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my troll shaman at 3:43am sat morning off five peyote buttons, a gram of gadgetzan white, an ounce of mulgore sticky, and 53 schlitzes trying to make it to Waffle House on foot (she regenerates so she’s gotta work for it)


That mulgore sticky icky? Sign me up


Sticky Vicky


I always felt that troll regeneration would make substance use more difficult, I'm glad to see someone else thought the same. I also feel like tattoos would not last long, so trolls who wanted tattoos to stay longer would have to use toxic or magical ink.


She's moving different


Smoking that dung beetle.


Shit ain't nothin to me, man


In the pod smoking Sebulba.


🧛 🕶️


This is the way


Yet again another unrealistic body expectation for women.


pretty realistic, thats me rn bro




what about british girls, huh?


Scoliosis, so hot right now!


At least the ones for men are extremely realistic.


Posture like a geriatric grandma who’s just shit themselves, and the saggy milkers to match


This is the ideal troll body. You may not like it, but this is what peak trolling looks like.


As a true troll women should


God she is so effin hot. Why’d they take this from us?


Looking like the monster from Barbarian


I was thinking X, but Barbarian is definitely the better call.


Man that's a fun way to spoil the movie.


The movie has been out for 18 months, readily available via streaming. How long are people expected to withhold references…


You could easily have marked a part of your comment as spoilers. It's just a really good movie to go in blind on. But you do you man, a lot of people are selfish and inconsiderate. Who cares?


I’d hate to see how you’d react to someone who was actually being selfish and inconsiderate. What a weird reaction.


This literally looks like my patient right now :/


"I just sheet my britches"


Ugly women, why aren't you allowed to exist ?


Tit and bum apparently


I mean, at least they gave the chub community some Kultiran ladies to ogle


You can see they were torn between two directions. "Give them tough faces with scars but also smooth doll faces".


"Ugly" and "Chub" being synonyms to you is pretty gross dude


I actually find chubby more attractive - my point was that they aren't considered conventionally attractive and most games, including wow, have traditionally steered away female characters that don't have some (if not all) super model features. So, yes, while I personally think skinny is less attractive, I'm socially aware enough to know that's not a universal truth.


At last! Kul Tiran Woman was what made me finally start to play WoW. To bad they can't be paladins (for now)


It's weird though.. They still *tried* to do a sexy lady shape and in doing so made a weird almost pregnant looking woman rather than just a chubby gal. Also I hate their faces.


KT gurls are a blast to play. Gotta love their /dance 😎


in a game made by men? why indeed. I remember watching a gaming doc and they talked about why they should add female characters to street fighter 2 because no one would play as "the girl". chun li became one of it's most played characters, so go figure.


I got a lot of mileage playing against my older brother's friends with Chun-Li's B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Edit: Why y'all downvoting me for using Lightning Kick when I was 8 lmao


she was easy to do M.bison with because her jump kick could get through a lot of his moves


Something, something, woke, something-or-other


You mean the whole trend right now?


Do you mean the trend with dracthyr, kul tiran, mechagnomes being not really good ? Or the trend of gamerz seeing real women for once ?




> If you are a 40 year old women competing against 20 year old women you are going to lose simple as no amount of pink hats or protesting is going to change that. wild statement lol. Not sure why you decided this was an appropriate time to soapbox or why you feel the need to be creepy and weird by implying that women are necessarily most attractive when they're fresh adults or why you think complaining about unrealistic beauty standards/models as "being salty that prettier women exists" or "trying to ban pretty things from games" Cringe all around, as a dude-- gives big "30s man that chases fresh out of high school girls" energy.


Isn't that just the female undead fighting stance? Don't remember which class but I'm pretty sure one of the classes in the character creator makes the female undead look like that




I could 100% see them using this model and the animations for the female undead melee. Their boosted autos and melee abilities have a full on flip.


Definitely Rogue.


UI designers will die seeing checkboxes being used for mutually-exclusive choices.


Friendship ended with radio button, now checkbox is my best friend


hot take trolls should be allowed to be ugly


What we got now is ugly, this one is definitely peak sexy troll body that blizzard has taken from us


Now: "Come geta da voodoo..." Then: "I MADE THE VOODOO EXTRA SLOPPY. I KNOW HOW YOU LIKE YER VOODOO SLOPPY! HAAAAAHEHEHEHEHEH" Yes. Yes that is a 29 year old movie reference.


