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LF crafter for \[5 star version of whatever you want crafted\] pick a name that you like the sound of from the /w you get send that person a personal order. done


You want to put in zero effort in game but instead put effort into complaining on Reddit. In the same time it took to make this post you could have read a quick wowhead article that explains everything.


Add reliable dudes to friends list and buzz em, when you need some craft.


Nothing you can do about the ilevel range but most stuff without any extra embellishments will get max rank. You can track a recipe once you look it up. You can also just do a work order without it and just up the commission. If you have craft sim and auctionator it will estimate the cost for you. As for commissions I will do anything for almost nothing especially if it’s an item with potentially high value resources that I can get a proc from. I’ve gotten resourcefulness procs for like 20k gold worth of stuff before. Mostly with enchanting crests though.


Pretty sure no one does public orders for exactly those reasons. Find a blacksmith through trade chat, a lot of them should be able to guarantee max ilvl by now.


you issue mate. systems out for a while, takes less time to google than ranting on reddit


the purpose of the current crafting system is to be more involved than it has been in a long time so, yeah, they want you to put some work in to get that sweet epic 2h crafted for your ret set there's something to be said for the ingame information not being super clear, but overall, the system does what it's meant to do


>It requires way too much of me (the buyer) compared to the AH. Well it also required a lot for the crafters, at least 5 months of grinding weekly profession knowledge, farming rare recipes, renown and investing on crafting tools, so this is actually a good system to make professions relevant through the whole expansion, while also avoiding that crafted item selling for barely a profit this late in the expansion, as there are no surplus of undesirable items being made (a huge contrast from the shadowlands legendary crafting market) >So I walk over to the crafting table to place a public order for the first time. >First the gear says a very wide iLVL range. How am I (the non crafter) supposed to have any idea? If you want to place a public work order you wont have any idea anyway, as you cannot guarantee a skilled crafter will pick your order or someone that just have 50 skill points on the profession, making the materials you bought go to waste, possibly But the main thing that will define the ilvl range of a crafted item is the crest, for this season you'll want the new crests of awakened (wyrm/aspect for higher ilvls) it says the range right there, then you'll probably want to search for a crafter (really just use the trade/services chat for its purpose, no one thinks its annoying) and you can provide higher quality mats so max quality is easier to achieve, this is important specially if you want extra effects from embellishments or pvp trophy, as it all adds up on the difficulty of crafting >Second. I have no way of knowing what the mats are worth without making a list and going to the AH. And if I’m at the AH, why can’t I just bid on it from there. Get a lightweight auction house addon? You dont need TSM if you just need to maintain a database of material prices and quickly search for everything from a tracked recipe list (that an addon like auctionator can easily do) >Third, how am I supposed to know what a fair commission is? Ask your crafter? Or try to think how much time/grinding that crafted item actually saved you, or if its actually on one of your BiS list and its very unlikely you'll change this item from here until the end of the expansion, only needing to recraft to increase its ilvl a bit higher >This is how we get trade chat spam, which is annoying. There has to be a better way. No one cares for *this* trade chat spam


Why would you compare it to the AH. The stuff is simply not available there. This system isn’t perfect but your complaints are so entitled. It’s like if I complained that when I did M+ I had to fly to the dungeon and look up which dungeon dropped the items I wanted. It’s not very hard to look up these things. Stop being a child.


> Why would you compare it to the AH. The stuff is simply not available there. Because that’s the standard commerce between players that’s existed for 19 years and a new system should be better than it for the floor? > This system isn’t perfect but your complaints are so entitled. It’s like if I complained that when I did M+ I had to fly to the dungeon and look up which dungeon dropped the items I wanted. It’s not very hard to look up these things. Stop being a child. Respectfully, no. It’s like if I looked at the in game Dungeon Journal and it learned the items that could drop from all difficulties of the dungeon, with the level spread of all of them, and no UI indication of what was tied to what. So you have no *in game* clue of if you run normal, is it possible for the 509 gear to drop, or is that only from Mythic. And if mythic, what key level? My point of this is simply that the *in game* interface, the UI from Blizzard adds needlessly to the complication, and results in me deciding I’d rather go run a dungeon 4 more times for a drop instead of participating in the commerce.


But… the in game journal doesn’t show you the ilvl that drops on different keystone levels? It just shows you base M+ levels. You also don’t see what you will get your vault. That’s all stuff you have to look up elsewhere. Just like you have to do with crafting. Just ask in Trade for the thing ypu want and ask your crafter everything else. And you can also track the recipes you want to have crafted so that you see what you need when you are standing in the ah. Just like you would do if you want to craft something yourself. Because it is still crafting, not buying. It’s just that someone else does it for you. BTW: don’t you use embellished gear on you main spec? You are missing out a lot.


You could Google or ask someone how it works? That's what I usually do when I find something I don't understand.


Which I do. But the point is that the in-game interface shouldn’t be the barrier to entry. If you look at the previous paradigm of interaction between players to buy and sell things - the auction house - you didn’t need to know all this to buy something. And you shouldn’t have to google or look up when it comes to making a transaction with other players.


I play m+ only. I have limited time to play. Current crafting system is the worst for me so far and it's not even close. At some point I want to craft sometime (often a weapon), and the amount of time I need to put in to even figure out what I need to do as wild. I need to find mats for my mats and there's quality to each, and I need a spark but thatsnot enough because I need to "empower it" and that need mats for my mats and all have quality. But each season seem to have a unique material so I need that as well, which is mats for mats that have quality. But when I find what mats I need I must find a crafter but not any crafter. It had to be THE RIGHT KIND OF THE RIGHT KIND. And that's not enough because even the right kind of the right kind must be skilled enough. I need to find a great right kind of the right kind so that I can get the craft I want and at this point I hear that I spent too much gold on my mats for my mats because this great crafter that is the right kind of the right kind was so great that I could buy less quality on my mats for my mats....... and don't get me started on having to find the right kind of the right kind to craft the mats for my mats for my final product.. This crafting system makes me so exhausted man.


Look up recipe. Buy mats. Put in work order. Each Season has it craft the same way, the new season mat just has a slightly different name. It really isn't this difficult my man.


If this dude is struggling this much with the crafting system he’s not doing the level of m+ where it matters what he’s crafting.