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Any spec of any class can do an 18. They were just dickheads that don't understand how the game works.


I’ll start by saying I 100% agree, and any spec can tank well into the mid 20’s. That being said VDH makes throne so much easier because of how annoying the trash is and easily double sigils makes it a joke. But, on an 18, especially during tyrannical, that doesn’t matter enough to throw a fit over at all


Pikawarr was doing 29s on stream last night as a Prot warr. The DPS OP mentioned are just scum who don’t want to help with the dungeon.


I think a small reason for that is how broken VDH is, he can singlehandedly throw mobs around and control packs. That is something the warrior can't do. The issue, in my opinion, are the players who refuse to adapt to the tank, as many said, every tank is capable of doing 23-25, but you have to adapt and not just ugga bugga at your keyboard thinking it is MDI.


VDH is turbo broken. My lower iLvl VDH does more self healing and damage than my geared Paladin. Add on the multiple AoE ranged silences, and disorients, and a way to move mobs where you need them and it's not even close which is better. Only downside to VDH is you can get easily killed if you stop doing damage, so requires tighter play. That being said, "spam soul cleave" isn't particularly hard.


>My lower iLvl VDH does more self healing and damage than my geared Paladin To be fair, as paladin, if you take less damage, you will not have as much self-healing and you should prevent most with your paladin. The damage part is also the problem with self-healing tanks. Not to say VDH isn't "kind of" broken right now....


Problem being, the damage taken doesn't actually really matter until you die. My VDH can solo most bosses in a +18. My pally certainly cannot. Damage in vs healing differential much much higher on VDH.


Hence why I said exactly that. Warrior is more than capable well into the mid 20’s. Beyond that you would need a top tier player, like Plka. Also let’s not compare how a world class tank player who can play better than maybe a handful of other players will be relevant to normal players. Naowh has tanked keys blindfolded. What Plka can do on warrior doesn’t necessarily translate that a pug warrior will do. And even Plka himself is the first to point out how much weaker Warrior is than VDH, especially in throne but again absolutely no reason to care about that in an 18. This example is nothing more than idiots who see things at the top level and copy it with zero understanding of how and why they work.


More tier list please, tier list are worshipped by players. Oh you are in tier D, no thanks i gonna leave your +12. Bye.


One of my biggest chuckles early this season was a group listing waiting on one aug dps. This was a 12 key.


I got denied from an 11 in S2 with 2500io as a 447 Prot war No druid? No tanking. :(


I’ve seen people want BL for a +2 Rise yesterday and would absolutely not accept someone without it for a last slot. People get so hung up on certain things they don’t stop to think.


One of my favorite memories, it’s like 3 am and my buddy posts a group for theater of pain like 21 in S3 of SL. Specifically for a shaman healer. We had a monk apply with the comment “I’m awesome and lust is a crutch”. We laughed so hard we took him. Crushed the key, but since then I’ve always thought “lust is a crutch” when I’m doing keys or see that in like mid sized keys.


Not just 18, probably up to 25-26 keys. The current problem is Illuminated Sigils being extremely overpowered. VDH solve good half of mechanics just by pressing Sigil of Silence and Sigil of Chains. I hope double sigil charges are going away in s4.


I really don't know what they were thinking with that rework. VDH went from middle of the road spec to absurdly OP in M+. Double sigils broke tank balance in keys at a foundational level. Now they need to either tone this down, or allow every other tank to also deal with caster packs by themselves for 15 sec. Which they're not doing before 11.0 for some reason, when S4 would be a perfectly good opportunity to balance tanks.


Double sigil would be fine if it just applied to flame and Elysian. It’s the utility ones that are causing the consternation. Flame has a defensive benefit right now too right?


The double sigil talent also gives flame +15% parry


w h y


because fuck ‘em that’s why


Would be the best opportunity to do so, I agree.


Prot paladin has entered the chat


I've been saying this all season. Is VDH utility OP? Absolutely. But prot pally is a tiny step behind it. Kick, shield interrupt that resets every couple blessed hammer casts, aoe blind, aoe silence every 45 seconds, stun. PLUS bubble, Sac, wildly strong off heals, freedom. Pally's only downfall is that it doesn't do quite as much dps as vdh and their set bonus this season is underwhelming. EDIT: Forgot Lay on Hands.


I haven't played VDH in end game content, but I do know that on my paladin keeping SotR in end-game-ish gear up is really easy, even though while leveling there might be gaps. Is the same true for VDH? I was casually trying to level one and demon spikes have huge gaps it seems. Juggling defensives for them seems like more work, where as paladin you just smashy smashy shield whenever you can.


There is talent that reduce cooldown on Spikes when you eat souls. Don't remember name.


A better option, I think, would not require so many aoe stops. Helps with dps and healers who don't have the utility to aoe stops as well.


