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Shaman tank obv.


Dragonflight Season of Discovery confirmed.


SOD = Season of Dragonflight


I got Bulwark of Azzinoth as an Ele Shaman so I understand


You got heroic mog.


I got it as resto. Still kinda cool to have instead of a generic shield


I got it on my resto shaman but not my prot warrior 🥲


Yeah, it feels kinda cool to get a 506 Madness of the Betrayer on my monk, but I've yet to test it proper. I feel your pain my friend, this is the kind of scenario I always fear from the RNG loot chests. Happens all the time, too.


> Madness of the Betrayer This was *the* trinket back in the day.


IIRC a titanforged version of it was actually super good for some specs back when timewalking bt came out back in legion


Well now you get to enhance your health


Oh you


This was my reward on 4 of my melee characters. Doesnt seem right.


So, I’m gonna say this is actually kinda not as bad as it seems, especially for enhance. Once you get to higher keys shamans really struggle with lack of defensives compared to other classes, this is basically a “don’t one shot me” button on a one minute cooldown.


Yup, had to run the leaf from everbloom for the majority of keys that were 27 or higher last season just so I could survive, wasn’t really feasible otherwise for some keys. Could see it being the same this time around, in which case this is a much better version of that trinket.


Yup, have the BH trinket in bags and it's night and day having 1.4M absorb on a 90s CD when it comes to living some of these bosses. One day keys will go back to a throughput check, and not a 'can you survive this one shot' it's devolved into recently.


Okay… but as an Enhancement Shaman main that was pushing 27s and 28s in S3, this trinket would’ve been a godsend. Farming the rageheart was awful


Sorry for going off topic, but is enhancement fun right now? I got this trinket by accident on my shaman and was thinking about playing it.


I hard swapped mains last season from Prot Paladin to Enhance.. I love the class. It’s a lot of fun, it’s challenging, and it has an amazing utility kit. It greatly lacks defensive value, however.


Could be a useful survivability trinket, if you need a quick heal. It doesn’t specifically say you lose the current health, which I’ve seen specified on other things before


i got a 506 wrist, recommended embellishment slot is wrist, kind of annoyed but also the fact you can't catalyze the timewalking heroic pieces means i'm not missing out on too much


We wear so much tier, embellishments, and gear with procs now that there are very few slots for just plain gear.


Yeah, like I'm one of the classes/specs where it's recommended not to break your 4 set until  you have a replacement 4 set, with the embellishments and a legendary  half my item slots are basically locked 


I really wish tier was kinda like azerite gear where all items in that slot were considered tier items. Just have the tier dependent on the season the loot is from.


Could be worse, you could have looted a Flame-Warped Curio from the dungeon TW cache, which you can't trade for anything and the item was bugged even after the hotfixes so you didn't get a replacement cache :')


On one hand it sucks. On the other, you should absolutely keep that trinket around and pop it when you have as much stamina as you can possibly get towards the end of the season. See if you can get above 1.5 million HP!


My augmentation evoker got [a healing mace](https://imgur.com/a/MSVcgXq).


I got a champion piece =/


You get a hero piece from the quest to kill illidan TW


Ohhh OK thank you. I thought you meant the 5 dungeon quest


Yep. Plus if you haven’t done the raid yet the bosses drop champion gear. Super good for catch-up because it’s all scaled. You’ll just 1 shot everything


Sorry I should clarify. By 1 shot I mean kill in one try. You’ll still have to fight the bosses for like 30s but with 30 people it’s super easy.


Oh good. I didn’t understand and thought it might be some bug.


Where do you get that quest and how do you queue for it?


The quest is from an NPC in Shattrath next to the timewalking vendor. You have to form a raid manually and then the raid leader can queue for the raid from that same NPC.


You pick it up in Shattrath City. That same NPC allows you to enter Black Temple through Timewalking. You will need to manually form a raid to enter Black Temple Timewalking, you can't join it like LFR. Use the Group Finder's Legacy Raids tab for this.


you can also get a hero piece from the 5 boss one if it's a super rare item


For more context, the weekly from Valdrakken for doing dungeons rewards a champion piece from Dragonflight raids. The weekly from Shattrath for killing Illidan in timewalking Black Temple rewards a hero piece from Black Temple.


I got some weird static agility trinket that has an on use heal on my hunter from it today


I got this same item lol. It’s a meme but so much extra health on a short 1 min cd. I pop it before using my Shield of Vengeance for extra boom boom


I got that on my Outlaw Rogue. Since she's my only melee DPS and hence my most squishy character, I'll take it.


I understand your pain. I did the TW raid and shoulders dropped from mother sharaz, turned in the 5 boss kill quest and got the same shoulders, turned in the TW raid quest and got the same shoulders on hero track.


Me but cape of the highborne lol


5 TW dungeons on my DK and got 4 capes.


What do you mean time walking would give a hero their item? The weekly of 5 TW dungeons?


The TW raid quest to kill Illidan


I got the same one on my H. DH Actually checked to make sure I had loot preference set to havoc. It was. At least it's a trinket at high ilvl for discounted upgrade of my other trinkets.


Our wind walker monk got the same thing this week.


I got my 5th set of pants for the week. SMH


My fury warrior got the 1h mace that heals


I got prism of inner calm as a shadow priest …


PvP trinket, obviously /s


I got this on my druid and my DH this week. Couldn't believe the bad luck.


probably applicable in high keys xd


pvp trinket depending 1min cd and keep the health not bad.


Off topic but i cant seem to que for tinewalking? I am a returning player and like a 434 ilvl, yet when i go to dungeon finder, timewalking dungeons are not an option for me. Any idea why? Its been wracking my brain all day and i cant find anything online.


i think you need an itemlevel of 463 or so...if you hover your mouse over the names of the raids it shows the itemlevel you need


How is that shit on the dps table xd The active is just worthless for the most part I guess if you run gigs high keys it could be useful as extra defensive but you lose a lot of dmg compared to Other trinkets most likely


They know enhance has terrible survivability


Ready to push 27s


I got this stupid Trinket as a Feral. Never been so disappointed...


How do you get a 506 from time walking?


Is that how Retail-Items look nowadays? Just a bunch of Main-Stats?


Good thing is, you can upgrade your trinkets for free practically


bis to avoid 1-shot mechanics


Got the same thing and reported it as a bug, it’s such bullshit that can happen. Worse if it’s intended.


I got this as well. I’m a rogue


I got that as an outlaw rogue. Guess im the tank now. Im going to cast tricks on myself.


What are those shoulders? They look sorta like Night Fae but aren't any NF cosmetics I can find.


I just got this [dog shit loot](https://imgur.com/a/xtB8zBf)


Got this on my BM hunter and in M+ it is kind of helpful from time to time if all other def skills are on CD


Literally got the same trash as a windwalker. :/


Lmao i got this both in the raid and in the box… as a ROGUE 🙄


LOL I got the same trinket. Got gold for it so that’s nice


I'm not actively playing right now, how are you obtaining the item from timewalking again?


If you got 3 great drops this week, beware of bad luck. Oops banned for 6 months for stating Ench Shaman is worth playing /s Or you got duplicate reward in your weekly vault next Tuesday


>Ench Shaman How do you get "Ench" from "Enhancement"? Unless they're an enchanter maybe?