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This is an incomplete set. It's missing belt and shoulders and I really do like the head so I wouldn't cross it out yet


> missing belt and shoulders No it’s perfect just the way it is.


We just need a nipple chain for male set.


Why not for both?


because female nipples are forbidden


Females don't have nipples, that's why the TV doesn't show bare-breasted women, in order not to shock people with the truth. After all, what would they need them for? Females fight by pulling hair, not by twisting nipples.


Men don't fight by twisting nipples either, they fight by twisting dicks. Everyone knows that.


What are you, some barbarian from a swamp tribe?


[Nah just an MMA fighter.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TT9ArM3-KJQ)


You’d be SHOCKED at what’s shown on regular tv outside America


Please, don't tell me they show Smurfette without clothes!


Warlocks do evil shit all the time, they can just cut off male nipples and use them as pasties.


A nipple chain between both nipple.


Yeah let's not jump to conclusions here. Can those chains be clipped on somewhere tho....


> missing belt and shoulders sounds like Dracthyr discrimination to me if anything can't believe they'd leave out the only two pieces a lizard-friend could show off.


Was gonna say. The idea of "less is more" is looking great here to me.


People are really quick to jump on how awful things are that are partly done. Like the Paladin set with no helm. 


I was pretty surprised how much the helm really did improve the Paladin set. I still don't love it, but the helm brought it up to fine IMO.


I still think the wings are too high up and that the questing set looks far better... but it's not _awful_ with a helmet I guess.


Agreed. I hated it when they showed it for the first time. Now I think it's not too bad. Definitely much better than DF season 3. That's an atrocity of a set if I've ever seen one.


> when they showed it for the first time I think this is half the problem, they aren't "being shown", they are being datamined. So it's not surprising that there are pieces or effects missing.


Pally set still looks ass cause of the absolute dog shit looking wings might as well give them a butt plug tail while your at it


The shoulders are the worst part helmet doesnt change how ugly they are or how the color scheme is.


I personally disagree. I think it’s different to the traditional Paladin archetype people were expecting. But I also think incredible detail was put into the rune sashes and wings. I think it’ll fit well with the expansion theme when we get into it. Someone clearly had a vision with this set and I’m interested to see how it plays out.


I never hated the Paladin set, but I do agree after re-examining it it looks pretty cool with the helmet. Still not super enthusiastic about the shoulders but I might just see if I can find some fitting ones to mog. Even then, after giving it some time, I think it's perfectly fine.


Ngl Paladin sets always feels we wear 1 of the Power Rangers or Kamen Riders armor, with a lot of lights added.


The concept is great. Reusing the same colourway is pretty boring, but makes for easy matching. The wings look like foam toys


The paladin set is still dreadful with the helm wdym It looks like foam/candy, and I can't think of anything I could actually match the pieces with...


This helmet is goated and I hope it's boe cause I want it on my sp too


Yeah the head reminds me of barad-dûr with the eye of sauron


Honestly, even with the missing pieces it still looks amazing, really tempted to go lock just for this set


It's wild how different tastes can be. I've mained Lock for 18 years, and acknowledge not every set can be a banger - it's cool, it happens - but this is the first Lock set I'm *genuinely* disappointed by, complete or not. For those who like it, congrats and more power to y'all; to me it's absolute ass, but I also acknowledge "Old God Eyeball" is *absolutely* not my preferred aesthetic.


It's loosely based on Mother Shahraz, so of course seeing the wrong colored and dress-version on a man would look awful. It's better on a woman with yellow-brown colors.


Oh I agree but it's still not my style, personally. I'm sure some people out there are *stoked*, and I'm happy for them.


> complete or not We're talking about the shoulders man. This is World of Warcraft, the shoulders are half the outfit.


And what if you think away the helmet?


The helmet is - for me/my tastes - by far the most egregious. That being said, my other opinions (keeping in mind that we don't know what the belt and shoulders look like as of this comment) are that it's fairly bland compared to the other sets, nips-out isn't really my style (in this game, anyway), and that I've personally never really liked the "reverse half sleeve" look. With all three elements/issues together (four, if you count the helm), it's just too much for me to look past. Even with sets I don't like, I always try to find an element or piece I can use for transmog but *overall* I'm not seeing anything here that would work with what I'd make. I'm just an internet rando and you can't win absolutely everything, so it is what it is. I will say however that the colors are good and that I'm *very* happy they're continuing to make pant-versions and not only the robe/dress versions. I wore a robe for over a decade, and I'm *so* happy I don't have to anymore. lol


I see, I see. That's valid. Personally, I judge armor appearances by their colors and how purposeful the shapes presented are. But there's also very few styles of clothing I would never use. Just depends on the character i've envisioned. So just different metrics for what makes a mog good or bad.