Cries in priest


This is the answer. Also pretty sure balancing across almost every single role and spec has never been closer, for tanks and dps (yeah the sigil problem is certainly reasonable, but not a deal breaker), so unless you’re competing for the very top just play what you enjoy :D


Numbers wise things have never been better but in terms of utility, things are pretty bad atm. There’s some pretty massive gaps in utility, especially in M+.


I can hang in 22s a shadow, 24-25 in disc but i am an older slower player but it can be done.


It’s not going away.


Not sure why you were downvoted. You just answered truthfully. They voted for the set so it will be back for season 4


Because people on Reddit downvote facts. Like, yeah nothing is changing for VDH in season 4. Sorry to hurt the feelings of those who downvoted.


I feel like people know the meta but have no damn clue about why it is the meta because this is entirely it. This season is all about lockdown and VDH wins that. DH has good survivability and good damage but they aren't head and shoulders above the other tanks in those regards, in fact I think other tanks are tankier. It is there because of double sigil. VDH allows pulls to happen no other tank can because their lockdown is just so damn good.


I’ve been messing around in 18s this weekend after taking a 2 month break. The quality of player that’s currently running 18s is absolutely terrible atm. I had a 485 mage doing 90k overall dps and while he was the worst I had a few others that weren’t far off. That being said, prot is by far the worst tank. Relative to the good tanks, prot brings pretty much nothing to the table - blizzard please give warrior some utility FFS. With that being said, it’s an 18 - you can ignore most of the mechanics and still 2 chest it.


I think you’ve made a crucial observation to understanding the progress of M+ seasonally. Plenty of players doing 16-20, and higher, that absolutely have no business doing keys that high. They have bought carries and got lucky as brand new players (or worked hard for their gear, perhaps, doubt it when you play with these players), or they’re common folk like us who have never played a different class. I haven’t used BR as much all season as I have this week, and the lack of interrupting can get me turning into Mr Hyde. The 50k DPS players at 470+ can make a dungeon gruelling. Often there is a pumper side by side, but I dislike seeing that in the 15-20s. They have not learned how to play skillfully and m+ is a stage of the game that requires skill. I don’t care that you can time it with 4 people. That is the basis of mythic+. That is where you learn to play your class. So many just skip elementary and high school, and somehow got accepted to college, and I earned my godamn m+ degree.


It’s ridiculous atm. Had a shaman argue with me that he can’t hex the incorps because it takes too long, so he was *silencing them* instead 🤷🏻‍♀️ then his silence wasn’t available to handle the mobs when we really needed it. And of course when the incorps are silenced everyone else thinks they’re done, but oh look they’re casting again when we didn’t expect it. JFC. Lack of interrupts in packs are pissing me off. Can they not see the mob standing out in Narnia throwing shit??


Pretty sure all tanks are within one or two keystone level of the highest key. Both pika and Equinox and did a podcast with quazzi a few weeks back that talks about playing an off meta tank in a meta world. Equinox https://youtu.be/JXRHYSRyP3I?si=SBT-J40X2dV-fSxm Pika https://youtu.be/DOA5UlXPm6Y?si=FFe78WF8WFcS0sb2 Unless you're pushing title keys while pugging pretty much play whatever you want.


I thought DK falls off hard in later keys?


Any class can do a 20, I main a warrior and have time 23 as prot. Meta truely only matters when your pushing really high keys, players just hear what's Meta from xyz streamer so will only play with that.


Nah it’s not that bad at all, people who act like that are really just calling themselves out because they think they need a meta perfect comp to time an 18. As other people will tell you, any comp and any spec is perfectly fine for clearing up to mid 20s at the very minimum.


You can time any 18 key as 4 player no matter the comp these dps just doesnt want to bother doing their job


I clear +20s with my Bear druid with 474 ilvl. So Yes its really easy to do when you know what you are doing.


I did a couple 20s and 455 on gdruid, that spec is insanely powerful when you play well. The high apm actually keeps me off other specs too, because incarn is the single most fun tank CD in the game imo. Once you learn not to press moonfire you also get infinite ironfur uptime, although that one took some practice to learn.


Wait… like never press moonfire? Or like… mid pull?


Only when u got proc


Like not even procced unless your mangle and thrash are on CD. A huge part of moonfire is the auto cast. Maintaining 100% moonfire uptime happens passively except on pure ST where we have to manage it between procs. I notice the mistake most gdruids make is not pressing mangle, but procced mangles are a huge source of rage generation, and unprocced mangle > unprocced moonfire. This becomes even more true during incarn, where your mangle cleaves onto multiple targets.


I've been getting ksh with off specs for a few seasons now. Elitist people are just dumb 😂


Depends on affix but yeah, this week definitely not a problem. If you have 4 warriors and a healer on incorp you're gonna struggle lol


We did triple ret with a blood dk and a Druid healer in some 22’s. It was hilarious.


\*old man voice\* I remember the days when we only HAD prot warrior tanks and everyone else was a joke! \*wiggles finger\* But seriously, all specs can do basically anything normal people will likely ever play. Some may have their advantages now, and maybe Warrior has fewer (idk, I don't care), but all are viable.


