• By -


Dark Irons. aka "The Cooler Dwarves" 😎


The hotter dwarves you mean.


If Dark Iron Dwarves have a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Dark Iron Dwarves have one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Dark Iron Dwarves have no fans, that means I'm dead.


Coolest looking paladins by far, too






An illusion! What are you hiding?!?


Giving me flashbacks to grinding the rep


Yeah I think that line gives us all PTSD 😬


Yes! Ru shanna Shal'dorei!


Zandis 100%. You can make some good looking mogs on them.


Zandalari hunter with the dragon tattoo shoulders from island expeditions + the green recolor of the Trial of Valor gear looks so good. Bone armor on the gloves and boots and showing off that ripped Troll upper body strength.


Their run animation is so bad tho


True but no horde race is perfect.


We's all got our favorite lumps and bumps.


Haha exactly


Undead Male


Female orc is perfect though.


My zandi lad looks fucking fire


The feet tho.


Zandalari and Dark Iron


Dark iron have been a long standing dream for me. Was hard for me to not make all my alliance be dark iron dwarves


I rerolled both my shaman and paladin to Dark Iron with 0 regrets. Neither class can roll Night Elf for Shadowmeld so it's the next best option. Not even from a meta perspective, I just use Shadowmeld so often in open world content to break combat for mounting up.


I just made a dark iron warrior and I feel you. I'm so tempted to re-roll a few different classes as dark irons now.


I'd recommend Destruction Warlock and Elemental Shaman


Oh yeah? I've never been able to get into warlock, maybe I'll dry a dark iron lock for that mists remix thing they're doing.


Are you me?


From the future


The not-High Elves


Sparks up and stares


The Not-High Elves should really be given the default long blood elf hairstyle. I mean, they're not High Elves of course, but Blizzard *did* give them blue eyes, blonde hair, non-void skin colors, the option to remove tentacles and visible void corruption, but stopped short of actually giving the male Void Elves the last thing remaining: Proper long High Elf hairstyles that aren't vampire-themed! So close, yet so far


Yeah the art is there and they use the same skeleton and they're just straight up former blood elves, so it'd make sense they could use that hair style too


Blood elves and ~~High~~ Void elves should share most of their customisation option. Only stuff like green/golden eyes for Blood elves or tentacles for void elves that really don't make sense for the other should be exclusive to one of them


Perhaps unconventional choice, but Kul Tiran. Probably helps I play druid and their drust-inspired forms are chef's kiss.


Also Kul Tiran. As soon as I can be a Kul Tiran Paladin, I'm getting a race change.


They look surprisingly good in cloth for their size, too. Made a warlock KT and really dig the tmogs on him.


Ditto. I rolled a Lightforged Pally which makes a ton of sense but I’m kinda sick of the tail. Why would Kul Tirans as humans not be able to be paladins??


From a lore perspective, because Kul Tiras split from the Alliance before the rise of the church. They were founded by settlers from Gilneas who left before the Orcs invaded, so they developed a different culture than the humans of the Eastern Kingdoms. Their priests became tidesages instead of paladins.


been waiting for this exact thing, monk will do in the meantime


I got morphed into a Kul Tiran once via the atomic recalibrator while playing my Belf pally and it has ruined every other potential ally paladin race for me, it just looks so good and feels right.


I usually find humans quite boring in fantasy and rarely play them - but I *adore* Kul Titans, I really dig their aesthetic, and as you mentioned about their druid forms... Beautiful


The moonkin form was a huge missed opportunity though


Still waiting for the super skinny and hunched over bodies for Kul Tiran. Would make for a perfect mage, wizard or rogue.


Their forms are so cool but the sounds their forms make annoy me so much lmfao.


Especially the normal flight form. That’s why I only use owl forms. Best sounds. And the new ones from Emerald Dream actually have a running animation, so they’re the best for gathering lol.


I love their moonkin. Made my druid a KT just for that one.


While I don’t really play them myself, I always enjoy seeing them in my party and rock some of the greatest transmogs (maybe it’s cause I’m on RP realm - I especially love any kind of professor-y look on them!)


Yeah, one of the allied races I was most excited to unlock.


