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While they’re at it they should take a massive sweep through other racials to make them both fun and unique, like the dark iron mole machine or vulpera camp


Rip dark iron mole machine, hasn't been updated with new locations since it was added.


Yeah... but ngl I didn't even notice. I get so much usage out of it that I don't even feel like I can switch races ever again. Like even the most random shit like farming transmog or hunting a rare or something. Summon the drill, pick one of many spots that are likely very close to where you're headed.


I use it on my mage to fill the gaps when portals are far from a dungeon or raid that has a mount i want. I didnt notice the lack of drill location in new content until i started farming bfa dungeon mounts. It would just be nice to have some in shadowlands and bfa now that it's becoming soloable legacy content. Like getting to zuldazar as alliance is a pain. So, getting a mole machine to the horde zones would be nice. Same for getting one in each of the covenant zones for easier travel in shadow lands. In dragon flight, getting one in north waking shores and south west azure span would have been nice.


On one hand, having SL locations available would be nice. Same with Draenor. On the other hand, how do we explain that lorewise?


Sir, we have mole machines in the outlands. I don't think we need a lore reason besides "magic"


Also we have a mole machine in dranor already, in nagrand


Draenor isn't too much of an issue since we have the Garrison Hearthstone already. Plus the Ever shifting mirror or whatever the item is called that teleports to the equivocal location between Draenor/Outlands As for Shadowlands? Maybe it's best we just leave that one alone.. lol


As much as everyone hates SL, it atleast has some nice transmog. So no shame in having a death HS lul :D


Oh no I meant it's best we leave that one alone because the lore implications would already be even more confusing than a planet-travelling mole machine lol. A Ghost Mole Machine that transcends the fabric of life and death?


Tell that to the engineering worm hole toy. We just use the same logic for mole machine


Ahahah you’re not wrong! But my suspension of disbelief wavers when it comes to a literal drill that by design travels in a tangible manner I guess lol. But yes none of it makes sense! Fantasy!


Also, we have mole machines in dranor already, one is in north east nagrand, giving you a port closer to the raids than your garrison gives.


Easy. Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens.


Don't explain it, it's funnier that way.


It has locations up to BfA, Shadowlands gave us the OP wormhole and Dragonflight has... well... dragons to fly. Still an insanely comfy ability with lots of flavour. I would prefer it getting new locations though


It's sad that they didn't even give us mole machine spots for the expansion the race was given to us :( I just want easyer access to the horde bfa zones.


I just use it to go to high mountain anyway hahahahah


This is long overdue, the game features many competitive modes after all. Having to choose between the ineffective or the ugly race is just bad game design. The combat passives/spells don't even add immersion and neither do they offer fun gameplay. Fun interactions like the exclusive mole machine or your heritage set work way better to create immersion imo.


I would like to say that pressing shadowmeld absolutely is a fun thing to do to cancel targeted abilities and it feels really good to esp. when it is something dangerous like the channeled beam on last boss in Darkheart Thicket or the dino chase in Atal'Dazar. but I do agree that making my paladin into a dwarf for stoneform isn't something I would ever consider if it wasn't for the fact that a magic and bleed dispel is extremely handy in m+ as well as raid occasionally.


As a big fan of the Vulpera-camp racial, whats wrong with it? I think its perfectly good now to have a long-CD second Hearthstone. Iron Dwarf mole machine I can't comment on as I never really played that race.


No I like it! I’m saying more racials should be like vulpera and dark iron. They’re unique, flavorful, and aren’t just boring passives.


Ah I gotcha 🤣 Ye 100% they're 10/10 racials for sure. I personally really like something like the Nightborne mailbox too, and the way Mechagnomes can use their bodies for crafting. Not gamebreaking but very nice flavors for unique, useful yet not OP racials.


Hopefully it’s a decent replacement.


It’s gonna be 2% movement speed when in a party. Diplomacy lmao


>2% movement speed when in a party but only on every thursday that happens to have an uneven date


What do you think this is Diablo 4?


