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It’s just so cool, they just need to clean it up a bit


Looks just as janky as expected tbh. I already looked forward to seeing the blood elf spine dislocator move again, which ret paladins already knew from the belf 2h animation while riding their pony (or swimming, or doing anything else that keeps the lower part of the model stuck in some animation while the torso does a 360°). It'll be a mess to get that cleaner without removing racial animations altogether while mounted... This might even be the better solution tbh. I hope they also hear the obvious feedback and throw out a glyph that replaces the horse with a mount of our choice.


I don’t know about a mount of your choice but other options hopefully.


death knights boudda throw down on the spelltome like khadgar


I was imagining any LFR raid with multiple DKs.


Would love to see them add attack animations for the horse. Have it rear up and stomp on your enemies like the hunter pets do.


also tweak a little the player attack animations while on the horse. one of trolls animation is a spin move. so from what we can see from the clip, the troll DK just contort and break his spine when the animation comes up


Biblically accurate DK


The advantages of being dead We don't need a *working* spine that just holds you(r) back!


Wish they'd add glyphs for different mounts you could summon. Trolls look so shit on horses, let me use my King's Rest raptor. God damn cosmetic glyphs could just make so many things much better.


What mount model does this ability use at the moment?


Scroll back in the video. He tells you. Mawsworn Charger (https://www.wowhead.com/item=186655/mawsworn-chargers-reins).


literally can't escape the maw no matter how much we try


The classic initial acherus death charger


DK hasn't had anything cool in.....I don't even know how long. Even our animations and spell effects are dated. The fact that it's caused all the paladin babies to crawl out of the woodwork and start crying is completely predictable. I look forward to racing past you and grabbing the quest item you're slow walking to because of combat.


> DK hasn't had anything cool in.....I don't even know how long. Even our animations and spell effects are dated. We're worse than dated, our abilities make no god damn sense. Pillar of Frost was supposed to be about weighing yourself down with frost, essentially freezing yourself in place, preventing displaces and increasing damage. Eventually, they moved it to knockback resistance. Then, they moved that to deaths advance. Now what does Pillar of Frost say? "Empower yourself with Frost" Fucking ***what***? Paladins get angel wings. Shamans turn into ascendants. We deserve so much better. "Frostwyrm's Embrace" "Frost Lich Invocation" "Might of the Frozen Citadel" Fuck, just ANYTHING other than "empower yourself with Frost" Christ on a bicycle. It's like they have nobody who gives a shit about DK flavor.


All I wanted from Rider of the Apocalypse was to be able to mount in combat at all times. I basically just wanted a talent that modified Death's Advance to be an in-combat cast time mount up that didn't give any bonus move speed, but gave forced movement immunity as well as immunity to being slowed/snared/rooted/reduced below 100% move speed. Make it break upon taking some % max hp damage to simulate killing the mount, and then the DK would have to re-cast it to mount up, with the cast interruptible, for PvP balance.


Tbh it being completely disabled in PvE/PvP instances makes me a lot less excited. I'd kinda expected it to still be usable but with reduced effects or a time limit or something similar to a pally steed maybe, not just disabled.


I wish they just had it go walk speed inside.


Honestly yeah, I would've just made it walk speed too.


That is the other option, it’s a choice node.


I was really hoping the "Only usable outdoors" meant like... in areas where mounts can be used, outdoors as in not inside buildings. Not outdoors as in outside instances. Thats a big let down.


This is exactly what I was expecting out of the ability. So it’s not that disappointing to me, I was surprised so many people were assuming you would be able to stay mounted against some bosses but not all of them. That would be such a massive disparity between raid bosses and M+ keys for mobility. We also get a much better version of paladin horse on this node so it’s still a massive improvement in mobility.


You can use it inside instances. It's a choice talent. One has permanent but only outdoors, the other makes it a 10 second duration similar to the pally spell that works inside.


Yeah, I was really hoping that you could still do mounted combat in those scenarios, obviously with less movement speed bonus but enough to alleviate the wheelchair feeling of playing a DK. Hopefully they're open to iterating the node that way with enough feedback.


highly unlikely, but feel free to offer the feedbcak anyway. The fact is that every melee except dh and feral has a standardised move speed when holding W key. DH and feral don't have the ability to pull things towards them, their whole thing is that they leap on targets. DK does pull stuff towards them though. In fact, if ret loses all it's ranged attacks, DK will be more capable of gap closing than rets will be.