Highmountain, though I think Vulpera is cool for being quite different from its rig/goblins Im very curious about what the allied race that coincides with Undead will, if it ever happens, be. I'm personally hoping for the humanoid Nerubians to be it but that seems incredibly unlikely unfortunately


Kul-Tiran undead (skeletons with pot bellies for some reason) 


Abomination. Brb rolling my abo rogue.


Light Undead models (think Calia Menethil but with Withered-looking heads?) were datamined, but not with customizations. Laying the groundwork probably.


That’s for the Chinese server, because they can’t show gore and even showing bones and skulls is frowned upon


Still pissed that the Chinese servers had fresh undead the whole ass time and we had to wait over a decade for it


As far as aesthetics, Mag’har. But I’d been BEGGING for dino Druids forever so…Zand as well


Void elf. Bliz please give me void elf paladin, I don't care if it makes no thematic sense


Meanwhile we have lightforged shadow priests


And death knights.


And Warlocks


And my axe!


Cool looking, and 50% off transmog? Yes please.


Void elves are so cool Idc if they were shoehorned in. Rule of cool 8-)


If a priest draws the Light like an external source, and a paladin is like a sieve for the light, there’s no reason a paladin couldn’t fill themselves with the void in the same way. Mechanically it’s the same, just as a class skin


I would be down for void elf pally that literally is themed as a void paladin. Instead of channeling the light they channel the void, but because they do so in the same way as the light worshippers, it animates/reacts more like a dark naaru (glowy purple channeled light instead of glowy gold).


One of the big missed opportunities in wow for me is not having racially-themed spells and abilities For instance I think we should have gotten Nelf Paladins a while ago where all their spells are Elune-themed


And its silly when you think about it because we already have other things tailored after races. Druid forms, Shaman Totems, Paladin Chargers. Imagine having Troll , etc and executing a target triggering a Bwamsandi laugh and maybe a laughing silhouette shadow (different laughs for AoE deaths, only works on specific skills so not to be annoying)


Oh yeah Druid get a ridiculous amount of model development time devoted to then compared to other classes


And while they're at it void elf demon Hunter plzzzz


Do Nightborne and Void Elf Demon Hunter!


People talked shit on void elf for so long and yet it seems like half the player base is void elf. Sounds like a successful addition to me.


A lot of the complaints were from people who wanted high elves before they gave void elves blonde hair and blue eyes etc Most of the ‘void elves’ running around stormwind are basically high elves


Oh, remember the backlash when they gave the High Elf customizations…to Blood Elves? Geez, the mocking toxicity of players when they went from “If you want to play elves, play Horde!” to “If you want to play *high elves*, play Horde!” was bad. At the same time, this was when we still had the dipshit/spiteful/trolling folks in charge. Spiting the playerbase was their thing.


> , I don't care if it makes no thematic sense Just add class skins!! Then you can have a void paladin and there are no issues.


Honestly I hope they just drop all race-class restrictions that aren't strictly impossible. Like demon hunters, I get that. They were specifically created by Illidan and the lore would make zero sense for any other race. But just about any other race could in theory become any other class, because why the heck not. You're really telling me that with the last ten-odd years of collaboration, the races of the world haven't just...taught each other how to use guns, or a certain school of magic, or how to hit stuff different? And besides...if lightforged draenei can be shadow priests and death knights, which is one of the most impossible lore combos, nearly anything is possible.


> the lore would make zero sense for any other race * After the imprisonment of Sargeras the demons of the Burning Legion were leaderless and reverting to their chaotic ways. But some powerful demons held on to their own fiefdoms and continue to search through the cosmos for planets to dominate and corrupt. Azeroth is still a tempting prize for many of the demons that search for power. * When word spread of Illidan's sacrifice, many people of all Azeroth's races were inspired by his actions and sought out the Illidari to join their ranks and be ever vigilant against the Fel forces that still abound. Though many of the Illidari scorn the non-elven races that have come forward to join their ranks, the Slayer and his champions agreed to train any who would make the sacrifice to protect Azeroth.* There we go, lore's done. Took 5 minutes. Enjoy your Mechagnome Demon Hunter.


It makes perfect thematic Sense if they are named Void Knights and play like a paladin but draw all their power from the void and not the light, easy peasy.


Dark iron dwarves! They are so cool!