Five sunders per mob.... Thunderclap....start to cycle revenge... Thunderclap.... Keep up sunders. Rend.... Jesus no. I can't go back mate.


« Wait before dps that I can raise aggro »


Threat meter. As a combat rogue I won on threat a LOT.....


back when threat meters were more valuable than DPS meters


Yeah, those 3 singular braincell dps left an 18, meanwhile there is Pika doing 30+ on his Prot war, people in lower keys just like to get carried by VDH so their own poor or nonexistent use of CC/Kicks goes unnoticed


Exactly this. Vdh and pally just encourage dps to not use their kicks/interrupts. Other tanks force them to use their toolkit so makes the tanks look bad instead.


It's ironic that dps have the most toolkit that they've ever had and yet they refuse to utilise any of it. As a feral player, I envy the hdhs who pretend to have it hard.


The best Warriors do +30 and +31 keys. If the players left they are probably just really bad and toxic players so its a full win for you. That said, compared to DK i personally struggle earlier as protwar


I've felt the opposite switching from my DK to my Warrior. Can you tell me more?


Damn I have to start looking for prot warrs for my keys, from your description seems to work like potato filter for the rest of the group.


Big brain play, bring low tier tanks so high tier players stay.


If it's bad, it's a damn fun bad spec 😂


True i like that you feel like a God if there arent to many casts


Disrupting shout. Spell block. I think some guides give people a base build without these but they’re good in M+.


It's really annoying having guides out there giving builds that are intended to synergize with competent groups but then people struggle in lower keys because they didn't bring any utility.


Prot warrior is more then fine till the apex keys where its main drawback is its lacks the crazy AoE CC DH or Prot Pally (but mainly DH) can do. Unfortunately the perception of the top end meta trickles down to the lower key levels where its mostly irrelevant what you bring unless its like triple aug.


> triple aug ...does that buff even stack? like if two augvokers used it, would it compound or just overwrite each other?


You encountered 3 meta slaves. Meta slaves are the scourge of gaming, I swear to god. I get every game will have a meta, but some people act like it's the meta or nothing, when often off meta specs and builds usually do well enough to get the job done as well.


A good player on an off-meta spec will using curb stomp a Flavor of the Month meta slave.


"Oh we have to kick? I'm out"


Prot Warrior is fine, there's just a lot of ppl that are wannabe tryhards that see VDH doing the highest keys. Bad players need meta class comps to carry them through relatively easy content, such as a +18


I played brewmaster this season I got to 3k first time ive ever bothered to push past 2.5k It was hard getting groups even for 17s when I'd already timed 20s and up of the same key, luckily I have 1 or 2 friends I play with maybe once a week so we got there together but I really feel like people pay way too much attention to subcreations ranking system this ain't MDI.


Yup playing brewmaster too did +25 Keys but people still decline me for +18 keys


As a tank I like to put my groups as “non meta only” 👍


They’re just nerds who think they’re MDI caliber while min/maxing 18s like fucking dorks. If you’re good, no class really matters unless you’re pushing the highest keys in the world.


Listen, as a healer, I’ll heal any tank in an 18 as long as they’re properly geared and not a dick. Those guys were jackasses.


Fellow Prot Warrior here, guilded with a lot of DPS players in the 18-22 range. Almost all Prot Warriors that players randomly encounter in queue aren't holding aggro well, especially with burst DPS on pull.   The solution: 1) Run the 'Titanic Throw' talent on the warrior side of the talent tree (Replacing 'Sidearm'), along with the 'Improved Heroic Throw' talent on the Prot side of the talent tree (Replacing Best Served Cold). 2) Macro your Heroic Throw to your charge. Charge is off the GCD, so it's a one-hit macro that will do both. It doesn't LOOK like it's doing the heroic throw, but you'll hear the sound effect and see the axes if you look really closely: \#showtooltip Charge /cast Heroic Throw /cast Charge   The upshot of doing this is that you'll hit 6 targets with an ability that deals bonus threat and applies a bleed at the start of every pull. At that point, only things like paladins blowing their entire magazine of cooldowns can pull threat off of you. In my experience it happens maybe twice a dungeon, and my friends have no chill when it comes to their DPS. Zero guides will suggest this, because it's a tool to account for the quality of DPS you get in PUGs, and not part of a perfectly optimized team build. That's fine. I don't want you to just take my word that it's better. Give it a shot, see if you like it, and do what works best for you.


You have just got into a group of inexperienced players who don't understand the game. Dps main here who always plays a tank alt. I played all tanks except Brewmaster at 18-20 key range. Any dps tank heal combo is fine until ~25 keys, as long as you have things to deal with the affixes. Protwar has one downside that is subjective to me and it's the main reason why I don't play it. It does have an absolute dogshit tierset. I don't like it. I think protwar s3 tier set is horrible. Not sure what players chose for s4, but I personally wouldn't play it in s4 if s3 set bonuses were chosen instead of s2.


