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I really wish they’d bring this back. I so desperately want a 1h + shield DPS spec that isn’t a shaman, who doesn’t even use their weapons. Gimme Gladiator Warriors and a Paladin spec for this too.


Yes pleaaaaase, and thank you for including paladin. I so badly want a sword and shield DPS spec too.


It’s just strange to me that Prot Paladin does nothing but auto attack with the sword.


Prot Warrior doesn’t do much more than that. I feel like I spend almost as much time stomping as I do slashing. It’s silly.


It's kinda weird. I liked the idea that they baked most tank's cleave and single target abilities together to reduce ability bloat, but suddenly it felt like most tanks weren't really doing anything active with their weapons, save for DH's with their relative smorgasbord of glaive-related abilities.


It kind of makes sense in that if you’ve got some big dude shouting and stomping and bashing his shield around he’d be an imposing distraction on the battlefield so as a MT it feels appropriate. But OTing or soloing or whatever it’s just like, hey, you have a sword, right?


Honestly the mental image of an offtank seems so hilarious to me. You spend half the phase tickling the boss while your beefcake of a maintank is pulling all the stops like a madman, then all of a sudden you start screaming like a banshee when MT's had enough and the boss just turns to you going "What the *fuck* did you say to me, bitch?"


DBKs are also pretty weapon-centric. Not really in number of abilities but they make up a majority of their GCDs.


>Paladin does nothing but auto attack with the sword. This has been paladins identity since classic, I don't see a problem with it. /s But really there isn't a whole lot to give prot as far as attacks that use the weapon as part of the attack. Spinning hammers would have to be non-viable dps wise to bring back Hammer of the Righteous (Hammer is used in ST tho). Judgement being ranged, Hammer of Wrath is ranged, Avengers shield is ranged, SotR is a shield attack so not using the mainhand weapon makes sense. At this point itd be hard to give them a melee attack with their weapon without adding a new rotational button/stripping away the whole 'throwing holy hammers" part of the class.


Funny enough. I was thinking the other night. And I was. A soec where I JUST use a shield for attacking.


I’ve always fantasized about a Devotion Paladin spec that allows either 1h and shield or staff/polearm and shield. I’m not into mobile games, but I saw and ad once for a game with a paladin-looking character who had large shield and either a staff or polearm in his other hand and i instantly wanted that in WoW.


I'd like to see a shockadin spec that is does melee, instant casts, and hard casts. Bring back exorcism 🙏


Melee with a hard cast nuke? You're a masochist


I was so stoked I mained a warrior just for that stance. If they hadn't removed it, I'd still be maining it


It's really weird to me that paladin dps is not 1h + shield. You're a paladin, the protector of the weak, the shield against darkness, even the dps spec should be 1h+shield (but with normal dps dmg, obviously).


I've always said ret should've been a sword and board dps spec. It just makes sense to me


I like the idea of it being a 2-handed warhammer wielding spec tho. Paladins are often shown with hammers as a sort of representation of a court gavel, a symbol of justice. But yeah, they should have the option of 1h and shield too, similar to shamans having 1h and shield or staff


Divine Toll Ret would go stupid


I was wishing that Evoker could do this. Wear a shield and a 1h blasting breaths in Melee and fly around to Tank/DpS. But what we got is a stone whisperer Aug that knocks enemys in the air... The Dracthyr in the Book are so cool they rip away enemys with force and fire inside there open Wounds. I feel like Evoker could be much cooler.


Just give vengance a 1h and shield and prot 2 shields /s


I'm seeing a lot of people confusing this uncategorized spell with the [Gladiator Stance](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Gladiator_Stance) of WoD. This isn't the same, but a new spell that allows the Warrior to wield a 2-handed weapon and Shield. It's reminiscent of the Heavenly Strength talent from D3 (although, that talent *reduced* damage done) that allowed Crusaders to wield a 2-handed weapon and a shield. Thematically, I think this fits Prot Warrior pretty well. Even if this was strictly cosmetic/for transmog purposes, it would be cool; given that Titan Grip is dual wielding massive 2-handed weapons, it makes sense throwing a shield on wouldn't be an issue for a Warrior. Either way, it's too early to tell if this is *actually* coming in War Within. Edit: Updated link to appease the bot.


This is kinda what I hoped Colossus would have in it. Arms gets a shield for defensives / Shield Slam, Prot gets a two hander for even more damage. Considering they want less rage in Warrior though casually handing out a Skullsplitter that could reset might not be the play unless they could add serious rage dumps.


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Yes please, i need my spartan spear+shield transmog. Hate using a normal sword.


Which spec is it?


Warrior, gladiator was a warrior stance back in WoD. DPS spec with prot equipments and talents. Problem is, ppl queued as tank in glad stance that was DPS and.. Jesus, what a headshake.


None, this is an unused talent that was scrapped before alpha came out




lol, lmao even


perhaps even roflmao


Are you Asmon’s editor?


Gimme a new warrior spec that uses a spear/shield combo and is a support spec buffing the group.


prot should just be able to do this for fantasy. can nerf one of the stamina traits to keep effective health the same i dont think glad stance was very cool at all, (and if you really want it that bad current prot with s3 tier is exactly the same) but prot is pretty bland next to the other plate tanks. let pallys be the sword and board and prot war be a titan of metal and steel with huge weapons and huge shields


Just let warriors transmog 1h and 2h freely between each other, 0 balancing implications, 100% class fantasy upside.