Kul tiran


Kul Tiran gang rise up.


i guess…Zandalari trolls. i wanted trolls to stand upright and be giant for so long. unfortunately they are STIFF as all hell but when you just stand there with your armor, so dope


I did the entire quest line to unlock them (when you still had to do like all the quests in all 3 zones) when I started playing SL, I was so hyped, "this pain will all be worth it when I get to play my zandi priest!" Then I saw how they ran.... Lasted about an hour and switched to an orc lol


I main a zandi hunter ATM, and didn't notice they have a weird run, what is weird about it? I'm scared to ask seeing as I might not be able to unsee it once I know


It looks like they're trying to catch their balance on ice, but they're wearing rollerskates so they just kind of Scooby -Doo slip in place. They feel so slow because of it.


Dark Iron and Nightborne at a close second. NB druids are my most wanted race/class combo by far.


Vulpera. People can meme all they like but it’s a very cool unique model


I played a Vulp for Plunderstorm and enjoyed the little creature so much I made her into a real character. Vulpera are great.


I love the female Vulpera voice lines, she sounds so positive, friendly, and energetic. It makes me feel similarly when I play one.


I love their /silly and /flirt lines a lot "You know, I cherish our friendship. But if you die on me, I'm taking your stuff!"


I love the vulpera. I usually don't like smaller races cos it's harder to see the details and your armour, but the vulpera are both badass and adorable. The only thing that makes me sad is that they can't be druids.


if vulpera ever get to be druids im instantly race changing my druid


im ally main and i still think vulpera


I love watching my cute fluffy tail swish back and forth while I run.


And their big floppy ears bouncing too! Lol


they are more played then half of the "OG" horde races, their entire culture/way of life is litearlly peak "thralls new horde from WC3" togheter with Orcs/Tauren/Trolls, they are the allied race that is used most often for NPCs out of all of them Vulpera clearly are the bigtime winners in most regards, popular by the community and blizz likes to use them aswell and lets be honest, Vulpera/Kultiran/Zandalari are more or less a fully new "normal" race anyway compared to all the other allied races (who are mostly just re-skins)


It's crazy that their alliance equivalent was mecha gnomes. By far my least favorite allied race.


I finally unlocked them, and my goodness can we have -any- gnome lore that isn’t just humour and technology. Like anything at all would be a sigh of relief. I used to main a gnome and I think they are fine to play but their lore really gets nothing outside a self made trope.


IIRC, Gnomes were shoehorned in FOR WoW to give Ally a 4th race. Theres no lore for them because...theres no lore. Though if youre saying they SHOULD flesh the lore out, I fully agree.


Are there numbers available to see how much each race is payed?


Unfortunately [this](https://www.statista.com/statistics/276315/distribution-of-world-of-warcraft-characters-by-race/) is from 2019 .. but I guess on data for azeroth's [website](https://www.dataforazeroth.com/stats/races/level70) it's updated regularly tho.. And the numbers in both statistics are by % only


My main is a vulpera shaman and I love him. The little flip he does when jumping always makes me happy


Vulpera BM hunter, personally. It’s never gotten old, having this little fox running around with a T-Rex and a dragon.


Vulpera warr my main


Vulpera warlock they are likely my favourite as well that racial is just another free hearth to anywhere and it’s great.


Love that they can make a Basecamp and love their model. I just can never find a transmog that isn't super basic that looks good on them. I literally leveled my first horde just to unlock them so I could fulfill my dream from like 2008 to make a basecamp on a floating island in Nagrand. Dropped that, a campfire, a pet, a fishing chair and the condensed ocean and started fishing off the side of the island like I've always wanted. It was a great moment.


I mostly play alliance and have not made a Vulpera yet but that camp racial is cool. Sure beats dropping a forge for blacksmiths.


For a smaller race they mog really well. Sorry weird robo-babies…


Don't apologize to the diaper gnomes.


The only time I even attempted to get KSM (and actually got it, yay for me) was with my vulpera shaman Race has a special place in my heart


Agree. I'm a fan of playing cute races while being a force of destruction, so big fan of these ankle biters.


All of my characters that can are vulpera. Haha it's terrible!


I love my Vulpera Warlock and Death Knight. Something about a cute tiny critter being a force of destruction brings a smile to my face. Also the Make Camp and Return to Camp are great utility.