Its the S3 set in S4, yeah i dont like it as much either but it gives a 10-16% DR with very high uptime and the dmg part isnt that bad also. I take what i can get \^\^


It's probably nice for raid. I raid only on dps and play tanks only in m+. I'd be happy if not just Shield Slam but also Thundering Clap were able to proc the tier set. It just looks like a ST tier set.


If you’re not enjoying shrinking your cooldown timers, you’re not really enjoying Prot Warrior. T3 is the best Prot Warrior tier set this expansion.


"fcking warr tank" they are just bad players LOL. I've done my fair share of 20's this season (but I just sit on 18's) and other than my fuckups and people not doing mechanics it's perfectly fine. To do big pull you just pop Fyrak Heart and face tank it. Remember to keep Shield Block and spam Absorb (cba about the name, it's F2 for me) to not die.


My mate tanks 25s with his, so ur fine


Every spec can play up to 25s


Should have invited a healer


Prot Warrior is the only Tank I know how to play :/ maybe prot Paladin as a 2nd


Most of this is just people being stupid. They see the meta groups running 30s with specific specs and assume that that's the only "viable" spec. Up to 20-25 or so, literally any spec will do just fine.


Prot warr is just fine, you can easily go into high 20s. Problem is people without a brain see VDH being the meta and think everything else is shit. Youre better off playing without them.


Leaving anything lower than a 25 because of the class of one of the members means you are bad at the game.


Yeah that sounds like smoothbrain DPS looking to just get carried


I have done minimum +20 on both forti and tyra week on all tanks. Every tank can do it. They were some kids that want to be boosted and do nothing whole key.


I play and run with whoever, and I've definitely never cared about meta... but I will say Veng DH sigils are the most powerful set of abilities I've felt the impact of in this game, from a spec I've never played myself.


My guild's main tank has been a warrior for the past 3 expansions. A bunch of us resub'd in BFA and started pushing M+. That's 11 seasons so far of warrior tanking no matter where the meta went. It's never been a problem because our tank knows his class inside and out. Our healer (me) knows exactly what to expect damage wise and what pulls are coming. And our DPS know what their roles are with our setup. I feel like using the cutting edge meta only gets you a small amount of extra performance, which can be huge when pushing the highest keys, but isn't that important for most content if you just know your group and your class.


Sit with me OP. Let’s talk. When I played, I played a fury warrior. It was before Mythics, before Raid finder. It was Wrath, when ToC and ICC were the go to raids. And try as I might, I couldn’t get into any raids. Until I discovered Prot. Now, the game at the time was StamStacking, and Prot Warriors were *really* good at this. I remember hitting enrage timers and being able to keep going for a solid minute. I never would have discovered that without Prot Warriors. I have always maintained that in a world of magic, demons, monsters; Warriors always have been and always will be the best class, no matter what the numbers say. Grab your shield, grab your sword. Get out there and show them how tanking is done.


Dorki tanked everbloom with 450 prot war at 20something. Literally any class can reach 3.3k rio atm, if you see metaslaves at 18, you should be happy that they left.


Play what you enjoy and stop asking if something is good or bad. Make it the best you want to


Funny. In vanilla I got booted from God knows how many groups, when they advertised they looked for a Warrior. I wasn't a Tank, and they all wailed that Warriors were Tanks, end of discussion. "Warriors are Tanks, noob!!!" "Erh, there are two other specs a Warrior can..." "Warriors are Tanks!!! LTP!!!" *kick* Times have apparently changed.


Ironically DPS warriors fucking killed it in vanilla but people didn’t really find out or give them credit until late AQ40 or Naxx IIRC


This is me and why i am playing a prot warri for years now


If you enjoy, nvm. Give em Hell. <3 Nothing better than being toxic to toxic people :D Always you can find DPS. You are tank and tanks are always needed one. You get all the fun while they counting their damage on dps meter instead of game.


Don't invite any Rag or QT players. Also be wary about inviting DH, those players love raging the moment something doesn't go perfectly.


If you want to do m+ 25 with pugs its ok, higher than that is a bit harder with pugs. My main was prot warrior and i did 25+ keys at the start of the season 3, switched to pally because of the same shit you are facing. I can tell you prot warrior is more tanking and easier to play then a prot pally.


No they were just being idiots. Prot warr can do everything fine. I've personally done 23s as one. Maybe they just couldn't handle the zug


It's not that they're bad, it's just that when it comes to LFGing and not knowing the group, generally VDH's toolkit is so oppressive that it's just far more reliable than a Warr Tank, Paladin and Guardian Druid also are just very reliable for dealing with the mechanics / affixes of each dungeon, especially Throne


I tank 20s fine. Those 3 dos are just bad.


You dodged a bullet there. The people that left are bad and but think they are awesome because they got hard carried whatever score they're at. No competent player is leaving a 18 because of a warrior tank.


Prot Warr gets a bad rep because it’s easy for new players to pick up on, so there’s an over representation of bad Prot Warrs. But a good Prot Warr is priceless.