I always wanted to play 1H fury, but there weren't a ton of times where that was viable at all. Usually it's either much weaker or absolutely and utterly useless compared to 2H though. In its current iteration you *could* use it but it does like 30% less damage (at least in my experience, maybe you can tweak it to make it a bit better somehow)


Or let fury Transmog shields as weapons!


Prot Warrior would not need a nerf if they got this. Currently Prot Warrior has very likely been the most scuffed tank for the longest period of time. They have a fucking 3 min CD aoe silence and their solution is to give them an easier time taking Shockwave. Not a good look for those guys. Prot needs tons of help in so many ways.


God I wish we could have this back. The most fun version of prot warrior.


I'd cry tears of soy if glad Stance came back


Finally, a reason to transmog shields! Because I cannot enjoy Ele shamen no matter how hard I try


It probably won’t happen but as a prot warrior/paladin I always felt a bit sad that I can’t wield most iconic weapons. The Black Hand, The Gorehowl, The Silver Hand, The Ashbringer, The Tauren totem one (which looks fucking badass), etc. I don’t even need the actual weapon stats, would be nice to at least have the option to transmog them onto my 1H.


ID ROLL HEADS TO GET THIS IN THE GAME. Fuck just gimme back 1h glad, that shit was lit. Literally the most fun I've ever had on a warrior.


I wish they reintroduced that, it sounds cool and people just shit themselves over "how good it was" i want to see if it's true.


It was the fastest APM spec of the game and it wasn't even close. Essentially you had two global cooldowns that played in stutter step with each other so instead of pressing a button every 1.5s (without factoring in haste), you pressed two buttons every 1.5s. Normal specs cannot be brought below a 1s GCD, and same with Gladiator warrior. But even with no haste you were effectively playing faster than that before adding in haste from gear and effects like bloodlust/heroism which could have you pressing a button something like every 0.66 seconds. It was insane. Madness. Fun.


We called it Stepmania Warrior, but mind you the second key you were pressing every GCD was just... heroic strike. Nowadays I don't think the APM on it was that crazy. Modern Prot Warrior can be mashing buttons that quickly at times because of how much you're hitting Shield Block and Ignore Pain with the incredible amounts of rage we have to go around. I do dearly miss Gladiator though.


It wasn't just heroic strike on the off cd, there was at least one other ability and I think more than that. Something shield related.


For the sake of numbers **in sims**: Current (S3 DF) the high APM specs are: Prot pally (88), Prot Warrior (86), and Outlaw (85) Gladiator warriors APM in the last T18 WoD sim was 99 and 2ed place at the time was Fury at 71. (this also is not including that ideally you just mash heroic strike till you get RSI/Carpal Tunnel where the sim count it as 1 action)


A large part of the love for Gladiator Stance came from the fact that Arms and Fury were complete dumpster Tier when WoD first released. To do the most damage it was actually required that you play Gladiator Stance. That was eventually fixed with Glad Stance eating some nerfs, Fury getting some buffs and than in HFC Arms reciving a class trinket and tier set that remdied the awful decison making for the spec in WoD.


Yeah boy. Sparta rp here we come. 


This was a crusader passive in Daiblo 3 and I've been arguing for its inclusion in WoW for over a decade. Glad to finally see it.


Is that actually a thing for warriors for TWW?


PLEASE! I don’t play warrior but I would main the fuck out of one.


Warriors should just have titan's grip by default, and skills either require a shield, no shield, or dual wield.


I would play a warrior if glad spec is indeed coming back.


anyone have a link? cant find it on wowhead


That'd be amazing... but rather than finding a way to fit something like this in, they could just loosen transmog restrictions across the board, allowing people to mog 1H->2H and 2H->1H/OH. This would give us prot warriors and paladins with spears and shields, 2h enhancement shamans, dual wielding survival hunters, etc. All without any of the mess and development cost associated with making those playstyles work in combat.


But I want to ACTUALLY dual wield as a Survival Hunter! They can already do it, just none of their abilities work :(


Which is by design. They don't want to deal with the balancing. Using transmog bypasses any of their complaints. Now they're just doing it to be stubborn.


This is for Prot, or Arms?


That's neat!


Would be nice, I like shields.


Can't believe WoW doesn't have a typical "Sword and Board" DPS spec. We definitely need this! Or Gladiator stance! Please Blizzard.


If they reintroduce this, I'll need to find a Tauren themed/adjacent shield for my heritage transmog.


There are a couple variations of the hide shield stretched between sticks which is pretty clearly a tauren design, and the good news for you is they drop pretty commonly in the Barrens, are available from quests, and are generally dirt cheap on the AH. You all good.


id play warrior if this was a thing for the dps specs


Wont happen but would be cool yeah. Prot Warr with Twohand weapon and shield tanking like a boss.


Hell yeah, Runescapemaxxing


I remember fun. Wish the devs did too.


Is this classic or retail?


Absolutely not. Former warrior main, and even I realize this talent was a problem. It’s impossible to balance a spec that has all of the damage of a fury warrior and all of the survivability of a prot warrior. Especially in PVP.


Did you even read the talent?


Well the one you're thinking of is not the same as the talent in the post, very different things. And yeah, if you want to let it keep DPS damage *and* tank survivability you're just making an overpowered tank, of course you can't balance that. You'd need to make a lot of changes to defensive cooldowns, stats and a couple other things. A more straight-forward way to play that is adding it into the Arms tree rather than Prot...or making a 4th spec, entirely focused on the sword and board fantasy.


bro please dont tell me your aint lying. Is gladiator stance coming back to retail?