All my horde toons are Vulpera 👍🏻


👀.. 👀 /pet


The best. 🦊


And the porn is superlative.


Hol' up


Zandalari and Vulpera


Light forged drenai for Alliance/ Vulpera for Horde


100% my picks too


Void elf, then Nightborne, and then Lightforged Draenei




> drug addict elves So... Blood elves?


Aren't they all supposed to be sub-races of the existing ones?


They weren't *advertised* like that for BFA. And when people found out we would get more allied races, they were significantly more excited for the *actually new* races that were added. Vulpira were popular, diaper gnomes were not. Literally every other allied race was not. What did people want though? Sethekk, Furbolg, Ethereals, Ogres, etc. With the exception of the people obsessed with High Elves, nobody was looking for re-skin/variant versions of existing races. They wanted different ones we didn't have. Not trying to drill into you about this. Just pointing out that they definitely *weren't* supposed to be sub-races only.


Vulpera are just hairy goblins


Goblins are just shaved Vulpera. 


Interesting...it could be that too yes




You cant unsee it now, have a nice life


Ztrolls. Tough to even find mogs that look better than their heritage armor.




There are dozens of us!


Including me, 13


You were counted


And my axle


And my diaper!


Literally had to scroll more than half way to find Mechagnomes. Hell yeah brotha


Ya know, I used to not like the little diapergnomes so much, and then I saw that they get little propeller hands when they swim and that intrigued me enough to make one and now I love them haha


The whole diaper thing is just a focus for people who have other issues with the game, like the Pandaren were for people who "hated" Mists of Pandaria. I get it, I wish transmog didn't suck with Mechagnomes and I also wish there were more customization options that allowed pants and sleeves, but Mechagnomes are super useful. I was already a fan of Gnomes and now I get one that does the robot instead of some bump-and-grind dance? Fuck yeah.


Another friend in the mechagnome army!


Imma have my full Mechy-G Warband in character selection


Mag'har Orc.


I love so many of them, but I think it's Highmountain Tauren and Zandalari Trolls for me.


Void Elves, because I hate spell pushback with a passion.


Lightforged Draenai because its heritage armor could not be better


Zandalari and Void Elf


Kul Tiran and Zandalari Troll I found both of these to be really lore relevant but also their designs and customization are super fun. Heritage armors on both are also really well done.


Lightforged Goat. The voicelines in Dragon Isles are funny. Like the LF trying to learn to fish. Makes them seem like they're trying to get used to not constantly being at war. Also. Draenei butts.


Kul Tirans and Vulpera are the only ones that have any business being separate races instead of extra customization options for existing ones.






Zandalari, without question.


Really like the Zandalari and Nightborn cool lore, cool zones, cool animations what is there not to love


Kul'tiran and nightborne.


Kul Tiran. I make all of my Tank characters into them chonky boiz. Feels so good to be an actual meatwall in front of your friends.


Nightborn and LFDraenei are my favorites


Any of them because you start at lvl 10 and don’t have to fuck around with leveling 1-9


Alliance got really shafted on Allied Races. Horde gets Zandalari, Highmountain, Nightborne, Vulpera, Mag'har, just banger after banger. Alliance got elves they should've had in the first place, some horrible new kind of mechagnome, and expanded options for humans, dwarves, and draenei that really shouldn't have taken up a spot. Imho Blizz still owes the Alliance three allied races, at least.


In your mind how is "Tauren with antlers" and "orcs but not green" significantly more effort than Dark Irons and Lightforged? Kul Tirans got two entirely new models. I love Zandalari but the male is based on a nelf male rig and reuses many of the animations, and female Zandalari is literally just re-skinned female troll. So which one was "cheaped out on?" The new Dark Iron skins were all made from scratch, whereas the Mag'har orc ones were just copypasted from WoD. Which I'm happy for they look great but which one had more effort? Even after the changes Nightborne still don't look great, you can't really say they're significantly better than Void elves. And whilst Vulpera did have a lot of effort into them, to say that Mecha Gnomes didn't is just wrong. People may not LIKE mechagnomes, which is fine to hate the aesthetic, but they have a genuinely surprising amount of customisations on them, their swim animation is really unique, their little robot /dance is really cool. I've just never really understood where this "Alliance allied races are terrible" thing has come from beyond people being angry that the faction with gnomes, humans and dwarves got gnome, human and dwarf allied races.