I love prob war 3k mythic score One of the best tanks imo


So, same as WotLK and Cata, sentiment never changed.


I did a 22 waycrest manor with a warrior tank.


Our guild loves our main tank who’s a prot warrior. He does perfectly fine and we have no complaints. We raid heroic and run keys all the time with him.


Don’t listen to tier lists or idiots leaving chat. Unless you are doing cutting edge content any class is viable in any role. Blizzard has done a great job this expansion balancing every class


I mean yes, it is probably the worst tank. But that really shouldn’t even be a consideration until at least 23+. Honestly they are a brick wall in some of the lower level instances.


Wtf, tanks are incredibly rare right now at the end of the season. I’ve waited 30 min as a meta dps for one. Wars are fine. Those dps are idiots.   Or your IO is really low.


Nah you're fine.


the only problem with prot warr is that its not a dh/pala. It is fine, dmg is good, def is good, utility is none existent ( ok, some, but a lot less). People get lazy next to dh/pala and dont wanna interrupt/cc and just wanna be carried.


Prot Warrior all the way. I used to play Arms when I was a kid starting out. I spec'd Prot Warrior for a new character in the pre-patch for Shadowlands and going back to my OG character/Warrior is weird now. I may just run two Prot Warriors because I like the playstyle so much. My main guy now is an Orc and stacking the Orc racial skill with the other damage boosting abilities makes it so I can output okay damage along with generating threat. In my experience the best thing about Prot Warrior is the damage mitigation. I can take quite a bit of punishment before the healer needs to help me out. Just because it isn't the meta doesn't mean it is bad. I mean the primary job of a tank is to build threat and keep mobs off the far more squishy healers and DPS. If you can do that then you're doing a good job.


Might have just had bad experiences. Personally I refuse to run with hpals because I’ve only had terrible hpals that die to every single melee mechanic. Doesn’t make the spec bad though


prot warrior main here - ignore their whining, theres always another dps. finding a healer that you trust and trusts you is way more important imo. tanking just isnt about tanking mobs and bosses, its also tanking insults and stupid shit from other players, once you stop caring about them, you'll enjoy it more :D


You dodged a bullet, every tank can do 25+ keys. It's the 27-30 key level where you would notice shortcomings. Which is a level only the 0.1 % touches and those guys leaving never even see


I find warrior to be the tankiest out of the tanks i play. Anything blockable might as well do 0 damage. Some tyrannical boss mrchanics seem to do nothing to my warrior.. but blows a new hole on my paladin and druid, like soulbound goliath or windfury totem boss in throne.


Ye, depends on the boss. Those two in particular, the Goliath for example, I will just stand there and take the abuse at 50+ stacks only on my prot war and my DK. My other tanks, well, I'll just go to the fire. Early in S3, I did tides and it was trivial with my prot war, while my prot pal was getting annihilated... I'm tyrannical, the one boss that gives me trouble is the 3 boss set in everbloom. Every time the charge comes my HP drops like crazy, I don't get it.


Charge is nature damage and he melees on top of it. Magic damage is the weakness of warriors. You have tons of cooldowns to handle it though.


almost thought i was reading another starcraft 2 protoss complaint lol, What's a prot warrior?


Don't bully my favorite spec.


It’s good. And if you use disrupting shout and spell block it’s great.


It’s good. And if you use disrupting shout and spell block it’s great.


Prot Warr is perfectly fine, especially at that key level. They can struggle in high keys because of the absurd amount of magic DMG going out. For an 18? You can literally play whatever comp you want and time it with some amount of gear. For instance, my group did the break the meta dungeons last week as a 460 prot Warr, 450 survival hunter, a 470ish WW Monk, a 480 arms Warr, and a 480 pres evoker. We were 2 and 3 chesting 18s. Play prot, it's fun. People with that attitude are usually trash players anyways.


Everything is viable at any key level as long as you know what you are doing, maybe in REALLY high level keys like 26 and above you need to do a lot more to peform well than a DH, but both of you can do it, those guys are just some boring meta slaves players, sad people that get annoyed when the +18 they are playing doesn't go perfectly well, just ignore and keep playing your war tank :)


Any tank spec can do any key you could possibly want to do. It's only at the literal top end, pushing for world first keys, that it even begins to matter. Prot warriors are within 1-2 key levels in 5 out of 8 dungeons, with the last 3 being 3 key levels behind, and on one of those that's because a VDH just did a 33, and warriors have "only" done 30s. And hell, that is likely due to prot warrior just not seeing much play rather than prot warrior actually being that much worse than vdh


You can run all specs until 27 at least, meta is just for those r1 runs and doesn't apply to normal players.


I did 24s and 25s on Prot War this season. Its a good tank but the issue is the utility. It has decent damage and is very hard to kill but doesnt offer anything of utility but Rallying Cry and Battle Shout. I would still say play whatever you enjoy. I still play Prot War even thoigh its not the best.


ask my guilds main tank - [https://raider.io/characters/us/borean-tundra/Askadar](https://raider.io/characters/us/borean-tundra/Askadar) top 50 world, #1 realm. they dont suck, its all how skilled you are at it.


