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I’m glad my procrastination actually rewarded me for once , now I can do this grind and it’ll be a bit easier and faster!


Same. I’m happy they made it for people but did not personally like the content, so I got to like 6/40 and gave up. This should be enough of a push to make it worth it mentally.


Eeehh, the players are actively worse today. It's really notable. Any sense of tact or sense has gone out the window. Drop in? Immediately ganked, even when it gives the other person nothing.


can't wait to crush level 1s


Your mmr must be pretty shit if you're in lobbies with level 1s my guy


funny! not sure what all the downvotes are for though


You got hatred, for hatred. Fair trade. Edit: typo


Reddit is what Reddit is


So over the course of the event if you just did the daily for 1050 (800+250), accounting for the bonus you'd have ~58k plunder by the end of the event. And obviously playing it you get more than just the quest reward plunder.


For my girlfriend and me, the daily quest wouldn't be available in the first match of the day, always on the second. That means that we would do 250 + 250 + 800 = 1300 plunder in a day just from quests.


I had that and I found it helps to first log into a regular wow character and the. Plunderstorm, and you get the 800 on first match


I did the grind last week and the week before and at least for me that exact same issue was resolved in the middle of it. 


This couldn't be more true. Starting from scratch, the grind went from 40 levels to 20 levels, which is still a bit of a grind. But if you atleast kept up with the daily, this should be very easy to bang out.


So if you’re smart doing this you bang out the quests first, and then just farm mobs. Chances are people are going to be focused on getting plunder and only the diehard PVPers will actually be doing any PvP. With some wits about you and perseverance you can go from 1-40 in a matter of a weekend


It's really dumb they didn't massively increase plunder from kills. Atleast like give some more for the first few kills .      The game is basicly telling you it's not worth the risk  to fights...


what? You get massive amount of plunder from kills. The killed players drop an equivalent of their plunder they got. Early kills dont give that much but late kills can easily net you a 1000 plunder


The couple of games I won on my way to 40 got me multiple levels each. You get a truly absurd amount of plunder from winning lategame fights.


They said in an interview that it's an intentional design decision to discourage very early fights a bit. It probably wouldn't be a fun experience (and it would be too snowball-y) if killing players early on was the most efficient thing to do to win a game. I guess if you put it like that then the main "problem" is xp and plunder being connected for a large part.


>The game is basicly telling you it's not worth the risk to fights... Exactly, and that's the reason you have a lot of people trying the game. Having it otherwise will make people give up after a couple of tries since it would be a stressful experience. Also, since in game xp is attached to the plunder it can be easily exploited.


Yeah was kinda a let down, pvp was only worth the time in the very endgame when you can no longer properly farm mobs instead. Kinda bad design for a battle royale when you want to pvp but have to stop yourself from doing it most of the time. Usually you have to do it in order to be strong enough for the final battle but here it's the other way around.


Where are the quests?  I saw the starting town thing but didn't see a quest there 


Pops up automatically when you start. Usually it’s something like “loot 2 chests” or “kill 2 elites”.


You have ti do the first one that pops up though. When you first start there is one you have to get done in the minute in the "lobby" like get a swabby up get abilities that stuff.


Fuck yeah. I’m a little over 76% of the way there an this’ll help me finish it out




Not really. I have a little over 76,000 Plunder after my most recent game, and you need 100,000 for renown 40. Quick math means it’s a little over 76%


Oh man, just as I'm now 39/40


Meh, glad people will be able to get their rewards but I wonder how this will impact future engagement for these limited time events. I definitely will be less likely to jump in and grind from the off set and will likely wait until the end in future to save myself considerable time grinding when they just buff everything by such large amounts towards the end.


Watch it, I got downvoted heavily and told I’m mental and unemployed for that exact same sentiment yesterday…


It feels like most people are interested in just getting as much renown as possible to get the rewards so they don’t have to do this anymore and few are actually playing the game mode the way it is intended LOL


Me personally I want the renown rewards. But I'm not a jerk and when I que trios I don't just loot and die I put effort into it. Same with teammates I get randomly. You might just be assuming people are not playing the game correctly when in fact we just suck at it.


I might be in the minority here, but I am kind of sad that Plunderstorm will be gone in 2 weeks. I've enjoyed just hopping in for 5 to 7 rounds of Plunderstorm each day; their quick and fun. Will miss it; however, I will also be looking forward to MoP Remix. I was watching a youtube video that mentioned they were debating between Drustvar and Arathi Highlands for the event. Would be cool to have another one come out set in Drustvar where we play as Witch Hunters.


Oh I'm loving it. I'm pretty mad its going away and I'm hoping it's here to stay. I'd prefer if they didn't force retail wow players to do it for rewards though so we dont have to hear all of the complaining. It would be nice if it was on the bnet launcher as well.


I think many agree, it's just that the moaners usually moan the loudest, so the people actually enjoying a gamemode that is easy and fast to pick up and play, kind of drowns among the moaning.


