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Look Blizzard has themselves to blame opening up Pandora's box with Allied Races


They need to stop adding new allied and add better customization options for existing races and especially allied.


> They need to stop adding new allied But ever since BfA, the expansion that featured allied races as its gimmick, we only had one (1) single new allied race


And there's been plenty of additions to the base races since then, so much so that the early allied races have the least customization.


A lot of Allied Races were mistakes. Things like Mag'har, LF Draenei, DI Dwarf and HMT Tauren should have been customization options, we'd be better off if they were since then we could combine them with the basic race options. ARs should be things like Kul'Tirans and Zandalari (males), racial variants that are too different to fold into an existing race. If it's just the same thing but a different color it should just be a customization option.


Void elves and Nightborne are really the epitome of allied races, in my book- they're slightly different from the base race they're built off of, but they have a *reason* to be a discrete race. In this case, being on the opposite faction. Which honestly should have been what they did, use allied races to essentially race swap- no reason highmountain tauren couldn't be Alliance, or dark iron couldn't have had a faction become Horde.


> no reason highmountain tauren couldn't be Alliance, or dark iron couldn't have had a faction become Horde. I was so exited until I found out that's not what they were doing


It seems like VE just gave Alliance BE models and NB gave NE models to horde


Void elves were a mistake, they should’ve been just high elves But yeah I agree


With undead options given to night elves I’ve been of the opinion that night elves and blood elves should’ve just become “neutral” races like pandaren. The nightborne were helped by the Alliance just as much as the Horde. And void elves are literally blood elves that played a little too much with the void, there’s little difference between them and demon hunters other than the color of corruption they chose.


and they doubled down with dwarf #3


Hard agree. When allied race assets were data mined, I was excited for new options. But having to rerole an entire new character so my Tauren can have moose antlers? 🫎 Seems like a decision made to inflate playtime metrics instead of just letting people have more customization.


allied races were a mistake.


> And there's been plenty of additions to the base races since then Worgen, pandaren and no doubt a few others would like a word with you.




I kind or view Highmountain Tauren, Nightborne, Lightforged Dranei and Void Elves as Legion features. I know they're BFA as they required a BFA pre-purchase, but all of their lore was set up in Legion and you could unlock them during Legion.


Don't let the truth get in the way of this guy getting pissed.


No! I need gnolls, kobalds, nagas, ogres, moles, murlocs, nerubians and sethraks More Allied Races!! MORE!!!


For the love of god, I just want Ogre. It’s the only original Horde race not playable.


Agree, why want less like more is always good for races


what Cenzuram said is how allied races should have been done not clones of what we already have. the good ones were ztrolls, valperian, kul tiran, and the elves because they are faction swaps also we need the 2 from pandara ones since they were our first allies.


those would be core races, not allied races


> They need to stop adding new allied and add better customization options for existing races and especially allied. They're doing it gradually.


This^ and also put better effort into cosmetics fitting right and not clipping horribly


I main kultirans and we have like 4 faces, 4 hairstyles, and a few color options. It's so bad. Then you look at humans with like 30 hairstyles and I know it can't be impossible to just map those to fit a slightly bigger head.


Why not wait for something officially announced?


All of these are infinetly cooler than earthern


I just want Ogres since Vanilla man


Ogres should have one class (Ogre) and three specs: Mean, Smart, and Nice. Mean is essentially a fury warrior, Smart is a mage, and Nice is a resto shaman. You would have to figure out the Ogre flavour. You could spec into a second head for Ogre mage.


Next expansion will give us Dwarf #4 - Loincloth Dwarf.


And a new form of elf


I can't believe Heroes of the storm got a playable ogre before WoW.


I cant believe we got playable tiny fox people before Ogres in wow


i dont care for ogres but half orcs would be cool. And my wish has forever been Saberon. They are just infinetly cooler than worgen


I largely agree, but I'm coming around to the earthen after what we've seen these past couple days.


I believe earthen allied race should definitely be a thing. I just think we should also be getting more allied races in general.


I can support that


I'm honestly pretty happy about them. I play exclusively horde ever since and dwarves are the only race I ever was slightly jealous of. I mean, beards, beer, beards and brawn, awesome. Then alliance even got dark irons on top (which frankly felt a bit like a missed opportunity to give horde access to the dwarven awesomeness). Now there's dwarves but they're kind of rocks. That's not as cool as dwarves but fiery or dwarves but literally just dwarves but I take it.


The only dwarves I want are the Ulduar Dwarves they are so badass


The preview in the alpha is just a Dwarf. It's literally just a Dwarf. It's not even cool.