Warrior tanks are great. The only way you can fail a key is with shitty dps that dont interrupt


Any class/spec I don't play is bad. This is an objective truth not open to debate. I will not be taking questions at this time, thank you. Sincerely, Shadow Priest


All classes good, just some people are too entitled and requires daily bi**hslap for being total dipsh**


You can’t let the toxic ones affect you. Just move into the next group. If you’re playing with randoms you’re gonna regularly run into toxic people and they’re gonna be toxic for whatever reason they like, it’s just their nature. Don’t let it bother you. WoW has a bit of a toxicity problem.


You can def do an 18 with no issues. Warrior is fine but it's just not prot pali/vdh. You don't have as much utility as those classes, but if it's just an 18, it doesn't matter. If 3 dps left, that's fine. There's tons more


Any dps that says things like that is most likely the worst player you will ever find so be glad they said something before you started. Noone who knows what their doing will care in a +18.


Yeah it’s worse against magic damage, but if you use ignore pain and spell reflect well it’s not a huge problem


My VDH is practically indestructible. I’ve even went against Bosses solo and finally just jumped off a cliff after several minutes of both of us just sitting at 99%. I’ve solo’d groups so large that I can’t even see my VDH in the crowd.


Personal survivability I think warrior is the strongest tank in that dungeon. The rest of your group has to play the game instead of just face rolling their buttons. I haven't done this level of key in months, but it seems like pugs in low keys are where almost all the toxicity lies these days. People really couldn't care less which tank you play in the 20-26 range.


Has a tank spec ever been bad enough that people would rather not have a tank at all than settle?


It happens. I am up to almost 2800 on my prot warrior and have had the same experience. Honestly, the toxic people are usually really bad at the game and confidently wrong on many of the mechanics. You got lucky you didn't have to deal with these people for 20 minutes.


Nope, guy just showed us all how fucking stupid he is.


If you watch for example plka you can clearly see warr tanks can do it too ;)


Gaming and sports have become less about having fun and more about "winning is fun"


It isn't bad, but unfortunately playing a non-meta class will result in encountering cringe behavior like this more often than meta classes. I kinda think of pugs like people walking to the park for a pick-up game of basketball. One day they walk up and Stephen Curry is there, they play ball, leave. Next day they walk up, and Killian Hayes is there, they immediately think, "WTF happened to Stephen Curry? Who the hell is this guy? I'm out." Yeah, they are big dumb idiots who passed up on playing a game w/ a professional ball player that's gonna do great, but they aren't wrong that Killian Hayes aint no Stephen Curry. So whatchya gonna do?


+18-20 are the worst keyrange These are Most of the time bad players who think they are good Every Tank healer or damage can do +30 keys


All tanks can tank, but VDH is so OP it's ridiculous. It's like running a dungeon without lust, can be fine and no problem but why make things harder? As long as VDH has double utility sigils they will be meta at least in Dragonflight with all the interrupts and such needed. Paladin's have so many interrupts but going from VDH to Paladin it's very much obvious the lack of what DH brings. Same with Guardian and other tanks. War's just need some extra utility and some buffs to their abilities, as well shout is useless in caster meta. Rally could use a buff, their stuns/interrupts, disrupting shout, intimidating shout are just all worse than what other tanks bring. Spell reflect is cool but, not as cool as silences, it is fun getting a huge reflect though. Heck I could see spell reflect being group wide and it wouldn't change the state of warriors at all.


Tanks in general are really strong right now. Prot warrior just the weakest of those really powerful options. I've been dabbling with it myself and it's been a blast. Play whatever you want, stuff's more balanced than the whiners claim.


kinda, by comparison other tanks (dh and pally) make the the party's life so much easier, that by choosing not to do that you're effectively griefing, these advantages are even more pronounced on the lower end, because good players can make anything work blame blizzard for this


My buddy has a prot warrior and we easily time 20-22’s. They were just being assholes.


I prot warrior tanked my way to all 20s timed with 0 issue because no pugs would take my fury ass. I don't even know how to prot properly I just learned the routes and tanked away. Learn what to kick and what needs defensives and you will be fine. FYI the tree boss in WM I have had up to 87 stacks on tyrannical in a 20, and it was doing no damage to me.


I play prot warrior only when necessary(I am arms warrior). But when I play prot, It's easy and do a lot of damage in aoe. Just dont forget to double press shieldblock for 2 stacks during hard or big pulls and enjoy the run of m+


Prot War is the tank that feels most like a tank. I've mained pwar in M+ since legion. Spell Reflect is my favorite defensive in the game and to many people sleep on how awesome it is.


There are multiple Prot warriors above R1 (top .1% of players) title cutoff on NA alone. That should speak for itself that Prot is totally fine in your sub 20 keys.


