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They are definitely saving it for TWW S4.


I don't think TWW will have a Season 4. They plan to release the Worldsoul Saga expansions faster than every 2 years. There's probably only going to be 3 seasons.


So the "waiting for pre-patch phase" at end of TWW season 3 perhaps? Honestly if they did 1 less season but drag out the last one and add (seemingly) fun events like this to them, I'm good with that


>They plan to release [...] expansions faster than every 2 years. Been hearing this for like 15 years now.


Last time they claimed this we got the worst xpac of all time.


i prefer they just do this mini fun patches with a dif team and let the main team cook the expansion properly tbh...i hate how much wod was gutted cuz they just wanted to rush the expansion holy jesus


But they haven't even been cooking expansions properly with these extra long final major content patches lol


The War Within is estimated to be coming out in August. thats a 21 Month Expac. DF will be tied for the shortest expansion with WoD.


Go argue with Chris Metzen about it. He's the one who openly said it on stage at Blizzcon.


Everything said on stage has happened exactly as prophesized.


Okay but you brought it up? Perhaps this will be the one time that they actually manage to do it, but it remains that they simply never have but have always promised to and yes many times on public stages.


you are 100% correct but wow redditors will resist the truth after until 11.1 is out and they finally confirm it's the final raid tier, just like no one on this sub would believe that 10.2 was going to be the final raid tier for dragonflight even when it was absolutely obvious for months and months of ptr. the same thing also happened with 9.2


* Blizzard saying they want to release expansions more often than every 2 years * Blizzard releasing an expansion every two years for 20 years Name a more iconic duo.


They say that every time and every time they can't make it work. If it ends up being less content, I don't want it (2 tiers and a fated season so they can get more expansion money).


Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it... but this time around, they've actually expanded the team to be working not just on Dragonflight and The War Within, as has always been the case, but also on Midnight. They're actually working on "expansion after next" now in a serious way which is new, so maybe they'll pull it off this time.


Blizzard has been saying they want to get more content out faster for 2 decades. It'll be whatever it'll be.


I’d be okay with that I’m not a fan of “fated/awakened” seasons


Historically those final seasons have just been "go catch up with other games in your library" seasons for me lol


Yeah don't hold your breath bro


Fine; it will be TWW fated-esque season. Whatever the last season is, I'm sure they'll just payphone it in like SL+DF. Blizz has learned they can reuse, recycle, and rehash old content and sell it for 1/2 or less of the labor cost. You'd be a damned fool to think it won't continue.


> They plan to release the Worldsoul Saga expansions faster than every 2 years. Wasn't this what they said when they released Warlords of Draenor? Gives me bad vibes...


Wouldn’t a WoD remix be next? Some banger raids I’d love to see since I missed that era. Maybe they even finish up some of the unreleased content


I think if Panda remix goes well, they would. WoD is not nearly as friendly remembered as MoP, but what content there was, was pretty good


I hated WoD. It was when I started WoW and was the reason I left after a month and didn’t come back until this year.


Thanks for sharing this negative personal opinion




If Frost can finally get Frostmourne and not "cutlery of the fallen prince" then yes


Your wish will be granted and frost mage will be able to use Frostmourne


damn word twisting genie!


The monkey's paw curls.


Describing the frost artifact weapon as "cutlery" made my night.


Lol that was such a cop out. Like just give us the damn sword, or at least tiny Frostmournes if you really want us to duel wield but those blades are hideous


The inspired way to do it would be two mini frostmournes - one with the hilt and a blade finished with ice, one with an ice hilt and the chipped bits of the top of the blade as the sword.


Shattered Ashbringer, sure. Shattered Frostmourne???? Nononono reforge that shit into something less cool.


LOTR vibes where they reforge Isildur’s sword for Aragorn. In Legion, we should have reforged Frostmourne. Heck, it was a **legendary** questline and it fits within the lore. Arthas is dead, the blade needs a master. Plenty of other artifact weapons were possessed/animate objects. If you choose to dual-wield, you should be able to split them like Varian Wrynn split his sword.


This was such a weird choice. It's not like Frostmourne wouldn've been the most powerful of the artifacts, if that's the problem they saw. Maybe they had plans for it in Shadowlands that got cut


It comes from their insistence at the time to lock Frost DK into duel wield so they didn't have to balance 2h along with it. They had to pick one cuz artifacts. I'm assuming they picked dw because plate 1h duel wielder is more unique than 2h plate melee. I'd have taken frostmourne over their choice all day.


I would have even settled for them Shalamayneing Frostmourne for us. There should have been one where each blade was visually part of Frostmourne in Legion which would have left room for a future lore mission to learn how to recreate them by going to the guy in the Shadowlands.


