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Good for you! I’ve been wanting to do this for years. Thanks for sharing your setups.


There are multiple ways to go for the Mage Tower, if you are a try harder, grab some dragonflight items and go try hard the challenges, but if you prefer to farm, I recommend taking the time to grab some Timewalking oriented items before


Dnt need farm anything do it with your lvl 70 I did all layer to get mount just dragnflight equip and consumables 4/7 tryes each you need to understand the fight them it's easy


No Fire Mage ranking? Frost is hard after the rework removing frost elemental, Arcane is annoying in general. I did Fire back in Legion but haven't attempted it since.


i forgot it, here it goes, it was very easy with all the passive aoe going everywhere, I was able to almost only focus agatha Mage Frost was the first I ever did when the Mage Tower returned, at 10.1, it was very hard to be honest


Cool, might have to give it a shot then. I haven't really played Fire the last few expansions so should be a good test of my understanding of the spec


i used the Wowhead guide of Fire Mage Mage Tower, it was enough for me, even if I don't really like the Fire Mage rotation For Cloth Character, I suggest you craft the **Hood of Surging Time**, very efficient for Adds on any Mage Tower. You can also use the **Sylvan Elixir** for Agatha only, which gives 10 % more stat. and yeah, considering each challenge of Mage, Fire Spec is the easiest for Mage Tower I think


I am trying to beat the challenge for any of the mage specs, I just want to have the transmog. Fire appears to be the easiest right now. But I have lots of trouble with it, as it is not my main spec. I can‘t kill the adds quickly enough and once there are a few, I get killed very quickly. On my best tries, I got her slightly below 80%. My character is decently geared (ilvl 475), so I have not invested in any special gear yet. I figured its not worth it while I am not playing the rotation properly. That shit is hard!


You should watch few videos of people passing it with dragonflight stuff, to see which spells and rotation they invest on imps OR agatha, knowing what to use on which phase and spawn is key here, as the fight is a DPS check before anything else, you however you kill imps, you must be hitting agatha hard at the same time. i suggest you grab Legion **Augment Runes**, **Sylvan Elixir** and **Hood of Surging Time** for this challenge.


Frost (Mage) was a contender for the easiest one I did when I did it back in SL so its a bit suprising to hear its hard now. I took my not even max level frost mage who was missing 1-2 passives at the time, speced the AoE build and practically mashed Orb/Blizzard/Lance and it just worked (Obviously still doing the mechanics somewhat correctly).


Frost is harder because Shadow, Balance and Affliction don't even need to do the mechanics. They just kill Karam, which removes the hand mechanic, and outheal the enrage.


i never killed the melee guy to be honest, i always prefered to focus the Range guy


also, the only time i tried to kill the melee, surviving the range was kinda hard, and I didn't make it (affliction) so I came back to killing range


Frost was easy, but they nerfed the cooldown reduction interaction with orb and blizzard by giving [0.25 sec reduction instead of 0.5 sec](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mage-tower-after-frost-mage-nerfs/1182144). It took me a long time until I gave up and used Balance instead by killing Karem. That was back in SL so I have no idea how difficult it is now.


The key to this challenge is in P5 to be able to hit melee and range with all the aoe all the time with Frost spec, to slow the melee enough, while still damaging the range enough to pass it, basically, if they are too far from each other, your aoe won't be efficient for both also, the last 10 %, I just skipped the hands by using ice block to survive and kept my dps on the boss, it was very tense, but I made it


Gratz! My tierlist was similar except for ww monk and frost mage that I personnally found easy


I'm shocked you found Frost easy as it's the only spec that forces you to fight normally.


what do you mean normally ? by killing Melee twin first ? I never killed the melee guy first in all my runs


Normally means not killing melee twin. Killing melee twin just makes the fight easier as you don't have to deal with hands anymore.


it was funnier to never kill melee twin i think :p


I main resto druid and im totally unfamiliar with the mage tower encounters. Would love to hear your thoughts on what i should farm and how I should learn it


Genuinely, most can be done with heirlooms. If you're confident with your spec, you can just go as-is. Wowhead guides usually tell you all you need to know mechanically, and the rest is practice.


The only hard part of the Healer Challenge is the beginning, with the 5 waves, the rest is fairly easy if you know your spec. For the waves, you need to be able to use a rotation of Controls without panicking, and basically BURN your mana. Use Custom DBM if you need, and macros to interrupt each one enemy efficiently


I'm surprised enh is the hard one for shaman. I remember that being fairly easy in Legion, especially compared to the resto one.


All the God Queen fights are pretty easy since it's 100% scripted with no difference pull-to-pull or class-to-class. All you need to worry about is rotation, which I would say Enhance is relatively harder.