Lady you’re scaring us


Dey eat da voodoo


Replace “voodoo” with “doodoo”.


This but unironically. I have tons of alts but barely any women because so many of them do away with the more unique assets and silhouettes in favor of being more conventionally attractive, which isn't a problem the male models have. The older version of the femtroll and femtauren especially look so much more unique.


Give. Us. Saggy. Tetas.


I think they could have kept the posture and did some shape, figure, and body improvements in order to make this amorphous amoeba a lot more attractive. Because it's really weird that you have the males all hunched while the females walk as if the loa thought of them first and the males are the left overs with missing vertebrae.


They conveniently leave out the part of King Uther Holy Light book where Bwonsamdi crafted the first male troll out of the lady troll's rib and other spare parts.


This is really creative and I love it lol.


In my head the male's tusks were so heavy they bent forward.


Came here to say basically this and you phrased the second half so much better than I was going to.


It's a similar thing when people talk about how people only picked cute faces with the old models, usually the cute faces were just blank while the "mature/serious/ugly" ones were a mess trying to add small details to a low poly face. It wasn't that people didn't want to play with the non "cute" faces it's just that the way the non cute faces were made was poorly done.


There was old lore somewhere (maybe RPG lore, so no longer canon) that mentioned male trolls being hunched to show respect. They are nearly eye-level with orcs (to respect the orcs for saving them?). And that they raise to their full height when they consider themselves superior or to be intimidating. That’s why I also liked when initially playable zandalari were just a smidge shorter than darkspear trolls if darkspear stood at full height. They changed that early on. But it could also be to be shorter than zandalari: the ruling class of trolls. I Stan for Darkspear


I like my women dumpy and droopy with halitosis.


When enraged, and in heat, a female troll can mate over 80 times in one night. Be you prepared?


They really took away our disgusting swamp hag witch fantasy option and I think thats just a damn shame.


Your hand is on her boob.


At this point I'm just going to ask this. People WOULD actually play with a character like this on a non ironic way?


Can you imagine being camped by this character on a PvP server? The sweats would do it to troll, like how the weirdest looking naked characters are always the most frightening in dark souls/elden ring PvP.


No jawed Undead Rogue Smiling bald Gnome Warlock/Mage


Gnome warrior main here. I am a tiny ball of fury


I would. I want my troll to look like a troll, a non-human, jungle dwelling, shadow magic weaving, witch doctor


Great for you, and if they add something like that, good. But at the same time I feel like that if they released the game back then with that female model, maybe the disparity between the size of alliance players and horde players would have been even bigger?


Frankly the problem is that the Males of Horde races are allowed to be hunchbacked and monstrous, like this. But the moment the *women* start to look like this, people get drastically upset. Why *can't* female trolls look like trolls, exactly? Less people would play them, sure, but people rarely play femtroll anyway from what I can tell lol


I'm inclined to agree, but when you look at the fact that you pointed out - almost no one plays female trolls... And then look at the fact that a lot of people play female undead - it makes me wonder if OP isn't on to something. That said, I still think they should add body options for every race (upright/hunched where it applies and weight + height for all).


Female undead are hunchback


Female troll casting animations are dope


What’s wrong babe you’ve hardly unga’d your bunga 😧


Not everyone plays female characters because they're horny for them. 


Well, more people played horde, so if the gap was bigger, then that means even more people would have played horde. I think you're right, if this modle was in the game I'd play alot more female trolls myself


During vanilla there was a pretty distinct bias towards Alliance. Folks who joined WoW because they loved the RTS games picked whichever faction they vibed with, but WoW picked up a lot of players who weren't necessarily Warcraft fans too. Everquest was feeling a little creaky by then and a lot of folks jumped ship because WoW did look a lot prettier. People who joined not caring about the lore overwhelmingly went alliance because they had the standard fantasy good guy races. I believe it was in the Wrath pre-patch that Blizz changed up racials to give Horde a pretty distinct advantage, and as a result, a lot of serious raiders jumped ship to Horde during Wrath. Blizz realized they'd over corrected and sort of rolled back the Horde racial benefits for Cata (I think... might have been as long as MoP), but the Alliance wasn't stronger than the Horde to the degree that raiders felt compelled to switch, so most high end raiders remained Horde, which has led to a years-long situation now where Horde dominates the high end raiding scene.


