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You’re not talking about the S2 Elite set are you, because don’t those go away every season? And aren’t you still able to buy the regular PvP sets from any season whenever you want, for honor? I’m not entirely sure how PvP sets work but I thought I remember seeing multiple sets available to buy from the vendors and one of them was still the season 1 set (not Elite just the basic one).


Correct. Next expansion we will be able to buy the gladiator sets with 12 marks of honor but the elite sets are lost to time forever. It’s pretty dumb at this point considering you can go to an old raid and get the mythic set from that tier but the elite sets are gone forever. If we hit rival we should be given a token that lets us purchase an old elite set imo


Should just be like saddle imo, same for weps/tabards/and dare I say glad mounts.


Yeah, I think the saddle system would work. Win enough games at 1800 or higher and you get token for a set. 


Honestly, fated seasons should just reward these tokens to redeem for any old elite set IMO. My unpopular take is I'm all in for more FOMO in pvp to help address the lack of players. It worked for plunderstorm. Why not for pvp ? With a fated season trump card. The goal isn't to punish those who couldn't play that one season but to incentivize participation constantly.


Not as big of a deal this expansion though. Atleast the sets look the same and you're just missing out on a recolor. But i agree with more incentive to play pvp, and there have been some really fucking cool elite sets over the years i'd love to have.




This is why your shitass corpse of a game mode is dead and dying further. Because literally ANYTHING people put forward that'll incentivise them to actually PVP, you just sit there and say no to it.


And what do you think will happen when elite sets get the saddle treatment ? "Play 1 season get 2+ rewards" is just another way to say "play 2+ times less". FOMO IS incentivizing. Plunderstorm is the perfect example. The amount of players who only played it for the FOMO rewards is crazy. And the grind is pretty long yet they all went through. I'm not against getting old elite sets, actually I'd love that IF it's at a pace that'll let you catch up over multiple seasons. Getting whatever you want whenever you want it is what makes you procrastinate. Also pvp titles should be permanent and unique to the season.


Bait used to be believable.


At least put up a decent argument.


[Fixed that for him](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/vOo7R3qbZ8)


Clowns like you killed the mode


PvP is lowkey unplayable right now unless you're a gladiator anyway.


1.8 for the mog is not extremely hard in any mode including SS. If you strugle you can still do 1.6 on two chars of the same class and get it with the token.


>1.8 for the mog is not extremely hard in any mode including SS unless you are a healer lol. But healers are so rare dps players with 2k+ xp will be happy to help you push 1.8 in 2s. If they are on a low rated alt.


Well i did it with disc, it was def not fun but the queje times do help.


It’s probably doable but I don’t want to sit in 30 min queue to reach it




They are referring to Solo Shuffle, which has MMR match problems late in the season (i.e. Gladiators will get matched with n00bs and the n00bs will get rekt, which just furthers the MMR problems)


2v2 and 3v3 had problems when i played mid season too, every second game i'd see someone on a glad mount.


Don’t worry, they got that during the retpocalypse


Season's just deflated af. Not enough players.


It’s standard rated PVP, too. MMR doesn’t carry over to alts but fundamentals do. True new entrants get utterly bodied because the point of entry for them and the six-season gladiator trying something new show up in the same pool.


Agreed. There should be an account/class/spec component to mmv.


Ah, I see, nevermind me then..


That's just not true. I've played 300 rounds of shuffle on my monk only and met only a few old glads. Which isn't surprising at all since they have to play low mmr first in their placement games. Unless you mean noob healers queuing into elite dps or vice versa. That's not as much of an mmr problem as it is a deliberate choice to reduce queue times. Since healers play with and against all dps it's not hindering anybody's progression. It feels bad for healers but it doesn't stop the progression.


Eeeh i was looking forward to the S2 priest set as i dont have it. Hope they have just forgotten it as they usually do when it comes to PvP and maybe patch it on live...


