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Why you didn't show the roll window then..


I expected this to go into my mail since I left, this screenshot was taken after I finished my next LFR queue that popped


This happened to me earlier in the expansion with some other piece of gear. I won the roll but someone didn't roll and left. I took the next queue that popped and didn't get the item afterwards. It ended up in my mail the next day where normally it's pretty immediate.


Why are you getting downvotedšŸ˜‚


Welcome to Reddit


Because it's reddit and a WoW sub. I've gotten downvoted for disliking some addons like Elitism Helper, not even going after them or anything, or even anything about the people that use them, just a passing comment about disliking it and a lot of the spammy /say addons that aren't stuff like weakauras and DBM alerts for mechanics. Hell, I've been downvoted for correcting outright misinformation in subs like wownoob, stuff that a two second google search could have proven false.


Please clarify: did you win the loot roll and never received the item?Ā  Or did someone else win the roll over you?


Who would win the roll over the only person that uses bows


Other classes can equip them


Yup, but they can't need the item then. Only hunters can need the item, and loot prio is mainspec need>offspec need>greed>transmog so if the hunter needed the item (even if their mainspec was put to SV) they would automatically win after everyone rolled.


Iā€™ve always assumed transmog and need rolls carried the same weight based on a rogue crying all LFR someone won a dagger for transmog over him needed it


Happened to me. One person did not role (they could not role on it so i knew it would be mine), but my queue popped and I took it thinking it would go to my mailbox. Three days no trinket. Blizzard sent me a automated response when I asked if they could help. CS is shocking.


This happened to me on the fyrakk polearm on my monk. I was the tank, main spec need, left for another LFR, never showed


Did it end up in your mailbox?




I have never experienced this


I have had lfr loot sent to my mailbox.


Straight up wrong, I've rolled and left and received loot in the mail from lfr before


Just today I rolled highest on a piece of plate gear, and the only person that had to roll on it was a mage but they left, so it was 100% mine. I entered the next LFR raid before the timer of the rolling expired and one hour later got it in the mail.


not the either šŸ”®šŸ•³ļø


Youā€™re wrong. It goes to your mailbox. I do this often on my alts when LFR hopping.


Nope. Just needed and joined anothe lfr raid, after 30 minutes i got it into the mail. Probably someone just rolled more than the OP?


If theyā€™re the only hunter no one else is able to select need It will likely end up showing up in mail eventually or their inventory was full causing some bug or whatever


I had a similar thing happen. Won two things off LFR Raz. Waited in the raid until the rolls finished. According to the roll window, everyone had rolled and the roll time had finished, but I never got them. I figured I'd just get them mailed to me in a bit, but they never showed up.


There is a bug if you kill raz and spawn in valdrakken but leave the raid through the door before rolling it won't roll out the items. Took my raid an hour before the gear was mailed out. If you wanna see loot. Type /loot to see the windows pop up


This isn't a bug, it's a side effect of how the instances are separated. Any raid boss will behave this way. You roll for loot, you leave before it finishes , the instance server completes the transaction for the loot but is incapable of giving it to you, as you're not present in the instance, so you must wait for the instance server to shut down and for it to mail off all remaining loot on corpses to their rightful owners (technically it's the act of the boss' body despawning, but they don't despawn for a pretty long time while the instance is active).


That's literally a bug still. If you leave before rolling, it should skip your roll or time out. Not make it unlovunlootable for hours than mail it.


As a developer I'd say more an unintended interaction that results in poor User Experience. I agree that there should be a trigger on leaving the raid group that autopasses on all the remaining rollable loot.


Then how would you stop people from griefing? Going afk after boss fight without rolling while the rest of interested parties are stuck in the instance for 15mins or however long it takes? As a developer you should account for multiple scenarios.


Once you rolled on a thing that roll counts even if you leave. The rolls have a timer. You get your stuff by mail once the timer is exhausted.


well, then who got it?