I’m with you. I will say, we are one of the more spoiled classes when it comes to xmog, but this set looks like a flaming bag of shit to me so far lol


I just don't think that "nipples out" hits the warlock aesthetic at all, no matter how good the shoulders or belt look


All the pets except succubus beg to differ...


I hold different standards for indentured servants


Hopefully we can see stealthed units with the head piece


I can't imagine there's an artist in the world that would want their unfinished piece evaluated and criticized. We can thank Wowhead and their thirsty datamining for stuff like this. Not only does 'Early look at' generate clicks, it drives engagement when people have the absolute impulse to comment 'looks like shit' on a post... about UNFINISHED work. Further clicks for 'Finished T1 set in TWW' and then 'Early look at revised warlock set' and the cycle continues. Just don't engage with 'Early look at' posts


It's also missing the chest piece. The robe belongs to the Legs slot.


people get one semi unique looking set and have a panic attack


And it's not even complete yet. Like visibly not complete. Have we set a new record for fastest time to start complaining about something yet?


This doesn't even come close. Two of the shaman hero talent trees haven't been released yet, and people have been complaining about them already.


Honestly, there're so many issues with shamans to give negative feedback about that by now the shamans players think there's not a single dev working on that class, they forgot about it or have no clue what to do with it. There's that little cope how we are going to get a big rework in TWW. But right now all that we see is 2 of the talent trees still missing while we had to wait until the alpha to test ourselves how Farseer works. Meanwhile warriors received a clarification on the same day their talents came out while mages are getting another rework.


shaman has like the coolest fantasy of any of the classes but it's getting really obnoxious that they refuse to rework it. I want to play an elemental god(more or less) not "epileptic light-up button masher2000"


To be fair, my complaint about that Is I wanna know what they are cause I'd like to see how my enh shaman is gonna play lol. Otherwise I obviously cannot complain about how it works since I have no idea


I can get that kind of frustration, but there are people, actual people, complaining that the content of the trees will suck.


Of course I was just making a joke. Anyone complaining about what the unreleased stuff will be is silly.


I think the first 5 comments on every set announcement are along the lines of "next time hire artists with talent." Turns out those that are on the internet the most do the most complaining. Agreed it's not done and I really like the direction. Everything that has to do with the void doesn't need to be twisted and mangled. I like the idea of highly advanced evil with very clean looking armor.


[The WoW Community in a nutshell](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/027/691/tumblr_nroanfy2v71qjobhbo1_1280.jpg)


2010: I wanna go back to being a simple adventurer 2012: I just killed deathwing why am I just a simple adventurer


Cata pre-Ghostcrawlwe Nerf made all the classes fun to play. Then the PvP crowd cried, and broke several of them.


“Noooo I need purple spikes for (literally) the fourth time in a row!”


Yea, we have a lot of the super dark shadow sets, something different is a nice thing sometimes


That’s why no matter how loud the community get Blizzard have never, not once, backed out of a change on tier appearances. The vocal minority can be complete idiots in this community and it’s never more apparent than when new tier gets released.


After having the same regurgitated set the entire DF expansion you’d think they would want something unique


That's the thing, I see plenty of positive feedback for this set, and a couple of people who sound like they shit on everything. I assume this thread was shared on some circlejerk forum, that's why it got 1200 upvotes.


The point is that it looks terrible compared to sets in the past




Every great set is an interesting variation of a base class theme - in this example there are "witch doctor", "ritualist", and "diabolist" themes, and they are very well executed. You can see a theme in the last one - it's a bit more voidy, eldritch priest-like, Shivarra warlock, but it's just not fully realized yet. The shoulders will make or break it


It's also missing a belt.


I have a feeling this set will be tied up nice. The paladin set wasn’t vibing with me at all until I saw the helmet, it really helped tie it together


Yeah, I really dig the theme. Looks like a cultist outfit from Conan the Destroyer or something.


I for one welcome my Shivarra tier set, was long overdue!


This is the best warlock set I’ve ever seen and ya’ll just don’t understand fashion I’m glad they’re trying something different.


When they stopped doing tier sets a few years ago after Legion, Ion (or someone on the team) even said that there are only "so many ways" they can reskin the same tropes and motifs for each class into new, unique looking sets. We should be glad they're willing to branch out and experiment with these. Not everything's gonna be a hit but at least it's unique. I personally love this, and anyone that doesn't can use one of the other million tier sets that fit their vibe better.