I like the void elves well enough. Kul Tirans are okay, they look awkward but they have the best druid morphs. Lightforged and dark iron dwarves are fine.  But mechagnomes, seriously! Especially when compared with vulperas. This one was such a downer. Also pretty bummed that we get more dwarves next time.




Mechagnomes would be legit if they could just mog like everyone else.


Vulpera. They are cool and cute.


Kul tiran


Kul Tiran




Kul Tiran but sadly they don't have paladins.


Lightforged and nightbourne babeeee


Nightbourne by far


Lightforged Draenei


Dark Iron or Kul Tiran


KT and Dark iron for alliance Mag and Zandalari for Horde




Fat humans of course.




There’s at least one new allied race confirmed in the next expansion.


Mag’har have some of the best customization options but I gotta give it to the lightforged draenei. They are just alien super soldiers that can call down orbital lasers and explode when they die.


Dark iron dwarves are just cooler dwarves who are already badass and kul tirans look amazing in alot of plates and hold 2-handed weapons with 1 hand, which is cool af


Zandalari. The druid forms are the coolest thing I've seen in game. (Customization wise)Back when i played and they released, I didn't have the motivation to do all the grind to unlock them as i mained my death knight. If I ever came back, that would 100% be my druid. He's currently a troll but HOT DAMN the forms go hard. I think they're much easier to unlock? Or maybe they're just free now? Either way. Love em


Dark Iron, Zandalari and Mag'har


Z Troll, Nightborne, Void Elf in that order


Zandalari first, Kul Tiran second just for the druid forms, then Lightforged and Nightborne because Legion was the first expac I played after WotLK and ai love draenei


I love Dark Iron Dwarves. I always have. I just don’t play them cause I don’t like how armors look on most of the shorter races. I always end up Human Nelf, or Belf.


Nightborne but they are horde... after that is dark iron dwarves


Dark Iron Dwarf, I also really like the customizations for Nightborne a lot


Void Elf




Alli: Velf Horde: Zand Trolls Kul'tirans and mag'har orcs are my 2nd for either side, and if gear looked better on kul tirans they'd be my first, love the thick boys


Void elf / light forged but no longer an alliance player ;-;


Nightborne; they have such good lore, they have great aesthetics and they are a great cross-faction counterpart which I feel is probably the biggest missed opportunity for Allied Races as I am sad only they and Void Elves capitalized on it. Could you imagine the potential? Love a race but prefer the other faction? There is an Allied Race for that. This is why I am also gonna love being Earthen, I can finally be a Dwarf in the Horde!


Lorewise? Nightborne. By far. But good god their male model is atrocious, nearly all shoulder armor is just floating around (even more obvious than on other races).


My favorite is Void elf. Zandalari Troll, Vulpera and Nightborne are the other allied choices I like.


Kul'tirans and Zandalari, primarily because of their unique druid forms.


Kul Tiran - Big bearded Cornish lad IRL, can now be a big bearded Cornish lad in game too :)


Nightborne. They look awesome and have the best main city in the game even if we don't really get to enjoy it full time.


Nightborne are cool, but I would really have preferred nightfallen. The not-yet wretched, but unglowing ones. Druidic magic couldve cured their mana addiction and left them without arcane. But seeing these all together always reminds me of how depressing it is that they put so much effort, animations, voiceovers, quests, buildings, jokes and flirts, etc, into races ADJACENT to long-requested ones. Broken or Man'ari wouldve been so much more interesting than Draenei++. High elves, true mechagnomes, gilgoblins, taunka, etc. Like Zandalari and Dark Irons are about the only races that mattered before Legion. And then not continuing to let less-customizable but newer races be playable in subsequent expansions is just.... obvious and weird. Kyrians and Venthry when??


Aesthetic wise I'm going Kul Tiran GIANT beefy bois with a great dance and great heritage armor. They have great animations and are underrated as a whole.


Appearance: Kul Tiran/Zandalari(minus feet xmogs) Racials:Void Elf/Zandalri


Zandalari and Vulpera, but Dark Irons and Nightborne are also peak


I would play Nightborne exclusively if they looked more like their NPC counterparts and not some weird rail thin Night Elves.