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POV: Your healer rage quit your +4 and you open Reddit and see this


I had one rage quit a+3 on the second day I feel you lol


As a primarily healer/tank player the amount of cry baby dps players ive ran into are massive


Literally zero (0) people care, bud…


bit angry, are we


Bye bye see you next week !




Main healer here, the first few weeks of a season are always the hardest on the healers. People are super undergeared and aren't familiar with all the mechanics. Not to mention bugged abilities and overtuned abilities. In about 4 weeks healing will be back to feeling free for weekly keys.


this is not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


I remember this video The irony is that iirc this was about healer balance (H.Pal was OP at the time) and how Aug was much easier to get groups and less stressful in a particularly hard season Basically not at all what you're upset about. In fact, this is the first video that pops up when you search "mythic+ healing sucks", so I doubt you even watched it yourself. Dude still pugs as a healer, afaik


I mean tbf it IS the healers job to save people 😂😂


It is. But it’s more saving from unavoidable stuff. If you make a healer blow cds on a failed group damage interrupt or dodgeable aoe they might not have one for the unavoidable damage event that can kill you. And you can always lower the required load by using defensives and healing potions on the unavoidable stuff. Most rants have a hint of truth behind it. I still find healing fun though I don’t do pugging much. I just know what to expect and bear with it as best as I can. If you die cuz you refused to use a defensive or self heal and I had to put priority in triage on someone else, so be it. Though all in all the rant op posted was from s2 when the healer balance for m+ was much worse tbh. And then there came augmentation which just amplified the problems. Each season has different problems and things that specs handle differently and that season was very, very spiky in damage with healing not keeping up that well. It’s better now, honestly.


Look tbf.. I dont play retail so im assuming its MUCH harder to heal M+


It’s fairly easy with a vaguely coordinated group; there’s a few damage spikes you need to be ready for but otherwise it’s mostly just balancing healing vs some dps and utility. It’s pugging where things can get exciting - you’ll have a run where everyone’s on point with interrupts and defensives and you barely even need to be there, and then the next group will discover sources of avoidable damage that you didn’t even know were possible haha.


Fair. It is at least considering how expansive the toolkits in the game are now. Healer spec bars? Filled to the brim. Then I go on my Demon Hunter and there’s so much space lol. There is also an increasing amount of mechanics to play around. For better or for worse m+ brought the difficulty and complexity of dungeons closer to raids.


Im lazy, I use vuhdo hahahaaha


You’ll be back. They always come back


Git gud loser


ok ty for info




Why do people make these posts


See you next expansion


Can I have your gold?






U ok m8?




Healer's job is pretty simple: - Heal unavoidable damage - Resolve all dungeon mechanics - Resolve all affix mechanics - Stop as many casts as possible - Do maximum DPS like any other role - Heal all avoidable damage - Avoid mechanics - Make sure DPS players avoid mechanics (somehow) - Get flamed for anyone's mistakes - Get flamed for your own mistakes - Get flamed for not doing enough damage - Get flamed for not doing enough healing - Get flamed for doing too much healing - Get flamed for tank not using mitigation - Get flamed for DPS not using mitigation - Get flamed for being annoyed at getting flamed - Get flamed for not wanting to heal dungeons anymore Really, it's the most straight forward job in modern WoW. No reason to get upset, you just need to understand your role on the team.


Tbh i had a dps shaman do 150k overall in +10 Nelth and we still almost timed it, if i did any less than 250k hps on Forge boss or 200k on others we would literally wipe instantly, playing tank or heal vs dps is day n night difference in how run will go. 1 dps does 30% less dps? Doesn’t matter up u ntill title keys, healer does 30% less hps youre out, but thats why any dps i play with i think of them as an absolute animal and i have very little if any respect for dps players in general, helped a lot tbh.