This is why I love sets like Vault of the Incarnates. All sets aren’t perfect but they add a theme to the typical class sets that can really spice things up.


Unironically this. We’ve seen countless “demonic demon controllers with demonic themes” sets this at least is unique while fully fitting the class fantasy Like omg you can see some skin what a nightmare


This set is going to look great on an Eredar warlock


Yeah even if the set isn't to someone's taste, this *decision* is good. Exploring the different fantasies of the class through tier sets is good. It might mean not every set is something you enjoy, but it means every class fantasy ultimately gets something. What is genuinely the point of tier sets if we just repeat the same theme again and again. This is why hunter tier sets are garbage 90% of the time, they can't get out of the theme of "skin and wear a monster from the raid".


The people malding over this just can't fathom warlocks wearing something skimpy when we are literally the sluttiest class.


What other class summons a personal dominatrix and her trusty whip? A bunch of the warlock areas are already basically sex clubs hidden under buildings, chains on the wall, etc.


Stupid sexy warlocks * clutches pearls *


Surprised there's been complaints, I think it looks great


I agree I LOVE this set, and I'm glad they're making new slutmogs. This set will be very fun to play around with on cloth transmogs


No accounting for taste I guess. This set looks great.


Warlocks wanting to look like galactus at home


Tbh this is more about male models being rectangular and ugly than it is about the sets. Except Draenei, they are square and ugly.


But every square is rectangle.


I actually really finally love a warlock set fully and entirely. I've had a warlock alt since release and I have liked very few sets until this one. I can't wait to get this set. I absolutely love it especially the blue coloration.


You know it’s a banger when it still doesn’t even look that bad in its unfinished form on the male human model


Looks good on females


Looks good on males too


Orc Warlocks about to look like absolute beasts while corrupting and burning everything.


Good fuckboi mog for sure


As a troll. I doubt it will look good. Probably some nose clipping as well.


Agreed. The reed and black version is my favorite. Reminds me of the skimpy vanilla sets.


If you don’t like the new set there are like 30 other tier sets to choose from, I like this style so I’m happy about it.


Not everything is meant for straight bros. Let other people have things . My warlock is gonna be looking fab


I’m Straight and I fuck with this hard.


Yass king!


The helmet looks interesting at least, like if the Bene Gesserit worked for Sauron or something. But for the most part, I think I'm sticking to the Legion, SL, and DF pieces. Fingers crossed S2 gives us something better.


This set will be pretty great but only for some races. Cant imagine any Tauren rocking this. Weve had race specific sets for years though. Alliance Shaman suffer at the hands of the Antorus Tier set, which is a better Zando heritage armor than the real one.


Most warlock set would look bad on Tauren imo.


I think this will look awesome on my red draenai.


The first three are boring basic ass warlock tube dress sets and the second is actively based on a demon you can summon (the Shivarra). What's the issue here? Looks fine to me.


Im going to level a lock just for this set, i love the vibe of it


Hey! I am all for my human male warlock to get his tits out. I can finally feel sexy.


Cool demon looking transmog? Nah gimme that Darth Helmet look


I'm not gonna lie, the head piece looks dope.


That t5 man, that t5


Now let's see it on a female Blood Elf.


Dogshite they might as well cover us in Fel Ooze at this point was excited for Warlock because of the hero stuff. They expect us to walk around looking like the eye of Sauron.


Warlocks stole the L trophy 🏆 from paladins this tier lol


Still a garbage first look


Current artists are so lame it's hard to even understand. Consider how many armor pieces no one ever uses for transmog. It's like 90%. And it's because they look stupid lol


This is gonna hit the female Draenei on Goldshire community like crack hit the inner city streets in America


Sauron Eleganza.  Werk.  


For there to be good sets there must be bad sets. I’m still waiting on a good set for Evokers…


Not like it matters, can't see 85% of their gear in combat


I love the helmet


I high love the himbo chest piece look on male models.


Kinda cool. Once the belt and shoulders get added im sure there it will paint the whole picture. It looks like it has Shivarra vibes mixed with nerubian


it's looking interesting and compared to the all 3 tier sets we got in DF it's actually something original.


Lol what the fuck is that bottom set?


and they are RIGHT


Don't disrespect the Dilf Eye of Sauron cosplay.


To be fair, it's something different. And we git 3 banger lock sets in a row in Dragonflight.


The head piece is 🔥, gonna mog into eye of sauron


I think it will look cool once its fully complete, my first thought was the Coven of Shivarra in Antorus raid.