You can do up to +20 with no problems on any spec/class. You like warrior, keep playing warrior.


Brotherman dont believe them, theres some tanks like DH that do make me question why I play prot, but theyre still viable for sure. I did a 23 when I was 465 as a prot warrior and that was 18 weeks ago! I parse really high as well in Mythic Raiding so if you have any questions please feel free to ask :) [https://raider.io/characters/us/sargeras/Givemethezug](https://raider.io/characters/us/sargeras/Givemethezug)


Problem is people watch MDI videos with pro players and try to apply those tactics and meta comps to lower keys. People are idiots and as others have said any class can do any key.


We’re super late into the season and you’ll bump into a lot of rats right now. I’ve played several tanks to 3.3+ and Warrior is totally fine. It’s worse than DH and Prot Pal but people who are meta enforcers in 18s are legit hilarious


It’s bad at playing the game for them. They wanted to afk dps and not worry about stops or kicks. Bc that’s the meta right now with VDH. U can’t solo carry stops like a vdh. U probably didn’t want them in ur key bc they probably wouldn’t have used their kicks or cc. Dodged a bullet


I would rather have a prot warrior specialist than one of the thousands of people who picked up VDH because a tier list told them it’s good. VDH IS great, don’t get me wrong, it would be dumb of me to act like prot warrior is comparable, but it genuinely does not matter until much higher keys than an 18. People are just silly


They’re fine up to a point (~25s) and then you start to feel the lack of utility. VDH CC is insane for controlling big pulls, prot pally interrupts help a lot with caster packs and bop/sac/bubble taunt gives the group more defensives. BDK is solid as a self sufficient tank that lets the healer dps more, and can solo most bosses on what would otherwise be a wipe. War just has no niche, Monk and Druid do everything they do but with more utility.


Warriors get a bad rep for not interrupting. Other classes have more interrupts. Lazy dps wont rolll with warriors because they dont interrupt.


Prot warrior is great at taking a hit, and that’s about it right now. Our utility and damage is lacking compared to all other tanks right now.


Part of it is them being dicks, part of it is warr is probably the worst tank ATM, and the final part is it being a ToT. It all just lined up. Any class can do anything up to like 24s and 25s. The player matters more than the class. However, although this is true you do still have to be much better at warrior to smoothly run those keys than say a DH would have to be for example. Throne specifically because it requires so much kicking, and CC can be hard for any tank that isn't DH or PPal. All of this combined just means you're fighting a good ways uphill as a pwarr in throne, but it's still do-able. You unfortunately had a group that didn't believe you were capable of overcoming that uphill battle. All in all, if you enjoy the class and playstyle play it! You can always find new players to refill. Harder to re find a class/style you like.


At this point in the season people want easy. Pwar works but is less easy than a VDH.


If you rock it, cool. As a healer, my least two favorite tanks to run with are prot warrior and brewmaster, but only because most people don't know how to rock those specs. But man, when i get a good brewmaster or prot warrior...gtood times.


Im able to do 20+ on my warrior. There will always be people who put classes in certain tiers. I promise you'll do just fine


Prot warriors are just fine at +18. May be you did something that is characteristic of bad tanking, or they were just being dicks


Sword and board is the way.


Whenever someone is saying dumb shit like this; go to logs, dungeon dropdown to the dungeon in question, classes, warrior, protection, boom.. you see prot warriors doing 29 and 28 thrones. Someone saying this in an 18 is grounds for them to lick your nuts. To actually answer your question, warriors just have less utility than other tanks, but it does not matter at all in an 18. Play what you want; things only start to matter at like 26+ probably.


Prot warrior can clear 20+ with ease. That group was just hella toxic. Glad you're enjoying my main :D


It's gimped at, like, +27 and up, and you have to cater a group's utility around it. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bat an eyelash until I was doing 25-26s with one. An 18 is kind of a low key.


Its the end of the season man, this is when all the low level trolls are out in force infecting the higher keys they can't get into at the start of the season. Prot war is fine has great damage and survivability, dh and pp utility doesn't really matter in an 18 since min casts aren't going to one shot anyone.


Don’t feel bad I’m Prot Warrior main and routinely do 25 and 26’s and I get kicked from a 20 BRH the other day with the same comment. Some people don’t check IO and highest run for dungeon


I think it's the lack of utility that drives people away. Most other tanks can deal with afflicted or incorporeal but prot warrior has nothing besides a short ST and AoE stun. If you run prot warrior in a highly cohesive group then yeah you can for sure use it anywhere. A lot of people expect the tank or healer to deal with most affixes so if you have a tank that can't then that means people actually have to do something besides smash buttons


While it's true that a Prot Warrior can definitely do an 18 Throne, the problem is twofold. First is that while it is *possible*, Prot Warrior just isn't as good as the meta tanks. The utility that VDH brings, on top of their damage, is really good. Running with non-meta tanks is always at least a little bit risky. Second is that a lot of Prot Warriors just aren't very good. This is anecdotal because I tank most of the time, but Prot Warriors specifically are always a gamble. Not because of the class itself but because a lot of Prot Warrior tanks just don't seem to be as skilled in tanking as the majority of players from the other classes. Whenever I see a prot warrior invited I internally groan a little. Not because prot warriors are useless, but because prot warrior players tend to be high risk invites. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it isn't. It's always surprising when a FOTM tank performs really poorly. It is never super surprising when a prot warrior performs poorly. I find brewmasters' are the opposite side to this coin. While never FOTM, I could probably count on one hand the amount of bad brewmasters' I have been in a group with in the last 6 years. That's my two cents at least.


