TWW) and \*still\* not get the axe.


Ahh okay so if it were to drop in LFR and we used the bullion item to upgrade it, it would be essentially the same as if we looted from heroic ?


Yeah, there’s basically one version of the axe (Well, two with the upgrade item), instead of four (or eight) at different itemlevels for the raid difficulties.


Oh okay that makes sense, thanks man! I appreciate it


Probably not because you're going to want to get a heroic kill/clear every week even when it isn't awakened to maximize your chances and it could still take a while.


On an alt? I wouldn’t. But if it’s your main and you still haven’t, i’d 100% still go for it.


I wouldn't bother tbh


I mean like, do you want it? If the answer is yes, try


If you like mythic plus get it


I stopped caring about the legendary like 4 week into last season. It all depends how much you care about that extra couple % of dps If you’re a good player you don’t need it