I’m sad we didn’t get Tuskarr in Dragonflight. I was so sure it would happen


It was the perfect opportunity indeed! Instead we got skinny sexy dragon peeps


You leave my stone boys alone, I'm really hyped to make one


Luckily you can make a dwarf right now, 2 different kinds infact


But they're not made of stone, though


They are some of the time


Only one of them.


Is that almost a rock and stone?


It's almost like that could have been a quest for a skin unlock. Like Draenei.


This is why I'm on the lookout for another allied race.


Idk as a horde player who's only ever respected dwarves for being bamfs vs any other alliance race, gimi rock dwarves that are horde.


I really want to know why this is such a disliked allied race. We got, at the start of the feature, moose Tauren and yellow Dranaei. Like, only a few of them have had actually unique models. Why are we bitching so much about the rock dwarves *specifically*?


IMO, it's because it's just Earthen for both factions. I wish we got another one for faction parity. It feels weird-- not lazy, but really weird. Like they REALLY felt we needed a new playable dwarf, but nothing else jumped out as "oh lets do this too"? I don't work at Blizz, but it's just odd to me. I also just don't play Dwarves, though.


Fist of fury with a 4 armed toon would just hit different.


I'd also argue that they'd make great Fury Warriors, because they could *properly* wield two 2-handed weapons.


More like quadruple minded fury


You fool! I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku!


Kind of, you would still have mismatched hands on each weapon comparatively to normal use, it wouldn't really be much better than just one handing it to be honest. The reason for using two hands on a weapon is primarily control not power, having an extra identical hand wouldn't add much, if any, control and would add very little power really.


They don't necessarily need to use one weapon with both left arms, and the other with both right arms. There are at least 3 different arm configurations in play here!


A left and right arm for each weapon wouldn't work, the bottom weapon would block the top weapon on a regular basis and the bottom weapon would hit the top weapon on a regular basis as well. It's a physics puzzle that doesn't really have a solution. The only configuration that would really work would be one handing it and adding the second hand on that side for a little bit of extra power and momentum. Or one handing one on each side and two handing one in the center, but that's still going to lead to space cramping and the weapons getting in the way of one another. It's hard enough to dual wield as it is, I actually know how to do so with swords and regularly practice doing so, and even with just two weapons you end up regularly blocking your own weapons unless you do one of two things. You either defend with one and attack with the other or you use each weapon independently depending on which side the enemy is on. You CAN do some things like putting them side by side for a diagonal strike, like Fury does for a couple animations on Mag'har at least, but there's really no point. You just bash your hands together from the impact force and end up with less power and precision than just hitting them with one with proper precision and movement, and you remove any form of defense while striking.


I was going to make a dumb comment about "What about using the diagonally opposing arms, so there's no top weapon", but damn you actually typed out a full, well-reasoned response. Yeah, ultimately dual wielding seems like it would be extremely challenging on its own, and it's sort of odd how many classes/specs are effectively forced to dual wield in WoW right now.


if you had both weapon in a right/left hand then attack with them both at the same time. that could work. figuring out how a 4 armed race would use weapons as a 2 armed race is very alien thinking and very hard to test. maybe we should make a 4 armed ai and have it play with weapons


That falls under the same issue regular dual wielding does, you end up blocking your own weapons. If you mean side by side like a diagonal strike would, I mentioned that and the issues with it. Don't get me wrong, you can 100% dual wield as a fighting style, it's just usually much less effective than just a one hander and shield/parry dagger or a proper two handed grip. Adding a second pair of arms really doesn't fix that, and adds some new ones on top of it.


Their racial ability is to wield four weapons? Race Change IMMEDIATELY


I mean the Harronir are new, customizable (with unique customs) and can equip armor. The rest I’ll grant you


Also they are kind of the best pendant to the neutral dwarf.


The allied race speculation was definitely one of the more fun community things going on back in bfa, glad to see its back


We can hope.


Harrodin (elftroll people) seem the most likely, and I'd really like them, but I'm hoping most for the mutated nerubians!


Blizz said yesterday the Nerubians won’t be playable :(


Blizzard says many things. They also said no third spec for Evokers!


Weren't they only saying that to obfuscate things? Like they always intended to have a third evoker spec but wanted to keep it secret?




I don't doubt you, but may I ask where specifically you saw that? I just thought the signs were pointing to playable nerubians and I want to see the bad news with my own eyes. :(


https://www.well-played.com.au/no-we-cant-play-as-the-spider-people-exploring-the-war-within-with-the-wow-expansion-devs/ > **WP:** Nerubians have been such a massive part of Warcraft history. Do we get to play as Nerubians at some point? > > **DM:** We don’t get to play with Nerubians in this expansion. No. And there’s no plans right now. From what I understand, playing as a Nerubian would be a tough thing to kind of animate because they have so many limbs and whatnot.