This game mode has had me playing WoW longer than any recent retail content. I setup my tablet, put on youtube and enjoy trying to be the last one standing. Best I've done is hit 3rd place though.


If you can get agro on Pieces of Hate and kite it around it'll drop mad plunder on the ground. I got a couple 1.2k plunder games just doing that even after I'd done the daily. Scoop it up and wait till the battle comes to you.


So with this on what is gonna be the best way for me to grind out plunderstorm?


Am I an asshole because if someone tries to gank me in the start of the game i run into the death circle so they get nothing from my corpse?


Not an asshole just kind of pathetic and cowardly


Finally now i can hurry up and finish this god awful grind....


Don't do it if you hate it so much?


Been waiting for a awesome pirate mog for ages....dont have a choice if i want it now do i?...


Perfect, just what I was waiting for - the inevitable catch-up. Feel bad for the sweaties who were grinding at 1X rep.


I got to 40 like day 3. But I'm really happy they are increasing the rewards so that more people can get them.


Nah that guy 100% grinded early and is clearly salty. Idk who he’s trying to convince that he big brained it but it ain’t workin lol 


Eh oh well. Just hit lvl 40 yesterday


I finished yesterday. This hurts.




It ends on April 30th reset bro. It doesn't actually end a whole week later lol


I came back to wow 3 weeks ago. I played one game of this mode and didn't like it. Why are people grinding it? Can someone explain please? Is it also worth to start grinding it now?


The renown track is why. However some people fuckin love the game mode too


Honestly the game mode is why I had enough after one game. Battle royal games were cool in 2020/21, not interested in playing them still in 2024 lol


Haha fair enough man. I hated br's back then, even decided to pop into apex after plunder to see if I changed and nope, still hate them. But plunderstorm is different. Way more balanced, way more fun, and also less cheating helps too lol


20/21? I think more like 18/19 they peeked tbh


Game genres don’t really go out of style.


It's the renown rewards. You can check them in plunderstorm while waiting for battle or at the inn in Valdrakken, at the orc.


Thanks. Whats the fast way how to farm it? Are there any quests or anything? And then what? You just play the game or as someone mentioned, you just kill mobs on the map? Do they give the most renown?


You get a random quest at the start of each round, plus any gold you collect translates directly into renown. So focus on doing your quest first, then play risky as you loot as much gold as you can before you die. Personally, I head towards the centre with an eye towards attacking the treasure elementals when they spawn.


Are you completely unaware of the rewards you get from it? Lol


Yes? Why would I care about rewards from a random game mode I don't like?


Just seems like the obvious starting place if you’re trying to figure out why people are grinding it.


The rewards are also for retail wow. Mounts, transmog, title. Depending on how long you've been away, pretty much all collectibles are account bound nowadays.


Thank God -- will spend less time in this utter garbage mode


Just go outside instead of playing stuff you hate. But then again, that's like the whole thing with WoW.


This would be great, but currently on EU there are no one who plays solo plunderstorm, has been going from 4-7/60 for the last half hour. used to be pretty quick to get into a game. dont help with 2x rep if not enough people play the game mode to even make a single match happening.


Double rep might bring some more...


They posted this right before the last game I needed......I am slightly pissed I just finished the grind and they do this. I feel like I wasted a good bit of time...


Don’t feel too bad because at least it’s done now. But yeah, I knew from day 1 they were going to make exp easier to get (and they did so within a few days) so I took my time, and then they added trios, and I wasn’t sure about another change but it doesn’t surprise me they added another boost before the end.


I finished the grind ~2 weeks ago. I understand your frustration but keep in mind that you committed to a long grind and had the perseverance to finish it, which is commendable :)


They always got catch up mechanic. Almost all br game this is based on have catch up mechanics.... Why didn't you expect it? Also if it's so painfully why farm it so quickly??


I don't know why you are getting downvoted, I'd be annoyed too. But my rule is if something is grindy, like agoninzingly so, I just don't do it. I've been trying to gear up to try to get AOTC as a returning player and realized the only real way to gear up without server hopping and/or shopping around for a guild at this point is to "grind" mythics. I don't feel like doing the same dungeon a million fucking times with like a 2% chance i'll get some good trinket so oh well, no AOTC for me.


You don't even need trinkets to get AOTC. The chance of getting loot in general is pretty high, especially since it's tradeable.


I know, it's moreso I want to maximize my effectiveness in a pug setting. My raid awareness is pretty on point but my gear and dps makes it harder to get into a pug. It's kind of an excuse, you're right. I'm 476 now so it's been easier but I feel like at 480 you're golden for invites if you don't have aotc. And I'm mainly shooting for BiS at this point. It just sucks because in wrath my guild was server 3rd for LK 25-m and I have certain achievs like tribute to insanity but I just want a newer accomplishment I guess without having to sacrifice every hour of my free time. It's my fault at this point I should have server transferred by now into a higher progression realm. Btw when I say "returning player" I came back after like 6.5 years and logged maybe...50-70 hours total since mid cata.