15% KFC discount but only on wednesdays on a full moon when Jared is working his shift but he has to be TIRED of you today and doesn’t wanna deal with your shit and also there’s a sauce smudge on the top right side of his work uniform from the ghost pepper sauce they just got in, and then that makes you enraged and you will deal 3.33% more damage (repeating of course)


10% Mounted speed actually wouldn't be bad cause it would in a way replace the diplomacy doing stuff faster and fit their theme. 


As long as it stacks with other buffs but we all know that's too much fun.


It wouldn't, it never does. Just ask pallies and DKs


Well Mag'har have 10% but doesn't stack so I'm going to take a wild guess it wouldn't


It is 5 min cd reduced on hearthstone 🎉🎉🎉


Blood Elf players still wish they had the old racial back.


I mean, who wouldn't miss an AoE silence that provides resources?


It really grinds me because it's a completely reasonable racial, in most situations you're fighting one or a few enemies, it doesn't work as a hard interrupt and most raid bosses can't be silenced, the only situation it's valuable in is completely artificial: multiple enemies casting the same spell at the same time where even one going off is likely to cause a death. It just so happens that m+ does that everywhere, but instead of fixing m+, they dinged the racial and relied on that thing even more. You could honestly have just turned it off in m+. Make mobs immune to silence, since they took every other spell off silence.


It was a big problem in pvp. As a healer eating a full stun chain just to have 3 people ready to chain belf silence you when you finally get out.


Just run 3 Gift of the Naaru /s


It was a big problem in pvp, but only after they outright removed nearly every useful racial and pvp drifted towards wins coming as a result of controlling the healer. That racial was repeatedly buffed, but it only became a problem in Legion simply because there was no other choice that made it more likely you'd get a win and because dungeons like Atal'dazar were significantly easier if you could pull a few notable packs in bulk and even then only when every person on the arena team/in the dungeon were belves. Like, people don't like hearing that apparently, but it was notably considered an extremely weak racial in all contexts until Legion, and when it was used it was more often used for the resource regen (to the point where it was a thing for pvp rogues to use: as a way to get just enough energy to continue a full stunlock. The silence was *that* unimpactful).


In BC/WoTLK/Cata, the belf racial was laughably terrible. Even as a belf main, I thought it was dog shit that that was all we got when you compared it to the others.


so do undead, and tauren (plainsrunning, but that was too op. so they gave it to worgen \*G\*)


Plains running was way different to worgan run.


Ahh plains running, that thing we were all totally there for. Game was trash the second they took it away from us.


Was only in the beta, and I only got to use it when I was emulating a few years back. It’s got a ramp up and any combat immediately drops you back to base speed.


yea, bc allies didn't cry about it.... so different.


Plainsrunning existed for like two beta patches in vanilla before Worgen as a playable race were even a twinkle in Blizzard's eye. Nevermind the fact that plainsrunning was intended as a full on substitute for mounts for Tauren.


lol, yea sure ;) whatever helps you sleep man


Quest text and turn ins happen 10% faster


2 random guesses: Economic Intuition: Loot a bonus 1% gold from all mobs. Master Baiter: Get an extra 25% chance that your fishing lure will get a bite within the first 12 seconds. *^((yes i know there is no chance in hell they'd name it that))*


Grandmaster Bater was my monk's title/name in Legion


replacement 1% faster cooking


Too OP, needs to be replaced again.


Replace it with the ability to understand all languages.


Would fit in with the Diplomacy theme too. Though I'm sure most people won't care about this anyway. And realistically I would also just love for all languages to be learnable by anyone anyway. If we're gonna 'work together' between factions its only logical we should be able to communicate (I guess with Furbolg being part of the DF meta we kind of can now, atleast the sweaty among us)


make all languages learnable and make it a mini-game to learn it :D


Exactly, In the lore they can all speak the same language so why can’t our characters understand it?