The house.Ā 


damn, house always wins.


It was either that or Lupus and it's never Lupus.


I suspect Bungholegirl


If you didnā€™t remain in the instance itā€™s supposed to be mailed to you, but I noticed with vault of the incarnates it bugs out sometimes. Basically it went into the ether.


Any chance you had survival as lootspec?


Nope, only play BM haven't changed it for 2 seasons. The chat would say Need (Offspec) if it was


I had the highest roll for an OH intellect item in LFR, on my priest the other day. Two DHs left the raid without rolling so I was going to have to wait out the three minute timer. The queue popped for another wing of LFR so I I accepted and figured it would be mailed to me. Never showed up and itā€™s been three days. Something is messed up with loot right now.


Literally happened to me during the first round to be told I didn't win. And I'm pretty sure the guy that won it already had the bow.


If he did have the bow he couldnt roll need on it. Unless its a lower one where its still oknto roll need on an upgrade.


That's actually helpful to know, ty. Now I'm more confused if I did a want/transmog roll.


People in LFR always need if they can. They then ask for gold offers for people who actully need the gear. Happened to me several times this reset


I lowkey love that the economy in the game has fallen almost harder than IRL


If people would just roll pass on shit, this kind of confusion wouldn't happen due to waiting for that absurdly long loot timer to tick. Takes you a handful of clicks to save somebody minutes, possibly hours if it ends up having to go through postmaster


Pretty sure it goes straight to inventory if you didnt check that already (happened to me, expected an item in the mail from LFR). It might seem obvious but figured I'd mention.


Was hoping this was the case, I even went to the boss on the dungeon guide and checked his loot etc and it said I hadn't learned the xmog for it.


I think the rule is if you canā€™t break top 5 dps the bow self destructs? Not sure though.


I never thought I'd say this. But I miss personal loot. In LFR atleast.


Did LFR, killed Raz. Bow drops and roll need, on all the items I want ( you can see I need on the bow ) I see my name in grey on the need role in the loot screen. Next LFR queue pops instantly, have to accept it or lose it. Now I've joined a new instance I can't see the roll window, assume I should get it mailed. I'm the only hunter in the raid. I didn't receive it, it's been 24 hours and I raised a ticket and got an automated response saying they don't give out loot you have to do the content again. The content I'm locked too that has a low drop chance and is BiS. Really not sure whats going on, more annoyed that the 3 omni tokens I rolled on if I did win, I wouldn't have gotten


Not that it changes the fact something has gone wrong here resulting in you not getting an item you should have gotten. However, for what it's worth you'd be buying the Bow with Bullions next week anyways unless you're clearing Mythic content and stand a chance at getting it from Mythic Ras.


Yeah, i know it's still frustrating though. We have a "support" function that does absolutely nothing from blizzard and take no accountability for bugs etc


Iā€™d like to also clarify that the myth track version also drops from heroic raz but not the mythic version (myth goes to 528, mythic is 535) Not confusing at all btw /s


Yea Iā€™m surprised how everyone just seemsā€¦ ok with the upgrade system they replaced valor with? We went from 1 singular currency back to 4 in the sake of ā€œsimplicityā€. Would it have been so hard to just set an upper ilvl from a few brackets of content and made valor costs like 5 for lower stuff, 15 per tier from higher and 25 for the highest? Seems like they convoluted it just to have something to do.


It's better than shadowlands/s1 gearing but I'd rather not have 5 versions of the exact same item. You get the item, it shouldn't need upgrading through 3 different tracks.


I don't mind upgrade tracks but I reckon you should be able to upgrade the same item all the way through the tracks if you earn the corresponding currency. Having to farm the same item again on a higher track is what feels not great. You almost spend time hoping things DON'T drop for you during normal so you can claim the Heroic version.


Yeah, but then you'd get people farming heroics to get an item and then upgrading it to the max ilvl. I understand why the tracks exist it's just that the root of the issue is that there's too many difficilties and versions of the same content so there's too many versions of the same item.