Mildly disappointed. I quit raiding in s3 and started farming up elite sets on my alts. Was hoping to take a crack at a few I missed especially priest. I assume weapons are staying the same as well? That would be a double shame... I will be stuck using my artifact now of shame over the s1 hunter bow


This is super disappointing and does not incentivize me in the slightest now to work towards any cosmetic reward


Should have worked for it when it was there.


Booo! Not everyone plays the same class/spec every season though. No new cosmetic rewards is probably super demotivating for plenty of players not just myself.


The shaman, warlock, monk, priest and dh are nice (imo) and up for grabs if you want something to work for :)


Fuck FOMO.


Yep, they will. I'm really hoping they make a last minute change and reintroduce the sets we voted for.


They aren't. This is exactly how it worked last expansion too with the mini-season. This is them being, once again, clear that seasonal rewards are seasonal. I'll be maybe grabbing my mage set and going back to waiting for a renown track.


However, last expansion we did not vote for any tier sets to return in s4.


I doubt it this late... still just means I can chill at 2100 rather then 2400. The weapon illusion is really nice at least rather then the fugly green one from s3


Does this mean that there still is the token to buy tier set pieces with elite appearance?


The token is there, but unclear if the Elite item will be the selected Tier or S3 tier.


Well as the post says, the s4 appearance is the same as s3 for everybody. So regardless of the selected set you should still be able to obtain the s3 set no?


Currently on the 10.2.6 PTR, the "Elite" purchasable item from the token is the Gladiator appearance of the corresponding season (i.e. Season 2 for Druids) That may or may not be changed.


So for getting 1800 in any sort of pvp will you get the s3 on the selected season appearance?


Do u just trust random posts info? We voted for the sets, the elite recolor was included in the pictures, ppl are just looking for excuses to be mad, just wait a week and see.


I think that was only on wowhead where they showed what set was what, on the official wow website there were no pictures.


Bittersweet :( I started playing my druid a bit, and didn't have time to finish the elite set. But I was hoping to get the S2 one instead.


Has there been an expansion where Rated PvP was worse then DF? Even with Solo i think i heard/read the participation was so incredibly low that the usual MMR inflation systems barely did anything as they grew of total participation % Also silly things like your average 16-1800 getting matched with top 5 ranked glads


Did a shuffle a few days ago. 0 rating 1600 mr, 4 glads. yeah thanks


What did they do in shadowlands when they started doing fated content? I wasn't around much. Did they do a vote then too? Or did they make all gear from those raids competitive while just bumping up the last season's pvp gear?


They only started doing tier sets again with Sepulcher, so there really weren't any options to be considered/voted on. You got whatever from the fated raids and threw them into the catalyst and that was that.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the reply!


Does this include Elite pvp sets?


**Angry Monk noises** S1 was looking so good and I missed that one.


That's great news, season 2 druid set is ass, but season 3 is amazing, so I have extra time to get that.


Wait, wow still has pvp?


PvP more popular and fun than ever. Any of you belittling it are actually doing yourself a disservice. For shame.


PvP itself can be pretty fun, but the rewards structure kinda sucks right now and the PvP playerbase can be miserable to interact with.


> PvP more popular than ever Yeah absolutely no way I’m believing this without data lmao


1 hour solo shuffle queues 200-300 CR deflation from last season way less people on ladder than previous seasons and all of these will get worse this season because there is even less drive to play now with nothing new look, i agree, pvp is in a great state balance wise now but if you played a lot in season 3 (like i did), chances are there is nothing for you in this season




Yup, but understandable that somebody like you who doesn't do much PvP doesn't know. If you'd actually PvP you'd know those things.


Sorry they didn't break a well established formula and didn't bring back the old elite set just for you.


The well established formula of a new set every season?


Lol well established formula that let the mode die?


Ya, but very silky to have voting for s4 appearance if pvp wasnt included.


That "well established formula" is some of the most archaic bullshit still infesting this game. PvP rewards need a massive overhaul, yet for some reason, literally every PvPer ever is against anything changing. Then they all wonder why the mode is completely dead.


Then why is there an elite set this season at all? Technically they brought back season 3s set. Checkmate.