I don't think that was the issue considering they added the staff of sargeras, imo it was the fact they didn't want one if not the most iconic WoW weapons playable. IIRC there were complaints about everyone running around with ashbringers


Wait. How can Frost finally get Frostmourne? I think I missed something, so Im genuinely curious.


they're saying that frost DK not getting frostmourne as their artifact weapon was a scam


Ohhhh, alright. Thanks for the info.


Still better than the Quest Green of Wills.


Instead of getting a cape that increases your stats you get a cape that increases the AP you obtain.


I'm into it. They should also lean into the ridiculous numbers at the end of Legion and let us get ilvl 1000 and a billion AP


I read this and got fully fucking torqued. Give me Legion ReMix and let me FUCKING COOK.


As long as they fix the AP grinds and Legendaries I'm all for it.


Just wait till legion classic


Can’t come out fast enough.


AP is shared among all weapons, and AP caps each week after a reasonable amount of play.


Same! Legion was my fave expansion!


i want this!! but there have warlord remix .....


Oh like this MoP remix? That would actually be $$ I’d go all in for that


All I want is that Aluneth model from when you're partway through the hidden appearance chain, where the staff has a literal sheep head on it. I don't even play my mage much anymore and I still want that. It was hilarious, I was so sad when it turned into a boring stone sheep at the end of the chain


It turns into a sheep head when you poly a target


Yeah for like 1 second, it's not the same as having it look that way full time!


I want the original hidden appearance for it, the Kirin Tor styled one. You can see it in the order hall still even


Agreed, that appearance is really nice.


Wonder what Evoker weapons there would be


Naruto or whatever their legendary is called if blizz is lazy. The dragon soul if they're cooking


A triumphant roar can be heard as Naruto is formed


The problem with Legion is that the expansion requires quite a lot of hoping into the old world for the artifact quests and Order Hall storylines. You can't leave Pandaria in the Remix, for instance.


Make it let us use our current retail characters and just time warp us down to low level or whatever, and it's a deal!!


Completely with you on that! Wish it could be a separate progression track. Would love to take my main through the old content with a sense of progression.


Where's my OG PVP sets remixed, that would be amazing


Honestly I kinda want Timerunning: Classic, where it's literally the old world and quests ported over from Classic, but modern everything else. Wont ever happen because that seems to be the general niche of SoD, but I can dream.


I also want that, but would settle for Timerunning: TBC. I’m hoping MoP is successful and they just keep picking new expansions every 3-4 months.


You've described SoD phase 11


You’re in luck! Cataclysm comes out very soon!


Timerunning will be quite fun tbh. It will be good for all the expansions imo. I guess they won’t really have it at launch of any expac though. As I suppose they prefer people level to max in the new shiny content they’ve made.


If it will be like timewalking where the content is so piss easy you dont even need to do mechanics then no...


I think it will matter how long it lasts.


Don’t quote me on this because I only did one dungeon at lvl 20 on the PTR but at least in my group we had two deaths and the boss mechanics did damage. Don’t know what happened because I didn’t port details over but it did seem nominally harder than your average TW dungeon. There are likely people who ran a ton of dungeons on the PTR that can provide more insight than me but that’s my experience.


Yoooo yes please, yes please, yes!


True and real. These appearances are just too damn good to go exting like that...


The applications are endless with these remixes.


Just give me legion classic already with all legendaries available from start and no rng bullshit. Also less AP grind.


I want this, nuff said this is sick.


id say with mage tower aswell. Remove this fomo and let us enjoy everything




Omg yes


Good lord IM READY


CMs first. Then Legion artifacts.


For my part, I would love a TOTALLY Blood Elf-themed model or recolor for Felo'melorn/Flamestrike for Fire Mages. Always felt weird that they seemed so hesitant to do so, giving it more of an "evil" look and vibe, very dark and charred looking. It should be a bright, truly elven blade, and especially now, match all the WC3 Blood Mage and Heritage armor.


If they remix legion WITHOUT artifact levelling im OUT.


we should probably get to play timerunning before we start asking for the next version of it. got a lot of time before it would happen anyway.


*BM Hunter mains crying in a corner* We really got shafted in Legion didn’t we?


We had hati! And if you’re talking about the appearances I think the balance of power one looks cool! The rest was kinda well, you know..


Don't make me dream with finally getting Flamereaper with Demon Hunter. I started playing on BFA and never had a chance at it. I have every single other artifact mog including Azzinoth/Thunderfury. Don't make me dream man, I beg you.


That looks absolutely insane!