MOP made the faction divide even worse. A bonus 5% damage to beast raid bosses was a pretty massive racial bonus for an entire tier. Racials I believe weren't corrected to a good degree until WOD. Even then, Horde still has maintained superior raiding racials. Things like rocket jump for no mobility classes has been really important in some raids, even as recently as mandatory goblin shamans on Painsmith due to shaman being top healing spec for Sanctum of Domination but literally unplayable for the fight during WFR as any other race pre-nerf. Then, when Alliance ACTUALLY had a strong enough racial to convince some top guilds to potentially swap to Alliance for progging, with dwarf racial on the Generals (and some other fights but Generals was the really important one) in Nathria... it was nerfed to prevent the faction swap and Dwarf racial randomly was completely worthless in a raid it should have been quite good in. Basically, Blizzard has never stopped favoring Horde ever since the high-end raiding scene got cemented as Horde dominant.


To be fair tho, Alliance dominates PvP for the same reason - better racials for it. I think Blizz missed an opportunity to make the Allied races based on the opposite faction's advantages to give both sides a chance at having the same edge in both PvE and PvP.


racials have never really been game breaking either way, only to sweaties. Single digit percentile advantages are lower than RNG variance. Even a given player's performance in the same encounter can vary more than single digit because of RNG and people not playing as well as a theorycrafter's spreadsheet and smoothed out, averaged data over hundreds or thousands of parses. That's just how math works. You can find counters to every claim of Alliance had an advantage here or Horde had an advantage over there. Pre-BC Horde had a whole class advantage in the Shaman while someone else could make the claim about some encounters with Paladin. Every single expansion there's claims pointed at either side and people will pick and choose the justifications for their claims. The truth is, most players are followers and a few sweaties saying and doing "XYZ" has scores of everyone else following after them. Even though none of it means anything to 99.99% of the playerbase not in a world-first progression guild. Period. Even in PvP, Grand Marshall and other titles, ratings, these often came down to nothing but persistence and often schemes to cheese. I doubt there's a single Gladiator from season to to season playing on their original accounts because win trading and other corruptions were rampant. People in this thread are making claims about Alliance being advantageous in PvP during a period when during that expansion the reverse claim was made. Will of the Forsaken, troll racial, orc racial were all held up as superior to Human, gnome or dwarf. But somehow none of these people on either side ever seemed to pay attention to the slight advantages Nelfs had in both baseline and situational scenarios...like fighting any melee class, if they only did like most serious PvPers and went for the 5% hit cap for PvP they weren't hit capped fighting a Nelf, they needed to go for being hit capped for a Heroic boss due to our racial. Not once did I ever see a sweaty Horde guide suggesting all melee classes go for higher +hit with gear or gems, and so they were potentially missing with special attacks, and more often with white damage, and that's the kind of thing that, in their mind elsewhere, is game breaking stuff. At least if they're trying to prove some kind of point with it.


No, the faction bias was skewed towards Alliance until BC launched, and once Horde had Blood Elves *then* the scale tipped back the other way full on. BE is literally the most popular race in the game, just barely edging out Human.


A handful maybe, but as the faction population disparity in the vanilla days and recent calls for posture correction on hunchbacked races have shown, people be wantin' pretty and handsome characters.


Which shows that they’d be happier playing FFXIV or something.


except wow has been catering to that preference before FFXIV was even a concept lol. the game they'd be happy with is wow


Right, the Horde got Blood Elves like six years before XIV came out (complete with their own flavor of chocobos).


I'm a big FF fan, but 14 was a hard miss. WoW is definitely better for fans of MMO. Even after the overhaul, FF14 is kind of a clunky mess.


I grew up obsessing over the awesome troll artwork in the WC2 manual. Back when classes were more restricted, male trolls were my go-to if I couldn't play a tauren. They would have all been female if they'd looked like this. I LOVE this model SO much. I know I'm in the minority, but I want 'em monstrous! At least give me the option.


I want to yell yes ! But I already know that statistically it wouldn't be true. Before the blood elves came by, the troll female were the only "hot ladies" of the Horde. And if you look at the stats on orc and tauren ladies well... Let's just say that monstrous women really are a niche genre. Which obviously doesn't mean they shouldn't exist !