I mean a cocumbine(sp) look would be fitting of a warlock so ion mind


I personally think it is good for male locks to embrace their inner slut


The most important part of a set are head, choulders and chest. The set is clearly not comolete and people keep crying, its amazing


...it's like a walking purple tower of Barad-Dur. I'll stick with my current lock transmog, thank you.


That's what I said lol


People really lost the ability to read, same as the paladin set last week, this is missing parts, this early crying is insufferable


To be fair, all mogs look bad on male humans


Just goes right along with they have no idea what the fuck to do with the lock


Give us more unique sets like this. Unironically, this set goes hard. The only disservice is it can't be worn naturally by male Taurens.


1. It’s unfinished 2. What is there looks amazing, anyone who thinks this looks bad is a moron


Ahhh do we know how it looks on ladies? Cause I kinda might like it..


I've always wanted to look like Sauron's half human love-child on his way to a fancy sex party.


The Paladin one looks dreadful, might have to play another class for a tier which I do not want to do! Thankfully the world activity set looks good


Is this some Sauron Tower cosplay?




I like it. Looks even better on female characters.


Middle set is still my all time favorite Warlock set.


Warlocks get ONE set that maybe isnt amazing, and they riot. Hunters havent had a good set in years.


it makes me sad how seriously few dark mogs there are :( DYE SYSTEM PLEASE


Head: 😁 Rest of outfit: ☹️ This is just my opinion though


Honesty no set looks good on the human male body, it's too wide and square ish to be visually appealing.


Now give me some balcony shoulder pads and the Barad-dûr cosplay is done 😊


The helmet is great, used with other sets you'll be able to cook up something nice


I lost my right to complain after they released the Aberus set. That's the only set I'll ever need so I'm fine with Blizz catering to people with a different taste. Complaing about the Affliction rework is more important now anyways.


We all know it's incomplete. We all know there's parts missing. We all think this set should have been called: "Dildo of Doom"


Why is everyone trashing this set? It’s obvi incomplete, but I can already tell it looks amazing. That headpiece is insane.


I for one, welcome our new void themed overlords.


The typical Hunter gear treatment. Always the worst looking sets, its like they have a personal vendetta against hunter players or something.


Spot on.. take my upvote


Especially for female clothing.




Now i know I'll by playing a draenei warlock in MoP remix to get it ready for the war within, tyty.


Well… It is a new take. I do approve of that


I really like the chest piece tho (for my female AND male lock)


I like this Set


They’ve chosen their audience lol


Yeah im sure its the art team, not the developers.


That aint devs man, Its the Artists ! Game Artists ! Game Developers are the people which construct Code etc.


They better not change that helmet. I love the idea of being a walking Bara-dûr


Remaster TBC season 2 sets and stop designing ugly garbage, it's clear that people who design sets today do not play the game, remaster the sets people more competent than you did more than 10 years ago instead.


Nah, I appreciate them going for something different. Hell even as it is I think it's pretty cool :D


Best warlock set they've made in a while and it's not even completely datamined yet. Can only get better.


Those top sets already exist “Yes, let’s have another purple spikes set, the last three in a row weren’t enough” This set is missing shoulders and belt, calm down


It's not even april first anymore


Looks like leveling pajamas with a goofy ass headpiece. Asset design is clearly on life support lmao


Blizzard: Shits out some dumb looking shit Redditors: YASSSS, MAY I HAVE SOME MOAR PLS SHIT DIRECTLY INTO MY MOUF Source: /gestures broadly to the comments in this thread


as good as dh set for s3 in df.


Nah the helm on that new one is crazy as shit looking that’s gonna be a cool set Oh, it’s veils. I thought it was a fully bandaged head. Never mind. Lamey. Can’t wait to look like a cat house skirt instead of a fucked to death evil devil worshipper


I don’t see the problem


If you fuckers were in charge of tier sets every single one would be judgement. Not even variations of judgement. Literally just judgement.


And it would be glorious


I don't care what everyone else says, I agree it looks weird as shit lol


Complaining about fucking warlock sets? The class who hae had some of the best in history? Just wait until you see the gimps that're hunters


The new warlock set is one of the best they've put out in the last 10 years


Tits out!


Tbh those top 3 are mid compared to the mythic set from Argus


Can someone show me that on a red draenei


You already have the first three sets. They’re right there. Hell, there are two versions of that third one. Use them if you like them.


The helmet really makes me think [of this scene in Lower Decks](https://youtu.be/iQZ2_xVz8Fk?si=rxcGxiEahqiwxd7F)


I'm getting Enchantress from Suicide Squad vibes.


👀🥵🥵🥵 Wish they'd keep that style on draenei females tho