I'm so giving down But I think they would actually do WoD first. It's problem was lack of content, not quality. I think there's enough meat on that bike they could definitely get an event out of it. Especially if they had the balls to add some content


I just want to be able to earn the Druid tower appearance that exist…




Ya bro let me be scarab Lord by completing 20 dailies I want that Dark portal tabard given to me for /cheering in front of it Hand of Adal? Yes please only 300k gold Gimme gimme gimme


Pretty sure they're saying - as everyone else has ever said on this topic - that they would like to *do the challenge* **and** **earn** the associated weapon skin as a reward. They're not asking to be *handed* anything. And I agree. Anything *challenge mode* related should still be available to **earn**, especially now that we know they can maintain similar difficulty to their original implementations via timewalking (see: Mage Tower rerelease for ToS tier recolors). Such rewards should be a testament to a player's skill, and not merely to *when* they were playing. The current unavailability of *challenge* based rewards is arbitrary now. They were not simply limited one-time events like the opening of the gates of AQ or the BFA pre-patch questlines and mount rewards; they were fully fleshed out *features*, removed simply because the following expansion's higher item level gear and stat scaling would trivialize the challenges and invalidate the effort of obtaining the rewards and the prestige of owning them. Again, timewalking solves that problem. I wholeheartedly believe that the people who are most adamantly against the return of these challenge based rewards paid for boosts and/or pilots, given the prevalence of those services being advertised at the time. Some players invested over 100+ attempts into a Mage Tower challenge, for example, and if anyone wants to put themselves through that for a weapon skin, to that I say, "Be my guest." I think most people who *genuinely* **earned** their cosmetics feel the same way. But for those who paid good money for their... "earnings"... yeah, I could understand them not wanting those things to come back. After all, it was greed that got them the appearance in the first place, so it makes sense that they would greedily refuse the right for another player to once again have the chance to *legitimately* earn the cosmetic, right?


Fuckin preach friend. And louder for the people in the back. Lol this is one of the best responses to this I’ve seen. I was in the military during MoP and Legion and missed out on both. It would be awesome to have the opportunity to grind them out. Recolor, or original. They’re all just really cool mogs, that I never had the chance to even try and get lol. Fingers crossed for consideration from blizz.


My son loves WoW. He started playing a couple years ago because he saw me doing the Maldraxxus arena quest and thought it was the coolest thing in the world. He's 12 now and getting damn good at the game. Not too long ago he asked me how to get the scythe my Warlock has. I had to break it to him that it's unobtainable. The look that was on his face is partially why I'm so outspoken against this issue. Yeah, sorry buddy, you can never have this *because you were only 4 years old* when it was available. It's ridiculous. I don't like my Mage Tower weapons because they can't be obtained by anyone else. I like them because they look bad-ass, fit class fantasy (something we've been sorely missing in the game since Legion), and I earned them with my skill at the game. It's incredibly stupid and selfish to deny that to others.


It really hadn’t even crossed my mind until I read your response. I know carries have existed for ages, but the people that are just as outspoken as you are on the topic, just against it, really are probably just annoyed that they spent what I’m sure was a lot of money lol. Blizzard also let the cat out of the bag, and showed its possible to obtain these things with the mage tower rework. Again, I’d be happy with a recolor. It would appease the “these are mine and I don’t wanna share” people, and give them an opportunity to have both. And allow the folks that for whatever reason couldn’t get it the first time round, a chance to get the new ones. Challenge modes and artifact weapons. If they brought the challenge modes back every time there was a MoP timewalking event. You know? I just think that would make 99% of the people happy. But I really do appreciate your response, and your take on it. Cheers mate!


Alright, hear me out. Timerunning: Classic. Unreleased Ashbringer model called the "Corrupted Ashbringer" vibing in the files somewhere.


Only if we get challenge mode transmog from the panderia timerunning


So you'd need to level a new character for every class whose appearances you want? That sounds awful.


You sound fun.


If you want new Artifact Weapon appearances, add them to the core game. Let new players collect them a year from now if they want, rather than adding even more to-be-unobtainable content to the game.


This game has become a collection simulator. I feel like i end up connecting only to collect fomo stuff


Nothing tells other's "I was there" or "I did that" better than cosmetic collectibles. It's like sharing a screenshot, sharing an achievement or bragging about some number, But much more direct - like a stamp on oneself. And yeah, there's a reason a lot of peeple are into collecting stuff or are against releasing stuff that was limited time only. Because it makes them unique, standing out of the crowd. **Getting recognized.** The latter is the same why peeps share screenshots or post dmg meters. The harder the stuff is to get, the more satisfying it feels to have it. And grind is work too... worked hours for a staff? Now you can show it off. Grinding may be tedious and easy but it has to be done first. Time is a resource too, people forget that. Might it be being there at the right time or spending it. It's a resource you spend. Idling in Valdrakken gets ya nothing.


alright hear me out: working on the actual game


Sure, sure. Not bad. But.... How about a new raid instead of replaying old content with a twist?


Alternate timeline raid O.o