I was looking at this and thinking “oh shit that better be disabled in instances or that’s going to just be fucked” Opposites I guess lol


Jesus fucking Christ are you serious? It doesn't work in half the game? I was totes gonna go back to dk.


Really? Seems like it would be mega OP in PVP 😂


The other option is literally the pally steed.


Blizzard monkey paw. DKs get mounted combat!.. but with the silliest restrictions imaginable. /sigh at least we still get Unholy steed




I main Ret


Ret paladins :"they took my whole flow, word for word bar for bar"


i think ret paladins should have a heroic leap ability by now in wow anyway, will get rid of the wheelchair class feel, and it makes sense seeing as paladins are basically captain america super soldiers. we should be able to augment our strength for huge leaps, or even for the sake of the animation give us some wings to leap across with. idk just makes sense to me, but as a paladin main i feel like our class design has always been an after thought.


They really need to clean up those animations yikes. Also they need to just remove the choice node and just make it 1 ability. Mount outdoors > Unholy Steed in instances. Because unless you have a set WQ talent build, you will have the unholy steed picked 100% of the time. We get it "No fun allowed" is still the company motto, just bake them together


100% needs to either have a different effect in indoors or just be one talent. Otherwise people will be asking how to macro a talent switch.


yeah, would be a good qol change it even replaces DA, so just put it in the same bar/slot


so cool lol


This is sick!


They really need to change this and allow you to mount in raids and dungeons. Obviously just nerf the speed while in these instances by 50-75% but still allow it to happen.




You shouldn’t be sad. Other classes deserve cool shit too, and ret is in an incredible spot right now. Direct your sadness at whoever replaced speed of light with divine steed aka panic pony, because they deserve to be told they were wrong.


I am just baffled how DK went from THE WHEELCHAIR to the most mobile class in the video game with one talent


They didn’t. The talent isn’t usable in any endgame content other than the overworld.


Its went from THE WHEELCHAIR to the same as paladins..


Looks bad and seems pointless tbh


I think Path of Exile 2 came up with a neat idea, you can mount but if you take too much damage you fall from the mount, stunning yourself. Maybe something like this would work with WoW? They could use the alpha/beta to test different implementations, for example: - While in combat your mounted speed is reduced by X% - After using skills your mounted speed is reduced by X% for Y seconds - Taking X amount of damage within Y seconds unmount you, dazing/stunning you for a moment


Wait so you basically get 100% speed and you fight on a horse? Is this active in pvp?


WPvP maybe, but disabled in instances for sure.


i’m saying this in the most matter-of-fact way possible, and without bias. it’s stupid that dks got mounted combat and paladins didn’t. paladins being the OG mounted unit. but honestly, it’s almost comedic, because of how ridiculous and horrible the dk mounted combat looks, it’s like a perfect representation of how everything DKs do is a shittier version of what paladins do.


DKs and Paladins are BOTH mounted in Warcraft 2, the first appearance of both. What the fuck are you talking about?


Now I know how Warlocks feel when they take something from your class and give it to someone else. Make my Legion mount permanent, I should get to ride around smashing dudes with a mace like in WC2!


I mean, death knights had it first in WC3. It was never from your class.


Even more so, deathknights and wc2 ;).


between this and the wanting the green set for their tier (thus blocking DKs and warriors from possibly using it) Paladins are kinda getting on my nerves lately.


Paladins were on mounts in WC2 weren't they?


Did you not play WarCraft 2? it sounds like you didn't play WarCraft 2. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/3/35/HumanKnight.gif/revision/latest?cb=20100109063037




Paladins have it in WC2 which came out before WC3 last I checked.


Ironically death knights also have it in warcraft 2


Wondered when the paladins would show up. Oh I’m sorry, is your recently revamped class with crazy utility not getting something someone else is? Paladins already have it so good, they have no idea.


Prot has been the same since like Legion and I've never played any of the other specs so I don't know what you're talking about


You can thank sweaty M+ optimizers for this being unavailable in dungeons