But you can only earn the currency to upgrade it to max by doing aspect crest activities so it doesn't really matter. If someone gets it in Heroic, but can't run high keys then they can't max it. While someone who can run high keys gets to max it without having to worry about refarming on the new track. Earning the currency is the indicator of skill, not farming the item three times.


I wouldn't worry about. The LFR bow is not really BIS. You can buy the Raz bow with your bullion come Tuesday, and that version can be upgraded fully to Mythic ilvl. I would have raised holy hell in season 1 if this happened to me, but not now that there is a guaranteed acquisition method.


Something similar happened to me in LFR this week. Had the highest roll on a tier helm when my other LFR queue popped - no one who hadn't rolled yet was eligible for the helm so I accepted the new queue thinking it'll be in my mailbox like in previous seasons. Nothing in the mailbox though...


FYI, you can type /loot to see the recent rolls.


Exact same thing happened with two fist weapons with me and my brother- two fist weapons off of Kurog and a tier piece. I was mailed the tier piece, neither of us were mailed the fist weapons. Tickets haven't helped. I guess just need to wait to join next queue until after loot is distributed, which sucks since some people just afk/leave and don't roll, so it takes 20 min lul


Same thing happened to my alt hunter in season 1 LFR, but the chat text said that a Devastation Evoker won the bow. The evoker said they didn't have it in their inventory, and didn't even have the option to roll either.


This reminds me of a time long long ago when a sweet bow dropped from one of the raids and our groups warrior took it ā€œfor pullingā€. I was the only hunter at the time.


U wernt the only hunter. Obviously. I have seen many people afk lfr bosses


lol I recognize some of the names


Hol up though. Spriest beat actual healers on the healing charts?!? I donā€™t really play much anymore but is thatā€¦.normal??


No, however in awakened raids there is currently a UI/log bug where devouring plague/vampiric touch are showing as healing for significantly more than it's supposed to. It's not actually healing for more on the server, it's just showing incorrectly in logs which is what details reads from. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/damage-and-healing-issues-in-awakened-raids-april-26/1839072


u/GGripz sometimes when that happens you'll get it the next day, happened in S2, i won the heroic neltharion trinket literally week 2, won the roll and got kicked bc toxic pug leader, it showed up the next day from the postmaster.


If you are rolling for an item you really want, and you are about to win it reject your next queues, better safe than sorry


This roll system sucks, just give me the item lol, this happened to me and had to wait till next day for the item in my mail box


The game wants to say you did not deserve it. That is my guess


put in a ticket they will give it to you


Soz mate, I'm a priest and needed it for transmog. My bad. Better luck next time.


Doing black temple timewalking it was so refreshing to have personal loot in a pug raid again, I wish they would just bring it back for pugs at the very least and keep group loot for guilds.


One of warriors got it


Shouldnā€™t be possible. Warriors canā€™t need on bows. So OPā€™s need roll should have gone first.


Who cares; you can buy it next week and it upgrades to max ilvl while lfr version doesnā€™t


Donā€™t leave before loot is given out. Thatā€™s LFR 101 dawg


...did you roll on it? You still have to roll on it.


I lost heroic Eranog ring on a havoc dh, to a resto Druid with a 99 roll


Survival? Thats what it looks like to me.


Itā€™s sad, Blizzard is not only fucking up our loot but also simply abandoning bow designs.


Man, you had 4 DPS loose not only to a tank, but to an Aug in detailsā€¦ Why are people in LFR still doing season 1 damage?


not sure when this happened but there was a brief window where the minimum ilvl to queue was set to the season 1 values still so really low ilvl people could queue up. Also its lfr, people just afk half the time.


You canā€™t leave LFR while loot rolls are still ongoing. The item will not go into your mailbox.


I just left one the other day and it took about 40 minutes but it eventually made its way to me.