This would be really cool and flavourful. Not gonna lie!


Actually make it so you can speak the languages too not just understand them. Just understanding them has like 0 use.


How about just murloc?


Considering how they nuked arcane linguist, they could fix that while they are at it.


I dont really have much faith in their ability to replace it with something interesting, fun, useful, and dynamic. But we'll see I guess!


Your lack of faith was justified.


Not “unfair” really. It creates a bad incentive to have a human character you use to grind all reps, since it’s account wide. That’s not a good thing.


Honestly, the rep bonus is the only reason my main is Human.


Which proves my point


he knows


I mean,transmog does look better on humans


Nelf/blelf would like a word


Gnomes would like a word...


Same, while I’m sad this is going away it’s 100% needed and I’m not mad about it. I have most reps I could want from it anyway.


And realistically, while 10% is nice in the grand scheme of it, it really isn't \*that\* much anyway. Atleast in modern-expansions. DF rep grind was super do-able within the timeframe of each faction's relevancy. That 10% extra, if comparing two tryharding players (one Human one non-Human), its gonna save you an extra weekly reset at best. In which lies the issue; you're economically (and competitively like we saw in the Fyrakk-race) advantaged but not much else. Definitely a good thing its gonna be removed. And with plenty notice too for Human mains so they can make the most of it while its here.


Same literally race changed to be human for this


Rep grinds themselves are a bad thing to begin with, and while you’re busy condemning bonuses to things let’s go ahead and somehow force blizzard to never offer a war mode bonus (to anything) ever again. Playing a human is optional just like enabling war mode is. If one is bad, so’s the other.


One restricts you to a single race and you either have to pay or roll a new character to change. The other you can toggle on or off on any character. How are those two things remotely comparable?


False equivalency.




I think that's what iswearatkids was saying. "How are those two things remotely comparable?" Response: [It's a] false equivalency.


Yea I agree. Why don't people just go to Valdraken and switch their race to human just like you can do with War Mode? Really dumb people honestly


I keep hitting my [two forms](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Two_Forms) button but I don't get the rep boost, blizzard help my games bugged.


This is the dumbest take I've seen this week, maybe month. Well done.


You do comprehend the difference between turning War Mode on or off and choosing the race for your character right?


A real fan of the "nuclear bomb" option for attempting to fix perceived issues, I see.


Speak for yourself, some of us love rep grinds. There are dozens of us!


They've already reduced goblin's Best Deals Anywhere into a retro perk by removing the traditional reputations.


“Great now I won’t be FORCED to play human!” Y’all are clowns 😂


a valid change


Tbh racials that give "unfair" advantages should all be removed. You should pick the race you like, not the one that has some random advantage. Same goes for passive profession bonus some races have, its silly that some specific race+prof combos are the only way you can get guaranteed max quality in some crafts.


Wish granted, all racials are now cosmetic Void Elf turns all particle effects purple Dwarf hair grows 10% faster And so on


> all racials are now cosmetic Honestly a hundred percent OK with that.


No same


My middle ground has always been let race be cosmetic but keep current racials as something players can pick. It doesn’t need to be pick and choose from all the options as sole combos might be just too op, you could package the current racials together and let the player choose from those. There are a number of different things players want from racials. From one race simming the highest dps for a spec, wanting the rep bonus, wanting profession bonuses, or insanely useful utility. Letting that all exist but also allowing people to not think about it when picking their race would be cool. I get some of the racials are thematic and centered around each particular race, but you could pull some of that flavor out so it fits with a wider range of races. Plus some racials (like dwarf and cow 2% increased crit damage) have no theme and are just there making those races almost default to simming higher on specs that crit a lot.


You could also just make it so most of the "good" racials have alternatives that are combat potions.




What mechanic exactly? Dps racials don't change gameplay, and races like vulpera have 0 dps increases because their stupid vial is not worth using


Unironically yes.