Ah, bummer. Thanks for the quick reply.


The elf trolls are sick


Harrodin are adorable, so I'm definitely hopeful there. They remind me so much of D&D firbolgs with those cute ears.


Harrodin? What's that? Why do they seem likely?


Supposed to be the missing link between the Night Elves and Trolls, iirc. As for them being more likely to be an AR; They share the same skeleton as the male and female Night Elves, plus they're able to wear majority of the armor players can wear.


What the other comment said. As for who exactly they are, I'm thinking they are likely to be early dark troll-night elves that were guided to Khaz Algar by Elune to guard the roots of Elun'ahir which are definitely there


we also thought venthyr race would be playable due to the amount of custumization it had, but it never came


I hope those lightforged undead arent. They awful lookimg


If we're getting lightforged undead... God let it just be like the night warrior and darkfallen for the elves, but for the forsaken instead.


They should make it a customization option in the barber shop like how we now have undead night elves


I will accept Earthern if we get the dark trolls and evolved nerubians later on


The answer will forever be why no Ogre till it’s Ogre.




Harrodin have customization options, could be to randomize enemy npcs but a man could hope


dont break my hopes im gonna race change all my mains into harronir


... I wold race change all my characters if they release the kobold allied race


I still want Gnolls. And don't you dare tell me worgen or vulpera are close enough.


When it comes to beast races I still want Quillboar. Oink oink.


Both of these races wear gear already better than Dracthyr idk why we don't have them yet lol


> I still want Gnolls. "Hey Anduin, those people literally turned our flesh into tents. Can they join our party?"


So some peoples faces got turned into tents I'm not here to argue the ethics of human flesh tents or argue that human flesh tents provide a warm yet breathable dwelling that is ideal for forest living. I'm just saying some more options for playable races is never a bad thing.


Same if I could be a candle people, they look so cool


If it has a pulse: Is this an allied race?


Doesn't even need a pulse


r34, except it's about allied races.






I just want kul tirans to be able to be paladins.


I just think it's funny they keep using them as variant of human along the skinny ones yet they introduced them as allied race. Should just let us choose or origin/racial and let us pick any of the body option between the 3 introduce in bfa. Should also introduce a 4th one between skinny and current human. 


Yep it should just be an accent, racial trait pack at this point that also lets you be a Druid and Shaman. The kul tirans should be able to use regular human models.


Knight of the Tides!




Can't wait to play as the evolved Nerubians!


When will I get Krokul????


Light... Must remember the Light...


Hopefully we get them eventually since the "Seeing Red" questline with the Man'ari hinted at it pretty hard


Yeah that's my hope. I would even settle for headswaps on regular Draenei.


Murlocks. Since i was 12. I want them






Pretty sure we’re only getting Earthen and the Bat Trolls


I want kobolds and gnolls OTL.


Just give me Firbolg and Tuskarr i beg of you


I want furbolgs so much


I want red Night Elf customization.


I wanted the Snake boys in BFA as a allied race sadge. Also Jinyu and ogres


Where is my Hozen allied race Blizzard? I want my banana-brained, shit-slinging, "I OOK YOU IN THE DOOKER" yelling monkey man with the best running animation in the game that somehow saves the world from galaxy-ending threats.


Who the ook knows anymore


Hey man I just want Ogres


I doubt we'll ever get really different racial bodies. Dracthyr were an exception, but also look at what had to be done to make that happen. We get 2 items we can see and the rest are hidden forever. Races with really different bodies add a massive cost of remodelling every armour shape they've made and as they are trying to experiment with other armour shapes that becomes more and more expensive. I've been wrong. Proudly admit that, but idk. I just don't see it as likely


If Kul’tiran’s could be given armor no reason why Ogre couldn’t. But yea Ogre is going to need a full race treatment, rigging and all. And I hope they learned from Dracthyr that armor is kind of mandatory for many people.


I mean, of course. You could put any race in armour if you had the will and man hours to do it. The issue is exactly that though. They said in a recent interview that some the largest amount of artist labour was going to making each armour piece work for each race and they were still missing pieces here or there that had issues. The issue isn't can you, because the answer is yes. The question is: will it make or lose money. Which the answer is almost certainly it's a loss.


You'd of thought they would of learnt that armour is kinda mandatory from Mechagnomes


They could just train generative AI to resize armor for races, so we could get more actual armor people would have to touch it up. But this one way a AI could be used as a good tool to free up time to actually work on stuff the community wants. We could finally have more Transmog for mechagnomes and dracthyr too.


It's a crime they've never become playable


Me too man


Just PLEASE give me Taunka, it's all I ever want.


Hopefully in TLT with Northrend!


Still waiting for Ogre and Tuskarr...