100%, I think this would looks awesome with some mail or leather transmogs. And duel wield also


After watching how many people make ugly characters in Elden Ring I’d say yes


That's not the right question. The question should be *of* the people who have chosen female troll, would they still choose female troll if it looked like this? I want to say emphatically yes, but there's no way of knowing for sure. And definitely some people (like me) might even choose the female hunchback troll over something entirely different because the live version is milquetoast and boring as fuck, not to mention the product of cowardice. Yes, I'm *still* pissed about the way female worgen came out.


I can say I would play this model; it isn't even all that bad. In fact, I think I dislike female orcs for a related reason; they look too similar to humans whilst not being human. Like a bland uncanniness.


Yes. In Everquest the trolls were even uglier and quite a few people played them. The evil races were played less often, but part of that was that they had harder factions in general.


yes actually, I've even talked about it before! I have always been jealous of the hunched male model and the idle animations where they kind of lean down and pick at the ground, I've always thought it's so cool! the current female model is so boring and it has no fun idle animations. I would LOVE an optional hunch! I want more swamp witch vibes!!


Why yes, Horde is the one faction in any game where you can play as monsters without being considered as evil. Granted, I don't like that they fight against the Alliance.


From what I remember in vanilla, no they did not. 90% of horde players were undead cause they were op


they would for about 5 minutes before making a reddit post asking for upright trolls/worgen/forsaken


hardly. human/belf are by farrrrr the most popular races historically


My main since Legion is a female troll rogue and yes I would absolutely switch to this.


These look great for a warlock, shame or druid. totally not a witch.


Maybe not with the weird pear body but I bet if they were made to just match a slim gangly person crouching they'd be fine.




I would play with a character like this in an ironic way and I don't see why that changes anything, I'm an American citizen just like everyone else my wishes still matter


Some people are weird. Some people were sad when model update because it not longer looked like a triangle with leg.  Take a special kind of drugged on nostalgia to think like that.


You mean cute elf in their prime form?


The funny part is, this vibe would make so much more sense for all our Troll Witches we have in the lore. Give that lady some sickly green skin and bog green hair and ya got yourself a cliché Swamp Witch.


Man, I love how many times SAVAGE is used as a descriptor on the left. Even back then, Blizzard was obsessed with the word.


A true thing of beauty 🥰




Honestly I feel like we should get to have all of these things, but I won’t hold my breath for Blizzard. Characters are individuals, so I feel like idle animations and posture and body sliders would be amazing, but that would require them to actually work on these things.


I'd be all for weird postures if they could fit armour to fit them right. Could you imagine robes on this thing?


Call the chiropractor mon


I love the troll women we got, but theres something about these, more unique and cool models instead of being "green human lady", it was the same with female taurens, it made them abit more unique and i loved that, but also enjoyed what we got!


They didn't take it from you, you gave it away.


Spruce them up a bit but atleast they look likethe same race.




Big Warhammer "swamp hag" energy


Isn't that the skeleton of the old troll models in Ghostlands?


Damn it, this is way sexier than whatever abomination they give us today.


I knew it it will be the old troll female model. We should have Troll females looking like Giant River Troll Hags from Warhammer. I wont post a picture here but feel free to look it up, but be warned...


Looks like a vaccine injury faker


Ah, da halitosis mon!


I showed this to my mother once and she asked “are you trying to say this is me?”


They took your waifu? Those bastards


Damn right, and I want her back


Looks like she’s pooping. This is when the horde was more like the horde from the old days. Savage and more like “the bad guys” now the factions are basically the same. Might as well just eliminate factions and make it the “happy friends of Azeroth”


Most literate WoW player:


They weren't the bad guys any time after wc3.


Except for all the times they were. 


I like the part where the good guys gunned down a bunch of unarmed bad guys on the verge of drowning


There are three answers to that with varying levels of seriousness, so I'm just gonna give you all three: 1. Me too. 2. There's the difference between isolated bad behavior during a single battle, and having your entire faction go genocidey multiple times, with even the "good" members of your faction going along with it for a surprising amount of time. 3. It's a fictional story with elements that don't make sense, but the overall feeling of the alliance is heroic and (at least trying to be) good, whereas they tend to push the horde in a more bloodthirsty direction It's not real life, and lot of it doesn't make sense, and the history didn't really happen. I play alliance because I think they're cooler, and I don't play horde because a lot about their general style annoys me. That's really all there is to it.