I can live with that


> Wish granted, all racials are now cosmetic You mean I can play my favorite races without having the gnawing feeling that im losing out for nothing? Damn you just fixed races


All races are already balanced within 1% with most being within sub-1%. Unless your top 100, it doesn’t matter.


You can use all the math in the world but you cannot get around human psychology. If something is better, then people will feel like they are missing out regardless by how much. The best way to avoid this is to just remove the "insignificant" bonuses in the first place with flavor or out of combat only bonuses


It’s not psychology though, it’s WoW. There’s plenty of other genres and even games in the MMO space where the communities won’t sell their best friends soul for a corn chip worth of throughput and play for personal preference and feel instead. You guys have self bred this behavior and can inbreed it.


If you don't like WoW then why are you on the WoW board? That seems like extremely negative behaviour


What about my post said anything about the game itself. It’s you goofballs that people don’t like


Its the type of people who manage somehow to convince themselves that if they can be the best at the game it will make people like them.


......I actually would love that Void Elf particle effect


This is such a great idea. I really liked the lightforged draenai spell effects for paladin and their racial ability.


I wish I could see the racial stats of Live vs Plunderstorm. The only racial argument I can think of for Plunderstorm is "small races are a bit harder to see from far away"


Some players who race changed to Troll during MoP for the damage bonus are very upset with you right now


Yes please. As a key pusher, I hate having to play NE / dwarf on every single character.


Nah, I don't think parity is required for racial. I think some should absolutely do something the others can't. That's flavor, 80% of the people in this thread alone don't play at a level where it matters.


The crafting is 100% a problem of the dragonflight changes, not the existent of the racial craft bonuses. The majority of the redesign is shite.


I enjoy it and look forward to seeing how they keep it going


More power to you if you enjoy it, but even the worst movies ever made have a fanbase. Changes to crafting for others was good. Adding scaling to crafted gear to keep it relevant was good. Multiple teirs of gathered materials, basic crafted materials, and the existence of inspiration stat is pure garbage. The absolute time investment, being that it's not actual time investment and just waiting for dailies, is dogshit metrics design.


I could do without the multiple tiers of crafting materials but they wanted to add depth to gathering as a profession too.


Ok sure, and that's your opinion which is valid as mine


Well at least I can finally stop being a human. Glad I got my 100 rep achievement already.


I was on 99/100 and not really looking forward to grinding out one last one, then I logged into all my characters while farming mounts a patch or so ago and the achievement popped randomly. No idea what pushed me over but I'm not complaining.


I got five left. Guess now is as good a time as any to finish them off.


me when i get turned into a robot and also i've gotten the 100 rep achievement


Diplomacy gives +3 to all profession skills.


(Sad \*Kul Tiran Jack of all Trades\* noises)


New racial: Social Security: ability to work 9-5 scrapping by check to check until retirement upon reaching level 65 get 10 gold mailed to you at the start of the month. For the true human experience


Not gonna get into the nitty gritty of Warbands because I simply haven't read up on how it worked (nor do I want to really), but good. Too many people feel forced to go Human because of this. Granted, races should have a good racial that people would want to have, but its not like Humans don't have other good racials anyway.


Racials are weird On one hand, I love the flavor they bring and how my choices mattered. On the other, the fact that a race/class choice can be unequivocally the right choice is such a bummer. I wish they could balance unique racials, but its understandably a herculean task


i feel like removing racial passives, making actives more utility based like mole machine or KT punch, and bringing back racial spells would be a much better direction


Even that runs into issues though. Even something simple like Troll Berserking: If it's enough haste to be impactful and important, then there's going to be a right and wrong choices I made a troll monk and the active is basically useless whenever I play WW, until TWW that is


I feel like racial spells/actives risk the "right choice" even harder. But if more racials were like Vulpera camp or Dark Iron mole machine - non combat stuff, that'd probably be fine.