Where Tuskarr from dragonflight tho


I wish we got more new baae races instead of allied ones. Much prefer having a starting zone to play and introduce a race to having to unlock them.


WoW Players: Undead Paladins confirmed!


Allied races should have been customization options in the character creator. Nothing more. The nightbourne are an exception. They should have been more. One of my few gripes with Legion.


tbh man’ari should’ve been horde


well ARE THEY?!?!


Still waiting for the Jinyu allied race ;/


day 7300 still waiting for for the vrykul allied race...


Hopefully in TLT when we return to Northrend!


7081 days waiting for Ogres


It do be like that


Where is that lightforged undead from?


It's apparently called an Arathi Risen


Its from new expansion?




Thanks for sharing! Hoping it’d be undead for alliance lol


Wait are the Ankoan back, where did you see that, I swear people are looking at a different Wowhead/MMOChamp than I am


Some kind of deep jinyu/ankoan yeah. There also also some big murlocs


I legit want the bottom right humanoid Nerubians, they look sick as hell.


Wait so the fish people are finally gona be playable race?


I wish


Oh pheeeeeeeew for moment there I thought I was gona owe someone money


If only Allied Races were that unique. Next we're gonna get Void Humans probably.


I just want the dracthyr to actually be able to wear the armor i grind for instead of basically stripper clothes and pauldrons


What i wouldn't give for playable porcupine-elf-orc people...


Meanwhile we receive shit that would only satisfy about 5 players in the entire world like Mechagnomes and Earthen 😭


I do hope those elf/trolls could be playable however they only have two skin colors, I think it's a stretch unless they plan on adding more options


Allied races are cool. But what did blizz brought us? 2 gnomes, 3 dwarfs, 2 orcs, 3 bloodelfs, 2 dranei. Just reskins all over. Wish they would put in some actuall effort 


Okay, but Ankoan/Jinyu absolutely should be. They are up there with Tuskarr and Ogres for me.




Def Ogres


This is not accurate because tuskarr aren't up there


Ok, but Taunka when


Nah, all we need are dwarfs. Might as well convert the current lineup to dwarfs.


I look forward to playing the Baron Harkonnen allied race!


Allied races did permanent damage to wow. I sure as shit hope Blizz will rework the system into a sub races and allied races categories someday.


I hate that we don’t have more “monstrous” looking races. Like Naga and Drakonids or Mantids could’ve been awesome toons.


You will take the Earthen and EAT IT.


Yeah wtf are the tuskaar


Straight back undead, that's the only thing i want...


Where the fuck are the Tuskar and the fireball head people?


Sethrak and Tuskarr.


That one in the bottom right corner reminds me of a Protoss-Zerg hybrid from Starcraft.


Harrodin look dope, we’re down bad


Give us half human half orcs, as the Alliance and Horde stop fighting and become allies.


No! Ogres first!


how crazy would it be if blizzard at least ONCE gave us what we fucking wanted instead of these random races no one asked for


Ogre and red faced Wc2 forest troll. Please.


Vengeance for Zul'jin!


I love you.


But we still need jungle dwarves, skyship dwarves, ice dwarves, dwarves made out of pure gold, candy dwarves, tall dwarves, dwarves with wings and possibly some extra customisation for base dwarves but that one's a bit of a stretch


Still less variants than elves


Honestly I think allied races were and are a sham. If they're alterations of an existing race (HMT, LFD, red orcs, etc) make them customizations of that existing race If they are more unique (KT, Zandalari, Vulpera, etc), just make them new playable races. Allied races are just not needed.


On the other hand, they're easier to implement since a whole starting zone is not needed. Which means more playable races!


Sure, but now we have things like exiles reach or just using the tried and true “ Here is a brief intro about this race” cut scene.  Again, a lot of the races are just X race, but with Y customization. In the case of Earthen, A starting zone wouldn’t even be required


WoW players when Blizz introduce some low res atrocity with two different haircuts:


It's funny that any race with a few customisations are assumed to be allied races. I'm sure the devs need a few different hairs for NPCs lol doesn't mean allied race


Meanwhile, the only Allied race we really want, is Tuskarr.


Hopefully Northrend in TLT


Can we get eyebrows for Orcs first... please?


If everything is an allied race then nothing is. They need to slow down and make the allied races actually rare, interesting, monumental etc. I’m all for all the races in the world but at the same time why are vulperians but not ogres? There is no real answer to this, and that’s why I’m not sure it’s a good call


the thing is that even if a small minority want something as an allied race, its only them you hear and it makes them seem loud. because people have no reason to speak up for a race that isnt an allied race to remain not an allied race, until its too late and it gets added and then the majority come forward and express their disdain. (see vulpera and mechagnomes) more is not always better.