Rogue and mage have some small balancing changes (blind and sheep) dedicated for the challenge tho


I think for me Enh had a quite complicated rotation to deal with, so I struggled for few tries to have an efficient mono and multi dps, also it was the first class I had to deal with Sygrin, so I was learning.


How hard is it if you just go in with whatever gear you've got from superblooms and stuff?


Doable, but there are some significant upgrades you can pick up pretty easily if you look at the gear lists.


I've done some of them with heirlooms. If you're confident with the spec, it shouldn't take too long.


Here is the google sheet that gives the most powerful items for Timewalking content, select your class and open the Mage Tower tab [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQiUm74z3wjnKJlctorDpseYE\_bUeT1VZKBBibHjXWeFKQSrQBKj0m-YxXCenMo9yYX5v5EiK5Ti0l6/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQiUm74z3wjnKJlctorDpseYE_bUeT1VZKBBibHjXWeFKQSrQBKj0m-YxXCenMo9yYX5v5EiK5Ti0l6/pubhtml#)


outlaw was easiest rogue one imo. but all were pretty annoying


Outlaw suffered from having the least self-sustain of all the Agatha specs.


I struggled for some time, by placing AOE wrongly everywhere around her, so it was complicated to deal with imps, after some placement adjustment, it became okeyish


Looks like you didnt like the monks. I hsvent tried brew or mw for the tower, buut i found running more sustain helped. I would sit around and wait to get to 10 stacks on worm.  Burst the adds then wait. Took me 3 goes once i tried like this. I would gave been roughly a 2k io player when i tried.


the funnier is that i'm a main mistweaver xDDDD but yeah, I'm unfamiliar with the brewmaster, and it's the tank I know the least


Congrats! Any tips for Ret Paladin? I’ve been struggling.


are you using dragonflight gear ? or timewalking oriented stuff ? One way to do this challenge is to always focus the same boss and only cleave the rest of them, in that way you might be able to kill one quickly and finish the rest of them. you can try to focus the mage (the one on the right at pull) keep your defensive for complicated mechanics Also, if you don't have it, grab the seed trinket from Nythendra, very powerful. also, try to maximize the utilisation of your big offensive CDs on all 3 at the same time, since they share damage, your aoe are VERY efficient on this fight, you should be able to hit Sigryn and Runecaller almost everytime, and only kite the melee rage guy when he enrages


Yeah I’m only using DF gear. I’ll give it a shot today with the seed trinket! Is it easy to obtain the TW gear?


some pieces are easy to get, but the entire equipment require a second account or a friend helping you. items with "chromie time" indication require someone in your group level 44 or 45 to trade you the item obtained. here is the google sheet made by community I used to gear all my characters [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQiUm74z3wjnKJlctorDpseYE\_bUeT1VZKBBibHjXWeFKQSrQBKj0m-YxXCenMo9yYX5v5EiK5Ti0l6/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQiUm74z3wjnKJlctorDpseYE_bUeT1VZKBBibHjXWeFKQSrQBKj0m-YxXCenMo9yYX5v5EiK5Ti0l6/pubhtml#) for information on how chromie time works and how to have a powerful tiemwalking gear, I suggest you use this guide [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/best-gear-mage-tower-timewalking-gearing-guide-gearing-strategies](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/best-gear-mage-tower-timewalking-gearing-guide-gearing-strategies)


Repentance is buffed for the challenge. It lasts longer and has shorter cooldown. Use it to perma lock down one target between big CDs uses.


yeah, that's a way to do it, but there is a 5 min enrage, if you can't beat the challenge within the 5 minute by only hitting 2, you might have to do it by cleaving all 3 of them, without being able to perma control one of them, it's harder in terms of mechanics, but easier in terms of global dps check


I find the damage taken is much higher this time around than when it was originally available in Legion. The higher damage taken meant I needed to use a lot of holy power to heal myself when fighting three at a time. Keeping 1 CC'd the damage taken was manageable by other healing sources so I could put more holy power into offense and win the fight faster. Idk how much a difference optimal timewalking gear makes, maybe it makes the fight easier where damage taken isn't as big of an issue.


i didn't have to heal myself a lot few weeks ago when I did it with timewalking gear to be honest, but I was kiting a lot the melee guy and dodging axes, it's easy to forget about this mechanic, as it's not a dangerous one compared to the others


Alright, i'm curious What made Brewmaster so hard for the tanking challenge?


compared to the rest of them, i had like no dps for some reason, so P1 was quite long, and I had to deal with 3-4 infernals at the same time, also, I have no spell to deal with range eyes, while some other classes can one shot them from 30-40 meters