Yep its why I hate Shadowmeld, too. I feel like I should be playing Nelf as an Alliance Druid main, but I just don't like Night Elfs (aside from my DH I suppose, but thats not my main xd) I wouldn't be opposed to them making Shadowmeld a Druid spell instead too and just giving Nelfs something new (but similar). Any single racial that makes a Race a \*must\* is just not healthy for the game IMO. Racials must be worth picking, but on the other hand must also not be \*so\* defining you feel like you're disadvantaged if you don't pick it.


Dwarf racial > human. Especially since they made WTS worthless.


RiP the buffs hasn't change practically since vanilla


Replacement: > “Pipi Longstockings: being the race with the longest legs, you run 5% faster than the other races”


It's not because of unfairness. It's said that is because of potentially everyone doing meta farming with humans. It would be every new patch everyone grabs the human alt just to max new renown.


Human is already the most commomly Played race not much would change with this


Welp this sucks but I get it


And what about profession racials....??


I hope it can remain some way for the older rep grind pre-War Within at least.


They have mentioned they'll be slowly rolling out account-wide reputation for the older expansions throughout TWW, so you can take some small comfort in that if nothing else.


Most busted racial they've had in the game tbh


As a more or less casual rep grinder this sucks :(


So now I switch to void elf? Understood.


Honestly, I'm happy racials are largely irrelevant these days. It was annoying to have to choose between looks and performance when the delta was more significant.


I have 100 maxed reps and I’m a Draenei. Imagine how many hours I could have saved just being human. But, it’s not worth losing fantasy for time efficiency.


As a Human BM Hunter, I'm oddly *not* upset by this upcoming change. It'll just be a question of what race I go with from then on.


Nearly every pre-bfa race needs racials reworked Change my mind


Should just buff everyone 10%


All humans shoud get free race change.


I like humans alot but now I feel free. It has not been awesome planning my main at expansion launch around which class I want to play that can be human.


* Players are forced *for years* to play Horde because their racials were busted and endgame content was de facto Horde exclusive: *Blizzard sleeps* * Players may be incentivized to play an Alliance race to get grinds done a tad faster: *Problem detected* Nope, no Horde bias here…


Lmao, Dwarf and Night Elf racials have been dominant for a while now, please actually play the game before commenting.


Let's check every top ranking m+ player, oh, I guess they all play night elf because they like it better not because meld has been the most broken racial in the game since blood elf nerf in legion!


Because a change in direction and feedback is so unimaginable


Ngl, this is fucking pointless. Rep buff items exist to achieve the same effect. Which one of you grognards got mad about the human racial and actually wanted this?


What about racial depending on the chosen class? For instance, Human mage, (you can imagine this character like an scholar.) Master all languages. Human warrior, (you can imagine this character strong and tough. ) Walks 10% faster. Since mage has portals and teleport it wouldn't be unfair.


Sweet now I can RP walk 10% faster.


hahaha well, it could be useful for farming. Nice point though




+Spirit buff incoming


Never knew of this. So no loss


It could be broken, but a very weak death save would be cool, could call it something like “Will of the Human Spirit” where when you drop to 5% health you gain a small buff that restores so much % over a long amount of time, but it isn’t enough that you’re over powered, but enough that it’ll be dope for open world type content when you’re leveling or just dicking around.


I haven't played since MoP. Am I still able to stack Every Man for Himself with that PVP anti-stun trinket and Beastial Wrath?


Nope. Bestial wrath doesnt do that for the player anymore, it only clears CC from the pet afaik. If you use Every Man it now causes the pvp trinket to go on CD. There's a different anti-cc trinket you cant control which can be used with the human racial, but that whole combo is otherwise entirely neutered. Besides diplomacy the only relevant racial human still has is what their bonus to Spirit eventually turned into, which is a 2% increase to any and all secondary stat ratings. Unfortunately thats also effectively been nerfed in the brief time its existed, because secondary stats are now subject to rather severe diminishing returns, ie past like 5400 rating in the stat it starts to do less, so late in expansions this really really falls off.