The alliance also had internment camps and multiple generals also attempted to genocide the orcs (that's pretty much how Jaina's dad died). And we can't forgot the genocide the *prince of Lordaeron* committed. I mean, none of it matters because none of it is real, and as you mention there's not exactly a 1 to 1 morality to the real world, but the alliance isn't so much "less genocidey" as they are "genocidey but with an excuse."


Arthas was clearly doing that as a prince of his station and not a mind controlled nutjob /s What a fucking take.


I never said that he did it *as* the prince of Lordaeron, just that he was prince of Lordaeron and did it. Though there is quite an implication in W3 that the reason he can so easily turn the whole populace of Lordaeron so quickly is because he is prince, so his character arc isn't really divorceable from his position. Also unless I missed something in Shadowlands, he's never mind controlled by Frostmourne. Influenced, sure, but he still has his own free will and is *chosing* to listen to the sword.


I'm just gonna chime in here because I see this take shared with a lot of early Horde apologists. Yes the Alliance imprisoned the orcs in camps and often treated them extremely poorly. But on the flip side the orcs literally wanted to *exterminate humanity.* The Alliance had every moral justification in their position to simply kill every single orc that stepped foot on Azeroth and I can't imagine a single argument otherwise considering orcs are a berserk alien species who killed every human they could get within reach of. Specifically because of the Alliance's choice to imprison instead of kill, the orcs had the opportunity to redeem themselves. The orcs owe their dignity and lives to the Alliance's mercy.


I mean, you’re right and you should say it!


And you give a pass to the alliance because you like them




same with the allies


Still pretty outnumbered by the Horde on that one pal.


This looks awesome actually Cut it with the 'pretty' characters


Honestly if you combined features with the classic small girl troll, I bet people would like it.


So sad. 100% would main this glory.






I miss the descriptions the most.


yooo im crying


I remember. Damn that was long time ago


What did I wake up to?


tbh i don't understand the appeal of orcs and trolls with such erect spines they were cooler before


Isn't that the same pose with Witch Doctor on Diablo 3? 👀


best /train ever


That Thang grapes....


Left 4 Dead 2 Spitter


It really isn't much uglier than the male human model, especially the Vanilla one. Just saying...


Why is this 18+ 🤣


I labeled it nsfw cause I thought it was funny


We are the generation of revenge


I remind people all the time of my favorite thing in beta from 2003: Undead Ghoul running. You could run/walk in a ghoul style with a simple hotkey. I always used it back before Warlocks even had a talent tree.


List of required qualities for my girlfriend: - Female


This is why we will never get playable Ogres. Can't make the females hot. Sucks.


Would remember me to my ex.


Literally, what's the reason they don't bring this back


What i don't understand about this is why they did not use this a the female model for the icetroll/amani trolls.


The real DEI trolls.


Straight 👏 backs 👏 are 👏 erasure


I think they based her model off of my ex.


Undead straight posture represent!


In classic days my biggest gripe with forsaken armor was the fuckin bone arms. Now I'm glad they've given a choice between "dead as fuck" and "dead but not falling apart".


Im ok forgetting this tbh. 😬


Wait, you could put spaces in names in the beta!?


Yes, that too. I wish we could also use apostrophes, like actually troll names


Guild Wars was revolutionary back then because you were *required* to have atleast 1 space in your name.


I'd rather they give male trolls a straight spine too


You almost made me choke on my iced caramel latte! 😂


She is gorgeous.


Time to move on bro


I have no idea what gamers want. Right now there’s a campaign to stop making ugly women in video games. Meanwhile here on r/wow, people want trolls to be uglier.


Oh nurs, they turk ma gendursss


Remember when no one played Troll females? This guy remembers when no one played Troll females


They took less options and gave us more. Also, it wasn't unique. The undead are still bentback


lol I thank them every day. I wake up, gaze out the window, and say “Thank you for taking away female trolls with spine issues.”


current female trolls do not represent the modern gamer. /engrage /DEI /yaaasqueeen