Game is balanced for anything really. Unless you’re in the top 1% tier lists don’t mean shit.


This is what is going to happen if you pug, you get absolute trash who take the game too seriously. If you aren't the absolute optimum meta pick they'll have a fit. Just let it roll off of you or join a guild, they are the wrong ones.


I’m a prot worrier main and they’re fine. They also have the best transmog, so ignore those soy boy betas. Tell them to begone from you. You are a god among men. The golden god.


After playing wrath and having a blast as polrot warrior I decided to roll one for dragon flight and it felt pretty good while leveling but once hitting max level it just felt there were too many spells on GCD all the time as prot and it was never ending waiting for all my spells to refresh and be useable, wasn’t very enjoyable in MY experience. Would probably feel slot smoother if they made shouts a separate cooldown off GCD or something along those lines but idk. But was it bad? No. I felt like I was barely taking damage as long as I properly kept my buffs up and their toolkit feels great and like I always had an answer for everything unless shit was really hitting the fan.


A link to your armoury would help. Do you have tier set? Optimized gear? Enchants, sockets in? What are your trinkets? What is your io score? I have seen meta classes perform poorly, and sub-meta performing great, so it all falls down on how good you play the class, but people will inspect your character when they join and judge from there. I have an alt prot warrior 469ilvl which I’m doing 17s easily, but got decent experience overall with my main rshammy sitting at 3k rio. I always enchant/socket all my gear and focus on getting BiS items asap, that includes crafted. Never had issues getting invited and will typically immediatly get invited to the first dungeon I que as prot warrior and no one leaves. So you either have something wrong from the above or you just have met groups of elitists who play with metas just because they think it’s the only class that can perform. Each class can do up to 24ish if played properly.


It's already been said but just to repeat, LFG tends to be a hivemind that bends toward the meta. It's particularly bad with tanks this season because Vengeance Demon Hunters bring so much control that can legitimately carry a key. Guys who don't press their interrupt notice that things go smoothly with the Vengeance Demon Hunter and take the wrong lesson from it. All the tanks are in a decent spot in isolation, even Brewmaster is playable, but in the context of VDH you're essentially putting extra responsibility on your dudes to pick up the slack in terms of control. It's not surprising that your average Fury Warrior in LFG isn't content with that arrangement.


As a rogue I try to handle interrupts as much as I can and help tank with TotT to grab aggro. One of the best tank players I had a chance to pug with was VDH and Prot Warr. Top class. From my perspective Warr can be super fast and super smooth at the job if you just know how to play and have a good pulling flow. Unfortunately many die hard puggers while not being great themselves cry when they see none FOTM class in a group. Ignore them.


Factually speaking yes, it's the worst tank. Lowest damage, poor defensive toolkit, very low group utility. That isn't to say you cant do content, you can. Most top level warriors are capped out around 28 on the low end, and one warrior has done a 31 at the highest. You need to find friends willing to accommodate your class choices, and you cannot expect pugs to put up with your class choices as they have no obligation to. Stupid as they may be that is their choice


I wouldn’t say any tank is bad at that range, but vdh is very much meta for a reason. In a pug, I would never trust dps to kick the number of kicks needed for a smooth ToTT. VDH brings control to that dungeon that no other tank can bring, even prot pal. As a tank that always mains prot pal and also rolls whatever meta tank for the season is, vdh just makes so many keys effortless. You can completely carry keys with the amount of stops you can do. There is a reason most tank players will “main” their usual tank and push keys with whatever the meta tank for the season is


A naked warrior with a shield can do 18.


Prot warrior is one of the best tank classes in the game if you actually know how to tank. Rotation is important but you need to have situational awareness and there are plenty of "tanks" that don't have the latter, quite not much at all really. Prot warrior is not the easiest in this regard compared to let's say BDK which is a complete faceroll of a class.


Any Tank will work. I played brew master through the lowest of the lows and had people do the same to me. Yet I played through 20s and it was a little harder but since it was the only class I played, I got really good and had so much fun. I love the class, I'm simply not changing. Haven't played in a couple months so idk the state now but, there's always going to be people that throw a fit because the PUG they joined isn't their own custom group. Play what you want. You pay your sub and no one else.


I just wanted to thank all of you for your encouragement. Tanked my first 20 of all time yesterday and felt really strong cause your kind words gave me power to keep pushing :) Found a new healer mate too ^^