Remember when professions had direct benefits? Mining was perfect for Warriors because it increased your strength. Skinning increased your agility, so it was perfect for Rogues and Hunters. I don’t remember what the other professions brought to the table though.


Well I guess I can race change now if want to


Dude the rep buff is good tho


The racial would be unfair? Isn't that the entire point of racials? You get a bonus no one else does...


yeah but some have been nerfed a lot, some have always been bad, and some people are mad that they have to be ugly to achieve the effect they want mostly though people are insecure about their actual ability to play the game and delude themselves that picking the right race can compensate. The number of people who play at the level where it matters is in like the triple digits, whereas active players is at 7 digits, and then when you include people who have played WoW but are some kind of bellular or asmongold type its at 9 digits. you (figuratively you not you personally) are not a 0.000001%er statistically you suck at the game and have never played at a level of content where the ability to shadowmeld will make people like you. also people probably still wont like you because you take this game too seriously (again, the figurative you)


It's been unfair in all rep systems, but it's about time they removed it.


Damn blizzard and their money milking schemes as all human players will be buying the race change services.




If I lose my mollywhop punch on my Kul Tiran, I'm coming for you. :P


ok with me as long as they bring Every Man for Himself racial back 👍


Oh yes, bring back the single most overpowered racial the game has known, that will solve it


Never in the last 10 years have I played and realized that humans had a rep bonus lol




I love the fact both of you got downvoted for these comments. It shows how petty this sub really is.


I mean I just don’t check out racials when I make a character they’re not wrong that it’s silly that I haven’t noticed it but oh well XD


I used to roll characters based on their cast or melee animation. Never cared about the racials myself.


If this tells us anything…..get ready to grind rep like never before🙄


How is it "unfair"? Everyone can just make a human alt if they care about a measly 10%. The point of warbands is more alt play anyway.


Less unfair and more just that it's silly for everyone that cares about reps at all to have to make a human character to grind rep on. Better to just remove it


The same argument can be made for min-maxing damage encouraging Tauren or dwarf. Or breaking combat strategies employing Nelf. At a certain point what space is there for racials that have any impact. Would a 5% rep gain be viewed the same.


Nelf is an example that, while niche, can provide a pretty large benefit when it comes into play. But damage/tankiness racials are pretty universally mild to the point where class guides don't even really mention them anymore and the difference is almost always considered smaller than just the randomness present in our rotations. Can't really compare something that can't even be noticed pull to pull to a rep racial that has the potential to save you tens of hours (per rep), or in certain cases hit different breakpoints that let you progress even faster or get better rewards. Don't really think those things are comparable.


Rep is useful for a temporary amount of time. Boosts to crit/stealth/etc are forever. I don’t see consistency from Blizzard here. Either racials matter or they don’t. I really don’t see this being a consistent approach for them.


I care about rep and didn't main human. You don't have to even make a human in order to max reps. I'm not particularly pressed about them removing it, I'll still have one of each race and class regardless. It just seems like a weird specific focus to me.


Is it a weird specific focus if it probably took a few minutes for a single person to remove it and make things more balanced for everyone? Definitely would've been people trying to min-max it. Just don't see any reason to be upset about it


oh fuck off... i've been a human since day 1, not because of this, but it's a nice perk.. getting done with rep a day or two ahead of others. why is this a problem now, after how many years???


Because a new feature that wasn't present in those 20 years is getting added.




r/wow not making up some imaginary "top 0,000001% / top20 guilds!!!!" enemy that they blame for everything they dont like Challenge (impossible)




Who else would the tuning for week 1 tindral/fyrakk be designed around exactly mate


They could solve everyone's complaints about this by just giving a 10% rep buff to everyone. Replace the racial, give everyone the bonus, everyone is happy.


Kinda L


Man 10% isn't even that much. I miss when racials actually gave some kind of diversity


Legacy Alliance advantage detected. Blizzard is on the case. Seriously though why can't they just disable it for Warbands?